Leica Photogrammetry Suite Project Manager
Leica Photogrammetry Suite Project Manager
Leica Photogrammetry Suite Project Manager
Project Manager
Copyright © 2006 Leica Geosystems Geospatial Imaging, LLC
The information contained in this document is the exclusive property of Leica Geosystems Geospatial Imaging, LLC.
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Suite 100
Government Reserved Rights. MrSID technology incorporated in the Software was developed in part through a
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ERDAS, ERDAS IMAGINE, IMAGINE OrthoBASE, Stereo Analyst and IMAGINE VirtualGIS are registered trademarks;
IMAGINE OrthoBASE Pro is a trademark of Leica Geosystems Geospatial Imaging, LLC.
Other companies and products mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix
About This Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix
Example Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix
Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix
Conventions Used in This Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Introduction to Photogrammetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
What is Photogrammetry? . . . . . . . . . . ........ . . . 13
Types of Photographs and Images . . . . . ........ . . . 15
Why use Photogrammetry? . . . . . . . . . ........ . . . 16
Orthorectification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .365
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .365
Ortho Resampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .365
General Tab . . . . . ........ . ........ . . . . . . . . . 366
Adding Images . . . ........ . ........ . . . . . . . . . 366
Advanced Tab . . . ........ . ........ . . . . . . . . . 367
Ortho Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .369
Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
Figure 1: Topography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Figure 2: Analog Stereo Plotter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Figure 3: LPS Project Manager Point Measurement Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Figure 4: Satellite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Figure 5: Exposure Stations Along a Flight Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Figure 6: Exposure Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Figure 7: A Regular Rectangular Block of Aerial Photos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Figure 8: Overlapping Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Figure 9: Pixel Coordinates vs. Image Coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Figure 10: Image Space and Ground Space Coordinate System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Figure 11: Terrestrial Photography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Figure 12: Internal Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Figure 13: Pixel Coordinate System vs. Image Space Coordinate System . . . . . . . . . . 30
Figure 14: Radial vs. Tangential Lens Distortion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Figure 15: Elements of Exterior Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Figure 16: Omega, Phi, and Kappa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Figure 17: Primary Rotation Omega About the X-axis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Figure 18: Secondary Rotation Phi about the Y Omega-axis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Figure 19: Tertiary Rotation Kappa About the Z Omega Phi-axis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Figure 20: Space Forward Intersection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Figure 21: Photogrammetric Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Figure 22: Photogrammetric Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Figure 23: GCP Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Figure 24: GCPs in a Block of Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Figure 25: Tie Point Distribution for Triangulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Figure 26: Tie Points in a Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Figure 27: Image Pyramid for Matching at Coarse to Full Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Figure 28: Perspective Centers of SPOT Scan Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Figure 29: Image Coordinates in a Satellite Scene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Figure 30: Interior Orientation of a SPOT Scene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Figure 31: Inclination of a Satellite Stereo Scene (View from North to South) . . . . . . . 61
Figure 32: Nadir and Off-nadir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Figure 33: Velocity Vector and Orientation Angle of a Single Scene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Figure 34: Ideal Point Distribution Over a Satellite Scene for Triangulation . . . . . . . . . 64
Figure 35: Orthorectification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Figure 36: Digital Orthoimage - Finding Gray Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Figure 37: Geometric Relationship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Figure 38: Reference Sketch and Detail View of Point ID 1002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Figure 39: Reference Sketch and Detail View of Point ID 1003 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Figure 40: Reference Sketch and Detail View of Point ID 1004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Figure 41: Reference Sketch and Detail View of Point ID 1005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Figure 42: Reference Sketch and Detail View of Point ID 1006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Figure 43: Reference Sketch and Detail View of Point ID 2001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Figure 44: Reference Sketch and Detail View of Point ID 2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Figure 45: Reference Image of col90p1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Figure 46: Reference Image of col91p1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Figure 47: Reference Image of col92p1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Figure 48: Imported Orientation Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Figure 49: Reference Images: xs_ortho.img and NAPP_2m-ortho.img . . . . . . . . . . . 169
About This Manual The Leica Photogrammetry Suite Project Manager User’s Guide
contains theory that explains the photogrammetric applications of
the core module of Leica Photogrammetry Suite (LPS), LPS Project
Manager; tour guides that help you begin to use the program;
practical applications of the software; and appendices that give you
additional information.
This manual serves as a handy reference while using LPS Project
Manager. A comprehensive index is included so that you can easily
locate specific information as needed.
Example Data Data sets are provided with the LPS Project Manager and LPS
Automatic Terrain Extraction software so that your results match
those in the tour guides. This data is loaded, optionally, during the
software installation process into /examples/orthobase. The
example data sets are further divided by the example they pertain
to: /frame, /digital, /spot, and /laguna_beach.
Conventions Used In ERDAS IMAGINE, the names of menus, menu options, buttons,
and other components of the interface are shown in bold type. For
in This Book
“In the Select Layer To Add dialog, select the Fit to Frame option.”
When asked to use the mouse, you are directed to click, double-click,
Shift-click, middle-click, right-click, hold, drag, etc.
The following paragraphs are used throughout the ERDAS IMAGINE documentation:
Blue Box
These boxes contain supplemental technical information.
Using LPS Project Due to the large geometric distortion associated with raw aerial
photography and satellite imagery, measurements made on data
sources that have not been rectified for the purpose of collecting
geographic information are not reliable. Generally, the geometric
distortion is caused by various systematic and nonsystematic errors
such as camera and sensor orientation, terrain relief, Earth
curvature, film and scanning distortion, and measurement errors
(Wolf 1983, Konecny and Lehmann 1984, Kraus 1984, Wang, Z.
1990, Jensen 1996).
Tour Guide The following tour guide examples are used to highlight the unique
capabilities available within LPS Project Manager. Each example
Examples provides a representative workflow of a real-world scenario that may
be encountered for jobs associated with triangulation and
orthorectification. Of particular significance is the ability of LPS
Project Manager to accommodate data from various sources
including different types of cameras and satellite sensors, airborne
GPS, and various reference sources for collecting GCPs. Each tour
guide example exemplifies the data flexibility provided by LPS
Project Manager.
Frame Camera Tour Guide This example involves performing aerial triangulation and
orthorectification on three overlapping aerial photographs that have
a photo scale of 1:40000. A calibration report is provided that
defines the internal geometry of the camera as it existed when the
photographs were captured.
Several GCPs are measured on the overlapping images in order to
better establish the relationship between the images, the camera,
and the ground. Once the GCPs have been measured, automatic tie
point collection tools are used to measure the corresponding image
positions of tie points on overlapping images.
Additionally, a United States Geological Survey (USGS) DEM is
provided to account for the effect of topographic relief during the
orthorectification process. Orthorectification is performed for each
image sequentially.
Digital Camera Tour This example involves performing aerial triangulation and
Guide orthorectification on three overlapping digital camera images that
have an image scale of 1:45000. The images were taken using a
Kodak DCS 420 digital camera. The ground resolution of the imagery
is approximately 0.40 meters. The only camera calibration
information provided is the focal length and the pixel size of the
Charge Coupled Device (CCD).
About LPS Project Before you begin working with LPS Project Manager, it may be
helpful to go over some of the icons and menu options located on the
interface. You use these menus and icons throughout the tour
Menu Bar The menu bar across the top of the main Leica Photogrammetry
Suite dialog has the following options, most of which are associated
with LPS Project Manager and LPS Automatic Terrain Extraction:
Table 1: LPS Menu Bar
Exit Mosaic...
Feature Collection
New Block File Click to start creating a new block file. A File
Selector opens.
Save Block Click to save any changes you have made to the
Information block file.
Keyboard Shortcuts You can access some LPS Project Manager and LPS Automatic
Terrain Extraction options using the keyboard.
Next In the next section of this document, you can learn about
photogrammetric theory.
What is Photogrammetry is the “art, science and technology of obtaining
Photogrammetry? reliable information about physical objects and the environment
through the process of recording, measuring and interpreting
photographic images and patterns of electromagnetic radiant
imagery and other phenomena” (American Society of
Photogrammetry 1980).
Photogrammetry was invented in 1851 by Colonel Aimé Laussedat,
and has continued to develop over the last 150 years. Over time, the
development of photogrammetry has passed through the phases of
plane table photogrammetry, analog photogrammetry, analytical
photogrammetry, and has now entered the phase of digital
photogrammetry (Konecny 1994).
The traditional, and largest, application of photogrammetry is to
extract topographic information (e.g., terrain models) from aerial
images. Figure 1 illustrates rugged topography. Photogrammetric
techniques have also been applied to process satellite images and
close-range images in order to acquire topographic or
nontopographic information of photographed objects. Topographic
information includes spot height information, contour lines, and
elevation data. Planimetric information includes the geographic
location of buildings, roads, rivers, and so forth.
Figure 1: Topography
Types of Photographs and The types of photographs and images that can be processed with LPS
Images Project Manager include aerial, terrestrial, close-range, and oblique.
Aerial or vertical (near vertical) photographs and images are taken
from a high vantage point above the Earth’s surface. In those
photographs, the camera axis is commonly directed vertically (or
near vertically) down. Aerial photographs and images are commonly
used for topographic and planimetric mapping projects, and are
commonly captured from an aircraft or satellite. Figure 4 illustrates
a satellite. Satellites use onboard sensors to collect high resolution
images of the Earth’s surface.
Why use Raw aerial photography and satellite imagery have large geometric
Photogrammetry? distortion that is caused by various systematic and nonsystematic
factors. The photogrammetric modeling based on collinearity
equations eliminates these errors most efficiently, and creates the
most reliable orthoimages from raw imagery. Photogrammetry is
unique in terms of considering the image-forming geometry, utilizing
information between overlapping images, and explicitly dealing with
the third dimension: elevation.
Single Frame
Orthorectification vs.
Block Triangulation
Block Triangulation
Block (or aerial) triangulation is the process of establishing a
mathematical relationship between the images contained in a
project, the camera or sensor model, and the ground. The
information resulting from aerial triangulation is required as input for
the orthorectification, DEM creation, and stereopair creation
processes. The term aerial triangulation is commonly used when
processing aerial photography and imagery. The term block
triangulation, or simply triangulation, is used when processing
satellite imagery. The techniques differ slightly as a function of the
type of imagery being processed.
Flight path
Flight Line 3 of airplane
Flight Line 2
Flight Line 1
Exposure station
The photographic
exposure station
is located where
the image is
(i.e., the lens)
Strip 2
Strip 1
Area of
Photogrammetric Photogrammetric scanners are special devices capable of producing
Scanners high image quality and excellent positional accuracy. Use of this type
of scanner results in geometric accuracies similar to traditional
analog and analytical photogrammetric instruments. These scanners
are necessary for digital photogrammetric applications that have
high accuracy requirements.
Photogrammetric scanners usually scan only film because film is
superior to paper, both in terms of image detail and geometry. These
scanners usually have a Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) positional
accuracy of 4 microns or less, and are capable of scanning at a
maximum resolution of 5 to 10 microns (5 microns is equivalent to
approximately 5,000 pixels per inch).
The required pixel resolution varies depending on the application.
Aerial triangulation and feature collection applications often scan in
the 10- to 15-micron range. Orthophoto applications often use 15-
to 30-micron pixels. Color film is less sharp than panchromatic;
therefore, color ortho applications often use 20- to 40-micron pixels.
The optimum scanning resolution also depends on the desired
photogrammetric output accuracy. Scanning at higher resolutions
provides data with higher accuracy.
Desktop Scanners Desktop scanners are general-purpose devices. They lack the image
detail and geometric accuracy of photogrammetric quality units, but
they are much less expensive. When using a desktop scanner, you
should make sure that the active area is at least 9 × 9 inches, which
enables you to capture the entire photo frame.
Desktop scanners are appropriate for less rigorous uses, such as
digital photogrammetry in support of GIS or remote sensing
applications. Calibrating these units improves geometric accuracy,
but the results are still inferior to photogrammetric units. The image
correlation techniques that are necessary for automatic tie point
collection and elevation extraction are often sensitive to scan quality.
Therefore, errors attributable to scanning errors can be introduced
into GIS data that is photogrammetrically derived.
origin of pixel
origin of image
S x
system X
ϕ Ground Point A
Ground space
xa’ a’
Image space x
Z z
ϕ' Y Perspective Center
Focal Length
Image plane xo o
xa’ a
• focal length
• fiducial marks
• lens distortion
Principal Point and Focal The principal point is mathematically defined as the intersection of
Length the perpendicular line through the perspective center of the image
plane. The length from the principal point to the perspective center
is called the focal length (Wang, Z. 1990).
The image plane is commonly referred to as the focal plane. For
wide-angle aerial cameras, the focal length is approximately 152
mm, or 6 in. For some digital cameras, the focal length is 28 mm.
Prior to conducting photogrammetric projects, the focal length of a
metric camera is accurately determined or calibrated in a laboratory
This mathematical definition is the basis of triangulation, but difficult
to determine optically. The optical definition of principal point is the
image position where the optical axis intersects the image plane. In
the laboratory, this is calibrated in two forms: principal point of
autocollimation and principal point of symmetry, which can be seen
from the camera calibration report. Most applications prefer to use
the principal point of symmetry since it can best compensate for any
lens distortion.
Fiducial Marks One of the steps associated with calculating interior orientation
involves determining the image position of the principal point for
each image in the project. Therefore, the image positions of the
fiducial marks are measured on the image, and then compared to the
calibrated coordinates of each fiducial mark.
Since the image space coordinate system has not yet been defined
for each image, the measured image coordinates of the fiducial
marks are referenced to a pixel or file coordinate system. The pixel
coordinate system has an x coordinate (column) and a y coordinate
(row). The origin of the pixel coordinate system is the upper left
corner of the image having a row and column value of 0 and 0,
respectively. Figure 13 illustrates the difference between the pixel
and image space coordinate system.
xa Θ
Xo-file ya
fiducial mark
x = a1 + a2 X + a3 Y
y = b1 + b2 X + b3 Y
Lens Distortion Lens distortion deteriorates the positional accuracy of image points
located on the image plane. Two types of lens distortion exist: radial
and tangential lens distortion. Lens distortion occurs when light rays
passing through the lens are bent, thereby changing directions and
intersecting the image plane at positions deviant from the norm.
Figure 14 illustrates the difference between radial and tangential
lens distortion.
∆r ∆t
o x
3 5
∆r = k 0 r + k 1 r + k 2 r
y y´
κ ω
O x´
o p yp
Ground Point P
x x x
ω ϕ κ
omega phi kappa
Rotation Matrix Using the three rotation angles, the relationship between the image
space coordinate system (x, y, and z) and ground space coordinate
system (X, Y, and Z; or x’, y’, and z’) can be determined. A 3 × 3
matrix defining the relationship between the two systems is used.
This is referred to as the orientation or rotation matrix, M. The
rotation matrix can be defined as follows:
m 11 m 12 m 13
M = m 21 m 22 m 23
m 31 m 32 m 33
Yω Zω Yω
X = Xω
Equation 1
x 1 0 0 Xω Xω
y = 0 cos ω – sin ω Y ω = M ω Y ω
z 0 sin ω cos ω Z ω Zω
Yω = Yωϕ
Equation 2
Xω cos ϕ 0 sin ϕ X ωϕ X ωϕ
Yω = 0 1 0 Y ωϕ = M ϕ Y ωϕ
Zω – sin ϕ 0 cos ϕ Z ωϕ Z ωϕ
κ Yωϕκ
κ Yωϕ
Xωϕκ Xωϕ
Equation 3
X ωϕ cos κ – sin κ 0 X ωϕκ X ωϕκ
Y ωϕ = sin κ cos κ 0 Y ωϕκ = M κ Y ωϕκ
Z ωϕ 0 0 1 Z ωϕκ Z ωϕκ
P = M ω × M ϕ × M κ × P ωϕκ Equation 4
In Equation 4, replace
Mω × Mϕ × Mκ
m 11 m 12 m 13
M = m 21 m 22 m 23
m 31 m 32 m 33
The Collinearity Equation The following section defines the relationship between the
camera/sensor, the image, and the ground. Most photogrammetric
tools utilize the following formulas in one form or another.
With reference to Figure 15, an image vector a can be defined as the
vector from the exposure station O to the Image Point p. A ground
space or object space vector A can be defined as the vector from the
exposure station O to the Ground Point P. The image vector and
ground vector are collinear, inferring that a line extending from the
exposure station to the image point and to the ground is linear.
