This document describes the measurement reading screens and programming options for a 3-phase multi-function digital meter. It includes:
1. The user can scroll through multiple measurement reading screens showing parameters like voltage, current, frequency, power, and energy by using up and down keys.
2. The programming section allows configuring settings like password protection, system type, potential transformer primary value, current transformer primary and secondary values, resetting values, modbus settings and more.
3. Detailed instructions are provided on navigating menus, entering passwords, and modifying configuration settings for parameters like energy display units on modbus registers.
This document describes the measurement reading screens and programming options for a 3-phase multi-function digital meter. It includes:
1. The user can scroll through multiple measurement reading screens showing parameters like voltage, current, frequency, power, and energy by using up and down keys.
2. The programming section allows configuring settings like password protection, system type, potential transformer primary value, current transformer primary and secondary values, resetting values, modbus settings and more.
3. Detailed instructions are provided on navigating menus, entering passwords, and modifying configuration settings for parameters like energy display units on modbus registers.
This document describes the measurement reading screens and programming options for a 3-phase multi-function digital meter. It includes:
1. The user can scroll through multiple measurement reading screens showing parameters like voltage, current, frequency, power, and energy by using up and down keys.
2. The programming section allows configuring settings like password protection, system type, potential transformer primary value, current transformer primary and secondary values, resetting values, modbus settings and more.
3. Detailed instructions are provided on navigating menus, entering passwords, and modifying configuration settings for parameters like energy display units on modbus registers.
This document describes the measurement reading screens and programming options for a 3-phase multi-function digital meter. It includes:
1. The user can scroll through multiple measurement reading screens showing parameters like voltage, current, frequency, power, and energy by using up and down keys.
2. The programming section allows configuring settings like password protection, system type, potential transformer primary value, current transformer primary and secondary values, resetting values, modbus settings and more.
3. Detailed instructions are provided on navigating menus, entering passwords, and modifying configuration settings for parameters like energy display units on modbus registers.
In normal operation the user is presented with one of the measurement reading screens out of several screens. These screens may be scrolled through one at a time in incremental order by pressing the Up keyand in decremental order by pressing Down key. Measured Parameters SystemVoltage SystemCurrent Frequency Voltage VL1-N(4wire only) Voltage VL2-N(4wire only) Voltage VL3-N(4wire only) Voltage VL1-L2 Voltage VL2-L3 Voltage VL3-L1 Current L1 Current L2 Current L3 Active Energy (8 Digit resolution) Units of measurement Volts Amps Hz Volts Volts Volts Volts Volts Volts Amps Amps Amps kWh TABLE 1: 15000501_Rev. B 08/12 3 Phase (3Wire / 4Wire) Three Phase Multi-function Digital Meter Installation & Operating Instructions Section Contents 1. Introduction 2. Measurement Reading Screens 3. Programming 3.1 Password Protection 3.2 Set Up Screens 3.2.1 SystemType 3.2.2 Potential Transformer Primary value 3.2.3 Current Transformer Primary value 3.2.4 Current Transformer Secondary value 3.2.5 3.2.6 Reset 3.2.7 RS 485 DeviceAddress 3.2.8 Auto Scrolling 3.2.9 LowCurrent noise cutoff 3.2.10 RS 485 Baud Rate 3.2.11 RS 485 Parity selection Energy Display on modbus 3.2.12 Energy Digit Rollover(reset) count 8. Specification 6. Installation 6.1 EMC Installation Requirements 6.2 Case Dimensions and Panel Cut-out 6.3 Wiring 6.4 Auxiliary Supply 6.5 Fusing 6.6 Earth / Ground Connections 7. Connection Diagrams 9. Connection for Optional RS 485 (Modbus) ModBus ( RS 485 ) option 4. 1. Introduction This instrument is a panel mounted 96 x 96mmDIN Quadratic Digital metering systemfor the measurement important electrical parameters like AC Voltage, AC Current, Frequency, Power, Energy(Active / Reactive / Apparent) . The instrument integrates accurate measurement technology (All Voltages & Current measurements are True RMS upto 15th Harmonic) with 3 line 4 digits Ultra high brightness LEDdisplay. The instrument can be configured and programmed at site for the following : PT Primary, CT Primary, CT Secondary (5A or 1A) and 3 phase 3Wor 4Wsystem. The front panel has two push buttons through which the user may scroll through the available measurement readings, reset the energy , Min/Max (SystemVoltage and SystemCurrent) and configure the product. VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 Down Up IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB Active Power (System/ Phase (4 wire only) ) Reactive Power (System/ Phase ) (4 wire only) Apparent Power (System/ Phase ) (4 wire only) Power Factor (System/ Phase ) (4 wire only) Kwatts KVAr KVA Screen 5 : Neutral current ( for 4Wonly ) , Screen 7 : Active Energy VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB Screen 8 : Reactive Energy VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB Screen 9 : Apparent Energy VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB Enter Password, first digit entered, prompt for second digit. (* Denotesthat decimal point will beflashing). Usethe Down keytoscroll thevalueof thesecond digit from0throughto9, thevaluewill wrapfrom9 roundto0. Pressthe Up keytoadvancetonext digit. 