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ISRN Radiology
Volume 2013, Article ID 239424, 6 pages
Review Article
Early Diagnosis of Gallbladder Carcinoma:
An AlgorithmApproach
Abhishek Vijayakumar,
Avinash Vijayakumar,
Vijayraj Patil,
M. N. Mallikarjuna,
and B. S. Shivaswamy
Department of General Surgery, Victoria Hospital, Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, Bangalore 50002, India
Department of Radiology, Banaras Hindu University, Uttar Pradesh, Varanasi 221005, India
Correspondence should be addressed to Abhishek Vijayakumar; abhishekbmc,yahoo.co.in
Received 13 August 2012; Accepted 1 September 2012
Academic Editors: B. Puri and H.-X. Xu
Copyright 2013 Abhishek Vijayakumar et al. Tis is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
Gall bladder carcinoma is the most common biliary tract cancer. Delayed presentation and early spread of tumor make it one of
the lethal tumors with poor prognosis. Considering that simple cholecystectomy for T1 disease could ofer a potential cure, it is
increasingly needed to identify it at early stages. Identifcation of high-risk cases and ofering prophylactic cholecystectomy can
decrease the incidence of gallbladder carcinoma. With advances in diagnostic tools like contrast-enhanced endoscopic ultrasound,
elastography, multidetctor CT, MRI, and PET scan, we can potentially diagnose gallbladder carcinoma at early stages. Tis paper
reviews the various diagnostic modalities available and an algorithmic approach to early diagnosis of gallbladder carcinoma.
1. Introduction
Gallbladder carcinoma (GBC) is the most common biliary
tract cancer, accounting for 3of all tumors [1]. GBCis hard
to detect and diagnose in its early stages because it usually
has very slight symptoms or is asymptomatic. But once the
diagnosis is confrmed, most of these patients ofen have
metastasis and invasion. Furthermore, GBCis not sensitive to
radiotherapy and chemotherapy. All of these characteristics
make GBC a highly lethal tumor with a 3-year survival rate
of less than 3 [2]. Considering that survival afer simple
cholecystectomy for T1 disease is reported to be near 100
[3]. It becomes increasingly necessary for early diagnosis and
identifng patients at high-risk of carcinoma and ofer them
prophylactic cholecystectomy.
Te prevalence of gallbladder cancer (GBC) shows great
geographical variation. It is rare in the Western world,
including the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and NewZealand,
where the incidence rates range between 0.4 and 0.8 in men
and between 0.6 and 1.4 in women per 100 000 population.
However, high incidence rates, up to 2-4 in men and up to
4-6 in women, have been reported from various countries
in central and south America, central and eastern Europe,
and Japan. Tough the overall age-adjusted incidence rates
of GBC in India are low (1.0 for men and 2.3 for women
per 100 000 population), the incidence in women in Delhi
in north India and Bhopal in central India is as high as 6.6
and 3.2, respectively, much higher than 0.6 in Chennai, and
0.8 in Bangalore in south India. In Delhi, GBC (incidence
rate 6.6) was the fourth most common cancer (following
cervix, breast, and ovary; incidence rates being 30.1, 28.3, and
8.7, resp.) and the most common gastrointestinal cancer in
women (commoner than oesophagus 4.6, stomach 2.4, and
colon 2.0) [4].
Risk factors for this neoplasm include gallstones and a
history of chronic cholecystitis and an estimated 22 of
patients with porcelain gallbladder will develop carcinoma.
Others risk factors include choledochal cysts, anomalous
pancreaticobiliary duct junctions, and gallbladder polyps
1 cm in size. Gallbladder carcinoma has a peak incidence in
the sixth and seventh decades of life and is three to fve times
more predominant in females.
2 ISRN Radiology
Imaging modalities used in evaluating gallbladder dis-
eases include ultrasonography, endoscopic ultrasonography,
computer tomography, and MRI.
Gallbladder carcinoma may appear at any of these imag-
ing techniques as a mass completely occupying or replacing
the gallbladder lumen, focal or difuse asymmetric gallblad-
der wall thickening, or an intraluminal polypoid lesion.
2. Mass Occupying or Replacing
the Gallbladder Lumen
Occuring in about 40-63, on sonography, CT, or MRI,
the presence of a large gallbladder mass that nearly flls or
replaces the lumen, ofen directly invading the surround-
ing liver parenchyma, is highly suggestive of gallbladder
carcinoma. Sonography, heterogeneous, and predominantly
hypoechoic tumor flls much or all of the gallbladder lumen.
