Program: Diploma in Civil Engineering Lateral Entry
The document outlines the study and evaluation scheme for the Diploma in Civil Engineering Lateral Entry program over 6 semesters. It details the subjects covered each semester, allocation of class periods per week for lectures, tutorials, and practical sessions. It also specifies the internal and external assessment weightage along with the total credits and marks for each subject. The evaluation methods for theory papers, practicals/projects, and minimum requirements to pass are provided.
Program: Diploma in Civil Engineering Lateral Entry
The document outlines the study and evaluation scheme for the Diploma in Civil Engineering Lateral Entry program over 6 semesters. It details the subjects covered each semester, allocation of class periods per week for lectures, tutorials, and practical sessions. It also specifies the internal and external assessment weightage along with the total credits and marks for each subject. The evaluation methods for theory papers, practicals/projects, and minimum requirements to pass are provided.
Original Description:
this is the syllabus for diploama cilvil engineering
Program: Diploma in Civil Engineering Lateral Entry
The document outlines the study and evaluation scheme for the Diploma in Civil Engineering Lateral Entry program over 6 semesters. It details the subjects covered each semester, allocation of class periods per week for lectures, tutorials, and practical sessions. It also specifies the internal and external assessment weightage along with the total credits and marks for each subject. The evaluation methods for theory papers, practicals/projects, and minimum requirements to pass are provided.
Program: Diploma in Civil Engineering Lateral Entry
The document outlines the study and evaluation scheme for the Diploma in Civil Engineering Lateral Entry program over 6 semesters. It details the subjects covered each semester, allocation of class periods per week for lectures, tutorials, and practical sessions. It also specifies the internal and external assessment weightage along with the total credits and marks for each subject. The evaluation methods for theory papers, practicals/projects, and minimum requirements to pass are provided.
TEERTHANKER MAHAVEER UNIVERSITY (Established under Govt. of U. P. Act No. 30, 2008) Delhi Road, Moradabad (U.P) Study & Evaluation Scheme Of Diploma in Engineering (Civil- Lateral) SUMMARY Programme : Diploma in Engineering Lateral Entry Duration : 2 Years (Semester system) Medium : English/Hindi Minimum Required Attendance : 75 % Assessment (Theory and Project) : Internal External Total 30+10 (Project) 60 100
Class Test I Class Test II Best two out of the three Class Quiz/Assig +Project Attend ance Grand Total 10 Marks 10 Marks 5+10 Marks 5 Marks 40 Marks
Evaluation of Practical/ Dissertation & Project Report : Internal External Total 50 50 100
Duration of Examination : Internal External 1 hrs. 3 hr.
To qualify the course a student is required to secure a minimum of 40% marks in aggregate including the semester-end examination and teachers continuous evaluation. (i.e. both internal and external). A candidate who secures less than 40% of marks in a course shall be deemed to have failed in that course. The student should have at least 50% marks in aggregate to clear the semester. In case a student has more than 40% in each course, but less than 50% overall in a semester, he/she shall re-appear in courses where the marks are less than 50% to achieve the required aggregate percentage (of 50%) in the semester. It is compulsory for the student to appear in external examination to clear the course. Question paper structure 1. The question paper shall consist of eight questions. Out of which first question shall be of short answer type (not exceeding 50 words) and will be compulsory. Question No. 1 shall contain 8 parts representing all units of the syllabus and students shall have to answer any five (weightage 3 marks each). 2. Out of the remaining seven questions, student shall be required to attempt any five questions. There will be minimum one and maximum two questions from each unit of the syllabus. The weightage of Question No. 2 to 8 shall be 9 marks each. 3. Weightage to numerical/ case study etc shall be as mentioned at the end of syllabus of each subject Diploma (Civil-Lateral) Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2012-13 (22022012)Page 3 of 64
Study & Evaluation Scheme Program: Diploma in Civil Engineering- Lateral Entry Semester- III Periods Evaluation Scheme S. No. Course Code Subject L T P Credit Internal External Total 1 DIP301 Applied Mathematics 4 - - 4 40 60 100 2 DIP302 Basic of Electrical & Electronics Engineering 4 - - 4 40 60 100 3 DIP303 Applied Mechanics 4 - - 4 40 60 100 4 DIP304 Concepts in Information Technology 4 - - 4 40 60 100 5 DIP305 OR DIP306
OR DEE304 Building Material OR Basics of Mechanical Engineering OR Electrical & Electronics Engineering Materials
- - 3 40 60 100 6 DIP307 English Communication 3 - - 3 40 60 100 7 DIP351 Electrical & Electronics Engineering Lab - - 4 2 50 50 100 8 DIP352 Information Technology Lab - - 2 1 50 50 100 9 DIP353 Engineering Drawing 1 - 3 3 50 50 100 10 DIP354 Workshop Practice - - 4 2 50 50 100 11 DIP355 Applied Mechanics Lab - - 3 2 50 50 100 Total 23 - 16 32 490 610 1100 Semester- IV Periods Evaluation Scheme S. No. Course Code Subject L T P Credit Internal External Total 1 DME478 Strength of Material & Hydraulics 5 - - 5 40 60 100 2 DCE471 Surveying I 3 - - 3 40 60 100 3 DCE472 Building Construction 3 - - 3 40 60 100 4 DCE401 Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering 3 - - 3 40 60 100 5 DCE402 Public Health Engineering I 3 - - 3 40 60 100 6 DCE404 Irrigation Engineering 3 - - 3 40 60 100 7 DIP401 Technical Communication 3 - - 3 40 60 100 8 DME461 Strength of Material & Hydraulics Lab - - 4 2 50 50 100 9 DCE462 Surveying - I Lab - - 4 2 50 50 100 10 DCE463 Building Construction Lab - - 2 1 50 50 100 11 DCE464 Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering Lab - - 2 1 50 50 100 12 DCE465 Public Health Engineering Lab - - 2 1 50 50 100 13 DCE466 Civil Engineering Drawing I - - 3 2 50 50 100 Total 23 - 17 32 580 720 1300
Semester- V Periods Evaluation Scheme S. No. Course Code Subject L T P Credit Internal External Total 1 DCE501 Transportation Engineering I 3 - 3 40 60 100 2 DCE502 Surveying II 3 - - 3 40 60 100 3 DCE503 Construction Management 3 - - 3 40 60 100 4 DCE504 Environment Pollution & Control 3 - - 3 40 60 100 5 DCE505 Public Health Engineering II 3 - - 3 40 60 100 6 DCE506@ Concrete Technology 3 - - 3 40 60 100 7 DIP501 Communication Technique 3 - - 3 40 60 100 8 DIP502* Social, Psychological and Economics Factors 3 - - 3 40 60 100 9 DCE551 Transportation Engineering Lab - - 3 2 50 50 100 10 #DCE552 Surveying Lab II and Survey Camp of one week duration - - 6 3 50 50 100 11 DCE553 Civil Engineering Drawing II 2 - 4 5 50 50 100 12 DCE555 Industrial Exposure - - - 4 50 50 100 Total 26 - 13 38 520 680 1200 @Only for Lateral Entry. # Survey camp of one week duration shall be arranged in the University campus or nearby locality. Semester- VI Periods Evaluation Scheme S. No. Course Code Subject L T P Credit Internal External Total 1 DCE601 Design of RCC Structures 3 2 - 5 40 60 100 2 DCE602 Design of Steel Structures 3 1 - 4 40 60 100 3 DCE603 Transportation Engineering II 3 - - 3 40 60 100 4 DCE604 Earth Quake Engineering 3 - - 3 40 60 100 5 DCE605 Estimating, Costing and Valuation 3 2 - 5 40 60 100 6 DCE606 Construction Accounts 3 - - 3 40 60 100 7 DIP601 Corporate Communication 3 - - 3 40 60 100 3 - - 3 40 60 100 9 DCE651 RCC Lab - - 3 2 50 50 100 10 DCE652# Design Project on CAD - 6 3 50 50 100 Total 21 5 9 31 380 520 900
# The Faculty is supposed to take presentation of each group before awarding the marks. *The subject -Social, Psychological and Economics Factors will be taught in either V or VI semester
APPLIED MATHEMATICS Third Semester L T P C Course Code: DIP301 4 - - 4
Course Contents: Unit I Jacobians: Definition of Jacobians, Jacobians of functions of functions, Jacobian of implicit function, Functional Dependence theorem. (8 Lectures) Unit II Matrices: Definition of matrix, Different types of matrices, Transpose of a matrix, Equality of matrices, Addition and subtraction of matrices, Properties of matrix addition. (8 Lectures) Unit III Matrices: Multiplication of matrices, Properties of matrix multiplication, Adjoint of square matrix, Properties of adjoint matrix, Inverse of a matrix. (8 Lectures) Unit IV Differential Calculus: Methods of finding derivative- function of a function, logarithmic differentiation, differentiation of implicit functions, higher order derivatives, Liebnitz theorem. Special functions (Exponential, Logarithmic, Hyperbolic, Inverse circular), definition, graphs, range and domain and derivatives of each of these function. Application: Finding tangents, normal points of maxima and minima. (8 Lectures) Unit V Integral Calculus: Methods of indefinite integration: Integration by substitution, Partial fraction and by parts. Meaning and properties of definite integrals, Evaluation of definite integrals. Simpsons and Trapezoidal rule: their application and simple cases. (8 Lectures) The question paper shall have weightage to numerical/ case study 70% and to theoretical 30%.
Project work A project work will be assigned to the students by the concerned subject faculty. It will carry 10 marks and will be evaluated by the faculty itself. The topic of the project will be decided by the faculty. The students will work in a group of 3 5 on each topic. The topic should be related to the subject taught by the faculty and should have proper utility and importance to enhance his practical skill & knowledge. The project will be evaluated by the external examiner. Text Books: 1. Sharma, R D, Applied Mathematics. 2. Grewal B S, Elementary Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publication. 3. Sumha Dr. K. S., Applied Mathematics (I & II), Bharat Bharati Prakashan, Meerut. Reference Books: 1. Gorakh Prasad, Differential & Integral Calculus 2. Mittal S C & Mittal, S K., Two Dimensional Coordinate, Pragati Prakashan, Meerut 3. Mittal S C & Mittal, S K., Three Dimensional Coordinate, Pragati Prakashan, Meerut 4. Loney, S L, Trigonometry (I part) 5. Goel, B S, Algebra
BASIC OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING BASICS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Third Semester L T P C Course Code: DIP302 4 - - 4 Course Contents: Unit -1 BASICS OF ELECTRICAL QUANTITIES: Different forms of energy, Advantages of electrical energy, Uses of electrical energy, Basic concept of charge, Current, Voltage, Resistance Power, Energy and their Units.
BATTERIES: Basic idea about primary and secondary cells, Working principle, Construction and Application of lead acid, Nickel cadmium and Silver Oxide Cells. (8 Lectures) Unit 2 DC CIRCUIT: Ohms Law, Resistance in series and Parallel, Voltage and current division rule, Kirchhoffs Laws and their application in solving simply D. C. Network. AC CIRCUIT: Concept of alternating current and voltage, Equation of instantaneous values. Average rules, R.M.S. value, Form Factor and peak factor of sinusoidal waveform. Simple R-L-C Series circuit concept of three phase A.C. (8 Lectures)
Unit- 3 Magnetic Circuits: Magnetic flux, flux density, field intensity, B-H Curve, difference between magnetic and electric circuit, Faradays law, Fleming right hand, left hand rule, Lenzs law, thumb rule, self and mutual, inductance, induced emf, energy stored in magnetic circuit. (8 Lectures) BASIC ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Unit- 4 Electronic Component & Voltage and Current Sources:- Application of Electronics in different fields, Brief introduction to active and passive components, Resistor working, specification, testing & colour coding of resistor, Capacitor. Working, specification testing & colour coding, inductor working, RF coils, transformer. Concept of constant voltage & current sources, concept of practical voltage & current sources, conversion of voltage to current & current to voltage sources. (8 Lectures)
Unit- 5 Semiconductor Diode:- P-N junction diode, mechanism of current flow in P-N junction, drift and diffusion currents, depletion layer, potential barrier, breakdown, semiconductor diode characteristics, P-N junction diode as rectifier, half wave rectifier, full wave rectifier, bridge rectifier, different type of diode, power diode, zener diodes, varactor diodes, tunnel diode, LEDs and photo diodes. (8 Lectures)
Unit- 6 Introduction to Bipolar Transistor Biasing and Stabilization of Operating Point:- Concept of bipolar transistor as a two junction three terminal device having two kinds of charge carriers, PNP and NPN transistors, their symbols, concept of leakage current, effect of temperature on leakage current, common base configurations (CB), common emitter configuration (CE), common collector configuration, different types of biasing circuits for fixing the operation points, single stage CE amplifier circuit with proper biasing components. (8 Lectures)
The question paper shall have weightage to numerical/ case study 30% and to theoretical 70%. Project work There will be a project work assigned to students by the subject faculty. It will be of 10 marks and will be evaluated by the faculty itself. The topic of the project will be decided by the faculty and students will work in a group of 3 5 on each topic. The topic should be related to the subject taught by the faculty and should have proper utility and importance to enhance his practical skill & knowledge.
Text Books Diploma (Civil-Lateral) Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2012-13 (22022012)Page 7 of 64
1. Garg R.P., Elements of Mechanical Engineering, Standard Publishers Distributors, Delhi. 2. Sharma Sanjay, Basic Electronics, Publication of Engineering & Computer. 3. Therja B.L., Fundamental of Electrical Engineering, S.Chand & Co., Delhi.
APPLIED MECHANICS Third Semester L T P C Course Code: DIP303 4 - - 4
Course Contents:
UNIT I Force Analysis: - System of forces, concept of coplanar and non-coplanar forces including parallel forces. Concurrent and non-concurrent forces, resultant forces, Equilibrium of forces, Law of parallelogram of forces, Law of triangle of forces and its converse, Law of polygon of forces, solution of simple engineering problems by analytical and graphical methods. Such as simple wall crane, jib crane etc. Determination of resultant of any number of forces in one plane acting upon a particle, Conditions of equilibrium of coplanar concurrent forces system. (10 Lectures)
UNIT II Moment and couple, General conditions of Equilibrium Moment and couple Generalized theorem of moments, Application to simple problem on levers-Bell crank Lever, compound lever, steel yard, beams & wheels, lever safety valve, moment of couple, properties of a couple, simple applied problem such as pulley and shaft. General conditions of Equilibrium: General conditions of equilibrium, rigid body. Under the action of coplanar forces, statement of forces, Laws of equilibrium, moment law of equilibrium, application of above on body. (10 Lectures)
UNIT III Friction: Types of friction: Stoical Limiting and dynamical friction statement of Laws of sliding friction, coefficient of friction, angle of friction: Problems on equilibrium of a body resting on a rough inclined plane, simple problems on friction, conditions of sliding and toppling. (10 Lectures)
UNIT IV Stress and strain : Concept of stress and strain. Concept of various types of stress and Strains, Definition of tension, compression, shear, bending, torsion, concept of volumetric and lateral strain, Poissons ratio, ultimate stress, Working stress, elasticity, Hooks Law, Load deformation diagram for mild steel and cast iron. Definition of modulus of elasticity, Yield point, modulus of rigidity and bulk modulus. (10 Lectures)
UNIT V Beam and trusses; Definition of statically determinate and indeterminate trusses. Types of supports of tie and struts, Bows notation space diagram, polar diagram, funicular polygon, calculation of reaction at the support of cantilever and simply supported beams and trusses graphically and Analytically, Graphical solution of simple determinate trusses with reference to forces diagram for determining the magnitude and nature of forces in its various members Analytical method; Methods of joints and method of sections (Simple problems only). (10 Lectures) The question paper shall have weightage to numerical/ case study 50% and to theoretical 50%. Project work There will be a project work assigned to students by the subject faculty. It will be of 10 marks and will be evaluated by the faculty itself. The topic of the project will be decided by the faculty and students will work in a group of 3 5 on each topic. The topic should be related to the subject taught by the faculty and should have proper utility and importance to enhance his practical skill & knowledge. Text Books 1. Bansal R.K., Engineering Mechanics, Laxmi Publication Pvt Ltd., Delhi. 2. Khurmi R.S., Engineering Mechanics, S. Chand & Co., Delhi. 3. Kapoor J.K., Applied Mechanics, Bharat Bharti Prakashan, Meerut. 4. Yadav K.S., Engineering Mechanics, Vayu Education of India.
