The document summarizes the production process of a microwavable fish pie. Potatoes and salmon are delivered to the factory and processed separately on conveyor belts. Potatoes are cleaned, peeled, sliced, and frozen until assembly. Lemon juice and salt are added to fresh salmon, which is prepared, skinned, boned, and inspected within 12 hours. Ready ingredients like peas, sauce, and potatoes are added to the salmon mixture. The final pie is wrapped, frozen for storage, and dispatched to suppliers and consumers.
The document summarizes the production process of a microwavable fish pie. Potatoes and salmon are delivered to the factory and processed separately on conveyor belts. Potatoes are cleaned, peeled, sliced, and frozen until assembly. Lemon juice and salt are added to fresh salmon, which is prepared, skinned, boned, and inspected within 12 hours. Ready ingredients like peas, sauce, and potatoes are added to the salmon mixture. The final pie is wrapped, frozen for storage, and dispatched to suppliers and consumers.
The document summarizes the production process of a microwavable fish pie. Potatoes and salmon are delivered to the factory and processed separately on conveyor belts. Potatoes are cleaned, peeled, sliced, and frozen until assembly. Lemon juice and salt are added to fresh salmon, which is prepared, skinned, boned, and inspected within 12 hours. Ready ingredients like peas, sauce, and potatoes are added to the salmon mixture. The final pie is wrapped, frozen for storage, and dispatched to suppliers and consumers.
The document summarizes the production process of a microwavable fish pie. Potatoes and salmon are delivered to the factory and processed separately on conveyor belts. Potatoes are cleaned, peeled, sliced, and frozen until assembly. Lemon juice and salt are added to fresh salmon, which is prepared, skinned, boned, and inspected within 12 hours. Ready ingredients like peas, sauce, and potatoes are added to the salmon mixture. The final pie is wrapped, frozen for storage, and dispatched to suppliers and consumers.
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Wednesday, 11 April 2012
Model Answer - IELTS (Task 1)
There are four main ingredients in a fish pie (fish, sauce, peas and potatoes) and before being sold in a microwaveable container, the mixture passes through a production line where each food is added separately. To begin with, potatoes and fresh salmon are delivered to the factory and these products are placed on parallel, simultaneously moving conveyor belts. Prior to boiling the potatoes, they are cleaned, peeled and sliced. They are then frozen and stored until they are ready to be added to the fish pie. Meanwhile lemon uice and salt is added to the fresh salmon which needs to be prepared within !" hours or less of delivery. #or$ers remove the s$in and bones of the steamed salmon and further inspection is re%uired. &eady peas, sauce and potatoes are added to the mixture. 's the pie is now at its final stage, it is wrapped and frozen. (t remains in storage until it is ready to be dispatched to suppliers and end consumers. To conclude, processed fish pies are produced in a factory where prepared potatoes, peas and ready sauce is added to fresh, steamed, boneless and s$inless salmon. )uman intervention is re%uired to chec$ the fish and once the container is ready it needs to be frozen to preserve it before consumption. Question taken from Cambridge IELT Trainer p! 1"1 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at !*+!, ! comment+ Model Answer - IELTS (Task 2) In some #ountries it is t$oug$t ad%isable t$at #$ildren begin formal edu#ation at four years old, &$ile in ot$ers t$ey do not $a%e to start s#$ool until t$ey are se%en or eig$t! 'o& far do you agree &it$ eit$er of t$ese %ie&s( 'lthough there are laws in each country that dictate the number of years a child needs to spend in formal education, the starting age is a decision ta$en by parents mainly with the child-s best interests in mind. #hen a child is four it has ust begun to learn how to become independent and carry out basic functions on its own such as eating, spea$ing in sentences and going to the toilet. .ven though parents might believe that this is an ideal age to begin schooling, children this young might not be ready to face the challenge. Parents might want their children to get an early start but their children may find it difficult to learn literacy s$ills so young. (n addition at four, children would li$e to be at home with their family. /n the other hand the age of 0 is what is usually appropriate for children. They are ready to be part of a group, mature enough to ma$e friends and are full of energy and bright ideas. They are also able to grasp pencils better and ac%uire basic s$ills. )aving spent enough time in their home environment, school will be an ideal alternative for them. (n my opinion, starting formal education at a later age is better than doing so when you are not ready for it. 'lthough a child will get a head start they will be mature for their age and miss out on having fun at home and spending time with their family. Question taken from Cambridge IELT Trainer p! 1"2 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at !"+11 2o comments+ Model Answer - IELTS (Task 2) ome people #$oose to eat no meat or fis$! T$ey belie%e t$at t$is is not only better for t$eir o&n $ealt$ but also benefits t$e &orld as a &$ole! )is#uss t$is %ie& and gi%e your o&n opinion! People often choose their diet according to their preferences, religion (e.g. 3uddhists opt for vegetarianism) or moral beliefs (e.g. supporters of animal rights refrain from eating animals). 's long as a person has a balanced diet, being a vegetarian is beneficial for their health. Many diseases are lin$ed to eating meat and it also ta$es a longer time to digest. 4ruit and vegetables, particularly in their raw form are rich in fibers and vitamins. They also have a high water content which benefits the s$in. ' diet consisting of vegetables ma$es a person better e%uipped to fend off viruses and provides them with natural energy throughout the day. /n a global scale the consumption of meat by humans often affects the eco5system of the animal $ingdom. (n 6apan for example where the population favours eating whale meat, these magnificent animals are becoming extinct. 7imilarly shar$s suit the 8hinese mar$et and seals are eaten in 'las$a. Plenty of meat is now mass5produced in factories which angers animal rights activists who see this as inhumane. /n the other hand we should not dismiss the value of eating meat. Meat provides our body with proteins and fish has its own nutritional value. /ur teeth are designed to rip meat apart and our digestive system is able to digest meat. 9et us not forget that man$ind has been eating meat for millions of years. (n my opinion if someone is a vegetarian their lifestyle is healthy due to the vitamins, energy and positive contribution it ma$es to health. .ating no meat or fish means that animals will not be bred or $illed for food. )owever everyone should be able to choose what they eat and not forget that our body is designed for meat consumption. Question taken from Cambridge IELT Trainer p! 1*1 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at !"+,! 2o comments+ +riday, , April 2012 Model Answer - IELTS (Task 2) ome people argue t$at it is more important to $a%e an en-oyable -ob t$an to earn a lot of money! .t$ers disagree and t$ink t$at a good salary leads to a better life! )is#uss bot$ t$ese %ie&s and gi%e your o&n opinion! The wor$force is motivated by a number of factors. 4or some an attractive salary is the prime reason for wor$ing whilst others ta$e into consideration other factors such as a good wor$ing environment, per$s, flexible wor$ing hours, co5operative colleagues and ob satisfaction. :ndoubtedly a high salary results in a better standard of living but considering that wor$ers spend most of their hours at wor$, often this is not enough to $eep them satisfied. (n many cases, students study a subect that interests them with the logic that they will end up wor$ing in a profession that suits their character and ambitions. 3eing creative at wor$ as opposed to carrying out monotonous tas$s means that a person will be more productive and happy which in turn might be profitable for the company. /n the other hand, wor$ers who are miserable at wor$ irrespective of their high salary are li$ely to transfer these negative feelings home. 2aturally, the first benefit that is negotiated when see$ing employment is a good salary. .verybody needs to survive and prosper financially especially during periods of economic crises. Most wor$ers are willing to put up with being unsatisfied in the wor$place when they earn a good pac$age. (deally, the best situation would be ob satisfaction accompanied by a high salary, but unfortunately this is not always the case. #hat a person chooses depends on their ideals and what they view as important. People who put money above all else will only be interested in a high salary while those who value enoyment more place pleasure at the forefront. Personally, ( believe ob satisfaction is e%ually important. Question taken from Cambridge IELT Trainer p!11/ Posted by Miranda )oplaros at ;1+", 2o comments+ Wednesday, / April 2012 Model Answer - IELTS (Task 2) It is generally belie%ed t$at t$e Internet is an e0#ellent means of #ommuni#ation but some people suggest t$at it may not be t$e best pla#e to find information! )is#uss bot$ %ie&s and gi%e your o&n opinion! 's well as being a vital source of information, the (nternet has other functions such as easing communication. 'lthough life has become easier with the (nternet and information may be accessed faster, some people do not believe that the information found on the web is reliable. 'pplications such as M72, 7$ype, 4aceboo$ etc. enable people to communicate with each other all over the world via computers and mobile phones. This is beneficial as communication is free and simultaneous. #ebcams also enable you to see the person you are conversing with. 8ommunication is possible with the use of emails too. This form of communication is useful for companies as well. <ideo conferencing can save valuable time and money and brea$ down communication barriers. (n addition to being a great means of communication, the (nternet provides a wealth of information. Many ournals can be found online, boo$s may be downloaded and libraries have begun uploading boo$s on the web. #ell5$nown newspapers and magazines have on5line versions of their printed material. 'lthough there are other traditional places to search for information such as directories, libraries and state archives most people prefer the (nternet. #hat concerns many academics is the reliability of the information posted on the web. 's the (nternet is open to the public and supports freedom of speech, people who may not have expert $nowledge on a topic may present information there. (n fact students are often warned not to extract information from certain sites. To conclude, ( believe the (nternet is one of man-s greatest inventions. (t allows us to be in touch with our family and friends from all corners of the world and at any hour of the day. (nformation can be found instantly and it is up to each individual to exercise their udgment on the usefulness of the information found there. Question taken from Cambridge IELT Trainer p!111 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at !"+;" ! comment+ General Training Model Answer - IELTS (Task 1) 2ou are planning a t&o3&eek %a#ation, and you need someone to take #are of your $ouse &$ile you are a&ay! Write a letter to your neig$bour! In your letter Tell your neig$bour t$at you are going a&ay ask your neig$bour to take #are of your $ouse for you e0plain &$at tasks you &ould like your neig$bour to do =ear &ob, ( hope you are well. The time has finally arrived for me to ta$e my annual leave and (-m sure you-re tired of me going on about it continuously. #ell, (-m going to 'las$a for two wee$s starting on the !st of 'pril. .verything has been boo$ed and confirmed and (-m so excited. >ou-ve already informed me that you-ll be at home next wee$ so ( was wondering whether you could do me a favour. ( would really appreciate it if you could pop into my house from time to time to ma$e sure everything is fine. The plants in the living room need to be watered once a wee$ only and placed near the window when it is sunny. (n terms of ta$ing care of the house that is all ( re%uire you to do. ( also gave your telephone number to the T< repair company who will be returning my set on the ?th of 'pril. @indly open the house for them so they can install it for me. Than$ you for all your help and (-ll remember to bring bac$ the souvenir you re%uested from 'las$a. &egards, Melanie Question taken from 4arron5s IELT 6ra#ti#e E0ams p!17* Posted by Miranda )oplaros at !!+"A ! comment+ General Training Model Answer IELTS (Task 1) 2ou $a%e de#ided to lea%e your #urrent -ob and look for a ne& one! Write a letter to a friend! In your letter e0plain &$y you &ant to lea%e your #urrent -ob &$at kind of -ob you are looking for ask for some $elp or ad%i#e! =ear 7carlet, ( hope you have been $eeping well. (t-s been a while since we last met. >ou might recall me complaining about my ob when we went out for dinner about two months ago. #ell, the situation has become worse and (-m thin$ing of handing in my resignation. ( currently wor$ twelve hours a day which is exhausting and the company has not been paying me overtime for the extra effort ( put in. 