The document outlines a new rule for ship combat that standardizes base sizes for different ship classes to make formations and shooting measurements easier. It then provides a table listing different factions' ship names, classes, and base sizes in inches for front and side dimensions.
The document outlines a new rule for ship combat that standardizes base sizes for different ship classes to make formations and shooting measurements easier. It then provides a table listing different factions' ship names, classes, and base sizes in inches for front and side dimensions.
The document outlines a new rule for ship combat that standardizes base sizes for different ship classes to make formations and shooting measurements easier. It then provides a table listing different factions' ship names, classes, and base sizes in inches for front and side dimensions.
The document outlines a new rule for ship combat that standardizes base sizes for different ship classes to make formations and shooting measurements easier. It then provides a table listing different factions' ship names, classes, and base sizes in inches for front and side dimensions.
Easier to turn. Clear pass thru between ships. Certain contact for boarding action. Nice squadron formation. If you hit the Base you hit the ship. Your shot measurement start adjacent to the Base.
RACE Ship Name Class Base size in inch Front Side BRETONNIAN Galleon Man O War 1! x 3 1! 3 BRETONNIAN Corsair Ship of the Line 1! x 3 1! 3 BRETONNIAN Buccaneer Ship of the Line 1 x 1! 1 1! CHAOS Deathgalley Ship of the Line 1 x 2 1 2 CHAOS KHORNE Bloodship Man O War 1! x 3 1! 3 CHAOS KHORNE Ironshark Ship of the Line 1 x 2! 1 2! CHAOS NURGLE Plagueship Man O War 1! x 2! 1! 2! CHAOS NURGLE Plaguecrusher Ship of the Line 1 x 2 1 2 CHAOS SLAANESH Hellship Man O War 1! x 2! 1! 2! CHAOS SLAANESH Hellrammer Ship of the Line 1 x 3 1 3 CHAOS SLAANESH Hellslicer Ship of the Line 1 x 2! 1 2! CHAOS TZEENTCH Great Winged Terror Man O War 1! x 1! 1! 1! CHAOS TZEENTCH Bane Tower of Tzeentch ship Independent 2 x 2 2 2 DARK ELF Black Arc of Naggaroth Man O War 1! x 4 1! 4 DARK ELF Death Fortress ship Independent 1 x 2 1 2 DARK ELF Doomreaver Ship of the Line ! x 2 ! 2 DWARF Dreadnought Man O War 1 x 2! 1 2! DWARF Ironclad Man O War 1 x 2 1 2 DWARF Nautilus ship Independent ! x 2 ! 2 DWARF Monitor Ship of the Line ! x 2 ! 2 DWARF CHAOS Thunderfire Battlebarge Man O War 1! x 2! 1! 2! DWARF CHAOS Great Leveller Battlebarge Man O War 1! x 2! 1! 2! DWARF CHAOS Thunder Roller Ship of the Line 1 x 1! 1 1! DWARF CHAOS Hull Destroyer Ship of the Line ! x 2! ! 2! HIGH ELF Eagleship Man O War 1 x 2 1 2 HIGH ELF Dragonship Man O War 1! x 2 1! 2 HIGH ELF Hawkship Ship of the Line 1 x 1! 1 1! IMPERIAL Greatship Man O War 1! x 3 1! 3 IMPERIAL Wolfships Ship of the Line 1 x 2! 1 2! IMPERIAL Hell-Hammer Ship of the Line 1 x 2 1 2 IMPERIAL Ironfist Ship of the Line 1 x 2 1 2 IMPERIAL Wargalley Ship of the Line 1 x 2 1 2 NORSE Kingship Man O War 1! x 2! 1! 2! NORSE Longship Ship of the Line 1! x 2 1! 2 ORC Hulk Man O War 1! x 2! 1! 2! ORC Drillakilla Ship of the Line 1 x 2! 1 2! ORC Bigchukka Ship of the Line 1 x 1! 1 1! PIRATE Galley Ship of the Line 1 x 2 1 2 SKAVEN Doombringer Man O War 1! x 2! 1! 2! SKAVEN Warp Raider Ship of the Line ! x 2 ! 2 SKAVEN Deathburner Ship of the Line 1 x 2 1 2