CONCEPTS IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Third Semester L T P C Course Code: DIP304 4 - - 4 Course Contents: Unit I Concepts in computer & Programming; Computer Appreciation: Definition of electronic Computer, Generations, Characteristic and Application of Computers, Computer Hardware, CPU, RAM/ROM, Various I/O devices, Software Definition, Role and Categories. (Lectures 08) Unit II Computer Languages: Classification & Program Methodology, Generation of Language, Translators, Interpreters, Assemblers Compilers, Software Development life cycle: Waterfall model. Software Testing. Number System: Various codes, decimal, binary, octal, hexadecimal conversion. (Lectures 08) Unit III Internet and Web Technologies; Internet & World Wide Web: Hypertext Marks Language, WWW, Gopher, FTP, Web Browsers, Search Engines, Email. (Lectures 08)
Unit IV Concepts in Operating System & Data Management: Elementary Concepts in Operating System, textual Vs GUI Interface, Introduction to DOS, MS Office Tools MS WORD, MS EXCEL, MS Power Point. (Lectures 08)
Unit V Application of IT to Areas like E Commerce, Multimedia, and Entertainment. Information Representation: Introduction to Information representation in Digital Media, Text, Image, graphics, Animation, Audio, Video etc, Introduction to JPEG & MPEG. (Lectures 08)
The question paper shall have weightage to numerical/ case study 20% and to theoretical 80%.
Project work There will be a project work assigned to students by the subject faculty. It will be of 10 marks and will be evaluated by the faculty itself. The topic of the project will be decided by the faculty and students will work in a group of 3 5 on each topic. The topic should be related to the subject taught by the faculty and should have proper utility and importance to enhance his practical skill & knowledge. Text Books 1. Yadav, DS, Foundations of IT, New Age, Delhi. 2. Curtin, Information Technology: Breaking News, Tata Mo Grew Hill. 3. Rajaraman, Introduction to Computers, Prentice-Hall Indi
The question paper shall have weightage to case study 20% and to theoretical 80%. Reference Books 1. Nelson, Data Compression, BPB. 2. Peter Nortans, Introduction to Computers, TME. 3. Leon & Leon, Fundamental of Information Technology, Vikas Publishing. 4. Kantar, Managing Information System. 5. CIS Tams, Internet, An Introduction, Tata Mc Grew Hill. Diploma (Civil-Lateral) Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2012-13 (22022012)Page 9 of 64
BUILDING MATERIAL Third Semester L T P C Course Code: DIP305 3 - - 3
Course Contents:
Unit 1 Building Stone: Classification of Rocks: - Geological and physical classification, Testing of stones for specific gravity, Water absorption, Durability, Weathering. Quarrying:- Basic Principles involved, Methods of quarrying, Blasting, where used Principals of ballasting, Line of least resistance, Drilling of quarrying, Blasting, where used, Principles of ballasting, Line of least resistance, Drilling of holes (Manually and mechanically), charging, tamping, Fugues and detonators, safety precaution, common explosives only Name and their use. Wedging- Where used, Tools required and operation of wedging, stone Crushing; Process and equipment used, crushers, gridding mills. Availability, Characteristics and uses of the following stone:- Granite, Sand stone, Lime stone, Slate, basalt, trap quartzite and marble, Availability of different stones in the state. (8 Lectures)
Unit 2 Bricks & clay Products- Raw material for manufacture, Properties of good brick making earth, field-testing of brick clay. Manufacture of bricks, Preparation of clay-Manually/Mechanically. Molding: hand molding and machine molding, drying of bricks, Burning of bricks, Types of Kilns, Bulls Trench Kiln and Hoffmans kiln, Process of burning, Size of standard Bricks, its classification of brick as per I.S. and testing of common building bricks as compressive strength, water absorption, effloresce test. (8 Lectures)
Unit 3 Lime and Cement:- Lime:- Natural sources of lime, Definition of Quick, fat, hydraulic, hydrated lime, calcinations, slaking, manufacture of lime, process of setting and hardening action of lime field test of lime, pozzolonic material types, properties and uses. Cement: Natural and artificial cement, Raw materials, manufacture of ordinary Portland cement, Flow diagram for dry and wet process, setting and hardening of cement. Types of cement, Properties of cement, Test of cement as per Indian standard. (8 Lectures)
Unit 4 Timber, Paints and Insulating Materials Timber:- Classification of Trees,- Cross Section of an Exogenous tree and explanation of terms, identification of different types of timber, teak, Chirr, Shish am, Sal, Mango, deodar, kail etc., Seasoning of Timber Purpose, Types of seasoning, water, Air, Kiln, Chemical & solar Kiln seasoning. Defects in Timber:- Decay in Timber, Preservation of timber, Method of treatment, Properties of good timber, common structural timber in India, Plywood, Veneers, Manufacture of plywood & its uses, Laminated Boards, Block Boards, Fiber Boards, Plastic Coated finishes, Water & fire resistant Plywood, PVC Boards. Paints- Various Types of Paints their function and properties, cement paints their properties and uses, Varnish & polish, Lacquers and enamels their properties uses and trade names. Insulating Material:- Properties, uses and requirement of heat and sound insulating materials, properties and uses of cork, Rockwool, Glass wool, Concrete, Aluminum foil, Asbestos sheets for ceiling & their commercial name. (8 Lectures)
Unit 5 Glass, Plastic and water Proofing Materials Glass:- Types of glasses and their properties: Sheet, plate frosted, wired fiber and bullet resisting glass colored glass and commercial size, forms & their use. Plastic:- Properties and uses of plastic, Imported commercial product, use of plastic in civil engineering, Plastic Pipes, Taps, Vales, Plastic coated paper, Polythene sheets, Bakelite, thermocole, P.V.C. Rexene and Linoleum. Water Proofing Materials Properties and commercial trade name. (8 Lectures)
The question paper shall have weightage to numerical/ case study 20% and to theoretical 80%.
Project work A project work will be assigned to the students by the concerned subject faculty. It will carry 10 marks and will be evaluated by the faculty itself. The topic of the project will be decided by the faculty. The students will work in a group of 3 5 on each topic. The topic should be related to the subject taught by the faculty and should have proper utility and importance to enhance his practical skill & knowledge. The project will be evaluated by the external examiner. Text Books:- 1. Singh Gurcharan, Building Materials, Standard Publishers Distributors, Delhi. Reference Books:- 1. Rangwala S.C., Engineering Materials, Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Adand.
BASICS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Third Semester L T P C Course Code: DIP306 3 - - 3
Unit 1: Sources of energy, Energy sources in nature, conventional and non-conventional energy sources. Fuels, their properties and classification. (6 Lectures)
Unit 2: Machine Components: Brief idea of loading of machine components- pins,cotter and knuckle joints, types of keys, shafts, collars, cranks and eccentrics, couplings and clutches. (6 Lectures)
Unit 3: Bearings- use and types. Lubrication- types of lubrication systems, selection of lubricants on the basis of their properties. (5 Lectures)
Unit 4: Power transmission: Gears- types of gears, gear trains and their applications, nomenclature. Belts, ropes, chains and discs. (6 Lectures)
Unit 5: Springs- their types, use and material. (6 Lectures)
The question paper shall have weightage to numerical/ case study 20% and to theoretical 80%.
Project work A project work will be assigned to the students by the concerned subject faculty. It will carry 10 marks and will be evaluated by the faculty itself. The topic of the project will be decided by the faculty. The students will work in a group of 3 5 on each topic. The topic should be related to the subject taught by the faculty and should have proper utility and importance to enhance his practical skill & knowledge. The project will be evaluated by the external examiner.
Text Books 1. Garg R.P., Elements of Mechanical Engineering, Standard Publishers Distributors, Delhi.
ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING MATERIALS Third Semester L T P C Course Code: DEE304 3 - - 3 Course Contents Unit 1 Classification Classification of materials into conducting, semiconducting and insulating materials with reference to their atomic structure and energy bands. Conducting Materials: Resistivity and factors affecting resistivity, such as temperature, alloying. Super conductivity and super conducting material. Low resistivity materials e.g. copper, aluminum and steel, their general properties as conductor e.g. resistivity, temperature co-efficient, mechanical properties, corrosion, solar ability, contact resistance and practical application. High resistivity materials: manganin, constantan nichrome, carbon, tungsten, their practical applications. (8 Lectures) Unit 2 Insulating Materials Properties of insulating material:- Electrical properties, Mechanical properties, Physical properties, Thermal properties, Chemical properties, Insulating materials and their application-Definition and classification of Thermo setting materials e.g. Phenol Formaldehyde, Resins (i.e. Bakelite), Thermo Plastic materials e.g. Polyvinyl Chloride (P.V.C.), ,Natural Insulating Materials- Mica and Asbestos ,Gaseous Materials e.g. Air, Hydrogen and SF6. (8 Lectures) Unit 3 Magnetic Materials B-H curve of magnetic materials, Classification of magnetic materials into soft and hard magnetic materials. Soft magnetic materials - high silicon alloy steel for transformers and low silicon alloy steel, for electric rotating machine cold rolled grain oriented and non-oriented steel, Nickel iron alloy, soft ferrites, their properties and uses. Hard magnetic materials - tungsten steel, chrome steel, cobalt steel, alnico, hard ferrites, their properties and applications. (8 Lectures) Unit 4 Semiconductor Materials Introduction, semiconductor and their applications, Different semiconductor materials used in manufacturing various semiconductors (Si & Ge), Material used for electronic components like resister, capacitor, diode, transistors and inductors. (8 Lectures) Unit 5 Special Purpose Materials: Thermocouple, bimetals, leads soldering and fuses material, mention their applications, Introduction of various engineering materials necessary for fabrication of electrical machines such as motors, generators, transformers etc. (8 Lectures)
The question paper shall have weightage to numerical/ case study 20% and to theoretical 80%.
Project work There will be a project work assigned to students by the subject faculty. It will be of 10 marks and will be evaluated by the faculty itself. The topic of the project will be decided by the faculty and students will work in a group of 3 5 on each topic. The topic should be related to the subject taught by the faculty and should have proper utility and importance to enhance his practical skill & knowledge. Text Books: 1. Bhattacharya SK, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Materials, Khanna Publishers New Delhi. 2. Grover and Jamwal, Electronics Components and Materials, Dhampat Rai and Co. New Delhi. 3. Dhir SM, Electrical Engineering Materials, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.
Reference Books: 1. Kapoor PL, Electrical Engineering Materials, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi. 2. Sharma BR and Others, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Materials, Sayya Parkashan. 3. DR. Arora, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Materials, Ishan Publications, Ambata City. 4. Dogra Rakesh, Electrical Engineering Materials, SK Kataria and Sons, New Delhi.
English Communication Third Semester Course Code: DIP 307 L T P C 3 0 0 3 Course Content:
Unit I Functional Grammar: Active, Passive voice, Conditional Sentences, Syntax, Concord, Common Errors. (8 hours) Practical (oral): To make students practice the above mentioned grammatical RULES in the practical classes. (2 hours) Unit II Communication: Meaning & Importance of Communication, Process of Communication, Language as a tool of Communication. (8 hours) Practical (Oral): To make students speak on their understanding of Communication in English. (2 hours) Unit III Writing Skills: Reporting events, Writing newspaper reports, Bio-data making, Writing of C.V. & Resumes, Writing job application. (8 hours) Practical (Oral): To make students practice writing on the above mentioned processes. (2 hours) Unit IV Listening Skills: The listening process, hearing & listening, types of listening, Barriers to listening. (8 hours) Practical (oral): To make student develop the skills of listening & thus improve their speaking skills. (2 hours)
Recommended Books: 1. Raman Meenakshi & Sharma Sangeeta Technical Communication Principles & Practices, - ONP, N. Delhi 2. Wren & Martin : High School English Grammar & Composition- S.Chand & Co. N.Delhi
NOTE: This syllabus has been designed to improve the oral and written communication skills of students. The faculty members should put emphasis on practical (oral) activities for generating students interest in language learning. * Latest editions of all the suggested books are recommended.
PRACTICALS 1) To verify the Ohms Law. 2) To verify that R e = R 1 +R 2 +R n where R 1 , R 2 etc. are resistances connected in series. 3) Verification of Kirchhoffs current and Voltage Laws applied to D.C. circuit. 4) To observe the A.C. and D.C. wave shape on C.R.O. 5) To study different types of practical transformer. 6) To verify that 1/R e =1/R 1 /R 2 +..1/Rm. Where R 1 , R 2 ..R m are all resistances connected in parallel.
Evaluation of Practical Examination:- As per Annexure A
BASIC ELECTRONICS (LAB) Practical No.- 1 Object: To study, identify & test the passive Components, Resistor Compactor. Practical No.- 2 Object:- To draw the V-I characteristics of P-N Junction Diode in forward and reverse Bias in the following: i) Silicon ii) Germanium Practical No.- 3 Object :- Draw the input and output wave form of Half wave rectifier using semi conductor diode. Practical No.- 4 Object :- Draw the input and output wave form of full wave rectifier using semi conductor diode. Practical No.- 5 Object :- Draw input and output characteristics of Transistor in common base configuration. Practical No.- 6 Object :- Draw the V-I characteristics of zener diode.
Evaluation of Practical Examination:- As per Annexure A
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LAB Third Semester L T P C Course Code: DIP352 - - 2 1
1. Create a document using functions: Save as, page number, Bullets and numbering. 2. Create a document using styles and Formatting options. 3. Create a document using different fonts. 4. Create a document, using the function page set up, & page preview, then print that document. 5. Create a table & perform operation in it. 6. Create a table, chart in excel and implement all formula as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. 7. How to use Mail Merge in MS Word. 8. Create a Power point presentation using slide designing. 9. Create, Save & print the power point presentation. 10. Create a power point presentation using clipart, Word art gallery & then add transition & Animation effects.
Evaluation of Practical Examination:- As per Annexure A
ENGINEERING DRAWING Third Semester L T P C Course Code: DIP353 1 - 3 3
Course Contents: 1. Drawing, instruments and their uses. 1.1. Introduction to various drawing, instruments. 1.2. Correct use and care of Instruments. 1.3. Sizes of drawing sheets and their layouts.
2. (a) Lettering Techniques 1 Sheet Printing of vertical and inclined normal single stroke capital letters and numbers. (b) Conventional Representation: Types of lines, Conventional representation of materials.
3. Introduction to Scales 1 Sheet Necessity and use, R F Types of scales used in general engineering drawing. Plane, diagonal and chord scales.