's well as the pressure (-m under, there is no sign of appreciation for all the hard wor$ ( do. ( wish to continue in my line of wor$ but (-m loo$ing for better wor$ing conditions. 'lthough (-m satisfied being a secretary it would be nice to wor$ for a small organization where ( can leave on time and be respected by my employers. 's you are well5connected in the business sector and have friends in high places ( was wondering whether you could put in a good word for me. ( would also appreciate it if you could help me update my 8< to ma$e it more attractive as well as provide me with some interview tips. &egards, 7haron Question taken from 4arron5s IELT 6ra#ti#e E0ams p!1,0 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at !!+!0 2o comments+ General Training Model Answer - IELTS (Task 1) 2our ne0t3door neig$bour likes to listen to musi# late at nig$t! 4e#ause of t$e loud musi#, you often lose sleep! Write a letter to your neig$bour! In your letter )es#ribe t$e situation E0plain t$e problem it is #ausing you .ffer at least one solution =ear =an, #e-ve been neighbours for a number of years now and in order to maintain the good relationship we have and to avoid future misunderstanding, ( wanted to let you $now that the loud music you have been playing at night is affecting my sleep. 's you are aware ( need to be up at 1am daily, so ( should be in bed early too. 's (-m $ept up late due to your loud music (-m not getting enough sleep. My manager has commented that my performance at wor$ is not up to scratch and my mood swings are not seen favourably by my colleagues. ( have also begun to get addicted to caffeine to stay awa$e during the day. ( would appreciate it if you could listen to music using headphones. That way, you can enoy your music while ( rest. 'lternatively you might lower the volume. ( wouldn-t want to deprive you of your passion, so if you must listen to loud music, the wee$end would be an ideal time to do so as (-m away then. &egards, Mar$ Question taken from 4arron5s IELT 6ra#ti#e E0ams p!2*8 aturday, 1* 9ar#$ 2012 Model Answer - IELTS (Task 2) In t$e past, s$opping &as a routine domesti# task! 9any people no&adays regard it as a $obby! To &$at e0tent do you t$ink t$is is a positi%e trend( 's the standard of living in many countries was not as high as it is today and most citizens were not wealthy, many households carried out shopping for the sole purpose of purchasing wee$ly necessities. 7hopping trolleys and bas$ets were smaller and usually it was the woman-s tas$ to go to the grocery store and stoc$ up on what the family re%uired. Today this has all changed with advertising, mar$eting, mass production and the rise in popularity of consumerism. 7hopping has become a favourite pastime for many consumers. 7hoppers not only crowd into covered shopping centres and malls to buy products but combine this activity with other options li$e drin$ing coffee, watching movies etc. 4or this reason it is seen as a good way to spend your day. This may regarded as a positive trend by shopaholics who enoy spending their free time purchasing products, window shoppers, people who enoy $eeping up with the latest trends, shoppers who li$e wal$ing around shopping districts as a form of exercise and of course manufacturers who stoc$ shops with products. (f shopping has come to be a hobby then this means that people also enoy a higher standard of living. /thers however may view this shift in shopping habits negatively as they believe that it leads to unnecessary waste, social pressure to $eep up with trends or that free time could be used more creatively. To conclude, current shopping offers more choice and is more enoyable than routinely buying necessities. (t is a matter of personal preference how a person choses to spend their free time and shopping is one of the many options available. Question taken from Cambridge IELT Trainer p!80 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at !"+*; 2o comments+ Model Answer - IELTS (Task 2) In many parts of t$e &ord t$ere is #ontinuous #o%erage of sport on tele%ision! ome people belie%e t$is dis#ourages t$e young from taking part in any sport t$emsel%es! )is#uss t$is %ie& and gi%e your opinion! (n recent years sports programmes have become extremely popular. 's there are local, national and international sporting events on a daily basis e.g. baseball games, the /lympic Bames, 4(4' #orld 8up etc. the media is present at these events and ready to transmit the highlights to the world. (n addition to regular media coverage there are sports channels that show sports around the cloc$. Perhaps because sport programmes are heavily advertised, readily available and a form of entertainment, young people find it more attractive to watch sport than ta$e part in it. (n fact, many young people enoy going to crowded stadiums to watch live events as well as to sports bars and cafes to view sports on the big screen. This time could be better spent actually being a participant rather than a spectator in a sport as a person benefits physically in the long run from exercising. ( do not however believe there is a direct relationship between watching and participating in sports. There are many young athletes who can be seen training hard and ta$ing sports seriously as well as others who ta$e this up as a hobby. This does not mean that they don-t also li$e watching programmes on television. (t is of course a good idea for young people to exercise their body and gain confidence from all the positive %ualities sports have to offer. Perhaps seeing others on T< will actually motivate them to try a new sport or learn a new techni%ue they might apply to their game. Question taken from Cambridge IELT trainer p!/7 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at !;+1" 2o comments+ Tuesday, 20 )e#ember 2011 Model Answer - IELTS (Task 1) T$e grap$s belo& s$o& t$e types of musi# albums pur#$ased by people in 4ritain a##ording to se0 and age! The bar charts provide information on the percentage of people who buy Pop, &oc$ and 8lassical Music in 3ritain according to gender and age group. Males favour Pop Music more than females at around ";C. The age group that listens to this genre of music the most is the "15*, year olds at approximately *1C, followed closely by the younger age group. The *15,, age brac$et buys this music slightly less with a percentage of *;. Pop Music is purchased the least by the over ,1s at below !;C. Turning to &oc$ Music, males again dominate with purchases at *;C. The !D to *, year olds buy approximately *;C of this product. &oc$ Music is not favoured by the oldest age group as their purchases are below !;C. 'lthough both males and females spend less than !;C on 8lassical Music, the men-s level is slightly higher. <ery few young adults !D5", buy 8lassical Music and the *15,, year olds follow the same trend, below 1C. /n the other hand the purchases of the "15*, age group and the ,1E are considerably higher standing at between !1 and ";C. (n conclusion, males buy more music than females. The younger age groups focus on Pop and &oc$ Music whilst the elder generation favours 8lassical Music. Question taken from IELT 6ra#ti#e Tests 6lus 1 p!,8 Tuesday, 20 )e#ember 2011 Model Answer - IELTS (Task 1) The three pie charts show four fields where degrees have been granted at the 2ational :niversity in three different time periods. (n !AA;, degrees were awarded in the field of 3usiness and 8omputer 7cience in e%ual proportions (*;C). ' half of this amount was allocated to 9aw degrees (!1C) whereas Medicine accounted for "1C. Ten years later, most degrees were given to the 8omputer 7cience field at ,;C. 9i$ewise degrees in Medicine noted a 1C increase. 3usiness and 9aw degrees were awarded less than in !AA; at ";C and !;C respectively. (n ";!;, 8omputer 7cience remains the favourable choice amongst graduates with almost half of all degrees granted. Medicine reverts bac$ to its !AA; status at "1C while 3usiness and 9aw are at !1C. /verall, over a "; year period 8omputer 7cience degrees have the greatest proportion of granted degrees. Medicine fluctuates by 1C as does 9aw before returning to their initial figures. 4inally, those graduates gaining 3usiness degrees are halved. Question taken from 4arron:s IELT 6ra#ti#e E0ams p!100 Tuesday, 20 )e#ember 2011 Model Answer - IELTS (Task 1) T$e diagram s$o&s $o& energy is produ#ed from #oal! The diagram shows the different stages re%uired to produce clean energy from coal. (nitially, coal is placed on a conveyor belt and is placed in a furnace together with oxygen from another source. The mixture is burnt in a furnace and from this raw syngas is produced. Two substances are removed from the raw syngasF purified syngas and Mercury 7ulphur. /ther impurities li$e slag are also extracted from the furnace. The purified syngas is used to drive a gas turbine as well as a generator and in this way produces electricity. 'lternatively, the gas turbine produces hot exhaust gases which are ta$en to a heat recovery generator. The steam that is produced at this stage is used to power a steam turbine and with the help of a generator once again ma$es electricity. To conclude, the electricity that is produced from coal undergoes a purification stage to clean the harmful substances and the energy is produced on site with the help of a gas or steam turbine. Question taken from Impro%e your IELT Writing kills p!2/ Tuesday, 20 )e#ember 2011 Model Answer - IELTS (Task 1) T$e maps belo& s$o& #$anges t$at took pla#e in 2oungs%ille in ;e& <ealand o%er a 2"3year period from 1870 to 200"! The maps show how the coastal town of >oungsville developed over a "1 year time span. To begin with, in !A?; the area north of the river 'lanah experienced a reduction in the green area around the la$e. Two par$ing areas were added, one to the north of the la$e and the other on the right. The houses along the coast were destroyed to ma$e way for an extension to the railway line and a large stadium was constructed. The hospital remains in its initial position whilst more activities ta$e place in the la$e area. 4inally, ";;1 saw a marina being built to the right of the railway. 7outh of the river also experienced several changes. /nce again the trees and woodland were cut down to ma$e way for factories and warehouses. 7imilarly s$yscrapers were erected in place of the housing that existed "1 years earlier. The airport, par$ing area and school remained untouched. To sum up, in !A?; >oungsville appeared to be a residential area with a rural landscape and plenty of greenery while in ";;1 it was transformed to an urban, industrial landscape. Question taken from Impro%e your IELT Writing kills p! 18 9onday, 18 )e#ember 2011 Verbs starting with 'oer' <erbs starting with Gover- can mean too much. .%erachieve H better than expected .%eract H act a role in an exaggerated way .%eractive H too active .%erambitious H having too much ambition .%eranxious H excessively anxious .%erboo$ H accept more boo$ings than there is room for .%erburden H give too much wor$ to do .%ercautious H too cautious .%ercharge H charge too high a price .%ercompensate H ta$e excessive measures to ma$e amends for something .%erconfident H excessively confident .%ercoo$ H coo$ for too long .%ercrowded H too many people .%erdevelop H develop too much .%erdo H to too much of an activity .%erdose H ta$e too much of a dangerous drug .%erdraw H ta$e too much money out of a ban$ account .%erdress H dress too formally .%ereager H excessively eager .%ereat H eat too much .%eremphasize H put too much emphasis on .%erenthusiasm H excessive enthusiasm .%erestimate H to thin$ that something is more than it actually is .%erexcited H very excited .%erexert H ma$e too great an effort .%erexpose H expose too much .%erfamiliar H too well $nown .%erfill H fill to excess .%erflow H too full .%ergrow H grow too large .%erhear H to unintentionally hear something someone says when they aren-t tal$ing to you .%erheat H ma$e or become too hot .%erindulge H have too much of something enoyable .%eroyed H extremely happy .%er$ill H too much of something .%erload H load too heavily .%erloo$ H to ignore or not notice a problem .%erpay H pay too much .%erplay H over emphasize .%erpriced H too expensive .%erprotective H excessively protective .%er%ualified H having too many %ualifications .%errate H rate more highly than is deserved .%erreact H react more strongly than is ustified .%ersimplify H ma$e something too simple so an inaccurate impression is given .%ersized H bigger than the usual size .%ersleep H to sleep longer than you should .%erspend H spend too much .%erstate H state too strongly .%erstay H stay longer than an allowed time .%erstep H go beyond a limit .%erstretch H ma$e excessive demands on .%ertime H wor$ more than the normal wor$ing hours .%erturn H to turn upside down or on the side .%eruse H use too much .%erweight H above normal weight .