Mader 2011 Ch01
Mader 2011 Ch01
Mader 2011 Ch01
Science Helps Us Understand the Natural World
1.1 Scientists use a preferred method 4
1.2 Control groups allow scientists to compare
experimental results 6
Organisms Are Composed of Cells
1.3 Cells are the fundamental unit of living things 9
Genes Control the Traits of Organisms
1.4 Organisms have a genetic inheritance 10
Organisms Are Homeostatic
1.5 Organisms regulate their internal environment 11
Organisms Live in Ecosystems
1.6 The biosphere is divided into ecosystems 12
Organisms Are Related and Adapted to Their
1.7 The ancestry of species can be determined 13
1.8 Evolutionary relationships help biologists group
organisms 14
1.9 Evolution through natural selection results in
adaptation to the environment 16
1.10 Evolution from a common ancestor accounts for
the characteristics of life 18
Organic Farming 6
Evolutions Many Applications 17
Biology, the
Study of Life
Fire Ants Have a Good Defense
ire ants have a red to reddish-brown color, but even so, they
most likely take their name from the ability to STING. Their
stinger protrudes from the rear, but in a split second, they can
grab a persons skin with their mandibles and position the
stinger between their legs to sting from the front. The stinger
injects a toxin into the tiny wound, and the result is a burning
sensation. The next day, the person has a white
pustule at the site of the sting. The success of
this defense mechanism is clear because
most animals, including humans, try to
stay away from bees, wasps, and ants
and any other animal that can sting.
Living usually in an open, grassy
area, re ants sting in order to defend
their home, which is a mound of soil
that they have removed from subterra-
nean tunnels. They use the tunnels to
safely travel far aeld when searching for
food, which they bring back to their nest mates.
The queen and many worker ants live in chambers within
the mound or slightly below it. The queen is much larger
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Pustules caused by fire ants.
A fire ant colony (Solenopsis invicta).
than the other members of the colony, and she has only one
purpose: to produce many thousands of small, white eggs.
The eggs develop into cream-colored, grublike larvae, which
are lavishly tended by worker ants to keep them clean and
well fed. When the larvae become encased by a hard cover-
ing, they are pupae. Inside a pupa, an amazing transforma-
tion takes place, and eventually an adult ant breaks out.
Most of these adults are worker ants, but in the spring, a few
are winged sexuals, which are male and female ants with
the ability to reproduce. The sexuals remain inside the col-
ony with nothing to do until the weather is cooperative
enough for them to y skyward to mate. A few of the fertil-
ized females manage to survive the perils of an outside exis-
tence long enough to start another colony.
All of the ants in a colony have the same mother, namely
the queen ant who produces the eggs. The workers are sterile,
closely related sister ants. Because of their genetic relation-
ship, we can view the members of a colony as a superorgan-
ism. The queen serves as the reproductive system, while the
workers serve as the digestive and urinary systems, as well as
all the other systems that keep the superorganism functioning.
What fosters cooperation between the members of thesuper-
organism? The answer is chemicals, pheromones secreted
externally that inuence the behavior and
even the development of the ants. Fire ants,
like other ants, produce several different
pheromones that send messages when
released into the air. The message could be
food is available or be alert for possible
danger. The queen even releases pheromones that cause
workers to attend her.
Why does it work, in a biological sense, for these sisters
to spend their lives slavishly working away, raising more
sterile sisters and defending the colony with little regard
fortheir own safety? It works because the few sexual females
that survive their temporary existence on the outside pass
the colonys joint genes on to future generations in new and
different places. Any social system that allows an organism
to pass on its genes is a successful one from an evolutionary
point of view.
In this chapter, we will rst learn how the scientic under-
standing of life progresses by making observations and doing
experiments. Then we will examine the ve scientic theories
around which this book is organized. The theory of evolution
is examined in particular detail because it is the unifying the-
ory of biology.
