This document outlines the qualification criteria for bidders on a civil works project in Tendaho, Ethiopia. It includes requirements regarding the bidder's legal status, general and specific construction experience, equipment, personnel, subcontracting experience, financial situation, and history of non-performance on contracts. Joint venture partners must also meet the criteria. The bidder must provide supporting documentation to demonstrate meeting all qualification requirements.
This document outlines the qualification criteria for bidders on a civil works project in Tendaho, Ethiopia. It includes requirements regarding the bidder's legal status, general and specific construction experience, equipment, personnel, subcontracting experience, financial situation, and history of non-performance on contracts. Joint venture partners must also meet the criteria. The bidder must provide supporting documentation to demonstrate meeting all qualification requirements.
This document outlines the qualification criteria for bidders on a civil works project in Tendaho, Ethiopia. It includes requirements regarding the bidder's legal status, general and specific construction experience, equipment, personnel, subcontracting experience, financial situation, and history of non-performance on contracts. Joint venture partners must also meet the criteria. The bidder must provide supporting documentation to demonstrate meeting all qualification requirements.
This document outlines the qualification criteria for bidders on a civil works project in Tendaho, Ethiopia. It includes requirements regarding the bidder's legal status, general and specific construction experience, equipment, personnel, subcontracting experience, financial situation, and history of non-performance on contracts. Joint venture partners must also meet the criteria. The bidder must provide supporting documentation to demonstrate meeting all qualification requirements.
Page - 1 / 6 BID DOCUM!T FO" CIVIL WORKS FOR NON PLANT BUILDINGS SECTION - IV QUALIFICATION CRITERIA J P MUKHERJI & ASSOCIATES PVT LTD Tendaho Sugar Factory Project QUALIFICATION CRITERIA Section-IV Page - # / 6 BID DOCUM!T FO" CIVIL WORKS FOR NON PLANT BUILDINGS ELIGIBILITY CRITERION Main ci!"i#n #$ "%i&i'i%i!( )*a%% '" "&i)!a!i#n +i!* !*" Mini)!( #$ H#,)in& an- U'an D"."%#/0"n!1 G#."n0"n! #$ E!*i#/ia ,n-" c%a)) BC2 # GC23 T*" Bi--" )*a%% ),'0i! !*" c,"n! .a%i- "&i)!a!i#n c"!i$ica!"3 T*" E0/%#(" 0a( a%)# inc%,-" in.i!"- 'i--") !# /a!ici/a!" in 'i--in& /#c"))3
Thi$ Section contain$ a%% the criteria that the &'%oyer $ha%% u$e to e(a%uate )id$ and *ua%i+y Bidder$, In accordance -ith ITB ./ and ITB .60 no other +actor$0 ðod$ or criteria $ha%% )e u$ed, The Bidder $ha%% 'ro(ide a%% the in+or&ation re*ue$ted in the +or&$ inc%uded in Section V0 Bidding For&$, 23 In-i.i-,a% Bi--") # In-i.i-,a% M"0'") #$ J#in! V"n!,") 232 Bi--") S!a!,) & E%i&i'i%i!