Dr.G.SUDHA, M.B.A.,Ph.D.,PGDHRM, M.SC (Geo-Informatics), (M, Sc. (Psy) )

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Dr.G.SUDHA, M.B.A.,Ph.D.,PGDHRM, M.Sc(Geo-Informatics), (M,Sc.

Assistant professor in Business Administration,
Annamalai university.
Mobile: 9487435223
email: sud!a79"anes!#rediffmail.$om
Be in t!e profession of tea$!in" for t!irteen years and trainin" for t%elve years.
A$tin" as $!airperson for personality and $ommuni$ation s&ill development $ell,
Annamalai 'niversity.
(ditor for t!e ne%sletter )su$$ess *iders+.
,iven trainin" to more t!an 5--- employees a$ross t!e "lobe.
.ertified international trainer and desi"ner from /.0 'niversity, '1A.
*e$ipient of best trainer a%ard in t!e year 2--7.
2utstandin" parti$ipant a%ard in t!e spee$! $raft and 3one trainers4 %or&s!op in t!e
year 2--9.
5isited and "iven trainin" in 1rilan&a, 1in"apore and Malaysia.
6ublis!ed 2- papers in 7ournals.
6resented more t!an 88 papers in 0nternational .onferen$e and 87 papers in 9ational
(dited t!ree boo&s entitled )0ndian et!os and values for or"ani3ational mana"ement+,
):* pra$ti$es for or"ani3ational sustainability+ and ):uman resour$e mana"ement
for or"ani3ational sustainability+.
2r"ani3ed more t!an 38 trainin" pro"rams ;%or&s!op bot! at 9ational and
0nternational level.
6rin$ipal 0nvesti"ator for t!e ',. Ma7or *esear$! 6ro7e$t titled )Better balan$e for
%omen in $uddalore distri$t+.
<ire$tor for t!e 0.11* Ma7or *esear$! 6ro7e$t titled )=iveli!ood improvement of
fis!eries by improvin" t!eir mar&etin" and business strate"ies in fis! sellin"+.
,iven tal& on All 0ndia *adio, >alai"nar ?5, and 1a&t!i ?5 in 1rilan&a.
Benefi$iaries of t!e trainin" pro"rams are employees of A"ar%al s%eets, $asino
ba&ery, B19=, *M>5, <epartment of (@e$ise, 1rilan&a, (ure&a personality
development $entre, 1rilan&a, 9eyveli =i"nite $orporation, 5.2..!idambaram port
trust, 1ubam lo"isti$s, Annai $olle"e of mana"ement studies, 0A(? en"ineerin"
$olle"e, .ape 0nstitute of en"ineerin" and te$!nolo"y, Meenat$!i ramas%amy
$olle"e, 1*5 matri$ulation s$!ool, Members of =ions, *otary and 5asavi $lubs,
matri$ulation s$!ool tea$!ers of tan7ore distri$t and t!iru$!en"odu distri$t et$.,
Better balan$e, 6o%er of Asso$iation, ,ood to "reat, =ove to lead, 6lay your $ards
su$$essfully, Art of Ad7ustment, %!at ma&es t!e differen$eB , (motional 0"noran$e,
Ai"!t fli"!t flo% are t!e trainin" modules developed for $orporate.

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