This document contains an application for the position of Stores/Godown Manager submitted by Satyapal Singh Pania, including details of his educational qualifications, work experience as Assistant Stores Manager at Grasim Industries Ltd, and references for prior roles within the CK Birla Group of companies. The applicant provides information on his family, remuneration, and declares that the information provided is true to the best of his knowledge.
This document contains an application for the position of Stores/Godown Manager submitted by Satyapal Singh Pania, including details of his educational qualifications, work experience as Assistant Stores Manager at Grasim Industries Ltd, and references for prior roles within the CK Birla Group of companies. The applicant provides information on his family, remuneration, and declares that the information provided is true to the best of his knowledge.
This document contains an application for the position of Stores/Godown Manager submitted by Satyapal Singh Pania, including details of his educational qualifications, work experience as Assistant Stores Manager at Grasim Industries Ltd, and references for prior roles within the CK Birla Group of companies. The applicant provides information on his family, remuneration, and declares that the information provided is true to the best of his knowledge.
This document contains an application for the position of Stores/Godown Manager submitted by Satyapal Singh Pania, including details of his educational qualifications, work experience as Assistant Stores Manager at Grasim Industries Ltd, and references for prior roles within the CK Birla Group of companies. The applicant provides information on his family, remuneration, and declares that the information provided is true to the best of his knowledge.
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Full Name in block letters(expand initials):
SATYAPAL SING PAN!A" Position Applied: Stores#Godo$n %ana&er 'ompan(#)i*ision: '+ ,irla Paper %ills- Amlai %P )ate o. ,irt/ Place o. birt/ Sex Nationalit(#"eli&ion )a( %ont/ Year Na&da %ale Indian#indu 01 12 0343 ei&/t(cms) !ei&/t(k&s) 2546 42 %ailin& address: 78#0#0 9is/nupura Free&an: In.ront o. Sat(am Apartment Teen ,atti S;uare <::ain %P=824101 Telep/one Number : >..:1?@44A2422@ "es:1?@88100821 Permanent Address: 78#0#0 9is/nupura Free&an: In.ront o. Sat(am Apartment Teen ,atti S;uare <::ain %P=824101 Telep/one Number: 1?@88100821 Lan&ua&es +no$n "ead !rite Speak Bn&lis/ >k >k ok indi >k >k >k )o (ou /a*e an( p/(sical disabilit(C I. so please state nature D de&ree FA%ILY )ATA Fat/er5s Name D >ccupation : Late ,/an$ar Sin&/ Pan$ar %ot/er5s Name D >ccupation: +ailas/ +un$ar Pan$ar(ouse$i.e) THE CK BIRLA GROUP Corporate Office: Birla Tower 25, Baraka!"a Roa#, Ca$$a%&t Place 'ew (eli ) **+++* Po$e: ,-*./2+-2*++ P>T>G"AP Address: 78#0#0 9is/nupura Free&an: In.ront o. Sat(am Apartment Teen ,atti S;uare <::ain %P=824101 )eclaration on dependenc( o. parentsE I /ereb( declare t/at m( parents are residin& $it/ me