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Irrigation Management: Using Electrical Resistance Blocks To Measure Soil Moisture

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FS 899
Using Electrical Resistance Blocks
to Measure Soil Moisture
by Hal Werner, Extension irrigation specialist
Using resistance blocks and meters to measure soil
moisture can pay big dividends when you need to
decide if it's time to irrigate. Delaying irrigation too
long can result in crop stress and reduce yield poten-
tial by as much as 10 to 20 bushels of corn per acre
for each inch of water. Conversely, when soil mois-
ture is adequate, resistance block readings can pro-
vide the information needed to save $2 to $5 per inch
per acre by eliminating unnecessary irrigations.
Resistance blocks and meters have become accepted
irrigation management tools. Soil moisture readings
can be used to schedule irrigations or to assist with
other methods of scheduling such as the checkbook
What is the electrical resistance method?
The electrical resistance method uses a small block
that changes resistance as soil moisture changes. The
block is buried in the soil and lead wires connected to
the block are brought above ground level. When the
meter is connected to the wire leads, block resistance
is read. The reading is related to the moisture content
of the soil. The drier the soil, the greater the electrical
resistance and vice-versa. Reading the resistance of
the block with a portable meter gives the user a meas-
ure of the amount of water in the root zone.
Most blocks are constructed of wires or a wire grid
embedded in a gypsum material. The block may be
entirely gypsum or covered with a porous material
such as sand, fiberglass, or ceramic. After burial, the
moisture block comes to equilibrium with the soil
moisture. Figure 1 is a diagram of a common block.
Meters are portable and are intended for use in read-
ing a large number of blocks throughout one or more
fields. The specially designed meters can be either
analog or digital. The readings on the meter are cali-
brated to give reading that relate to the soil moisture
content. One meter brand may not work with a differ-
ent brand of block.
Resistance block methods are suitable for most soils,
and the readings cover most of the soil moisture
ranges of concern to irrigation management. The
blocks tend to deteriorate over time, and it may be
best to use them for only one season. Problems may
occur with highly acid or highly saline soils.
Locating moisture blocks in the field
Install blocks in at least two locations in the field
(four is preferable), one near the start of the irrigation
cycle and one near the end of the cycle (Figure 2).
Use two locations for each crop where more than one
crop is in the same field. Four locations are desirable
for surface-irrigated fields.
Where there is more than one soil type, place the
blocks in the predominant soil types. Avoid locations
such as low areas, hill tops, beneath the coverage of
the end gun, or under the first tower of a center pivot,
near the edges of fields that may get uneven irriga-
tion, or any other place that is not representative of
the field.
Locate the blocks where they
will be accessible from a road or
trail. It is very important to
place the blocks where they can
be found easily for repeated
reading, especially as crop
growth increases. Do not locate
the block sites too far from field
roads so that extra effort is
required to find and read them.
Put markers or flags in the row
and on the edge of the field.
Placing blocks in the soil
Install at least two blocks at each site except for shal-
low-rooted crops or for very shallow soil underlain by
gravel. When soil depth is less than normal rooting
depth, use actual soil depth to determine how deep to
place the blocks.
Place the blocks in the crop rooting zone at 1/3 and
2/3 of the crop rooting depth (Figure 3). For most
soils without restrictive layers, about 70% of the roots
are in the top 50% of the root zone. Table 1 gives nor-
mal rooting depths for common crops along with rec-
ommended block depths.
Remember, these are rooting depths for mature crops.
Root development progresses at a rate similar to top
Install the blocks early in the growing season so that
the roots grow around the blocks. For row crops,
place the blocks between plants in the row. Avoid
locations where field equipment or pivot wheels
could run over the location. Reduce foot traffic
around the sensors to
minimize soil com-
Preparing and
installing blocks
Follow the manufac-
turers' instructions for
the type of block
being used. For most
of the blocks, it is a
good practice to soak
and dry the new
blocks before placing
them in the soil. Use clean water (preferably dis-
tilled). Soak the blocks for two to four minutes, then
let them dry for five to 10 minutes. Repeat this
process for two to three cycles. This removes air from
the block and primes it. The blocks should be wet
when they are placed in the soil. Do not store the
blocks in water or leave them in water for more than
a few minutes as this may dissolve them.
Always keep the blocks clean and don't handle the
porous part of the blocks with anything that could
make them dirty. Make sure used blocks are in good
condition before reusing. Very few are usable after
two years, and many may be damaged or decomposed
after one season of use. Never use a block if it is
damaged or has parts of the wire electrodes exposed.
Check the lead wires to make sure they are okay.
A standard soil probe works well to install many
types of blocks in the soil. Make a pilot hole in the
soil to the depth desired. Crumble a small amount of
the last soil removed back into the hole and add some
water to make a soil slurry in the hole which will help
obtain good soil contact. Use the soil probe or a sec-
tion of 1/2" conduit to insert the block in the hole. If
possible, insert the block slightly deeper into the hole
than the pilot hole. Make sure there is good, firm con-
tact between the block and the surrounding soil. Use
care to avoid damage to the block and lead wires.
Add a small amount of similar soil around the block
and pour water in the hole to get good contact with
the block. Backfill the hole with soil and pack to pre-
vent surface water from running down into the hole.
After installing the blocks, use the meter to test the
lead wires and block. The reading should indicate
nearly saturated soil. Readings will not indicate true
soil moisture for one to two days because of the water
added around the block. Wrap the lead wires around a
stake and mark them for future reading.
