The document is an admit card for a written exam for a graduate trainee position at an oil and gas company. It provides details about the exam such as the candidate's name, roll number, exam date and time, exam instructions, and reporting details for the exam venue.
The document is an admit card for a written exam for a graduate trainee position at an oil and gas company. It provides details about the exam such as the candidate's name, roll number, exam date and time, exam instructions, and reporting details for the exam venue.
The document is an admit card for a written exam for a graduate trainee position at an oil and gas company. It provides details about the exam such as the candidate's name, roll number, exam date and time, exam instructions, and reporting details for the exam venue.
The document is an admit card for a written exam for a graduate trainee position at an oil and gas company. It provides details about the exam such as the candidate's name, roll number, exam date and time, exam instructions, and reporting details for the exam venue.
ADMIT CARD FOR ALL INDIA GT-2013 WRITTEN EXAMINATION FOR THE POST OF Graduate Trainee 2013 Roll No. : 08015301153355 Registration No. : ONGC333969 Name of the Candidate : PARTIK SHARMA Date Of Birth : Jun-04-1993 Domain Name/Code : Mechanical Engineering Category : General Physical Handicaped : No Type of Physical Disability : N/A Departmental Candidate : No Language Opted : English
Signature of the invigilator(To Cover the photograph)
VENUE DETAILS Venue Address : Tagore Vidy a Bhawan Senior Secondary School Swran Path, Mansarov ar,Jaipur,302020 Nearest LandMark : DATE & TIME OF WRITTEN TEST Test Date : 22-06-2014(Sunday) Test Time : 10:00 AM to 1 PM Reporting Time : 09:30 AM Entry Close : 10:30 AM Test City : Jaipur INSTRUCTIONS 1. Admission to the test centre will be on production of this Admit Card only . 2. Please paste y our passport size photograph on the Admit Card in the space prov ided f or Photo, if the scanned photo is not visible. 3. Bring one photo identity proof (PAN Card/ Driv ing license/Voter ID Card/ Adhar Card/ Passport etc.) f or v erif ication purpose. 4. Candidate is adv ised to make sure about the location of examination centre in adv ance so that he/she appears f or the examination on the specif ied date and centre at least 30 minutes bef ore commencement of the exam. 5. At the Examination center, the candidate must occupy the seat allotted against his roll number and is expected to maintain discipline. Thus interchanging seats, creating disturbance, exchanging notes, consulting/ talking, seeking/ receiv ing any help f rom external means / using mobile phones etc. will result in cancellation of his candidature f or the post. Candidates f ound using unf air means will be disqualif ied 6. The admission to the Examination Centre will be allowed f rom 09:30 AM. Candidates will not be allowed to enter the examination hall af ter 10:30 AM under any circumstances. They will not be allowed to leav e the examination hall till the completion of the test 7. The test consists of 3 sections. (1) General Awareness: 40 MCQs hav ing 40 Marks, (2) Concerned Discipline/Domain/Subject: 80 MCQs hav ing 80 Marks, (3) Aptitude Test: 30 MCQs hav ing 30 Marks . Test Duration is 3 hours.There is NO negativ e marking. 8. This admit card should be brought to the examination centre and handed ov er to the inv igilator. Candidate can keep a copy of the Admit Card with them. Candidate to ensure that his signature and inv igilators signature are put (in the space prov ided f or it) on the Admit Card as well as on OMR answer sheet & attendance sheet, f ailing which the OMR answer sheet will be treated as inv alid. 9. Candidates should carry their own blue/black ball point pen. Candidates will not be allowed to share or borrow stationary items f rom other candidates 10. All other items such as Smart watches, Calculators, Electronic Diary , Cell phone, writing pads, pencil boxes, beepers, Cameras or any other electronic dev ice etc. will not be allowed into the examination hall. Candidates will hav e to leav e the same at their own risk outside the examination hall. Any candidate f ound in possession of such unauthorized material or indulging in copy ing or adopting unf air means will be summarily disqualif ied 11. SC/ST/PWD candidates are eligible f or reimbursement of 2nd class rail/bus f are by the shortest route, on production of original railway /bus ticket and SC/ST caste/ PWD disability certif icate f ailing which No TA will be Paid. TA f orm can be downloaded f rom our website. 12. The mere f act that a certif icate of admission to the Examination has been issued to a candidate will not imply that his/her candidature has been f inally cleared, or that the entries made by the candidate in his/her application f or the Examination hav e been accepted by ONGC as true and correct. Candidates may note that v erif ication of eligibility conditions of a candidate, with ref erence to original documents, will be taken up only af ter the candidate has qualif ied f or Interv iew based on the result of the written test. 13. Only those candidates who f ulf ill all the eligibility criteria should appear in the test. If at any stage it is f ound that the candidate is not eligible f or the post, his/her candidature will be summarily rejected. 14. Candidates who hav e opted f or a scribe in their online application f orm, shall be prov ided a scribe by ONGC. 15. The OMR answer sheet, Carbon Copy of OMR answer sheet and admit card should be handed ov er to the inv igilator af ter the test. Candidate can take the Question Booklet with them af ter the examination. 16. ONGC reserv es the right to cancel the process if considered necessary at any stage of selection/appointment. DGM(IE) RECRUITMENT SECTION-ONGC