The document is a deed of adjudication between the surviving heirs of Apolonio Salanatin who died intestate. It describes a parcel of land located in Barrio Cadagmayan Sur, Municipality of Sta. Barbara, Iloilo, Philippines containing an area of 56,678 square meters. The document divides the property equally among the heirs - Luisa Molinos Salanatin, Editha Salanatin, Elisea Salanatin, Julio Salanatin, Teresa Salanatin, and Elena Salanatin. Luisa waives her rights to the property. The heirs sign the document to partition the estate extrajudicially pursuant to the Rules of Court.
The document is a deed of adjudication between the surviving heirs of Apolonio Salanatin who died intestate. It describes a parcel of land located in Barrio Cadagmayan Sur, Municipality of Sta. Barbara, Iloilo, Philippines containing an area of 56,678 square meters. The document divides the property equally among the heirs - Luisa Molinos Salanatin, Editha Salanatin, Elisea Salanatin, Julio Salanatin, Teresa Salanatin, and Elena Salanatin. Luisa waives her rights to the property. The heirs sign the document to partition the estate extrajudicially pursuant to the Rules of Court.
The document is a deed of adjudication between the surviving heirs of Apolonio Salanatin who died intestate. It describes a parcel of land located in Barrio Cadagmayan Sur, Municipality of Sta. Barbara, Iloilo, Philippines containing an area of 56,678 square meters. The document divides the property equally among the heirs - Luisa Molinos Salanatin, Editha Salanatin, Elisea Salanatin, Julio Salanatin, Teresa Salanatin, and Elena Salanatin. Luisa waives her rights to the property. The heirs sign the document to partition the estate extrajudicially pursuant to the Rules of Court.
The document is a deed of adjudication between the surviving heirs of Apolonio Salanatin who died intestate. It describes a parcel of land located in Barrio Cadagmayan Sur, Municipality of Sta. Barbara, Iloilo, Philippines containing an area of 56,678 square meters. The document divides the property equally among the heirs - Luisa Molinos Salanatin, Editha Salanatin, Elisea Salanatin, Julio Salanatin, Teresa Salanatin, and Elena Salanatin. Luisa waives her rights to the property. The heirs sign the document to partition the estate extrajudicially pursuant to the Rules of Court.
We, Luisa Molinos Salanatinwidow! E"it#a Salanatin married to Jessie Arguelles! Elis$a Salanatin married to Santiago Serisola ! Julio Salanatin %a&&i$" to Ma&' J$an Salanatin ! T$&$sa Salanatin %a&&i$" to J$sus Sil($"$&io! El$na Salanatin %a&&i$" to F&an)is Pin$"a, all of legal ages, Filipino Citizens, and residents of Barrio Consolacion, Municipality of San Miguel Province of loilo , P!ilippines," W I T N E S S E T H #!at, APOLONIO SALANATIN died intestate at San Miguel, loilo, P!ilippines, leaving a certain property more particularly descri$ed and $ounded as follows " T* +,-./ A parcel of land %&ot '()*+A,, situated at Barrio Cadagmayan Sur, Municipality of Sta- Bar$ara, loilo , P!ilippines- Bounded on t!e ./, points 0+' $y &ot '()*+B of t!e su$division plan1 on t!e S/ points '+2, $y &ot '(34 points 2+ ( $y &ot '(021 on t!e SW points ( to ), $y &ot '(0( and on t!e .W points ) to 0 $y &ot '3(( all of Sta- Bar$ara Cadastre- Containing an area of /56# #678SA.9 S/:/. 68.9;/9 #W/.#< ../ %=, *(>, S?8A;/ M/#/;S, more or less- #!at t!e a$ove+named parties are t!e surviving !eirs of t!e late Apolonio Salanatin 1 #!at t!ere are no @nown de$ts or o$ligation due against t!e estate of said decedent and t!e a$ove+descri$ed property is free from liens and encum$rances1 and #!at it is to $e t!e $est interests of t!e parties !ereto to divide and partition and adAudicate among t!emselves t!e entire estate eBtra Audicially, pursuant to t!e provisions of Section 2, ;ule *) of t!e ;ules of Court1 #!at &uisa Molinos Salanatin waives !er rig!ts to t!e said property, said property is to $e divided eCually to t!e remaining !eirs IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we !ave !ereunto set our !ands t!is DDDDD day of DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD, (440 at loilo City, P!ilippines- LUISA SALANATIN EDITHA S0 AR1UELLES ELISEA S0 SERISOLA JULIO SALANATIN TERESA S0 SIL2EDERIO ELENA S0 PINEDA Signed in t!e presence of " DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ;/P8B&C 7F #6/ P6&PP./S , C#< 7F &7&7 , S-S- E + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + E B/F7;/ M/, t!is DDDDD day of DDDDDDDDDDDD, (424 at loilo City, P!ilippines personally appeared " C#C .o- ssued on ssued at LUISA SALANATIN EDITHA S0 AR1UELLES ELISEA S0 SERISOLA JULIO SALANATIN TERESA S0 SIL2EDERIO ELENA S0 PINEDA all @nown to me to $e t!e same persons w!o eBecuted t!e foregoing instrument and t!ey ac@nowledged to me t!at t!e same are t!eir free act and deed- WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL- 9oc- .o- DDDD 1 Page .o- DDDD 1 Boo@ .o- DDDD 1 Series of (424-