( Con$titution or %ega% $tatu$ o+ Bidder1 [attach copy] !ationa%ity o+ Bidder 1 P%ace o+ regi$tration1 [insert] Princi'a% '%ace o+ )u$ine$$1 [insert] Po-er o+ attorney o+ $ignatory o+ Bid1 [attach] State -hether the Indi(idua% Bidder / Indi(idua% Me&)er o+ 2oint Venture i$ a 3o(ern&ent O-ned ntity State -hether the Indi(idua% Bidder / Indi(idua% Me&)er o+ 2oint Venture i$ +ro& an %igi)%e Country in accordance -ith ITB /,6 234 G"n"a% an- S/"ci$ic C#n)!,c!i#n E5/"i"nc" 4or5 'er+or&ed a$ 'ri&e Contractor on -or5$ o+ genera% nature and a $i&i%ar nature and (o%u&e o(er the %a$t +i(e year$, The (a%ue$ $hou%d )e indicated in US Do%%ar$ 6%$o %i$t detai%$ o+ -or5 under -ay or co&&itted0 inc%uding e7'ected co&'%etion date, [insert details in the following format both for general works and specific works] Project na&e and country !a&e o+ c%ient and contact 'er$on Ty'e o+ -or5 'er+or&ed and year o+ co&'%etion Date and Va%ue o+ contract 8a9 8)9 J P MUKHERJI & ASSOCIATES PVT LTD Tendaho Sugar Factory Project QUALIFICATION CRITERIA Section-IV Page - . / 6 BID DOCUM!T FO" CIVIL WORKS FOR NON PLANT BUILDINGS 236 Ma7# i!"0) #$ C#n!ac!#8) E9,i/0"n! /#/#)"- $# ca(in& #,! !*" W#:)3 :i$t a%% in+or&ation re*ue$ted )e%o-,
The )idder &u$t de&on$trate that it ha$ the 5ey e*ui'&ent %i$ted herea+ter, N#3 E9,i/0"n! T(/" an- C*aac!"i)!ic) Mini0,0 N,0'" "9,i"- 1 Mo)i%e Crane #; t Ca'acity 1 # <ydrau%ic ty'e = t ca' &o)i%e crane 1 . Buc5et 7ca(ator # / Do>er /:e(e%%er 1 ? 1; t "oad "o%%er # 6 Vi)ratory "o%%er/ Co&'actor 1 @ 1? cu& Concrete Batching P%ant 1 = Concrete 'u&'$ # A Set o+ Sur(eying In$tru&ent$ # 1; 1;-1# t Truc5$0 Du&'er$0 Tan5er$ and Ti''er$ 1; 11 Concrete Vi)rator$ 1; 1# Sca++o%ding and $huttering 6;;; $*& 1. "ein+orce&ent For&ing Machine # 1/ Tractor$ -ith Trai%er$ 1; 1? De-atering Pu&'$ 1; 16 6rc -e%ding &achine$ 1; 1@ DC 4e%ding Machine$ . 1= Die$e% 3enerator$ # 1A Mo)i%e tro%%ey &ounted air co&'re$$or$ 1 #; Concrete Mi7er$ o+ di++ ca'acitie$ 1; #1 4e%ding 3enerator$ 1 ## 3a$ 4e%ding and Cutting Set$ 1 #. P%a$&a Cutting Machine$ 1 #/ 4inche$0 Chain Pu%%ey B%oc5$0 etc # Set$ #? 4or5$ho' &achine$ %i5e %athe$0 dri%%ing &achine$ etc 1 Set #6 P%ate and Pi'e Bending Machine - #@ Te$ting/ :a)oratory *'t a$ de$cri)ed in S'eci+ication$ 1 Set #= Sa+ety *ui'&ent$ %i5e )e%t$0 he%&et$ and $hoe$ 6de*uate Buantity #A Fir$t 6id Cit$ 6de*uate Buantity .; <and too%$0 -ire ro'e$0 %adder$ 6de*uate Buantity J P MUKHERJI & ASSOCIATES PVT LTD Tendaho Sugar Factory Project QUALIFICATION CRITERIA Section-IV Page - / / 6 BID DOCUM!T FO" CIVIL WORKS FOR NON PLANT BUILDINGS The Bidder $ha%% +urni$h the +o%%o-ing in+or&ation, Ite& o+ e*ui'&ent De$cri'tion0 &a5e0 and age 8year$9 Condition 8ne-0 good0 'oor9 and nu&)er a(ai%a)%e O-ned0 %ea$ed 8+ro& -ho&D90 or to )e 'urcha$ed 8+ro& -ho&D9 8a9 8)9 The Bidder $ha%% a%$o 'ro(ide +urther detai%$ o+ 'ro'o$ed ite&$ o+ e*ui'&ent u$ing For& BU in Section V0 Bidding For&$, 23; P")#nn"% The Bidder &u$t de&on$trate that it ha$ the 'er$onne% +or the 5ey 'o$ition$ that it ha$ the 'er$onne% +or the 5ey 'o$ition$ that &eet the +o%%o-ing re*uire&ent