%erwor$ H wor$ too much Make or !o" 9ake+ an effort, a purchase, certainIsure, a complaint, a fuss, up one-s mind, sense, a suggestion, moneyIprofit, a mess, a phone call, a noise, re%uest, an appointment, decision, an excuse, a guess, progress )o+ business, one-s duty, goodIevil, damage, one-s homewor$, wor$, rightIwrong, one-s best, harm, somebody a favour, wonders Verb or #o$n" =erb+ impress, attract, act, decide, intend, produce, receive, permit, examine, invite, prepare, perform, amuse, agree, argue, discuss, advertise, instruct, introduce, describe, disappear, recommend, locate, accommodate, arrange ;oun+ impression, attraction, action, decision, intention, production, reception, permission, examination, invitation, preparation, assistance, appearance, performance, amusement, agreement, argument, discussion, advertisement, instruction, introduction, description, amazement, disappearance, recommendation, location, accommodation, arrangement aturday, 12 ;o%ember 2011 Model Answer - IELTS (Task 2) ome people t$ink t$at parents s$ould tea#$ #$ildren $o& to be good members of so#iety! .t$ers, $o&e%er, belie%e t$at s#$ool is t$e pla#e to learn t$is! )is#uss bot$ t$ese %ie&s and gi%e your o&n opinion! 3eing a good member of society involves having a good character and being able to contribute positively to society. 7uch s$ills need to be learnt as they do not come with us when we are born. This can be taught in the home environment by parents or during school hours. Parents are the first source of contact for children and ideally they should be good role models for their children. 8onsidering that many children start going to school only after having spent several years at home, parents are their initial teachers. 't this crucial young age, adults may teach their children manners, social s$ills, how to respect others and accept difference. 7chool is another influential environment for children. Teachers continue the wor$ of a parent. 's a classroom is a social setting, children get to learn how to be part of society on a larger scale there. Teachers are impartial and well5e%uipped to offer useful lessons to children whereas some parents may not have ade%uate training in this area. /n the other hand, a school may have a limiting view of how a good society member should act and what principles are important. 's parents have a good idea of what $ind of future citizens they would li$e their children to be and as what children learn at home stays with them for a lifetime, perhaps it would be better if they taught their children how to be good society members. 7chool can play a facilitating role extending and building upon what has been learnt in the home environment. Question taken from IELT 7 past papers p! 11 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at ;*+1A ! comment+ Model Answer - IELTS (Task 2) ;o&adays t$e &ay many people intera#t &it$ ea#$ ot$er $as #$anged be#ause of te#$nology! In &$at &ays $as te#$nology affe#ted t$e types of relations$ips people make( 'as t$is be#ome a positi%e or negati%e de%elopment( #e have many technological options available to communicate with each other. #e can use mobile phones to ma$e calls, send text messages and send photos of important moments to each other. 8omputers allow us to communicate by messaging each other through various popular applications such as M72, 4aceboo$ and 7$ype. Technology has made the world smaller, allowing us to contact people anywhere in the world for free and at a fast pace. Many people are able to find their partners through social networ$s and ma$e new friends in this way. ' computer has replaced a traditional match ma$er. 'lthough some people, particularly those who are shy feel confident behind a computer screen, it is not always possible to have deep relationships with virtual people. (n a virtual relationship a person can hide their true identity by posting fa$e photos and lie about all aspects of their life. There are many negative aspects of communicating through technology. 7ending text messages are a cowardly way of getting out of difficult situations such as brea$ing up with a boyfriend or girlfriend. (n addition, open ways of communicating are lost to technology. 4ace5to5face communication with body language and facial expressions are lost as are a genuine sense of connecting. Therefore, although technology has enabled friends and family to $eep in touch over long distances it may not be ideal for new relationships. <irtual relationships lac$ human contact and interaction which are part of being close. Question taken from IELT 7 past papers p!"/ Posted by Miranda )oplaros at ;*+1" 2o comments+ Model Answer - IELTS (Task 2) In#reasing t$e pri#e of petrol is t$e best &ay to sol%e gro&ing traffi# and pollution problems! To &$at e0tent do you agree or disagree( W$at ot$er measures do you t$ink mig$t be effe#ti%e( .very metropolis has its own traffic congestion which in turn contributes to pollution. 8arbon dioxide emissions from vehicles are on the rise and the world-s politicians have realised that this issue needs to be addressed if the planet is to have a future. (ncreasing petrol prices may ma$e drivers thin$ twice about using their private cars. (t might encourage people to opt for public transportation instead, prevent them from ma$ing unnecessary trips or even carpooling if several people are going in the same direction at the same time. )owever, ( doubt whether petrol producing countries or multinational providers would be satisfied with this arrangement. Bovernments will also be reluctant to impose these measures as they are li$ely to be unpopular with consumers and they will feel the pressure from those with economic interests. (nstead, alternative transport methods may be promoted. (n many .uropean centres bicycles and wal$ing are the preferred method of moving around. 8ar designers have also produced hybrid, electric and solar cars which do not depend on guzzling petrol. These could be sold at affordable prices with government subsidies to encourage travellers to purchase them. 'lternatively, cities li$e 9ondon impose taxes on car users who drive to the centre during pea$ times and this somewhat reduces the load. (n conclusion, we all realise the dangers of exhaust fumes from vehicles and the harm it causes to the environment. 'lthough increasing the price of petrol is a method that can reduce car use it might not be enforced due to economic pressure. /ther measures such as improved public transport and environmentally friendly means might be a better option. Question taken from IELT 7 past papers p!*8 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at ;*+,* 2o comments+ Model Answer - IELTS (Task 2) In some #ountries t$e a%erage &eig$t of people is in#reasing and t$eir le%els of $ealt$ and fitness are de#reasing! W$at do you t$ink are t$e #auses of t$ese problems and &$at measures #ould be taken to sol%e t$em! /besity is a current problem especially in developed countries whose populations are increasingly overweight putting a strain on the health system. ' lac$ of fitness also leads to health issues such as heart disease, cancer etc. /ur poor diet and busy lifestyle are the main causes of bad levels of health. There has been a shift from natural, home5coo$ed food towards fast5food, un$ food and ta$e5away options. These choices tend to have high levels of fat, sugar and are often dripped into oil which leads to weight gain. 'dditionally, a stressful daily routine does not allow time for eating well or exercising. 3eing fit and exercising improves a person-s level of health. ( believe an individual is responsible for their own lifestyle choices. ' simple measure such as wal$ing to wor$ or climbing stairs in a building during office hours instead of using the elevator can add to a person-s physical well5being. (nstead of eating out, an individual can ma$e a healthy low fat sandwich to ta$e to wor$. 2ot having time to loo$ after our body is the easiest excuse for being lazy. The government can help to a small extent by promoting health and fitness. (t could for example provide more par$s, bicycle lanes and free gyms. To encourage its citizens to eat fresh, local produce, it could limit imports of foreign food and heavily tax fast food restaurants. To conclude, an overweight population is a present day phenomenon that should worry individuals as well as the government. To ensure good health people should ta$e care of their diet and exercise more and the government could lend a hand in this respect. Question taken from IELT 7 past papers p!102 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at ;*+"A 2o comments+ Wednesday, 8 ;o%ember 2011 Model Answer - IELTS (Task 1) T$e pie #$art belo& s$o&s t$e main reasons &$y agri#ultural land be#omes less produ#ti%e! T$e table s$o&s $o& t$ese #auses affe#ted t$ree regions of t$e &orld during t$e 1880s! ummarise t$e information by sele#ting and reporting t$e main features, and make #omparisons &$ere rele%ant! The pie chart provides the main causes of global land degradation while the table gives a regional brea$down of this degradation during the !AA;s. The three main reasons why land used for agriculture is becoming less productive are over5grazing by livestoc$, deforestation and over5cultivation of crops. The percentages for these categories are almost on an e%ual footing with over5grazing at *1C, deforestation at 1C less and over5cultivation accounts for "?C. /ther reasons are considerably lower at 0C. .urope has the highest deforestation figure of A.?C followed by /ceania with !.0C and 2orth 'merica with ;."C. 7imilarly, .urope has the greatest percentage in the over5cultivation category (0.0C) whilst in 2orth 'merica land degradation due to over5cultivation lies at *.*C. 2o agricultural land is degraded by this method in /ceania. 4inally, !!.*C of /ceania-s agricultural land is affected by over5grazing, about half of this amount in .urope (1.1C) and a considerably small amount in 2orth 'merica (!.1C). To sum up, the main cause of worldwide land degradation is over5grazing. (n terms of the greatest region where land degradation is most prominent, .urope comes first with "*C, followed by /ceania and lastly 2orth 'merica (!*C). Question taken from IELT 7 past papers p!10 Model Answer - IELTS (Task 1) The pie charts provide a brea$down in annual spending over a "; year period in a :@ school. (n !A?! almost a half (,;C) of the total school spending was on teachers- salaries followed by other wor$ers- salaries ("?C). *;C of spending went on resources and furniture and e%uipment in e%ual parts. The smallest amount spent was on insurance at "C. Ten years later there was a !;C increase in teachers- salaries and a DC drop in other wor$ers- salaries. ' !;C fall in spending can be noted in furniture and e%uipment while 1C was added to resources. 4inally insurance spending rose by !C. (n ";;! teachers- salaries were reduced by 1C to ,1C and other wor$ers- salaries were cut further to !1C. 7pending on resources also fell to AC. (nsurance and furniture and e%uipment had a considerable increase from !AA! reaching ?C and "*C respectively. /ver the "; year period, teachers- salaries ma$e up a substantial part of total school spending and insurance was a category with increasing importance. 7pending on resources went down as did other wor$ers- salaries whilst furniture and e%uipment accounted for a small rise in spending. Question taken from IELT 7 past papers p!"1 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at ;A+1, 2o comments+ Model Answer - IELTS (Task 1) T$e grap$ belo& s$o&s t$e >uantities of goods transported in t$e ?@ bet&een 18*/ and 2002 by four different modes of transport! ummarise t$e information by sele#ting and reporting t$e main features, and make #omparisons &$ere rele%ant! The line graph shows how many tonnes of goods are transported over a "? year period in the :@ via road, water, rail and pipeline. To begin with, in !A0, about 0; million tonnes are transported by road and this amount increased to almost !;; million over the next "? years. Transportation by water stood at almost ,; million in !A0, and rose by approximately "" million in ";;". 3etween !A?" and !AA, the amount was stable at D; million. /n the other hand, although rail transportation was used to move ,; million tonnes of products in !A0,, the same as water, this dropped to below ,; million between !A0? to !AA?. (n ";;" this means of transport was used at the same level as !A0,. 4inally, the use of pipeline was minimal in !A0,, about !; million and this figure more than doubled in ";;". To sum up, road was used more than any other transport means throughout the period under review and pipeline the least. &oad, water and pipeline noted increases while essentially rail use ended up the same as its initial usage. Question taken from IELT 7 past papers p!101 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at ;A+*1 2o comments+ Model Answer - IELTS (Task 1) T$e diagrams belo& s$o& t$e stages and e>uipment used in t$e #ement3 making pro#ess, and $o& #ement is used to produ#e #on#rete for building purposes! ummarise t$e information by sele#ting and reporting t$e main features, and make #omparisons &$ere rele%ant! The first diagram shows how cement is produced whereas the second demonstrates how this cement is utilized to produce concrete for the construction industry. (nitially limestone and clay are passed through a crusher to produce powder. /nce this powder has been through a mixer it goes to a rotating heater where heat is applied. The produce is placed on a conveyer belt and with the aid of a grinder, cement is produced. 