The image vector and ground vector are only collinear if one is a
scalar multiple of the other. Therefore, the following statement can
be made:
a = kA
xp – xo
a = y –y
p o
Xp – Xo
A = Yp – Yo
Zp – Zo
a = kMA
xp – xo Xp – Xo
y p – y o = kM Y p – Y o
–f Zp – Zo
m 11 ( X p – X o 1 ) + m 12 ( Y p – Y o1 ) + m 13 ( Z p – Z o1 )
x p – x o = – f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
m 31 ( X p – X o1 ) + m 32 ( Y p – Y o 1 ) + m 33 ( Z p – Z o1 )
m 21 ( X p – X o 1 ) + m 22 ( Y p – Y o1 ) + m 23 ( Z p – Z o1 )
y p – y o = – f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
m 31 ( X p – X o1 ) + m 32 ( Y p – Y o 1 ) + m 33 ( Z p – Z o1 )
p2 o2
Xo1 Yo2
Tie point
m 11 ( X A – X o 1 ) + m 12 ( Y A – Y o1 ) + m 13 ( Z A – Z o 1 )
x a1 – x o = – f ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
m 31 ( X A – X o1 ) + m 32 ( Y A – Y o1 ) + m 33 ( Z A – Z o1 )
m 21 ( X A – X o 1 ) + m 22 ( Y A – Y o1 ) + m 23 ( Z A – Z o 1 )
y a1 – y o = – f ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
m 31 ( X A – X o1 ) + m 32 ( Y A – Y o1 ) + m 33 ( Z A – Z o1 )
m′ 11 ( X A – X o2 ) + m′ 12 ( Y A – Y o 2 ) + m′ 13 ( Z A – Z o2 )
x a2 – x o = – f ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
m′ 31 ( X A – X o2 ) + m′ 32 ( Y A – Y o2 ) + m′ 33 ( Z A – Z o2 )
m′ 21 ( X A – X o2 ) + m′ 22 ( Y A – Y o 2 ) + m′ 23 ( Z A – Z o2 )
y a2 – y o = – f ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
m′ 31 ( X A – X o2 ) + m′ 32 ( Y A – Y o2 ) + m′ 33 ( Z A – Z o2 )
x a1, y a1
x a2, y a2
X o1, Y o 1, Z o
• six exterior orientation parameters for the left image (that is, X,
Y, Z, omega, phi, kappa)
• six exterior orientation parameters for the right image (that is,
X, Y, Z, omega, phi, kappa)
• X, Y, and Z coordinates of the tie points. Thus, for six tie points,
this includes eighteen unknowns (six tie points times three X, Y,
Z coordinates)
V = AX – L
In this equation,
V = the matrix containing the image coordinate residuals
A = the matrix containing the partial derivatives with
respect to
the unknown parameters, including exterior
interior orientation, XYZ tie point, and GCP
X = the matrix containing the corrections to the unknown
L = the matrix containing the input observations (i.e.,
coordinates and GCP coordinates)
The components of the least squares condition are directly related to
the functional model based on collinearity equations. The A matrix is
formed by differentiating the functional model, which is based on
collinearity equations, with respect to the unknown parameters such
as exterior orientation, etc. The L matrix is formed by subtracting the
initial results obtained from the functional model with newly
estimated results determined from a new iteration of processing. The
X matrix contains the corrections to the unknown exterior orientation
parameters. The X matrix is calculated in the following manner:
t –1 t
X = ( A PA ) A PL
In this equation,
X = the matrix containing the corrections to the unknown
parameters t
The results from the block triangulation are then used as the primary
input for the following tasks:
• stereopair creation
• feature collection
• orthorectification
Self-calibrating Bundle Normally, there are more or less systematic errors related to the
Adjustment imaging and processing system, such as lens distortion, film
distortion, atmosphere refraction, scanner errors, and so on. These
errors reduce the accuracy of triangulation results, especially in
dealing with large-scale imagery and high accuracy triangulation.
There are several ways to reduce the influences of the systematic
errors, like a posteriori compensation, test-field calibration, and the
most common approach—self-calibration (Konecny 1994; Wang, Z.
The self-calibrating methods use additional parameters in the
triangulation process to eliminate the systematic errors. How well it
works depends on many factors such as the strength of the block
(overlap amount, crossing flight lines), the GCP and tie point
distribution and amount, the size of systematic errors versus random
errors, the significance of the additional parameters, the correlation
between additional parameters, and other unknowns.
There was intensive research and development for additional
parameter models in photogrammetry in the ‘70s and the ‘80s, and
many research results are available (e.g., Bauer and Müller 1972;
Ebner 1976; Grün 1978; Jacobsen 1980 and Jacobsen 1982; Li
1985; Wang, Y. 1988; and Stojic, Chandler, Ashmore, and Luce
1998). Based on these scientific reports, LPS Project Manager
provides four groups of additional parameters for you to choose in
different triangulation circumstances. In addition, LPS Project
Manager allows the interior orientation parameters to be analytically
calibrated with its self-calibrating bundle block adjustment.
Automatic Gross Error Normal random errors are subject to statistical normal distribution.
Detection In contrast, gross errors refer to errors that are large and are not
subject to normal distribution. The gross errors among the input data
for triangulation can lead to unreliable results. Research during the
′80s in the photogrammetric community resulted in significant
achievements in automatic gross error detection in the triangulation
process (e.g., Kubik 1982; Li 1983 and Li 1985; Jacobsen 1984;
El-Hakim and Ziemann 1984; Wang, Y. 1988).
Methods for gross error detection began with residual checking using
data-snooping and were later extended to robust estimation (Wang,
Z. 1990). The most common robust estimation method is the
iteration with selective weight functions. Based on the scientific
research results from the photogrammetric community, LPS Project
Manager offers two robust error detection methods within the
triangulation process.
• intersection of roads
• survey benchmarks
GCP Requirements The minimum GCP requirements for an accurate mapping project
vary with respect to the size of the project. With respect to
establishing a relationship between image space and ground space,
the theoretical minimum number of GCPs is two GCPs having X, Y,
and Z coordinates (six observations) and one GCP having a Z
coordinate (one observation). This is a total of seven observations.
In establishing the mathematical relationship between image space
and object space, seven parameters defining the relationship must
be determined. The seven parameters include a scale factor
(describing the scale difference between image space and ground
space); X, Y, and Z (defining the positional differences between
image space and object space); and three rotation angles (omega,
phi, and kappa) defining the rotational relationship between image
space and ground space.
In order to compute a unique solution, at least seven known
parameters must be available. In using the two XYZ GCPs and one
vertical (Z) GCP, the relationship can be defined. However, to
increase the accuracy of a mapping project, using more GCPs is
highly recommended.
The following descriptions are provided for various projects:
Processing Multiple Figure 24 depicts the standard GCP configuration for a block of
Strips of Imagery images, comprising four strips of images, each containing eight
overlapping images.
Tie points in a
single image
Tie points
Automatic Tie Point Selecting and measuring tie points is very time-consuming. In recent
Collection years, one of the major focal points of research and development in
photogrammetry has been automated triangulation with automatic
tie point collection as the main issue.
• area-based matching
• feature-based matching
• relation-based matching
Correlation Windows
Area-based matching uses correlation windows. These windows
consist of a local neighborhood of pixels. One example of correlation
windows is square neighborhoods (for example, 3 × 3, 5 × 5,
7 × 7 pixels). In practice, the windows vary in shape and dimension
based on the matching technique. Area correlation uses the
characteristics of these windows to match ground feature locations
in one image to ground features on the other.
A reference window is the source window on the first image, which
remains at a constant location. Its dimensions are usually square in
size (for example, 3 × 3, 5 × 5, and so on). Search windows are
candidate windows on the second image that are evaluated relative
to the reference window. During correlation, many different search
windows are examined until a location is found that best matches the
reference window.
Correlation Calculations
Two correlation calculations are described in the following sections:
cross-correlation and least squares correlation. Most area-based
matching calculations, including these methods, normalize the
correlation windows. Therefore, it is not necessary to balance the
contrast or brightness prior to running correlation. Cross-correlation
is more robust in that it requires a less accurate a priori position than
least squares. However, its precision is limited to one pixel. Least
squares correlation can achieve precision levels of one-tenth of a
pixel, but requires an a priori position that is accurate to about two
pixels. In practice, cross-correlation is often followed by least
squares for high accuracy.
Cross-correlation computes the correlation coefficient of the gray
values between the template window and the search window
according to the following equation:
g 2 ( c 2, r 2 ) = h 0 + h 1 g 1 ( c 1, r 1 )
c2 = a0 + a1 c1 + a2 r1
r2 = b0 + b1 c1 + b2 r1
In the equations,
c1,r1 = the pixel coordinate in the reference window
c2,r2 = the pixel coordinate in the search window
g1(c1,r1) = the gray value of pixel (c1,r1)
g2(c2,r2) = the gray value of pixel (c2,r2)
h0, h1 = linear gray value transformation parameters
a0, a1, a2 = affine geometric transformation parameters
b0, b1, b2 = affine geometric transformation parameters
Based on this assumption, the error equation for each pixel is
derived, as shown in the following equation:
v = ( a 1 + a 2 c 1 + a 3 r 1 )g c + ( b 1 + b 2 c 1 + b 3 r 1 )g r – h 1 – h 2 g 1 ( c 1, r 1 ) + ∆g
with ∆g = g 2 ( c 2, r 2 ) – g 1 ( c 1, r 1 )
Image Pyramid Because of the large amount of image data, the image pyramid is
usually adopted during the image matching techniques to reduce the
computation time and to increase the matching reliability. The
pyramid is a data structure consisting of the same image
represented several times, at a decreasing spatial resolution each
time. Each level of the pyramid contains the image at a particular
The matching process is performed at each level of resolution. The
search is first performed at the lowest resolution level and
subsequently at each higher level of resolution. Figure 27 shows a
four-level image pyramid.
Level 2
256 x 256 pixels
Resolution of 1:2
Matching finishes
on level 1
Level 1
Full resolution (1:1)
512 x 512 pixels
scan lines
on image
A pixel in the SPOT image records the light detected by one of the
6000 light-sensitive elements in the camera. Each pixel is defined by
file coordinates (column and row numbers). The physical dimension
of a single, light-sensitive element is 13 × 13 microns. This is the
pixel size in image coordinates. The center of the scene is the center
pixel of the center scan line. It is the origin of the image coordinate
system. Figure 29 depicts image coordinates in a satellite scene.
6000 lines C x
6000 pixels
A = origin of file coordinates
A-XF, A-YF=file coordinate axes
C = origin of image coordinates (center of scene)
C-x, C-y=image coordinate axes
SPOT Interior Orientation Figure 30 shows the interior orientation of a satellite scene. The
transformation between file coordinates and image coordinates is
Ok f
(N —> S)
PPn Pn
scan lines Pk
(image plane) xk
P1 x1 ln
PP1 P1
For each scan line, a separate bundle of light rays is defined, where,
Pk = image point
xk = x value of image coordinates for scan line k
f = focal length of the camera
Ok = perspective center for scan line k, aligned along the
PPk = principal point for scan line k
lk = light rays for scan line, bundled at perspective center
SPOT Exterior Orientation SPOT satellite geometry is stable, and the sensor parameters, such
as focal length, are well-known. However, the triangulation of SPOT
scenes is somewhat unstable because of the narrow, almost parallel
bundles of light rays.
C Earth’s surface
scene coverage
In Figure 31,
C = center of the scene
I- = eastward inclination
I+ = westward inclination
O1,O2= exposure stations (perspective centers of imagery)
The orientation angle of a satellite scene is the angle between a
perpendicular to the center scan line and the North direction. The
spatial motion of the satellite is described by the velocity vector. The
real motion of the satellite above the ground is further distorted by
the Earth’s rotation.
The scanner can produce a nadir view. Nadir is the point directly
below the camera. SPOT has off-nadir viewing capability. Off-nadir
refers to any point that is not directly beneath the satellite, but is off
to an angle (that is, East or West of the nadir), as shown in Figure 32.
Off-nadir Nadir
orbital path V
In Figure 33,
O = orientation angle
C = center of the scene
V = velocity vector
Satellite block triangulation provides a model for calculating the
spatial relationship between a satellite sensor and the ground
coordinate system for each line of data. This relationship is
expressed as the exterior orientation, which consists of:
• the perspective center of the center scan line (that is, X, Y, and
• the three rotations of the center scan line (that is, omega, phi,
and kappa), and
Collinearity Equations Modified collinearity equations are used to compute the exterior
and Satellite Block orientation parameters associated with the respective scan lines in
Triangulation the satellite scenes. Each scan line has a unique perspective center
and individual rotation angles. When the satellite moves from one
scan line to the next, these parameters change. Due to the smooth
motion of the satellite in orbit, the changes are small and can be
modeled by low-order polynomial functions.
horizontal x
scan lines
• Earth curvature
Orthorectified image
In Figure 36,
P = ground point
Introduction With LPS Project Manager, you have access to many different types
of geometric models with which to create a block file. This tour guide
takes you through the steps with the frame camera model.
The graphic in Figure 37 represents the geometric relationship
between three images, control points, and check points. The control
points are shown at the positions that coincide with the image
features they are associated with. Initially, the input images are not
in the coordinate system of the control points. The input images are
usually in file (pixel) coordinates, which can be defined as an
arbitrary grid of coordinate values.
Before You Begin This tour guide uses frame camera images of Colorado Springs,
Colorado. They are National Aerial Photography Program (NAPP)
black and white aerial photographs at a 1:40000 photo scale. The
DEM used in this example has a ground resolution of 30 meters.
In this tour guide, you are going to perform the following basic steps:
Create a New In this section of the tour guide, you create a new project using
frame camera images of Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Prepare the Block File
Type the
name of
the block
file here
Select Geometric Model Once you have created a block file, the Model Setup dialog opens.
Here, you select a geometric model that corresponds to the type of
camera associated with the images.
Click OK
Type the
value here
Add Imagery to Now that you have provided general information about the block,
you can add images and create pyramid layers.
the Block
1. In the Block Project Tree View on the left side of the LPS Project
Manager, click Images.
2. Select Edit -> Add Frame from the menu bar, or click the Add
Frame icon .
The Image File Name dialog opens.
Select the
first image
in the list
4. Hold down the Shift key and select the last *p1.img file in the list,
All three *p1.img images are selected and can be added to the block
file at once.
6. Click the plus sign next to the Images folder to see the list of
images in the frame_tour.blk file.
Compute Pyramid Layers Next, you compute pyramid layers for the images in the block file.
Pyramid layers are used to optimize image display and automatic tie
point collection.
1. Click the Edit menu, then choose the Compute Pyramid Layers
The Compute Pyramid Layers dialog opens.
2. In the Compute Pyramid Layers dialog, confirm that the All Images
Without Pyramids radio button is selected.
Images in the block file All images now have pyramid layers,
indicated by the green Pyr. column
are identified here
Define the Camera When you define the camera model, you provide information about
the position of the fiducials (interior orientation) as well as the
camera position (exterior orientation) about the camera that
collected the images.
1. Select Edit -> Frame Editor from the menu bar, or click the Frame
Properties icon .
The Frame Camera Frame Editor dialog opens, displaying
information about the active image listed in the CellArray, indicated
with the >, col90p1.img.
Click OK to
accept the
Increase the
number of
fiducials here
You can also use the Load button on the Camera Information
dialog to load fiducial measurements contained in an ASCII file.
Measure Fiducials of the In this section, you are going to measure the fiducial marks in each
Images of the three images.
This is the Main View The image is identified here This is the OverView
This is the
Link Cursor
This is the
Detail View
Link Box
6. Click in the center of the Link Box in the Main View and drag it so
that the cross-shaped fiducial mark is in the center.
The fiducial mark is centered in the Detail View. You can adjust its
display (zoom in or out) by adjusting the size of the Link Box.
8. Measure the first fiducial by clicking in its center in the Detail View.
The fiducial point is measured and reported in the Image X and
Image Y columns of the CellArray, and the display automatically
moves to the approximate location of the next fiducial. This is
controlled by the Set Automatic Move tool , which is enabled by
You can click the Lock icon to lock the Place Image Fiducial
icon . This means that you can use the icon repeatedly
without having to select it each time you measure a fiducial in
the image.
When all eight fiducials are measured, the display returns to the first
fiducial mark.
Your solution (displayed over the Solve button on the Interior
Orientation tab of the Frame Camera Frame Editor) should be less
than a pixel.