3. Programming The following sections comprise step by step procedures for configuring the Instrument for individual user requirements. To access the set-up screens press and hold the Key simultaneously for 5 seconds. This will take the User into the Password Protection Entry Stage (Section 3.1). 3.1. Password Protection Password protection can be enabled to prevent unauthorised access to set-up screens, by default password protection is not enabled. Password protection is enabled by selecting a four digit number other than 0000, setting a password of 0000 disables the password protection. Downand Up Enter Password, prompt for first digit. (* Denotesthat decimal point will beflashing). Pressthe Down keytoscroll thevalueof thefirst digit from0throughto9, thevaluewill wrapfrom9roundto0. Pressthe Up keytoadvancetonext digit. Inthespecial casewherethePasswordis0000 pressing the Up keywhenpromptedfor thefirst digit will advancetothePasswordConfirmed screen. VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB Enter Password, seconddigit entered, prompt for third digit. (* Denotesthat decimal point will beflashing). Usethe Down keytoscroll thevalueof thethird digit from0throughto9, thevaluewill wrapfrom9 roundto0. Pressthe Up keytoadvancetonext digit. Enter Password, thirddigit entered, prompt for fourth digit. (* Denotesthat decimal point will beflashing). Usethe Down keytoscroll thevalueof thefourth digit from0throughto9, thevaluewill wrapfrom9 roundto0. Pressthe Up keytoadvancetoverificationof the password. Enter Password, fourthdigit entered, awaiting verificationof thepassword. Passwordconfirmed. Pressing Down keywill advancetotheNew/ changePassword entrystage. Pressingthe Up keywill advancetothe Set up screen. (Seesection3.2). VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB 5. kVArh Reactive Energy (8 Digit resolution) Apparent Energy (8 Digit resolution) Screen 12 : Phase Power (R) VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB Reactive/ Apparent /Active ( for 4Wonly ) Screen 13 : Phase Power (Y) VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB Reactive/ Apparent /Active ( for 4Wonly ) Screen 14 : Phase Power (B) VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Angle Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB Reactive/ Apparent /Active ( for 4Wonly ) Screen 15 : Phase Power Factor VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB (Phase R / Y / B) ( for 4Wonly ) Phaser Diagram Screen 2 : Line to Neutral Voltages (for 4 wire only) VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB KVArh Screen 4 : Line Currents VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB KVArh Screen 1 : Systemscreen (SystemVoltage, SystemCurrent, SystemActive Power) VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB KVArh Screen 3 : Line to Line Voltages VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR x1000 x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB KVArh VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB Sys. Power Factor Frequency, KVArh Screen 6 : SystemPower ( Reactive, VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR x1000 x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB Apparent, Active) KVArh Screen 10 : Min Sys Voltage &Current VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB KVArh VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB Screen 11 : Max Sys Voltage &Current KVArh Amp Neutral Current ( 4 wire only ) kVAh RISH M aster 3428 Pressing Up keysetsthedisplayedvalueand will advancetotheReset menu . (Seesection3.2.6) Energy Display OnModbus Confirmation. Thisscreenwill onlyappear followinganedit of the Energy Display OnModbus. VRY KVAr Sys V KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 IN Ph R P.F. KWh Ph B A VYB KVA Min x1000 Hz KVAh PhY x1000 Hz KVAh PhY Note : Default value is set to 1 i.e. Energy on Modbus will be in terms of Wh/VArh/VAh/Ah resp. Pressingthe Down keywill enter the OnModbusEdit stagebyblankingthebottomlineof the display. Energy Display Pressing Up keyacceptsthepresentsvalue andadvancestotheReset menu (Seesection3.2.6). 