Evaluation of The Structural Behaviour of Annealed Nylon 6 Fibres From Density Measurements
Evaluation of The Structural Behaviour of Annealed Nylon 6 Fibres From Density Measurements
Evaluation of The Structural Behaviour of Annealed Nylon 6 Fibres From Density Measurements
Nylon 6 fibres were annealed in the temperatures range 8 0 -1 8 5 ~ for times from 1 - 1 0 h, and the
density of the annealed fibres was measured by a system based on the theory of vibrating strings.
The fibre diameter was also determined, using the laser forward diffraction technique. Differential
thermal analysis (DTA) measurements were used to determine the glass transition temperature
and the melting point of nylon 6. Some annealed samples were subjected to X-ray diffraction to
clarify the variation of crystallinity with the annealing conditions. The mechanism of structural
variations for nylon 6 fibres due to the annealing process is discussed, and structural details for
crystalline and non-crystalline phases of a polymer are suggested. The behaviour of the number
of oriented chains, number of crystallized nuclei, relative amount of recrystallized material and
the shrinkage ratio with annealing time is proposed to explain the thermal structural variations.
/ 1'261
1.12~ ............. 1.22
,eo ~E 1.10
m~1.16. ~, 1.20.
t.16. t ",d
'1 X
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Anneating time (h } 1.12~;f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Annealing time ( h )
Figure 2 Density variations of nylon 6 fibres isothermallyannealed at (a) 80 ~ (b) 100 ~ (c) 120 ~ (d) 140 ~ (e) 160 ~ (f) 170~ and
(g) ~s5 oc.
Each set was annealed at a selected temperature: words, the oriented macromolecular structure may
(a) 80 ~ (b) 100 ~ (c) 120 ~ (d) 140 ~ (e) 160 ~ not be the most compact non-crystalline structure.
(f) 170~ and (g)at 185~ The interpretation of When a polymer is annealed, its structural behavi-
physical variations associated with isothermal anneal- our is due to accumulation of several structural pro-
ing of metals was, in general, fulfilled, but the inter- cesses. These processes may be summarized as:
pretation of similar variations is somewhat problem- (a) disorientation, (b)recrystallization by nucleation,
atical when a polymer undergoes isothermal anneal- (c) recrystallization by growth, (d) shrinkage, and
ing. These difficulties are due to the anisotropic fea- (e) crystal decomposition. They are natural responses
tures of the polymer. for both annealing temperature and time [1, 8,
Most studies, which involve variations of physical 14-16]. To give an acceptable explanation for all
properties, considered polymers as an anisotropic variations in Fig. 2, we have to estimate, individually,
polycrystalline medium, i.e. consisting of crystalline the weight of each structural process during an iso-
regions suspended in an amorphous medium which is thermal annealing treatment at different temperatures.
partially oriented. Thus the polymeric molecular
chains were classified into only three structural
classes: crystalline, oriented amorphous and dis- 3.1. D i s o r i e n t a t i o n
ordered amorphous structures. These three structural The amount of disorientation of the non-crystalline
classes are insufficient, from our point of view, to chains depends on the annealing temperature and
explain the results obtained, Fig. 2. We suggest further time. The greater the annealing temperature for
sub-classifications for the interphase distribution of a given time in a given medium, the greater would be
polymer molecular chains and the proposed classifica- the expected disorientation rl]. Therefore, one may
tion is shown schematically in Fig. 3. deduce that the disorientation process is a conse-
In order to explain the widely different variations quence of the thermal energy transferred to the me-
shown in Fig. 2a-g, it was essential to take the follow- dium. Thus, it is expected that the degree of disorien-
ing assumptions into account. tation may be directly proportional to the amount of
1. All thermally structural variations may be con- energy given to the polymer. Because the thermal
sidered irreversible, at temperatures higher than the energy gained is the resultant of temperature and time
glass transition temperature. of heating, a certain degree of disorientation at a given
2. The most compact non-crystalline structure is temperature and time can be again observed at higher
not 'essentially the ordered structure or, in other temperature but shorter time. Also, because a given
distributed Compactstructure
chainstructure Loose structure
~ Compact structure
Figure 3 Schematic representation of the suggested details of the polymer macromolecular chain structures.
polymer sample contains a finite number of ordered tation process is limited by the number of ordered
chains, the disorientation process should end after chains present, the decrease in density should show
a certain energy value which depends on the initial a stability after a certain annealing time, depending on
orientation, as well as the nature of the medium. the annealing temperature, Fig. 4b. The density may
Therefore, we suggest Fig. 4a to show the change of not show any variation when the initial orientation
disorientation process during the isothermal anneal- and the final disoriented structures were of random
ing treatment. compactness.
