Anderson Kathleen 1976 Thailand

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AismEHsoN a?o amiUKD
( Pictrure
Kathleen Anderson
Miss Kathleen Anderson 'pleaas- tn.^
to Thailand in June, 197^ "fco teach in the
Bible Institute in Chiengmai. There is
a need for college-level training of
Asian students in English as a second
language. English will open to these
students the vast resoiirces of Christian
literature available only in English.
Kathy looks forward to the time when
her Asian students can in turn translate
vital Christian literature into the
Asian languages. Kathy also plans
to teach Bible classes to women and
children. She will share in all of
the activity of the South East Asia
Evangelizing Mission in Thailand.
Miss Kathleen 5ae Anderson was
bom June 25, 1952 at Bluffton, Ohio^
to James D. and Mrs. Esther Schumacher
Anderson. Both of her parents and her
three brothers and two sisters are
active in the Bethel Church of Christ,
Ada, Ohio. Kathy had kindergarten
through high school at Eawson, Ohio.
She had her freshman year at Boanoke
Bible College, Elizabeth City, N.C. then
Anderson To Thailand (Page 2 Mar. 51
she transfered to Johnson Bible
College, Kimberlin Heights, Knoxville,
Tenn* SESS where she was graduated
magna cum laude in May, 197^ with the
B.S. degree and a mission major. In
June that year she began" studies at
Bowling Green State University,
Bowling Green, Ohio. She majored
in English and was graduated with the
B.S. degree in education in December,
Kathy became a Christian on May 50,
1961. While at Camp Christian,
Houston, Ohio in the stunmer of 1968
she rededicated her life and became
a recruit to foreign missions. While
a student at J.B.C. she served as a
summer intern with Wesley Mrs.
Margaret Walker in Hawaii - June -
August, 1975* She has held parttime
jobs as a ch\irch secretary, a bookkeeper
and an upholsterer. She m is especially
interested in journalism and short
story writing. She served as editor
of both her hi^ school g^nd college
yearbooks. She has recommendation
from the elders of her home church.
2lso, Ployd E. Clark and Wilbur
Anderson To Thailand (p 3 Mar 5!
Reid, Jr. or J.B.C. highly reconmieiid
athy*s main mission is to serve
Jesus Christ in any way possible and to
bring others into a saving knowledge
of Him. She needs a total of S300 per
month livinglink support and about
^ ^1000 travel f"und. One of "ya^ elders in
her home church and his wife serve as
her forwarding agents; rh?. and Mrs.
Harry Criblez, R.R. # 1, Bluffton,
OH 458IO. You may S2SSS contact Kathy
speaking dates at her home:
/ R.Jf. 1, Box 329, Bluffton, OH 4581?
^phone (419) 558-5254. Her field
address will be; Box 59, Chiengmai,
MIt The end im
Hissiosiaxy Pictxire Book - 2^ 7^
Anderson In Thailand
( Pictm'e - see HoPo
Pathleen Anderson
Hiss Eabhleen Anderson went to
Thailand in June, 197^ teach in
the Bible Institute in Chieng'iaai.
There is a need Tor college-level
ti'aining of Asian students in
EnglixSh as a second language
English v/iall open to those students
trie vast resources of Christian
literature available in English,
Asian students can in turn translate
vital Christian literature into the
Asian languager3, Kathy also teaches
Bible clasxses for women and children.
Sxie sharoQ in all of tiie acti vity
of the South East^ Asia Evangeli-';ing
Mission in Thailand,
Miss hathleen Eae Anderson was
born June 23, 1952 at Bluffton, Ohio
to James ]}, and Mrs, Esther Schmacher
Andex'sono Iler parents, lier three
orobhers and two sisters are active
in the Bethel Church of Christ, Ada,
OhiOo ixathy had all of her schooling
through high school at Bawson, Ohio,
ohe took her fx*eshiiian year at Koanoke
Bible College, Elizabeth City, 1T,C, then
Anderson In ilThailand ( Apr 2,
she transfered to Johnson Bible
Collegej Knoxville, lenn. where she
was graduated inagna cuin laude in
hay, 197^ with the B^So degree and
a mission major. In June that year
she began studies at Bowling dreen
university, Bowling Green, Ohio.