and are dependent upon me YBS %arital Status : %arried Spouse D '/ildren )ate o. ,irt/ Sex Fuali.ication >ccupation ,/imkun$ar Pan$ar 03?1 Female SS ouse$i.e Pradeep Sin&/ 033@ %ale Graduate Student ,/a$ani Pratap Sin&/ 0334 %ale Sc/oolin& Student PRIOR ASSOCIATION a*e (ou e*er applied or inter*ie$ed .or a :ob in t/is 'ompan( or in an( o. t/e '+ ,I"LA Group or Associate 'ompanies( See last pa&e) N> I. Yes- please &i*e details: Position : >utcome: a*e (ou e*er $orked in t/is 'ompan( or in an( o. t/e '+ ,I"LA G"><P or Associate 'ompanies be.oreC(see last pa&e) YBS I. Yes- please &i*e details: Grasim IndG LtdG Na&da (Adit(a ,irla Group) EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Year )e&ree Institution(,oard) Percenta&e 0330 %aster o. Art 9ikram <ni*ersit(- <::ain 80H 0373 ,ac/elor o. 'ommerce 9ikram <ni*ersit(- <::ain 87H 0374 S' %P ,oard 40H T"AINING#PB"S>NAL )B9BL>P%BNT P">G"A%%BS )iploma in 'omputers SAP=B"P >peratin& SAP=%% %odule >peratin& ACQUAINTANCES/RELATIVES Indicate ac;uaintances and relati*es (in t/e $idest sense) associated $it/ t/e '+ ,irla Group and Associate 'ompaniesG Name "elations/ip Particulars (iGeGPosition etcG) 'ompan( REMUNERATION Please .ill in t/e enclosed s/eet %( present remuneration as on date 02 %ont/ 14 Year A108 is as .ollo$s: (Please do not include bene.its $/ic/ (ou are not currentl( eli&ible) (Please use separate s/eet i. needed) A.MONTHLY Amount Taa!"# R$. R$. ,asic 04734 )GA 01171 "A AA87 ''A 711 Personal pa( 1 Incenti*e ?21 Special pa( 1 Bducation All 211 Su! Tota" %.m.&A' ()*+, Su! Tota" %.a.&A' (+-*.. B.YEARLY LTA 7211 ,onus 24111 Bx=&ratia Bntertainment %aintenance BxpG Free 'lub )ues Free So.t Furnis/in& )ri*er5s Salar( Su! Tota" &B' /,-00 C.OTHER BENE1ITS Pro*ident Fund @A@? Superannuation Gratuit( %edical 0A21 Telep/one Free 'lub members/ip Free Loan 'ompan( 'ar Su! Tota" &C' 887?
Total per (ear (AI,I') 888A?2 )G Notice period $it/ m( present emplo(er is T!> mont/sG (Please attac/ a cop( o. (our latest pa( slip) Please &i*e .or present emplo(ment and t/erea.ter in descendin& orderG 2ORK E3PERIENCE4 L5$t 5n C67ono"o859a" o7:#7;%7#$#nt to %a$t &u$# a::5t5ona" $6##t$ 5< n#9#$$a7=' Pa7t59u"a7$ P7#$#nt #m%"o=m#nt P#75o: 17om > To );(;)?.. to t5"" :at# Em%"o=#7@$ Nam# > a::7#$$ G7a$5m In: Lt:. Na8:a MP 824@@0 P"a9# o< Po$t5n8 Na8:a MP D#$58nat5on A$$t Sto7#$ Mana8#7 R#%o7t5n8 to GM/VP Num!#7 o< %#7$on$ R#%o7t5n8 to m# )-0 MaAo7 R#$%on$5!5"5t5#$ MaAo7 a965#B#m#nt$ # E%#75#n9# Responsible for day-to-day Shift operation ati!ities" #or$in% &ith FIFO'LIFO" Prepare p(rhase plan ' PO &ith SAP" In!entory ontrollin%" Manpo&er deploy)ent and effeti!e (tili*ation of )anpo&er" Mana%e and prepare reports for all types of +odo&n ati!ities in SAP Syste)s" I)ple)ent #orld Class Man(fat(rin% ,#CM- Syste)" Maintain all CEN.AT related reords in SAP" #on A&ard for Sil!er /(bilee E)ployee year 0123" #on 4est E)ployee A&ard for year 0121" #on 5ero Aident A&ard for year 0116-17" #on Safety 8 Cost Red(tion A&ard" I)pro!e)ent of ost sa!in% she)es 8 red(in% pro(re)ent