3.2.5. Energy Display on modbus Pressingthe Down keywill enter theEnergy Display OnModbusEdit modeandscroll thevaluethroughthevalues 1,2&3wrappingbackto1 1: EnergyInWh 2: EnergyinKWh 3: EnergyinMWh. Pressingthe Up keyadvancestotheReset menu (Seesection3.2.6). VRY KVAr Sys V KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 IN Ph R P.F. KWh Ph B A VYB KVA Min x1000 Hz KVAh PhY x1000 Hz KVAh PhY Thisscreen enableuser toset energyintermsof Wh/ KWh/ MWhonRS485Output dependingasper the requirement .Sameapplicablefor all typesof energy. CTSecondaryvalueconfirmation Thisscreenwill onlyappearsfollowinganedit of CT secondaryvalue. If secondaryvalueshownisnot correct, pressingthe Downkeywill returntoCTsecondaryedit stageby blankingthebottomlineof thedisplay. Pressing Up keysetsthedisplayedvalueand will advancetoEnergyDisplayonModbusmenu. (Seesection3.2.5) Password Incorrect. The unit has not accepted the Password entered. Pressing the " Down" key will return to the Enter Password stage. Pressing the Upkey exits the Password menu and returns operation to the measurement reading mode. New/ChangePassword (*Decimal point indicatesthat thiswill beflashing). Pressingthe Down keywill scroll thevalueof the first digit from0throughto9, thevaluewill wrapfrom9 roundto0. Pressingthe Up keytoadvancetheoperationto thenext digit andsetsthefirst digit, inthiscaseto2 New/ ChangePassword, first digit entered, promptingfor seconddigit. (*Decimal point indicatesthat thiswill be flashing). Pressingthe Down keywill scroll thevalueof the seconddigit from0throughto9, thevaluewill wrapfrom 9roundto0. Pressingthe Up keytoadvancetheoperationtothe next digit andsetstheseconddigit, inthiscaseto1 New/ ChangePassword, thirddigit entered, prompting for fourthdigit. (* denotesthat decimal point will be flashing). Pressingthe Down keywill scroll thevalueof the fourthdigit from0throughto9, thevaluewill wrapfrom 9roundto0. Pressingthe Up keytoadvancetheoperationto theNewPasswordConfirmed andsetsthefourthdigit, inthiscaseto3. NewPasswordconfirmed. Pressingthe Down keywill returntothe New/ChangePassword. Pressingthe Up keywill advancestotheSet up screen.(seesection3.2). New/ ChangePassword, seconddigit entered, promptingfor thirddigit. (*decimal point indicatesthat thiswill beflashing). Pressingthe Down keywill scroll thevalueof the thirddigit from0throughto9, thevaluewill wrapfrom9 roundto0. Pressingthe Up keytoadvancetheoperationto thenext digit andsetsthethirddigit, inthiscaseto5 3.2.1. System Type 3.2 Set Up Screens Thisscreenisusedtoset thesystemtype. Systemtype3 for 3phase3wire&4 for 3phase 4wiresystem. Pressingthe Up keyacceptsthepresent valueand advances tothePotential transformer primaryvalueEdit menu(seesection3.2.2) Pressingthe Down keywill enter thesystemtypeedit mode andscroll thevaluesthroughvaluesavailable. Pressingthe Up keyadvancestothesystemtypeconfirmationmenu. Thisscreenwill onlyappear followingtheedit of systemtype. If systemtypeistobeDownedagain, pressingthe Down keywill returntothesystemtype edit stagebyblankingthebottomlineof thedisplay pressingthe Up keysetsthedisplayedvalueand will advancetoPotential Transformer PrimaryValue Edit menu. (Seesection3.2.2) System Type Confirmation VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB Potential Transformer Digit Edit Pressingthe Down keywill scroll thevalueof themost significant digit from0throughto9unless thepresentlydisplayedPotential Transformer Primary Valuetogether withtheCurrent Transformer Primary Value, previouslyset, wouldresult inamaximumpower of greater than1000MVAper phase inthat case thedigit rangewill berestricted. Pressingthe Up keyacceptsthepresent value at thecursor positionandadvancesthecursor tothe next lesssignificant digit. 3.2.2. Potential Transformer Primary Value Thenominal full scalevoltagewhichwill bedisplayedastheL1-N, L2-NandL3-Nfor afour wire(Ln) systemor asL1-2, L2-3andL3-1inathreewire(LL) system. Thisscreenenablestheuser todisplay thelinetoneutral andlinetolinevoltagesinclusiveof anytransformer ratios, thevaluesdisplayed represent thevoltageinkilovolts(notethex1000enunciator). Pressingthe Up keyacceptsthepresent value and advancestotheCurrent Transformer Primary Valueedit menu. (SeeSection3.2.3) Pressingthe Down keywill enter thePotential Transformer PrimaryValueEdit mode. Initiallythemultiplier must beselected, pressingthe Down keywill movethedecimal point positiontothe right until it reaches###.#after whichit will returnto #. ###. Pressingthe Up keyacceptsthepresent multiplier (decimal point position) andadvancestothe Potential Transformer Digit Edit mode. VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB restricted, thevaluewill wrap. Example: If primaryvalue of PTisset as400kV(maxvalue) thenprimaryvalueof Current isrestrictedto1736A. Pressingthe Up keywill advancetothenext less significant digit. (* Denotesthat decimal point will be flashing). Note: theflashingdecimal pointindicatesthecursorposition, asteadydecimal pointwill bepresent toidentifythescalingofthenumberuntil thecursorpositioncoincideswiththesteadydecimal point position.Atthisstagethedecimal pointwill flash. Whentheleast significant digit hasbeenset pressingthe Up keywill advancetothe Potential Transformer PrimaryValueConfirmation stage. Screenshowingdisplayof 0.120kVi.e. 120Voltsindicatingsteadydecimal point andcursor flashingat thehundredsof volts position. 