4. (a) Principles of Projection Orthographic, Pictorial and perspective. Concept of horizontal and vertical planes. Difference between I and III angle projections. Dimensioning techniques. (b) Projections of points, lines and planes. 1 Sheet
5. Orthographic Projections of Simple 2 Sheet Geometrical Solids: Edge and axis making given angles with the reference planes. Face making given angles with reference planes. Face and its edge making given angles with reference planes.
6. Section of Solids 1 Sheet Concept of sectioning Cases involving cutting plane parallel to one of the reference planes and perpendicular to the others. Cases involving cutting plane perpendicular to one of the reference planes and inclined to the other plane, true space of the section.
7. Development of Surfaces 1 Sheet Parallel line and redial line methods of developments. Development of simple and truncated surfaces (Cube, prism, cylinder, cone and pyramid).
8. Isometric Projection. 1 Sheet Isometric scale Isometric Projection of solids. 9. Orthographic projection: 1 Sheet Nut and Bolt, Rivets and Riveted Joints.
10. Practice on auto cad: To draw geometrical figures using line, circle, arc, polygon, ellipse, rectangle erase and other editing commands and snap commands (two dimensional drawing only). Books: 1. Bhatt N.D., Engineering Drawing, Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Anand. 2. Upadhayay S.D., Engineering Drawing, Bharat Bharti Prakashan, Merrut. 3. Goyal B.K., Engineering Drawing, Asian Publishers, Muzaffarnagar.
Evaluation of Practical Examination:- As per Annexure A Diploma (Civil-Lateral) Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2012-13 (22022012)Page 17 of 64
WORKSHOP PRACTICE Third Semester L T P C Course Code: DIP354 - - 4 2 1. Carpentry Shop Work: Ex-1 Planning and sawing practice. Ex-2 Making of Lap Joint. Ex-3 Making of Mortise and tendon Joint Ex-4 Making of Briddle Joint. Ex-5 Making of Dovetail Joint. Ex-6 Making of any one utility articles such as wooden-picture frame, hanger, peg, name plates etc. 2. Fitting Shop: Ex-1 Hacks awing and chipping of M.S. flat. Ex-2 Filing and squaring of chipped M.S. job. Ex-3 Filing on square or rectangular M.S. piece. Ex-4 Making Bolt & Nut by Tap and Die set. Ex-5 To drill a hole in M.S. Plate and taping the same to create threads as per need. Ex-6 Utility article-to prepare a screw driver or paper weight, double open mouth spanner for 18 hexagonal head of a bolt. 3. Welding Shop: Ex-1 Welding practice-Gas and Electric. Ex-2 Welding for lap joint after preparing the edge. Ex-3 Welding of Butt joint after preparation of the edge. Ex-4 T joint welding after preparation of edge. Ex-5 Spot welding, by spot welding Machine. Ex-6 Welding of Plastic by Hot strip method. 4. Machine Shop : Ex-1 Study & sketch of Lathe machine. Ex-2 Plane and step turning & knurling practice. Ex-3 Study & sketch of planning machine and plane a rectangle of cast iron. Evaluation of Practical Examination:- As per Annexure A
1. To verify the law of Polygon of forces. 2. To verify the law of parallelogram and triangle of forces. 3. To verify the law of principle of moments. 4. To find the coefficient of friction between wood, steel, copper and glass. 5. To find the reaction at supports of a simply supported beam carrying point loads only. 6. To find the forces in the jib & tie of a jib crane. 7. To find the forces in the members of a loaded roof truss. (King / Queen post truss)
Evaluation of Practical Examination:- As per Annexure A Diploma (Civil-Lateral) Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2012-13 (22022012)Page 19 of 64
STRENGTH OF MATERIAL & HYDRAULICS Fourth Semester L T P C Course Code: DME478 5 - - 5
Course Contents: {A Part} STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Unit:- I Bending Moment and Shear Force: Concept of a beam, and supports (Hinged, Roller and Fixed). Types of Beams: Simply supported, cantilever, fixed, overhang and continuous beams. Types of loads (distributed and point). Concept of Bending Moment & Shear Force. Bending moment and shear force diagrams for simply supported beams subjected to uniformly distributed and concentrated loads. Point of maximum B.M. and contra flexure. (8 Lectures) Unit:- II Bending Stresses: Assumptions of theory of simple bending. Derivation of the equation. M/I=F/Y=E/R. Concept of centroid and second moment of area, Radius of gyration, Theorems of parallel and perpendicular axes, Second Moment of area for sections: rectangle, triangle, T and I Channel. Moment of resistance, section modulus and permissible bending stresses, Bending stresses in circular rectangular, I,T and L section. Comparison of strength of above sections. (8 Lectures)
Unit:- III Columns & Struts: Definition of long column, short column and strut, slenderness ratio, equivalent length, critical load, End conditions of column. Application of Eular's formula (no derivation), simple numerical problems based on Euler's formulae. (8 Lectures)
{B Part} HYDRAULICS Course Contents: Unit:- I Properties of Fluids: Fluid, Real fluid, ideal fluid., Fluid Mechanics. Hydrostatic Pressure: Pressure, intensity of pressure, pressure head, Pascal's law and its applications. Total pressure, resultant pressure, and centre of pressure. Measurement of Pressure: Atmospheric pressure, gauge pressure, vacuum pressure and absolute pressure. Use of simple manometer, differential manometer. Various types of Flow. Discharge and continuity equation (flow equation) Types of hydraulic energy. Potential energy, Kinetic energy, Pressure energy Bernoulli's theorem; statement and description (without proof of theorems). (8 Lectures)
Unit:- II Flow through open channels: Definition of a channel, Discharge through channels using. (i) Chezy's formula (no derivation) (ii) Manning's formula. (iii) Calculation for the most economical rectangular section of channel. (8 Lectures)
Unit:- III Orifice: Definition of Orifice, and types of Orifices, Hydraulic Coefficients. Notches Measurement of discharge by a notch, Difference between notches and orifices. Discharge formulae for rectangular notch, Difference between notches and weirs. (8 Lectures)
The question paper shall have weightage to numerical/ case study 50% and to theoretical 50%.
Project work There will be a project work assigned to students by the subject faculty. It will be of 10 marks and will be evaluated by the faculty itself. The topic of the project will be decided by the faculty and students will work in a group of 3 5 on each topic. The topic should be related to the subject taught by the faculty and should have proper utility and importance to enhance his practical skill & knowledge. Diploma (Civil-Lateral) Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2012-13 (22022012)Page 20 of 64
Text Books:- 1. Rajput R. K., Strength of Materials, S.Chand & Co. Ltd., Delhi. 2. Kapoor J.K., Strength of Materials, Asian Publication, Muzaffarnagar. 3. Punmia B.C., Strength of Materials, Laxmi Publication, Delhi. 4. Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines, Laxmi Publaction (P) Ltd., New Delhi. 5. Vijay Gupta & Gupta S.K., Fluid Mechanics, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi. 6. Kapoor J.K., Hydraulics, Bharat Bharti Prakashan, Merrut. 7. Likhi S.K., Hydraulics Laboratory Manual, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi. Reference Books:- 1. Ramamarutham S., Strength of Materials, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi. 2. Garde R.J., Fluid Mechanics, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi. 3. Jagdish Lal, Hydraulics & Hydraulic Machines, Metropolitan Book Depot, Delhi. 4. Modi P.N., Fluid Mechanics, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi.
SURVEYING I Fourth Semester L T P C Course Code: DCE 471 3 - - 3
Course Contents: Unit I Introduction Concept of surveying, purpose of surveying, Measurements: linear and angular, units of measurement, instruments used for taking these measurements. Classification of survey based on instruments. Basic principles of surveying. Chain Surveying Purpose of chain surveying, Principles of chain surveying, Equipment used in chain surveying Viz. Chains, tapes, ranging rods, arrows, pegs, cross staffs, Indian optical square their construction and uses. Different operations in chain surveying: Ranging (direct/indirect), Offset (perpendicular/oblique) Chaining (flat and sloping ground) Conducting chain survey over an area. Recording the field data, plotting the chain survey, conventional sign. (a) Errors in chain surveying. (b) Correction for erroneous length of chain, simple problems. (6 Lectures) Unit II Compass Surveying- I Purpose of compass surveying. Construction and working of prismatic compass. Use of prismatic Compass, Method of setting and taking observations. Concept of following: (a) Meridian Magnetic, true and arbitrary. (b) Bearing Magnetic, True and Arbitrary. (c) Whole circle Bearing and Reduced Bearing. (d) Fore and Back bearing. (6 Lectures) Unit III Compass Surveying- II Local attraction causes, detection, errors and correction. Problems on local attraction, magnetic declination and calculation of included angles in a compass traverse. Concept of a traverse Open and closed traverse. Traversing with a prismatic compass. Checks for an open and closed traverse. Plotting of a traverse by angles. Concept of closing error. Adjustment of traverse graphically. Errors in compass surveying. Use of surveyors compass and its construction details, comparison with prismatic compass. (6 Lectures) Unit IV Leveling- I Purpose of leveling, concept of a level surface, horizontal surface, vertical surface, datum, reduced level and bench marks, principle and construction of dumpy and I.O.P. (Tilting) levels. Concepts of line of collimation, axis of the bubble tube, axis of the telescope and vertical axis. Leveling staff. (i) single piece (ii) Folding (iii) sop with pattern. Temporary adjustment: setting up and leveling, adjusting for parallax of Dumpy and I.O.P. level. (6 Lectures)
Unit V Leveling- II Differential leveling concept of back sight, fore sight, intermediate sight, station, change point, height of instrument. Level book and reduction of levels by (a) Height of collimation method and (b) Rise and fall method. Arithmetic checks. Problem on reduction of levels. Fly leveling and profile leveling (L-section and X-section) Errors in leveling, and precautions to minimize them. Reciprocal leveling. Concept of curvature and refraction. Numerical problems. Concept and use of Automatic level. (6 Lectures)
The question paper shall have weightage to numerical/ case study 50% and to theoretical 50%.
Project work A project work will be assigned to the students by the concerned subject faculty. It will carry 10 marks and will be evaluated by the faculty itself. The topic of the project will be decided by the faculty. The students will work in a group of 3 5 on each topic. The topic should be related to the subject taught by the faculty and should have proper utility and importance to enhance his practical skill & knowledge. Diploma (Civil-Lateral) Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2012-13 (22022012)Page 22 of 64
Text Books:- 1. Arora K.R., Surveying Vol. I & II, Standard Book House, Delhi. 2. Kanetkar T.P., Surveying & Levelling Vol. I & II, Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, Pune. 3. Basak P.N., Surveying & Leveling, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., Delhi. 4. Agarwal G.D., Surveying Vol. I & II, Unitech Publishers, Lucknow. 5. Dass G., Surveying Vol. I & II, Nav Bharat Prakashan, Meerut.
Reference Books:- 1. Punmia B.C., Surveying Vol. I & II, Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd. New Delhi. 2. Guggal S.K., Surveying Vol. I & II, New Age International Publishers New Delhi. 3. Chandra A.M., Surveying Problem Solving with Theory & Objective Type Questions, New Age International Publishers New Delhi.
BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Fourth Semester L T P C Course Code: DCE 472 3 - - 3 Course Contents: Unit:- I Introduction: Definition of a building, classification of building based on occupancy. Different parts of a building. Orientation of buildings. Site selection. Exposure to building bylaws/master plan and building approval. Walls Purpose of walls: Classification of walls Load Bearing and Non Load Bearing, Dwarf wall. Classification of walls as per materials of construction, brick, stone, reinforced brick, reinforced concrete, precast hollow and solid concrete block and composite masonry walls. Brick masonry Definition of terms; mortar, bond, facing, backing, hearting, column, pillar, jambs, reveals, soffit, plinth, plinth masonry, Brick: header, stretcher, bed of brick, bat, queen closer, king closer, frog and quoin. Bond Meaning and necessity: Types of bond and their suitability (English, Flemish, Header and Stretcher) 1, 1-1/2 and 2 Brick thick walls in English Bond. T and right angled corner junctions. Sketches for 1, 1-1/2 and 2 brick square pillars in English Bond. (6 Lectures)
Unit:- II Stone Masonry (a) Glossary of terms Natural bed of a surface, bedding planes, string course, corbel, cornice, grouting, moldings, templates, throating, through stones, parapet and coping. (b) Types of Stone Masonry: Rubble Masonry; random and coursed, Ashlar Masonry Ashar fine, Ashlar rough tooled Ashler facing, specifications for coursed rubble masonry, principles to be observed in construction of stone masonry walls. Partition walls: Constructional details, suitability and uses of brick and wooden partition walls. Mortars preparation, use and average strength of cement, lime, lime cement, lime surkhi and mud mortar. Scaffolding: Constructional details and suitability of masons Brick Layers and Tubular scaffolding. Shoring & under pinning: Types and uses. Safety in construction of low rise and high rise buildings. Arches and Lintels: Meaning and use of Arches and Lintels. Glossary of terms used in Arches and Lintels Abutment, Pier, Arch ring, Intrados, Soffit Extrados, Voussoiers, Springer, Springing line, Crown, Key stone, Skew back, Span, Rise, Depth of an Arch, Haunch, Spandrel, Jambs, Bearing thickness of lintel, effective span. (6 Lectures) Unit:- III Doors and Windows: Glossary of terms, used in Doors and windows. Doors Name; uses and sketches of Metal doors; Ledged and Battened Doors; Framed and Paneled doors, glazed and paneled doors, flush doors, collapsible doors, Rolling steel shutters side sliding doors, Door frames, PVC shutters & metal doors. Windows Name, uses and sketches of metal windows, fully paneled windows, fully glazed windows, casement windows, fanlight windows and ventilators, sky light window frames, Louvered shutters (emphasis shall be given for using metals, plastics etc. in place of timber). Damp Proofing: Dampness and its ill effects on bricks. Plaster, wooden fixtures, metal fixtures and reinforcement, damage to aesthetic appearance. Damage to heat insulating materials, Damage to stored articles and health. Types of dampness moisture penetrating the building from outside e.g. rainwater, surface water, ground moisture. Moisture entrapped during construction i.e. moisture in concrete, masonry construction and plastering work etc. Moisture which originates in the building itself i.e. water in kitchen and bath rooms etc. Damp proofing materials and their specifications rich concrete and mortar, bitumen, bitumen mastic. (6 Lectures) Diploma (Civil-Lateral) Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2012-13 (22022012)Page 24 of 64
Unit:- IV Floors Ground floors:- (a) Glossary of terms floor finish, topping, under layer, base course, rubble filling and their purpose. (b) Types of floor finishes cast in situ concrete flooring (monolithic, bonded) Terrazzo tile flooring. Terrazzo flooring, Timber flooring. Description with sketches of the methods of construction of the floors and their specifications. Floor polishing equipment. Upper floors:- (a) Flooring on RCC Slab. (b) Flooring on R.B. Slab. Roofs: Glossary of terms for pitched roofs batten, eaves board, facial board, gable hip, lap, purlin, rafter, rag bolt, valley, ridge. Pitched roof, steel trusses, fink truss, arched trusses, North light truss. Roof coverings for pitched roofs. (6 Lectures) Unit:- V Stairs and Staircase: Glossary of terms: Stair case winders landing, strings, newel, baluster, riser, tread, width of staircase, hand rail, nosing. Planning and layout staircase: Relations between rise and tread, determination of width of stair, landing etc. Various types of layout straight flight, dog legged, open well, quarter turn, half turn, (Newel and geometrical staircase). Bifurcated stair, spiral stair. Surface Finishes: Plastering Classification according to use and finishes like grit finish, rough cast, pebble dashed, plain plaster etc. Pointing Different types of pointing, mortar used and method of pointing. Painting preparation and application of paints on wooden, steel and plastered wall surfaces. White washing, colour washing and distempering. Application of cement and plastic paints. Commonly used water repellants for exterior surfaces, their names and application. (6 Lectures)
The question paper shall have weightage to numerical/ case study 20% and to theoretical 80%.