4inally, the cement is pac$ed into bags. (n order to ma$e cement, a mixture of four components is used in different proportionsF cement (!1C), water (!;C), sand ("1C) and gravel which ma$es up half of the ingredients. This mixture is put into a rotating concrete mixture and then applied to a building surface. (n conclusion, limestone and clay produce cement in a process that involves crushing, rotating and applying heat. #hen three more elements are added to the cement and stirred on site, concrete is produced for building purposes. Question taken from IELT 7 past papers p!*7 T$ursday, 2* .#tober 2011 General Training Model Answer (Task 2) ome people t$ink t$at it is better to edu#ate boys and girls in separate s#$ools! .t$ers, $o&e%er, belie%e t$at boys and girls benefit more from attending mi0ed s#$ools! )is#uss bot$ t$ese %ie&s and gi%e your o&n opinion! Most schools today are co5educational where boys and girls study and learn side by side. 7ingle sex schools can still be found particularly if religion is an important part of the school-s instruction. To begin with, those who favour single sex schools perhaps believe their children are receiving a higher level of education as there is no distraction from the opposite sex. 7tudents are able to concentrate in class and receive better mar$s. /n the other hand co5educational schools are common today. This is a more realistic way of learning and it reflects conditions in the wor$ing world. #hen students enter the wor$place they will find both sexes there and their experience in the classroom will ma$e them accept and respect their wor$ colleagues e%ually. (n addition it is often thought that boys and girls have different strengths in the classroom. 4or example boys might prefer problem5solving or practical subects whilst girls might enoy reading and being creative. This means that a student-s strengths complement another-s wea$nesses. .ducation is not restricted to what is learnt in the classroom. 7ocially, students also need a balance and they need to be in the same environment as the opposite sex. (n my opinion, students benefit more in schools with a mixed environment as this provides a model of the real world. (t also encourages each student to bring their own uni%ue $nowledge to classroom learning. 7ingle sex schools may be regarded as being limiting and may create social problems later on in life. Question taken from IELT 7 6ast 6apers p!128 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at !;+*A 2o comments+ General Training Model Answer (Task 1) 2ou re#ently boug$t a pie#e of e>uipment for your kit#$en but it did not &ork! 2ou p$oned t$e s$op but no a#tion &as taken! Write a letter to t$e s$op manager! In your letter des#ribe t$e problem &it$ t$e e>uipment e0plain &$at $appened &$en you p$oned t$e s$op say &$at you &ould like t$e manager to do =ear 7ir or Madam, 9ast wee$ ( purchased a microwave oven from your shop. #hen ( arrived home and tried to heat some food, ( discovered that the door could not be opened. ( attempted pressing the button several times once ( had turned the appliance on but this action was unsuccessful. 's a result, ( rang your 8ustomer 7ervice hotline to inform them of this defect. .ven though your employee 7tavros Mela assured me that a technician would come past and rectify the problem as he regarded it as being minor, nobody from your technical team arrived. ( followed up on the initial phone call several times but no action was ta$en despite the promises made. ( would appreciate it if you could loo$ into this with your 8ustomer 7ervice =epartment and adhere to your refund policy regarding faulty electrical items by sending me a che%ue for the amount of the microwave oven. >ours faithfully, Mrs. 6amie #alsh Question taken from IELT 7 6ast 6apers p!128 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at !;+!A 2o comments+ General Training Model Answer (Task 2) Today more people are tra%elling t$an e%er before! W$y is t$is t$e #ase( W$at are t$e benefits of tra%elling for t$e tra%eller( The world has come a long way since animals such as horses and don$eys were used for local transport and people wal$ed from one area to another. 7imilarly, a trip abroad was achieved once in a life5time. 2owadays the s$ies are full of aeroplanes, the seas of ships, the land of cars and trains and the list of fre%uent flyers is endless. The increase in travel can be attributed to the invention of modern means of transport such as high speed trains and planes. The lin$s between countries, cities and towns have improved and travellers are now connected to destinations worldwide. #hat is more, by buying tic$ets on the internet and with so many special offers and pac$ages, travel is now affordable to most people. (n terms of business, it has become fashionable to meet representatives from other countries and to seal contracts by meeting people in their home environment. There are multiple benefits for travellers going abroad. 4irstly, they gain a better understanding of another culture, history, and heritage which broadens their horizons and ma$es them respect other people. (t has made the world a smaller place where difference is accepted, encouraged and valued. 7econdly, many travellers see this as an opportunity to relax and escape their wor$ routine and daily life of time5tables. (t is usually the experiences from travelling that people remember most. The low cost of international travel, better connections and speed ensures that people have a wealth of opportunities available to them. Travelling for pleasure creates moments that stay with us forever. Question taken from IELT 7 6ast 6apers p! 11, Posted by Miranda )oplaros at ;A+1? 2o comments+ General Training Model Answer (Task 1) 2ou $a%e re#ently mo%ed to a different $ouse! Write a letter to an Englis$3speaking friend! In your letter E0plain &$y you $a%e mo%ed )es#ribe t$e ne& $ouse In%ite your friend to #ome and %isit =ear 'lex, )ow have you beenJ (t-s been a while since ( last wrote to you and this is because ( have been busy moving house. =o you remember that small house ( used to live inJ #ell, the owner decided that he wanted to live in it with his wife as he-s started receiving his pension and cannot afford to pay rent on another house. My new house which is located in the suburbs is much bigger. (t has three spacious bedrooms, a cosy living room and a modern $itchen. :nli$e the previous house, the main bedroom has a unsuite bathroom and there is an additional bathroom for guests painted in my favourite colour, purple. /n sunny days ( am able to sit in the garden and read the newspaper. ( would really love for you to come and stay with me. This time you won-t be sleeping on the couch but you-ll have a comfortable double bed of your own. 9et-s arrange something for the summer. 3est wishes, 7am Question taken from IELT 7 6ast 6apers p! 11, unday, 17 eptember 2011 General Training Model Answer % IELTS (Task 2) It is generally a##epted t$at families are not as #lose as t$ey used to be! Ai%e some reasons &$y t$is #$ange $as $appened and suggest $o& families #an be broug$t #loser toget$er! (n today-s world the idea of community and family is different to what it was in the past. #hereas previously family was considered the most important unit in society with families spending plenty of time together, this is not the case today. 4irstly, our value systems have changed, with society emphasizing money and wealth as a symbol of success. 's a result, individuals focus on their wor$ at the expense of family life and often move to other countries for this purpose becoming further distanced from them. Thus, modern society encourages selfishness and individual profit. 7econdly, as we cannot choose our family members there are often tensions, arguments and misunderstandings between them. (n these cases friends become important and families drift apart. 4amily members may also become bitter when there is a divorce or a parent remarries which is an event that can be seen fre%uently today. .ven though some distance between families is ideal especially if they are demanding or overbearing, they may be brought together by spending some time together. This might be during celebrations, festivals or even sharing a meal once a month. .ach culture has its uni%ue vision of family. 'sians for example tend to have closer family ties and tend to be loyal to their family compared to #estern societies. (n the fast paced #est, individuals are too busy ma$ing money to pay attention to their family and this trend is affecting the traditional family unit. (n addition, no attempt is made to get close to the family resulting in everyone minding their own business. Question taken from 6ast 6apers IELT 1 p!12, Posted by Miranda )oplaros at ;*+;D 2o comments+ Wednesday, * eptember 2011 General Training Model Answer % IELTS (Task 2) ome people belie%e t$at #$ildren s$ould be allo&ed to stay at $ome and play until t$ey are , or * years old! .t$ers belie%e t$at it is important for young #$ildren to go to s#$ool as soon as possible! W$at do you t$ink are t$e ad%antages of attending s#$ool from a young age( (n many countries, children are sent to $indergarten from a young age. 7chool follows shortly after that so children become accustomed to a school environment earlier on. 7ome parents do not want to rush their children off to school but prefer to let them do what children enoy most, play. Those who support that children should stay at home until they are a little older perhaps believe that the home environment has much more to teach them than school. 7ome parents may also thin$ that children can learn through play or that because they will learn everything eventually at school there is no need to pressurize them. There are many advantages for children if they are sent to school when they are younger. 4irstly, they learn how to be part of a group. 'ctivities in the classroom and in the playground are centred on team wor$. This s$ill is useful in later life as being social is viewed positively. (f children stayed at home until a later stage, they would not benefit from meeting other children their own age and ma$ing many new friends. 7econdly, in terms of $nowledge, children learn how to read and write and a host of other useful information. Perhaps they would only have access to this information through the T< at home. (n my opinion it is better for children to go to school young as they learn how to share, be part of a group, ma$e life5long friends and become literate. Question taken from IELT / 6ast 6apers p!128 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at ;A+," 2o comments+ General Training Model Answer % IELTS (Task 2) In t$e past, many people $ad skills su#$ as making t$eir #lot$es and doing repairs to t$ings in t$e $ouse! In many #ountries no&adays, skills like t$ese are disappearing! W$y do you t$ink t$is #$ange is $appening( 'o& far is t$is situation true in your #ountry( /ur grandparents were much more resourceful than us. They did not live in a society where mass production was the norm so their s$ills were better than ours. They appreciated the few possessions they owned either ma$ing them by hand or repairing any bro$en items instead of throwing them away. Today, society has changed dramatically. 'lmost all our products are made in 8hina or other developing countries li$e <ietnam. 8onsumer products are made in factories at a very low cost and therefore are also sold at attractive prices. #hy would someone learn how to ma$e their own clothes when they can purchase a cheap T5shirt very easilyJ (n addition, when anything brea$s in the house, it is simple to replace it. 'dvances in technology means that consumers are $een to update their products yearly. (n 8yprus, young people specialize in the field they are interested in and spend their free time having fun. Traditional s$ills li$e ma$ing chairs are dying out, even in this small society with parents complaining that their children are disinterested in learning any type of useful s$ill. Many low priced commodities are imported from abroad and young people do not follow in their parent-s footsteps as they do not show an interest in trade and s$illed labour. (n fact, having a s$ill is often loo$ed down upon by 8ypriots who spend their wor$ing lives in air5 conditioned offices doing administrative wor$. (t is very rare to find a young person repairing furniture, electrical items or sewing their own clothes. #e live in a society of easy come, easy go. Question taken from IELT / 6ast 6apers p!11" Posted by Miranda )oplaros at ;?+!D 2o comments+ 9onday, " eptember 2011 General Training Model Answer % IELTS (Task 2) ome people belie%e t$at #$ildren are gi%en too mu#$ free time! T$ey feel t$at t$is time s$ould be used to do more s#$ool &ork! 'o& do you t$ink #$ildren s$ould spend t$eir free time( (t seems that the pressures of daily life, the fast pace and competition do not apply only to the adult world. 8hildren are also subected to a lot of pressure to perform well at school. They have more homewor$ than ever before and struggle until late in the evening to complete it or to prepare for tests. Those who thin$ that children have too much free time, perhaps are referring to the long summer vacations and other holidays they have for religious and national events. /n these occasions children are left for days on end with nothing to do. #hile some parents insist that children revise their school wor$, read or spend their time in the library to get a head start for the new school year, ( do not thin$ this is a good idea. 8hildren need to relax their minds. (f they are forced to do more school wor$ they will not be psychologically ready for a whole year of more wor$ and will ust end up hating school as well as holidays. 