Anechoic foci of trapped bile or necrotic tumor may be
present, as well as echogenic shadowing foci from gallstones,
porcelain gallbladder, or tumor calcifcations [3]. Primary
gallbladder carcinoma is usually hypodense on unenhanced
CT, with up to 40 of lesions showing hypervascular foci of
enhancement equal to or greater than that of liver afer i. v.
contrast administration [6]. On MRI, gallbladder carcinoma
usually shows hypo- to isointense signal characteristics on
T1-weighted and moderately hyperintense signal character-
istics on T2-weighted sequences [7].
3. Focal or Diuse Asymmetric Wall Thickening
Gallbladder carcinoma may present as focal or difuse asym-
metric wall thickening in 20-30 of cases. Diferentiating
between commonly observed causes of difuse gallbladder
wall thickening (Figure 2) such as chronic cholecystitis, acute
cholecystitis, gallbladder carcinoma, and other nonspecifc
causes such as ascites, congestive heart failure, and hypoal-
buminemia can be dimcult.
Mitake et al. [8] reported the efectiveness of endoscopic
ultrasonography in the diagnosis of gallbladder carcinoma
and determination of the extent of tumor invasion; difer-
ential diagnosis between early and advanced-stage tumors
was 79.3 accurate, and the overall accuracy for tumor
invasion depth was 76.9. Tumor infltration can be detected
as hypoechoic tumor invading the layers of the gallbladder
wall. In 1998, Hirooka et al. [9] reported that in contrast-
enhanced endosonography, enhancement was observed in 11
of 12 adenocarcinoma (91.7) but not in adenosquamous
carcinoma or cholesterol polyps. Depth of tumor invasion
was assessed accurately in 11 of 14 cases (78.6) by con-
ventional endoscopic ultrasonography, and in 13 of 14 cases
(92.9) by contrast-enhanced endosonography.
Studies have been done using multidetector row CT
(MDCT) with a dual-phase technique to show diferential
gallbladder wall enhancement for distinguishing between
benign and malignant causes of gallbladder wall thickening,
with reported sensitivity and specifcity of 82.3 and 73.9,
respectively. In a study by Kim et al. [10], MDCT fndings
of hyper enhancing thick inner wall 2.6 mm during the
portal venous phase, weakly enhancing or nonenhancing thin
outer wall 3.4 mm, and irregular and focal wall thickening
indicate a malignant cause of fat gallbladder wall thickening
rather than benign disease.
Real-time elastography using acoustic radiation force
impulse (ARFI) is a newemerging technique, whichuses high
intensity focused ultrasound to evaluate the tissue stifness in
the liver, breast, and other organs [11]. It has also been shown
to diferentiate between benign and malignant nodules in
various organs [12]. Te likely reasonfor this diference is that
malignant tissues have much higher stifness due to increased
cell density compared to tissues with chronic infammation
and fbrosis.
In a study by Kapoor et al. [13], a mean shear wave
velocity of 3.41 m/s (93 confdence interval, 3.1-3.7 m/s)
was seen in patients with gallbladder carcinoma. At a cut-
of value of 2.7 m/s, elastography showed overall accuracy
of 92.8 with sensitivity and specifcity of 100 and 91.3,
respectively, for diagnosing gallbladder carcinoma. It had a
high likelihood ratio of 11.7, and a false positive rate of 8.3
which was mainly formed by cases of acute cholecystitis.
Tus, routine use elastography during ultrasonography to
evaluate increased gallbladder wall thickness combined with
MDCT and contrast-enhanced endoscopic ultrasound can
help in early diagnosis and staging of difuse wall thickening
type of gallbladder carcinoma.
4. Gallbladder Polyps
Te prevalence of gallbladder polyps (Figure 1) varies from
0.3 to 12 in healthy adults who undergo abdominal
ultrasonography (US). GB polyps are classifed into 2 groups:
neoplastic (adenomas, adenocarcinomas) and nonneoplastic
(cholesterol polyps, infammatory polyps, adenomyomato-
sis). GB polyps larger than 10 mm in diameter are generally
indications for cholecystectomy because of the risk of malig-
nancy. Te largest PLG series was a review of 172 surgically
resected cases, and this showed that the most common type
of PLGwas the cholesterol polyp (62.8). Tey also reported
that 7 were infammatory polyps, 7 were hyperplasia,
3.9were adenoma, 9.6were miscellaneous, and 7.7were
malignant polyps in the study population [14].