Edit the Remaining Now, you need to measure fiducials and define the exterior
Images in the Project orientation for the remaining images in the block file.
1. Click on the Sensor tab in the Frame Camera Frame Editor dialog.
This returns you to the beginning of the process. You complete this
process two more times, once for each remaining image in the block
file, measuring fiducials and providing exterior orientation for each.
2. Click the Next button on the Frame Camera Frame Editor dialog.
3. Note that the camera, Zeiss RMK A 15/23, is the same as that
entered for the first image.
Once you have finished measuring the eight fiducials in the col91p1
image, the RMSE displays.
6. After fiducials for the second image have been measured, click the
Exterior Information tab.
11. Click the Next button on the Frame Camera Frame Editor dialog to
advance to the final image in the block file, col92p1.
14. After fiducials for the third image have been measured, click the
Exterior Information tab.
15. Enter the following information in the Value number fields, which
corresponds to the position of the camera as it captured the last
image in the block file, col92p1.
The interior orientation information for all images in the block file
is complete, indicated by the green Int. column
19. Click File -> Save to save the interior orientation information to the
Measure GCPs and Now that you have measured the fiducials and provided interior
orientation for each image that makes up the block, you are ready
Check Points to use the Point Measurement tool to measure the position of GCPs,
tie points, and check points in the images. This determines exterior
You can also click the Point Measurement icon on the toolbar
to open this dialog.
The Point Measurement tool opens. It displays the first two images
in the block file, col90p1 and col91p1, in the Left View and the
Right View, respectively.
Real-World Application
When you use LPS Project Manager in your own work, you might
have a photo overview of an area along with other sources of
information to locate GCPs. This type of application is simulated in
this tour guide using a reference image, a reference sketch, and a
Detail View of each control point.
GCPs are typically placed in areas such as road intersections,
building corners, or landmarks. You should avoid placing control
points on features that vary, such as forest lines and water
features. You might use a 1:24000 topographic map, state
surveys, or sketches drawn in the field to help you locate
appropriate points.
In general, the process of collecting GCPs involves studying the
topographic map for the location of a specific point, such as a road
intersection. Once you have determined its location, you use LPS
Project Manager to collect and record the position. Then, you
check the reference image to see where that point is located.
Control point collection can be a time-consuming process, but
accurate collection is imperative to the successful triangulation
and orthorectification of images in your block file.
Once you have collected some well-distributed GCPs that are
common to two or more images in the block file, you can perform
triangulation. Triangulation ties the images together so that they
can then be orthorectified and linked together.
1. Click the Add button in the upper right-hand corner of the Point
Measurement tool to add a new Point #.
This adds a new row to the reference CellArray in the lower portion
of the Point Measurement tool.
2. Click in the Point ID column and type the new ID number, 1002.
NOTE: Each one of the following points also has a reference sketch
and Detail View to help you select the point.
1. Make sure that the Select Point icon is active in the Point
Measurement tool palette.
2. Using Figure 45 on page 129 as a guide, move the Link Cursor in the
OverView until you can see the area where Point ID 1002 is
3. In the Main View, move the Link Cursor until the control point feature
is visible in the Detail View. Resize the Link Box as necessary in the
The control point displays in both the File coordinates of the control point
Main View and the Detail View in the first image display here
7. When you are finished, click the Save button in the Point
Measurement tool.
Now, you are ready to place the second control point.
1. Click the Add button in the upper right-hand corner of the Point
Measurement tool to add a new Point #.
2. Click in the Point ID column and type the new ID number, 1003.
1. Click in the Type column to access the dropdown list and select Full.
2. Click in the Usage column to access the dropdown list and select
1. Make sure that the Select Point icon is active in the Point
Measurement tool palette.
2. Using Figure 45 on page 129 as a guide, move the Link Cursor in the
OverView until you can see the area where Point ID 1003 is
3. In the Main View, move the Link Cursor until the control point feature
is visible in the Detail View. Resize the Link Box as necessary in the
2. Use the Select Point and Create Point icons to collect Point
ID 1003 in the second image, col91p1.
4. Use the Select Point and Create Point icons to collect Point
ID 1003 in the third image, col92p1.
4. When you are finished, click the Save button in the Point
Measurement tool.
When you have finished, the Point Measurement tool looks like the
All three images in the block file are listed in the file CellArray—
you maneuver between images using the Left View and
Right View dropdown lists
Set Automatic (x, y) Drive LPS Project Manager provides some automatic functions to help you
Function select GCPs more rapidly. One such function is the Automatic (x, y)
Drive function. This function becomes available after you have
selected two points, but is actually implemented after collection of
the third point.
Drive icon .
Collect Point ID 1004 Point ID 1004 is located in the images col91p1 and col92p1. The
last point you collected was in col92p1, which displays in the Right
View. You are going to adjust the Left View to display col91p1
before you begin.
2. Click the Add button in the upper right-hand corner of the Point
Measurement tool to add a new Point #.
3. Click in the Point ID column and type the new ID number, 1004.
1. Click in the Type column to access the dropdown list and select Full.
2. Click in the Usage column to access the dropdown list and select
1. Make sure that the Select Point icon is active in the Point
Measurement tool palette.
2. Using Figure 46 on page 130 as a guide, move the Link Cursor in the
OverView until you can see the area where Point ID 1004 is
2. Use the Select Point and Create Point icons to collect Point
ID 1004 in the third image, col92p1.
4. When you are finished, click the Save button in the Point
Measurement tool.
3. Click the Add button in the upper right-hand corner of the Point
Measurement tool to add a new Point #.
4. Click in the Point ID column and type the new ID number, 1005.
1. Click in the Type column to access the dropdown list and select Full.
2. Click in the Usage column to access the dropdown list and select
1. Make sure that the Select Point icon is active in the Point
Measurement tool palette.
2. Using Figure 45 on page 129 as a guide, move the Link Cursor in the
OverView until you can see the area where Point ID 1005 is
3. In the Main View, move the Link Cursor until the control point feature
is visible in the Detail View. Resize the Link Box as necessary in the
Note that, because you set the Automatic (x, y) Drive function,
LPS Project Manager adjusts the images in the views to display
the same approximate area in the second image, col91p1.
1. Use the Select Point and Create Point icons to collect Point ID 1005
in the second image, col91p1.
2. Use the Select Point and Create Point icons to collect Point
ID 1005 in the third image, col92p1.
4. When you are finished, click the Save button in the Point
Measurement tool.
Collect Point ID 1006 Point ID 1006 is also located in all three images that make up the
block file.
2. Click the Add button in the upper right-hand corner of the Point
Measurement tool to add a new Point #.
1. Click in the Type column to access the dropdown list and select Full.
2. Click in the Usage column to access the dropdown list and select
1. Make sure that the Select Point icon is active in the Point
Measurement tool palette.
2. Using Figure 45 on page 129 as a guide, move the Link Cursor in the
OverView until you can see the area where Point ID 1006 is
3. In the Main View, move the Link Cursor until the control point feature
is visible in the Detail View. Resize the Link Box as necessary in the
1. Use the Select Point and Create Point icons to collect Point ID 1006
in the second image, col91p1.
4. When you are finished, click the Save button in the Point
Measurement tool.
When you are finished selecting the control points and entering
reference coordinates into the CellArrays, they look like the
Input Check Next, you are going to input two check points into the reference
CellArray and the file CellArray. Check points are input in the same
way as control points. The only difference is the Check designation
in the Usage column.
NOTE: Check points are additional GCPs that are used to quantify the
accuracy of the triangulation. Check points are not needed to
actually perform the triangulation.
2. Click the Add button in the upper right-hand corner of the Point
Measurement tool to add a new Point #.
3. Click in the Point ID column and type the new ID number, 2001.
1. Click in the Type column to access the dropdown list and select Full.
2. Click in the Usage column to access the dropdown list and select
1. Make sure that the Select Point icon is active in the Point
Measurement tool palette.
2. Using Figure 45 on page 129 as a guide, move the Link Cursor in the
OverView until you can see the area where Point ID 2001 is
3. In the Main View, move the Link Cursor until the check point feature
is visible in the Detail View. Resize the Link Box as necessary in the
1. Use the Select Point and Create Point icons to collect Point
ID 2001 in the second image, col91p1.
4. When you are finished, click the Save button in the Point
Measurement tool.
Collect Point ID 2002 Point ID 2002 is located in the last two images of the block file,
col91p1 and col92p1.
NOTE: The same image cannot be displayed in both the Right View
and the Left View at the same time. This is why you are instructed
to select from the Right View dropdown list first.
3. Click the Add button in the upper right-hand corner of the Point
Measurement tool to add a new Point #.
4. Click in the Point ID column and type the new ID number, 2002.
1. Click in the Type column to access the dropdown list and select Full.
1. Make sure that the Select Point icon is active in the Point
Measurement tool palette.
2. Using Figure 46 on page 130 as a guide, move the Link Cursor in the
OverView until you can see the area where Point ID 2002 is
3. In the Main View, move the Link Cursor until the check point feature
is visible in the Detail View. Resize the Link Box as necessary in the
1. Use the Select Point and Create Point icons to collect Point
ID 2002 in the third image, col92p1.
4. When you are finished, click Save in the Point Measurement tool.
When you are finished, the Point Measurement tool looks like the
Perform The tie point generation process measures the image coordinate
positions of the control points, which are present in two or more
Automatic Tie overlapping images.
Point Generation
1. In the Point Measurement tool palette, click the Automatic Tie Point
information should
be checked
Use Layer 1
2. In the General tab, confirm that the Images Used radio button is
set to All Available.
6. Click in the Intended Number of Points Per Image field and type
15, then press Enter.
The actual number of points generated by auto tie is greater than or
less than 15. The number depends, in part, on the amount of overlap
between the images.
9. Once you have finished reviewing the Auto Tie Summary dialog, click
Check Tie Point Accuracy You should always check a few of the tie points to ensure accuracy.
If a point is not as accurate as you would like, you may adjust it with
the Select Point tool, deactivate it by clicking to remove the X in the
Active column, or delete it by selecting the row in the CellArray (>
column) and clicking the Delete button.
1. In the reference CellArray, click the scroll bar and scroll to any point,
such as Point ID 2020.
3. Click in the > column of other Point IDs to see where tie points were
NOTE: Since all tie points are not common to all images, there can
be cases where the displayed images do not have corresponding tie
points. In such cases, verify the tie point by opening a different
adjacent image in one of the views. To do so, use the Left View or
Right View dropdown list.
Click the
Point tab
You can also access the Aerial Triangulation dialog from the
Point Measurement tool by clicking the Triangulation Properties
icon .
Click Run to
generate the
Click Update
Find Information in the You may wish to consult the Triangulation Report for more detailed
Triangulation Report numbers corresponding to the triangulation. You can save the report
as a text file for future reference.
4. Note the residuals of the control points and the residuals of the
check points.
Save the Triangulation If you save the Triangulation Report, you can always refer back to it.
Click OK
Type the
name of
file here
5. When you are finished viewing the Triangulation Report, select File
-> Close in the Editor.
The Triangulation Summary dialog is still open.
5. Click the Images folder to see the graphic display of the block file in
the Project Graphic Status window.
Ortho Resample The next step creates orthorectified images of your block file images.
Orthorectified images have fewer relief displacements and geometric
the Imagery
errors than nonorthorectified images, and thus are considered more
accurate. The orthorectified images display objects in their real-
world X, Y, and Z positions.
1. On the LPS Project Manager toolbar, click the Ortho Resampling icon
The Ortho Resampling dialog opens on the General tab.
4. Click the dropdown list associated with the DEM File Name, and
select Find DEM.
8. Click the Advanced tab at the top of the Ortho Resampling dialog.
10. Click the checkbox next to Ignore Value, and keep the value of 0.
By default, LPS Project Manager assumes you only want to generate
an orthoimage for the first image in the block file. You can use the
Add Multiple utility to add all of the images in your block file to the
Ortho Resampling dialog.
11. Click the Add Multiple button located at the bottom of the dialog.
The Add Multiple Outputs dialog opens.
The other images in the block file are added to the CellArray in the
Ortho Resampling dialog.
15. Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the CellArray to see the
parameters for each of the files in the block.
17. When the status dialog reaches 100% complete, click the OK button
to dismiss it.
View the First, you can see the orthos display in the LPS Project Graphic
Status window.
Display Graphic View
1. From the ERDAS IMAGINE icon panel, click the Viewer icon.
NOTE: If necessary, select the type of Viewer you want to work with:
Classic Viewer or Geospatial Light Table.
2. Click the Open icon to access the Select Layer To Add dialog.
5. In the Select Layer To Add dialog, click the Raster Options tab.
8. Click the Multiple tab and confirm that the Multiple Independent
Files radio button is selected.
Magnify Areas of Overlap Now, you can check the areas of overlap to see how well LPS Project
Manager orthorectified the images. Take special note of features
such as roads, rivers, and parcels of land.
Use the Swipe Utility You can use the Swipe utility to see how well the images overlap.
2. Choose Swipe.
The Viewer Swipe dialog opens.
5. Click the slider bar in the Viewer Swipe dialog and move it to the left
and right to see how well the top image, col92p1, overlaps the
You can also choose the Horizontal radio button from the
Viewer Swipe dialog.
6. When you are finished, click Cancel in the Viewer Swipe dialog.
8. Once you are done examining the orthoimages, choose File | Close
from the Viewer menu bar.
LPS Project Manager Save and Close the Block File / 127
All of the columns related to LPS Project Manager
are green; the project is complete
The DTM column is still red, which indicates that DTMs were not
generated from the images in the block file. Use LPS Automatic
Terrain Extraction (ATE) to create DTMs. For more information,
see Leica Photogrammetry Suite Automatic Terrain Extraction
User’s Guide.
2. To exit LPS Project Manager, choose File -> Close from the menu.
Conclusions In this example, you have learned that the use of ground control can
greatly improve the accuracy of your output orthoimages. The more
accurate your ground control, the better quality of your output.
Next, you can see how to orthorectify imagery without ground
control or a DEM.
2001 1006
Introduction Using LPS Project Manager, you have access to many different types
of geometric models with which to create and orthorectify a block of
images. This tour guide takes you through the steps using the digital
camera model.
This tour guide demonstrates the ability of LPS Project Manager to
orthorectify imagery without ground control or a DEM to very high
accuracy. In this case, because the data you use also has airborne
GPS information (which details the exact position of the camera at
the time of image acquisition), the need for collecting ground control
is eliminated.
After defining the interior orientation and exterior orientation
parameters, you can proceed directly to auto tie and
orthorectification of the input images. Figure 48 shows the Import
Options dialog you can use to load orientation information.
Before You Begin The data you use with this tour guide comes from southeast Spain.
The data is 1:45000 scale (ground pixel size of .40 meters) imagery
that was collected using a Kodak DCS 420 digital camera.
In this tour guide, you are going to perform the following basic steps:
Create a New In this section of the tour guide, you create a new project using three
digital camera images of southeast Spain. In this case, the images
Project are .tif images, but you can also use other formats such as .jpg,
.img, MrSid, raw and generic binary, and Grid.
Click OK
Click OK
Select the Camera
Click to choose
Digital Camera
Initially, the
projection is
(Lat/Lon), but
you can change
it by clicking
the Set button
6. Type 30 in the UTM Zone field and press Enter, or use the increment
nudgers to the right of the field.
By default,
the vertical
displays WGS84
10. Click the Next button in the Block Property Setup dialog.
Import Exterior The Set Frame-Specific Information section of the Block Property
Orientation Parameters Setup dialog opens.
When these images were acquired, the position of the aircraft was
recorded using airborne GPS and INS technology. The airborne GPS
provides position information (that is, X, Y, and Z) about where the
camera/sensor is at the time of image capture. The INS provides
orientation information (that is, Omega, Phi, and Kappa) about
where the camera/sensor is at the time of image capture.
The accuracy of the measurements is within 2 meters in the X, Y, and
Z direction. In omega, phi, and kappa, the accuracy of the
measurements is within 0.1 degrees. With this information, there is
no need to collect GCPs in the images making up the block file.
Instead, you provide exterior orientation values.
5. In the Field Definition tab of the Import Options dialog, click the
Row Terminator Character dropdown list.
7. Click the Input Preview tab on the Import Options dialog and view
the fields.
To begin, the images need to be online. Online means that the image name is attached
and linked to the corresponding image file, which may be located on the hard drive or
the network.