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Biochemist in a laboratory Ecologist examining an artificial reef Scientist in an agricultural field
Science Helps Us Understand the Natural World
Learning Outcomes
Divide the scientic method into four steps and discuss each one. (1.1)
Describe an experimental design that contains a control group. (1.2)
Biology is the scientic study of life, and therefore it is appropriate for us to rst consider what we mean by science. Science is a way of
making sense of the natural world around us. Religion, aesthetics, and ethics are all ways that human beings can nd order in the natural
world. Science, unlike these other ways of knowing is testable. It also leads to improved technology and is responsible for the modern ways
in which we travel, communicate, farm, build our houses, and even how we conduct science.
Despite the wide diversity of scientists and what they study
(Fig. 1.1A), the usual four steps of the scientic method are:
(1)making observations, (2) formulating a hypothesis, (3) per-
forming experiments and making observations, and (4) coming
to a conclusion (Fig. 1.1B).
Making Observations The scientic method begins with
observation. We can observe with our noses that dinner is
almost ready, observe with our ngertips that a surface is
smooth and cold, and observe with our ears that a piano needs
tuning. Scientists also extend the ability of their senses by
using instruments; for example, the microscope enables them
to see objects they could never see with the naked eye. Finally,
scientists may expand their understanding even further by tak-
ing advantage of the knowledge and experiences of other sci-
entists. For instance, they may look up past studies on the
Internet or at the library, or they may write or speak to others
who are researching similar topics.
Formulating a Hypothesis After making observations and
gathering knowledge about a phenomenon, a scientist uses
inductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning occurs whenever a
person uses creative thinking to combine isolated facts into a
cohesive whole. Chance alone can help a scientist arrive at an
idea. The most famous case pertains to the antibiotic penicillin,
which was discovered in 1928. While examining a petri dish of
bacteria that had accidentally become contaminated with the
mold Penicillium, Alexander Fleming observed an area around
the mold that was free of bacteria. Fleming had long been inter-
ested in nding cures for human diseases caused by bacteria,
and was very knowledgeable about antibacterial substances. So
when he saw the dramatic effect of Penicillium mold on bacteria,
he reasoned that the mold might be producing an antibacterial
substance. We call such a possible explanation for a natural
event a hypothesis. A hypothesis is based on existing knowl-
edge, so it is much more informed than a mere guess. Flemings
hypothesis was supported by further observations. Sometimes a
hypothesis is not supported, and must be either modied and
subjected to additional study, or rejected.
All of a scientists past experiences, no matter what they
might be, may inuence the formation of a hypothesis. But a
scientist only considers hypotheses that can be tested by experi-
ments or further observations. Moral and religious beliefs, while
very important to our lives, differ between cultures and through
time, and are not always testable.
FIGURE 1.1A Biologists work in a variety of settings.
1.1 Scientists use a preferred method
4 CHAPTER 1 Biology, the Study of Life
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New observations
are made, and previous
data are studied.
Input from various sources
is used to formulate a
testable statement.
The results are analyzed,
and the hypothesis is
supported or rejected.
Scientific Theory
Many experiments and
observations support a
The hypothesis is
tested by experiment
or further observations.
Performing Experiments and Making Observations
Scientists often perform an experiment, a series of procedures
to test a hypothesis. The manner in which a scientist intends to
conduct an experiment is called its design. A good experimental
design ensures that scientists are testing what they want to test
and that their results will be meaningful. When an experiment
is done in a laboratory, all conditions can be kept constant except
for an experimental variable, which is deliberately changed.
One or more test groups are exposed to the experimental vari-
able, but one other group, called the control group, is not. If, by
chance, the control group shows the same results as the test
group, the experimenter knows the results are invalid.
Scientists often use a model, a representation of an actual
object. For example, modeling occurs when scientists use soft-
ware to decide how human activities will affect climate, or when
they use mice instead of humans for, say, testing a new drug.
Ideally, a medicine that is effective in mice should still be tested
in humans. And whenever it is impossible to study the actual
phenomenon, a model remains a hypothesis in need of testing.
Someday, a scientist might devise a way to test it.
The results of an experiment or further observations are
referred to as the data. Mathematical data are often displayed in
the form of a graph or table. Sometimes studies rely on statistical
data. Lets say an investigator wants to know if eating onions
can prevent women from getting osteoporosis (weak bones).