However, several reports have shown widely varying
incidence rates of neoplastic pathologic conditions in 10 to
20 mm (26-88) [13] and 6 to 10 mm polyps (19-23)
[16]. Tus, an accurate imaging assessment to diferentiate
neoplastic GB polyps from nonneoplastic ones is required to
overcome the limitations of size criteria alone.
Ultrasound features to be considered in diagnosis of
polyps are number (solitary or multiple), size (6 mm, 6-
10 mm, 1 cm), shape (pedunculated or sessile), echogenicity
(hypo, iso, and hyper), surface (smooth or nodular), internal
echogenicity (homogenous or inho-mogeneous), and hyper-
echoic spots (single 1-3 mm, highly echogenic dot, or partial
aggregates of 1-3 mmsized, multiple, highly echogenic spots)
Color Doppler ultrasonography has been reported to be
useful in the evaluation of malignant lesions. Hirooka et
ISRN Radiology 3
Screenig ultrasound gallbladder polyp
Endoscopic ultrasound
CECT abdomen CRP level
Negative Positive
Endoscopic ultrasound
Follow-up scan after
Follow-up scan
12 mo
6 mo
EUS polyp
Follow-up scan 6 mo
EUS polyp score
EUS polyp score
EUS polyp score
>10 mm
<6 mm 610 mm
FicUvi 1: Algorithmfor management of gall bladder polyp. EUS (endoscopic ultrasound) CECT (contrast-enhanced computer tomography)
FDG PET (fudeoxyglucose positron emission tomography).
Normal mucosal thickness Thickned mucosa
extrahepatic bileduct excision.
Normal CBD
Normal or HCPBD
ERCP + biliary
amylase level
cholecystitis on screening ultrasound
Follow-up scan
12 mo
Dilated CBD
Prophylactic cholecystectomy+
Follow-up scan
after 12 mo
Elevated biliary
>10 mm
Gallbladder wall thickness >3 mm in absence of features of
dynamic MRCP
FicUvi 2: Algorithm for management of thickened gallbladder wall.
al. [18] reported that in cancerous gallbladder polyps, the
color signal pattern was difuse, becoming linear at the base.
Velocity and the resistance index were 39.0 12.4 cm/s and
0.62 0.12, respectively, which was signifcantly diferent
from control measurements.
Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography has added to accu-
racy of routine ultrasonography in diagnosis of gallblad-
der diseases. Hattori et al. [19] reported the usefulness
of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography using a galactose-
based contrast agent (Levovist, Nippon Schering, Japan) for
diferential diagnosis of polypoid gallbladder lesions. Tey
examined contrast-enhancement patterns and time-intensity
curves. Contrast-enhancement patterns were classifed as
linear, scattered, difuse, or branched. When difuse and
branched types were considered indicative of cancer, accu-
racy was 84.3, sensitivity 100, and specifcity 76.9. In
gallbladder carcinoma, the time-intensity curve rose sooner
than in other diseases as time progressed from no contrast
to early phase. In adenocarcinoma, high-intensity values
persisted at 120 s. With an intensity of 90 or greater at
120 s taken to indicate cancer, accuracy was 89.7, sensi-
tivity 89.3, and specifcity 89.7. Te report concluded
4 ISRN Radiology
that ultrasonographic contrast-enhancement patterns show
characteristic associations with pathologic fndings, serving
as a valuable adjunct in diagnosis of gallbladder diseases.
In a study by Hattori et al. [20], contrast-enhanced ultra-
sonography using perfubutane (Sonazoid, Daiichi-Sankyo,
Tokyo) in evaluating gallbladder carcinoma showed stain-
ing throughout the tumor was continuous, consistent with
difuse hypervascularity. Diferences between lesion types in
fow image size and convection of blood fow were observed.
Flowing images, designated as an irregular rolling sign or
eruption sign, appeared to be characteristic of gallbladder
cancer. On the other hand, in benign gallbladder polyps,
staining was scattered with the fowimage being uniformand
small. Terefore, contrast-enhanced ultrasonography using
perfubutane should be useful in the diferential diagnosis of
gallbladder tumors.
EUS is considered superior to transabdominal US for
imaging the biliary system, with higher ultrasound frequen-
cies (3-12 MHz versus 2-3 MHz). EUS can diferentiate the
double-layered structure of the GB wall and provide higher
resolving power for small polypoid lesions.Two EUS scoring
systems have been proposed to predict neoplastic GB polyps.