2. In the Digital Camera Frame Editor dialog, click the Attach button.
The Image File Name dialog opens. Next, you attach the files in the
3. Navigate to /examples/orthobase/digital.
6. Hold down the Shift key on the keyboard, then click the last *.tif file
in the list, digcam3.tif.
All of the *.tif files are selected for inclusion in the block file.
Compute Pyramid Layers Next, you compute pyramid layers for the images in the block file.
Pyramid layers are used to optimize image display and automatic tie
point collection.
All Images
Without Pyramids
is selected by
Click OK to start default
computing pyramid
layers for the images
2. In the Compute Pyramid Layers dialog, confirm that the All Images
Without Pyramids radio button is selected.
Define the Camera Since you have specified projection, imported exterior orientation
parameters, and identified the images to be used in the block file,
now you need to define the camera model.
1. On the LPS Project Manager toolbar, click the Frame Properties icon
The Digital Camera Frame Editor dialog opens. You attached the
images here, and now you specify the camera that goes with each
2. Click the New Camera button in the Digital Camera Frame Editor
The Camera Information dialog opens.
5. In the Focal Length field, type 28.0, then press Enter, or use the
increment nudgers to the right of the field to change the value.
Camera files
are saved
with the .cam
4. Type the name kodak_dcs420 in the File name field, then press
Enter on your keyboard. The .cam extension is automatically
appended for you.
Check Camera
Information of the Other
1. Click the Next button to display the information for digcam2, which
displays in the Image File Name section of the dialog.
2. Confirm that the Sensor Name dropdown list shows Kodak DCS
420 Digital Camera.
4. Confirm that the Sensor Name dropdown list shows Kodak DCS
420 Digital Camera.
3. Click in the Pixel size in y direction field, and type 9.0, then press
5. Click the Next button twice to see that the same interior orientation
information is transferred to digcam2 and digcam3.
2. Click the Next button to see the Exterior Information values for the
second image in the block file, digcam2.
3. Click the Next button again to see the Exterior Information values
for the third image in the block file, digcam3.
Note that the values for each image are different. This is due to the
altered position of the camera during each exposure.
Perform Generally, at this point in the process you collect control points in
overlapping areas of images in the block file that determine the
Automatic Tie approximate exterior orientation parameters. Because this data
Point Collection includes the GPS and INS information, there is no need to collect
GCPs in order to obtain the exterior orientation information.
In a case such as this, the next step is to run the auto tie process.
This process further defines the geometry between the files in the
icon .
The Point Measurement tool opens on your screen. In the Left View
you see the first image in the block file, digcam1. In the Right
View, you see the second image in the block file, digcam2. You can
use the Right View or Left View dropdown list to see the third
image in the block file, digcam3, as well.
2. In the Point Measurement tool palette, click the Auto Tie Properties
icon .
The Automatic Tie Point Generation Properties dialog opens on the
General tab.
6. Once you have reviewed the contents of the Auto Tie Summary
dialog, click Close.
Check Tie Point Accuracy At this point, tie points are recorded in the file CellArray with their
image positions in X and Y. After you check their accuracy and run
the aerial triangulation, the map coordinates, displayed in the
reference CellArray, are available.
1. Click in the Point # row of a tie point to see its location in the images
displayed in the views.
NOTE: Since all tie points are not common to all images, there are
cases where the displayed images do not have common tie points.
In such cases, verify the tie point by opening a different adjacent
image in one of the views. To do so, use the Left View or Right
View dropdown list.
Click the Point # row of the The tie point’s file coordinates in
tie point you want to view each image are displayed here
2. Click other points to see the position of other tie points in the views.
Perform Aerial Now that you have used auto tie to create tie points in the images,
you can progress to the triangulation process.
1. In the LPS Project Manager, click Edit -> Triangulation
The Aerial Triangulation dialog opens.
Select Microns
from this
dropdown list
3. Click the Image Coordinate Units for Report dropdown list and
select Microns.
Select Same
Weighted Values
5. Click the Type dropdown list and select Same weighted values.
7. Confirm that the Omega, Phi, and Kappa fields are set to 0.1.
Advanced robust
checking reduces
the error
Click to deselect
Use Image
Observations of
Check Points in
Total error is
reported here
13. When you are finished looking at the report, select File -> Close.
15. Click the Close button to close the Triangulation Summary dialog.
Check Project Graphic The Project Graphic Status window offers you an easy way to
Status evaluate the GCPs, check points, and tie points associated with
images in the block file. You can also get information about each
specific points in this dialog.
1. In the LPS Project Manager, click plus sign next to the Images
folder in the Block Project Tree View.
2. In the Display Mode section of the LPS Project Manager, click the
checkbox next to Point IDs.
3. Click the Zoom In icon and drag a box around an area containing
tie points.
6. When you are finished viewing information in the Point Data dialog,
click the Dismiss button.
7. Click the Image Space radio button in the Display Mode section of
the LPS Project Manager.
8. In the Block Project Tree View on the left side of the dialog, click
digcam2.tif under the Images folder to display the points
associated with that image.
The active image is identified in both the Block Project Tree View and
the CellArray. The tie points display for the identified image.
9. Click the to select the next image in the block file, digcam3. The tie
points redisplay in the Project Graphic Status window of the LPS
Project Manager accordingly.
10. When you are finished, click the Map Space radio button in the
Display Mode section of the LPS Project Manager.
Ortho Resample The final step in the process is to orthorectify the images in the block
the Imagery
1. In the CellArray of the LPS Project Manager, click on a red cell within
the Ortho column, or select the Ortho Resampling icon from the
1. Click in the Active Area field and type 95, or use the increment
nudgers to the right of the field.
1. In the Advanced tab of the Ortho Resampling dialog, click the Add
Multiple button.
2. Click the Use Current Cell Sizes checkbox so that all orthoimages
have X and Y cell sizes of 0.50.
4. Click OK in the Confirm Existing Ortho dialog, which alerts you that
the first image in the block file, digcam1, is already set for ortho
The remaining images in the block file are added to the Ortho
Resampling CellArray.
View the Now that the resampling process is complete, indicated by the green
cells in the Ortho column of the CellArray, you can check the
orthoimages in an ERDAS IMAGINE Viewer.
1. Click the plus sign next to the Orthos folder in the Block Project
Tree View of the LPS Project Manager.
2. Click on one of the orthos in the list to highlight it in the Block Tree
View, CellArray, and the Project Graphic Status window.
Use a Viewer
1. Right-click on the ortho in the Block Tree View and select View from
the Ortho quick view menu.
2. From the Viewer menu bar, select File -> Open -> Raster Layer.
10. Make sure that the Multiple Independent Files radio button is
selected, then click OK.
The three orthoimages display in the Viewer.
Magnify Areas of Overlap You can visually check the accuracy of the orthoimages by using the
Zoom In tool.
2. Click an area that interests you. You may have to apply the Zoom In
tool more than once to see the details.
Use the Swipe Utility You can also use the Swipe utility to see how well the images
2. Choose Swipe.
The Viewer Swipe dialog opens.
5. Click the slider bar in the Viewer Swipe dialog and move it to the left
and right to see how well the top orthoimage, orthodigcam3.img,
overlaps the others.
If you like, you may click the View menu, then select Arrange
Layers. You may change the order of the images as they display
in the Viewer to see how they look with the Swipe utility.
6. When you are finished, click Cancel in the Viewer Swipe dialog.
8. Click the plus sign next to the Images folder in the Block Project
Tree View.
In the LPS Project Manager, you can see that the CellArray columns
are green (with the exception of the DTM column, which is specific
to LPS Automatic Terrain Extraction), indicating that the process is
icon .
You can now refer to the complete block file whenever you like.
LPS Project Manager Save and Close the Block File / 167
Conclusions Interior and exterior orientation information from airborne GPS and
INS data is accurate enough to eliminate the need for ground
control. Simply import the data, and LPS uses that information to
create accurate orthoimages.
Next, you can learn how to select both horizontal and vertical
reference points from images outside the block file.
Introduction Using LPS Project Manager, you have access to many different types
of geometric models with which to create a block file. This tour guide
takes you through the steps with the SPOT pushbroom model.
This tour guide demonstrates the use of existing orthorectified
imagery as a source for ground control measurements. In this case,
two images (xs_ortho.img and NAPP_2m-ortho.img, in Figure
49) are used for that purpose.
When you use images outside of the block file as reference sources,
you must identify whether you are using them as horizontal (X, Y) or
vertical (Z) reference sources. The benefit of using existing
orthorectified imagery in the collection of your GCPs is that the GCPs
you collect are more accurate than those collected from
nonorthorectified imagery.
Other types of external reference sources you can use with LPS
Project Manager include: geocorrected images, vector Arc
coverages, annotation layers, ASCII text files, and digitizing tablets.
For more information about the data used in this tour guide, see
“SPOT Example Data”.
In this tour guide, you are going to perform the following basic steps:
• Collect GCPs.
Create a New In this section of the tour guide, you create a new project using SPOT
satellite images of Palm Springs, California.
Prepare the Block File
2. Click the New File icon to open the Create New Block File dialog.
Click OK
4. Click in the text field next to File name, and type spot_tour, then
press Enter on your keyboard.
The *.blk extension is appended automatically.
5. In the Custom tab, click the Projection Type dropdown list and
choose UTM.
6. Click the Spheroid Name dropdown list and select Clarke 1866.
11. Make sure that the Horizontal Units are set to Meters.
The Reference Coordinate System section of the Block Property
Setup dialog reflects the projection you selected. You do not need to
make changes to the Vertical section.
Click OK
to complete
To set a different
projection, click
this button
1. In the Block Project Tree View on the left side of the LPS Project
Manager, click the Images folder.
Click on Images
2. Select Edit | Add Frame from the LPS Project Manager menu bar,
Select this
file first
1. Click in the red column labeled Pyr. for the spot_pan image.
This cell controls the creation of pyramid layers for the image(s) in
the block file.
The Compute Pyramid Layers dialog displays.
Define the Sensor Model Next, you are going to verify the parameters of the sensor. In this
case, it is a SPOT pushbroom sensor. The parameters are supplied
by the images you are going to be working with, contained in their
header files.
1. Select Edit -> Frame Editor from the menu bar, or click the Frame
Properties icon .
The SPOT Pushbroom Frame Editor dialog opens, which displays
information about the active image listed in the LPS CellArray,
The current
image is
identified here
Click the
Edit button
2. In the Sensor tab of the SPOT Pushbroom Frame Editor dialog, click
the Edit button.
The Sensor Information dialog displays.
The Pyr. and Int. columns are green, showing those steps have been completed
Source icon .
The GCP Reference Source dialog opens.
Image Layer
2. In the GCP Reference Source dialog, click the Image Layer radio
Select this
NOTE: The GCPs displayed in this tour guide are shown in different
colors to enable you to see them better. Therefore, Color columns
have been added to the reference and file CellArrays. By default,
GCPs are added to the views in green, and the Color column does
not display.
3. Click the Select Point icon and use it to move the Link Cursors in
the views until you see the road intersection.
When you have found the road intersection and centered it in the
views, you are ready to collect the control point.
Now, you are going to collect the point on the block image,
9. Click the Select Point icon and use it to move the Link Cursors
in the views until you see the road intersection.
When you have found the road intersection and centered it in the
views, you are ready to collect the control point.
11. Move the cursor into the Detail View containing spot_pan and click
the intersection.
A control point is placed on the intersection and labeled 1. The file
CellArray updates to include the point in the spot_pan image, and
the X File and Y File coordinates are updated.
12. Check your point coordinates. They should approximate those in the
following table:
Collect Point ID 2
3. Click the Select Point icon and use it to move the Link Cursors
in the views until you see the road intersection.
5. Move the cursor into the Detail View containing the reference image,
xs_ortho, and click the intersection.
9. Click the Select Point icon and use it to move the Link Cursors
in the views until you find the road intersection.
11. Move the cursor into the Detail View containing spot_pan and click
the intersection.
12. Check your point coordinates. They should approximate those in the
following table:
LPS Project Manager adjusts the reference image in the views and
places the control point at the coordinates you specify.
Because the Automatic (x, y) Drive icon is enabled, LPS Project
Manager moves spot_pan to the same approximate area in the
views. The placement improves with subsequent points.
3. Check Figure 52. Then, click the Select Point icon , and move the
Link Cursor until you can see the location of the point in spot_pan.
5. Move the cursor into the Detail View containing spot_pan and click
the intersection.
3. Check Figure 53. Then, click the Create Point icon in the Point
Measurement tool palette.
4. Move the cursor into the Detail View containing spot_pan, and click
the intersection.
3. Check Figure 54. Then, click the Create Point icon in the Point
Measurement tool palette.
4. Move the cursor into the Detail View containing spot_pan, and click
the intersection.
3. Check Figure 55. Then, click the Create Point icon in the Point
Measurement tool palette.
4. Move the cursor into the Detail View containing spot_pan, and click
the intersection.
3. Check Figure 56. Then, click the Create Point icon in the Point
Measurement tool palette.
4. Move the cursor into the Detail View containing spot_pan, and click
the intersection.
3. Check Figure 57. Then, click the Create Point icon in the Point
Measurement tool palette.
4. Move the cursor into the Detail View containing spot_pan, and click
the intersection.
3. Check Figure 58. Then, click the Create Point icon in the Point
Measurement tool palette.
4. Move the cursor into the Detail View containing spot_pan, and click
the intersection.
Collect the Last The last two control points, Point ID 11 and Point ID 12, use a
different horizontal reference source than the previous control
Two Control points. For them, you are going to use an image called NAPP_2m-
Points ortho.img. This is an orthoimage of 1:40,000 scale photography
with a 2-meter resolution.
LPS Project Manager Collect the Last Two Control Points / 191
Set the Horizontal
Source icon .
The GCP Reference Source dialog opens.
Image Layer Click OK
2. In the GCP Reference Source dialog, click the Image Layer radio
LPS Project Manager Collect the Last Two Control Points / 192
The new reference image is added to the Left View
Collect Point ID 11 To make the distinction between two different horizontal reference
sources (xs_ortho and NAPP_2m-ortho) more clear, skip Point
ID 10, and name the next control point Point ID 11.
LPS Project Manager Collect the Last Two Control Points / 193
Figure 59: Location of Point ID 11
The last two Point IDs are located in a different reference image
2. Click in the Point ID column for Point # 10, and type 11.
Point ID 11 is the first of the points you collect from NAPP_2m-
5. Move the cursor into the Detail View containing spot_pan and click
the intersection.
LPS Project Manager Collect the Last Two Control Points / 194
6. Check your point coordinates. They should approximate those in the
following table:
Collect Point ID 12
LPS Project Manager Collect the Last Two Control Points / 195
Point ID X Reference Y Reference
12 540901.659 3746876.633
4. Move the cursor into the Detail View containing spot_pan, and click
the intersection.
7. In the Point Measurement tool, click Save to save your work to this
LPS Project Manager Collect the Last Two Control Points / 196
Set the Vertical To provide Z (elevation) values for all of the reference control points
Reference Source you selected in the reference images, xs_ortho and NAPP_2m-
ortho, you are going to specify a DEM that contains height
information, palm_springs_dem.img.
Click OK
Click the
DEM radio button
Select a
specific DEM file
LPS Project Manager Collect the Last Two Control Points / 197
The DEM must be in the same projection as that of the block file.
If it is not, you can use the ERDAS IMAGINE reproject utility to
put it in the correct projection. Select Image Interpreter ->
Utilities -> Reproject Images, and enter the correct
information in the dialog. You can then use the new DEM as a
vertical reference source.
3. Click the dropdown arrow and select Find DEM from the list.
LPS Project Manager Collect the Last Two Control Points / 198
Set Type and Usage Up until this point, the Type and Usage for each of the control points
has been set to None and Tie, respectively. Follow the next series
of steps for a quick application of new classes of Type and Usage
with the Formula dialog in ERDAS IMAGINE.
For more information about the Formula dialog, see the On-Line
1. Left-click the title bar of the column titled Type to select all of the
column, which is highlighted in blue.
LPS Project Manager Collect the Last Two Control Points / 199
All of the Point IDs have the correct Type and Usage description now
Save the Block File At this time, you should save the block file to preserve your work.
Add a Second Now that you have successfully collected reference coordinates in
the reference images, xs_ortho and NAPP_2m_ortho, and file
Image to the
coordinates in the first block file, spot_pan, you can progress to the
Block second image in the block, spot_panb.