Project work There will be a project work assigned to students by the subject faculty. It will be of 10 marks and will be evaluated by the faculty itself. The topic of the project will be decided by the faculty and students will work in a group of 3 5 on each topic. The topic should be related to the subject taught by the faculty and should have proper utility and importance to enhance his practical skill & knowledge. Text Books:- 1. Kumar Susheel, Building Construction, Standard Publishers Distributers, Delhi. 2. Singh Gurcharn, Building Construction, Standard Publishers, Delhi. 3. Gupta D.V., Building Construction, Asian Publishers, Muzaffarnagar.
Course Contents: Unit I Introduction:- Definition of soil Mechanics and foundation engineering. Soil formation different kinds of soils and soil structures. Fundamental definitions & their relationships:- Graphical representation of soil as a three phase system. Definitions of moisture content, unit weight of soil mass such as bulk density, saturated density and dry density, specific gravity, mass specific gravity, void ratio, porosity and degree of saturation. Relationships between various terms stated above. Consistency limits Liquid limit, Plastic limit, Shrinkage limit, Plasticity index, Consistency index. Grain size analysis by Sieve. (6 Lectures)
Unit II Classification of soils:- Particle size classification I.S. Textural classification chart, brief description of plasticity chart. I.S. soil classification. Permeability of soils:- Definition of permeability. Interpretation of Darcys law, definition of discharge, velocity and seepage velocity and coefficient of percolation. Factors affecting permeability. Laboratory methods of falling head and constant head. (6 Lectures)
Unit III Compaction:- Definition of Compaction. Standard & modified Procter compaction test. Different methods of compaction. Brief description of field compaction methods. Compacting equipments. Indian Standards. Consolidation:- Definition of consolidation. Difference between consolidation and compaction. (6 Lectures)
Unit IV Shear strength:- Definition of shear strength. Definition of Cohesive (c) & non cohesive (Phy.) soil. Coulombs equation. Shear box and unconfined compression tests. Earth pressure and earth retaining structures :- Definition of earth pressure, active and passive earth pressures, terms and symbols relating to a retaining wall. Relation between movement of wall and earth pressure. K a and K b by Rankins Method. Simple earth pressure calculations without surcharge. (6 Lectures)
Unit V Shallow and deep Foundation:- Definitions of shallow and deep foundations. Types of shallow and deep foundations. Application of Terzaghis bearing capacity formulae for different types of foundations. Factors affecting depth of shallow foundation. Classification of piles. Plate bearing tests for shallow foundations. (6 Lectures)
The question paper shall have weightage to numerical/ case study 30% and to theoretical 70%. Project work A project work will be assigned to the students by the concerned subject faculty. It will carry 10 marks and will be evaluated by the faculty itself. The topic of the project will be decided by the faculty. The students will work in a group of 3 5 on each topic. The topic should be related to the subject taught by the faculty and should have proper utility and importance to enhance his practical skill & knowledge. Text Books:- 1. Sehgal S.B., Soil Mechanics, C.B.S. Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 2. Dr. Alam Singh, Basic Soil Mechanics & Foundations, C.B.S. Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi. 3. Minocha & Diwedi, Soil Mechanics, B. Bharat Prakashan, Meerut. 4. Gadi S.K., Soil Mechanics, B.Tech Publichers, Lucknow. 5. Sharma S.K., Soil Mechanics, Aisan Publishers, Muzaffarnagar. Reference Books:- 1. Punmia B.C., Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering, Laxmi Publication Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. Diploma (Civil-Lateral) Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2012-13 (22022012)Page 26 of 64
PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING Fourth Semester L T P C Course Code: DCE402 3 - - 3
Course Contents: Unit I (A) Water Supply Engineering Introduction:- Necessity and brief description of water supply system. Water requirement: Per capita consumption for domestic, industrial, public and firefighting uses as per IS standards. Consumption, demand and its variation. Sources of Water:- Surface water sources : Rivers, canal, impending reservoir and lakes, their quality of water and suitability. (6 Lectures)
Unit II Water Treatment:- Suspended, colloidal and dissolved impurities. Physical, chemical and bacteriological tests and their significance. Minimum standards required for drinking water, Principles of Sedimentation, Coagulation, Flocculation, Filtration, Disinfection (Chlorination) including Jar Test, Break point chlorination, Residual chlorine. Flow diagram of different treatment units. Function, constructional details, working and operation of (i) Aeration fountain (ii) Mixer (iii) Flocculate (iv) Clarifier (v) Slow and rapid sand filter (vii) Chlorination chamber (viii) Water softening (ix) Removal of Iron and Magnesia. Chemicals required for water treatment, their uses, and feeding devices. Simple design of sedimentation tank, and filters. (6 Lectures)
Unit III Water Distribution (i) Pipes:- Different types of Pipes:- Cast iron, steel, plastic, (PVC,LDPE,HDPE), asbestos cement, concrete, plastic and GI pipes. Details of their sizes, joints and uses. (ii) Appurtenances:- Sluice (Gate and spindle), air, reflux, scour and safety valves, fire hydrants, their working and uses. (iii) Storage: Necessity, types of storing tanks: G.I. Sheet Tank, P.V.C. tank, over head tanks. (6 Lectures)
Unit IV Laying of Pipes: Setting out alignment of pipe line. Excavation in different types of soils and precautions taken. Precautions taken for traffic control, bedding for pipe line. handling, lowering, laying and jointing of pipes, testing of pipe lines and back filling. Use of boning rods. (6 Lectures)
Unit V Building Water Supply (i) General layout of water supply arrangement for a building (single and multistoried)as per IS Code of practice. Water supply fixtures and their installation. Tapping of water mains. (ii) Hot and Cold Water supply in buildings. Use of Solar water heaters. (6 Lectures)
The question paper shall have weightage to numerical/ case study 20% and to theoretical 80%.
Project work A project work will be assigned to the students by the concerned subject faculty. It will carry 10 marks and will be evaluated by the faculty itself. The topic of the project will be decided by the faculty. The students will work in a group of 3 5 on each topic. The topic should be related to the subject taught by the faculty and should have proper utility and importance to enhance his practical skill & knowledge. Text Books:- 1. Rangwala S.C, Water Supply & Sanitary Engineering, Charotar Publshing House (P) Ltd., Anand. 2. Gurcharan Singh, Water Supply & Sanitary Engineering, Standard Publishers Distributors, Delhi. 3. Garg S.K., Water Supply Engineering, Khanna Publishers, Delhi. 4. Gupta D.V., Water Supply & Sanitary Engineering, Asian Publishers, Muzaffarnagar. Reference Books:- 1. Modi P.N., Water Supply Engineering, Standard Book House, Delhi. Diploma (Civil-Lateral) Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2012-13 (22022012)Page 27 of 64
IRRIGATION ENGINEERING Fourth Semester L T P C Course Code: DCE404 3 - - 3
Course Contents: Unit I Introduction: Definition of irrigation. Necessity of irrigation, Types of irrigation, Sources of irrigation water. 2. Rain Fall & Run Off: Definition of rainfall & run-off, catchment area, Dickenss & Ryves formulae, Types of rain gauges - Automatic & Non automatic. Water Requirement of Crops:- Definition of crop season, Duty, Delta and Base Period, their relationship, Gross command area, culturable command area Intensity of Irrigation, Irrigable area Water requirement of different crops-Kharif and Rabi. (6 Lectures) Unit II Lift Irrigation:- Types of Wells - shallow & deep well, aquifer types, ground water flow, construction of open wells and tube wells. Yield of an open/tube well and problems Methods of lifting water - manual and mechanical devices, use of wind mills. Flow Irrigation:- Irrigation canals, Perennial Irrigation, Different Parts of irrigation canals and their functions, Sketches of different canal cross-sections, Classification of canals according to their alignment, Design of irrigation canals Chezys formula, Mannings formula, Kennedy's and Lacey's silt theory and equations, comparison of above, theorys. critical velocity ratio. Use of Garrets and Lacey's charts, Various types of canal lining - Advantages & Disadvantages. (6 Lectures) Unit III Canal Head Works:- Definition, object, general layout, functions of different parts, Difference between Weir and Barrage. 7. Regulatory Works:- Functions and explanation of terms used, Cross and Head regulators, Falls, Energy dissipaters, Outlets-Different types, Escapes. (6 Lectures) Unit IV Cross Drainage Works:- Functions and necessity of the following types:- Aquaduct, Siphon, Super passage, Level crossing, inlet and outlet., Constructional details of the above. Dams types:- Earthen, causes of failure, masonry & concrete dams, Cross-section of gravity dam., Spillways causes of failure of Earthen dams. (6 Lectures) Unit V Water Logging and Drainage:- Definition, causes and effects, detection, prevention and remedies water logging Surface and sub-surface drains and their layout. Major Irrigation Projects in India (6 Lectures) Practice: Visits to at least one of the Irrigation Projects and write specific report about the same. Ground Water Recharge, Aim, Method and Advantage.
The question paper shall have weightage to numerical/ case study 30% and to theoretical 70%.
Project work A project work will be assigned to the students by the concerned subject faculty. It will carry 10 marks and will be evaluated by the faculty itself. The topic of the project will be decided by the faculty. The students will work in a group of 3 5 on each topic. The topic should be related to the subject taught by the faculty and should have proper utility and importance to enhance his practical skill & knowledge.
Text Books:- 1. Agarwal G.D., Irrigation Engineering, B. Bharti Prakashan, Merrut. 2. Modi P.N., Irrigation Engineering, Standard Book House, Delhi. Reference Books:- 1. Dr. Bharat Singh, Irrigation Engineering, Nem Chand & Bros., Roorkee.
Technical Communication Fourth Semester Course Code: DIP 401 L T P C 3 0 0 3 Course Content:
Unit I Pre-requisites of Technical Written Communication: One Word Substitution, Spelling process, words often confused and misused, Technical terms. (8 hours) Practical (oral): To make students practice the above mentioned topics & take care of the technical terms & also use those in different sentences. (2 hours) Unit II Technical Communication: Nature, origin & development, salient features, significance, Difference between Technical Communication & General Writing. (8 hours) Practical (oral) : To make students speak on the development of Technical Communication. (2 hours) Unit III Forms of Technical Communication: What is a Report ? Characterstics of Report, steps to be followed for Report writing, Structure of Report, Importance of Report Writing. (8 hours) Practical (oral): To make students practice how to write a report and then speak on the subject matter of the report. (2 hours) Unit IV Technical Proposal: What is Proposal ? Significance of proposal, format of proposal, characteristics of a good proposal. (8 hours) Practical (oral): To make students practice writing a proposal. (2 hours)
Recommended Books: 1. Raman Meenakshi & Sharma Sangeeta Technical Communication Principles & Practices, - ONP, N. Delhi 2. Mohan K& Sharma R- Business correspondence and Report writing TMH New Delhi.
NOTE: This syllabus has been designed to improve the oral and written communication skills of students. The faculty members should put emphasis on practical (oral) activities for generating students interest in language learning.
* Latest editions of all the suggested books are recommended.
Course Code: DME461 L T P C - - 4 2 1. Determination of shear force at different sections on a simply supported beam under points loads. 2. Determination of bending moment at different sections on a simply supported beam under different types of loading. 3. Determination of yield stress, ultimate stress, percentage elongation, plot the stress strain diagram and compute. the value of Young's Modulus of mild steel. 4. Determination of the maximum deflection and Young's Modulus. of elasticity by deflection apparatus. 5. Determination of modulus of rigidity of material by Torsion apparatus. 6. Determination of hardness of a metal plate by Rock Well Brinell hardness testing machine. 7. To perform impact test on Izod Impact testing machine. 8. To verify Bernoullis Theorem. 9. To find out venturimeter coefficient. 10. To determine coef. of velocity (Cv), Coef. of discharge(Cd) Coef. of contraction (Cc) and verify the relation between them. 11. To perform Reynold's Experiment. 12. To determine Darcy's coefficient of friction for flow through pipes. 13. To verify loss of head due to: a. Sudden enlargement b. Sudden Contraction. 14. Study of the following a. Reciprocating Pumps or Centrifugal Pumps. b. Impulse turbine or Reaction turbine c. Pressure Gauge /pitot tube.
Evaluation of Practical Examination:- As per Annexure A
SURVEYING I LAB Fourth Semester L T P C Course Code: DCE 462 - - 4 2
Chain surveying Ex. (i) (a) Ranging a line. (b) Chaining a line and recording in the field book. Ex. (ii) Taking offsets and setting out right angels with cross staff and Indian optical square. Ex. (iii) Chain survey of a small area. Plate -I
Compass survey Ex. (iv) (a) Setting the compass and taking observations . (b) Measuring angle between the lines meeting at a point by prismatic compass. Ex. (v) Traversing with the prismatic compass and chaining of a closed traverse. (Recording and plotting by included angles). Plate II
Ex. (vi) Determination of local attraction at a station by taking fore and back bearing. Leveling: Ex. (vii) To find difference of level between two distant points by taking staff reading on different stations from the single setting of Dumpy level/Automatic level. Ex. (viii) To find difference of level between two points by taking at least four change points Plate III . Ex. (ix) Longitudinal sectioning of a road. Ex. (x) Cross- sectioning of a road. Plate IV
Evaluation of Practical Examination:- As per Annexure A
BUILDING CONSTRUCTION LAB Fourth Semester L T P C Course Code: DCE 463 - - 2 1
LIST OF PRACTICALS: 1. To conduct field tests of cement. 2. To determine normal consistency of cement. 3. To determine setting time (initial and final) of cement. 4. To determine fineness of given sample of cement. 5. To determine compressive strength of bricks. 6. To determine water absorption of bricks 7. To Layout of a building. 8. To construct brick bonds (English and Flemish bonds) in one, one and half and two brick thick (a) walls. L. (b) Column. 9. Visit to construction site for showing the following item of works and to write specific report about the works seen. (a) Construction of Masonry Walls. (b) Flooring: Laying of flooring on an already prepared lime concrete base. (c) Plastering of wall. (d) White & colour washing.
Evaluation of Practical Examination:- As per Annexure A
1. Determination of moisture content by oven drying method. 2. Determination of specific gravity of soil particles by specific gravity bottle/pycnometer. 3. Determination of soil particles size distribution by sieving. 4. Determination of liquid limit and plastic limit of soil. 5. Determination of permeability by constant Head Permeameter and falling head permeameter. 6. Shear strength of sand by Shear Box text. 7. Unconfined compression test. 8. Standard Proctor compaction text.
Evaluation of Practical Examination:- As per Annexure A
PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING LAB Fourth Semester L T P C Course Code: DCE 465 (Common with DCE452) - - 2 1
1. To determine dissolved and suspended solids in water. 2. To determine pH value of water sample. 3. To determine turbidity of water. 4. To calculate: i. Oxygen Demand (OD) ii. Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) iii. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) 5. To determine residual chlorine in water sample. 6. To perform Jar Test for Coagulants. 7. To perform chlorine demand test. 8. To determine hardness of water. 9. To determine available chlorine in bleaching powder. 10. To visit and write specific report for the following: (Any one) a. Water treatment plant b. Sewage treatment plant for 5. c. Construction site for layout of water supply & sewerage system.
