NI Multisim and Ultiboard Brochure

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Easier Schematic Capture Better Simulation Faster Prototyping
NI Multisim and Ultiboard
The NI Multisim and Ultiboard circuit design environments (formerly from Electronics
Workbench) provide a complete printed circuit board (PCB) prototyping platform. And you
dont have to be a design expert to benefit from powerful capture, simulation, and layout
features. Regardless of experience, this easy-to-use circuit simulation and prototyping
platform can help speed up validation, improve performance, and reduce prototype iterations.
Improving the Design Flow
The traditional design ow consists of three often disjointed stages: design and simulation, layout and prototyping,
and test and validation. By integrating these individual stages, you can improve design communication and efciency.
NI offers an integrated platform with Multisim, Ultiboard, and NI LabVIEW that helps you easily transfer measurement
data and design les between each design stage. With LabVIEW integration, you can introduce signals as real-world
stimuli, correlate prototype data to simulated behavior, and develop custom analyses for both simulation and test.
The NI Circuit Design Approach
Multisim approaches circuit design and prototyping holistically by integrating schematic
capture and simulation with layout and test. Schematic capture combined with
industry-standard SPICE simulation provides a complete analog and mixed-mode digital
simulation environment. A highly graphical approach to simulation improves the design
approach with more effective analysis earlier in the design flow. Combined with Ultiboard
layout, the NI circuit design platform costs less than comparable design and analysis tools.
Multisim Ultiboard LabVIEW
Easy Part Evaluation
Fast Schematic Capture
Advanced Simulation
Flexible Layout
Adaptable Routing
Quick Export
Sophisticated Test
Improved Validation
Custom Verication
Easier Capture with the Multisim Component Database
Multisim schematic capture simplies fundamental, and often repeated, tasks such as part placement and wiring.
The software is shipped with a single component database that is logically arranged by family and device type, making
it easy to search. The database contains more than 17,500 commonly used components. Choose from passives, diodes,
transistors, and analog components from leading vendors such as Analog Devices, Microchip Technology, National
Semiconductor, and Texas Instruments. Once you place a component, you can connect symbols with the intelligent
NI wiring tool to avoid spaghetti wiring, crossed wires, and unclear design diagrams.
Quick custom component creation
Easy export to Ultiboard or
Mentor Graphics layout
Circuit simplification with hierarchical
blocks and multipage design
17,500+ symbols, footprints, and SPICE
models from leading manufacturers
Intuitive part placement and schematic wiring
Circuit Simulation Features Base Full Power Pro
Enhanced Grapher visualization (new)
Enhanced custom analysis instruments (new)
Virtual NI ELVIS II instruments toolbar
[with NI-ELVISmx install] (new)

Interactive SPICE 3X5 XSPICE simulator
Advanced mixed-mode simulation parser technology
Simulation Convergence Assistant
PSpice model compatibility
Acquire and simulated with real-world measurements
Microcontroller simulation
Postprocessor and expression in analyses
Microcontroller simulation
Op-amp/555 timer/filter wizard
Switch mode power supply models
Simulation-driven instruments 4 15 22
Advanced design analyses 16 20
Automation API interface
Schematic Capture Features Base Full Power Pro
WYSIWYG net system (new)
On-page and global connectors (new)
Rearchitected forward/backward
annotation to Ultiboard (new)

