Project Report: Data Analysis System For Behavioural Biometric Authentication (Keystroke Dynamics)
Project Report: Data Analysis System For Behavioural Biometric Authentication (Keystroke Dynamics)
Project Report: Data Analysis System For Behavioural Biometric Authentication (Keystroke Dynamics)
Figure 1#: S(ows t(e gra-( w(ic( re-resents a&& t(e attributes
0'is image %igure (1/* s'ows t'ree ot'er users w'ic' 'a#e tried to $og in wit' t'e same
password+ But t'e grap' s'ows us t'e #ariation in )eystroke Dynamics wit' t'e o$d users
w'o 'a#e &een trained to type 'is password+
Figure 1$: 2erification 3rocess S(ows )istance rea0ing
<igure (11* it s'ows 'ow accurate a sing$e user password can &e+ 0'e distance s'own
seems to &e simi$ar e#ery time t'e user 'as typed in+
Figure 1%: S(ows t(e vector recor0e0 an0 ot(er 0ata besi0e
8.1.7 +ow these data can be usefu!.
Figure 20
Source: Reference (web: 0$)
6.1.6 :E*9;N &)4 ,0E 6E<*,4)6E :3,3=3*E *)&,234E
Phase two % mp!ementation of a software for $eystro$e dynamic authentication
So%tware wou$d run as a c$ient ser#er approac'+ 5'en t'e c$ient try to $og in t'e ser#er
wou$d gi#e out t'e password %or aut'enticating+ 0'e main a&i$ity o% t'is app$ication is to
aut'enticate using t'e tec'no$ogy keystroke dynamics+
Bui$d 6 it is &ui$d in ja#a
2i&raries and ot'er needed 6 $atest jcommon and j%reec'artDjdk new
,dditiona$ reCuirement 6 Data&ase to &e insta$$ed+
Ser#er notes attac'ed $ast page+
.n conc$usionD t'e researc' in t'e ,$gorit'm shows us that Nearest Neig'&or
!Ma'a$ano&is" is one o% t'e &est ,$gorit'ms %or &e'a#ioura$ &iometric aut'entication
o% $eystro$e dynamic system as it is topped out performed in equal-error rate and
zero-miss false-alarm rate w'ic' makes it one o% t'e &est+ By t'e demonstration o% t'e
so%tware s'ows 'ow t'e tec'no$ogy in t'e present day 'as &ecomeD it cou$d at $east
reac' to a certain eEtent+ 0'e work input and process created &y t'e users t'at
continues to proceed in a way t'at is not t'e most e%%icient concerning security+
,ssuming 'uman &e'a#iour as a %actD di%%erent ways are $ooked into to reac' %or t'e
&est o% practices in securityD $ike now comp$eE passwords is used %rom t'e users w'o
used norma$ and traditiona$ met'ods o% passwords+ 0'e &e'a#ioura$ &iometric wou$d
&e t'e &est in t'e day a'ead+
? @ A @um-er of templates in a data-ase!
? S
(6& A 1ro-a-ility distri-ution function as a function of the score(s& produced
-y the genuine attempt(s&!
? S
(6& A 1ro-a-ility distri-ution function as a function of the score(s& produced -y
the impostor attempt(s&!
? T A 6imilarity score threshold
? F3> A False match rate
? F@3> A False non match rate
? F'> A False acceptance rate
? F>> A False reBection rate
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