ost" Mehani*ed handlin% syste) s(%%ested and i)ple)ented s(essf(lly" #asta%e ontrol 8 %ood ho(se$eepin% syste) de!eloped as per en!iron)ent poliy" All )an(al reordin% han%e into online o)p(teri*ed SAP" All )an(al )aterial handlin% han%e in to )ahine handlin%" G7o$$ Sta7t5n8 R$ )C00C000 Sa"a7= L#aB5n8 R$. ,C,,C*+- R#a$on$ <o7 96an8# S"oD In97#m#nt$/P7omot5on E B#n#<5t O< VRS S96#m# RE1ERENCES Name- Address D telG o. @ persons ot/er t/an relati*es and .riends (pre.erabl( ex=superiors to $/om $e ma( $rite to : 0G AG @G CARRER OPTIONS > MAFOR CONTRIBUTIONS SERVICE/SECRECY AGREEMENT > DECLARATION APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT-II i&/li&/t si&ni.icant learnin& experience D ma:or contributions made durin& t/e course o. (our career: I /ereb( declare t/at I /a*e si&ned#not si&ned an( ser*ice#secrec( a&reement $it/ m( present emplo(erG Salient .eatures o. t/e ser*ice#secrec( a&reement i. si&ned- are as .ollo$s: )ate: 02 t/ June A108 I /ereb( declare t/at t/e .ore&oin& statements are true to t/e best o. m( kno$led&e and understand t/at it $ill .orm t/e basis o. contract o. emplo(ment i. I am emplo(ed b( t/e compan(G I. at a .uture date- it is .ound t/at an( o. t/e in.ormation /erein is .alse or incorrect in an( material respect- t/e compan( $ill /a*e t/e ri&/t to terminate m( ser*ice $it/out an( notice or salar( in lieu t/ereo.G )ate: 02 t/ June A108 THE CK BIRLA GROUP Corporate Office: Birla Tower 25, Baraka!"a Roa#, Co$$a%&t Place 'ew (eli ) **+++* Po$e: ,-*./2+-2*++ NAME 4 Sat=a%a" S5n86 PanDa7 POSITION 4 Sto7#$/Go:oDn Mana8#7 COMPANY : 'G+ ,irla Group >. Industries- JI = (A di*ision o. >rient Paper %ill) <o7 t6#57 C6#m59a" P"ant&Cau$t59 So:a Un5t' HOBBIES AND INTERESTS STRENGTHS > 2EAKNESSES i&/li&/t (our stren&t/s and t/e areas- $/ic/ re;uire impro*ementG PRO1ESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP Gi*e details o. name o. societ(#institution- details o. o..ices /eld and (our speci.ic contributions in eac/ societ(#institutionG
A2ARDS/PRIGES/SCHOLARSHIP Please list out t/e proud moments in (our li.e b( speci.(in& t/e a$ard D t/e reasons t/ereo.G YOUR SPACE State an(t/in& (ou .eel $/ic/ $ould be /elp.ul in ampli.ication or commentG i&/li&/t (our /obbies D interestsG !/ic/ do (ou acti*el( pursueC !/at attracts (ou to t/ese and $/at satis.action do (ou deri*eC o$ do (ou see t/ese de*elopin& in t/e .utureC T/is .orm is desi&ned to /i&/li&/t (our personal ac/ie*ements- career &oals etcG I. (ou are in*ited .or discussions- t/e contents o. t/is .orm $ill be used as a basis and statements re&ardin& academic ;uali.ications and $ork experience in KApplication .or Bmplo(ment=I6 $ill /a*e to be supported b( ori&inal documentsG You $ill- o. course- /a*e t/e opportunit( to ampli.( $/at (ou mention /ere or introduce an(t/in& ne$- $/ic/ (ou mi&/t .eel $ould /a*e a bearin& on (our selectionG Please .ill t/is .orm in (our o$n /and$ritin&G )ate:LLLLLLLLLLLLLLGG Applicant5s Si&natureLLLLLLLLL INTERVIE2ER@S COMMENTS )ate:LLLLLLLLLLLLLInter*ie$er5s Si&natureLLLLLLLLLLGG