N#3 P#)i!i#n T#!a% W#: E5/"i"nc" <("a)= N#) 1 Chie+ Project Manager #? - # Project Manager #; 1 . Senior Ci(i% ngineer$ 1? # / Site ngineer$ 1; ? ? 2unior ngineer$ ? 1; 6 Site Su'er(i$or$ ? 1; @ Sur(eyor$ ? ? = Bi%%ing ngineer$/ Buantity Sur(eyor$ 1; ? A 6d&ini$trati(e and 6ccount$ Manager 1? 1 1; Materia% <and%ing and Store$ Manager 1? 1 11 %ectrica% ngineer 1; 1 1# Mechanica% and rection ngineer$ 1; # 1. Fa)rication and rection Su'er(i$or$ 1; # 1/ P%u&)ing and Sanitation ngineer 1; . 1? S5i%%ed Technician$0 4e%der$0 rector$ 6de*uate !u&)er$ The Bidder $ha%% 'ro(ide detai%$ o+ the 'ro'o$ed 'er$onne% and their e7'erience record$ u$ing For&$ P"-1 and P"-# inc%uded in Section V0 Bidding For&$ J P MUKHERJI & ASSOCIATES PVT LTD Tendaho Sugar Factory Project QUALIFICATION CRITERIA Section-IV Page - ? / 6 BID DOCUM!T FO" CIVIL WORKS FOR NON PLANT BUILDINGS 23> P#/#)"- ),'c#n!ac!) an- $i0) in.#%."-3 [insert details in the following format if applicable] Section$ o+ the 4or5$ Va%ue o+ $u)contract Su)contractor 8na&e and addre$$9 7'erience in $i&i%ar -or5 8a9 8)9 23? Financia% Si!,a!i#n 1,6,1 <i$torica% Financia% Per+or&ance1 Bidder to $u)&it audited account$ +or the %a$t three year$E )an5 re+erence$E etc, [List below and attach copies.] 1,6,# 6nnua% (o%u&e o+ con$truction -or5 'er+or&ed Tota% annua% (o%u&e o+ con$truction -or5 'er+or&ed in the %a$t +i(e year$0 in US Do%%ar$ 1 [insert] #;;? #;;/ #;;. #;;# #;;1 1,6,. (idence o+ acce$$ to +inancia% re$ource$ to &eet the *ua%i+ication re*uire&ent$1 ca$h in hand0 %ine$ o+ credit0 etc, [List below and attach copies of supporting documents.] 1,6,/ !a&e0 addre$$0 and te%e'hone0 te%e70 and +ac$i&i%e nu&)er$ o+ )an5$ that &ay 'ro(ide re+erence$ i+ contacted )y the &'%oyer, [insert details below.] 1,6,? Financia% "e$ource$ [provide details below.] U$ing For&$ CCC and FI!-1 in Section V0 Bidding For&$0 the Bidder &u$t de&on$trate acce$$ to0 or a(ai%a)i%ity o+0 +inancia% re$ource$ $uch a$ %i*uid a$$et$0 unencu&)ered rea% a$$et$0 %ine$ o+ credit0 and other +inancia% &ean$0 other than any contractua% ad(ance 'ay&ent$ to &eet1 8i9 the +o%%o-ing ca$h-+%o- re*uire&ent1 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF and J P MUKHERJI & ASSOCIATES PVT LTD Tendaho Sugar Factory Project QUALIFICATION CRITERIA Section-IV Page - 6 / 6 BID DOCUM!T FO" CIVIL WORKS FOR NON PLANT BUILDINGS 8ii9 the o(era%% ca$h +%o- re*uire&ent$ +or thi$ contract and it$ current 4or5$ co&&it&ent, 23@ Hi)!#ica% C#n!ac! N#n P"$#0anc" 1,@,1 <i$tory o+ !on Per+or&ance Contract$ Bidder to 'ro(ide detai%$ o+ !on 'er+or&ing Contract$ 1,@,# In+or&ation on current %itigation in -hich the Bidder i$ in(o%(ed, [insert details in the following format if applicable Other 'arty8ie$9 Cau$e o+ di$'ute 6&ount in(o%(ed 8a9 8)9 43 J#in! V"n!,") #,1 The in+or&ation %i$ted in 1,1 - 1,@ a)o(e $ha%% )e 'ro(ided +or each 'artner o+ the joint (enture, #,# 6ttach the 'o-er o+ attorney o+ the $ignatory8ie$9 o+ the Bid authori>ing $ignature o+ the Bid on )eha%+ o+ the joint (enture, #,. 6ttach the 6gree&ent a&ong a%% 'artner$ o+ the joint (enture 8and -hich i$ %ega%%y )inding on a%% 'artner$90 -hich $ho-$ that 8a9 a%% 'artner$ $ha%% )e joint%y and $e(era%%y %ia)%e +or the e7ecution o+ the Contract in accordance -ith the Contract ter&$E 8)9 one o+ the 'artner$ -i%% )e no&inated a$ )eing in charge0 authori>ed to incur %ia)i%itie$0 and recei(e in$truction$ +or and on )eha%+ o+ any and a%% 'artner$ o+ the joint (entureE and 8c9 the e7ecution o+ the entire Contract0 inc%uding 'ay&ent0 $ha%% )e done e7c%u$i(e%y -ith the 'artner in charge, 63 A--i!i#na% R"9,i"0"n!) .,1 Bidder$ $hou%d 'ro(ide any additiona% in+or&ation re*uired in the Bidding Data i+ a''%ica)%e,