Evaluation of Practical Examination:- As per Annexure A
CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAWING I Fourth Semester L T P C Course Code: DCE466 - - 3 2
1. Foundations. 1 Plate 2. Doors & windows. 1 Plate 3. Roofs: Wooden roof truss details. Section of RCC & RB flat roofs. 1 Plate 4. Floors. 1 Plate (a) Concrete floor finish over ground floor. (b) Terrazzo floor finish over ground floor. (c) Terrazzo tile floor finish over ground. 5. Working drawing of a two roomed building with kitchen, bath and W.C. 1 Plate 6. Working drawing of a three roomed building from a given line plan and given data. 1 Plate 7. Stair case 1 Plate a. Details of dog legged stairs. b. Plans of remaining type of stairs. 8. Detailed plan and cross section of a domestic septic and soak pit for 10 users as per IS:2470 Part I. 1 Plate
9. Detailed plan and cross section of bathroom, kitchen and W.C. connections. 1 Plate 10. Two Room building working drawing with AutoCAD. 1 Plate
Evaluation of Practical Examination:- As per Annexure A
Text Books:- 1. Singh Gurcharan, Civil Engineering Drawing, Standard Publishers Distributors, Delhi. 2. Sati K.D., Civil Engineering Drawing I, Asian Publishers Muzaffarnagar. Diploma (Civil-Lateral) Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2012-13 (22022012)Page 35 of 64
TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING I Fifth Semester L T P C Course Code: DCE 501 3 - - 3
Course Contents: Unit I HIGHWAYS Introduction: (i) Importance of Highway transportation. (ii) Functions of IRC. (iii) IRC classification of roads. (iv) Organization of state highways department. Road Geometrics: (i) Glossary of terms used in geometrics and their importance; Right of way, formation width, road margin, road shoulder, carriage way, side slopes, kerbs, formation levels, camber and gradient. (ii) Drawing of typical cross-sections in cutting and filling on straight. (iii) Under pass & over pass (flyovers and bridges) Highway Surveys and Plans. (i) Basic considerations governing alignment for a road in plain and hilly area. (ii) Highway location. (8 Lectures)
Unit II Marking of alignment. Traffic Engineering: (i) Traffic control devices - Signs, markings and signals, their effectiveness and location, installation of signs, IRC standards. (ii) Segregation of traffic. (iii) Types of intersections and how to choose them. (iv) Accidents: Types, causes and remedies. Road Materials: (i) Different types of road materials in use; soil, aggregates binders. (ii) Function of soil as Highway sub grade. (iii) C.B.R; Method of finding. CBR value and its significance. (iv) Aggregates : Availability of road aggregates in India, requirements of road aggregates as per IS specifications. (v) Binders: Common binders; cement, bitumen and Tar, properties as per IS specifications, penetration and viscosity test , procedures and significance. cut back and emulsion and their uses. (8 Lectures)
Unit III Road Pavements ; Types and Their Construction: (i) Road pavement : Flexible and rigid pavement, their merits and demerits, typical cross-sections , functions of various components. (ii)Sub-grade preparation - Setting out alignment of road, setting out bench marks, control pegs for embankment and cutting, borrow pits, making profiles of embankment, construction of embankment, compaction, stabilization, preparation of sub grade. methods of checking camber, gradient and alignment as per recommendations of IRC, equipment used for sub grade preparation. (iii) Flexible pavements: sub base necessity and purpose. stabilized sub base; purpose of stabilization. Types of Stabilization: (a) Mechanical stabilization. (b) Lime stabilization. (c) Cement stabilization. (d) Fly ash stabilization. (e) Granular sub base (iv) Base course: (a) Brick soling. (b) Stone soling. (c) Medaling: water bound macadam and bituminous macadam. Methods of construction as per Ministry of Shipping and transport (Government of India). (v) Surfacing: Types of surfacing:(a) Surface dressing. (b) (i) Premix carpet. (ii) Semi dense carpet (S.D.C) (c) Asphalt concrete. (d) Grouting. Methods of constructions as per Ministry of Surface and Transport, Government of India, specifications and quality control; equipment used. (vi) Rigid pavements: Construction of concrete roads as per IRC specifications: Form laying, mixing and placing the concrete, compacting and finishing, curing, joints in concrete pavement, equipment used. (8 Lectures) Unit IV Hill Roads: (i) Introduction: Typical cross-sections showing all details of a typical hill road in cut, partly in cut and partly in fill.(ii) Landslides : Causes, preventions and control measures. Road Drainage: (i) Necessity of road drainage work, cross drainage works. (ii) Surface and subsurface drains and storm water drains. Location, spacing and typical details of side drains, side ditches for surface drainage. Intercepting drains, pipe drains in hill roads, details of drains in cutting embankment, typical cross-sections. Road maintenance: (i) Common types of road failures-their causes and remedies. (ii) Maintenance of bituminous roads such as patch work and resurfacing. Maintenance of concrete roads-filling cracks, repairing joints, maintenance of shoulders (berms), maintenance of traffic control devices. (8 Lectures) Diploma (Civil-Lateral) Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2012-13 (22022012)Page 36 of 64
Unit V Construction Equipment: Output and use of the following plant and equipments: (i) Hot Mix Plant. (ii) Tipper, tractors (wheel and crawler) scraper, bull-dozer, dumpers, shovels, grader, roller, dragline. (iii) Asphalt mixer and tar boilers. (iv) Road pavers. Arboriculture: Names of trees used in arboriculture, distance of trees from centre of roads and distance between centre to centre of trees, tree guards, maintenance and revenue from trees. (8 Lectures)
The question paper shall have weightage to numerical/ case study 20% and to theoretical 80%.
Project work A project work will be assigned to the students by the concerned subject faculty. It will carry 10 marks and will be evaluated by the faculty itself. The topic of the project will be decided by the faculty. The students will work in a group of 3 5 on each topic. The topic should be related to the subject taught by the faculty and should have proper utility and importance to enhance his practical skill & knowledge.
Text Books:- 1. Gupta B.L., Road, Railway, Bridges, Tunnels& Harbour Dock Engineering, Standard Publishers Distributors, Delhi. 2. Rangwala S.C., Highway Engineering, Charotar Publshing House (P) Ltd., Anand. 3. Ahuja & Birdi, Road, Railway, Bridges & tunnels Engineering, Standard Books House, Delhi. Reference Books:- 1. Khana S.K. & Justo, Highway Engineering, Nem Chand & Bros., Roorkee.
SURVEYING II Fifth Semester L T P C Course Code: DCE 502 3 - - 3 Course Contents: Unit I Plane Table surveying (i) Purpose of plane table surveying. Equipment used in plane table survey (a) Plane table, (b) Alidade (Plain and Telescopic),(c) accessories. (ii) Method of plane tabling (a) centering (b) leveling (c) Orientation. (iii) Methods of plane table surveying (a) Radiation, (b) Intersection, (c) Traversing (d) Resection. (iv) Two point problem. (v) Three point problem by (a) Mechanical Method (Tracing paper), (b) Bessel's Graphical Method. (c) Trial and error method. Errors in plane table survey and precautions to control them. (8 Lectures)
Unit II Contouring: Concept of contour: Purpose of contouring; Contour interval and horizontal equivalent; Factors affecting contour interval; characteristics of contour; Methods of contouring direct and indirect, use of stadia measurements in contour survey. Interpolation of contours; Use of contour map; Drawing cross section from a contour map; Marking alignment of a road, railway and a canal on a contour map; Computation of earthwork and reservoir capacity from a contour map. (8 Lectures)
Unit III Theodolite Surveying: Working of a transit vernier theodolite, Fundamental axes of a theodolite and their relation; Temporary adjustments of a transit theodolite; least count and concept of transiting, swinging, face left, face right and changing face; Measurement of horizontal and vertical angles. Prolonging a line(forward and backward) Measurement of bearing of a line; Traversing by included angles method; traversing by stadia measurement; Theodolite triangulation and plotting a traverse; concept of coordinate. Errors in theodolite survey and precautions taken to minimize them; Limits of precision in theodolite traversing. Principle and working of a Electronic theodolite. Brief introduction to tachometry. Total Station & Auto Level : Working and application of total station and auto level. (8 Lectures)
Unit IV Curves: Simple circular curves: Need and definition of a simple circular curve; Elements of simple circular curve, Degree of the curve, radius of the curve, tangent length, point of intersection (Apex point), tangent point, length of curve, long chord, deflection angle, apex distance and mid-ordinate. Setting out of simple circular curve: (a) By linear measurements only: - Offsets from the tangents. - Successive bisection of arcs. - Offsets from the chord produced. (b) By Tangential angles using a theodolite. (8 Lectures)
Unit V Transition Curves: Need (centrifugal force and super elevation) and definition of transition curve; requirements of transition curves; length of transition curves for roads by cubic parabola; calculation of offsets for a transition curve; setting out of a transition curve by tangential offsets only. Vertical curves: Setting out of a vertical curve. (8 Lectures)
The question paper shall have weightage to numerical/ case study 50% and to theoretical 50%. Project work A project work will be assigned to the students by the concerned subject faculty. It will carry 10 marks and will be evaluated by the faculty itself. The topic of the project will be decided by the faculty. The students will work in a group of 3 5 on each topic. The topic should be related to the subject taught by the faculty and should have proper utility and importance to enhance his practical skill & knowledge.
Text Books:- 1. Arora K.R., Surveying Vol. I & II, Standard Book House, Delhi. 2. Kanetkar T.P., Surveying & Levelling Vol. I & II, Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, Pune. 3. Basak P.N., Surveying & Leveling, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., Delhi. 4. Agarwal G.D., Surveying Vol. I & II, Unitech Publishers, Lucknow. 5. Dass G., Surveying Vol. I & II, Nav Bharat Prakashan, Meerut.
Reference Books:- 1. Punmia B.C., Surveying Vol. I & II, Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd. New Delhi. 2. Guggal S.K., Surveying Vol. I & II, New Age International Publishers New Delhi. 3. Chandra A.M., Surveying Problem Solving with Theory & Objective Type Questions, New Age International Publishers New Delhi.
CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Fifth Semester L T P C Course Code: DCE503 3 - - 3
Course Contents: Unit I Introduction: (i) Classification of construction into light, heavy and industrial construction. (ii) Stages in construction from conception to realization. (iii) The construction team: Owner, engineer and contractors, their functions and interrelationship. (iv) Resources for construction industry; men, machines, materials, money and management. (v) Main objectives of Civil engineering management. (vi) Functions of construction management, planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling and co-ordination, meaning of each of these with respect to a construction job. (6 Lectures)
Unit II Construction Planning: (i) Stages at which planning is done. Pre tender and contract planning by the contractor. (ii) Scheduling: Definition, Methods of scheduling: bar charts and CPM, advantages of scheduling. No problem on CPM to be set in the examination. (iii) Planning and scheduling of construction jobs by bar charts.(iv) Preparation of construction schedule, labour schedule, material schedule, and equipment schedule. (v) Limitations of bar charts. (vi) Cost-time balancing. (6 Lectures)
Unit III Organization: (i) Types of organization: Line, staff, functional and their characteristics. (ii) Principles of organization; (only meanings of the following and their significance); Span of control ; Delegation of authority and responsibility; Ultimate authority and responsibility; Unity of command; contact; unity of assignment; job definition; increasing organization relationship. (iii) Motivation and human relationship concept, need and fundamentals. Site Organization: (i) Factors influencing, job layout from site plan. (ii) Principle of storing and stacking materials at site. (iii) Location of equipment. (iv) Preparation of actual job layout for a building. (v) Organizing labour at site. (6 Lectures) Unit IV Construction Lab our: (i) Conditions of construction workers in India, wages paid to workers. (ii) Trade unions connected with construction industry and trade Union Act. (iii) Labour welfare. (iv) Payment of wages Act. Minimum wages Act. (v) Workmen compensation Act. (vi) Contract Labour Act. Control of Progress: (i) Methods of recording progress. (ii) Analysis of progress. (iii)Taking corrective actions keeping head of office informed. (6 Lectures)
Unit V Inspection and Quality Control:-(i) Principles of inspection. (ii) Major items in construction job requiring quality control. Accidents and Safety in Construction: (i) Accidents - causes. (ii) Safety measures for: - (a) Excavation work (b) Drilling and blasting. (c) Hot bituminous works. (d) Scaffolding, ladders, form work. (e) Demolitions. (iii) Safety campaign. Professional practice. (6 Lectures)
The question paper shall have weightage to numerical/ case study 20% and to theoretical 80%.
Project work A project work will be assigned to the students by the concerned subject faculty. It will carry 10 marks and will be evaluated by the faculty itself. The topic of the project will be decided by the faculty. The students will work in a group of 3 5 on each topic. The topic should be related to the subject taught by the faculty and should have proper utility and importance to enhance his practical skill & knowledge. Text Books:- 1. Sadimala C.M., Materials and Financial Management, New Age International Publishers, Delhi.
Reference Books:- 1. Gahlot P.S., Construction Planning and Management, International Publishers, Delhi. Diploma (Civil-Lateral) Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2012-13 (22022012)Page 40 of 64
ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION & CONTROL Fifth Semester L T P C Course Code: DCE 504 3 - - 3
Course Contents: Unit:- I ECOLOGY OF ENVIRONMENT:- Elements of environment: Earth, water, air, space and energy. Ecology: Living and non living concept leading to ecology. Ecosystem: Terrestrial, aquatic and marine affect of environmental pollution on ecological balances. POLLUTION AND ITS CLASSIFICATIONS:- Definition, classification, air, water, solid waste, thermal, noise and radioactive pollutions. Different parameter of pollution. (6 Lectures)
Unit:- II WATER POLLUTION:- Sources , transport of pollutants, effect of water pollutants on man, animal ,plant and material, various types of pollutants. Mainly discuss various types of wastes from community, general characteristics of domestic & industrial wastes and their affects on environment, disposal methods on land and water, criteria of disposal by dilution. Stream sanitation. Sampling and monitoring instrumentation for water pollution and control. (6 Lectures)
Unit:- III AIR POLLUTION:- Sources, types of air pollutants, Transport of air pollutants, dispersion by single and multiple sources. Control equipment, filter, electrostatic precipitators, wet scrubbers, fume combustion by incineration. Air pollution control in new and old plants. (6 Lectures)
Unit:- IV SOLID WASTE POLLUTION:- Review of various types of solid waste. sources, components of solid waste, city garbage and industrial solid waste handling and disposal equipment . Method of disposal, salvage and recovery. Volume reduction in solid waste. NOISE POLLUTION:- Sources, measurement of pollution. Degree of noise. Echos and their control. Industrial noise, units characteristics occupational injuries due to noise, criteria and standard for occupational injuries due to noise. Means to control noise in industry. (6 Lectures)
Unit:- V THERMAL POLLUTION:- Various pollutants. Affects on environment, preventive measures. RADIO ACTIVE POLLUTION:- Sources and affect on human, animals, plants and materials, measurement, means to control, preventive measures. (6 Lectures)
The question paper shall have weightage to case study 20% and to theoretical 80%.
Project work A project work will be assigned to the students by the concerned subject faculty. It will carry 10 marks and will be evaluated by the faculty itself. The topic of the project will be decided by the faculty. The students will work in a group of 3 5 on each topic. The topic should be related to the subject taught by the faculty and should have proper utility and importance to enhance his practical skill & knowledge. Text Books:- 1. Gaur R.C., Basic Environmental Engineering, New Age International Publishers, Delhi. 2. Anil Kumar De, Environmental Education, New Age International Publishers, Delhi.