She majored in English and i-fas
graduated v/itli the E.S. deg3;'ee in
education in December, 1979. She is
especially interested in journalisia
and v/riting short stories. She served
aa editor ol both her nigh school and
college yearbooks. She has high
recoinmend^ations from the elders of
'..oiTic: caurcii. One of these elders
and Ills v/ife serve as her foCT/arding
agents: Ilr. and Mrs. Ilan^ Criblez,
E.R. ii- 1, Bluffton, OH 49510.. Her
iie^d address is: Kathleen Anderson,
Box 99, Chiengmai, Thailand.
The Er>n
Gleanings (( June 15, 76 WM)
Kathleen Anderson departed from
O'Hare International Airport in
Chicago, 111, Hay 28th for Thailand.
She stopped enroute at Hong Kong,
May 30th. Missionaries from the
Southeast Asia Evangelizing Mission
met her in Ban^ok to escort her the
360 miles to Chiengmai. Kathleen's
travel companion was Mrs. Donald
(Bebe) Strum from Cincinnati, Ohio.
Bebe planned several weeks visit with
the SAEM missionaries who became her
friends while in Cincinnati.
Kathleen plans language study in
Bangkok for a few months. October
or November she plans to begin teaching
at the Chiengmai Bible Institute. Her
forwarding agents are: Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Criblez, Rt. 1, Ada, OH ^5810.
Kathleen Anderson
Kathleen Anderson is working with the
in Chiengmai, Thailand
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cribiez
Rt. 1
Ada, Ohio 45810
Box 59
Chiengmai, Thoiland
Poul and Chris Fuller
Louis and Patsy Hall
Max and Rosabel Haven
Daniel and Beverly Kalnin
LoVerne and Lois Morse
Peter and Ruth Sutjaibun
Douglas andGeriUmbamhov/ar
^ 41976
Dear friends in Christ,
By the time most of you receive this very first newsletter, I should be in
Chiengmai, Thailand. I thought it would be good to mail out my "introductory
copy" and let you know how everything has progressed up until a few days
before my departure date.
The lord has truly blessed me in the past several months. I spoke at sixteen
different churches in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee. I'd like to send a
big thank you to everyone who so graciously invited me into their homes. It
was wonderful to share with so many people about my plans for Southeast
Along with my home congregation which is providing most of my living link
funds, two other congregations and a number of individuals have pledged
monthly support. I praise the Lord for those who hove been so faithful in
seeing my needs fulfilled.
On Sunday evening. May 23, my home congregation (Bethel Church of Christ
at Ada, Ohio) gave me a wonderful Bon Voyage party. They really surprised
me by giving me a beautiful and large piece of luggage that I was very much
needing. It was hard to hove to soy goodbye to such dedicated people, but I
just pray there will be many to take their place in Chiengmai.
On May 28, I will be leaving O'Hare airport in Chicago at 11:00 p.m. along with
Mrs. Donald (Bebe) Sturm, a wonderful Christian lady from Cincinnati, Ohio.
Bebe Sturm is traveling to Chiengmai to visit for several weeks with the mis
sionaries there, as she knew those four families quite well when they were
going to school at Cincinnati Bible Seminary. I think both of us will be happy
for the other's company!
We are scheduled to land in Hong Kong on May 30, Sunday, at 8:30 a.m. local
time. After spending a few days there with a missionary family (Mr. and Mrs.
Wayful Jew) we will fly on down to Bangkok on Thursday, June 3. One of the
missionaries from the Southeast Asia Evangelizing Mission will meet us there
and escort us the rest of the way "home" 360 miles north to Chiengmai.