1. Select Edit -> Add Frame from the LPS menu bar, or click the Add
Frame icon .
The Image File Name dialog opens.
The second image in the block file, spot_panb, is added to the CellArray
Generate Pyramid Layers Like the first image in the block file, you are going to create pyramid
layers for spot_panb to make it display more quickly in the views.
Click OK
Define the Sensor Model Next, you are going to provide LPS Project Manager the parameters
of the sensor, in this case a SPOT pushbroom sensor, that supplied
the image you are working with.
1. Select Edit -> Frame Editor from the LPS Project Manager menu
Click OK
to accept
the parameters
Collect Ground Collect GCPs in spot_panb based on those you have already
collected in spot_pan. In this portion of the tour guide, you are
Control Points
provided X File and Y File coordinates to speed the GCP collection
process. However, if you would rather visually select the GCPs in
spot_panb, we encourage you to do so.
Collect Point ID 1
2. Move the Link Cursor in the views displaying spot_panb until you
can see the location of Point ID 1.
5. Check your results against the following table. If your results are not
within two pixels, type the X File and Y File coordinates for the point
in spot_panb into the file CellArray, then press Enter on your
keyboard. The point changes location accordingly.
Collect Point ID 2
5. Check your results against the following table. If your results are not
within two pixels, type the X File and Y File coordinates for the point
in spot_panb into the file CellArray, then press Enter on your
keyboard. The point changes location accordingly.
Collect Point ID 5
5. Check your results against the following table. If your results are not
within two pixels, type the X File and Y File coordinates for the point
in spot_panb into the file CellArray, then press Enter on your
keyboard. The point changes location accordingly.
Collect Point ID 6
4. Check your results against the following table. If your results are not
within two pixels, type the X File and Y File coordinates for the point
in spot_panb into the file CellArray, then press Enter on your
keyboard. The point changes location accordingly.
Collect Point ID 8
4. Check your results against the following table. If your results are not
within two pixels, type the X File and Y File coordinates for the point
in spot_panb into the file CellArray, then press Enter on your
keyboard. The point changes location accordingly.
Collect Point ID 9
4. Check your results against the following table. If your results are not
within two pixels, type the X File and Y File coordinates for the point
in spot_panb into the file CellArray, then press Enter on your
keyboard. The point changes location accordingly.
Collect Point ID 12
4. Check your results against the following table. If your results are not
within two pixels, type the X File and Y File coordinates for the point
in spot_panb into the file CellArray, then press Enter on your
keyboard. The point changes location accordingly.
Perform The tie point collection process measures the image coordinate
positions of ground points appearing on the overlapping area of the
Automatic Tie
two SPOT images: spot_pan and spot_panb.
Point Collection
1. In the Point Measurement tool palette, click the Automatic Tie Point
Use the
first layer
2. Check to confirm that the Images Used radio button is set to All
6. Click in the Intended Number of Points Per Image field and type
40, then press Enter.
7. Check to confirm that the Keep All Points checkbox is not checked.
When this option is not selected, poor tie points are discarded.
1. In the reference CellArray, click the scroll bar and scroll to a point,
such as Point ID 35.
Select points to view by highlighting the Point #, or clicking in the > column
3. Click in the > column of other Point IDs to see where LPS placed tie
4. When you are finished, click the Save button in the Point
Measurement tool.
Click the
Point tab
Change this
value to 3
6. Click in the X, Y, and Z number fields, and change each of the values
to 15.
Click Run to
begin the
This checkbox is
selected by default
Accept the
triangulation results
11. Resize the window and scroll through the report to see the
information it contains.
12. When you are finished viewing the report, select File -> Close.
15. In the LPS Project Manager, click the File menu and select Save.
Ortho Resample The next step creates orthorectified images wherein relief
displacements and geometric errors have been adjusted and
the Imagery accuracy has been improved. The orthorectified images display
objects in their real-world X and Y positions.
1. In the General tab, click the DTM Source dropdown list and select
2. Click the DEM File Name dropdown list, and choose Find DEM.
4. Click in the Output Cell Sizes fields for both X and Y, and type
The Input File Name identifies the other image in the block file,
spot_pan.img. It also automatically attaches the prefix ortho to
the output file.
View the Now you can check how the orthoimages fit together in the LPS
Project Graphic Status window and in a Viewer.
1. In the LPS Project Manager, click the plus sign next to the Orthos
folder in the Block Project Tree View.
2. Click on one of the orthos in the list to highlight it in the Block Tree
View, CellArray, and the Project Graphic Status window.
Use a Viewer
2. Right-click inside the Viewer and select Fit Image to Window from
the Quick View menu.
3. Select File -> Open -> Raster Layer and navigate to the location
of the orthos.
7. Click the Multiple tab and make sure that the radio button next to
Multiple Independent Files is selected.
Magnify Areas of Overlap Now, you can check the areas of overlap to see how well LPS Project
Manager orthorectified the images. Take special note of features
such as roads, rivers, and parcels of land.
Use the Swipe Utility You can also use the Swipe utility to see how well the images
2. Choose Swipe.
The Viewer Swipe dialog opens.
5. Click the slider bar in the Viewer Swipe dialog and move it to the left
and right to see how well the top image, orthospot_panb.img
overlaps the bottom image, orthospot_pan.img.
If you wish, you can click the View menu, then select Arrange
Layers. You can change the order of the images’ display in the
Viewer to see how they look with the Swipe utility.
6. When you are finished, click Cancel in the Viewer Swipe dialog.
7. When you are finished viewing the images, select File -> Close from
the Viewer menu bar.
LPS Project Manager Save and Close the Block File / 220
Steps have been executed; the block file is complete
Conclusions As you have learned, you can easily select control points from
images outside the block file. Points can be horizontal or vertical and
come from many sources, including a reference image.
Next, you can learn about the DTM extraction capability of LPS. It is
an automatic terrain extraction program designed to produce DTMs
in various formats.
Projection UTM
Zone Number 11
Sensor Information
Side Incidence (degrees) = 16.8
Focal Length = 1082.0 mm
Pixel Size = 0.013 mm
Sensor Columns = 6000
Side Incidence (degrees) = -30.0
Focal Length = 1082.0 mm
Pixel Size = 0.013 mm
Sensor Columns = 6000
GCP Pixel Coordinates The following table details the image coordinate positions of the
GCPs in pixels.
Images X File Y File
Images X File Y File
Introduction When you collect points from the images in a block file, you may
select from the Classic Point Measurement Tool—as you have
practiced in the previous tour guides—or you may use the Stereo
Point Measurement Tool. This tour guide takes you through the
process of collecting check points using the utilities provided by the
Stereo Point Measurement Tool.
You may set a preference if you prefer to work with one or the
other measurement tool consistently. Select the LPS category in
the Preference Editor. Scroll to the bottom of the list and make
your selection in the Point Measurement Tool section:
Always Ask, Classic Point Measurement Tool, or Stereo
Point Measurement Tool.
Before You Begin The data used in this tour guide covers the campus of The University
of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada. The photographs
were captured at a photographic scale of 1:6000, and scanned at a
resolution of 25 microns. The resulting ground coverage is 0.15
meters per pixel.
In this tour guide, you are going to perform the following basic steps:
Open a Project In this section of the tour guide, you prepare your own block file.
4. Select File -> Save As to open the Save Block File As dialog.
6. Click the Start Point Measurement Tool icon , or choose Edit ->
Point Measurement... from the LPS Project Manager menu bar.
Image Selection One of the first tasks you must perform when using the Stereo Point
Measurement Tool is selecting which image in your block file will
serve as the master image. This block file contains three images; the
master image has been identified as 251.img.
4. In the Image Selection CellArray, make sure that the second and
third images in the block file, 252.img and 253.img have an X in
the Load column.
5. Click the Load button to display the images in the Stereo Point
Measurement Tool.
1. Click the Devices button on the right-hand side of the Stereo Point
Measurement Tool workspace.
2. In the Devices dialog, select the type of device you will be using to
collect points. For this exercise, choose System Mouse.
7. Click Assign to use the left mouse button to add points in the Stereo
Point Measurement Tool.
10. Click Assign to use the right mouse button to correlate points in the
Stereo Point Measurement Tool.
Select Points Now that your system mouse is set up to select points, you are ready
to begin using the Stereo Point Measurement Tool.
Point ID 1001
1. Make sure that the Maintain Scale Factor, Manual Toggle Cursor
Mode, Fixed Image Mode, and Automatic View Link icons are all
selected in the tool palette.
3. Click inside the > field for Point ID 1001 to make it the active point.
7. Click inside the first view, which displays the master image,
Notice that after you select the point in the second image in the
block, the final image in the pair becomes active, indicated by the
white text in the title bar of the view.
10. Right-click to correlate the cursor position with the point you
selected in the master image, then click to place point 1001 in the
third image.
11. Once you have placed the point in all the images, press F3 on your
keyboard to exit collection mode.
12. Compare your image point X and Y values to those in the following
table. If they do not match within two pixels, change the values in
the Stereo Point Measurement Tool to match the following:
13. Click the Save button in the Stereo Point Measurement Tool.
3. Click inside the > field for Point ID 1002 to make it the active point.
7. Click inside the view displaying the first image pair, 251.img /
When you collect points in stereo while the Load As option is set
to Full, you may use the mono views below the stereo view to
help you position the point in the same location in each image.
11. Compare your image point X and Y values to those in the following
table. If they do not match within two pixels, change the values in
the Stereo Point Measurement Tool to match the following:
Point ID 1003
1. Click inside the > field for Point ID 1003 to make it the active point.
5. Click inside the view displaying the first pair, 251.img / 252.img.
Point ID 1004 Switch back to mono view to collect the last two points.
3. Click inside the > field for Point ID 1004 to make it the active point.
10. Right-click in the third view to correlate the cursor position with the
point you selected in the master image, then click to place point
1004 in the third image, 253.img. Then press F3 to exit collection
Point ID 1005
1. Click inside the > field for Point ID 1005 to make it the active point.
8. Right-click in the third view to correlate the cursor position with the
point you selected in the master image, then click to place point
1005 in the third image, 253.img. Then press F3 to exit collection
10. Click Save to save all the image points you have collected.
At this point, your Stereo Point Measurement Tool should look similar
to the following:
Next Steps Next, you may proceed to the last few steps in the photogrammetric
workflow, including triangulation, and orthoimage generation if you
wish. Otherwise, perform the following steps to save your work and
close the Stereo Point Measurement Tool.
3. Select File -> Exit from the LPS Project Manager menu bar.
Introduction The chapters in this section give a detailed description of LPS Project
Manager and the photogrammetric concepts used within the
software to bridge the fundamental concepts of photogrammetry,
and the practical tools of LPS Project Manager. Additional tips and
tricks are provided to increase the production associated with block
triangulation and orthorectification.
What is a Block? Prior to performing any photogrammetric tasks within LPS Project
Manager, a block must be created. Block is a term used to describe
and characterize all of the information associated with a
photogrammetric mapping project, including:
Once you click the LPS icon within the ERDAS IMAGINE icon
You can create a new LPS Project Manager project by choosing File
-> New, or open an existing LPS Project Manager project, by
choosing File -> Open, from this dialog. In either case, you work
with a block file (*.blk). The block file is a binary file containing all of
the information associated with a block. Select the View IMAGINE
HFA File Structure option within the ERDAS IMAGINE Tools menu
to view the contents of the binary file.
Cameras The properties associated with cameras can include, but are not
limited to, focal length, principal point, calibrated fiducial mark
positions, and radial lens distortion. The following geometric models
are supported within LPS Project Manager:
Frame Camera
This type of camera is commonly associated with aerial cameras
having an approximate focal length of 6 inches (152 mm). The
photographic format size from these cameras is 9 × 9 inches. Frame
cameras have fiducial marks positioned within the camera body. The
fiducial marks are exposed onto the film emulsion when the
photography is captured. The fiducial marks are subsequently
measured to determine the interior orientation of the camera. Frame
cameras are considered metric cameras since they have been
calibrated in a laboratory.
Digital Camera
This type of camera can be used for aerial and ground-based
(terrestrial) mapping applications. The focal length for a digital
camera may range in size from 10 mm to 50 mm or greater. Rather
than using film to record an image, digital cameras make use of a
CCD. A CCD contains an array of cells which record the intensity
associated with a ground feature or object. The x and y pixel size of
the CCD array must be defined. Digital cameras do not have fiducial
marks, and for that reason they do not need to be measured. Digital
cameras are considered nonmetric, noncalibrated cameras.
DPPDB is the acronym for Digital Point Positioning Data Base. This
type of camera is for data, designed by NIMA, which is classified. Not
everyone has access to DPPDB data. It can be described as high-
resolution stereo data with support files, which normally covers a 60
nautical mile range (Federation of American Scientists, 2000).
Pushbroom Sensors Pushbroom data is collected along a scan line, with each scan line
having its own perspective center. The following geometric models
are supported:
Generic Pushbroom
This type of satellite pushbroom sensor can be used for satellites
other than SPOT, IKONOS, and IRS-1C, which scan along a line to
collect data. Sensor model parameters associated with the internal
geometry of the sensor must be provided.
SPOT Pushbroom
The SPOT pushbroom sensor supports SPOT Panchromatic (10-
meter ground resolution), and SPOT XS Multispectral (20-meter
ground resolution) imagery. Sensor model properties associated
with the satellite are automatically derived from the header file of the
imagery and subsequently used in LPS Project Manager. The ERDAS
IMAGINE Import tool can be used to import the SPOT imagery.
IRS-1C Pushbroom
The IRS-1C sensor model supports imagery collected from the IRS-
1C pushbroom sensor model (5-meter ground resolution). Sensor
model properties associated with the satellite are automatically
derived from the header file of the imagery and subsequently used
in LPS Project Manager. The ERDAS IMAGINE Import tool can be
used to import the IRS-1C imagery.
The IKONOS sensor model supports IKONOS imagery and its
associated rational polynomial coefficient (RPC) and metadata files.
The metadata files contain information regarding the images in the
data set. RPC files contain the necessary information to determine
interior and exterior orientation.
The National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) is the standard
format for digital imagery and imagery-related products used by the
Department of Defense and the intelligence community. NITF is
designed to be a common format for exchange of imagery data
between normally incompatible systems.The metadata files contain
information regarding the images in the data set. RPC files contain
the necessary information to determine interior and exterior
QuickBird RPC
QuickBird data, which is supplied by DigitalGlobe, in “Basic” and
“Standard” formats can be used in LPS Project Manager for the
creation of block files. QuickBird images are delivered with image
support data (ISD) files that detail information such as ephemeris
and RPCs. The RPC data, which accompanies QuickBird images in
GeoTIFF or TIFF format, can be used to define the sensor.
Mixed Sensor The Mixed Sensor model supports LPS Project Manager calibrated
images, oriented images, and SOCET SET® support files. Images
without geometric models already associated with them cannot be
used with the Mixed Sensor geometric model. Using this model, the
same block file may have multiple projections and the may also have
images with different vertical datum and units.
NOTE: With the Mixed Sensor geometric model type, you cannot
perform automatic tie point generation. Also, the triangulation
process is used to check errors in GCPs only.
Once a sensor model has been selected for a block file, it cannot
be changed within LPS Project Manager.
Defining Units Once Next has been selected, the horizontal, vertical, and angular
units associated with a block project can be defined, as shown in
Figure 69.
LPS Project Manager supports the following horizontal and vertical
units: Meters, Feet, US Survey Feet, Indian Feet, International
Feet, Centimeters, and Inches. Angular unit support includes
Degrees, Radians, and Gons.
After the units types have been selected in the Block Property Setup
dialog, select the Next button. The dialog that allows for the
specification of photogrammetric information opens, as shown in
Figure 70.
Photographic Direction LPS Project Manager supports the processing of aerial, terrestrial
(ground-based), and oblique imagery. A photographic direction is
specified in order to define the type of imagery to be processed.
Ground Ground
Z - Direction
Y - Direction
Average Flying Height The average flying height is the distance between the camera
position at the time of exposure and the average ground elevation.
Figure 72 graphically illustrates the average flying height:
Exposure Stations
Average Aircraft
Average Relative
Terrain Elevation
Exposure Stations
NOTE: The Average Flying Height is helpful when you use the
Exterior Initial Type option for auto tie. If the Tie Points Initial Type
option is selected for auto tie, the Average Flying Height does not
influence results.
