1. What are the similarities between a miner searching for diamonds and someone
searching the scriptures for gospel principles and applying them in his or
her life?
Like a miner searching for diamonds, an individual searches for gospel principles to
enrich their life, for it is eternal wisdom. Personally, prayerful study of the scriptures
is inviting the Holy Ghost into my life and testifying to me of the truthfulness of the
gospel. Indeed, the Holy Scriptures is a field wherein lies heavenly treasures and
they will remain hidden until, by diligent mining, they can be discovered and brought
to light.
When a person diligently applies the gospel principles, they can in turn bask in the
casket of jewels in their purest state. But the beauty and excellence of these
diamonds of truth are not discerned by the natural of eye. Just as a miner must use
lights to see through the darkness, one cannot truly appreciate the treasures and
teachings of Gods word until the spirit of revelation reveals them.
2. Using the footnote in 3 Nephi 17:1, answer the following question: What did
Jesus mean when He said, My time is at hand?
He meant that He could not stay with the multitude any longer: But now I go unto
the Father, and also to show myself unto the lost tribes of Israel. (v. 4)
3. Write in your own words what happened when the Savior was preparing to
leave the multitude. Why did He stay? What did He do for the people?
During this first day of the Savior's ministry among the Nephites the people present
had experienced almost indescribable spiritual experiences and had received
extensive gospel instruction on a wide array of doctrinal topics. No doubt it had been
an emotionally draining and mentally tiring experience to the point of being
Because of this, Jesus perceived that they were in a weakened condition both
mentally and physically. In His wisdom and mercy He gave them time to ponder
upon the things they had received, to refresh themselves, and prepare to receive
additional instructions the next day. President Harold B. Lee adapted these words to
our day when, at the close of a general conference, he said: *Likewise+, you cannot
absorb all that you have heard and that we have talked about, but go to your homes
now and remember what you can, and get the spirit of what has been done and said,
and when you come again, or we come to you, we will try to help you further with
your problems.
When Christ announced His leaving, the people were in tears, and did look
steadfastly upon him as if they would ask him to tarry a little longer with them.
Filled with compassion, He decided to stay a little while longer. As He did so, He
called bring the sick and to bring them hither.
4. What are some things the writer of verses 1, 5-6, and 9-10 intended for us to
learn from this account? What are some important truths you learned from these
Truly, this manifestation was a testimony of the Saviors love for us. There was a
sense of compassion, forgiveness and understanding as He not only physically healed
the sick but also spiritually healed the sinners. But as well as that, all of the complex
pattern of meaning came together in the most dramatic term the physical act of
stepping forward and kneeling before Christ, the experience of literally coming unto
Christ it was both an overwhelming moment for me to read on.
5. Write a short paragraph describing how you can apply a principle or doctrine
you learned from 3 Nephi 17:10
I think that a principle that I can certainly apply to my life is to prepare myself
physically and spiritually before attending church. I think can and I that I could gain
more from doing that better myself by bettering my habits during Sunday.
6. Select and use one of the skills from the preceding Scripture Study Skills and
Methods section. In your scripture study journal, write about how that skill
helped you in your personal scripture study.
For a few days, I tried marking verses that really stood out to me. As a result of this,
it really helped to remember what I read before. As well as that, it compelled me to
become more attentive when studying the scriptures.
UNIT 1: DAY 2 (The Plan of Salvation)
1. Read the scriptures listed below, and identify the name used for Heavenly
Fathers plan in each verse. In your scripture study journal, write the name next to
the scripture reference. The first one is identified for you.
a. 2 Nephi 9:6 The merciful plan of the great Creator
b. 2 Nephi 11:5 *The+great and eternal plan of deliverance from death.
c. Alma 12:25 *The+ plan of redemption.
d. Alma 24:14 *The+ plan of salvation.
e. Alma 42:8 *The+ great plan of happiness.
f. Alma 42:15 *The+ plan of mercy.
2. Respond to the following question: How does knowing that Heavenly Father has
a plan for your happiness and exaltation make a difference in your life?
