This document summarizes research being conducted on Turgo impulse turbines at Lancaster University. A PhD student is analyzing turbine performance using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. The CFD models examine jet impact on stationary cups and on a rotating turbine with multiple cups. The simulations calculate pressure, velocity, and torque on the cups. Initial results from the rotating turbine simulation show torque curves over time that will be used to calculate power output. Refinements to the CFD setup, including a finer mesh, produced more developed jet behavior and closer agreement with theoretical torque calculations.
This document summarizes research being conducted on Turgo impulse turbines at Lancaster University. A PhD student is analyzing turbine performance using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. The CFD models examine jet impact on stationary cups and on a rotating turbine with multiple cups. The simulations calculate pressure, velocity, and torque on the cups. Initial results from the rotating turbine simulation show torque curves over time that will be used to calculate power output. Refinements to the CFD setup, including a finer mesh, produced more developed jet behavior and closer agreement with theoretical torque calculations.
This document summarizes research being conducted on Turgo impulse turbines at Lancaster University. A PhD student is analyzing turbine performance using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. The CFD models examine jet impact on stationary cups and on a rotating turbine with multiple cups. The simulations calculate pressure, velocity, and torque on the cups. Initial results from the rotating turbine simulation show torque curves over time that will be used to calculate power output. Refinements to the CFD setup, including a finer mesh, produced more developed jet behavior and closer agreement with theoretical torque calculations.
This document summarizes research being conducted on Turgo impulse turbines at Lancaster University. A PhD student is analyzing turbine performance using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. The CFD models examine jet impact on stationary cups and on a rotating turbine with multiple cups. The simulations calculate pressure, velocity, and torque on the cups. Initial results from the rotating turbine simulation show torque curves over time that will be used to calculate power output. Refinements to the CFD setup, including a finer mesh, produced more developed jet behavior and closer agreement with theoretical torque calculations.
State of the art & current research on Turgo impulse turbines Cape Town South Africa May 2013 PhD Research Student: Shaun Benzon Academic Supervisor: Dr. George A Aggidis Industrial Supervisors: Jonathan Martin Dr. Jo Scott Anthony Watson Lancaster University Renewable Energy Group Introduction Performance envelope Design layout State of the art Current research Overview Lancaster University Renewable Energy Group Introduction The Turgo impulse turbine was invented by Eric Crewdson, Managing Director of Gilkes, in 1919 and a patent was awarded in 1920. A paper was presented in 1922 at the Institution of Civil Engineers: Design and Performance of a New Impulse Water-Turbine (Crewdson, 1922). Drawing of the 1920 Crewdson Turgo design showing the inlet plane and cut section with the jet trace on the inlet wheel plane shaded Elevation and plan view showing the 1920 Crewdson design of the Turgo machine Lancaster University Renewable Energy Group Introduction A similar turbine of the same capacity was later tested by Dr A. H. Gibson of Manchester University showing a maximum efficiency of 83.5% under a head of 200 feet, producing 106HP, at 640rpm (Crewdson, 1922). The 150HP (at full load) turbine used in the initial tests was tested using a 65kW continuous current compound-wound interpole generator, set up for 220V at 725-750rpm. Lancaster University Renewable Energy Group TURGO TURBINE Head Range: up to 300m Power Output: up to 10MW Performance envelope Lancaster University Renewable Energy Group
Turgo impulse turbine design layout Lancaster University Renewable Energy Group Turgo impulse turbine design was developed to provide a simple impulse type machine with a higher specific speed than a Pelton by inclining the jet to the runner face.
The first Turgo turbine was installed in 1919. Since then Gilkes have supplied over 900 Turgo turbines producing a total of 300 MW to over 80 countries. Many of the original units are still in operation today. State of the art Lancaster University Renewable Energy Group Current research CFD analysis of a jet impacting a cup: Setup Cup exit angle-15deg Jet angle- 0deg Jet Velocity 20m/s Generic Multiphase CFD Analysis Lancaster University Renewable Energy Group Isosurfaces at water VF 0.5 Current research CFD analysis of a jet impacting a cup: Results Lancaster University Renewable Energy Group Water and Air Volume Fraction Contours Current research CFD analysis of a jet impacting a cup: Results Lancaster University Renewable Energy Group CFD analysis of a jet impacting a cup: Results Water velocity streamlines Current research Lancaster University Renewable Energy Group Full Steady State Analysis of A jet impacting a Cup Pressure on Cup CFD analysis of a jet impacting a cup: Results Lancaster University Renewable Energy Group Final Force comparison Current research CFD analysis of a jet impacting a cup: Results comparison Jet angle Theoretical Force Simulation Force Difference (deg) (N) x (N) y (N) z (N) mod (N) No. % 0 1517 -1513 0 0 1513 4.12 0.27 15 1482 -1480 0 -141 1487 2.17 0.15 30 1397 -1394 0 284 1423 2.62 0.19 45 1265 -1264 0 433 1336 0.28 0.02 Lancaster University Renewable Energy Group Analysis of a jet impacting 3 cups in a rotating domain: Animation Current research
Lancaster University Renewable Energy Group Analysis of a jet impacting 3 cups in a rotating domain: Torque curves Current research Lancaster University Renewable Energy Group Initial Domain Creation The initial domain was created using a single blade and rotational symmetry around the hub to create the full geometry. Multifliud geometry is then drawn around the runner section and the runner geometry is subtracted from this giving the fluid domain around the runner which will be rotating relative to the jet. Current research 3D CAD data of the 7.5" HCTI Runner shown in Solidworks- Front Turgo CFD Analysis Lancaster University Renewable Energy Group For the initial analysis, tetrahedral meshing was used. Face sizing was applied to the front of each blade and to the hub and outer ring. Edge sizing was applied to the jet inlet. Current research Mesh Generation Min element size: 1e-3m Max element size: 8e-3m Growth Rate: 1.2 Inflation layers: 3 Transition ration: 0.2 Growth rate: 1.2 Face Sizing element size: 2 e-3 m Edge Sizing element size: 2e-3 m Interface element size: 2.5e-3 m Lancaster University Renewable Energy Group Simulation setup- Calculation using inbuilt functions The calculated Torque data on the inside of the first blade and the outside of the second blade was extracted from the simulation using an inbuilt torque function applied to the Named Selections created for the two regions shown below. This function is then plotted as a Monitor Point while the simulation runs, allowing the calculated torque at each timestep to be exported. Current research Lancaster University Renewable Energy Group Current research Initial results
Lancaster University Renewable Energy Group Power calculation- Torque on 1 blade Current research Lancaster University Renewable Energy Group Power calculation: Torque on all blades The total torque curve is shifted by the single blade passage phase (360/22) for the whole range of total torque values and summed to give the total torque acting on the turbine shaft. Current research Note: Blades 8-12 also exert a small torque, but have been removed from the graph for clarity. Lancaster University Renewable Energy Group Refined tetrahedral mesh Tangental cut showing refined terahedral mesh inflation layers and element sizing from LE toTE Axial cut section showing the refined tetrahedral mesh element sizing around the blades Current research Lancaster University Renewable Energy Group Tetrahedral mesh study: Results comparison Current research Lancaster University Renewable Energy Group Results comparison- Refined mesh- more developed jet Current research Lancaster University Renewable Energy Group Conclusions Thank you