Importing Exterior In cases where the position and orientation of the exposure stations
Orientation Parameters (exterior orientation) for the images in a block are known, an ASCII
file containing the respective information can be imported. The
exterior orientation parameters define the position and rotation of a
camera/sensor as they existed when the photography/imagery was
captured. The positional elements are defined using the X, Y, and Z
coordinates of the exposure station, and the rotational elements are
defined as the degree of tilt in each image. This can be expressed
using the three rotation angles (Omega, Phi, and Kappa). The
exterior orientation parameters can be obtained from various
sources, including:
• Airborne GPS and INS data. The GPS component provides the X,
Y, and Z coordinates of the exposure station to a given accuracy.
The INS provides the Omega, Phi, and Kappa rotation angles.
The INS attempts to stabilize the movement of the platform
during collection. For these reasons, the Omega and Phi rotations
associated with the INS are minimal, and at times negligible.
Why Import Exterior Overall, the availability of the exterior orientation parameters
Orientation Parameters? advances the automation of the workflow associated with creating
orthorectified images. Following are some examples of the
usefulness of exterior orientation parameters.
• Image ID
• Image Name
• Y
• Z
• Omega
• Phi
• Kappa
Once a *.dat file has been selected, the Import Parameters dialog
opens, shown in Figure 74 wherein the reference coordinate system
and units of the incoming exterior orientation parameters can be
The following properties associated with the input ASCII *.dat file
can be defined:
- White Space
- Tab
- Colon
- Comma
- Semi-Colon
- Vertical Bar ( | )
- Space
Since the imagery was already added to the block when the exterior
orientation parameters were imported, the image names must now
be attached to the corresponding image files. See “Attaching Multiple
Once the OK button has been selected within the Block Property
Setup dialog, the geometric model, projection information, units
and average flying height information cannot be modified.
Once the block project has been defined, the LPS Project Manager
The LPS Project Manager When a new LPS Project Manager block has been created or an
Toolbar existing block opened, the LPS Project Manager and CellArray open,
as shown in Figure 78.
Introduction An LPS Project Manager block file can contain a few or many images.
In this section, you learn how to add images and how to improve
their display in the view using LPS Project Manager pyramid layers.
Adding Images A single image or multiple images can be added to the block by
selecting the Add Frame icon or the Add Frame option from the Edit
menu in the LPS Project Manager. Once the option has been
selected, the Image File Name dialog opens, as shown in Figure 79.
Add Multiple Images To add one image to the block, simply select the image and select
OK. To add multiple images simultaneously, use the Shift and Ctrl
(Control) keys on your keyboard. For example, to select a series of
sequential images, hold down the Shift key, then click the first and
last images in the series. Click OK to add the files to the block. To
select multiple images that are not sequential in the file list, hold
down the Ctrl key, then click the files you want to include. Click OK
to add the files to the block.
LPS CellArray Once the images have been added, the LPS Project Manager displays
the CellArray with corresponding image names and associated
process information. The LPS CellArray is shown in Figure 80.
The One Image Selected option creates pyramid layers for the
image currently selected, as designated by the >, within the
CellArray. You can select several images within the LPS CellArray for
which pyramid layers are created (All Selected Images option).
The third option, All Images Without Pyramids, creates pyramid
layers for all the images in the block that do not have existing LPS
Project Manager pyramid layers.
Once the pyramid layers are created for the images within the block,
the Pyr. column within the LPS Project Manager CellArray is green
(completed status).
Interior and When using cameras having one perspective center, including frame
cameras, digital cameras, videography, and nonmetric cameras, the
internal geometry is referred to as interior orientation. When using
Orientation satellite sensors such as SPOT, IRS-1C, and other generic
pushbroom sensors use perspective center for each scan line, the
process is referred to as internal sensor modeling.
Defining the external properties associated with a camera or sensor
involves establishing the exterior orientation parameters associated
with the camera/sensor as they existed at the time of photographic
exposure or image acquisition.
Both the internal and external information associated with a
camera/sensor can be defined within the Frame Editor dialog. By
selecting either the Frame Editor icon on the LPS Project
Manager toolbar or the Frame Editor option within the Edit menu,
the Frame Editor dialog opens, as shown in Figure 82.
• Sensor. This tab allows for the definition of the image and the
corresponding camera or sensor information associated with an
image. The Sensor tab gives access to the following tasks:
Attaching One If an image has been moved from its original location on a computer
as defined when the image was added to LPS Project Manager, the
Image image name can be associated with the corresponding image file and
its new location. When a cell element within the Online column of
the CellArray is red, the image is no longer online, as shown in Figure
By selecting the Attach option within the Sensor tab of the Frame
Editor dialog, the image file can be associated with the
corresponding image name as it appears in the CellArray.
Within the Image File Name dialog, shown in Figure 84, the image
file can be located and selected to attach the image name, as it
appears in the LPS Project Manager folder, to the appropriate
image file.
Attaching Multiple For mapping projects containing two or more images, rather than
attach each image separately, multiple images can be attached
simultaneously. To attach multiple images in one directory, select
the Attach option within the Sensor tab of the Frame Editor dialog.
Use the Shift and Ctrl (Control) keys on the keyboard to select
multiple files.
To attach files listed sequentially, hold down the Shift key, then click
the first and last files in the list. To attach multiple files that are not
listed sequentially, hold the Ctrl key and click to select each image.
Once you have selected the files in this manner, click OK in the
dialog. Once images have been attached, the cells within the
CellArray are converted to green.
NOTE: More than one camera can be used within a block project.
The Load button allows you to open an existing camera file having
a *.cam extension. Once a *.cam file has been opened, all of the
respective parameters within the Camera Information dialog are
populated. The *.cam file is an ASCII file with a fixed structure.
The Save option allows you to save all of the information associated
with a camera to a camera file having a *.cam extension. The file is
an ASCII file with a fixed file structure. It is recommended that the
camera information be saved once the camera model has been
defined, so that the camera can be reused in future photogrammetric
projects. The Save button saves the existing contents contained
within the Camera Information dialog to the block project and
correspondingly to the *.cam file.
Fiducial Marks
The Fiducials tab, shown in Figure 86, allows you to define the
number of fiducials located on an image and enter their calibrated x
and y image or photo-coordinate values.
2. Select the Film X (mm) and Film Y (mm) columns using a left-click
and drag. Both columns become highlighted.
6. Ensure that the appropriate column name (that is, Film X and Film Y)
is associated with the corresponding information in the ASCII file.
Frame Cameras Upon selecting the Interior Orientation tab within the Frame Editor
dialog, the Interior Orientation dialog opens as shown in Figure 88.
In the CellArray, the image that currently has the symbol > assigned
to it has the corresponding interior orientation information also
displayed within the Interior Orientation tab. The Next and
Previous buttons can be used to navigate throughout the block
during interior orientation. The currently active image name displays
within the upper left-hand corner of the Frame Editor title bar.
To display the image, the Viewer icon (first icon from the left) must
be selected. The image displays within three views. The views
include an OverView, a Main View, and a Detail View.
The primary window displays the area enclosed in greater detail
within the OverView window Link Cursor. The magnify window
displays the area enclosed in greater detail within the primary
window Link Cursor. Figure 89 shows the configuration of the
3 2
Fiducial X Y
1 -103.947 -103.952
2 103.945 103.924
X 3 -103.937 103.927
4 103.958 -103.952
1 4
3 2 1 3
1 4 4 2
4 1 2 4
2 3 3 1
Note: The black bar represents the image data strip.
The numbered corners represent the fiducials.
NOTE: Once the fiducial marks have been measured, do not change
the fiducial orientation. To change the fiducial orientation you should
delete the fiducial mark measurements, select the appropriate
fiducial orientation, and remeasure fiducials.
Interior Orientation The interior orientation CellArray displays the calibrated fiducial
CellArray mark coordinates, their associated row and column pixel
coordinates, fiducial mark color codes, and x and y fiducial mark
residuals. Once a fiducial mark has been measured, the row and
column pixel coordinates associated with a fiducial mark are
displayed within the CellArray.
Once the appropriate fiducial orientation has been selected, LPS
Project Manager automatically drives to display the approximate
image location of the first fiducial mark. When the fiducial mark is
measured, the image position of the second fiducial mark is
approximated. The quality of the approximation increases drastically
once the second fiducial mark has been measured.
Image Enhancement To improve the quality of interior orientation, the image displayed
within the view can be enhanced to optimize fiducial mark
identification and measurement. The following options are provided
for enhancing the display of an image:
Fiducial Mark Residuals If at least four fiducial mark positions have been measured, the
corresponding residuals are displayed within the CellArray when the
Solve option is selected. Residual X displays the x residual for a
given fiducial mark, which is computed based on a mathematical
comparison made between the original x fiducial mark position and
the actual measured fiducial mark position in the x direction.
Residual Y displays the y residual for a given fiducial mark, which
is computed based on a mathematical comparison made between
the original y fiducial mark position and the actual measured fiducial
mark position in the y direction.
The global RMSE displays in pixel and micron units. The RMSE
represents the overall correspondence between the calibrated
fiducial mark coordinates and their measured image coordinates.
Values larger than 0.5 pixels, or half the scanning resolution of the
image, infer systematic error and/or gross measurement errors
associated with the image. The error can be attributed to:
• film deformation
Defining Exterior Defining the external properties associated with a camera or sensor
involves establishing the exterior orientation parameters associated
Information of an with the camera/sensor as they existed at the time of photographic
Image exposure or image acquisition. Specifically, the exterior orientation
parameters define the position and orientation of the perspective
center. Thus, each image in a block has different exterior orientation
parameters associated with it.
The exterior information associated with an image includes:
• If airborne GPS and INS data are used as input for exterior
orientation, the statistical quality of the post-processed data can
be used as input for the precisional quality of exterior orientation.
Editing Exterior Rather than edit the exterior orientation information for each image
Information for Multiple independently, functions are provided for editing multiple images
Images simultaneously.
Selecting the Edit All Images button displays the Exterior
Orientation Parameter Editor dialog, shown in Figure 98, containing
all of the exterior information for each image in the block.
5. Selecting the Options button within the Export Column Data dialog
allows you to customize the output ASCII file.
Editing Statistical and The Exterior Orientation Parameter Editor is also useful in scenarios
Status Information where the standard deviation and status for each exterior orientation
parameter is the same for each image in a large block. In this case,
the statistical or status information can be specified once and applied
to each image in the block. The following steps are used:
4. For standard deviation (Std.) values, define the numerical value. For
the status (Sta.), enter Fixed, Initial, or Unknown.
5. Click the Apply button to apply the value or status to each image in
the block selected.
Sensor Model Definition for SPOT, IRS-1C, and Generic Pushbroom Sensor
This section is applicable to imagery collected using the SPOT, IRS-
1C, and generic pushbroom sensor models.
Selecting the Frame Editor option within the Edit menu or the
Frame Editor icon on the LPS Project Manager toolbar displays
the Frame Editor dialog for use with SPOT, IRS-1C, and generic
pushbroom sensor models (Figure 100). The Frame Editor is used to
define the properties associated with the internal and external
parameters of the sensor models.
The Sensor tab allows for the attachment of an image name with the
corresponding image file. The Attach button is used to attach image
names to image files.
If the SPOT sensor model was selected, the SPOT Pan (10-meter
resolution imagery) and the SPOT Multispectral (20-meter resolution
imagery), options are provided within the Sensor Name dropdown
list. To edit the properties associated with the SPOT model, the Edit
button can be selected, which opens the dialog depicted in Figure
Defining Frame Attributes for SPOT, IRS-1C, and Generic Pushbroom Sensors
Selecting the Frame Attributes tab within the Frame Editor dialog
allows for the definition of external sensor model parameters
associated with an image, as depicted in Figure 103.
The chipping tab allows calculation of RPCs for an image chip rather
than the full, original image from which the chip was derived. This is
possible when you specify an affine relationship (pixel) between the
chip and the full, original image.
Use of this tab is only required when the RPCs that accompany
the image chip correspond to the full, original image and not the
chip itself. Typically, this is not the case.
x' = ax + by + c
y' = dx + ey + f
x' = colscale x + coloffset
y' = rowscale y + rowoffset
In the formulas, x' (x prime) and y' (y prime) correspond to the pixel
coordinates for the full, original image. Otherwise, the values
correspond to those used in the Arbitrary Affine, above, as follows:
colscale=(Column Scale) This value corresponds to value e, as
defined above.
coloffset=(Column Offset) This value corresponds to value f, as
defined above.
rowscale=(Row Scale) This value corresponds to value a, as
defined above.
rowoffset=(Row Offset) This value corresponds to value c, as
defined above.
The values for b and d, as defined above, are set to 0.
The Full Row Count is the number of rows in the full, original
image. If the header data is absent, this value corresponds to the
row count of the chip. Likewise, the Full Column Count is the
number of columns in the full, original image. If the header data is
absent, this value corresponds to the column count of the chip.
Introduction The Point Measurement tool, shown in Figure 106 is used to measure
the GCPs, check points, and tie points appearing on one or more
overlapping images. The Point Measurement tool serves several
purposes including:
Point The Point Measurement tool allows for the display of two images
contained within a block. Each image has associated with it an
Measurement OverView, Main View and Detail View. A Link Cursor located within
Views the OverView and Main View is used to zoom in and out of an image
area and roam around an image to identify the image positions of
GCPs, check points, and tie points. Within the Point Measurement
views, the image positions of GCPs, check points, and tie points can
be measured. The Detail View is commonly used for image
Image Enhancement To increase the quality of Point Measurement, the images displayed
within the Point Measurement views can be enhanced to optimize
GCP identification and measurement. The following options are
provided for enhancing the display of an image:
Defining the The usage of a GCP defines whether the GCP is a control point, check
point, or tie point.
Usage of GCPs
A control point has either its X, Y, and Z coordinates known (Full),
X and Y coordinates known (Horizontal), or Z coordinates known
(Vertical). During the aerial triangulation procedure, the X, Y, and
Z coordinates of a Full GCP can be fixed. If a standard deviation is
assigned to Full GCPs, the values are modified during aerial
triangulation. The Z coordinate of a horizontal control point is
estimated during the aerial triangulation procedure. The X and Y
coordinates of a vertical control point are estimated during the aerial
triangulation procedure.
Importing Ground
Coordinates Using the
Exporting Ground
Coordinates Using the
4. Enter the Output ASCII file name. The ASCII file is stored as a *.dat
The following steps are used to define the statistical quality of the
2. Select the Advanced radio button, and choose the Std. option.
Select OK. The X, Y, and Z Std. columns are displayed within the
Point Measurement tool CellArray.
Collecting Horizontal LPS Project Manager supports the use of GCPs obtained from various
Reference GCPs reference sources. This includes existing orthorectified images, geo
corrected images, vector Arc Coverages, annotation layers, ASCII
text files, and digitizing tablets.
The Set Horizontal Reference Source option allows for the
collection of horizontal GCPs. You select the reference source from
the dialog depicted in Figure 113.
6. Select the Add button to begin collecting GCPs. The Detail View is
ideal for the identification and measurement of horizontal reference
GCPs. Once a point has been measured, the corresponding X and Y
ground coordinates are displayed within the Point Measurement
Collecting Vertical If horizontal GCPs have already been collected, the following steps
Reference GCPs are used to define the vertical (Z) component of existing horizontal
2. If a DEM is available, select the DEM option and define the DEM file.
If a DEM is not available and the area is relatively flat, select the
Constant option. The vertical reference source file name display
within the lower-right portion of the Point Measurement tool.
4. Select the Update Z icon within the Point Measurement tool. The
Z coordinates of the GCPs are updated and displayed within the
During the collection of horizontal GCPs, the vertical component of
the GCPs can be automatically populated using the following steps:
2. If a DEM is available, select the DEM option and define the DEM file.
If a DEM is not available and the area is relatively flat, select the
Constant option. The vertical reference source file name displays
within the lower-right portion of the Point Measurement tool.
Collecting GCPs on For projects comprising the use of three or more images within a
Multiple Images strip, as illustrated by Figure 114, the following steps can be used for
the collection of GCPs:
Image 2
3 6
Image 1
Image 3
= GCP (Ground Control Point)
1. Within the Point Measurement tool, define Image 1 as the Left View
and Image 2 as the Right View. The Left View and Right View
image dropdown lists can be used to define which images are
displayed within the Point Measurement tool.
3. Select the Add button six times. Enter the GCP coordinates of GCPs,
or use the Set Horizontal Reference Source and Set Vertical
Reference Source tools to define the GCP coordinates.