It makes it easier for me trust in Him. I think it has greatly affected the way I perceive
and react to experiences, happenings and challenges in my life. I really do believe
that, because of the plan of salvation, there is so much to look forward to!
3. In your scripture study journal, finish the following paragraph by describing
effects of the Fall of Adam and Eve on you personally. Include ideas about choices,
agency, physical bodies, death, children, and sin.
Because of Adams and Eves transgression, I am also in a fallen state and must
endure in this life to return back to Heavenly Fathers presence. However, that does
not mean we are born with this sin. Not at all! In fact, we are born sinless and
innocent, and take full responsibility for the choices that we make. Because of
Adams transgression, one of Heavenly Fathers commandments (which was to
replenish the earth) was accomplished. Now, if Adam did not carry on with this, he
and Eve would have lived a youthful, immortal life knowing no sorrow but no
happiness either! Through his transgression, we all must go through mortal life with
a temporal body. In the end there will be death. But with death, comes life again!
Because of the Atonement, we can have the hope of returning back into the arms of
our Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ!
4. Read the following scripture passages: 2 Nephi 2:8; Mosiah 3:711; 16:48; Alma
34:9, 1516; Mormon 9:1314. In your scripture study journal, write a paragraph
explaining what they teach about the central role of the Atonement of Jesus Christ
in the plan of salvation. You may wish to underline phrases that are meaningful to
The role of the Atonement of Jesus Christ is essentially to bring us back to the
presence of the Heavenly Father. In other words, His blood atoned for the sins of
those who have fallen by the transgression of Adam (Mosiah 3:11). But the Savior
first had to experience a physical death and resurrect to break the bonds of death.
Not only did He have to be crucified, but also one of the spirit. He felt every
temptation, every wrongdoing, and every sin so that a righteous judgment might
come upon the children of men. (Mosiah 3:10).
5. In your scripture study journal, write some of my responsibilities in the plan of
salvation, and list what each of the following scriptures teaches about our personal
responsibility to invite the power of the Atonement into our lives and fully partake
of the blessings of the plan of salvation:
a. 2 Nephi 2:2527 We have the right to act on our own accord but also we
must carry the responsibility that goes along with our actions.
b. Mosiah 3:1213 God sent holy prophets to teach us of the gospel. We
have the responsibility to believe in Christ and receive a remission for our
c. Alma 12:2425, 3234 This probation state is a time for us to repent of our
sins and to prepare to meet and live with Heavenly Father once again for all
d. 3 Nephi 27:1314, 2022, 27 We have the responsibility to repent and be
baptized and follow the example of Christ.
6. Suppose you were asked to give a talk in church about the plan of salvation.
Using what you have learned from the scriptures in the above assignment, write in
your scripture study journal what you would say about our personal responsibility
in Heavenly Fathers plan.
The plan of salvation is such a wonderful opportunity for us, given by our Heavenly
Father, to prove ourselves to him and to become like him. We are given the chance
to grow, progress and learn in order to live with Him and our family for all eternity.
But in order to do this, we must exercise our agency for good, to genuinely repent of
our sins and to be baptized in the Saviors name. We must also follow Christs
example while he was on Earth in His mortal state. If we do this, surely we will be
made spotless in front of Him in the judgment day!
7. In your scripture study journal, respond to one of the questions below by telling
how understanding the plan of salvation provides guidance and answers:
a. How does knowing you are a literal son or daughter of God affect your
feelings of self-worth? It is amazing to know that the God who made me is
the same God who created the beautiful sunrise, the fragrance of the lilies,
everything! To know that he created me with love teaches me that I should
love myself in the same way. It is reassuring to realize that the almighty God
created me individually with His own hands. Surely, this changes everyones
8. Read 2 Nephi 2:25, and summarize the purpose of the plan of salvation by
answering the following question in your scripture study journal: In what ways has
the plan of salvation brought joy to you and to your family?