In order to estimate the density variations asso-
ciated with the disorientation process, the suggested
details of the oriented polymer phase in Fig. 3 should
be considered. The density response to the disorienta- 3.2. Recrystallization by nucleation
tion depends on the initial compactness of the As the time of isothermal annealing increases, the rate
oriented chains. It may be considered that the given of nucleation first increases and then decreases [16].
mobilizing thermal energy causes chains to displace as This means that the number of thermally produced
well as to rotate about some axis perpendicular to the nuclei is rapidly increased up to a fixed value after
chain backbone at a point which may be taken as the a certain given thermal energy. This fixed value de-
chain's centre of mass. So, if the initial oriented struc- pends on the initial structure of the non-crystalline
ture was compact, it will disorient to a loose structure part as well as on the annealing temperature. There-
and hence, the density decreases. Because the disorien- fore, the authors suggested that Fig. 5a represents the
r5 ~ r~
(a) Annealing time (b) Annealing time
Figure 4 Diagrammatic representation of the deduced behaviour of (a) the number of oriented chains, and (b) the density of a polymeric
medium undergoing thermal disorientation at different temperatures (T1 < T2 9 ' 9 < Ts).
1-5 r4
~l_l Ts r4 9 - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7"3 . . . .
== ~ r3
number of nuclei as a function of annealing time at where G is the rate of crystal growth and Qg is the
different annealing temperatures. effective activation energy of growth.
The density variations due to the nucleation process The expression is strictly valid only in temperature
are expected as in Fig. 5b, where the density of nuclei ranges where Qg and the pre-exponential factor, Go,
was considered higher than both oriented and un- are constants. However, because Qg decreases with
oriented non-crystalline phases. increasing temperature, this also increases growth
Therefore, from the time and temperature depend--
3.3. Recrystallization by g r o w t h of nuclei ence of the recrystallized volume by growth, given in
A number of relationships were proposed to describe Equations 4 and 5, one may expect the change of X,
the kinetics of isothermal recrystallization. The most during an isothermal annealing process and at differ-
generalized of them was that proposed by Avrami ent temperatures, to be as shown in Fig. 6a. Then the
[16] density response for the recrystaltization by growth
can be estimated as in Fig. 6b, where new nuclei ap-
X = 1 - e x p ( - Bt k) (4)
pear and grow after a definite incubation period, to,
where X is the relative amount of recrystallized mater- which is shorter at higher annealing temperatures.
ial, B and k are the coefficients depending, respect-
ively, on the temperature and the nature of nucleation
3.4. Shrinkage
as well as on the growth of nuclei, and t is the anneal-
Because shrinkage means a volume contraction, and
ing time. For a one-dimensional process (as fibres),
due to the conservation of mass, an increase in the
1 ~< k ~< 2. On the other hand, the growth of recrystal-
medium density is expected to be associated with the
lized nuclei is a thermally activated process. For
shrinkage process.
a given time, the effect of temperature on the process is
Studies carried out by Samuels [1], showed that the
described by the Arrhenius equation
ratio of shrinkage is related to the disorientation oc-
G = G o e x p ( - Q,/RT) (5) curring during thermal annealing. He found also that
7"5 r4
r3 re
x ....... Ts__ . . . . . . .
r3 r2
(el to (b)
Anneoting time Annealing time
Figure 6 Diagrammatic representation of the deduced behaviour of (a) the recrystallized volume and (b) the density of a polymeric medium
undergoing thermal recrystallization by the growth of nuclei at different temperatures ( T 1 < T 2 < 9 .. < Ts).
the shrinkage ratio increases as the annealing temper-
ature increases. Hence, it is estimated that on shrink-
age, theordered structure is destroyed into a compact
disordered structure.
Fig. 7 shows the deduced density response due to
the shrinkage process.
3.5. Crystal d e c o m p o s i t i o n
UnQnneuled sample density
Fig. 8 shows the observed decrystallization of nylon
6 fibres when annealed for 6 h at different temper-
atures, where the X-ray diffraction intensity was re-
duced as the annealing temperature increased for the
Annealing time same period. Fig. 9 shows the X-ray diffraction inten-
Figure 7 The expected behaviour of polymer density due to shrink-
sity of nylon 6 fibres annealed at 140 ~ for different
age associated with isothermal annealing at different temperatures annealing periods. It is clear from Fig. 9 that increas-
( T 1 < 7 ' 2 " ' " <Ts)- ing annealing time also causes crystal decomposition
j / ;
25 20 25 20 25 20 f0
(o) 28 (deg) (b) 28 (deg) (c) 28 (deu) (d) 28 (deg)
Figure8 X-ray diffraction patterns of nylon 6 fibres annealed for 6 h at (a) 120~ (b) 140~ (c) 160~ and (d) 170~
- Y
28 L 20 1~- 1'6 28 24 20 16
(o) 2e (deg) (b) 2e (deg) (c) 2e (deg)
Figure 9 X-ray diffraction patterns of nylon 6 fibres annealed at 140 ~ for (a) 6 h, (b) 8 h and (c) 10 h.