3.2.3. Current TransformerPrimary Value Thenominal Full ScaleCurrent that will bedisplayedastheLinecurrents. Thisscreenenablesthe user todisplaytheLinecurrentsinclusiveof anytransformer ratios, thevaluesdisplayedrepresent theCurrent inAmps. Pressingthe Up keyacceptsthepresent valueandadvancestotheCurrent Transformer SecondaryValue (Seesection3.2.4) Pressingthe Down keywill enter theCurrent Transformer PrimaryValueEdit mode. Thiswill scroll the valueof themost significant digit from0throughto9, unlessthepresentlydisplayedCurrent Transformer PrimaryValuetogether withthePotential Transformer PrimaryValueresultsinamaximumpower of greater than1000MVAinwhichcasethedigit rangewill be Potential Transformer PrimaryValueConfirmation Thisscreenwill onlyappear followinganedit of the Potential Transformer PrimaryValue. If thescalingisnot correct, pressingthe Down keywill returntothePotential Transformer Primary ValueEdit stagewiththedigitsflashingindicating that themultiplier (decimal point position) shouldbe selected. Pressingthe Up keysetsthedisplayedvalue andwill advancetotheCurrent Transformer Primary Value(Seesection3.2.3.) Note: 0.120kVi.e. 120V for 4W L-N 120V fpr 3W L-L VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB TheMaximumPower restrictionof 1000MVArefersto120%of nominal current and120%of nominal voltage, i.e, 694.4MVAnominal power per phase. Whentheleast significant digit hadbeenset, pressingthe Up keywill advancetothe Current Transformer PrimaryValueConfirmation stage. Theminimumvalueallowedis1, thevaluewill beforcedto1if thedisplaycontainszerowhenthe Up keyispressed. CurrentTransformerPrimaryValueConfirmation. Thisscreenwill onlyappear followinganedit of the . If thescalingisnot correct, Pressingthe Down key will returntothe Edit stagewiththemost significant digit highlighted(associated decimal point flashing) andthebottomlineof thedisplay will beblanked. Pressingthe Up keysetsthedisplayedvalueand will advancetotheCurrent Transformer SecondaryValue Edit menu. (Seesection3.2.4). Current Transformer PrimaryValue Current Transformer PrimaryValue 3.2.4. Current Transformer Secondary Value Thisscreenisusedtoset thesecondaryvaluefor Current Transformer. Secondaryvalue5 for 5Aor 1 for 1Acanbeselected. Pressing Up key acceptsthepresent valueandadvancestothe EnergyDisplayonModbusMenu(Seesection3.2.5). Pressingthe Down keywill enter theCT Secondaryvalueedit modeandscroll thevalue throughthevaluesavailable. Pressingthe Up keywill advancetotheCT Secondaryvalueconfirmation. 3.2.6. Reset Thefollowingscreensallowtheuserstoreset theall Energy, Lo(Min), hi(Max) . Reset (None) Pressing Up keywill not reset andwill advance toModbusaddressset menu.(Seesec.3.2.7) Pressingthe Down keywill enter theReset option modeandscroll thevalue throughtheoptionandwrappingbacktoNone. Pressing Up keyadvancestoModbusaddressset menu. (seesection3.2.7). Reset optionselect, (Reset Energy) Theuser hasscrolledthroughtotheE Energy value. Pressing Up keywill select thevalueand advancetotheReset EnergyConfirmation Mode. VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB Reset EnergyConfirmation. Pressing Up keyresetstheall Energyparameters andadvancestotheModbusaddressset (seesection3.2.7.) Pressingthe Down keywill re-enter theReset option mode. VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB Reset optionselect, (Reset Lo) Theuser hasscrolledthroughtotheLo (Min) Pressing Up keywill select thevalueand advancetotheReset LoConfirmation Mode. VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB Reset LoConfirmation Pressingthe Down keywill re-enter the Reset optionSelect mode. Pressing Up keyresetstheLo(Min) readingsandadvancestoModbusAddressset menu (seesection3.2.7). VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB Reset optionselect, (Reset Hi) Theuser hasscrolledthroughtotheHi (Max) Pressing Up keywill select thevalueand advancetotheReset Hi Confirmation Mode. VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB Reset hI (Max) Confirmation. Pressingthe Down keywill re-enter the Reset optionSelect mode. Pressing Up keyresetsthehI (Max) readingsandadvancestoModbusaddressset menu (seesection3.2.7). VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB Reset optionselect, (Reset ALL) Theuser hasscrolledthroughtotheALL . Pressing Up keywill select thevalueand advancetotheReset ALLConfirmation Mode. VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB Reset ALLConfirmation. Pressingthe Down keywill re-enter the Reset optionSelect mode. Pressing Up keyresetsALLthereadings andadvancestotheModbusaddressset menu (seesection3.2.7). VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB 3.2.7 Address Setting : VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB This screen applies to the RS 485 output only. This screen allows the user to set RS485 address for instruments Enter Address, prompt for first digit. (* Denotesthat decimal point will beflashing). Pressthe Down keytoscroll thevalueof thefirst digit Pressthe Up keytoadvancetonext digit. The range of allowable address is 1 to 247 . Enter Address, first digit entered, prompt for seconddigit (* Denotesthat decimal point will beflashing). Usethe Down keytoscroll thevalueof theseconddigit Pressthe Up keytoadvancetonext digit. VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB Enter Address, seconddigit entered, prompt for thirddigit (* Denotesthat decimal point will beflashing). Usethe Down keytoscroll thevalueof thethirddigit VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB Enter Address for thirddigit . Pressthe Up keytoadvancetoAddressconfirmationScreen. 