Choi et al. [21] suggested a scoring system based on layer
structure, echo patterns, the margin of the polyps, and stalk
and polyp numbers. At a cut-of score of 6, the sensitivity
and specifcity for the risk of neoplastic polyps were 4.6and
84.6, respectively. Sadamoto et al. [22] proposed another
EUS formula: maximumdiameter (in millimeters) + internal
echo pattern score (heterogenous = 4, homogenous = 0) +
hyperechoic spot (3). With this system, the sensitivity and
specicity for the risk of neoplastic polyps with scores of 12
were 77.8and 82.7, respectively.
In a study by Cho et al. [23], the presence of hypoechoic
foci alone allows diferentiation between neoplastic and non-
neoplastic GB polyps with relatively high sensitivity (90)
and specicity (89). And polyps from 13 to 20 mm with
hypoechoic foci were malignant (sensitivity 83, specicity
87, and positive predictive value 83).
Recently nuclear scans have been studied for evaluating
malignant tumor in gallbladder polyps. (18)F-FDG uptake
in a GP measured by standardized uptake value and ratio
of SUVgp to mean SUV of the liver (GP/L ratio) was high
predictor of malignancy [24]. In another study by Nishiyama
et al. [23], it was shown that delayed (18)F-FDG PET is more
helpful than early (18)F-FDG PET for evaluating malignant
lesions because of increased lesion uptake and increased
lesion-to-background contrast and also combining it with
retention index increased sensitivity to 100 and specifcity
to 80. But the limitation of both studies was that in a setting
of acute cholecystitis or previous episode of cholecystitis
there was high rate of false positivity and a pretest CRP levels
assessment can increase the specifcity of these tests.
5. Pancreaticobiliary Maljunction
Pancreaticobiliary maljunction is defned as an abnormal
union of the pancreatic and biliary ducts that is located
outside the duodenal wall, where a sphincter system is
not present. Tus, two ducts are always communicating,
and pancreatic juice freely regurgitates into the biliary tract
through this passage. Numerous studies have shown that
pancreatobiliary refux is a major risk factor for biliary
carcinogenesis in patients with PBM; the mixture of bile,
and pancreatic juice can induce chronic infammation and
genetic alterations and increase cellular proliferation of the
biliary tract epithelium, leading to hyperplasia, dysplasia, and
ultimately carcinoma of the biliary tract mucosa [26].
Te risk of gallbladder carcinoma associated with PBM
is substantial; it was reported that the occurrence of biliary
cancer in 388 PBM patients without biliary dilatation was
37.9, including 93.2with gallbladder carcinoma and 6.8
with bile duct cancer, while that in 1239 PBM patients with
choledocal cyst was 10.6, including 33.6with extrahepatic
bile duct cancer, and 64.9with gallbladder carcinoma [27].
Refux of pancreatic juice into the biliary tract is infu-
enced by the function of Oddies sphincter and the form
of the junction of the pancreaticobiliary duct. One of the
mechanisms of pancreatobiliary refux in non-PBM patients
could be a long common channel or high confuence of pan-
creaticobiliary ducts (HCPBD). A common channel length
6 mm, in which the communication was occluded when the
sphincter was contracted. In HCPBD patients, the amylase
level in the bile was frequently elevated, and hyperplas-
tic change of the gallbladder epithelium was frequently
Misra et al. [28] reported that a common channel more
than 8 mm in length was seen more frequently in patients
with gallbladder carcinoma (38) compared with normal
subjects (3) or patients with gallstones (1). Kamisawa
et al. [29] also reported that the occurrence of gallbladder
carcinoma in non-PBM patients with a common channel of
more than6 mminlengthwas 12, being signifcantly higher
than that in controls.
Igarashi [30] reported that gallbladder wall thickening
was sometimes observed in PBM cases without biliary
dilatation. Epithelial hyperplasia of the gallbladder induced
by longstanding continuous stasis of the bile intermingled
with refuxed pancreatic juice has been reported to be one
of the characteristic pathological changes in PBM patients
[31]. Te incidence of epithelial hyperplasia of the gallbladder
of PBM patients without biliary dilatation was reported to
be 72 to 91. Tanno et al. [32] reported that the Ki-67
labeling index of epithelial hyperplasia of PBM patients was
elevated to 6.1 1.3and K-ras mutation was detected in 2
(13) of 13 patients. To detect PBMwithout biliary dilatation
before onset of gallbladder cancer, we should performMRCP
for individuals showing gallbladder wall thickness on US
[33]. As gallbladder carcinoma is associated with 33-44
of cases of pancreaticobiliary maljunction without biliary
dilatation, prophylactic cholecystectomy is recommended
once pancreaticobiliary maljunction is diagnosed [34].
Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) can detect the con-
fuence of pancreatic duct and bile duct in the proximal
portion of the duodenal wall and the so-called common
channel PBM ofen shows a thickness of the inner low echoic
layer of the gallbladder, which means histologically mucosal
hyperplasia. EUS shows the normal gallbladder wall to be
ISRN Radiology 3
a two-layered structure consisting of an inner hypoechoic
layer composed of the mucosa and the muscular layer, and
an outer hyperechoic layer composed of the subserosal layer
and the serosa. On EUS, the gallbladder wall of patients with
PBM appeared as two thickened layers showing epithelial
hyperplasia and subserosal fbrosis or three thickened layers
containing a middle, more hypoechoic layer showing a
hypertrophic muscular layer [33].
Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP)
has become a common non-invasive method for obtaining
high quality images of the pancreaticobiliary tree. Recon-
struction images on 3D-computed tomography (CT) can
also show pancreaticobiliary images. MRCP and 3D-CT can
diagnose PBM, based on fndings of an anomalous union
between the common bile duct and the pancreatic duct, in
addition to a long common channel. However, in some cases
in which a common channel is not so long and cannot be
depicted on MRCP, the MRCP diagnosis of PBM is not
possible [36].
Diagnostic accuracy can be increased with dynamic
MRCP with secretin stimulation or 3-dimensional MRCP.
Pancreaticobiliary refux in PBM patients can be visualized
radiologically using secretin-stimulated dynamic MRCP. In
normal pancreaticobiliary dynamics, the extrahepatic and
intrahepatic bile ducts show no change following secretin
injection. On the other hand, in PBM patients, the volume
of the extrahepatic bile duct and the gallbladder increases,
due to the regurgitation of pancreatic fuid secreted afer the
injection of secretin into the bile duct [37].
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
(ERCP) is the most efective examination method for close
observation of the pattern of the junction site. When the
communication between the pancreatic and bile ducts is
maintained despite contraction of the sphincter on ERCP,
PBM is diagnosed.
Pancreatography via the minor duodenal papilla can also
demonstrate pancreatobiliary refux in PBM patients. When
injected endoscopically via the minor duodenal papilla, the
contrast medium is refuxed into the bile duct through a long
common channel without outfow into the duodenum [38].
Intraductal ultrasonography (IDUS) is performed over
the guidewire during the ERCP and is useful for the depiction
of the confuence of pancreatic duct and bile duct. IDUS
is also useful for the diagnosis of bile duct cancer [39].
However, IDUS has limitations for the diagnosis of bile duct
and gallbladder lesions because of shallow US penetration
(2.0 cm) and maneuverability of passage of probe in case of
bile duct stricture or a narrow cystic duct.
Pancreatobiliary refux with extremely high biliary amy-
lase levels and associated gallbladder carcinoma could be
identifed in patients with and without pancreaticobiliary
maljunction, and those patients might be detected by ultra-
sonography and bile sampling [40]. High bile amylase levels
are found in some patients without PBM. Anderson et al. [41]
have reported that the bile amylase level obtained through an
indwelling T-tube was higher than the serum amylase level
in 21 (81) of 26 patients with biliary tract disease and that
bile amylase level fuctuated considerably in the same patient.
Noda et al. [40] advocated prophylactic cholecystectomy for
patients with high biliary amylase levels without features of
PBM due to high risk of gallbladder carcinoma.
6. Conclusion
Gallbladder carcinoma is a lethal tumor with poor prog-
nosis due to delayed presentation and early spread. Early
diagnosis and identifcation of high-risk cases and providing
prophylactic cholecystectomy could ofer a potential cure
for patients. Tere is a need for mass screening for GBC
among population. Te use of endoscopic ultrasound and
elastography can help early diagnosis of GBC. Pancreati-
cobiliary refux is more prevalent than previously thought.
Early diagnosis using secretin MRCP and biliary amylase
estimation and prophylactic cholecystectomy for high-risk
cases can diagnose GBC at early stages and ofer a potential
cure for patients.
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