The scientist conducts a survey asking women about their onion-
eating habits and then correlates these data with the condition
of their bones. Other scientists critiquing this study would want
to know: How many women were surveyed? How old were the
women? What were their exercise habits? What criteria were
used to determine the condition of their bones? And what is the
probability that the data are in error? Even if the data do suggest
a correlation, scientists would want to know if there is a specic
ingredient in onions that has a direct biochemical or physiologi-
cal effect on bones. After all, correlation does not necessarily
mean causation. It could be that women who eat onions eat lots
of vegetables, and have healthier diets overall than women who
do not eat onions. In this way scientists are skeptics who always
pressure one another to keep investigating.
Coming to a Conclusion Scientists must analyze the data in
order to reach a conclusion about whether a hypothesis is sup-
ported or not. The data can support a hypothesis, but they do
not prove it true because a conclusion is always subject to
revision. On the other hand, it is possible to prove a hypothesis
false. Because science progresses, the conclusion of one experi-
ment can lead to the hypothesis for another experiment as rep-
resented by the return arrow in Figure 1.1B. In other words,
results that do not support one hypothesis can often help a sci-
entist formulate another hypothesis to be tested. Scientists report
their ndings in scientic journals so that their methodology and
data are available to other scientists. Experiments and observa-
tions must be repeatablethat is, the reporting scientist and any
scientist who repeats the experiment must get the same results,
or else the data are suspect.
Scientic Theory The ultimate goal of science is to under-
stand the natural world in terms of scientic theories, which
are accepted explanations (concepts) for how the world works.
The results of innumerable observations and experiments sup-
port a scientic theory. This text is organized around the fol-
lowing ve basic theories of biology:
Theory Concept
Cell All organisms are composed of cells, and new
cells only come from preexisting cells.
Gene All organisms contain coded information that
dictates their form, function, and behavior.
Evolution All organisms have a common ancestor, but
each is adapted to a particular way of life.
Homeostasis All organisms have an internal environment
that must stay relatively constant within a
range protective of life.
Ecosystem All organisms are members of populations that
interact with each other and with the physical
environment within a particular locale.
We will discuss these theories in detail later in the chapter,
but right now lets turn our attention to an example of a scientic
1.1 Check Your Progress You hypothesize that only the queen re
ant produces eggs. What type of data would allow you to come to a
conclusion? What data would prove it false?
FIGURE 1.1B Flow diagram for the scientic method.
CHAPTER 1 Biology, the Study of Life 5
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1A Organic Farming
Besides being health con-
scious, people who buy
organic may also be socially
conscious. Organic farming is
part of a movement to make
agriculture sustainable by
using farming methods that
protect the health of people
and ecosystems and preserve
the land so that it can be pro-
ductive for our generation and all future generations.
Modern agricultural methods have been dramatically suc-
cessful at increasing yield, but at what price? We now know that
modern farming practices lead to topsoil depletion and ground-
water contamination. Without topsoil, the nutrient-rich layer
that nourishes plants, agriculture is impossible, and yet modern
farming practices such as tilling the land and allowing it to lie
fallow (bare) allow topsoil to erode and disappear. One solution
is to use a legume as a ground cover because it both protects and
nourishes the soil (Fig. 1A). The researchers who did the study
described in Section 1.2 used pigeon peas as a way to enrich the
soil between winter wheat plantings.
Instead of growing legumes, farmers in recent years are
accustomed to making plants bountiful by applying more and
more synthetic nitrogen fertilizer. Unfortunately, nitrogen fertil-
izers pollute wells used for drinking water and also huge bodies
of water, such as the Chesapeake Bay, the Gulf of Mexico, and
the Great Lakes. Nitrates in the drinking water of infants leads
to the blue-baby syndrome and possible death due to lack of
oxygen in the blood. In adults, nitrates are implicated in causing
digestive tract cancers. Certainly they can cause an algal bloom,
recognized as a green scum on the waters surface.