Reference Books:- 1. Khopkar S.M., Environmental Pollution Monitoring and Control, New Age International Publishers, Delhi. 2. Srivastava Smriti, Environment and Ecology, S.K. Kataria & Sons, Delhi.
PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING II Fifth Semester L T P C Course Code: DCE 505 3 - - 3
Course Contents: Unit:- I (B) SANITARY ENGINEERING Introduction: Waste: Dry, semi liquid, liquid, Necessity of systematic collection and disposal of waste. Brief description of sewage disposal system. Conservancy and water carriage system, their advantages and disadvantages. Quantity of Sewage: (i) Sewage: Domestic, industrial and storm water. (ii) Volume of domestic sewage (DWF), variability of flow, limiting velocities in sewers. (iii) Use of table as per I:S 1742-1983 to determine relationship between gradient, diameter, discharge and velocity. (8 Lectures) Unit:- II Sewerage Systems: (i) Types of sewerage systems separate, combined and partially separate. (ii) Sewers : Stone ware, cast iron, concrete and masonry sewers their sizes and joints. (iii) Appurtenances: (Location, function and construction) manholes, drop manhole, lamp hole catch basin, inverted siphon, flushing tanks, ventilating shafts and storm water flows. (iv) Laying of sewers: Setting out alignment of sewer. Excavation, checking the gradient with the help of boning rods, preparation of bedding, handling, lowering, laying and jointing, testing and backfilling. (v) Construction of surface drains and different sections required. (8 Lectures) Unit:- III Building Drainage: (i) Aims of building drainage and its requirements. General layout of sanitary fittings and house drainage arrangement for a building (single and multistoried)as per IS 1742-1983. (ii) Different sanitary fittings and their installation. (iii) Traps, seal in traps, causes of breaking of seal, precautions taken, Gulley, Intercepting and Grease traps. (8 Lectures) Unit:- IV Rural Sanitation: (a) Drainage: Topography, alignment of lanes, storm water, natural passage, development of drains, alignment, size and gradient. Phase Programme. (b) Disposal of night soil and village latrines : (i) Collection and disposal of garbage and refuse. (8 Lectures) Unit:- V Maintenance: Inspection of mains, cleaning and flushing of sewers. Precautions during cleaning, maintenance of traps, cleaning of house drainage line. Tools and equipment needed for maintenance. Sewage Treatment: (i) Meaning and principle of primary and secondary treatment, constructional details of screening chamber, grit chamber, clarifier, tricking filters, secondary clarifiers/aeration tank. (ii) Sludge treatment, sludge digestion, sludge drying, sludge disposal (iii) Oxidation ponds. (8 Lectures)
The question paper shall have weightage to numerical/ case study 20% and to theoretical 80%.
Project work A project work will be assigned to the students by the concerned subject faculty. It will carry 10 marks and will be evaluated by the faculty itself. The topic of the project will be decided by the faculty. The students will work in a group of 3 5 on each topic. The topic should be related to the subject taught by the faculty and should have proper utility and importance to enhance his practical skill & knowledge.
Text Books:- 1. Rangwala S.C, Water Supply & Sanitary Engineering, Charotar Publshing House (P) Ltd., Anand. 2. Gurcharan Singh, Water Supply & Sanitary Engineering, Standard Publishers Distributors, Delhi. 3. Garg S.K., Water Supply Engineering, Khanna Publishers, Delhi. 4. Gupta D.V., Water Supply & Sanitary Engineering, Asian Publishers, Muzaffarnagar. Reference Books:- 1. Modi P.N., Water Supply Engineering, Standard Book House, Delhi
CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY Fifth Semester L T P C Course Code: DCE 506 3 - - 3 Course Contents: Unit I Introduction:- Definition of concrete. Brief introduction to properties of concrete. Advantages of concrete. Uses of concrete in comparison to other building materials. Ingredients of Concrete: (i) Cement:- The chemical ingredients causing changes in properties, satuations of use and special precautions in use of the following types of cement: Ordinary Portland cement, rapid hardening cement, low heat cement, high alumina cement, blast furnace slag cement, quick setting, white and coloured cements. (ii) Aggregates:- Classification of aggregates according to source, size and shape. Characteristics of aggregates particle size and shape, surface texture; specific gravity of aggregate; bulk density, water absorption surface moisture, bulking of sand and deleterious materials in the aggregate. Grading of Aggregate:-Coarse aggregate, fine aggregate. (6 Lectures) Unit II Water Cement Ratio:- Hydration of cement, Effect of various W/C ratios on the physical structure of hydrated cement, water cement ratio law and conditions under which the law is valid; internal moisture, temperature, age, and size of specimen. Definition of cube strength of concrete. Relations between water cement ratio and strength of concrete. Use of CBRI chart. Workability: Definition, of workability. Concept of: Internal friction,, Segregation, Harshness. Factors affecting workability; water conent, shape, size and percentage of fineness passing 300 mic. Measurement of workability slump test, compaction factor test. Recommended slumps for placement in various conditions. Vee-Bee Consistometer. (6 Lectures) Unit III Proportioning for Ordinary Concrete: Object of mix design, Strength required for various grades as per IS 456, Preliminary test, cube test. Proportioning for ordinary mix as prescribed by IS and its interpretation. Adjustment on site for: Bulking, water content, Absorption, Workability Design data for moisture, bulkage, absorption and suitable fine aggregate and coarse aggregate ratio. Difference between ordinary and controlled concrete. Form Work: (i) Concept of factors affecting the design of form work (shuttering and staging) (ii) Materials used for form work. (iii) Sketches of form work for column, beams slabs. (iv) Stripping time for form work as per IS (No problems on the design of form work). (v) Removal of formwork. (vi) Precautions to be taken before, during and after RCC Construction. (vii) Special type of formwork. (6 Lectures) Unit IV Concrete Operations:- (i) Storing Cement:- (a) Storing of cement in the warehouse., (b) Storing of cement at site., (c) Effect of storage on strength of cement. Aggregate:- Storing of aggregate on site for maintaining uniformity of moisture and cleanliness. (ii) Batching:- (a) Batching of cement., (b) Batching of aggregate: Batching by volume, using gauge box, selection of proper gauge box, Batching by weight-spring balances and by batching machines., (c) Measurement of water. (iii) Mixing (a) Hand mixing (b) Machine mixing-types of mixer, capacities of mixers, choosing appropriate size of mixers, operation of mixers, mixing of water. (iv) Compaction: (a) Hand compaction. (b) Machine compaction-types of vibrators (internal screed vibrators and form vibrators) immersion vibrations. Suitability of concrete mixes. (v) Finishing concrete slabs-screeding, floating, and trowelling. (vi) Curing:- Object of curing, Method of curing, shading concrete works, covering surfaces with hesian, gunny bags, sprinkling of water, ponding method and membrane curing, steam curing. Recommended duration for curing. (6 Lectures) Unit V Properties of Concrete: (i) Properties in plastic stage:- (a) Workability, (b) Segregation., (c) Bleeding. (ii) Properties of hardened concrete:- (a) Strength. Characteristic strength, (b) Durability, (c) Impermeability., (d) Dimensional changes. (iii) Admixture (uses and effect):- (a) Accelerators and retarders., (b) Air entraining agents., (c) Water reducing and set controlling agents. Quality Control at site:- Control tests on cement, aggregate water and concrete. Concept of quality control. (6 Lectures) Diploma (Civil-Lateral) Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2012-13 (22022012)Page 43 of 64
The question paper shall have weightage to numerical/ case study 20% and to theoretical 80%.
Project work A project work will be assigned to the students by the concerned subject faculty. It will carry 10 marks and will be evaluated by the faculty itself. The topic of the project will be decided by the faculty. The students will work in a group of 3 5 on each topic. The topic should be related to the subject taught by the faculty and should have proper utility and importance to enhance his practical skill & knowledge.
Text Books:- 1. Neville A.M., Concrete Technology, Standard Publishers Distributors, Delhi. 2. Kulkarni P.D., Textbook of Concrete Technology, New Age International Publishers, Delhi. 3. Santhakumar A.R., Concrete Technology, Oxford University Press, Mumbai. Reference Books:- 1. Ramachandran V.S., Concrete Admixtures Handbook, Standard Publishers Distributors, Delhi.
Course Code: DIP 501 L T P C 3 0 0 3 Course Content: Unit I Oral Communication: Principles of effective Oral Communication, Vitals of Communication, Interpersonal Communication, persuasive Communication. (8 hours) Practical (oral): Practice of oral Communication. (2 hours)
Unit II Presentation Strategies: Purpose, Audience & Locale, Audio-visual aids, Body Language, Voice dynamics. (8 hours) Practical (oral): Making students develop presentation skills. (2 hours)
Unit III Speaking Skills: Improving voice & speech, Art of public speaking, Dealing with the Boss, Dealing with subordinates. (8 hours) Practical (oral): Making the students speak on topic. (2 hours)
Unit IV Group Discussion: Tips & Style. (8 hours) Practical (Oral): To make students participate in G.D. (2 hours)
Recommended Books: i. Raman Meenakshi & Sharma Sangeeta Technical Communication Principles & Practices, - ONP, N. Delhi. ii. Mitra Barun K.-Effective Technical Communication O.U. P N.Delhi.
NOTE: This syllabus has been designed to improve the oral and written communication skills of students. The faculty members should put emphasis on practical (oral) activities for generating students interest in language learning.
* Latest editions of all the suggested books are recommended.
Course Code: DIP 502/603 L T P C 3 - - 3 Course Content: Unit-I Introduction to Industrial Psychology definition, scope and importance Unit-II Motivation: Meaning, factors, motivation theories (Maslow, Herzberg and McGregor); understanding stress and its consequences, causes of stress, managing stress; group dynamics: features of group, group cohesiveness Unit-III Work Environment: Design of work place; fatigue: causes and prevention, work place boredom, accidents and safety. Conflict: Concept, sources and types Unit IV Constituents of Indian economy: - Agriculture, Industry and Service; Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Industrial growth in India, role and challenges of small scale industries, sources of funding for small scale industries, industrial sickness Unit V Privatization and globalization in India Problems of industry- technology, waste disposal, industrial law and dispute
Project work A project work will be assigned to the students by the concerned subject faculty. It will carry 10 marks and will be evaluated by the faculty itself. The topic of the project will be decided by the faculty. The students will work in a group of 3 5 on each topic. The topic should be related to the subject taught by the faculty and should have proper utility and importance to enhance his practical skill & knowledge. References: 1. Miner J.B. (1992) Industrial/Organizational Psychology. McGraw Hill. 2. Blum & Naylor (1982) Industrial Psychology. Its Theoretical & Social Foundations CBS Publication. 3. Aswathappa K. (2008). Human Resource Management, New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill. 4. Ramnath Sharma and S. S Chandra Advanced Industrial Psychology: Atlantic publishers, New Delhi 5. Vasant Desai, Small Scale Industries and Entrepreneurship, Himalaya publications 6. Ruddar Dutt and K.P.M. Sundaram, Indian Economy, S. Chand Publications 6. Samuelson, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill
TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING LAB Fifth Semester L T P C Diploma (Civil-Lateral) Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2012-13 (22022012)Page 46 of 64
Course Code: DCE 551 - - 3 2
List of Experiments 1. Determination of resistance to abrasion of aggregates by Los Angel's Abrasion Testing Machine. 2. Determination of Aggregate impact value by aggregate impact tester. 3. Determination of C.B.R. Value of sub grade soil. 4. Determination of Aggregate crushing value by aggregate crushing test apparatus. 5. Determination of Penetration Value of bitumen. 6. Determination of softening point of bitumen. 7. Determination of ductility of bitumen. 8. Determination of flash and fire point of bitumen. Field Visits of at least one of the following (in different fields): 1. Railway yard and station, points and crossing, rack, communication, control and panel Board. 2. Railway Museum for the development of Railways, Rails Mono Rails, Sleepers--R.D.S.O. Lucknow & Rail Bhawan Delhi 3. Bridges under construction. 4. Grade seperator. 5. Factory for construction of prestressed sleepers or other fixtures. 6. P.W.D. Research Lab at Lucknow/C.B.R.I. Roorkee. 7. Hume Pipe Factory.
Evaluation of Practical Examination:- As per Annexure A
SURVEYING LAB II [INCLUDING SURVEY CAMP OF ONE WEEK DURATION] Fifth Semester Diploma (Civil-Lateral) Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2012-13 (22022012)Page 47 of 64
L T P C Course Code: DCE 552 - - 6 3
(A) Plane Tabling:- Ex. (i) (a) Setting the plane table Plate-1. (b) Marking the North direction. (c) Plotting a few points by Radiation method. Ex. (ii) (a) Orientation by Plate-1. - Trough compass - back sighting. (b) Plotting a few points by Intersection method.
Ex. (iii) Traversing an area with a plane table (at least five lines) Plate-1.
Ex. (iv) (a) Two point problem. Plate-2. (b) Three point problem by - Tracing paper method. - Bessel's graphical method. - Trial and error method. (B) Contouring:-
Ex. (v) Preparing a contour plan by radial line, method by the use of a Tangent clinometers/Tachometer. ` Plate 1.
Ex. (vi) Preparing a contour plan by method of squares. Plate 1.
(C) Theodolite:-
Ex. (vii) Drill for taking out, the Theodolite Mounting on the tripod and placing it back in the Box.
Ex. (viii) Reading the vernier and working out the least count. Measurement of horizontal angles by repetition and reiteration method.
Ex. (ix) Traversing an area with a Thedolite (at least five lines) and Plotting the traverse by calculating Latitude and Departure.
Ex. (x) Measurement of vertical angles by the use of Theodilite. Ex. (xi) Measurement of Magnetic Bearing of a line. Ex. (xii) Measurement of horizontal & vertical angles with Electronic Theodilite/Total station. Plate 1.
(D) Curves:- Ex. (xiii) Setting out a Simple Circular Curve with given data by the following methods - Plate 1. (a) Offsets from main chord. (b) Offsets from the chords produced. (c) One Theodolite method. Ex. (xiv) Setting out a circular cure with transition length by linear measurements. Plate 1. Survey camp of one week duration shall be arranged in the University campus or nearby locality to enhance the actual Practical knowledge of site surveying. The students are supposed to do topographical survey of the area showing contours and other features on site map.
Evaluation of Practical Examination:- As per Annexure A CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAWING II Fifth Semester L T P C Diploma (Civil-Lateral) Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2012-13 (22022012)Page 48 of 64
Course Code: DCE 553 2 - 4 5
PART A : STEEL STRUCTURAL DRAWING 1. Tubular Steel Roof Trusses : Types of trusses for different spans. Details of column truss connection. Simple trusses using tubular sections. North light provision. 1 Plate 2. Steel Column base connections (slab base & gusseted base). 1 Plate
PART B : R.C.C. STRUCTURES 1. PUBLIC BUILDING:-Plan elevation & sections of a primary School building, primary health center, guest house, double story showing details of following. RCC elements: (i) R.C.C. beam singly reinforced and doubly reinforced giving the size and number of bars, stirrups their size and spacing. (ii) Details of reinforcement for a RCC square and circular column with isolated square footing. (iii) Details of reinforcement for a cantilever beam with given data regarding the size of the beam and the reinforcement. Anchorage of reinforcement. 2 Plate
2. Details of reinforcement in plan and section for a simply supported. One way RCC slab. 3.i. Sectional details of T-beam showing details of bars ii. Details of reinforcement for a cantilever retaining wall with the given design data regarding the reinforcement, size and shape of the wall. 1 Plate
PART C : IRRIGATION ENGINEERING : (i) a. Typical cross-sections of a channel in cutting, partly cutting and fully in filling. b. Typical L-section of a distributry. (ii) Plan and cross-section of tube well with pump house. (iii) Plan, cross-section and L-section of a sarda type fall with details of wing wall, pitching, flooring. 3 Plate PART D:- Reading and interpreting Civil Engg. Drawing.