8hildren need to spend their free time doing activities that they enoy doing. This varies from child to child. 7ome might enoy sports, socializing with their friends or even staying at home watching television or playing computer games. /f course many parents do not believe this is time spent constructively and would prefer their children do nothing else but study whilst children thin$ the exact opposite. Question taken from IELT " 6ast 6apers p!111 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at !"+;" 2o comments+ General Training Model Answer % IELTS (Task 2) ;o&adays &e are produ#ing more and more rubbis$! W$y do you t$ink t$is is $appening( W$at #an go%ernments do to $elp redu#e t$e amount of rubbis$ produ#ed( #hen wal$ing or driving around any big city one can notice overflowing rubbish bins as well as litter in the streets and household waste in empty lots and fields. (t is no surprise that we call our modern societies, consumer societies as a result of our overconsumption which has resulted from overproduction and greed. =ue to the fact that we are addicted to products and $eep updating our goods, our rubbish also increases. Products come in attractive large pac$ages that need to be disposed of when they are unwrapped. #e even as$ for plastic bags from a $ios$ if we are only purchasing a pac$et of chewing gum. Manufacturers do not help the situation with the production of useless items. 8onsumers do not thin$ about what happens to the rubbish they throw away and how long it will ta$e for it to dissolve. The government can impose certain restrictions on production, for example, all pac$aging should be biodegradable and $ept to a minimum. =ustbins can be weighed during collection time and consumers whose rubbish exceeds a certain number of $ilos should be fined heavily. Television campaigns informing consumers of the dangers to the planet because of unnecessary waste could be shown. :nfortunately we have become wasteful and unappreciative. #e are %uic$ to throw something away instead of trying to fix it. (t has now become difficult to get rid of household and industrial waste without harming the environment. 8onsumers, producers and the government should wor$ together to face this irreversible problem. Question taken from IELT " 6ast 6apers p!12* Posted by Miranda )oplaros at !!+*" 2o comments+ +riday, 2 eptember 2011 General Training Model Answer % IELTS (Task 2) ome people t$ink it &ould be a good idea for s#$ools to tea#$ e%ery young person $o& to be a good parent! )o you agree or disagree &it$ t$is opinion( )es#ribe t$e skills a person needs to be a good parent! (t is not easy being a parent and this responsibility and oy does not come with a manual. Parents usually learn through experience or following the same techni%ues their parents used on them. 's parenting involves a relationship between an adult and a youngster most people will have different views on how to best treat their children or what ma$es a good parent. Perhaps it would be a good idea to teach youngsters how to parent well. This will enable them to be well e%uipped to handle children when they eventually have their own. Parenting is a challenge and being prepared is helpful. (t will also teach children how to respect their parents and what they do for them. 7ome others however might believe that there is no formula to being a good parent. They may prefer being spontaneous and doing things their way. To be a good parent, a person needs to be patient and to understand that children will not always act how they wish in order to ma$e their life trouble5free. Bood organization and time management s$ills are needed to fit a child-s activities into a day. (t is not always simple planning a routine for children but ( thin$ children should feel that they are following a time frame. To sum up, schools might be able to provide students with useful information on parenting which is one of life-s greatest gifts and challenges. (n order to ensure a peaceful balance at home, parents should have some organizational s$ills that may be ac%uired through training. Question taken from IELT , 6ast 6apers p!111 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at !!+1; 2o comments+ T$ursday, 1 eptember 2011 General Training Model Answer % IELTS (Task 2) ?sing a #omputer e%ery day #an $a%e more negati%e t$an positi%e effe#ts on young #$ildren! )o you agree or disagree( 8hildren use computers more than ever before these days. They can be found surfing the internet, playing on5line games and on social networ$ sites. 7ometimes, especially when there is no parental control, they can spend too much time daily on computers. 8hildren need to learn how to operate computers as this is essential in their later life. The earlier they begin and the more they use them, the better they will become at learning everything about how they function. >oungsters are better able to learn new information and this can be done through computers. )owever there is the downside of overuse to consider. 8hildren who use the pc daily become anti5 social. They become addicted to games and prefer these to going out with their friends and playing outdoors. 3eing on a computer for too long can affect a child-s health. 7taring at a screen has a bad impact on someone-s eyes and children might experience headaches, bac$ pain, sore wrists etc. #hat is more, some children forget to eat while some eat too much un$ food as they are distracted by what they see in front of them. To sum up, although computers are extremely useful for children and they can learn many things by using them, ( do not thin$ they should use them every day. There should be some sort of balance in their lives. 8hildren need to get out for some fresh air and exercise. They should have other interests and spend time with their friends as well. Question taken from IELT , 6ast 6apers p!12, Posted by Miranda )oplaros at !"+1" " comments+ General Training Model Answer % IELTS (Task 2) ome people feel t$at entertainers Be!g! film stars, pop musi#ians or sports starsC are paid too mu#$ money! )o you agree or disagree( W$i#$ ot$er -obs s$ould be $ig$ly paid( #hile some people thin$ that Beorge 8looney, 9ady Baga and =avid 3ec$ham are worth the millions of dollars they get paid for entertaining crowds, ( strongly believe their income does not reflect the wor$ they do. They pull in the crowds with their star %uality and their talent but their salaries are excessive. (f we compare the amount of money that entertainers ma$e and what other professions li$e teachers, doctors and social wor$ers get, we will see a vast difference. These wor$ers have so much to offer an individual and the community. =octors save lives and give people hope while social wor$ers ease a person-s emotional suffering. Teachers are underpaid in my opinion and this is unfair considering how hard they wor$ and the $nowledge they offer to an individual. 7uch a contribution cannot be stressed enough. .ven an unassuming ob li$e a garbage collector is important for society and the hygiene of a city. These wor$ers also need to get a higher salary. Their ob involves wa$ing up early, hard physical labour and dealing with the dirt and awful smell created by city inhabitants. The city is a much cleaner place to live in because of their hard wor$. /n the other hand, entertainers have little to offer people. Their contribution lasts a short time only. 4or example, if you go to a concert, listen to a 8= or watch a music video you can escape into another world for a while but what would life be li$e without people to care about our health and provide us with $nowledgeJ (t is worth rewarding these professions more. Question taken from IELT * 6ast 6apers p!127 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at !!+1, 2o comments+ General Training Model Answer % IELTS (Task 2) ome people prefer to li%e in a $ouse, &$ile ot$ers feel t$ere are more ad%antages to li%ing in an apartment! Are t$ere more ad%antages t$an disad%antages of li%ing in a $ouse #ompared &it$ li%ing in an apartment( The type of accommodation people choose to live in depends on many factors such as income, family size, what is available in a certain location, what ma$es them feel comfortable and homely etc. 7o, often people do not have a personal choice about where to live but must decide based on external factors. 4lats are attractive for single people who place importance on their career and do not spend much time at home. Perhaps they want a location in the city centre where all the facilities are and there is easy access to their wor$place. (f a young person is ust starting out in life then they might not have the funds to purchase a house so paying rent is better for them. 7ome people also enoy a communal lifestyle with many friendly neighbours in their bloc$. /n the other hand, people who live in a house might have a larger family and so prefer spacious living %uarters. They will find apartments crammed and claustrophobic especially if they have pets and enoy having a garden. .ven though houses are more expensive to buy and maintain, those with a house feel they have some place to call home. (n addition, they may invite their guests over for parties without worrying about disturbing their neighbours. (n my opinion, living in an apartment is better than a house. #ith a housing shortage in many countries, a house is an unnecessary luxury. ( do not believe that an individual and their family need such a large space to live in. 4lats are practical living spaces for modern life. Question taken from IELT * 6ast 6apers p!11, unday, 27 August 2011 General Training Model Answer % IELTS (Task 1) A friend re#ently in%ited you to a spe#ial party! 2ou intended to go but at t$e last minute you &ere unable to attend! Write a letter to your friend! In your letter Apologise for not going to t$e party E0plain &$at pre%ented you from going uggest a &ay of making up for t$is =ear (sabel, (-m really sorry for not coming to your party. ( $now this was a special occasion for you to celebrate your graduation and ( wanted to be there. ( had every intention of coming but unfortunately while ( was getting ready to come, ( had a huge argument with my boyfriend. ( don-t want to get into the details of the argument but you $now that my relationship has been sha$y recently. #e exchanged some nasty words and ( was too upset to come after that. ( loc$ed myself in the bathroom and cried the whole night. ( feel sad that ( let you down and ( hope you will let me ma$e it up to you. (f you are free on 7aturday night, ( would li$e to ta$e you out for dinner to that Mexican restaurant that you li$e. #e can go clubbing after that. 9ove, 9aura Question taken from ;e& Insig$ts into IELT tudent:s 4ook p!117 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at !"+;; 2o comments+ General Training Model Answer % IELTS (Task 1) 2ou re#ently stayed in a $otel in anot$er #ity! W$en you got $ome you dis#o%ered t$at you $ad left somet$ing of %alue in t$e room! )es#ribe t$e item t$at you left be$ind and say &$ere you left it Ask t$e $otel to arrange to send it to you uggest a &ay to pay for t$e postage =ear 7ir or Madam, ( was a guest at your hotel from the !,th to the !?th of 2ovember, staying in room ?!". #hen ( returned home ( discovered that ( had forgotten my watch in the bathroom. (t-s an /mega watch with a brown leather strap. There are no numbers on the face of the watch but there is a personal inscription at the bac$. #hen ( went to wash my face, ( removed it and placed in on the sin$. 't that moment my mobile rang and ( was distracted. The watch is expensive and a gift from my husband so ( would li$e you to send it to me by courier to the address provided at the top of the letter. This will ensure that ( receive it early and safely. #ith respect to paying for the delivery, you may inform the courier company that ( will pay cash on delivery. >ours faithfully, Bina =avis Question taken from ;e& Insig$ts into IELT tudent:s 4ook p!117 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at !!+"D 2o comments+ General Training Model Answer % IELTS (Task 1) T&o days ago you $ad a meal at a &ell3kno&n restaurant! ?nfortunately, you &ere ill after t$e meal! Write a letter to t$e restaurant! In your letter )es#ribe &$at you ate ay $o& you feel about t$e situation Tell t$em &$at t$ey #an do about it =ear Mr. 9ui, ( have ust returned from hospital where ( spent four unpleasant days on the drip because of food poisoning ( believe is the result of eating unfit food at your restaurant. >ou may recall the engagement party that was held there last wee$ and the lovely dishes on offer. ( distinctly remember trying the fried sil$ worm cocoons for which your restaurant is famed. (mmediately after eating a couple ( began to feel ill and could eat nothing else. :nfortunately this situation caused me great discomfort. ( could not return to wor$ and ( also did not want to spoil such a wonderful occasion by telling other guests about my bad experience. >our restaurant is regarded as the best in the city and this incident could ruin your reputation. ( suggest you spea$ to your $itchen staff to find out why the food was li$ely to lead to food poisoning. ( would also appreciate some assistance with paying the hospital bill. >ours sincerely, =ao 9ee Question taken from ;e& Insig$ts into IELT tudent:s 4ook p!117 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at !!