In response to these problems, organic farmers severely limit
the use of nitrogen fertilizers and instead rely on crop rotation,
alternately planting a nitrogen-providing
legume and a nitrogen-requiring crop such
as wheat. Organic farmers also cut way
back on the use of herbicides and pesti-
cides, and this may be the primary reason
you and others buy organic. The long-term
consumption of these chemicals has been
associated with such health problems as
birth defects, nerve damage, and cancer.
Children may be especially sensitive to
health risks posed by pesticides; this is the
chief reason lawns sprayed with pesticides
carry warning signs. We should all be
aware that we too can contribute to an
organic lifestyle by limiting the use of synthetic chemicals on our
lawns and gardens. In doing so, we improve our health and help
preserve the environment for ourselves and future generations.
1. The United States exports its current farming technology,
with all its long-range problems, to other countries. Should
this be continued?
2. What circumstances might discourage a farmer from growing
food organically, and how might these obstacles be overcome?
Legume plants have
1.2 Control groups allow scientists to compare experimental results
Now that you are familiar with the common steps in the scien-
tic method, lets consider an actual study that utilizes these
steps. Because the use of synthetic nitrogen fertilizer is harmful
to the environment (as described in Organic Farming on this
page), researchers decided to study the yield of winter wheat
utilizing a winter wheat/pigeon pea rotation. The pigeon pea is
a legume, a plant that has root nodules where bacteria convert
atmospheric nitrogen to a form plants such as winter wheat can
use. The scientists formulated this hypothesis:
Hypothesis A winter wheat/pigeon pea rotation will
cause winter wheat production to increase as well as or
better than the application of synthetic nitrogen fertilizer.
This study had a good design because it included test groups and
a control group. Having a control group allows researchers to
compare the results of the test groups. All environmental condi-
tions for all groups is kept constant, but the test groups are
exposed to an experimental variable, the factor being tested. The
use of a control group also ensures that the data from the test
groups are due to the experimental variable and not to some
unknown outside inuence. Test groups should be as large as
possible to eliminate the inuence of undetected differences in
the test subjects.
The investigators decided to grow the winter wheat in pots and
to have three sets of pots:
Control Pots Winter wheat was planted in clay pots of
soil that received no fertilization treatmentthat is, no
nitrogen fertilizer and no preplanting of pigeon peas.
Test Pots I Winter wheat was grown in clay pots in soil
treated with synthetic nitrogen fertilizer.
Test Pots II Winter wheat was grown in clay pots follow-
ing pigeon pea plants grown in the summertime. The
pigeon pea plants were then turned over in the soil.
Results Figure 1.2 includes a color-coded bar graph that
allows you to see at a glance the comparative amount of wheat
obtained from each group of pots. After the rst year, winter
wheat yield was higher in test pots treated with nitrogen fertil-
izer than in the control pots. To the surprise of investigators, test
6 CHAPTER 1 Biology, the Study of Life
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year 1 year 2 year 3
= no treatment
Control Pots
Test Pots
= fertilization treatment
= pigeon pea/winter wheat rotation
Control pots and test pots
of the experiment
Test pots
fertilization treatment
Test pots
Pigeon pea/winter
wheat rotation
Control pots
no treatment
The results
FIGURE 1.2 Design and results of the pigeon pea/winter wheat
rotation study.
Bidlack, J. E., Rao, S. C., and Demezas, D. H. 2001. Nodulation, nitrogenase
activity, and dry weight of chickpea and pigeon pea cultivars using different
Bradyrhizobium strains. Journal of Plant Nutrition 24:54960.
pots preplanted with pigeon peas did not produce as high a yield
as the control pots.
Conclusion The hypothesis was not supported. Wheat
yield following the growth of pigeon peas was not as great
as that obtained with nitrogen fertilizer treatments.