Hierarchical and subcircuit design
Multisheet design
Export to Mentor Graphics PADS layout
National Instruments mating connectors
Custom component wizard
Rubber banding on part movement
Advanced spreadsheet view
Customizable BOM
Variant support
Advanced reports
Cross probing with Ultiboard
Database import/export
Component database 12,700+ 13,100+ 17,500+
Multisim Product Features
Obtain a complete feature list at
Better Simulation with Multisim Advanced Validation
The intuitive Multisim simulation environment does not require SPICE expertise to validate circuit behavior. Multisim
focuses on abstracting away the difculties associated with simulation, so you can easily and quickly visualize the
behavior of a circuit earlier in your design ow. By incorporating strong support for technologies such as BSIM 4
parameters, Christophe Bassos switch-mode power supplies, and PSpice, you can dene and simulate complex
designs. With this leading simulation environment from NI, you can experiment with what if scenarios, evaluate
component choices, and verify circuit topology before iterating through a physical prototype stage.
You can complement the built-in Multisim measurement instruments with custom, domain-specic analyses using
LabVIEW. With the exibility of the NI platform, you can easily dene an analysis interface to gain greater insight
into design behavior before physically prototyping.
22 interactive simulation-driven instruments
Custom LabVIEW analysis development
20 advanced SPICE analyses including
Monte Carlo and AC
Easy-to-use integrated capture and
simulation environment
Advanced data visualization and
measurement interrogation
Creating a Solar-Powered Lantern for Use in Developing Nations
When the Koinonia Foundation set out to design a sustainable, low-cost
light source for impoverished populations to replace inefcient and
dangerous fuel-based lanterns, it turned to Multisim and Ultiboard
software. Using these tools, the foundation was able to create the K-Light,
a solar-powered lantern that is vastly improving day-to-day life in regions
like Rwanda by providing a long-lasting and simple light source. Multisim
advanced simulation and ease of use were critical to development by helping to improve design performance
and eliminating needless prototype iterations.
Bundle Software and Save
Save up to 20 percent on your software purchase
with NI Circuit Design Suite, which includes both
Multisim and Ultiboard. NI offers several NI Circuit
Design Suite options to meet your application
needs. Visit for
more information.
Board Layout Features Full Power Pro
Gridless follow-me placement
Real-time DRC
Gerber, DXF, IPC-D-356A, SVG output
Autoplacement and interactive autorouting
Dimensions on PCB and land patterns
Constraint and interactive routing
3D visualization inside circuit board
Mechanical CAD import/export
Cross probing with Multisim
Automatic tear dropping
Pin and gate swapping
Group autoplace and autoroute
Number of pins supported 2,000 Unlimited
Maximum number of layers 4 64
Ultiboard Product Features
Obtain a complete feature list at
Faster Prototyping with Flexible Ultiboard Layout and Routing Tools
The Ultiboard PCB layout and routing environment is completely integrated with Multisim and includes forward/
backward annotation and cross-probing capabilities. From part placement to routing, Ultiboard offers exibility to
prototype your PCBs through manual tools for precision and through automation for speed. Regardless of your design
experience, you can easily take a design from schematic to prototype with the NI circuit design platform.
Engineers developing breakout boards, daughter cards, custom I/O modules, and accessories for NI hardware such
as M Series DAQ and NI Single-Board RIO can save hours by taking advantage of predened symbols and land patterns
for associated mating connectors.
Forward and backward annotation with Multisim
Flexible layout and routing optimized for
speed and control
3D layout visualization and exploration
Fast design management with
tabular spreadsheet view
Export to industry-standard Gerber and
DXF formats
2010 National Instruments. All rights reserved. Electronics Workbench, LabVIEW, Multisim, National Instruments, NI,, and Ultiboard are trademarks of National Instruments. Other product and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. 351195D-01 1300
U.S. Corporate Headquarters 866 463 5417
Worldwide Offices (Please note that these phone numbers do not include their respective country codes): Andean and Caribbean 212 503 5310 n Argentina 0800 666 0037 n Australia 0 2 9491 4000 n Austria 0 662 457990 0 n Belgium 0 2 757 0020
Brazil 011 3149 3149 n Canada 450 510 3056 n Chile 0 800 532 951 n China 0 21 5050 9800 n Colombia 01 800 913 3092 n Costa Rica 0 800 052 1749 n Czech Republic, Slovakia 420 224 235 774 n Denmark 45 76 26 00 n Dominican Republic 800 433 3488
Ecuador 1800 999119 (pedir enlace a 1 800 433 3488) n El Salvador 800 6271 n Finland 0 9 725 72511 n France (0) 8 20 20 04 14 n Germany 0 89 7413130 n Guatemala 2450 1685 n Honduras 0 504 3646 n Hungary 36 23 448 900 n India 0 80 41190000
Ireland 0 1867 4374 n Israel 0 972 3 6393737 n Italy 02 41309277 n Japan 0120 527196 n Korea 0 2 3451 3400 n Lebanon 0 1 33 28 28 n Malaysia 1800 887710 n Mexico 01 800 010 0793 n Netherlands 0 348 433 466 n New Zealand 0800 553 322
Norway 66 90 76 60 n Panama 008000 521166 n Peru 0 800 50614 n Philippines 2 659 1722 n Poland 0 22 3289010 n Portugal 210 311 210 n Puerto Rico 1 800 433 3488 n Russia 7 495 783 6851 n Singapore 1800 226 5886 n Slovenia, Croatia,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia 3 425 42 00 n South Africa 0 11 805 8197 n Spain 91 640 0085 n Sweden 0 8 587 895 00 n Switzerland 0 56 2005151 n Taiwan 2 2377 2222 n Thailand 0 2 278 6777 n Turkey 0 212 279 3031
Uruguay 0004 055 114 n U.K. 0 1635 523545 n Venezuela 0 212 503 5310
Technical Support
NI provides superior worldwide technical resources. Visit and to access volumes
of self-help technical information, including the following:
Application tips and case studies
Example programs and frequently asked questions
Troubleshooting wizards, user forums, and developer communities
For those who have software maintenance memberships or volume license agreements, qualied NI applications
engineers are available for technical support directly via e-mail or phone.
Committed to Your Success
With the NI Standard Service Program (SSP), you receive technical support, software updates, training, and professional
services to meet your needs during your design ow. You also gain access to phone and e-mail support from NI
applications engineers. One year of SSP is included with your purchase of Multisim and Ultiboard. View detailed
information at
Multisim User Community and Technical Resources
Visit to collaborate with other Multisim users at the Multisim and Ultiboard user forum or nd new
components and reference designs at the Circuit Design Community at View
product information, application notes, and white papers from the list of NI online resources at
Training Courses
Multisim training courses help you take full advantage of your new software. NI regularly holds customizable courses
online and in various locations including on-site at your company. Topics covered include the following:
Basics of capture and simulation with Multisim
Advanced circuit behavior analysis with Multisim and LabVIEW
Exporting to board layout and prototype design in Ultiboard
Visit for more information.
Easier Schematic Capture Better Simulation Faster Prototyping
NI Global Services and Support

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