+;0 2o comments+ General Training Model Answer % IELTS (Task 1) 2ou are applying for a -ob and need a letter of referen#e from someone &$o kne& you &$en you &ere at s#$ool! Write a letter to one of your old tea#$ers asking for a referen#e! In your letter ay &$at -ob you $a%e applied for E0plain &$y you &ant t$is -ob uggest &$at information t$e tea#$er s$ould in#lude =ear Mrs. 9loyd, >ou may remember me as an '5student in your (T class. ( am writing to as$ you for a reference letter which ( need for a ob ( am applying for. ( hope to be employed in the =ata Processing =epartment of a large multinational mar$et research company. This ob suits my academic %ualification and offers many attractive per$s. ( believe that this experience in a highly demanding environment will prove beneficial in the long run. The )ead /ffice of the company is located in my area so ( will not waste any time travelling to wor$. The manager has informed me that ( will be eligible for a promotion in a year if ( meet all the re%uirements set out by the company. #hat is more, ( am entitled to bonuses if ( finish the tas$s on time. The reference letter will determine whether ( obtain the position or not. ( would appreciate it if you could include a character reference, a list of my class grades and an outline of what your course involved. >ours sincerely, Kafor )asan Question taken from ;e& Insig$ts into IELT tudent:s 4ook p!112 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at ;A+"? 2o comments+ General Training Model Answer % IELTS (Task 1) Last &eek you &ent to a musi#al #on#ert! 2ou &ere %ery impressed &it$ t$e performan#e! Write a letter to a friend about t$e #on#ert! In your letter ay &$at t$e #on#ert &as and &$y you &ent )es#ribe t$e performan#e uggest &$y $eDs$e s$ould go to t$e #on#ert =ear )anif, >ou won-t believe who had a concert here last wee$L 'yub 3acchu the &oc$ star from 3angladesh. ( had no idea that he was performing here. Tuhin surprised me by buying the tic$ets. The stadium was full of fans singing along to his greatest hits. 'yub delivered an energetic concert with all the new trac$s on his latest album. )e also sang many of his old songs. 7tanding at centre stage with his electric guitar and his humble style made the audience wild. (t was a truly great performance which lasted * hours. .ven though he didn-t sing any songs in .nglish and ( couldn-t understand anything, the music and his talent $ept me on the dance floor. ( $now you appreciate roc$ music and you don-t miss any concerts that involve 3angladeshi artists so ( thin$ you should go to this remar$able one. ( heard there are some shows next wee$. =ue to popular demand 'yub has extended his stay hereL 9ove, 7andy #u Question taken from ;e& Insig$ts into IELT Workbook p!,1 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at ;?+1D 2o comments+ General Training Model Answer % IELTS (Task 1) An Englis$3speaking friend is #oming to study at your #ollege ne0t year and $as &ritten asking for information and ad%i#e! Write a letter to your friend! In your letter Ai%e ad%i#e about a##ommodation in t$e to&n )es#ribe t$e best t$ing about t$e #ollege .ffer to s$o& your friend around t$e #ollege =ear )ongmei, ( was so excited to find out that you are coming to study at Prince 8ollege next year. 's ( have been studying here for four years now, ( will be happy to answer all your %uestions. (t is %uite difficult to find accommodation in the town. >ou will have to stay with a host family and share the bathroom, $itchen and living room area. The average rent per wee$ for this type of accommodation is .uro !;;. This includes brea$fast and dinner. The college is fantastic. The teachers are enthusiastic and $now their subect well. #e have all the facilities a student needs such as a modern cafeteria, a big library, free internet, sports fields and student bars. The thing ( enoy most however is the diversity of students. The international students come from !;; different countries around the world. ( have made so many friends already and my .nglish has improved immensely. 's soon as you arrive ( will arrange a day to show you around the college so you don-t feel lost. ( can-t wait for you to get here. (-m sure this will be a great experience for you. 9ove, 7unyifei Question taken from .b-e#ti%e Ielts Workbook p!/" Posted by Miranda )oplaros at ;?+;! 2o comments+ General Training Model Answer % IELTS (Task 1) 2ou re#ently boug$t a large e0pensi%e item but &$en it &as deli%ered to your $ome you found some problems &it$ it! Write a letter to t$e manager of t$e s$op! In your letter Ai%e details of &$at you boug$t )es#ribe t$e problems &it$ your item ay &$at you &ant t$e s$op to do =ear 7ir or Madam, 9ast wee$ ( purchased a washing machine from your )igh 7treet branch which was delivered to my home and subse%uently installed. The washing machine (model 375"1!) has attractive features H low energy consumption, !1 $ilo load, includes dryer function, special introductory price etc H which is why ( chose it. #hen ( used the machine for the first time, it did not perform the rinse cycle. 's a result when ( opened the door to remove the clothes they were soa$ing wet. ( also had to remove the excess water in the machine manually. (n addition, even though ( had a colour load one of my pin$ sweaters became purple. ( would li$e to $eep the washing machine as ( believe it will be useful once it functions well. Therefore, ( would li$e you send one of your technicians to my home to fix the problem which ( believe is technical. >ours sincerely, 8arla 7tanford Question taken from .ffi#ial IELT 6ra#ti#e 9aterials p!"1 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at ;0+,* ! comment+ General Training Model Answer % IELTS (Task 1) T$ere $a%e been some problems &it$ publi# transport in your area re#ently! Write a letter to t$e manager of t$e publi# transport #ompany! In your letter )es#ribe t$e problems E0plain $o& t$ese problems are affe#ting t$e publi# uggest &$at #$anges #ould be made =ear 7ir or Madam, ( regularly use 3us !1; to the city centre and whereas in the past travelers were satisfied with the services provided we are now experiencing some problems. 4irstly, for some reason the bus does not $eep to schedule. Many of the commuters need to be at wor$ by ? o-cloc$ and because the bus arrives at the station late we are also twenty minutes late. /ur supervisors sent out a memo saying they would not tolerate any more excuses. 7econdly, the newly appointed bus driver smo$es while he is driving. #hen we informed him that this was against public transport policy he was rude to us and refused to put out his cigarette. Many of the elderly passengers were disturbed with his attitude. ( suspect the delay is due to the road wor$s in Pavilion 7treet so ( suggest you inform the driver to use &ingo 7treet instead. Please also spea$ to the bus driver about his anti5social behaviour and give him a copy of the public transport policy to read. >ours faithfully, =ere$ >oung Question taken from .ffi#ial IELT 6ra#ti#e 9aterials p!"0 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at ;0+;, 2o comments+ General Training Model Answer % IELTS (Task 1) 2ou are un$appy about a plan to make your lo#al airport bigger and in#rease t$e number of flig$ts! 2ou li%e near t$e airport! Write a letter to your lo#al ne&spaper! In your letter E0plain &$ere you li%e )es#ribe t$e problem Ai%e reasons &$y you do not &ant t$is de%elopment =ear 7ir or Madam, ( read about the future plans of the local government to extend the airport in Mueens to allow a greater number of flights. 's ( live less than !$m away from the airport, ( was not happy when ( found this out. ( have already experienced numerous problems in the past even when the airport was a smaller size. The airport was built after ( had settled in the area so ( had to double glaze all my windows to prevent the noise from coming through. This of course was expensive. 9ocal residents suffer from breathing problems due to the pollution and we are unable to hang our clothes outside to dry as they become dirty. /ur children are also unable to enoy playing outside in the garden when the planes are flying low. 'll these problems will increase when the airport becomes bigger. #e have become accustomed to living in the area but ( believe any further developments at the airport will have a negative impact on the way we live and therefore do not support it. >ours faithfully, Maria Bomez Question taken from IELT 1 6ast 6apers p!12" Posted by Miranda )oplaros at ;D+;1 2o comments+ aturday, 2* August 2011 General Training Model Answer % IELTS (Task 1) 2ou are due to start a ne& -ob ne0t &eek but you &ill not be able to be#ause you $a%e some problems! Write a letter to your ne& employer! In your letter E0plain your situation )es#ribe your problem Tell $imD$er &$en you t$ink you #an start =ear Mrs. Par$er, 's per our contract, ( am due to begin wor$ing at your company on the "nd of March. ( regret to inform you that ( will be unable to $eep to this agreed date due to some unexpected personal issues. My sister living in <ancouver is undergoing emergency surgery and as she is a single parent, ( have been called over to tend to her four young children for the duration of her stay in hospital. The doctors have informed me, if all goes well she should be fully recovered in " wee$s time. Therefore, ( would li$e to re%uest an alteration of my starting date. ( believe the "nd of 'pril is a realistic date to set if we ta$e into account the travel and recovery time. ( do apologise for this unforeseen inconvenience and ( hope we can agree to some sort of arrangement. >ours sincerely, 'ngelina 4ord Question taken from IELT 1 6ast 6apers p!112 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at ;,+!* 2o comments+ General Training Model Answer % IELTS (Task 1) 2ou &ant to sell some of your furniture! 2ou t$ink a friend of yours mig$t like to buy it from you! Write a letter to your friend! In your letter E0plain &$y you are selling )es#ribe t$e furniture uggest a date &$en your friend #an #ome and see t$e furniture =ear Max, ( finally decided to study architecture in &ome and (-m leaving at the end of this month. 's (-ll be in (taly for four years it is pointless for me to $eep renting my apartment in 9ondon. 'll the furniture belongs to me so ( need to sell it before ( depart. To be honest, ( could do with some extra money to pay for my expenses as well. #e have similar taste in designer furniture so ( thought you might have the first choice in selecting some items to purchase. (n particular, ( thin$ you would appreciate the blac$ leather sofa in my living room. (t was designed and handmade in the !A1;s so it really is priceless. 'nother piece ( believe you will want to add to your collection is my grandmother-s !A*;s wooden roc$ing chair with a comfortable red velvet cushion to go with it. >ou are welcome to come by this 7aturday when you are not wor$ing to view this furniture. 2aturally ( will give you the best offer ( can. Ta$e care, @aren Question taken from IELT / 6ast 6apers p! 128 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at ;*+*! 2o comments+ General Training Model Answer % IELTS (Task 1) 2ou &ere $urt in a minor a##ident inside a supermarket, and you &is$ to #omplain to t$e supermarket! Write a letter to t$e manager of t$e supermarket! In your letter ay &$o you are Ai%e details about t$e a##ident uggest $o& t$e supermarket #ould pre%ent similar a##idents =ear 7ir or Madam, ( am a regular customer at your branch in Brey )igh 7treet. (n fact, ( have the highest bonus points in your super save scheme and ( have received many generous offers from there. =espite the excellent service ( receive from the supermar$et, last wee$ ( had a small accident near the fridge which stoc$s the dairy products. The staff responsible for stoc$ing the fridge did not mop the floor after they had finished and there was a tiny pool of water which ( failed to notice. 's a result ( slipped when ( was reaching for some mil$ and bruised my leg slightly. @indly inform your employees to wipe the floor next to the refrigerators to prevent this accident from occurring again or place a sign informing customers that the floor is wet so that they are careful when wal$ing in that area. .ven though ( did not hurt myself badly, another customer might be subected to greater inury on another occasion. >ours faithfully, Patricia )all Question taken from IELT / 6ast 6apers p!11" Posted by Miranda )oplaros at ;*+;0 2o comments+ +riday, 2, August 2011 General Training Model Answer % IELTS (Task 1) >ou have a full5time ob and are also doing a part5time evening course. >ou now find that you cannot continue the course. #rite a letter to the course tutor. (n your letter =escribe the situation .xplain why you cannot continue at this time 7ay what action you would li$e to ta$e =ear Mr. )off, >ou may have noticed that ( have been missing some of your evening classes recently. .ven though ( enoy your lesson immensely ( wor$ full time at a law firm and as ( sometimes wor$ late or because of sheer exhaustion ( often cannot attend. The senior partner in the law firm informed me that ( have a certain future there and that ( should channel all my energy into wor$. 