Follow-Up Experiment and Results The researchers
decided to continue the experiment, using the same design and
the same pots as before, to see whether the buildup of residual
soil nitrogen from pigeon peas would eventually increase wheat
yield to a greater extent than the use of nitrogen fertilizer. This
was their new hypothesis:
Hypothesis A sustained pigeon pea/winter wheat rota-
tion will eventually cause an increase in winter wheat
They predicted that wheat yield following three years of pigeon
pea/winter wheat rotation would surpass wheat yield following
nitrogen fertilizer treatment.
Analysis of Results After two years, the yield from pots
treated with nitrogen fertilizer was less than it had been the rst
year. Indeed, wheat yield in pots following a summer planting of
pigeon peas was the highest of all the treatments. After three
years, wheat yield in pots treated with nitrogen fertilizer was
greater than in the control pots but not nearly as great as the
yield in pots following summer planting of pigeon peas. Com-
pared to the rst year, wheat yield increased almost fourfold in
pots having a pigeon pea/winter wheat rotation.
Conclusion The hypothesis was supported. At the end
of three years, the yield of winter wheat following a
pigeon pea/winter wheat rotation was much better than
for the other types of test pots.
To explain their results, the researchers suggested that the soil
was improved by the buildup of the organic matter in the pots
as well as by the addition of nitrogen from the pigeon peas.
They published their results in a scientic journal,
where their
experimental method and results would be available to the
scientic community.
1.2 Check Your Progress What would your control group and test
groups be composed of if you were testing whether a parasite could
reduce the size of a re ant colony?
CHAPTER 1 Biology, the Study of Life 7
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Regions of the Earths crust,
waters, and atmosphere inhabited
by living things
A community plus the physical environment
Interacting populations in a particular area
Organisms of the same species
in a particular area
An individual; complex individuals
contain organ systems
Organ System
Composed of several organs
working together
Composed of tissues functioning
together for a specific task
A group of cells with a common
structure and function
The structural and functional
unit of all living things
Union of two or more atoms
of the same or different elements
Smallest unit of an element composed of
electrons, protons, and neutrons
FIGURE 1.3A Levels of biological organization.
8 CHAPTER 1 Biology, the Study of Life
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a. b. c.
Organisms Are Composed of Cells
Learning Outcomes
Explain the unique place of cells in biological organization. (1.3)
Relate the reproduction of cells and organisms and also their need for materials and energy to the cell theory. (1.3)
From huge menacing sharks to miniscule exotic orchids, life is very diverse. Despite this diversity, biologists have concluded that life can be
understood in terms of the ve theories that are emphasized in this text. The rst theory we will discuss is the cell theory.
FIGURE 1.3B Only micrographs (pictures taken microscopically), such as the one in (c), can reveal that organisms are composed of cells.
1.3 Cells are the fundamental unit of living things
Figure 1.3A illustrates very well why we will rst discuss the
cell theory which says that cells are the fundamental unit of
living things. In a cell, atoms, the smallest portions of an ele-
ment, combine with themselves or other atoms to form mole-
cules. Although cells are composed of molecules, cells, and not
molecules, are alive. Some cells, such as unicellular paramecia,
live independently. Other cells, such as those of the alga Volvox,
cluster together in microscopic colonies. An elephant is a multi-
cellular organism in which similar cells combine to form a tissue;
one common tissue in animals is nerve tissue. Tissues make up
organs, as when various tissues combine to form the brain. Organs
work together in organ systems; for example, the brain works
with the spinal cord and a network of nerves to form the nervous
system. Organ systems are joined together to form a complete liv-
ing thing, or organism. Only a microscope can reveal that organ-
isms are composed of cells (Fig. 1.3B).
Later in this chapter, we will consider the higher levels of bio-
logical organization shown in Figure 1.3A.
Cells Come from Other Cells Cells come only from a previ-
ous cell, and organisms come only from other organisms. In
other words, cells and organisms reproduce. Every type of living
thing can reproduce, or make another organism like itself. Bac-
teria, protists, and other unicellular organisms simply split in
two. In most multicellular organisms, the reproductive process
is more complex. It begins with the pairing of a two cellsa
sperm from one partner and an egg from the other partner. The
union of sperm and egg, followed by many cell divisions, results
in an immature stage that grows and develops through various
stages to become an adult.
