1) The wife's criminal liability for slander is not chargeable to the conjugal partnership. Unlike absolute community, liabilities incurred due to a crime or wrongdoing by one spouse is not chargeable to the conjugal partnership in the absence of exclusive property of the debtor spouse.
2) The husband may properly file a third party claim since the wife's criminal liability is not chargeable to the conjugal property but to her separate property. In determining if the husband is a stranger to the suit, the character of the property must be taken into account.
3) The Supreme Court dismissed the petition and affirmed the decision of the Court of Appeals. Costs were awarded against the petitioners.
1) The wife's criminal liability for slander is not chargeable to the conjugal partnership. Unlike absolute community, liabilities incurred due to a crime or wrongdoing by one spouse is not chargeable to the conjugal partnership in the absence of exclusive property of the debtor spouse.
2) The husband may properly file a third party claim since the wife's criminal liability is not chargeable to the conjugal property but to her separate property. In determining if the husband is a stranger to the suit, the character of the property must be taken into account.
3) The Supreme Court dismissed the petition and affirmed the decision of the Court of Appeals. Costs were awarded against the petitioners.
Original Description:
A digest of the case Spouses Buado vs Court of Appeals
1) The wife's criminal liability for slander is not chargeable to the conjugal partnership. Unlike absolute community, liabilities incurred due to a crime or wrongdoing by one spouse is not chargeable to the conjugal partnership in the absence of exclusive property of the debtor spouse.
2) The husband may properly file a third party claim since the wife's criminal liability is not chargeable to the conjugal property but to her separate property. In determining if the husband is a stranger to the suit, the character of the property must be taken into account.
3) The Supreme Court dismissed the petition and affirmed the decision of the Court of Appeals. Costs were awarded against the petitioners.
1) The wife's criminal liability for slander is not chargeable to the conjugal partnership. Unlike absolute community, liabilities incurred due to a crime or wrongdoing by one spouse is not chargeable to the conjugal partnership in the absence of exclusive property of the debtor spouse.
2) The husband may properly file a third party claim since the wife's criminal liability is not chargeable to the conjugal property but to her separate property. In determining if the husband is a stranger to the suit, the character of the property must be taken into account.
3) The Supreme Court dismissed the petition and affirmed the decision of the Court of Appeals. Costs were awarded against the petitioners.
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Spouses Buado vs Court of Appeals and Nicol
GR No. 143286, April 14, 24
!AC"S# $n 3 April 1%84, Spouses Ro&erto and 'enus Buado (petitioners) filed a co*plaint for da*a+es a+ainst ,rlinda Nicol (,rlinda) -it. Branc. 