Evaluation of Practical Examination:- As per Annexure A
Text Books:- 1. Singh Gurcharan, Civil Engineering Drawing, Standard Publishers Distributors, Delhi. 2. Sati K.D., Civil Engineering Drawing I, Asian Publishers Muzaffarnagar.
INDUSTRIAL EXPOSURE Fourth Semester L T P C Diploma (Civil-Lateral) Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2012-13 (22022012)Page 49 of 64
Course Code: DCE 555 - - - 4
Four Weeks structured and supervised, branch specific, task oriented industrial/field exposure to be organized during summer vacation. The student during the vocational training must undertake training in at least any one of the following. The should submit report and his assessment in computerized form on the given formats (Annexure 1 st & 2 nd ) and it should be signed by faculty and Trainee Incharge.
1. Topographical Map: survey work with the help of level & plane table and prepare the map showing contours. 2. Construction of multistory framed structure: The construction of different components of the framed structure foundation (pile, raft etc.) Beams, columns, slab. basement, ducts ( lifts & services). 3. Construction of Water Supply & Sewer Line: The process of laying water supply and sewer pipe lines at a proper gradient and different method of pipe joints. 4. Construction of over Head Tanks; construction of different components of over head tank e.g. foundation, columns, beams, ring beams, side walls, circular slab etc. 5. Construction of Irrigation Work ; Construction of Irrigation channel at a proper gradient, Canal head works, Regulatory work, Falls, cross drainage work, Tube well Open well, wind mill etc. 6. Construction of Dam: Knowledge of the different works involved in construction of dams e.g mass concreting, concrete conveyors, tunneling etc. 7. Construction of culverts & bridges: The construction of piers, abutments, deep beam of bridge construction of different components of culvert eg. wing wall, abutments, curtain wall, slab and arch. 8. Construction of Roads : The construction of WBM. bituminous, Concrete roads and should know how to provide gradient .camber super elevation in construction of roads. 9. Construction of Breast Wall & Retaining Wall : The construction of breast wall & retaining wall of stones in construction of hill roads and provision of weep holes. Be must also understand the R.C.C. retaining wall its components eg. stem, heel and their reinforcement detail & construction. 10. Entrepreneurial and professional Practice: Student should go for training under the Private Architect/ Civil Engineering Consultant / Private Contractor/ Construction Agency and see the Civil Engineering Works performed by them.
The marking shall be as follows.
Internal: 50 marks By the Faculty Guide - 25 marks By Committee appointed by the Director 25 marks
External: 50 marks By Officer-in-charge trainee in industry 25 marks By External examiner appointed by the University 25 marks
DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE (RCC) STRUCTURE Sixth Semester L T P C Course Code: DCE 601 3 2 - 5 Diploma (Civil-Lateral) Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2012-13 (22022012)Page 50 of 64
Course Contents: Unit:- I Introduction: Concept of reinforced concrete structures, advantages and disadvantages. Different materials used in RCC with their properties. Load and loading standard as per IS:875 Concept of design of reinforced concrete based on working stresses method and limit state method and their difference. (A) Design based on Working Stress Method: Fundamental of working stress method: (i) Assumptions in the theory of simple bending for RCC beams. (ii) Flexural strength of a singly reinforced RCC beam. Position of the Neutral Axis. Resisting moment of the section, critical neutral axis, actual neutral axis, concept of balanced, under reinforced and over-reinforced sections. (iii)Shear Strength : Permissible shear stresses as per IS:456 2000. Development of stresses in reinforcement, development length and anchoring of bars. (iv) Bond Strength: Concept of bond, local and average, permissible bond stresses for plain and deformed bars as per IS, minimum length of embedment of bars, minimum splice length, actual bond stress in RCC beams and slabs, bond length as per IS: 456 2000. Design of singly reinforced concrete beams as per IS:456 2000 from the given data such as span, load and properties of materials used. Design of lintel. (12 Lectures) Unit:- II Design of a cantilever beam and slab. Design of Doubly Reinforced Concrete Beams: (i) Doubly reinforced concrete beam and its necessity., (ii) Strength of a double reinforced concrete beam section., (iii) Method of design: Simple problems only. (iv) Reinforcement details of doubly reinforced concrete beam. Design of RCC Slabs:- (i) Structural behavior of slabs under uniformly distributed load (UDL)., (ii) Types of end supports., (iii) Design of one way slab., (iv) Design of Two-way slab with the help of tables of IS:456 2000.(Corners not held down)-IS-code method., (v) Detailing of reinforcement. (12 Lectures) Unit:- III Design of Tee Beams:- (i) Structural behavior of a beam and slab floor laid monolithically., (ii) Rules for the design of T-Beams., (iii) Economical depth of T-Beams, Strength of T-Beams., (iv) Design of singly reinforced Tee-Beams., (v) Detailing of reinforcement. (12 Lectures) Unit:- IV Design of Columns & Column Footings:- (i) Concept of long and short columns. (ii) Specifications for main and lateral reinforcement. (iii)Behavior of RCC column under axial load. (iv)Design of Axially loaded short and long columns with hinged ends (circular, square and rectangular as per IS specifications). (v) Concept of column footing. Design criteria. Design of square isolated column footings. (vi) Detailing of reinforcement. Cantilever Retaining Wall:- Concept of design and function of different parts of a cantilever retaining wall and reinforcement details (No numerical shall be asked in the examination). (12 Lectures) Unit:- V Design Based on Limit State Method:- Fundamentals of Limit State Method i. Theory of limit state method. ii. Partial safety factors. iii. Flexural strength. iv. Shear Strength. v. Development Length of bars. Design requirements. Design of the following : i. Singly reinforced rectangular beam. ii. One way slab (simply supported. (12 Lectures) The question paper shall have weightage to numerical/ case study 50% and to theoretical 50%. Project work A project work will be assigned to the students by the concerned subject faculty. It will carry 10 marks and will be evaluated by the faculty itself. The topic of the project will be decided by the faculty. The students will work in a group of 3 5 on each topic. The topic should be related to the subject taught by the faculty and should have proper utility and importance to enhance his practical skill & knowledge. Text Books:- 1. S.K. Mallick, Reinforced Concrete, Oxford & IBH Publshing Co., Delhi. 2. Ashok K. Jain, Reinforced Concrete by Limit State Design by Nem Chand & Bros., Roorkee. Reference Books:- 1. Punmia B.C., Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, Laxmi Publication (P), Delhi. 2. Raju N.K., Reinforced Concrete Design IS 456 2000 Principles & Practice, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi. 3. BIS, IS 456 2000 Code of Practice for Plain & Reinforced Concrete.
DESIGN OF STEEL STRUCTURES Sixth Semester L T P C Course Code: DCE 602 3 1 - 4 Course Contents: Unit:- I Structural Steel and Sections: (i) Types of rivets and riveted joints. (ii) Properties of structural steel as per IS:226 and IS:1977. (iii) Designation of structural steel sections as per IS Handbook and IS:800 2007. Structural Steel Connections: (i) Bolted connections - types of bolts, permissible stresses in bolts. Types of bolted joints, Failure of bolted joints, Assumptions made in the design of bolted joints. Specification for bolted joints. Design of bolted joints for axially loaded members. (ii) Welded Connections Comparison between riveted and welded joints, types of welds, permissible stresses in welds, types of welded connections, strength of welded joint, Design of welded joints for axially loaded members. (10 Lectures)
Unit:- II Tension Members: Forms of common sections. Permissible Stresses in tension for steel. Strength of a tension member. Design of tension members (flats, angles & Tee Sections only). Tension splice and their design. (10 Lectures)
Unit:- III Compression Members: Design of struts and columns as per IS:800 2007. Effective length, slenderness ratio and permissible stresses, simple and built up sections, concept of lacings in built up columns. (10 Lectures)
Unit:- IV Beams: Design criteria, allowable stresses, Design of laterally restrained beams including simple built-up sections. Checks for web bulking, web crippling and deflection. (10 Lectures)
Unit:- V Column Bases:- Column bases, design of simple column base for axially loaded columns. (10 Lectures)
The question paper shall have weightage to numerical/ case study 50% and to theoretical 50%.
Project work A project work will be assigned to the students by the concerned subject faculty. It will carry 10 marks and will be evaluated by the faculty itself. The topic of the project will be decided by the faculty. The students will work in a group of 3 5 on each topic. The topic should be related to the subject taught by the faculty and should have proper utility and importance to enhance his practical skill & knowledge. Text Books:- 1. Ram Chandra, Design of steel Structures, Standard Book House, Delhi. 2. Negi L.S., Design of steel Structures, Tata Mc. Graw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., Delhi. Reference Books:- 1. Punmia B.C., Design of steel Structures, Laxmi Publication (P) Ltd., Delhi. 2. Ramamarutham S., Design of steel Structures, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Co., Delhi. 3. BIS, IS 800 2005 Code of Practice for General Construction in steel.
TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING II Sixth Semester L T P C Course Code: DCE 603 3 - - 3
Course Contents: Unit:- I RAILWAYS Introduction: Railways - An important system of communication in India. Permanent Way: Definition of a permanent way; components of a permanent way, sub grade, ballast, sleepers, rails, fixtures and fastenings. Concept of gauge and different gauges prevalent in India. Suitability of these gauges under different conditions. Track Materials: (i) RAILS: Function of rails. Different types of rail sections-double header, bull headed and flat footed their standard length, weights and comparison. Welded rails-appropriate length of welded rails and advantages of welded rails. Creep: Its definition, causes, effects and prevention. Wear of rails: its causes and effects. (ii) SLEEPERS: Function of sleepers; Different types of sleepers: wooden, steel, cast iron(pot type),concrete and prestressed concrete, their sizes, shapes, characteristics and spacing. (iii) BALLAST: Function, materials used for making ballast stone, brick, slag and cinder, their characteristics. (iv) FIXTURES AND FASTENINGS: (a) Connections of rail to rail-Fishplate and fish bolts. (b) Connection of Rail to sleepers: Sketches of connection between flat footed rails with various types sleepers with details of fixtures and fasteners used. (8 Lectures) Unit:- II Geometrics for Broad Gauge: Typical Cross-sections of single and double broad gauge railway tracks in cutting and embankment. Permanent and temporary land width. Gradients ruling, maximum, minimum for drainage. Gradients in station yards. Curves; Limiting radius of a curve for broad gauge. Transition length to be provided for railway curves as per railway code. Super-elevation-its necessity and limiting value. Definition of equilibrium cant and cant deficiency, widening of gauage on curves. Points and Crossings: Necessity and details of arrangement; sketch of a turnout definition of stock rail, tongue rail, check rail, lead rail, wing rail, point rail, splice rail, stretcher bar, throw of switch, heel of switch, nose of crossing, angle of crossing, overall length of turnout, facing and trailing points, diamond crossing, cross over, triangle. Track Laying: Preparation of sub grade. Collection of materials setting up of material depot and carrying out initial operations such as adzing of sleepers, bending of rails and assembling of crossings. Definitions of base and rail head. Transportation by material trellises, rail carriers and material trains. Method of track laying (parallel, telescopic and American methods). Organization of layout at rail head. Ballasting of the track. (8 Lectures)
Unit:- III BRIDGES INTRODUCTION: Bridge: Its function and component parts, different parts, difference between a bridge and a culvert. CLASSIFICATION OF BRIDGES: Their structural elements and suitability: (i) According to life: Permanent and temporary. (ii) According to road way level: Deck, through and semi- through. (iii) According to material: Wooden, steel, RCC, prestressed and masonry. (iv) According to structural form: (a) Beam type-RCC,T-Beam, steel girder bridges, plate girder and box girder, trussed bridges N and warren girder bridges. (b) Arch type-open spandrel and filled spandrel, barrel and rib type. (c) Suspension type- Unstiffened sling type, its description with sketches. (d) According to the position of highest flood level: submersible and non submersible. (8 Lectures)
Unit:- IV Piers, abutments and wing walls: Piers: Definition parts. Types: solid (masonry and RCC); Open cylindrical and abutment piers. Definition of the following terms; height of pier, water way (natural and artificial),afflux and clearance. Abutments and wing walls: Definition, types of abutments (straight and tee) abutment with wing walls (straight, splayed, return and curved). Diploma (Civil-Lateral) Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2012-13 (22022012)Page 53 of 64
Bridge Bearings: Purpose of bearings: Types of bearings: Fixed plate, sliding plate, deep cast base, rocker and roller bearings, their functions with sketches. Temporary Bridges: Necessity, description with sketches of pontoon and boat bridges. (8 Lectures)
Unit:- V Air Port: Basic Element, Runway and Taxi Way. Tunnel: Introduction, Classification and Construction Method. (8 Lectures)
The question paper shall have weightage to numerical/ case study 20% and to theoretical 80%.
Project work A project work will be assigned to the students by the concerned subject faculty. It will carry 10 marks and will be evaluated by the faculty itself. The topic of the project will be decided by the faculty. The students will work in a group of 3 5 on each topic. The topic should be related to the subject taught by the faculty and should have proper utility and importance to enhance his practical skill & knowledge.
Text Books:- 1. Gupta B.L., Road, Railway, Bridges, Tunnels& Harbour Dock Engineering, Standard Publishers Distributors, Delhi. 2. Rangwala S.C., Highway Engineering, Charotar Publshing House (P) Ltd., Anand. 3. Ahuja & Birdi, Road, Railway, Bridges & tunnels Engineering, Standard Books House, Delhi. 4. Gupta D.V., Transportation Engineering, Asian Publishers Muzaffarnagar. Reference Books:- 1. Khana S.K. & Justo, Highway Engineering, Nem Chand & Bros., Roorkee.
EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING Sixth Semester L T P C Course Code: DCE 604 3 - - 3 Course Contents: Unit:- I Causes of earthquakes and seismic waves, magnitude, intensity and energy release, Basic terminology, Characteristics of earthquakes, Seismic hazard, vulnerability and risk, Seismic Zoning. Earthquakes performance of structures in past earthquakes. (6 Lectures) Unit:- II Philosophy of earthquake resistant design and concept of ductility, Short and long period structures, Concept of spectrum, Static force calculations. Architectural considerations : Building simplicity, symmetry. Irregularities, Continuity and Uniformity. (6 Lectures) Unit:- III Effect of soils and liquefaction, Remedial measures, Construction of earth structures. Seismic construction of masonry buildings, precisions of IS:4326. (6 Lectures) Unit:- IV Seismic construction of RC buildings detailing, provisions of IS: 13920. Retrofitting of masonry and reinforced concrete buildings. (6 Lectures) Unit:- V DISASTER MANAGEMENT : Definition of disaster - Natural and Manmade, Type of disaster management, How disaster forms, Destructive power, Causes and Hazards, Case study of Tsunami Disaster, National policy- Its objective and main features, National Environment Policy, Need for central intervention, State Disaster Authority- Duties and powers, Case studies of various Disaster in the country, Meaning and benefit of vulnerability reduction, Factor promoting vulnerability reduction and mitigation, Emergency support function plan. Main feature and function of National Disaster Management Frame Work, Disaster mitigation and prevention, Legal Policy Frame Work, Early warning system, Human Resource Development and Function, Information dissemination and communication. (6 Lectures) The question paper shall have weightage to case study 20% and to theoretical 80%. Project work A project work will be assigned to the students by the concerned subject faculty. It will carry 10 marks and will be evaluated by the faculty itself. The topic of the project will be decided by the faculty. The students will work in a group of 3 5 on each topic. The topic should be related to the subject taught by the faculty and should have proper utility and importance to enhance his practical skill & knowledge. Text Books:- 1. Srivastava H.N., Earthquakes Geography and Management, New Age International Publishers, Delhi. 2. Jai Krishna, Elements of Earthquake Engineering, South Asian Publishers, New Delhi. 3. Chopra A.K., Dynamics of Structure, Pearson Education.