Cells Use Materials and Energy Cells and organisms can-
not maintain their organization or carry on lifes activities with-
out an outside source of nutrients and energy. Nutrients function
as building blocks or for energy. Energy is the capacity to do
work, and it takes work to maintain the organization of the cell
and the organism. When cells use nutrients to make their parts
and products, they carry out a sequence of chemical reactions.
Nerve cells and muscle cells also use energy as organisms move
about. The term metabolism encompasses all the chemical reac-
tions that occur in a cell.
The ultimate source of energy for nearly all life on Earth is
the sun. Plants and certain other organisms are able to capture
solar energy and carry on photosynthesis, a process that trans-
forms solar energy into the chemical energy of organic nutrients.
All life on Earth acquires energy by metabolizing nutrients made
by photosynthesizers. This applies even to plants.
1.3 Check Your Progress Explain (a) how life has order, (b) how it
reproduces, and (c) how it acquires energy.
CHAPTER 1 Biology, the Study of Life 9
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Snow goose
Genes Control the Traits of Organisms
Learning Outcomes
Relate the gene theory to the diversity of life. (1.4)
Describe several applications of the gene theory. (1.4)
The cell theory studied in Section 1.3 and the gene theory are intimately connected. Genes are housed in cells, and when cells divide, they
pass on genes to the next cell or organism. Genes code for proteins, and it is proteins that directly bring about the traits of organisms.
A nineteenth-century scientist named Gregor Mendel is
often called the father of genetics because he was the rst
to conclude, following experimentation with pea plants,
that units of heredity now called genes are passed from
parents to offspring. Later investigators, notably James
Watson and Francis Crick, discovered that genes are
composed of the molecule known as DNA (deoxyribo-
nucleic acid). The work of these and many other investi-
gators allows us to state the rst premise of the gene
theory: Genes are hereditary units composed of DNA. Our
increasing knowledge of DNA tells us that genes contain coded
information that controls the structure and function of cells and
organisms. The spiral staircase structure of DNA contains four
different types of molecules called nucleotides, each represented
by a different color (Fig. 1.4). DNA can mutate (undergo perma-
nent changes), and each type of organism, such as those depicted
in Figure 1.4, has its own particular sequence of these four nucleo-
tides. This is called coded information because a particular nucle-
otide sequence codes for a particular protein. Proteins are cellular
molecules that determine what the cell and the organism are like.
The second premise of the gene theory is: Genes control the struc-
ture and function of cells and organisms by coding for proteins.
The gene theory has been extremely fruitful, meaning that
it has led to much experimentation and many applications. Every
eld of biology and most aspects of our lives have changed
because of the ability to analyze and manipulate DNA. Here are
a few examples:
Basic Genetic Research
We can extract DNA and study metabolism at the molecular
level. Therefore, we will soon know how one cell type dif-
fers from another.
We can also sequence the nucleotides in DNA and study how the
metabolism of DNA is regulated. One day we will know how
this makes humans different from chimpanzees, for example.
Relationship of Species
DNA technology aids in discovering the history of life on Earth
that is, who is related to whom. For example, a recent com-
parative study concluded that early humans did not
interbreed with the archaic humans known as Neandertals.
Wildlife biologists use DNA sequence data to determine how
best to conserve various species.
Genetic testing can tell us what diseases we are prone to, and
doctors can use this information to prescribe drug therapy
or tell us how best to protect ourselves.
Drugs for diabetes, blood disorders, vaccines, and many other
diseases are now made by utilizing DNA technology.
1.4 Check Your Progress Explain how genetic inheritance is a
part of reproduction.
FIGURE 1.4 DNA dierences account for the variety of life
on Earth as exemplied by these examples.
1.4 Organisms have a genetic inheritance
10 CHAPTER 1 Biology, the Study of Life
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Organisms Are Homeostatic
Learning Outcomes
State and explain the concept of homeostasis. (1.5)
Describe how an organisms ability to respond to stimuli relates to homeostasis. (1.5)
To survive, cells and organisms must maintain a state of biological balance, or homeostasis. For example, temperature, moisture level,
acidity, and other physiological factors must remain within the tolerance range of cells.