5. Repeat step 3 and step 4 for GCPs 4, 5, and 6 on Image 1 and Image
2. The image positions of GCPs 4, 5, and 6 are automatically
displayed prior to the collection of each point.
6. Within the Right View tools group, select the Apply Image Shift
radio button.
Collecting GCPs on For projects comprising two or more strips within a block, as
Multiple Strips illustrated by Figure 115, the following steps can be used for the
collection of GCPs:
Image 2
Image 1
1 Image 3
3 6 Image 5
Image 4
Image 6
= GCP (Ground Control Point)
1. Within the Point Measurement tool, define Image 1 as the Left View
and Image 2 as the Right View. The Left View and Right View
image dropdown lists can be used to define which images are
displayed within the Point Measurement tool.
3. Select the Add button six times. Enter the GCP coordinates of GCPs
or use the Set Horizontal Reference Source icon and Set Vertical
5. Within the Right View tools group, select the Apply Image Shift
radio button.
6. Within the Right View tools group image dropdown list, select
Image 3. Image 2 is automatically placed within the Left View of the
Point Measurement tool.
8. Deactivate the Apply Image Shift option within the Right View
tools group.
9. Within the Left View tools group image dropdown list, select Image
4 and within the Right View tools group image dropdown list, select
Image 5.
10. Select the Apply Image Shift radio button within the Right View
tools group.
12. Within the Right View tools group image dropdown list, select
Image 6. Image 5 is automatically displayed within the Left View of
the Point Measurement tool.
• At least two GCPs must be measured on the overlap areas for the
imagery in the block. The Exterior/Header/GCP radio button
is selected as the Initial Type.
1 0 0 6096
2 3658 0 6096
3 7316 0 6096
4 0 6401 6096
Table 9 provides the Base X (overlap with 60%), Base Y (sidelap with
30%) and average flying height for various scales of photography in
Optimizing Automatic Tie Strategy parameters governing the operation of the automatic tie
Point Collection point collection procedure can be used to optimize the performance
of automatic tie point collection. The factors governing the overall
performance of automatic tie point collection include:
Search Size
Once all of the interest or feature points have been identified, LPS
Project Manager calculates the approximate location of feature
points on the overlapping areas of multiple images. Once an
approximate location has been identified, LPS Project Manager
searches for the corresponding image positions within a square
search window. The size of the search window can be defined. For
areas with large topographic relief displacement, a larger search size
is recommended. If the default 21 × 21-pixel search window size is
increased, an increase in computation time can be expected.
Correlation Size
Correlation size defines the size of the window to be used to compute
the correlation between image points of common ground points
appearing on multiple images. The default window size is 7 × 7. For
areas containing minimal variation in topographic relief, grey level or
color intensity (for example, desert, agricultural fields, grassy
areas), a larger value (for example, 9 × 9 or greater) can be used.
For areas containing large degrees of topographic relief and grey
level or color intensity variation, a smaller window size is
recommended (for example, 5 × 5). If the default values are
modified, ensure the quality of the resulting tie points.
Correlation Limit
The correlation limit defines the correlation coefficient threshold
used to determine whether or not two points are to be considered as
possible matches. Once the correlation between two points
appearing on two frames has been computed, the correlation limit is
compared to the correlation coefficient. If the correlation coefficient
is smaller than the correlation limit, the two points are not
considered a match. A larger correlation limit may result in greater
accuracy, although fewer points may be collected. If a smaller
correlation limit results, it may increase the number of correlated
points, but could introduce false match points into the solution.
Initial Accuracy
Initial accuracy defines the input quality of the input minimum
requirements. If exterior orientation parameters or header
information is used, the parameters should be accurate to 25% of
the true value. A larger value increases the initial search area to
identify and match corresponding image points in the initial
estimation process. If GCPs or tie points are used as the Initial
Type, the initial accuracy is considered as the relative elevation
difference (that is, average elevation difference divided by the flying
height). If the minimum input requirements are of poor precisional
and relative quality, a larger value is recommended. Therefore, if
accurate initial values are available, specify a low value. If inaccurate
initial values are available, a larger value should be specified.
Avoid Shadow
When this option is enabled, tie points are not generated in areas of
shadow, such as building and terrain shadows produced by the sun’s
position at the time of image capture. Avoiding areas in shadow
improves auto tie results. You should choose whether the images
you are working with came from film (Negative) or photographs
∆a a
∆d d
h sin ( ∆a ) -
∆d = ----------------------------------------
cos a cos ( a + ∆a )
h • 7.27 • 10
∆d = -----------------------------------
cos a
The shadow displacement can be estimated with the above
equations. The shadow displacement is dependent on the object
height h and the time difference of two adjacent images ∆t = t1 - t2.
Since the airplane flies forward (west to east) on the first strip, and
backward (east to west) on the second strip, the maximal time
difference (the maximal shadow displacement) occurs between the
first image of the first strip and the last image of the second strip.
In the above equations, a is in degrees and can be estimated by the
photographic time (in 24-hour mode), a = (p_time - 12) * 15. For
example, if the time of flight is around 1:15 p.m., then a = 13.25 -
12) * 15 = 18.75 degrees. If the airplane takes 2 minutes to fly one
strip, then the maximal time difference will be 4 minutes (240
seconds). If we assume that the flight is around 1:15 p.m. in a
suburban area where buildings are not higher than 10 meters, the
strip is relatively long and takes two minutes to finish, then using the
above equation yields the maximal shadow displacement will be 0.19
meters. If we assume the image scale is 1:10,000 and image is
scanned with a pixel size of 0.030 mm, then this displacement has
already reached 0.6 pixels. If the maximal shadow replacement
exceeds a half pixel, we recommend using the Avoid Shadow
option. If the maximal shadow replacement is less than one third of
a pixel you probably do not need to use the Avoid Shadow option.
If your block only has one strip, you do not need to use the Avoid
Shadow option because there is usually almost no shadow
displacement between two adjacent images inside a strip.
Performing Automatic Tie With color imagery, automatic tie point collection is performed on
Point Collection on Color one image layer or band, defined by the Image Layer Used option
Imagery within the Automatic Tie Generation Properties dialog.
Prior to performing automatic tie point collection on color imagery, it
is highly recommended that the individual image layers be viewed to
identify which layer or band contains the greatest amount of grey
level variation.
Troubleshooting Tips The following tips can be used in cases where the automatic tie point
collection fails to successfully match image points appearing on
multiple images:
The following steps can be used to ensure that the appropriate Kappa
element be defined:
Ground Coordinate System Ground Coordinate System
Specify 0× or 360× Kappa Specify -90× or 270× Kappa
Ground Coordinate System Ground Coordinate System
Specify 180× or -180× Kappa Specify 90× or -270× Kappa
Convergence Value The convergence value is used as a threshold to determine the level
and extent of processing during the iterative aerial triangulation
procedure. During the iterative process of determining the unknown
parameters, the amount of change between successive iterations is
determined and compared to the convergence value. If the amount
of change between successive iterations is greater than the
convergence value, the iterative process continues. If the amount of
change between successive iterations is less than the convergence
value, the iterative process of estimating the unknown parameters
For large scale mapping (for example, 1:2000 photo scale), and
projects requiring high accuracy, a value of 0.0001 meters can be
used. For small scale mapping projects (for example, greater than
1:40000), a value of 0.01 can be used, otherwise the default setting
of 0.001 meters is satisfactory.
For scenarios where the quality of ground control is poor and an
aerial triangulation solution cannot be solved, relaxing the
convergence value (for example, 0.01 meters) may provide a
solution. In this case, the accuracy of the aerial triangulation results
is compromised.
Accuracy Estimates Regardless of the project, computing the accuracy estimates for the
unknown parameters is highly recommended. The accuracy
estimates describe the quality of the estimated parameters. The
accuracy estimates are computed by multiplying the standard
deviation of unit weight by the variance of the individual parameters.
The variance of the computed parameters is determined and
contained within an output covariance matrix. Accuracy estimates
are computed for:
• X, Y, and Z GCPs
• AP
• Fixed Values. This option assumes that the GCPs are fixed in the
X, Y, and Z direction. Statistical weight is not assigned to the
GCPs. If this option is selected, large standard deviation values
can be anticipated for the estimated exterior orientation
parameters and the X, Y, and Z tie point positions. This can be
attributed to the distribution of error into these parameters, since
error was not allowed to propagate throughout the GCPs.
Several options are provided for defining the statistical quality of the
exterior orientation parameters. This includes:
• focal length
Using SCBA, LPS Project Manager accounts for the geometric errors
associated with using noncalibrated cameras for photogrammetric
processing (for example, orthorectification, stereopair generation,
and stereo feature collection).
The Interior tab of the Aerial Triangulation dialog, shown in Figure
123, is used to define whether or not the interior orientation
parameters are estimated using the SCBA.
Fixed For All Images The interior orientation parameters are not estimated and are
assumed fixed for each image in the block.
Different Weighted This option estimates the interior orientation parameters associated
Corrections with each image in the block (for example, different interior
orientation parameters for each exposure station). Thus, each image
has three unique interior orientation parameters associated with it.
This option should be selected if the camera or sensor model was not
stable between successive exposure stations and the variation of
interior orientation parameters is large. If the internal geometry of
the camera varies during successive exposure stations, this option
should be used. Unique statistical weight is assigned to the interior
orientation parameter for each image in the block. The assignment
of unique weight is done internally by LPS Project Manager.
Same Unweighted This option estimates the interior orientation parameters associated
Corrections For All with the camera used to collect all of the photography or imagery in
the block. Thus, one set of interior orientation parameters is used in
the entire block. Statistical weights are not assigned to the three
interior orientation parameters. This option should be selected if the
internal geometry of the camera or sensor model was relatively
stable between successive exposure stations and the variation of
interior orientation parameters is minimal. Use this option if many
GCPs are available. The variation of interior orientation is small
between successive exposure stations, and the precision and
accuracy of the interior orientation parameters are not known.
Optimizing the SCBA In order to evaluate the results of the SCBA, review the estimated
interior orientation values and their corresponding accuracy values.
If the accuracy value for the principal point is larger than the
principal point values, the confidence with which the parameter can
be accurately estimated is low. Similarly, if the new focal length
estimate varies drastically from the initial input value (for example,
several millimeters), recheck the initial input value and reexamine
the SCBA.
The following tips can be used to optimize the results of the SCBA:
• Ensure that at least six Full GCPs are used in the overlap area of
two images in the block.
• At least six tie points are common to the overlap areas of each
image in the block. The more tie points that are used, the better
the output SCBA results.
Estimating AP for SCBA Due to systematic errors associated with the camera or sensor model
and atmospheric refraction, the quality of the aerial triangulation is
negatively impacted. The systematic errors can be partly or even
largely eliminated by using the SCBA with AP. Under favorable
conditions, improved triangulation results can be obtained if AP is
used. The favorable conditions include:
The four AP models provided within LPS Project Manager allow for
the modeling of various systematic error. Select the Advanced
Options tab within the Aerial Triangulation dialog, shown in Figure
124, in order to select the AP models.
2 2
∆x = a 1 x ( r – r 0 ) + a 2 x
2 2
∆y = a 1 y ( r – r 0 ) – a 2 y + a 3 x
2 2
∆x = a 1 x ( r – r 0 ) + a 2 x + a 3 y
2 2 2
∆y = a 1 y ( r – r 0 ) – a 2 y + a 3 x + a 4 x
2 2 2
∆x = a 1 x + a 2 y – a 3 2x – 4b -------- + a 4 xy + a 5 y – 2b -------- + a 7 x y – 2b
2 2 2
3 3 3
2 2 2
+ a 9 y x – 2b
-------- + a 11 x – 2b
-------- y – 2b
2 2 2
3 3 3
2 2 2
2 4b 2 2b 2 2b
∆y = – a 1 y + a 2 x + a 3 xy – a 4 2y – -------- + a 6 x – -------- + a 8 y x – --------
3 3 3
2 2 2
2b 2b 2b
+ a 10 x y – -------- + a 12 x – -------- y – --------
2 2 2
3 3 3
2 2 2 2 2
∆x = a 1 x + a 2 y + a 3 xy + a 4 y + a 5 x y + a 6 xy + a 7 x y
x 2 2 2 2
+ a 13 --- x y + a 14 x ( x + y )
2 2 2 2 2
∆x = a 1 x + a 2 y + a 3 xy + a 4 y + a 5 x y + a 6 xy + a 7 x y
x 2 2 2 2
+ a 13 --- x y + a 14 x ( x + y )
2 2 2 2 2
∆y = k 1 y ( r – r 0 ) + k 2 y ( r – r 0 )
Beginning with LPS 9.0, this is the equation used:
2 4
∆x = k 1 xr + k 2 xr
2 4
∆y = k 1 yr + k 2 yr
Starting with LPS 9.0, the r0 parameter has been removed since LPS
9.0 so that k1and k2 can be directly used in the camera editor or
elsewhere without additional computation.
Automated Gross LPS Project Manager provides two error or blunder checking models
which identify and remove errors from the photogrammetric network
Error Checking
of observations. The input observations including the measured
image/photo coordinates are analyzed to determine the erroneous
input data contributing to the overall instability of output aerial
triangulation results.
LPS Project Manager provides two blunder checking models:
Understanding the Aerial Once the aerial triangulation has been performed, a summary dialog
Triangulation Report and report are provided listing all of the aerial triangulation results.
The information contained within the summary and the report can be
used to determine the quality of the overall solution.
The aerial triangulation summary displays the following information:
Update Results The Update option updates the exterior orientation parameters
computed by LPS Project Manager. If the exterior orientation
parameters were not known and triangulation was performed, the
Update option updates all of the exterior orientation parameters and
uses these values as initial approximations when a new aerial
triangulation solution is solved.
The Update button should only be selected if the existing exterior
orientation parameters are not satisfactory for use as initial
approximations for performing aerial triangulation. The quality of the
initial approximations for exterior orientation assists in providing
better overall results for aerial triangulation.
Once Update has been selected, the corresponding exterior
orientation parameters are used as the initial approximations for
aerial triangulation. Selecting Update overwrites all of the existing
exterior orientation values.
Accept Results Block triangulation results should be accepted once the results
associated with aerial triangulation have been accurately estimated.
Once the Accept button has been selected, the computed exterior
orientation parameters are used for orthorectification. Additionally,
the X, Y, and Z ground coordinates associated with the tie points and
GCPs are accepted and used.
Aerial The aerial triangulation report lists all of the input and output data
used during the aerial triangulation process. The report can be
divided into several categories including:
• triangulation report unit definition
• SCBA results
Triangulation Report Unit The units for the image coordinates, exterior orientation rotation
Definition angles, and GCPs are defined. The positional elements of exterior
orientation use the same units as the GCPs. Image coordinate
residuals are displayed in the units similar to input image
coordinates. GCPs, tie points, and check points are displayed in
ground units. The units listed are applicable to output with no specific
unit specification.
Image Coordinates and The image coordinates representing the image positions of GCPs,
Interior Orientation check points, and tie points are displayed for each image in the
Results block. The Image ID as specified in the LPS Project Manager
CellArray is used to represent the individual images.
image ID = 90
Point ID x y
A0 A1 A2 B0 B1 B2
image ID = 91
Point ID x y
• AP
Point Image Vx Vy
SCBA Results
If SCBA is performed, the focal length and principal point values are
estimated. The output appears as follows:
Point ID rX rY rZ
aX aY aZ
mX mY mZ
The aX, aY, and aZ values reflect the average residual values for the
X, Y, and Z control point coordinates, respectively. The mX, mY, and
mZ values reflect the root mean square residual values for the X, Y,
and Z control point coordinates, respectively.
Point ID rX rY rZ
aX aY aZ
mX mY mZ
The aX, aY, and aZ values reflect the average residual values for the
X, Y, and Z check point coordinates, respectively. The mX, mY, and
mZ values reflect the root mean square residual values for the X, Y,
and Z check point coordinates, respectively.
NOTE: If the Update or Accept buttons have been selected, the tie
point coordinates are populated within the Point Measurement tool.
Point ID X Y Z Overlap
Point ID mX mY mZ mP Overlap
The amX, amY, and amZ values represent the average accuracy
estimates for the X, Y, and Z control, check, and tie point
The Overlap column specifies the number of images on which the
point has been measured.
