Resume KumarVishal
Resume KumarVishal
Resume KumarVishal
Kumar Vishal
[email protected]
Advanced Diploma in ASIC DESIGN and Engineering
RV-VLSI design center (Banglore)
Title RTL Design of 16 bit Processor based on Intel 8086 architecture using VHDL
My Role To design processor based on Intel 8086 architecture having maximum features of it like
memory segmentation, pipelining, minimum mode of operation, interrupts (software and
hardware), extraction of 2-byte word from memory at the same time.
Issues faced Creating synchronization between Bus interface unit and Execution Unit for sharing the bus
& resolved so that both can run in parallel. At the time of call instruction decrementing Instruction
pointer register to hold the offset of the instruction (already fetched) present in Queue.
Added some extra blocks in architecture to facilitate different operation.
Tools used ModelSim (Mentor Graphics)
Simulation of Simulation of RC-Circuit and to understand the various factors influencing the delay
of the circuit.
Objective To compute the time taken to charge and discharge the capacitor and to determine
various factors which contribute to the rate of charging and discharging of capacitor.
Tools used Virtuoso Schematic composer, Spectre.
Mini B.E. Projects-Traffic light controller (using VHDL), laser based perimeter protection system,
Sound operated light, Infrared Counter/Detector, Automatic Night light.
• Concept to Chip highlighting on the ASIC flow, difference between custom, ASIC and FPGA flow.
• Logic design use of Combinatorial, sequential logic, buiding FSM machines based on specification,
FPGA flow.
• Verilog HDL (RTL) undestanding of coding style to infer different hardware at synthesis stage,
different coding styles for FSMs, use of blocking and non blocking assignments. Leda check for
• Writing Testbenches in System Verilog and Verilog based on given specification gathering
functional coverage(SV), code coverage(SV and Verilog).
• Formal verification using equivalece checking.
• Synthesis flow, generating a netlist of the design, understanding DRC, environment, optimization
constraints, Synthesis strategies top down and bottom up. Using Design Compiler (synopsys) Tcl to
optimize design, setting up the path, target library, link library knowing the different lib purposes
and uses.Understanding the library file .db,.lib in perspective to transition , delay calculation of
delay for the cells Mapping design to a specific technology (180nm) and mapping design from one
technology to other.
• STA flow, concepts, importance and use of Setup,hold, recovery & removal timing,false path,
multicycle path, Launch edge, Capture edge, Virtual clock, min, max delay, timing exceptions,
Optimistic and pessimistic approach of setting the constraints and understanding the timing.
Analysis with respect to different clock domains restrictive edge setup & hold analysis. Using
PimeTime Tcl to generate automated script, specifying path groups, generating timing reports by
specifying(.sdc) file.
Physical Design
• Floorplanning, placement & routing,CTS, analysing congestion and summarizing reports to meet
Congestion & timing .
• Using Synopsys Astro for the Physical design Implementation taking a i2c netlist through the PD
• Study of 180nm Technology Foundry Document
• 1st prize in project making contest held on Inspirer’s day Feb 2007.
• 1st prize in project making contest held on Inspirer’s day Feb 2008.
• 1st prize in VHDL coding competition in “ASIMO’08” (A national level tech fest held every year in
Subharti University Meerut).
• Exposure to EDA Design Tools from Synopsys, Cadence & Mentor Graphics.