3.2.8 Auto Scrolling : Thisscreenallowsuser toenablescreenscrolling. Pressing Up keyacceptsthepresent statusand advancetotheLowCurrent noisecutoff (seesection3.2.9). AutoscrollingEdit. VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB Pressingthe Up keywill select thestatusdisplayedand advancetotheLowCurrent noisecutoff (seesection3.2.9). Pressingthe Down keywill enter theAutoScreen ScrollingEdit andtogglethestatusYes andNo. VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB 3.2.10 RS 485 Baud Rate : Thisscreenallowstheuser toset BaudRateof RS485port. Thevaluesdisplayed onscreenareinkbaud.. Pressing Up keyacceptsthepresent valueand advancetotheParity Selection(seesection3.2.11). Pressingthe Down keywill enter theBaudRate Edit modeandscroll thevaluethrough2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2and backto2.4 VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB AddressconfirmationScreen. ThisScreenconfirmsthe Address set byuser . Pressthe Up keytoadvancetonext Screen AutoScrolling ( 3.2.8) 3.2.9. Low Current noise cutoff. Thisscreenallowstheuser toset Lownoisecurrent cutoff inmA. Pressing Up keyacceptsthepresent valueand advancetoModbusbaudratesetting Pressingthe Down keywill enter theLowcurrent noisecutoff Edit modeandscroll theValue through0&30 andwrappingbackto0. Setting30will displaymeasured currentsas 0below30mA. Lowcurrent cutoff Edit. VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB Lowcurrent noisecutoff Confirmation. pressingthe Down keywill re-enter theLowcurrent Noisecutoff Edit mode. VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB Pressing Up keyset displayedvalueand will advancetoModbusbaudratesetting. (Seesection3.2.10) Pressing Up keyset displayedselectedParity and will advancetoEnergyDigit Rollover (reset) count settingscreen (Seesection3.2.12) VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Angle Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB 3.2.11 RS 485 Parity Selection : Thisscreenallowstheuser toset Parity&number of stopbitsof RS485port. Pressing Up keyacceptsthepresent valueand will advance toEnergyDigit Rollover (reset) count settingscreen(Seesection3.2.12). Pressingthe Down keywill enter theParity&stopbit Edit modeandscroll thevaluethrough odd: oddparitywithonestopbit no1 : noparitywithonestopbit no2 : noparitywithtwostopbit E: evenparitywithonestopbit VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Angle Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB RS485Parityconfirmation: Pressing Down keywill bere-enter intoParityEdit mode. 4. RS 485 ( ModBus ) Output : Theinstrument supportsMODBUS(RS485) RTUprotocol( 2-wire) . Connectionshouldbemadeusingtwistedpair shieldedcable. All "A" and"B" connectionsaredaisychained together. ThescreensshouldalsobeconnectedtotheGnd terminal. Toavoidthepossibilityof loopcurrents, anEarthconnectionshouldbemadeat onepoint onthenetwork.Loop(ring) topologydoesnot requireany terminationload. Linetopologymayor maynot requireterminatingloadsdependingonthetypeandlength of cableused. Theimpedanceof theterminationloadshouldmatchtheimpedanceof thecableandbeat both endsof theline. Thecableshouldbeterminatedat eachendwitha120ohm(1/4Watt min.) resistor. RS485network supports maximumlengthof 1.2km. IncludingtheMaster, amaximumof 32instruments canbeconnectedinRS485network.Thepermissibleaddressrangefor Instrument isbetween 1and247 for 32instruments. Broadcast Mode (address0) isnot allowed. Themaximumlatencytimeof an is200msapprox. i.e. thisistheamount of timethat canpassbeforethefirst responsecharacter isoutput. Instrument After sendinganyquerythroughsoftware( of theMaster) , it must allow 200ms of timetoelapsebefore assumingthat theInstrument isnot goingtorespond. If slavedoesnot respondwithin200ms, Master canignorethepreviousquery and canissuefreshquerytotheslave. TheeachbyteinRTUmode has followingformat: 8-bit binary, hexadecimal 0-9, A-F 2hexadecimal characterscontainedineach8-bit fieldof themessage 4bytes(32bits) per parameter. Floatingpoint format ( toIEEE754) Most significant bytefirst (Alternative least significant bytefirst) FormatofDataBytes 2byteCyclical RedundancyCheck(CRC) ErrorCheckingBytes 1start bit, 8databits, least significant bit sent first 1bit for even/oddparity 1stopbit if parityisused; 1or 2bitsif noparity Byteformat CommunicationBaudRateisuser selectablefromthe front panel between 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200bps. Twoconsecutive16bit registers represent oneparameter. Refer tablebelowfor theaddresses of 3Xregisters andaddresses for theparametersmeasuredbytheinstruments. RegisterAddresses: Accessing3Xregisterforreadingmeasuredvalues: Eachparameter isheldinthe3Xregisters. ModbusCode04 isusedtoaccessall parameters. 