Families are never perfect. They are made of cracks and beautiful strokes that make
them distinctly who they are. And this is made more apparent when my family and I
fight with each other. But knowing our human nature and knowing that men are, it
makes me more understanding of our situation as a whole, and brings to light a
more empathic attitude when a situation like this arises. We fall so that we can learn
and stand up again and have joy in our overcoming our troubles. This is a time of
growth and to be able to grow with my family with the knowledge of the plan of
salvation backing us up is awesome!
Unit 1: Day 3
1. In your scripture study journal, explain why it is important to you to know how
involved the Lord was in the writing and translation of the Book of Mormon.
It makes the Book of Mormon seem more personal and more sacred to know that
the Lord was involved in the process of writing and translating the Book of Mormon.
I am more inclined to ponder the words of the scriptures, knowing that the Lord took
part in writing it.
2. In your scripture study journal, explain how knowing these purposes of the Book
of Mormon help you understand its importance.
The purpose of the Book of Mormon is to bring men to Christ and gain a testimony.
Knowing that this is a book filled with inspiration and gospel truths made to convert
people to the Church shows how important is it and how powerful it is.
3. Read the eighth paragraph of the introduction to the Book of Mormon, which
begins We invite all men everywhere , and identify how you can know the
Book of Mormon is true. After you have read the paragraph, complete the
following sentence in your scripture study journal: As we read, ponder, and pray,
the Holy Ghost will
How can we know the Book of Mormon is true:
Ponder the messages
Ask God if its true
Ask in faith
As we read, ponder, and pray the Holy Ghost will manifest the truth and divinity of
our Savior and of our Heavenly Father.
4. In your scripture study journal, explain why the Book of Mormon is called the
keystone of our religion.
A keystone is the stone at the top of an arch, which holds up the entire arch. Both
sides of the arch press much of their weight against that keystone. If the keystone is
taken out, the entire arch will fall down.
Similarly, the entire Mormon religion relies upon the authenticity of the Book of
Mormon. If it is really what it claims to be (i.e. a historic record of ancient Americans,
recorded on golden plates, revealed through angelic visitations, and translated
through divine power), then Joseph Smith was telling the truth, was really a prophet,
and God really did want the Mormon Church to be established to restore God's truth
to the Earth. However, if the Book of Mormon is not everything it claims to be
then Joseph Smith was not telling the truth, was not a prophet, and the entire
Mormon Church is a lie.
That's what it means. And that's why it is so important that people evaluate the
Book of Mormon carefully, because if it is not true, then none of the rest of
Mormonism is.
5. Answer the following question in your scripture study journal: Why is it
important that there were other witnesses of the gold plates in addition to Joseph
Adds to the authenticity of the gold plates. People are more inclined to believe in
Joseph Smith and not assume that he is a liar and a fraud since there are more
people who claim they witnessed the plates.
6. In your scripture study journal, write your own testimony regarding the Book of
Mormon, Joseph Smith, and the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. If you feel you do
not yet have your own testimony, write what you will do to develop a testimony of
the Book of Mormon this year. To strengthen your testimony, share your feelings
about what you wrote with one of your parents or another family member or
I know the Book of Mormon is true. I know because I have pondered its messages in
my heart and asked of God of its truth. I know it is true because I have applied its
teachings in my life and I have gained a much more stronger testimony than when I
hadnt acted upon them. I believe in Joseph Smith and I truly believe he was a
prophet of God. He was utterly selfless in his calling and went through pain and
anguish to bring the restored gospel to man. I believe in the restored gospel of Jesus
Christ. I believe that this truly is the same church as when Jesus lived on earth. I
believe the priesthood keys have returned with us and I believe in its powers.
Unit 1: Day 4
1. Answer the following questions in your scripture study journal: What one thing
in Joseph SmithHistory 1:2935, 4243 would you want to emphasize if you were
sharing this account with someone else? Why is it significant to you?
It is interesting to read how, after Joseph Smith received his first manifestation of
the Father and Jesus Christ, he felt condemned for *his+ weakness and
imperfections. He was humble and I feel that even from the very beginning, it
showed his character.
2. Read Joseph SmithHistory 1:5154, and record your thoughts about the
following questions in your scripture study journal: What did Joseph Smith learn
during his yearly visits with the angel Moroni? Why do you think it was important
for Joseph to have this four-year period of instruction before obtaining and
translating the plates?