IN DON esi A
Board of
Box 581
After spending a few weeks In Chiengmal getting
acquainted with the missionaries and people ril be
working with, I plan to go back down to Bangkok for
four or five months language school. That means that
by next October or November I'll finally be able to be
gin teaching at the Chlengmai Bible Institute.
I plan on spending two years in Thailand, if all goes
well. It's sometimes very difficult to leave familiar
surroundings and close friends and loved ones. Right
now two years sounds like a long time, but I'll probably
. be bqck in the U. S. before you realize my two years
are up!
^rjl bq letting you hear from me often. Keep me in
your prayers!
Kathleen Anderson
Kathleen holds her nephew Jason just a few days
before her departure. Sometimes it's hard to say
c/o Mr. and Mrs. Harry Criblez
Rt. 1
Ada, Ohio 45810
^illiani McGilvrey
Mission Services
Box 177
Kempton, IN k60h9
Bluffton, Ohio
Permit No. 155
Kathleen Anderson
Kathleen Anderson Is working with the
in Chlengmoi, Thailand
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Criblez
Rt. 1
Ada, Ohio 45810
Box 59
Chlengmoi, Thailand*
Paul ond Cris Fuller
Max and Rosabel Haven
Daniel and Beverly Kolnin
Peter and Ruth Sutjolbun
Douglas and Geri Umbanhowar
LoVerne Morse
Board of .n.
r^. ^ Mokeno, Illinois
Directors: 60448
JULY20. 1976 ,, NUMBER 2
Dear Christian friends,
it's hard to believe that i left the United Statds over six weeks ago. The flight over was rather long and tiring,
but with the help of all your prayers, I arrived here safe ond sound. It took us 23 hours to fly from Chicago to
Hong Kong. 1 remember viewing Hong Kong from the window of the airplane on our approach pattern and
having my first wave of real culture shock everyone was driving on the wrong side of the street! After staying
four days with the Jew family, I then went on to Bankok on June 3.
I finally arrived in Chiengma! on Saturday evening, June 5. it was really great to meet the four families of the
mission that I'd' heard so much about in the states. I might soy that all of them ore truly dedicated
Christians, working very hard to educate leaders for Southeast Asia.
The students of the Chiengmoi Bible Institute also made a good impression on me. During my first week in
Chiengmai, i found out that the enrollment had increased to twenty students, and there is potential for many
more. They are so eager to learn, and they realty work hard. I'm looking forward to getting to work with
them after language study.
i spent just one week in Chiongmai before having to go back to Bangkok and begin language schpol. The term
started oh June 14, so i started studying Thai just two weeks after I had left the States. At the present time,
I've had a little over four weeks of study, and it's so good to be able to say things in the language of this
people. However, i hove so much more to learn. So far I can ask a lot of questions, such as "How much does
this cost?", and "Where ore you going? ", but whenever I ask the questions to someone, i can't understand
their answers, i guess i shouldn't expect too much after one month.
I must admit to the fact that i'm certainly experiencing culture shock. I never expected Thailand to be os
backwards as if is, and I don't think anyone can imagine how different these Asian cultures are from
Western cultures until that person sees it for himself. One of the most amazing things is the way that new
thing appear amid a bockground of old customs and constructions. For instance, the tour bus that we took
from Bangkok to Chiengmai was air-conditioned and very comfortable, but ot one point we came to a sudden
screeching stop in order to allow several water buffalo to complacently wander across the highway.
Some of the things that I am adjusting to include passing beggars that sit on every street corner, getting
along without an automatic washer or dryer, taking cold showers (there aren't many hot water heaters), and
eating hot food (they use every spice imaginable). If you want to go anywhere in this city, and you don't feel
like climbing on a public bus that is jam-packed with people, there is always the taxi service. These are
beot-up little cars that perhaps six Thai people (four Westerners) con pack into. But these taxis don't have
metered fares. Instead the customer must bargoin with the driver to see how much he will have to pay for the
ride. So for, i haven't been able to get a taxi for less than 20 bahf ($1.00 U.S.), but as my ability to speak
Thai improves, i hope my bargaining power will improve also!