which is associated with a decrease in the density of
the medium, where the density of the crystalline por-
tion, Pc, was considered to be the highest density in the
The reduction in the X-ray diffraction intensity, I,
does not essentially mean a decrease in crystallinity,
because 11/2 ~- p~ - P,m, where Pam is the density of
the amorphous region [17]. Thus I may be reduced
due to an increase in Pam by annealing. In most poly-
mers, Pc is higher than Par, by about 10%, but in the
present data (Fig. 8) it is clear that I is reduced by
a much higher percentage, which ensures the occur-
rence of crystal decomposition by annealing at high
From the previous review of the most of the struc-
tural processes associated with the isothermal anneal- 28 24 20 16 28 24 20 16
(a) 26 (de(J) (b) 2e (deq)
ing treatment, it is clear that two processes (disorienta-
tion and crystal decomposition) cause a fall in the Figure 10 X-ray diffractionpatterns for nylon 6 samples annealed
density of a polymer medium, while the other three at 160 ~ for (a) 3 h and (b) 7 h.
structural processes cause an increase in the density.
Thus, the complex variations in density of nylon
6 polymer when isothermally annealed (Fig. 2a g), 4. Conclusions
could be explained on the basis of a combination of 1. The constructed density measuring system (as
the structural processes previously discussed. For a resonance technique) is an accurate (expected error
example, in Fig. 2e, the fast increase in nylon 6 density is below + 1%), easy, quick and non-destructive tech-
with annealing time in the range 0 < t < 3 h is due to nique. Moreover, this technique can equally well be
the recrystallization by nucleation and the growth of used to measure the mass per unit length of any yarns
nuclei with a weight much greater than the density fall or textile long ribbons.
due to disorientation of the non-crystalline portion 2. The fine-density measuring system, used in this
which occurred simultaneously in that annealing work, is recommended as a non-destructive technique
range. The peak point at t = 3 h represents the max- for the determination of the linear density of indi-
imum crystallinity of nylon 6 when annealed at 160 ~ vidual fibre specimens. Although not very suitable for
The fall in density in the time interval 3 h ~< t ~< 6 h is measurements on, for example, cotton fibres because
due to the decomposition of some crystals while most of the within-specimen variability, it has been used,
of oriented non-crystalline part was disordered. It is extensively, in work on man-made fibres.
clear that the point at t = 6 h did not reach the density 3. The macromolecular structure of nylon 6 fibres is
of unannealed sample due to the effect of shrinkage, strongly affected by the isothermal annealing treat-
which may cause a remarkable increase in the density ment.
after 6 h annealing at 160 ~ The second increase in 4. The density of nylon 6 depends, critically, on the
density within the interval 6 h ~< t ~< 7.5 h may be due annealing conditions.
to the end of the disorientation process while the 5. The suggested details of polymeric chain distri-
shrinkage process produces a greater effect. The sec- butions (Fig. 3), are sufficient for interpretation of the
ond peak at t = 7.5 h is due to the most compact thermal, or mechanical structural variations.
unoriented chain structure but, of course, not to 6. From the X-rays diffraction measurements, it
higher crystallinity. Fig. 10a and b show that the was found that the type of crystal in nylon 6 was not
amount of crystal at the second peak (t -~ 7 h) is lower affected by the annealing conditions used.
than that at the first peak (t = 3 h). The fall in density 7. The annealing process affects other physical
during annealing for longer than 7.5 h is due to crystal properties (electrical, mechanical, colour, optical,
decomposition, which is the most dominant structural 9 etc.). Further studies can be carried out in order
process at high temperatures and long annealing to detect which properties are improved by annealing.
times. We conclude that the density measurement offers
This explanation of Fig. 2e can be applied to the valuable information on the structure and structure
other components of Fig. 2. The behaviour of nylon variations of a polymer when it is subjected to external
6 density, which still needs additional explanation, energy. The non-destructive feature of the presented
was represented by points lower than the density of density measuring technique is promising. The density
the unannealed sample. If these points were produced measurement is an important parameter not only as
at low annealing temperatures, they would indicate a quality test for the final polymeric products, but also
that the disorientation structural process is the pre- as an estimation base for the polymer's variations due
dominant process at their positions, while, at high to the applied physical and chemical effects.
temperatures, these lower density points would mean
decomposition of most crystals, including those ini-
tially present in the samples during the fabrication Acknowledgements
process. The authors thank the director and the staff, Monofia
University Center laboratory, for their cooperation H. E. JOHN, R. M. THOMAS and B. E. RICHARD, J.
and for use of the facilities there. Polym. Sci. XXI (1956) 189.
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Sound", 2nd Edn (Vikas, New Delhi, 1979) p. 143.
11. S. M. CURRY and A. L. SCHAWLOW, Amer. J. Phys. 42
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