Joseph learned during his yearly visits with the angel Moroni how and in what
manner *Gods+ kingdom was to be conducted in the last days. I believe it was to
prepare Joseph spiritually and mentally to translate the plates and onwards.
3. Answer the following question in your scripture study journal: If you were
Mormon or Moroni and had the responsibility to condense the volumes of
prophetic writings into a single record, how would you decide what to include in
your abridgement?
I would decide what to include in my abridgement by keeping in mind that the
purpose of the Book of Mormon is to bring men to Christ. Thus, I would focus on the
teachings and spiritually events of the past prophets and of man.
4. Ponder what goal you could set that would help you get the most from your
reading of the Book of Mormon this year. Record your goal in your scripture study
journal. You might want to establish regular times to evaluate your progress.
Read one to two chapters intensely and effectively meaning to research each of its
messages, its historical backgrounds etc. Using the invaluable resources that the
Church provides can do this.
Unit 2: Day 1
1. From what you read in verse 1, write in your scripture study journal about at
least one way you feel your life is similar to Nephis life.
I was born into the church and was raised by good, Mormon parents. They acted as
an example for me and how I should act in life. Just like Nephi, I was taught about
the goodness and the mysteries of God from an early age. Within the church, I was
also encouraged to write regularly in my journal of spiritual events and so forth.
2. Answer the following question in your scripture study journal: How do you think
Nephi could have seen many afflictions yet also be highly favored of the Lord in
all [his] days?
I think that he knew what the purpose of life was. Knowing that the Lord was backing
him up while he was being tested made him feel that he was highly favored of the
3. Write your thoughts about the following question in your scripture study
journal: How might Lehis experience in 1 Nephi 1:515 influence his desire to
teach the people and invite them to repent?
His soul did rejoice and his whole heart was filled, because of the things which he
had seen, yea, which the Lord had shown unto him. He felt joy and he wanted to
share that joy with other people by teaching and inviting them to repent because he
knew that was the only way to feel that kind of pure joy again.
4. In your own words, write a sentence in your scripture study journal describing
the responsibility of a prophet regardless of the opposition he might face.
His responsibility is to make known Gods will and truth character to mankind and to
show the meaning of his dealings with them.
5. In your scripture study journal, answer the following question: What example
have you seen of the Lords extending His tender mercies in your life or in the life
of someone you know?
While I was doing my Leaving Certificate, I felt anxious and unwell. When I prayed to
Heavenly Father for peace and help, I was able to do my exams with a clear mind.
Unit 2: Day 2
1. In your scripture study journal, answer the following question about 1 Nephi 2:4:
What can you learn from Lehis choices of what to take and what to leave behind?
He was prepared and willing to do anything and leave his material possessions to
follow the Lords commandment. It shows his loyalty and diligence and great faith
towards God.
2. In your scripture study journal, write your thoughts about the following
question: What do you think Lehi tried to teach Laman and Lemuel by comparing
them to a river and a valley?
He wanted Laman and Lemuel be continually running into the fountain of all
righteousness and to be firm and steadfast, and immovable in keeping the
commandments of the Lord. Because lets face it, they werent example Nephi-
3. Respond to the following question in your scripture study journal: What can you
do if you find yourself murmuring (complaining) about a commandment or Church
Stop murmuring. Convince myself to not murmur and to try to understand why its a
commandment in the first place. Then repent and try not to do it again.
4. In your scripture study journal, share an example of a time when, like Nephi, you
called upon Heavenly Father and experienced a softening of your heart through
the Spirit or of a time when you received a testimony of something the Lord said.
When he described himself as a hen protecting her children, it gave me a perspective
of what the Lord does for us. It made me more aware of my failings and it
encouraged me to become more diligent in following the commandments.
5. Write in your scripture study journal about a time when someones words led
you to believe the word of God, like Sam believed Nephi.
I remember listening to a talk by Elder Holland. His strong testimony about how real
God was made me incline to believe in the word of God.