's ( am unable to dedicate the time to my studies ( believe it is unwise for me to continue with this course in plumbing. ( would li$e to focus on my professional career at the moment, so ( have decided to put my hobby on hold for the moment. #hen ( have received the promotion ( deserve and ( have some free time for myself ( would li$e to return to your class and continue where ( left off with =rain Management. &egards, 6ane 7in$ Question taken from IELT " 6ast papers p!12* Posted by Miranda )oplaros at !,+!A 2o comments+ General Training Model Answer % IELTS (Task 1) >our neighbours have recently written to you to complain about the noise from your houseIflat. #rite a letter to your neighbours. (n your letter .xplain the reasons for the noise 'pologise =escribe what actions you will ta$e =ear neighbours, ( have received your collective letter of complaint about the noise coming from my flat and ( would li$e to provide you with an explanation for this temporary upset. 's you are aware my father5in5law is staying with us for a few days. )e has a severe problem with snoring and due to his old age he sleeps many hours throughout the day. 's the walls in our bloc$ are not sound proof, Mr. &ussel in 4lat !;! is subected to this irritating noise coming from the bedroom where my father5in5law is staying. ( am truly sorry for this disturbance. My father5in5law is being admitted to hospital in two days time for an operation to stop the snoring. 4ollowing the operation, he will return to his own home. ( can assure you that the silence will return to our peaceful bloc$ soon. >our $ind consideration in this matter will be appreciated. &egards, &ita @ipling Question taken from IELT " 6ast 6apers p!111 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at !,+!, 2o comments+ General Training Model Answer % IELTS (Task 1) >ou have ust moved into a new home and are planning to hold a party. >ou are worried that the noise may disturb your neighbour. #rite a letter to your neighbour. (n your letter (ntroduce yourself =escribe your plans for the party (nvite your neighbour to come =ear Mr. >oshi, #e haven-t been formally introduced but ( am your neighbour, the one living directly opposite you in 4lat A?". ( moved in last wee$ but due to the fact that you are at wor$ all day ( wasn-t able to meet you. (-m planning to have a party this 7aturday in order for my friends to view my new flat. ( expect there will be some noise as all the guests are in their early ";s and we are inviting a well5$nown =6 to play the music. #e are heavily into roc$ music so ( anticipate some energetic singing, umping and head banging. There will also be food and alcoholic drin$s for everyone. /ur other neighbours informed me that you are young and never miss out on a party. 7o ( would love to have you oin us. 'll the apartment bloc$ has been invited and this will be a great opportunity for us to bond and get to $now each other. ( hope to see you on 7aturday, >our neighbour, Thorn Maiden Question taken from IELT , 6ast 6apers p!12, Posted by Miranda )oplaros at !*+1! 2o comments+ General Training Model Answer % IELTS (Task 1) 2ou and your family are li%ing in rented a##ommodation in an Englis$3speaking #ountry! 2ou are not satisfied &it$ t$e #ondition of some of t$e furniture! Write a letter to t$e landlord! In your letter Introdu#e yourself E0plain &$at is &rong &it$ t$e furniture ay &$at a#tion you &ould like t$e landlord to take =ear Mr. Patel, ( am one of the tenants renting fully5furnished accommodation in 7unset )ouse in 8ivil 7treetF flat ""1 to be exact. ( moved here six months ago and unfortunately the furniture in the apartment is extremely dangerous. 4irstly, the bed is uneven and this causes my wife to roll onto the floor while she is sleeping. 's you can imagine this is %uite disturbing and could lead to some serious inury. Then, the $itchen table collapsed as we were enoying our 7unday lunch spilling all the dishes with our delicious food onto the floor. /ur guests were shoc$ed and we had to order ta$e away. The incident last wee$, however, when the lampshade in the living room caught fire made this matter pressing. #e would appreciate it if you could replace these faulty items which are causing distress in our household. ' simple bed, $itchen table and hazard free lamp would be useful. 'waiting your response, >ours faithfully, Mr. 8ostas Beorgiou Question taken from IELT , 6ast 6apers p!111 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at !*+*" 2o comments+ General Training Model Answer % IELTS (Task 1) Last mont$ you $ad a $oliday o%erseas &$ere you stayed &it$ some friends! T$ey $a%e -ust sent you some p$otos of your $oliday! Write a letter to your friend! In your letter T$ank t$em for t$e p$otos and for t$e $oliday E0plain &$y you didn5t &rite earlier In%ite t$em to #ome and stay &it$ you =ear 7arah and 8raig, ( have ust received the envelope with our holiday photos. ( really enoyed loo$ing at them and in particular the ones of us in central 9ondon. ( couldn-t have wished for a better brea$. Than$ you for your hospitality and ta$ing the time to show me around the main attractions of the city. ( realize that ( should have been in contact with you earlier but ( was so busy on my return. ( went straight into wor$ from the airport to deal with a crisis there. :nfortunately the fact that ( was also moving house the same wee$ didn-t help. Things have finally settled down so ( decided to drop you a line. ( can-t wait for you to visit me in 3eiing. >ou-ll be amazed by all our wonderful sights and culture. My new house is located in the old part of the city and (-d love to welcome you there. ( have a spare bedroom with anti%ue furniture which (-m sure you-ll appreciate. Please let me $now when you can come and (-ll ma$e all the arrangements. 9ove, 9ee Question taken from IELT * 6ast 6apers p!127 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at !*+;1 2o comments+ General Training Model Answer % IELTS (Task 1) 2ou $a%e re#ently started &ork in a ne& #ompany! Write a letter to an Englis$3speaking friend! In your letter E0plain &$y you #$anged -obs )es#ribe your ne& -ob Tell $imD$er your ot$er ne&s =ear .mma, =o you remember the last time we spo$e and ( told you that ( had been invited for a second interview at 8reative 7olutionsJ #ell, they were really impressed with my portfolio so they hired me. The pac$age was too good to refuse. ( will be getting double the salary, plus commission. The wor$ing hours are also better than my previous ob. #hat is more, the two hour ourney to my previous ob was really draining so it-s great that ( can now wal$ to the office. 's (-ve been given the title of 8reative =irector, it is my responsibility to come up with new concepts for our clients- advertising campaigns. ( have a team of five members to manage and the accounts of large clients. ( will be in charge from the initial idea all the way through to the final product. ( have also moved in with =avidL )is apartment is much better than the place ( was renting and ( was allowed to ta$e my cat with me. (-ve also lost " $ilos as =avid coo$s healthy meals daily and after dinner we wal$ around the neighbourhood for an hour. (-m waiting to hear your news. 9ove, &achel Question taken from IELT * 6ra#ti#e Tests p!11, Tuesday, 11 9ay 2011 Idio&s - Thanks T$anking Bod bless you (-m much obliged to you Many than$s Than$ goodness >ou shouldn-t have Than$s for having me A#kno&ledging t$anks >ou-re welcomeL (t-s a pleasureL 'ny timeL =on-t mention itL 4orget itL (t was nothing (t-s all rightL 2ot at allL That-s all rightL Thin$ nothing of itL (t-s what we are here forL (t-s all part of the service. 9onday, 10 9ay 2011 In'or&al letters - General Training IELTS #hen writing an informal letter+ :se informal vocabulary :se short forms ((-m, )e-s, 7he isn-t etc) .peningD#losing .peningE =ear (name) ClosingE 'll the best,I9ove,I3est wishes, tarting your letter Than$ you for your letter. (t was great hearing from you. 7orry ( haven-t written for so long. (-m writing to tell you aboutN Ending your letter Bive my love to your parentsIfamily. ( can-t wait to see you. #rite bac$ and tell me all your news. That-s all my news for now. 9aking suggestions #hy don-t youIweNJ ( thin$N )ow aboutNJ I 9et-sN Asking for information (-d li$e some more information aboutN (-d love it ifN (-d appreciate it ifN Ai%ing ad%i#e (-m sure you couldN >ou shouldN #hy don-t youNJ (or&al letters - General Training IELTS #hen writing a formal letter+ :se formal vocabulary :se long forms (( am, )e is, 7he is not, They are not etc) .peningDClosing .peningE =ear MrIMrsIMs (name) ClosingE >ours sincerely, .peningE =ear 7irIMadam, ClosingE >ours faithfully, tarting your letter ( am writing in connection withIregardingN ( am interested inN Ending your letter ( hope you will be able toN ( would appreciateIbe grateful if you couldN ( loo$ forward to hearing from you soon. 9aking suggestions (n my opinionN ( thin$N >ouI#e shouldN Asking for information ( would li$e further information aboutN ( would also li$e to as$ ifIwhetherN 8ould you please inform meN ( would appreciate itIbe grateful ifN (s it possible for youN Ai%ing ad%i#e (f ( were you, ( wouldN >ou shouldN (t would be a good idea toN ( am certain that you couldN aturday, 27 9ay 2011 General Training Model Answer % IELTS (Task 2) 9any people say t$at #ooking and eating at $ome is better for t$e indi%idual and t$e family t$an eating out in restaurants or #anteens! )o you agree or disagree( 4ollowing our change in lifestyle, people are faced with many choices when it comes to eating. 7ome prefer to eat home5coo$ed meals while others who are pushed for time might eat out in restaurants, canteens or fast food outlets. .ating at home has many benefits for a person and their family. 4irstly, the food is freshly prepared with ingredients that are $nown to the person who is coo$ing thus providing a healthy alternative to eating out. 7econdly, in terms of cost, it is much cheaper to purchase products from the mar$et and prepare meals at home. Most importantly, eating is a social function. (t gives a family a chance to spend time together in comfortable surroundings and catch up on what is happening in each member-s life. 'n individual is also able to relax from their busy schedule and enoy their meal. (t is not always practical to coo$ at home or sometimes a family might choose to go out for a meal as a form of entertainment. &estaurants and canteens are a good alternative in this case. ' family gets to relax as they do not have to waste time preparing a meal, setting the table and cleaning up afterwards. They also have an opportunity to socialize with others in a public area and see new faces. There are many eateries that provide healthy food opinions, so eating out doesn-t necessarily mean an unhealthy choice. (f coo$ing and eating a meal is a creative activity that involves all members of a family and is a time for relaxation and bonding, ( believe it is a good idea to spend time in the $itchen. /n the other hand, eating at a restaurant or canteen with the family is ust as beneficial. Question from .ffi#ial IELT 6ra#ti#e 9aterials p!"1 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at ;!+,? 2o comments+ aturday, 21 9ay 2011 )o&&on s*elling errors in Ielts (+riting) a##ommodation, ad%ertisement, al&ays, benefit, beginning, business, #ommer#ial, #ountry, different, en%ironment, go%ernment, ne#essary, no&adays, o##urred, passenger, restaurant, tea#$er, t$eir Bbelonging to t$emC, t$oug$t, too Bas &ellC, &$i#$ Posted by Miranda )oplaros at ;"+1* 2o comments+ +riday, 20 9ay 2011 ,to -on-l$de, ( to #ome to an end, to #omplete, to dra& to a #lose, to finis$, to round off, to &ind up, to infer, to sum up, to determine, to settle, to &ork out! +riday, 20 9ay 2011 Model Answer - IELTS (Task 1) T$e #$arts belo& s$o& t$e number of Fapanese tourists tra%elling abroad bet&een 187" and 188" and Australia:s s$are of t$e Fapanese tourist market! ummarise t$e information by sele#ting and reporting t$e main features, and make #omparisons &$ere rele%ant! The bar chart shows how many 6apanese visitors travelled abroad in a ten year period (between !A?1 until !AA1) while the line graph illustrates how many of these tourists visited 'ustralia. 3etween !A?1 and !AA; the number of 6apanese tourists going abroad increased from about 1 million to !! million. This figure continued to rise until !AA1 where it stood at !1 million except for !AA! which noted a slight drop to ust above !; million. Benerally there was an upward trend in 6apanese tourists visiting 'ustralia from "C in !A?1 to triple this amount ten years later. The pea$ travel years were !A?A at around 1C and !AA, at ust above DC. To sum up, the 6apanese demonstrated a preference for travelling aboard in the mid ?;-s and early A;-s as shown by the rising figures. (n addition, 'ustralia was a favourite destination with the percentage of visits on the increase. Question from .ffi#ial IELT 6ra#ti#e 9aterials p!28 +riday, 20 9ay 2011 /hrasal Verbs 0&ake1 9ake somet$ing up O to say or write something that isn-t true. e!g! He made up a story that his dog ate his homewor$. 9ake up somet$ing O to form the whole of something. e!g! ' large percentage of our body is made up of water. 9ake up O to forgive someone and become friendly again. e!g! #e made up after our huge argument. 9ake3up O something you put on your face. e!g! 7he wears make-up to wor$ every day. 9ake up for somet$ing O to replace something that has been lost. e!g! #e are making up for lost time by spending our wee$ends together. 