The theory of homeostasis tells us that cells and organisms have
an internal environment and that cells regulate this environment
so that it stays fairly constant. While individual cells are homeo-
static, most examples of homeostasis involve multicellular
organisms. Animals have intricate feedback and control mecha-
nisms that do not require any conscious activity. For example,
when a student is so engrossed in her textbook that she forgets
to eat lunch, her liver releases stored sugar to keep her blood
sugar level within normal limits. In this case, hormones regulate
sugar storage and release, but in other instances, the nervous
system is involved in maintaining homeostasis.
Many animals depend on behavior to regulate their internal
environment. The same student may realize that she is hungry
and decide to visit the local diner. Iguanas may raise their inter-
nal temperature by basking in the sun (Fig. 1.5A) or cool down
by moving into the shade. Similarly, re ants move upward into
the mound when the warmth of the sun is needed and move
back down into their cooler subterranean passageways when the
sun is too hot.
We will see that plants are, to a degree, homeostatic. For
example, they bend toward sunlight and have mechanisms that
FIGURE 1.5A Iguanas bask in the sun to raise their body
FIGURE 1.5B Plants respond to light by bending toward it.
contain the damage done by hungry insects to their leaves or
infections caused by bacteria and viruses.
Response to Stimuli The ability to respond to stimuli assists
the homeostatic ability of organisms. For example, only because
they can repond to the presence of predaceous insects can
plants protect their integrity. Even unicellular organisms can
respond to their environment. For some, the beating of micro-
scopic hairs, and for others, the snapping of whiplike tails
move them toward or away from light or chemicals. Mul-
ticellular organisms can manage more complex responses.
A vulture can detect a carcass a mile away and soar
toward dinner. A monarch buttery can sense the
approach of fall and begin its ight south where
resources are still abundant.
When a plant bends toward a source of light
(Fig. 1.5B), it acquires the energy it needs for photosynthe-
sis, and when an animal darts safely away from danger, it
lives another day. All together, daily activities are termed the
behavior of the organism. Organisms display a variety of
behaviors as they search and compete for energy, nutrients,
shelter, and mates. Many organisms display complex communi-
cation, hunting, and defensive behaviors as well. The behavior
of an organism often assists homeostasis.
1.5 Check Your Progress Explain the relationship between
homeostasis and response to a stimulus.
1.5 Organisms regulate their internal environment
CHAPTER 1 Biology, the Study of Life 11
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Energy flow
Chemical cycling
Organisms Live in Ecosystems
Learning Outcomes
Describe the various levels of biological organization beyond the organism. (1.6)
Describe how an ecosystem functions. (1.6)
The organization of life extends beyond the individual to the biosphere, the zone of air, land, and water at the Earths surface where living
organisms are found. Individual organisms belong to a population, all the members of a species within a particular area. The populations
within a community interact among themselves and with the physical environment (soil, atmosphere, etc.), thereby forming an
The theory of ecosystems says that organisms form units in
which they interact with the biotic (living) and abiotic (nonliv-
ing) components of the environment. One example of an ecosys-
tem is a North American grassland, which is inhabited by
populations of rabbits, hawks, and many other animals, as well
as various types of grasses. These populations interact by form-
ing food chains in which one population feeds on another. For
example, rabbits feed on grasses, while hawks feed on rabbits
and other organisms.
As Figure 1.6 shows, ecosystems are characterized by chem-
ical cycling and energy ow, both of which begin when plants,
such as grasses, take in solar energy and inorganic nutrients to
produce food (organic nutrients) by photosynthesis. Chemical
cycling (gray arrows) occurs as chemicals move from one popu-
lation to another in a food chain, until death and decomposition
allow inorganic nutrients to be returned to the photosynthesizers
once again. Energy (red arrows), on the other hand, ows from
the sun through plants and the other members of the food chain
as they feed on one another. The energy gradually dissipates and
returns to the atmosphere as heat. Because energy does not
cycle, ecosystems could not stay in existence without solar
energy and the ability of photosynthesizers to absorb it.