1Word=16bit register Toread parameter 1) Volts3: Start address=04(Hex) Noof words=02 2) Current 3: Start address=0A(Hex) Noof words=02 EachQuery for reading thedatamust berestrictedto40parametersor less. Exceedingthe40parameter limit will causeaModBusexceptioncodetobereturned. Address (Register) Parameter No. Parameter ModbusStartAddressHex HighByte LowByte HighByte HighByte 3P4W 3P3W 30001 1 Volts1 00 0 30003 2 Volts2 00 2 30005 3 Volts3 00 4 30007 4 Current 1 00 6 30009 5 Current 2 00 8 30011 6 Current 3 00 A 30013 7 W1 00 C X 30015 8 W2 00 E X 30017 9 W3 00 10 X 30019 10 VA1 00 12 X 30021 11 VA2 00 14 X 30023 12 VA3 00 16 X 30025 13 VAR1 00 18 X 30027 14 VAR2 00 1A X 30029 15 VAR3 00 1C X 30031 16 PF1 00 1E X 30033 17 PF2 00 20 X 30035 18 PF3 00 22 X 30037 19 --------- 00 24 30039 20 00 26 30041 21 00 28 30043 22 VoltsAve 00 2A 30045 23 VoltsSum 00 2C 30047 24 Current Ave 00 2E 30049 25 Current Sum 00 30 30051 26 WattsAve 00 32 30053 27 WattsSum 00 34 30055 28 VAAve 00 36 30057 29 VASum 00 38 30059 30 VAr Ave 00 3A 30061 31 VAr Sum 00 3C 30063 32 PFAve 00 3E 30065 33 PFSum 00 40 30067 34 00 42 30069 35 00 44 30071 36 Freq 00 46 X 30071 36 Freq 00 46 30073 00 48 37 Watt Hour 00 30075 00 4A 38 00 30077 39 VARHour 00 4C 30079 40 00 4E 30081 41 VAh 00 50 30133 67 VoltsAveMax 00 84 30135 68 VoltsAveMin 00 86 30141 71 Current AveMax 00 8C 30143 72 Current AveMin 00 8E 30201 101 VL1- 2( Calculated) 00 C8 X 30203 102 VL2- 3( Calculated) 00 CA X 30205 103 VL3- 1( Calculated) 00 CC X 30225 113 I neutral 00 E0 X Table:forReadingtheMeasuredParametersfromInstrument Note : Parameters 1,2,3 are L-N Voltage for 3P 4W & L-L Voltage for 3P 3W . --------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --------- --------- --------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ----- VRY KVAr Sys V KW VBR x1000 KVArh x1000 IN Ph R P.F. KWh Ph B VRY KVAr Sys V KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 IN Ph R P.F. KWh Ph B A VYB KVA Min x1000 Hz KVAh PhY x1000 Hz KVAh PhY 3.2.12 Energy Digit Rollover (reset) count : Thisscreen whichenergywill rollbacktozerodependsuponsettingof Wh,KWh, &MWh. enablesuser for settingmaximumenergycount after Pressingthe Down keywill enter the count edit mode. Thiswill scroll thevalueof reset count from 7to14forWh,from7to12forKWh&from7to9forMWh. Energydigit reset Pressingthe Up keysetsthedisplayedvalueand
will exit from set up. Pressing Upkey will advancetoEnergydigit reset count confirmationscreen. Pressingthe Down keywill re-enter Energydigit reset count edit mode. Ex. If energy isset Wh&It will set Energydigit count to10thenenergywill reset after 9,999,999,999 &thenwill displayonmodbus Note: 1)Defaultvalueissetto14i.eifenergycountcrosses14digititwill rollbacktozero. 2)Energydisplaysonmodbusissetto(2)&energydigitresetcount issetto12.Energyscreen ondisplaywill show-------i.eEnergyoverflow.whenenergycrossesthe11digitcount. 3)Energydisplaysonmodbusissetto(3)&energydigitresetcount issetto9.Energyscreen ondisplaywill show-------i.eEnergyoverflow.whenenergycrossesthe8digitcount. rollbacktozero. Pressingthe Up keywill set thevalueandexit fromset up. VRY KVAr Sys V A VYB KVA Min KW VBR Max x1000 KVArh x1000 x1000 IN PhR Hz KVAh PhY P.F. KWh PhB Pressingthe Up keywill select thevalueandadvances totheParity Selection(seesection3.2.11). RS485BaudRateconfirmation: Pressing Down keywill bere-enter intoBaudRateEdit mode. Accessing4XregisterforReading&Changingthesettinginsideinstrument: Eachsettingisheldinthe4Xregisters.ModBuscode03isusedtoreadthecurrent settingandcode16 isusedtowrite/changethesetting. ExceptionCases:Anexception codewill begeneratedwheninstrment receivesModBusquerywith validparity&error checkbut whichcontainssomeother error ( e.g. Attempt toset floatingpoint variableto aninvalidvalue) Theresponsegeneratedwill beFunctioncode ORedwithHEX(80H). Theexceptioncodesarelistedbelow 01 Illegal function Thefunctioncodeisnot supportedbyinstrument. 02 Illegal Data Address Attempt toaccessaninvalidaddressor anattempt toread or writepart of afloatingpoint value 03 Illegal Data Value Attempt toset afloatingpoint variabletoaninvalidvalue Functioncode: 03 ReadHoldingRegisters Readcontent of read/writelocation( 4X) 04 Readinput Registers Readcontent of readonlylocation( 3X) 16 PresetsMultipleRegisters Set thecontent of read/ writelocations( 4X) Address (Register) Parameter No. Parameter ModbusStartAddressHex HighByte LowByte HighByte HighByte 40007 4 SysVoltage 00 06 Read/Write Readonly 40009 5 SysCurrent 00 08 Readonly 40009 5 SysCurrent 00 08 Readonly 5 SysType 00 0A 40011 6 00 Read/ Write 40013 7 00 0E 40015 8 EnergyReset 00 Writeonly 00 14 40021 11 ModAddr. 00 Readonly 40023 12 00 18 40025 13 MinReset 00 Writeonly 00 1A 40027 14 MaxReset 00 Writeonly 40029 15 40031 16 00 24 40037 19 SysPower 00 ReadOnly 00 26 40039 20 00 Read/ Write ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Address Parameter Description 40007 System Voltage ThisaddressisreadonlyanddisplaysSystemVoltage 40009 System Current ThisaddressisreadonlyanddisplaysSystemCurrent Thisaddressisusedtoset theSystemtype. Writeoneof thefollowingvaluetothisaddress. 2=3Phase3Wire 3=3Phase4Wire. Writinganyother valuewill returnerror . 