Point Image Vx Vy
Point Image Vx Vy
Point Image Vx Vy
Point Image Vx Vy
Point Image Vx Vy
Point Image Vx Vy
Point Image Vx Vy
Optimizing the Aerial The output results of aerial triangulation can be improved in the
Triangulation Results following manner:
Graphically Analyzing By selecting either the Project Graphic Status option within the
Aerial Triangulation Process menu, a graphical representation of the information
Results pertaining to the block displays. An example of this is presented in
Figure 126.
Using LPS for LPS is a digital photogrammetric system. It is not camera calibration
software although it can be used in an indirect way for camera
calibration. In our triangulation module for frame camera, we have
Calibration five groups of additional parameters for compensating systematic
errors. One group consists of two lens distortion parameters. It can
compensate the lens systematic errors greatly. But, normally, it will
not be able to give the identical parameters as from the calibration
report because of different number of parameters, different accuracy
levels, etc.
For example, there are different ways to compute lens distortion
parameters from the measured distortion values. The common and
simple way is to compute the radial lens distortion parameters k0,
k1, and k2 using the following equation as used in LPS:
2 2 4 4 6 6
∆x = k 1 x ( r – r 0 ) + k 2 x ( r – r 0 ) + k 3 x ( r – r 0 )
2 2 4 4 6 6
∆y = k 1 y ( r – r 0 ) + k 2 y ( r – r 0 ) + k 3 y ( r – r 0 )
Where r0 is a constant and normally equal to half the length of
maximum radial distance.
Therefore, depending upon which equation is used, different
coefficients will be obtained.
Calibration Certificate When using LPS to process images for photogrammetric purposes,
the analyst usually has a camera calibration certificate from the
manufacturer. Normally a calibration report includes the calibrated
values of focal length and principal point.
Some reports also include lens distortion values. The distortion
values are normally represented as corresponding to different field
angles or radial distance.
In the LPS camera editor, once you input the measured lens
distortion values from the calibration report, the software computes
the lens calibration parameters k0, k1, and k2. If you compute the
coefficients using the equation above as used in LPS, you can enter
the values for k0, k1, and k2 directly instead of entering the distortion
2 4
∆x = k 1 xr + k 2 xr
2 4
∆y = k 1 yr + k 2 yr
No Calibration Certificate Without precise laboratory calibration of the lens, many very
accurate ground control points must be used to compute the
coefficients k1 and k2 accurately. The accuracy for your ground
controls should be better than 0.2 pixels when scaled to image
space. For example, suppose your standard deviation of ground X,
Y, and Z is 5 cm, your image scale is 1: 1000, your pixel size is 20
µm, then your ground X, Y, and Z accuracy in the image space is
about 5 * 10 * 1000 / 1000 / 20 = 2.5 pixels. This is unacceptable.
To be used for camera calibration, the standard deviation of your
ground X, Y, and Z in this example must be 5 mm or less.
Also you must ensure that there are no blunders in the coordinates
of your image points or ground control points and that your image
points accuracy is as high as 0.2 pixels. If you have not adjusted the
focus of the camera during your flight for multiple images, you can
define one camera and solve for k1and k2 using multiple images. But
if you have changed focus during the flight (i.e. the interior
orientation is changed) you must compute k1and k2 for each image
separately. For computation of k1and k2 for lens distortion purposes,
the more accurate the GCPs, the better. As a rule of thumb, you
should use at least 50 points of ground control.
The parameters k1 and k2 computed through self-calibration in
triangulation are not automatically fed back into the camera
definition. That is, they do not go back into the camera editor
database, which is wholly separate from the triangulation process.
Locating k1 and k2 in the The values for k1 and k2 are found in the section of the Triangulation
ADJUSTMENT“. From the example below, k1 is -1.4536E-008 and k2
is 2.1057E-013.
Also, from this section the values for xmax (Mx) and ymax (My) are
gathered for the computation of r0, if necessary, as shown in the
equation below.
Using Lens Distortion There are two cases in which you may use the lens distortion
Parameters parameters obtained from the Triangulation Report.
If your camera calibration certificate does not provide lens distortion
parameters or if you do not have a camera calibration certificate, you
can use the default values of zero and run triangulation.
Once you get the accurate k1and k2 from the triangulation report for
your camera, simply input these values into the corresponding fields
of the camera editor interface and input zero for k0.
You can use these two parameters for all images from the same
camera used in the similar situation (i.e. same focal length, similar
temperature and humility, etc.) in LPS and even in third-party
software where you can input lens distortion parameters.
If you wish to improve the lens distortion parameters from your
camera calibration certificate, you can enter the values provided in
the certificate into the camera editor and run triangulation.
When you run triangulation you get another set of k1and k2 which
we will call k’1 and k’2. Now add k1 and k’1 to obtain a new k”1; add
k2 and k’2 to obtain a new k”2. Input these derived k”1 and k”2 into
the corresponding fields of the camera editor interface retaining the
original k0 from the camera calibration certificate.
If your camera focal length and principal point are not accurate, you
can calibrate them in triangulation when you have enough accurate
GCPs. After you get the values of focal length and principal point, you
can input them in the camera editor and use them in other projects,
You can test if LPS handles this lens distortion issue correctly by
putting back k1 and k2 into the camera editor then run triangulation
again without selecting additional parameters and keeping all the
other options the same as you did in a previous self-calibration
triangulation. You should get the same triangulation results (same
exterior orientation, same ground X, Y, and Z, and same residuals
up to computation accuracy). The non-calibration report scenario
has been tested with LPS 9.0, and found to yield the same
triangulation results.
There is a small discrepancy encountered by putting back k1and k2
from the triangulation report when using LPS 8.7.2 because of a non-
zero r0 used internally in the self-calibration parameters. In this
case, you have to manually compute a k0 from the k1and k2 with
non-zero r0. The following equation is used.
In the SPOT model, only full GCPs or GCPs that are measured on
two or more images are used in triangulation. Horizontal and
vertical GCPs are not used in triangulation.
Assigning Statistical To optimize the quality of the triangulation solution, GCPs can be
Weights to GCPs assigned statistical weights defining the quality of the GCPs. The
standard deviations associated with GCPs can be assigned within the
Point tab of the Triangulation dialog, depicted in Figure 128.
Triangulation The triangulation report lists all of the input and output data used
during the triangulation process. The report can be divided into
several categories including:
• GCP residuals
Triangulation Report Unit The units for the image coordinates, exterior orientation rotation
Definition angles, and GCPs are defined. The positional elements of exterior
orientation use the same units as the GCPs. Image coordinate
residuals are displayed in the units similar to input image
Automated Error LPS Project Manager provides an error checking model that
Checking Model automatically identifies and removes erroneous image
measurements from the block. The error checking model can be
specified by selecting the Simple Gross Error Check Using options
within the Advanced Options tab of the Triangulation dialog. Once
the radio button has been selected, the times of unit multiplier can
be specified. This value is multiplied by the standard deviation of unit
weight. If an image coordinate residual value is larger than the
multiplied value, the image point is excluded from the triangulation.
The results of the gross error checking model are displayed as
Iterative Triangulation The results for each iteration of processing are provided once the
Results triangulation has been performed. A global indicator of quality is
computed for each iteration of processing. This is referred to as the
standard error (also known as the standard deviation of image unit
weight). This value is computed based on the image coordinate
residuals for that particular iteration of processing. The units for the
standard error are defined within the General tab of the
Triangulation dialog.
After each iteration of processing, LPS Project Manager estimates the
position and orientation parameters of the satellite sensor and X, Y,
and Z tie point coordinates. The newly estimated parameters are
then used along with the GCP and tie point coordinates to compute
new x and y image coordinate values. The newly computed image
coordinate values are then subtracted from the original image
coordinate values. The differences are referred to as the x and y
image coordinate residuals.
If the position and orientation information associated with a satellite
is incorrect, then the newly computed image coordinate values are
also incorrect. Incorrect estimates for the unknown parameters may
be attributed to erroneous GCPs, not enough GCPs, data entry
blunders, or mismeasured image positions of GCPs or tie points. Any
error in the input observations is reflected in the image coordinate
The computed standard error for each iteration accumulates the
effect of each image coordinate residual to provide a global indicator
of quality. The lower the standard error, the better the solution.
LPS Project Manager performs the first portion of the triangulation
using the weighted iterative approach. In this scenario, the normal
statistical weights associated with the exterior orientation
coefficients are used. The solution continues until the corrections to
the unknown parameters are less than the specified convergence
value, or the specified number of normal iterations has been
reached. The convergence value is specified within the General tab
of the Triangulation dialog. The results of the normal-weighted
iterative solution may appear as follows:
1 0.973941 4.1854 2 21
2 0.951367 4.0954 2 21
3 0.929783 4.0077 2 21
4 0.909040 3.9213 2 21
4 0.200501 0.7890 1 11
Exterior Orientation Once the triangulation solution has converged, the resulting
Results coefficients associated with the exterior orientation parameters are
displayed along with their corresponding precision estimates. The
results are displayed for each image as follows:
image id 1:
1.39654734e- 7.20947218e-
003 007
1.64134729e- 7.29915374e-
003 007
8.63131836e- 3.89509598e-
005 008
GCP Results Once the triangulation solution has converged, ground point values
for GCPs, tie points, and check points are computed. If you select the
option Compute Accuracy for Unknowns in the Triangulation dialog,
then the point values display with their corresponding accuracy. The
results appear as follows:
Image Coordinate Once the triangulation is complete, image coordinate residuals are
Information computed. The residuals are computed based on the estimated
exterior orientation parameters, GCP, check point, and tie point
coordinates, and their respective image measurements. During the
iterative least squares adjustment, the results from the previous
iteration are compared to results of the most recent iteration. During
this comparison, image coordinate residuals reflecting the extent of
change between the original image coordinates and the new values
are computed. The values of the new image coordinates are
dependent on the estimated or adjusted parameters of the
triangulation. Therefore, errors in the estimated parameters are
reflected in the image coordinate residuals.
LPS Project Manager computes the image coordinate residuals for
each image measurement in the block. The results appear as
Control points
Tie points
• point residuals
• image accuracy
Adjustment Report Unit The units for the image coordinates, ground units, and Z units are
Definition defined.
Calculated Point All of the points in the block file are listed with their type (GCP,
Coordinates control, tie, check), point ID, and ground x, y, and z coordinates.
Point Residuals The control point residuals reflect the difference between the original
control point coordinates and the newly estimated control point
gcp 2 - 0.00010101 -
0.00010593 3.90744640
Image Accuracy LPS Project Manager computes the image coordinate residuals for
each image measurement in the block. The results appear as
Image accuracy for control and check points for each scene:
image id 1:
y: 2.1054
total: 4.2007
image id 2:
y: 2.2938
total: 4.5293
Summary RMSE RMSE is reported on a point type basis in both the ground and image
space coordinate system.
Control Check
Ortho Resampling The final step in the LPS Project Manager workflow is
General Tab The following parameters can be defined and used for the
orthorectification of each image in a block:
• A DTM Source can be specified and used for each image during
orthorectification. It is highly recommended that the area
coverage in the input DTM corresponds to the coverage provided
by the images in a block. The DTM source could be one of the
following: DEM, TIN, 3D Shape, ASCII, or a Constant value.
• Upper left and lower right corners of the output orthoimage can
be set using ULX, ULY, LRX, and LRY.
Adding Images By default, the image in the LPS Project Manager that is currently the
reference image, indicated by the > symbol in the CellArray, is
loaded into the CellArray first. You then have the option of adding a
single or multiple images to be processed.
Here, you use a combination of the dropdown list and the File
Selector to give your output orthoimage a name. Using the Use
Current Cell Sizes option ensures that this orthoimage has the
same cell size as the one already listed in the CellArray.
If you need to add multiple images, choose the Add Multiple
button. You are prompted by the dialog shown in Figure 133.
You can use the CellArray to rapidly scan the settings applied to each
of your output orthoimages. To change any singular image’s
parameters, click in the > column to select the image, then make
changes in the appropriate tab of the Ortho Resampling dialog.
Advanced Tab The Advanced tab, shown in Figure 134, has options for
Resampling Method, Ignore Value, Overlap Threshold, and
• Overlap Threshold. Any image that has less than the threshold
percentage of overlap with the DTM is not orthorectified. Images
with greater than the threshold percentage of overlap with the
DTM result in orthorectified output for the intersection (overlap)
areas only. By default, the value is 30%, but the threshold can
be set as low as 0.5%.
Introduction When you are working with a block file that contains many images
you wish to use in the generation of DTMs, you can use the ERDAS
IMAGINE Batch Wizard to automate the process. The following
sections give you steps to follow in using Batch to create multiple
The DTM Extraction dialog in LPS Automatic Terrain Extraction has a
Batch button. This button is used to place the command in the Batch
queue instead of actually performing the operation. Off-line
processing allows unattended operation, enabling you to log off if
you wish.
Set Up/Start the Before you can use the Batch Wizard to schedule jobs to run later,
you must set up and run the Scheduler. This requirement means that
the account that starts the Scheduler must remain logged-in for the
scheduled job to run.
You must log in as an administrator or as a person with administrator
privileges to set up and start the Scheduler. Once started, the
Scheduler is available for use by any other person with
administrative privileges.
3. Select Services.
The Services dialog opens.
8. Click the This Account radio button. Enter your account name and
password, confirm your password, click Apply, and then click OK.
NOTE: The ability to run a Batch process at a later time is built using
the Windows Scheduler, which is part of the at command. Refer to
the Windows help to learn more about the use of the at command.
If this option is not checked, then when the Batch process is run by
the Scheduler, it is not able to find the drive. This is one of the
reasons to make sure that the Scheduler service runs using your
account name. This ensures that remembered network drivemaps
are reestablished when the Batch process runs.
1. Once you have set all of your parameters in the DTM Extraction and
DTM Extraction Properties dialogs, click the Batch button.
The Batch Wizard opens.
6. Click in the Enter Username field and type your user name.
If you decide that you want to alter parameters of the job (for
example, time) listed in the Job Name field, you can do so by
selecting the job, then clicking the Modify button at the bottom of
the Scheduled Batch Job List dialog. Similarly, if you want to delete
a job, select the job, then click the Delete button at the bottom of
the dialog.
If you wish to add other jobs to the scheduler, set the parameters
you desire, then follow the same series of steps. The job is added to
the Scheduled Batch Job List dialog.
Works Cited
Ackermann 1983
Li, D. Ein Verfahren zur Aufdeckung grober Fehler mit Hilfe der a
posteriori-Varianzschätzung. Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen
5, 1983.
Li 1985
Abbreviations and
L Lat/Lon. latitude/longitude.
LRX. lower right X.
LRY. lower right Y.
File Types *.aoi. An Area of Interest file. Used to hold a point, line, or polygon
that is selected as a training sample or as the image area to be used
in an operation.
*.blk. A block file. A block file can contain only one image. A block
file that contains two or more images with approximately 60%
overlap can be viewed in stereo in other applications such as Stereo
*.cam. An ASCII file with a fixed structure. Provides camera
information such as focal length and principal point.
*.dat. An ASCII file. In LPS Project Manager, exterior orientation
parameters are often contained in a .dat file. Typically, this data
comes from the airborne GPS or INS used during image capture.
See also Airborne GPS
Inertial Navigation System
*.img. An ERDAS IMAGINE image file. Data in the .img format are
tiled data, which can be set to any size. A file containing raster image
data. An .img file contains data such as sensor information, layer
information, statistics, projection, pyramid layers, attribute data,
*.shp. An ESRI shape file. Shape files are in vector format, and can
store attribute data.
*.txt. An ASCII text file. Frequently used as an input GCP reference
source for 2- and
3-dimensional control point and check point coordinates.
Flight Line 3
Flight Line 2
Flight Line 1
Flight path
of airplane
m 11 m 12 m 13
M = m 21 m 22 m 23
m 31 m 32 m 33
Search size. The window size (in pixels) to search for corresponding
points in two images during correlation.
Search windows. Candidate windows on the second image of an
image pair that are evaluated relative to the reference window in the
first image.
U Upper left X (ULX). The X map or file coordinate of the upper left
pixel in the file.
Upper left Y (ULY). The Y map or file coordinate of the upper left
pixel in the file.
Weight function 334
X coordinates
update automatically 99, 186
X matrix 44
X pixel size 147
X Reference coordinates 95, 98, 100, 102,
104, 106, 108
Y coordinates
update automatically 99, 186
Y pixel size 147
Y Reference coordinates 95, 98, 100, 102,
104, 106, 108
Z value
automatic update 198
source 197
updating 198
Zoom In icon 125, 164, 218