9ake it up to somebody O do something good for somebody. e!g! (-m ta$ing her out to dinner to make up for my bad behavior. 9ake a&ay &it$ somet$ing O to steal something. e!g! The ban$ robbers made away with P1;.;;;. 9ake for somet$ing O go in a particular direction. e!g! #hen the fire bro$e out, the staff made for the emergency exit. 9ake of somet$ingDsomebody O to express an opinion. e!g! #hat do you make of 8raigJ 9ake out somet$ingDsomebody O to have a hard time seeingIhearing somethingIsomebody. e!g! ( couldn-t make out what they were saying from where ( was standing. 9ake out somet$ing O to falsely claim something. e!g! They made out that they didn-t have any money but they moved into an expensive flat. 9ake3o%er O when an expert changes someoneQs appearance. e!g! ( didn-t recognize him after his make-over. T$ursday, 18 9ay 2011 Idio&s ,do, )o me a fa%our O Please do something for me e!g! Do me a favour. 3uy some bread on your way home. )id you e%erG O expressing surprise, amazement etc. e!g! #ell did you everL 9ady Baga is having a concert hereL )on5t do anyt$ing I &ouldn5t doG O 3e good e!g! 3ye 7arah. Dont do anything I wouldnt do! Easy does itG O =o it slowly and carefully. e!g! Easy it does it! There are glasses in that box. 'o& are you doing( O )ow are youJ 'o& do you do it( O )ow is that doneJ e!g! How do you do it? 4ive children and a full5time obL I #ould do &it$H O ( need. e!g! I could do with a holiday as (-ve been wor$ing so hard lately. ure doG O >es please. e!g! =o you want some ca$eJ Sure doL T$at does itG O ( can-t bear any more, (-m going to ta$e action e!g! hat does it! They have been partying non5stop. (-m calling the police. Well doneG O expressing praise and congratulations e!g! !ell done! >ou got an '. W$at do you do( O #hat-s your obJ 2ou do t$at O >es, do it e!g! 7hall ( ring =anielJ "ou do that Tuesday, 10 9ay 2011 Model Answer % IELTS (Task 1) T$e grap$ belo& s$o&s t$e number of #omplaints made about noise to En%ironmental 'ealt$ aut$orities in t$e #ity of ;e&to&n bet&een 1870 and 188,! ummarise t$e information by sele#ting and reporting t$e main features, and make #omparisons &$ere rele%ant! The .nvironmental )ealth authorities in 2ewton received a number of complaints in relation to domestic, factory, traffic and road wor$ noise over a sixteen year period. To begin with, ust over D;; complaints were received in !A?; relating to the noise from road wor$s. 8omplaints from this category fell sharply to less than !;; in !AAD. Protests over domesticIhousehold noise were steady from !A?; to !A?, at approximately 1;; and between !A?D and !AA; at ,;;. There was a dramatic upward trend over a D year period ending at !";; complaints in !AAD which represents the highest figure. 4actories accounted for ,;; complaints in !A?; with the figure increasing by about ";; over the sixteen year period. 4inally, the fewest complaints were made about traffic noise in !A?;. *;; complaints were recorded during the first four years and ";; between !A?D and !A??. 4ollowing a rise in traffic noise complaints, the !AAD figure stood at D;;. /verall, the numbers of complaints received for domesticIhousehold, factory and traffic noise were on the rise whilst noise from road wor$s noted a drop. (n !AAD, domesticIhousehold noise was complained about the most and road wor$s the least. Tuesday, 10 9ay 2011 IELTS 2eading - Ad%antage, benefit, upside, plus, pros )isad%antage, do&nside, dra&ba#k, stumbling blo#k, problem, $andi#ap, #ons Aim, purpose, goal, ob-e#ti%e Conse>uen#e, out#ome, effe#t )iffi#ulty, problem, obsta#le )ifferen#e, dis#repan#y Iisk, $aJard Analysis, e0planation, interpretation C$ara#teristi#, feature, trait $o&s, des#ribes, details, e0plains, pro%ides, sets out Condemn, disappro%e, #ensure, #riti#iJe T$ink, belie%e, per#ei%e, #on#ei%e Wednesday, 2* April 2011 IELTS Task 1 - !es-ribing a *ro-ess T$e diagram belo& s$o&s t$e pro#ess of using &ater to produ#e ele#tri#ity! ummarise t$e information by sele#ting and reporting t$e main features, and make #omparisons &$ere rele%ant! The illustration demonstrates how sea water is transformed into hydro5electric power to supply our energy needs. (nitially the sun-s rays heat the surface of the sea causing the water to evaporate into clouds which then results in rain. ' man5made dam stores this rainwater in a reservoir. #ith the aid of a valve, the reservoir water completes a cycle as it is channeled through a turbine and pump. (n this way, water is re5cycled and the pressure from its circulation produces energy. The turbine is connected to high voltage cables and once the water energizes the turbine this goes to a transformer station. The station is responsible for distributing the electric power to hospitals, schools, factories and houses via underground cables. This forms the final stage of the process. To conclude, natural resources (water, sun, rain) in combination with man5made aids (turbine, cables, power station etc) supply us with clean energy using a relatively simple procedure. Question taken from .ffi#ial IELT 6ra#ti#e 9aterials B2008C p!12 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at ;D+,? 2o comments+ Tuesday, 2, April 2011 Idio&s with ,word, Could I $a%e a &ord( K May ( spea$ to you in privateJ e!g! #ould I have a word? (t-s about Peter. In ot$er &ords O clarify something that has ust been said. e!g! There are conference, meeting and ban%ueting rooms, in other words, the hotel has many facilities. 9ark my &ords O ta$e note of what (-m saying. e!g! $ark my words, he-ll come bac$ for revenge. )e doesnQt give up that easily. 9y &ordG O an expression showing surprise, annoyance. e!g! $y wordL #hat a messL ;ot a &ord O =on-t say anything. e!g! ( can hear them coming. %ot a word or you will ruin the surprise. Words fail me O to show surprise, shoc$, happiness, anger e!g! ( won the lottery. ( can-t believe it. !ords fail me. .ne more &ord out of you O punishment will follow if there isn-t silence e!g! &ne more word out of you and you-ll be sent to your room. 2ou #an take my &ord for it O believe me e!g! ake my word for it, she-s an excellent teacher. Posted by Miranda )oplaros at ;1+*; 2o comments+ (&odern) Contemporary, #urrent, latest, ne&, no%el, present day, state3of3t$e3art, up3to3date Posted by Miranda )oplaros at ;1+;D 2o comments+ /hrasal Verbs with ,write, Write somet$ing do&n O to write something so that you don-t forget it. e!g! Please write down your email address. Write in O to write a letter to an organization. e!g! The students wrote in with their %uestions. Write somet$ing or somebody in O to add a scene or character to a boo$, play or film. e!g! They wrote in that part ust to hire the superstar. Write somet$ing off O to accept that money will never be re5paid. e!g! /ur government is writing off the debt. Write somet$ing off O when a damaged vehicle can-t be repaired. e!g! 4ollowing the accident the )onda has been written off. Write out O to write information on a document such as a che%ue or prescription. e!g! )e wrote out a che%ue for the money he owed us. Write up O to complete something usually using notes. e!g! 4inally she wrote up that report. Posted by Miranda )oplaros at ;*+,0 2o comments+ Wednesday, 11 April 2011 The *assie oi-e The passive voice is used to show what happens to something. We use t$e passi%eE #hen what is being done is more important than who does it or we don-t $now who is doing the action. To describe a process. (n formal writing . +ormE <erb 'e E past participle 6resent simple The lemons are pi#ked by wor$ers. 6resent #ontinuous The lemons are being pi#ked by wor$ers. 6ast simple The lemons &ere pi#ked by wor$ers. 6ast #ontinuous The lemons &ere being pi#ked by wor$ers. 6resent perfe#t The lemons $a%e been pi#ked by wor$ers. 6ast perfe#t The lemons $ad been pi#ked by wor$ers. Aoing to The lemons are going to be pi#ked by wor$ers. Infiniti%e The lemons are to be pi#ked by wor$ers. 3ing form The lemons are being pi#ked by wor$ers. ?sed to The lemons used to be pi#ked by wor$ers. 9odals The lemons s$ould be pi#ked by wor$ers. ;eed to D $a%e to The lemons need to D $a%e to be pic$ed by wor$ers. ;eed Ling The lemons need pi#king by wor$ers. Posted by Miranda )oplaros at ;;+;0 2o comments+ Wednesday, , April 2011 Model Answer % IELTS (Task 2) 9any old buildings are prote#ted by la& be#ause t$ey are part of a nation5s $istory! 'o&e%er, some people t$ink old buildings s$ould be kno#ked do&n to make &ay for ne& ones be#ause people need $ouses and offi#es! 'o& important is it to maintain old buildings( $ould $istory stand in t$e &ay of progress( Many modern cities such as Prague, <enice and 3udapest are memorable because of their historical architecture. 8ontemporary buildings are often placed amongst ancient ones to accommodate the increasing populations in cities. (t is difficult to imagine a visit to a city, for example 2ew >or$, which does not include a tour to the 4lat (ron or .mpire 7tate building. There is no doubt that old buildings add to the character, culture and history of a country and as such should be maintained. /ld buildings have a life of their own and an interesting story to tell. 'ny architect will tell you that old buildings indicate the style of architecture of a certain period and provide information of how people used to live in the past. (n order to add to a nation-s cultural heritage, these landmar$s need to be maintained with the appropriate funding and restoration wor$ in order to ensure they are safe. Those who wish to replace these historical buildings with high rises for business and accommodation purposes promote progress and practicality. They do not appreciate history, art and architecture. ( believe there are other creative solutions that do not involve demolishing historical buildings in favour of impersonal s$yscrapers. 3usiness par$s and accommodation villages could be build in suburbs for example. #ell preserved old buildings are the pride and oy of a nation. They become an instant tourist attraction and appear on postcards thus promoting the cultural heritage of a country. .ven though there is a great demand for housing and office bloc$s, alternative solutions need to be found. Question taken from .ffi#ial IELT 6ra#ti#e 9aterials B2008C p!11 Posted by Miranda )oplaros at ;?+!? 2o comments+ Model Answer % IELTS (Task 2) Tele%ision is dangerous be#ause it destroys family life and any sense of #ommunityM instead of %isiting people or talking &it$ our family &e -ust &at#$ tele%ision! To &$at e0tent do you agree or disagree &it$ t$is opinion( =ue to the fact that television is no longer considered a luxury it has become part of our daily life and can be found in almost all households. =espite the many advantages it provides in the form of endless hours of entertainment, a vast variety of programme choices and the educational possibilities it offers, ( strongly agree that television is destructive to family and community life. Television has changed the way people communicate with each other. 3efore the invention of television, a family would spend more time together discussing the events of the day and attempting to solve any problems that existed. 4amily meals were also enriched by conversation whereas today, T< encourages a solitary existence. (t is a passive use of time and does not encourage individuals to tal$ to each other as all their attention is focused on the screen. (n some cases, if someone is disturbed when they are watching their favourite show, they tend to get irritable leading to an argument. Television has also had an impact on community life. People no longer visit others as fre%uently as they used to. (n the past individuals spent their time with their friends and relatives playing interactive games and activities such as playing cards, singing and storytelling. 9ife in front of a box is lonely and discourages any form of community life. People are trapped in their homes and their inner lives, glued to the television. (n conclusion, the danger of television lies in its ability to fool people into believing they are not re%uired to ma$e an effort to socialise. 8ommunicating, interacting and visiting others is part of being social and as human beings are social animals, this aspect of our personality is becoming extinct by watching television. Question taken from .ffi#ial IELT 6ra#ti#e 9aterials B2008C p!1, Tuesday, 28 9ar#$ 2011 IELTS Task 1 - !es-ribing a *ro-ess T$e illustrations s$o& $o& #$o#olate is produ#ed! ummarise t$e information by sele#ting and reporting t$e main features! The process demonstrates how chocolate is made from the initial stage of pluc$ing ripe red pods off the cocoa trees located in 7outh 'merica, 'frica and (ndonesia to the final stage of producing li%uid chocolate. (nitially white cocoa beans are extracted from the harvested pods when they are ripe. 4ollowing fermentation, they are spread out in the sun and left to dry. /nce the dry beans have been placed in sac$s they are ready to be transported to a factory by train or lorry. (n the factory, the beans are roasted at high temperatures. They are then crushed in a rotating machine once their outer shell has been removed. 4inally, li%uid chocolate is produced by pressing the inner part of the bean with the help of large rollers. To sum up, there are ten main steps involved in the production of chocolate and the transformation of a ripe cocoa pod into an edible form. Question from Objective Ielts, Students Book p!18