40011 System Type 40013 40015 Reset Energy Counter Thisaddressisusedtoreset theEnergyCounter. Writezerovalue tothisregister toreset theenergycounter. Writinganyother valuewill returnanerror. 40021 Instrument Address Thisaddressisreadonly&displayinstrument address between1to247. 40023 40025 Min- Reset Thisaddressisusedtoreset theMinparametersvalue. WriteZerovaluetothisregister toreset theMinparameters. Writinganyother valuewill returnanerror. 40027 Max- Reset Thisaddressisusedtoreset theMaxparametersvalue. WriteZerovaluetothisregister toreset theMaxparameters. Writinganyother valuewill returnanerror. 40029 40031 Explanationfor4Xregister: 40037 SysPower System Power isthemaximumsystempower basedonthe valuesof systemtype, systemvoltsandsystemcurrent. 40041 WordOrder WordOrder controlstheorder inwhichinstrument receivesor sends floating- point numbers:- normal or reversed register order . Innormal mode, thetworegistersthat makeup afloatingpoint numbersaresent most significant bytesfirst. Inreversedregister mode, thetworegistersthat makeup afloatingpoint numbersaresent least significant bytesfirst. Toset themode, writethevalue2141.0 intothisregister- theinstrument will detect theorder usedtosendthisvalueand set that order for all ModBustransactioninvolvingfloatingpoint numbers. ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 6. Installation Mounting is by four side clamps, slide the side clamps through side slot till side clamp gets firmly locked in a groove (Refer fig.) Consideration should be given to the space required behind the instrument to allow for bends in the connection cables. SLIDEINTHISDIRECTIONANDLOCK PANEL Instrument Frontside Refer the diagramfor explanation 5. Phaser Diagram : Inductive Capacitive Capacitive Inductive Connections Quadrant Power ( P ) Sign of Active Power ( Q ) Sign of Reactive Factor ( PF ) Sign of Power Inductive / Capacitive Import 1 + P + Q + L Import 4 + P - Q + C Export 2 - P + Q - C Export 3 - P - Q - L Inductive means Current lags Voltage Capacitive means Current leads Voltage The instrument displays Active power ( P )with +( positive sign ) , the connection is Import . When instrument displays Active power ( P )with - ( negative sign ) , the connection is Export . 6.1 EMC Installation Requirements This product has been designed to meet the certification of the EU directives when installed to a good code of practice for EMC in industrial environments, e.g. 1. Screened output and lowsignal input leads or have provision for fitting RF suppression components, such as ferrite absorbers, line filters etc., in the event that RF fields cause problems. Note: It is good practice to install sensitive electronic instruments that are performing critical functions, in EMC enclosures that protect against electrical interference which could cause a disturbance in function. 2. Avoid routing leads alongside cables and products that are, or could be, a source of interference. 3. To protect the product against permanent damage, surge transients must be limited to 2kV pk. It is good EMC practice to suppress differential surges to 2kV at the source. The unit has been designed to automatically recover in the event of a high level of transients. In extreme circumstances it may be necessary to temporarily disconnect the auxiliary supply for a period of greater than 5 seconds to restore correct operation. 4. ESDprecautions must be taken at all times when handling this product. The Current inputs of these products are designed for connection in to systems via Current Transformers only, where one side is grounded. Caution 1. In the interest of safety and functionality this product must be installed by a qualified engineer, abiding by any local regulations. 2. Voltages dangerous to human life are present at some of the terminal connections of this unit. Ensure that all supplies are de-energised before attempting any connection or disconnection. 3. These products do not have internal fuses therefore external fuses must be used to ensure safety under fault conditions. As the front of the enclosure conforms to IP54 it is protected fromwater spray fromall directions, additional protection to the panel may be obtained by the use of an optional panel gasket. The terminals at the rear of the product should be protected fromliquids. The instrument should be mounted in a reasonably stable ambient temperature and where the operating temperature is within the range 0 -10 to 55 C . Vibration should be kept to a minimumand the product should not be mounted where it will be subjected to excessive direct sunlight. 6.2 Case Dimension and Panel Cut Out 3.78 96mm FRONT DISPLAY AREA 3.78 96mm 3.15 80mm 3.62 92mm PANEL CUTOUT 3.62 92mm MAX PANEL THICKNESS 0.18,5mm 6.4 Auxiliary Supply The instrument should ideally be powered froma dedicated supply, however it may be powered fromthe signal source, provided the source remains within the limits of the chosen auxiliary voltage. 6.5 Fusing It is recommended that all voltage lines are fitted with 1 amp HRC fuses. 6.6 Earth/Ground Connections For safety reasons, CT secondary connections should be grounded in accordance with local regulations. 