Reference Books:- 1. Agarwal P.N., Engineering Seismology, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 2. Richter C.F., Elementary Seismology, Eurasia Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 3. IS: 4326 India Standard- Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction of Buildings Code of Practice Bureau of Indian Standard, Mank Bhawan, New Delhi. 4. IS: 13920 India Standard- Ductile Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Seismic Forces Bureau of Indian Standard, Mank Bhawan, New Delhi.
ESTIMATING, COSTING AND VALUATION Sixth Semester L T P C Course Code: DCE 605 3 2 - 5 Course Contents: Unit:-I Buildings Introduction to Estimating: Types of estimates, drawings, (to be attached with these estimates. Preparation of rough cost estimates). Units of measurement, and units of payment of different items of work. Different methods of taking out quantities: Centre line in-to-in/out-to-out methods. Preparation of a detailed estimate, complete with detailed reports, specifications, abstract of cost and material statement for a small residential building with a flat roof. (12 Lectures) Unit:- II Preparation of a detailed estimate with specification, abstract of cost and material statement for pitched roof with steel truss only. Specifications Need, general and detailed specifications, method of writing specifications, Analysis of rates:- (i) Steps in the analysis of rates for any item of work, requirement of material, lab our, sundries T.& P. contractors profit.(ii) Calculation of quantities of materials for: (a) Plain cement concrete of different proportions. (b) Brick masonry in cement and lime mortar. (c) Plastering and pointing with cement mortar in different proportions. (d) White washing. Analysis of Rates:- Analysis of rates of the following item of work when the data regarding lab our, rates of material and rates of lab our is given. (a) Earth work in excavation and filling with a concept of lead and lift. (b) Cement concrete in foundation. (c) R.C.C. in roof slabs. (d) First class brick masonry in cement mortar. (e) Cement plaster. (f) Cement pointing: Flush, deep pointing. (12 Lectures) Unit:- III Public health:- Preparation of detailed estimate for laying a water supply line (C.I. Pipe). Preparation of detailed estimate for sanitary and water supply fittings in a domestic building containing one set of toilets and septic tank. (12 Lectures) Unit:- IV Roads:- Methods for calculating earth work using:- (i) Average depth. (ii) Average cross sectional area. (iii) Graphical method. Calculations of quantities of materials for roads in plains from given drawings. Preparation of detailed estimate using the above quantities. Detailed estimate of a single span slab culvert with return wing walls. Calculation of quantities of different items of work for a masonry retaining wall from given drawings. (12 Lectures) Unit:- V Valuation Purpose of valuation, principles of valuation. Definition of terms such as depreciation, sinking fund, salvage and scrap value. Valuation of a building property by replacement cost method and rental return method. Method of calculation of standard rent-Concept of capitalized value and years purchase. (12 Lectures) The question paper shall have weightage to numerical/ case study 50% and to theoretical 50%.
Project work A project work will be assigned to the students by the concerned subject faculty. It will carry 10 marks and will be evaluated by the faculty itself. The topic of the project will be decided by the faculty. The students will work in a group of 3 5 on each topic. The topic should be related to the subject taught by the faculty and should have proper utility and importance to enhance his practical skill & knowledge. Text Books:- 1. Rangwalala S.C., Estimating, Costing & Valuation, Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Anand. 2. Dutta B.N., Estimating & Costing in Civil Engineering, UBS Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 3. Gupta D.V., Estimating, Costing and Valuation, Asian Publishers Muzaffarnagar. Reference Books:- 1. Birdi G.S., Estimating, Costing & Valuation. Diploma (Civil-Lateral) Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2012-13 (22022012)Page 56 of 64
CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNTS Sixth Semester L T P C Course Code: DCE606 3 - - 3
Course Contents: Unit:- I ACCOUNTS Introduction: (i) Necessity of account. Organization:- (i) Establishments in the PWD. (ii) Regular establishment: (a) Permanent establishment. (b) Temporary establishment. (iii) Work charged establishment. (iv) Contingency establishment. Outline of P.W.D. System of Accounts: (i) Necessity of a system of accounts. (ii) P.W.D. system of accounts. (iii) Classification of transactions: (a) Necessity of maintaining the accounts by Head of Accounts: (b) Heads of Account: - Major Heads. - Minor Heads. - Detailed Heads. (Detailed Heads of Accounts not to be memorized). Cash:- (i) Definition of cash. (ii) Precautions in custody of cash. (iii) Treasury challis-procedure to fill the prescribed form. (iv) Imprest account and temporary advance. (v) Definition of imprest and rules for maintaining imprest account. Actual filling of the prescribed form. (vi) Definition of temporary advance; its difference from the imprest account; maintenance of temporary advance account. (6 Lectures)
Unit:- II Stores: Stock:- (a) Kind of articles in stock; (b) Sources of stock receipt; Suppliers. Other departments, divisions and sub-divisions. Manufacturers. Works, (c) Sub heads of stock. (d) Quantity accounts of stock. Rules for preparing indent and invoices; preparation of indent in proper form. Register of stock receipts and issues, procedure for recording entries in proper form. Actual filling of the form. Estimates for loss of stock and writing off. Tools and Plants (T&P):- (a) Meaning. (b) Classification of T&P - Register of T&P receipts and issues-Rules for actual filling of the prescribed form. - Statement of receipts and issues of T&P in prescribed form. (c) Sources of receipt of T&P (d) Authority of issue of T&P. (e) Surpluses and shortage of T&P-reconciliation of accounts. (f) Points of difference in accounts of stock and T&P. (g) Disposal of unserviceable articles of T&P. Preparation of survey report in prescribed form. (6 Lectures)
Unit:- III Road Metal:- (a) Meaning. (b) Rules for maintaining road metal returns filling up the prescribed form. (c) Method of checking. (d) Shortages and surpluses. Materials charged direct to works:- Necessity, circumstance under which materials are directly charged to work. (a) Material at site Accounts (M.A.S), Rules for actual filling of prescribed form i.e. - Detailed statement of materials compared with estimated requirements and - Report of the value and verification of unused materials. (b) Disposal of surplus materials at the work site. (c) Definition of: - Issue rate - Storage rate. - Storage charges. - Supervision charges - Assets and liabilities. Issue of Materials to contractors. (6 Lectures)
Unit:- VI Works: (i) Categories:- (a) Original works. (b) Repair works. (ii) Classification of works according to cost:- (a) Major works. (b) Minor works. (c) Petty works. (iii) Conditions to be fulfilled before a work can be taken in hand: (a) Administrative approval. (b) Technical sanction. (c) Appropriation of funds. (d) Expenditure sanction (for plan works) (iv) Methods of carrying out works:-(a) Departmentally through daily lab our (b) Through contractors - Piece work system - work order - Contract system - Agreement. (v) Different types of contract: (a) Item rate contract. - Labour rate (%age above or below)for various items or for covered areas construction (Private construction only) - Through rate basis (%age above or below) (b) Lump-sum contract. (vi) Allotment of works: (a) Concept of quotations and tenders (b) Work order - Rules and Form. (vii) Definition of deposit works and Taccavi works. (6 Lectures) Unit:- V Payment for Works:- (i) Daily labour: (a) Meaning. (b) Muster roll., Rules. Instruction for maintenance. Payment to contractors and suppliers: (a) Record of measurement. Measurement book (M.B.) General Diploma (Civil-Lateral) Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2012-13 (22022012)Page 57 of 64
Instructions. Methods of payment after measurements are recorded in M.B. Common mistakes in the use and maintenance of M.B. Student may be directed to record the measurement of different items (b) Check measurement Book (C.M.B.) (c) Standard measurement book (SMB) (ii) Different types of payment (a) First and final payment. (b) Running payment., Secured advance. On account payment. Advance payment. Running and final payment. (iii) Hand receipt. (iv) Clause in which the detailed measurements are dispensed with. Miscellaneous:- (i) Duties of Junior Engineer/S.O. and S.D.O. (6 Lectures)
The question paper shall have weightage to numerical/ case study 20% and to theoretical 80%.
Project work A project work will be assigned to the students by the concerned subject faculty. It will carry 10 marks and will be evaluated by the faculty itself. The topic of the project will be decided by the faculty. The students will work in a group of 3 5 on each topic. The topic should be related to the subject taught by the faculty and should have proper utility and importance to enhance his practical skill & knowledge. Text Books:- 1. Sadimala C.M., Materials and Financial Management, New Age International Publishers, Delhi. Reference Books:- 1. Gahlot P.S., Construction Planning and Management, International Publishers, Delhi. Diploma (Civil-Lateral) Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2012-13 (22022012)Page 58 of 64
Corporate Communication Sixth Semester
Course Code: DIP 601 L T P C 3 0 0 3 Course Content:
Unit I Corporate Behaviour: Corporate expectation, office etiquettes, Telephonic Conversation & etiquette. (8 hours) Practical (oral): To make the students aware of Corporate life & culture & also to teach them about telephone courtesy etc. (2 hours) Unit II Communication: Press Communication, Press note, e-mail, Inviting tenders, Writing advertisements, Writing notices. (8 hours) Practical (oral): To make students develop the understanding of media importance. (2 hours) Unit III Interview Skills: Concept & Process, Preparing for the Interview, Types of Interview. (8 hours) Practical (oral): Mock Interview Practice. (2 hours) Unit IV Modern Technology & Communication: Globalization impact, Role of Information Technology, Tele- Communication, Internet, Tele- Conferencing and Video-Conferencing. (8 hours) Practical (oral): To make students speak on I.T./Internet/Tele & Video Conferencing.(2 hours)
Recommended Books: 1. Chhabra T.N. Business Communication Sun India Pub. N.Delhi. 2. Raman Meenakshi & Sharma Sangeeta Technical Communication Principles & Practices, - ONP, N. Delhi. NOTE: This syllabus has been designed to improve the oral and written communication skills of students. The faculty members should put emphasis on practical (oral) activities for generating students interest in language learning. * Latest editions of all the suggested books are recommended. Diploma (Civil-Lateral) Revised Syllabus Applicable w.e.f. Academic Session 2012-13 (22022012)Page 59 of 64
Course Code: DIP 502/603 L T P C 3 - - 3 Course Content: Unit-I Introduction to Industrial Psychology definition, scope and importance Unit-II Motivation: Meaning, factors, motivation theories (Maslow, Herzberg and McGregor); understanding stress and its consequences, causes of stress, managing stress; group dynamics: features of group, group cohesiveness Unit-III Work Environment: Design of work place; fatigue: causes and prevention, work place boredom, accidents and safety. Conflict: Concept, sources and types Unit IV Constituents of Indian economy: - Agriculture, Industry and Service; Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Industrial growth in India, role and challenges of small scale industries, sources of funding for small scale industries, industrial sickness Unit V Privatization and globalization in India Problems of industry- technology, waste disposal, industrial law and dispute
Project work A project work will be assigned to the students by the concerned subject faculty. It will carry 10 marks and will be evaluated by the faculty itself. The topic of the project will be decided by the faculty. The students will work in a group of 3 5 on each topic. The topic should be related to the subject taught by the faculty and should have proper utility and importance to enhance his practical skill & knowledge. References: 1. Miner J.B. (1992) Industrial/Organizational Psychology. McGraw Hill. 2. Blum & Naylor (1982) Industrial Psychology. Its Theoretical & Social Foundations CBS Publication. 3. Aswathappa K. (2008). Human Resource Management, New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill. 4. Ramnath Sharma and S. S Chandra Advanced Industrial Psychology: Atlantic publishers, New Delhi 5. Vasant Desai, Small Scale Industries and Entrepreneurship, Himalaya publications 6. Ruddar Dutt and K.P.M. Sundaram, Indian Economy, S. Chand Publications 6. Samuelson, Economics, Tata McGraw Hill Industrial Ecology* Sixth Semester
R.C.C. LAB Sixth Semester L T P C Course Code: DCE 651 - - 3 2
Preparation of bar bending schedule and to bend the bars accordingly for the following: (i) Singly reinforced concrete beam (ii) Doubly reinforced concrete beam (iii) Reinforced concrete column (iv) Reinforced concrete slab
Evaluation of Practical Examination:- As per Annexure A
DESIGN PROJECT ON CAD LAB Sixth Semester L T P C Course Code: DCE 652 - 6 3 Preparation of any such project: (i) Survey and soil investigation, planning, designing preparing working drawings, estimation and scheduling of a work for a small building including writing of Technical Report. (ii) Planning a water supply and drainage system for a house. Preparation of working drawings for all the sanitary fittings. Estimating quantity of materials and cost including writing of technical report. (iii) Preparation of water supply and drainage scheme for a small colony with all working drawings, estimates and schedule of works including writing of technical report. (iv) Given topographical sheet of the area, select alignment of a small length of road connecting two stations. Preparation of detailed drawings (L-section, cross section and plan). Detailed estimate, schedule of work and writing of technical report. (v) Selection of type & design for a culvert to be proposed over a river crossing a road. Preparation of working drawings, detailed estimate, schedule of work and writing of technical report. (vi) Planning of small civil engineering work including designs, drawings, estimates and technical report writing. (vii) Other problem with in syllabus including survey work, design, drawing, estimate and technical report writing.
The Faculty is supposed to take presentation of each group before awarding the marks.
Evaluation of Practical Examination:- As per Annexure A
05 2 Performance of Practical/Skill/Creativity/Innovation
20 3 Knowledge, Findings and Results regarding practical conducted
10 4 File Presentation
05 5 Response to questions during Viva
10 Total (Out of 50)
External examiner appointed by University shall conduct the practical along with internal faculty and shall assess out of 50 marks. The student would be required to complete an experiment during the practical examination and write the detail process, findings/ result and conclusions in the examination evaluation copy.
S. No. Details Marks (50) 1 Performance of Experiment/ Practical and Observations taken
After IV Semester examination, in the summer vacations, student will have a four week Industrial Exposure in Construction Department like PWD / Irrigations etc / Private Builders engaged in construction and maintenance of Buildings, Roads, Bridges, Water Supply, Sewage etc. They will work and focus their attention on following points to incorporate them in their report.
1. Name and Address of the Department/ Builder.
2. Date of Joining Leaving
3. Nature of works Buildings Roads Bridges Any other Working Hours
4. Details of works visited and activities going on
5. Details of Machines/ Tools used in the work visited
6. Work procedure and measurement of work
7. Manner of keeping store items, their receiving & distribution.
8. Safety measures on work place and in general- comfortable, convenient & hygienic.
Date :- Student Signature Name Class Branch Enrollment No.