Check to make sure the meter and adjustments work
properly. Meter readings of zero or full scale indicate
a malfunction. Check the meter and lead wires first if
the readings are off-scale. If there is still a problem,
the block may be defective and may need to be
Using moisture blocks for irrigation management
Measuring soil moisture benefits irrigation water
management by giving more accurate soil moisture
information and is an integral part of any irrigation
scheduling program. Soil moisture readings can be
used by themselves to schedule irrigations, but they
are most valuable when used in combination with
other methods such as the Checkbook method (see
Extension Circular 897) or a computer model. Soil
moisture readings can help you determine initial soil
moisture balances and update these balances through-
out the irrigation season. Where the readings are used
to update other scheduling methods, readings once or
twice per week may suffice.
Where soil moisture readings are the basis for sched-
uling irrigations, take readings at least every other
day. Use the shallow block to judge when to start irri-
gating. The deep block can be used to determine if
irrigation is keeping up with crop water needs. If
readings of the deep block
indicate the soil is getting
drier even after irrigating,
continue irrigating or apply
more water with each irriga-
tion. If the readings of the
deep block show the soil is
too wet (less than 20 cen-
tibars tension), apply less
water during each irrigation
since there is a greater
chance of over watering and
leaching of nutrients should
heavy rainfall occur.
During periods of lower
water use and after rainfall, it
is especially important to
monitor the black readings. Stop irrigation when both
the shallow and deep readings indicate the soil mois-
ture is wet and could not hold another irrigation with-
out over watering and deep leaching.
Record the soil moisture readings along with rainfall
and irrigation amounts to help the management and
planning. Diligent use of soil moisture readings will
allow you to develop an art to knowing how and
when to irrigate on your farm. Table 2 gives the soil
moisture deficit for two common types of blocks. The
shaded area on the table is the optimum range for typ-
ical soils and most crops. Generally, optimum soil
tension for most crops is a value from 30 to 50 cen-
tibars. Remember that the dryer the soil moisture
reading, the harder it is for the plant to use the water
remaining in the soil profile.
Use soil moisture readings to schedule irrigation so
the irrigation cycle can be completed before crop
stress occurs. Block readings only show current mois-
ture levels in the soil and cannot predict future read-
ings. It is possible for readings to change rapidly from
one day to the next. Table 3 is an example of readings
to use with the Delmhorst blocks and KSD1 meter.
Most irrigation systems do not pump enough water to
keep up during periods of high water use. Starting
irrigations early is important during these periods or
during critical growth stages to prevent excessive
depletion of the soil moisture reserve. Taking soil
moisture readings regularly, together with rainfall,
irrigation information, and weather forecasts, can help
you predict future crop water use and irrigations.
Figure 4 shows an example of soil moisture deficit
calculations using Delmhorst blocks and KSD1
meters. Blocks are set at 12" and 24" at the start and
end of the irrigation cycle. The 12-inch block read-
ings represents the top 1.5 feet of the root zone and
the 24-inch block readings represent the next 1.5 feet,
so the deficit is 1.5 times the appropriate value from
Table 2. Irrigation has been completed for the blocks
at the start of the field.
Because crop demands and sensitivity to water stress
often are lower early and late in the season, it may be
possible to deplete more soil moisture at those times
without loss of crop yield. This will allow more effec-
tive use of rainfall and minimize leaching of chemi-
cals and nutrients below the root zone. Terminate irri-
gation if adequate soil moisture reserves are available
for the crop to mature.
It is possible to use blocks to automate irrigation
scheduling Many electronic controllers on irrigation
systems will accept input from blocks and trigger irri-
gation based on the readings.
Caring for blocks in the off-season
In some cases, blocks can be removed from the soil
by digging them up. If they are in good condition,
wash them with clean water, dry, and store them in a
dry area over winter. Blocks installed in alfalfa or
permanent crop may be left in the soil. If blocks are
not saved after the season, they may be abandoned in
the soil. Cut off the lead wires at ground level.
Replace meter batteries annually or as needed. Store
the meters in a dry, non-freezing place. Remove the
batteries during the winter to prevent corrosion.
Cost of blocks
Resistance blocks range in price from about $5 to
$30. Meters cost from $150 to $300. Total cost for
one irrigated field will be approximately $180 to $400
or from $1.50 to $5 per acre. The cost is certainly less
than $1 per acre on an annual basis and will pay for
itself manyfold if the moisture blocks are used consci-
Suppliers of blocks
There are a number of known suppliers for the vari-
ous types of resistance blocks and meters:
Watermark blocks and meter
Irrometer Company, Inc.
P.O. Box 2424
Riverside, CA 92516-2424
Gypsum blocks and meter
Delmhorst Instrument Company
51 Indian Lane
East Towaco, NJ 07082
Blocks and meter
Soilmoisture Equipment Company
P.O. Box 30025
Santa Barbara, CA 93105
(805) 964-3525
Blocks and meter
Beckman Instruments, Inc.
89 Commerce Road
Cedar Grove, NJ 07009
201) 239-6200
Blocks and meter
NASCO Agricultural Sciences
901 Janesville Ave.
Ft. Atkinson, WI 53508-901
(800) 558-9595
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the USDA. Larry Tidemann, Director of Extension,
Associate Dean, College of Agriculture & Biological Sciences, South Dakota State University, Brookings. SDSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer
(Male/Female) and offers all benefits, services, and educational and employment opportunities without regard for ancestry, age, race, citizenship, color, creed, religion,
gender, disability, national origin, sexual preference, or Vietnam Era veteran status.
1M copies printed by CES at a cost of $..20 each. August 1995; updated April 2002.
This publication and others can be accessed electronically from the SDSU
College of Agriculture & Biological Sciences publications page, which is at

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