6.3 Wiring Input connections are made directly to screw-type terminals with indirect wire pressure. Numbering is clearly marked in the plastic moulding. Choice of cable should meet local regulations. Terminal for both Current and Voltage 2 inputs will accept upto 3mm x 2 diameter cables. Note : It is recommended to use wire with lug for connection with meter. 7. Connection Diagrams 3-PHASE4-WIREUNBALANCEDLOAD DIGITALMETERINGSYSTEM 2 5 8 11 1 3 4 6 7 9 13 14 L N AUX SUPPLY P1 S1 S1 P1 P1 S1 L1 L2 L3 N L O A D 3-PHASE3-WIREUNBALANCEDLOAD DIGITALMETERINGSYSTEM P1 S1 P1 S1 L N AUX SUPPLY L1 L2 L3 N L O A D 2 5 8 3 4 6 7 9 Operating Measuring Ranges Voltage 5 .. 120 %of Rated Value Current 5 .. 120 %of Rated Value Frequency 40 .. 70 Hz SystemCT primary values Std. Values upto 4kA (1 or 5Amp secondaries) 8. Specification : System 3 Phase 3 Wire / 4 Wire programmable at site Inputs Nominal input voltage (Three wire and Four wire) Max continuous input voltage Max short duration input voltage Nominal input voltage burden 57.7 V to 277V (100V to 480 V ) L-N L-N L-L L-L 120%of Rated Value 2 x Rated Value (1s application repeated 10 times at 10s intervals) 0.2VA approx. perphase Nominal input current 1A / 5A AC rms programmable at site Max continuous input current 120%of Rated Value Nominal input current burden 0.6VA approx. per phase Max short duration current input 20 x (1s application repeated Rated Value 5 times at 5 min. intervals) Auxiliary a.c. supply voltage tolerance +20 %/ -15 %of Rated Value a.c. supply frequency range 45 to 66 Hz a.c. supply burden 4.5VA Power Factor 0.8 Lag ... 1 ... 0.8 Lead d.c. supply burden 3W Standardnominal Auxillary supply 110V /50 Hz , 230V /50 Hz ,380V , AC AC AC/50 Hz 100 - 250V AC- DC, 12 - 48V DC voltages &Frequency 00 3 04 40005 EnergydisplayonModbus
Read/ Write 00 28 40041 21 WordOrder 00 WriteOnly Energydigit Rollover(reset) count 40005 Thisaddressisusedtoset energydisplayonmodbusinWh, KWh Energydisplay onModbus &MWh. 1= 3=EnergyinMWh. Writeoneof thefollowingvaluetothisaddress. EnergyinWh. 2=EnergyinKWh. 40039 Energydigit Reset Count Thisaddress If Energy inWhcount will beset inbetween7to14 r InKWhset inbetween7to12&InMWhset isusedtosettingmaximumenergycount after whichenergywill rollbacktozerodependsuponsettingof Wh, KWh,&MWh. displayonmodbus o inbetween7to9. Reference conditions for Accuracy : 0 23 C +2 C 50 or 60Hz +2% Sinusoidal (distortion factor 0.005) Rated Value +1 % Reference temperature Input frequency Input waveform Auxiliary supply voltage Auxiliary supply frequency Nominal range of use of influence quantities for measurands
0 0 to 50 C Temperature Auxiliary supply voltage Auxiliary supply frequency Display 3 line 4 digits . Digit height 11mm Approx. 1 seconds LED Update Controls Two push buttons User Interface Standards IEC 61326 10V/mmin-Level 3 industrial lowlevel electromagnetic radiation environment IEC 61000-4-3. IEC 61010-1 , Year 2001 EMC Immunity Safety Isolation 2.2 kV RMS 50 Hz for 1 minute between all electrical circuits Dielectric voltage withstand test between circuits and accessible surfaces Temperature Coefficient 0 0.025%/ C for Voltage (50..120%of Rated Value)
0 (For Rated value range of use Error change due to variation of an influence quantity 2 * Error allowed for the reference condition applied in the test. Rated Value +1 % Rated Value +10 % Rated Value +10 % 0 0.05%/ C for Current ( 10..120%of Rated Value ) 0 0... 50 C ) IEC 60529 IP for water &dust Power Factor cos phi =1 for Active power Accuracy Voltage Current Active Power Reactive Power Apparent Power Active Energy Reactive Energy Apparent Energy Power Factor Frequency Standard (CL 1.0) Optional (CL 0.5) on request Optional (CL 0.2) on request 0.5 %of Range + - 0.5 %of Range + - 0.5 %of Range + - 0.5 %of Range + - 0.5 %of Range + - 1.0 % + - 1.0 % + - 1.0 % + - 1.0 %of Unity + - 0.15 %of Mid Frequency + - 0.5 %of Range 0.5 %of Range 0.5 %of Range 0.5 %of Range 0.5 %of Range 0.5 % 0.5 % 0.5 % 1.0 %of Unity + - 0.5 %of Unity + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - 0.2 %of Range + - 0.2 %of Range + - 0.2 %of Range + - 0.2 %of Range + - 0.2 %of Range + - 0.2 % + - 0.2 % + - 0.2 % + - Measurement error is much less than error specified above.Variation due to influence quantity Is less than twice the error allowed for reference condition. sin phi =1 for Reactive power Voltage 50%.........100%of Rated Value Current 10%.........100%of Rated Value Environmental 0 -10 to 55 C 0 -20 to +65 C 0 .. 90 %RH
3 minute (minimum) 15g in 3 planes 10 .. 55 Hz, 0.15mmamplitude IP 54 as per IEC 60529 Operating temperature Storage temperature Relative humidity Warmup time Shock Vibration Enclosure ( front only ) Enclosure 96mmx 96mmDIN Quadratic Polycarbonate Housing , Screw-type terminals <80 mm 0.620 kgApprox. Style Material Terminals Depth Weight Self extinguish &non dripping as per UL 94 V-0 ModBus ( RS 485 ) Option : ModBus ( RS 485 ) Protocol 19200 , 9600 , 4800 or 2400 Baud Rate ( Programmable ) Odd or Even, with 1 stop bit, Parity Or None with 1 or 2 stop bits B A Gnd RS485 9. Connection for Optional RS 485 (modbus): RS 485 ( Modbus )