Another custom that is so different here is the slow pace that Aslons habitually have. To give you some
examples of this, it took me ten minutes to purchase o cord from a stationery shop, 45 minutes to pick up a
small packoge at the post office moiled to me from the U.S., and an hour and a half to open my bank
account. This directly illustrates a quotation Rudyard Kipling made years ago:
it behooves the Christian white
Not to hasten the Asian brown
For the Christian riles
The Asian smiles
And weareth the Christian down.
Gradually, coping with this slower paced society won't be so difficult. It may even odd a few years to
my life.
Before I came to Thailand, I was under the impression that my visa could be renewed with very littie
difficulty. However, now i'm finding out that the grace of God and some Thai immigration officials is really
what allows missionaries to remain here. Certainly every missionary realizes more than when he was living
in the U.S. how temporary any situotion can be. So far, I haven't encountered any problems in staying
here, but I do covet your prayers about this motter.
Would you believe I got my elephant ride the
very first week in Thailand? When they are so
plentiful, who can resist] Charlie Umbanhowar
(one of the missionaries' children) and a very
capoble driver ride along with me here.
My address while in languoge school
will be:
Bangkok Christian Guest House
123 Solodang, Soi 2
Bangkok, Thailand
Route 1, Box 329
Bluffton, Ohio 45817
Along with a hundred other lessons I've learned since I've been here, I've
discovered that it pays to be very cautious with whatever you have in your
hands while you are walking down the street. The very first afternoon I was
in Bangkok, I was walking down the street, carrying a camera and happily
taking my first pictures of the city. A young man suddenly lunged out of the
crowds on the street, grabbed my camera, and was a block away before I
knew what had happened. Needless to soy, it taught me a lesson of caution
I'll never forget. I kept reminding myself that people like him are the reason
thot I came here. I just pray that someone con reach him and teach him
about a better way of life.
The young man who stole my camera is just a reminder to me of the greet
spiritual starvation thot Thailand hos. The.physical differences I've described
are not nearly as important as their need for the knowledge of Christ. The
work of the Southeast Asia Evangelizing Mission is so important please be
remembering the team here. We thank God for everyone of you!
Kothleen Anderson
1. That funds will be provided for the building of the Chiengmoi Bible
2. Thot I won't hove any problems with immigration
3. That my barrels will clear customs without incident
1. For my safe trip over
2. For the dedicated students at the Cheingmai Bible Institute
3. For all my brothers and sisters in Christ who hove given sacrificially
so that another missionary could be sent to serve.
Bluffton, Ohio
Permit No. 155
Mission Services
IN U60b9
Al>a. ! 6
Address correction requested
Kathleen Anderson
Kathleen Anderson is working with the
In Chiengmoi, Thoilond
I Mrs. Horry Criblez Box 59
Chiengmoi, Thailand
October 1976
Paul and Cris Fuller
Max and Rosabel Haven
Daniel and Beverly Kalnin
Peter and Ruth Sutjaibun
Douglos and Geri Umbanhowar
Number 5
Dear Christian friends,
I'm happy to report to all of you that things are going very well
for me here. After four months of living in Southeast Asia, I'm
finding myself adjusting more and more every day to the life
style that I at first found so foreign. Praise the Lord for His
wonderful help! Where two months ago I was wondering what kind
of valleys were ahead, I now can assuredly say, "For the Lord thy
God doth go with thee; He will not fail thee nor forsake thee."
(Deut. 51:6) Living in a different culture can surely increase
one's faith in what the Lord can do.