1% of t.e Re+ional "rial Court (R"C) of Bacoor, Cavite &ased on civil lia&ilit/ arisin+ fro* t.e cri*inal offense of slander filed a+ainst .er &/ petitioners. ".e trial court rendered a decision orderin+ ,rlinda to pa/ da*a+es particularl/ t.irt/ t.ousand (03,.) pesos as *oral da*a+es, five t.ousand (01,.) pesos as attorne/2s fees and liti+ation e3penses, anot.er five t.ousand (01,.) pesos as e3e*plar/ da*a+es and t.e cost of suit. Said decision -as affir*ed on appeal &/ t.e CA and it &eca*e final and e3ecutor/. $n 14 $cto&er 1%%2, t.e trial court issued a -rit of e3ecution co**andin+ t.at of t.e +oods and c.attels of t.e defendant ,rlinda Nicol, or fro* .er estates or le+al .eirs to satisf/ 4ud+*ent. But t.e properties of Nicol -as not enou+. to satisf/ 4ud+*ent and as suc. t.e 5eput/ S.eriff issued a notice of lev/ on real propert/ on e3ecution addressed to t.e Re+ister of 5eeds of Cavite. But t-o da/s &efore t.e pu&lic auction sale -.ic. -as to &e .eld on 6anuar/ 2%, 1%%3, an affidavit of t.ird7part/ clai* of Arnulfo !. !ulo -as received &/ t.e deput/ s.eriff. ".e petitioners put up a s.eriff2s inde*nit/ &ond and t.e sale proceeded -it. t.e petitioners as t.e .i+.est &idder. $n !e&ruar/ 4, 1%%3, a certificate of sale -as issued in favor of t.e petitioners. Al*ost one /ear later, on !e&ruar/ 2 1%%4 Respondent Ro*ulo Nicol, t.e .us&and of ,rlinda Nicol filed a co*plaint for annul*ent of t.e certificate of sale and da*a+es -it. preli*inar/ in4unction a+ains t.e petitioners and t.e deput/ s.eriff Respondent, -.o is plaintiff .erein, alle+ed t.at t.e defendants, no- petitioners, connived and directl/ levied upon and e3ecute .is real propert/ -it.out e3.austin+ t.e personal properties of ,rlinda Nicol. Respondent averred t.at t.ere -as no proper pu&lication and postin+ of t.e notice of sale. !urt.er*ore, respondent clai*ed t.at .is propert/ -.ic. -as valued at 01,. -as onl/ sold at a 8ver/ lo- price8 of 011,681., -.ereas t.e 4ud+*ent o&li+ation of ,rlinda Nicol -as onl/ 04,. 9SS:,S# ;$N t.e -ife<s cri*inal lia&ilit/ is c.ar+ea&le to t.e con4u+al partners.ip ;$N t.e .us&and of t.e 4ud+*ent de&tor *a/ file an independent action to protect t.e con4u+al propert/ su&4ect to e3ecution. =,>5# $n t.e first issue# N$, t.e -ife<s cri*inal lia&ilit/ is c.ar+ea&le to t.e con4u+al partners.ip. :nli?e in t.e s/ste* of a&solute co**unit/ -.ere lia&ilities incurred &/ eit.er spouse &/ reason of a cri*e or @uasi7delict is c.ar+ea&le to t.e a&solute co**unit/ of propert/, in t.e a&sence or insufficienc/ of t.e e3clusive propert/ of t.e de&tor7spouse, t.e sa*e advanta+e is not accorded in t.e s/ste* of con4u+al partners.ip of +ains. 9t cannot &e concluded t.at t.e civil o&li+ation arisin+ fro* t.e cri*e of slander co**itted &/ ,rlinda redounded to t.e &enefit of t.e con4u+al partners.ip. Con4u+al propert/ cannot &e .eld lia&le for t.e personal o&li+ation contracted &/ one spouse, unless so*e advanta+e or &enefit is s.o-n to .ave accrued to t.e con4u+al partners.ip $n t.e second issue# A,S, t.e .us&and *a/ properl/ file a t.ird part/ clai* in t.e case at &ar since t.e -ife2s cri*inal lia&ilit/ is not c.ar+ea&le to t.e con4u+al propert/ &ut on .er separate propert/. 9n deter*inin+ -.et.er t.e .us&and is a stran+er to t.e suit, t.e c.aracter of t.e propert/ *ust &e ta?en into account. 9n Bariano v. Court of Appeals,11 -.ic. -as later adopted in Spouses C.in+ v. Court of Appeals,12 t.is Court .eld t.at t.e .us&and of t.e 4ud+*ent de&tor cannot &e dee*ed a 8stran+er8 to t.e case prosecuted and ad4ud+ed a+ainst .is -ife for an o&li+ation t.at .as redounded to t.e &enefit of t.e con4u+al partners.ip. ;=,R,!$R,, t.e petition is 59SB9SS,5. ".e 5ecision of t.e Court of Appeals is A!!9RB,5. Costs a+ainst petitioners.
The Self-Help Guide to the Law: Contracts, Landlord-Tenant Relations, Marriage, Divorce, Personal Injury, Negligence, Constitutional Rights and Criminal Law for Non-Law: Guide for Non-Lawyers, #3