'Language school is going fine. I have only six more weeks and
then I'll be finished studying here in Bangkok. The printed
Thai language looks very unlike any of the letters we use in our
English alphabet. In fact, the Thai alphabet was derived from
Sanskrit and Pali, two ancient Indian languages. I've spent many
hours trying to decipher the letters that are supposed to repre
sent the kind of sounds everyone makes around here. The spoken
language, I am told, is similar to Chinese, and so with this in
mind, I hope you'll understand why I'm not exactly fluent yet.
Since I'm in language school and I'm not doing much "active duty"
yet, I thought I would tell you some more about the_life style of
these people. To me, transportation seems to be a major difference
in this culture from the culture I used to experience. At various
times since I've been here in Thailand, I have used city buses,
ferryboats, express river boats, slow trains, express trains,
three-wheeled motor scooters, vans, pick-up trucks, motorcycles,
and my own two feet to get around this city.
Probably more than anything else, I've used the public buses to
get where I need to go. In Bangkok, a bus ride only costs about
four cents per ride, but a person really gets what he pays for.
First of all, the buses are quite oldI would estimate about
World War II vintage. Along with being rickety and dirty, they
are also terribly crowded, especially around the rush hours.
Usually, you can expect to have to shove your way onto a bus like
a line-backer playing interference in a football game. Once you
are on the bus, you probably will have someone's elbow in your
ribs and someone's nose in your backbone. You have to hang on to
the hand rails on the ceiling to keep your balance, or a sudden
lurch of the bus (which occurs at every intersection and bus stop)
could throw you to the floor, along with everyone else within a
five foot radius of you. Trying to get off the bus is another
difficult matter. One time the bus was so crowded that I couldn't
manage to squeeze myself through the crowd to the bus door until
the bus was a block beyond the point where I had wanted to get off-
But, with my increasing ability to get along in adverse conditions
such as with these buses, I'm also gaining the Thai attitude of
'my ben lai,' which means in rough translation, "That's OKsuch
is life!""
By observing the religious life of the Thai people, one also can
get a wide view of their culture. If you could walk down the
streets of Bangkok with me, here are some of the things you would
see that display their great devotion to Buddha:
...Elaborately decorated tiny houses in front of any building
which supposedly house the "spirits" that live on the
...Children wending their way through traffic at intersections
trying to sell flower garlands to the motorists to use
as a sacrifice to Buddha
...People readily giving money to beggars in 03?der to make
religious merit
...Young Buddhist monks dressed in orange robes carrying
bowls to beg for their meals
...Shrines glittering v/ith thousands of dollars worth of
jewels in them to honor Buddha
...Perhaps the saddest thing of all is seeing hundreds of
people flocking to bow down to images of stone, brass,
or gold.
What seems so ambiguous to me is that there is another^side o.f_.the
city greatly in evidence also. Everyone has a big wall around
their house to keep thieves from breaking in, houses of prostitu
tion blatently advertize their business on every street, and I've
heard that one out of every eight teenagers is a drug addict.
With these things so obviously in contradiction with Christianity,
you can tell that this city really needs Christ 1
We missionaries certainly
have our work cut out for us
here, but I'm sure that's
true for any Christian in
any part of the world. With
that thought in mind, I would
like to close with_a. q.u<it_e..,
"from a book I read the other
day. I hope it encourages
you as much as it did me:
"If we keep before us the \ \
value of a human soul to the \
Master whom we have come to \
serve, it will become of ^
great worth to us too, and
we shall not quibble at the
price we have to pay to guide J
that soul to Him."
street vendors have their stands on Sincerely, in Chrisfs love,
every sidewalk, and they provide a i
good opportunity to practice my
homework with the Thai language.
Here I'm bargaining for a plete of Kathleen Anderson
Route 1, Box 329
Bluffton, Ohio 45817
nilllam McGilvrey
Mission Services
Box 177
Kempton, IN U60li9
Bluffton, Ohio
Permit No. 155

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