The Biosphere Climate largely determines where different
ecosystems are found in the biosphere. For example, deserts
exist in areas of minimal rain, while forests require much rain.
The two most biologically diverse ecosystemstropical rain for-
ests and coral reefsoccur where solar energy is most abun-
dant. The human population tends to modify these and all
ecosystems for its own purposes. Humans clear forests or grass-
lands in order to grow crops; later, they build houses on what
was once farmland; and nally, they convert small towns into
cities. As coasts are developed, humans send sediments, sewage,
and other pollutants into the sea.
Tropical rain forests and coral reefs are home to many organ-
isms. The canopy of the tropical rain forest alone supports a
variety of organisms, including orchids, insects, and monkeys.
Coral reefs, which are found just offshore in the Southern Hemi-
sphere, provide a habitat for many animals, including jellysh,
sponges, snails, crabs, lobsters, sea turtles, moray eels, and some
of the worlds most colorful shes. Like tropical rain forests,
coral reefs are severely threatened as the human population
increases in size. Aside from pollutants, overshing and collec-
tion of coral for sale to tourists destroy the reefs.
It has long been clear that human beings depend on healthy
ecosystems for food, medicines, and various raw materials. We
are only now beginning to realize that we depend on them even
more for the services they provide. The workings of ecosystems
ensure that environmental conditions are suitable for the contin-
ued existence of humans.
1.6 Check Your Progress Give a specic example to illustrate that
we depend on natural ecosystems.
FIGURE 1.6 A grassland is a major ecosystem. Chemicals cycle
because decomposers return inorganic nutrients to producers which
provide organic nutrients to consumers including decomposers. With
each transfer of nutrients, energy is lost as heat.
1.6 The biosphere is divided into ecosystems
12 CHAPTER 1 Biology, the Study of Life
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common ancestor
bird characteristics
reptile characteristics
tail with vertebrae
Organisms Are Related and Adapted to Their Environment
Learning Outcomes
Use a simple evolutionary tree to show how organisms are related. (1.7)
List the major categories of classication, and explain how data are used to classify organisms. (1.8)
Describe adaptation to the environment by the process of natural selection. (1.9)
State seven characteristics that dene life. (1.10)
Evolution explains the unity and diversity of life. All organisms share the same characteristics because they are descended from a common
source. During descent, however, life changes as dierent forms become adapted to their environment. Evolution is the unifying concept of
biology because it can explain so many aspects of life, including why organisms have shared characteristics despite their great diversity.
The theory of evolution says that organisms have shared char-
acteristics because of common descent. Just as you and your
close relatives can trace your ancestry to a particular pair of great
grandparents, so species can trace their ancestry to a common
source. An evolutionary tree is like a family tree. Just as a fam-
ily tree shows how a group of people have descended from one
couple, an evolutionary tree traces the ancestry of a group to a
common ancestor. In the same way that one couple can have
diverse children, a population can be a common ancestor to
several other groups. Over time, diverse life-forms have arisen.
Biologists have discovered that it is possible to trace the
evolution of any groupand even life itselfby using molecular
data, the fossil record, the anatomy and physiology of organ-
isms, and the embryonic development of organisms. The com-
mon ancestors for birds are known from the fossil record, and
Archaeopteryx, an early bird, clearly has reptile characteristics
(Fig. 1.7A). Because the evidence is so clear, birds are now clas-
sied as reptiles. Some biologists call them
ying dinosaurs. The reptiles that exist today include crocodiles,
lizards, snakes, and turtles and birds! The evolutionary tree in
Figure 1.7B traces the ancestry of Archaeopteryx to an early
reptilian ancestor.
In Section 1.8 we will examine an evolutionary tree of life
and consider how organisms are classied. Then in Section 1.9
we will show that natural selection is the mechanism that
results in adaptation to the environment, such as the ability of
birds to y. One important thing to remember is that onlyspe-
cies (types of organisms) evolve and not individual organisms.
Genetics can help you understand why. The genetic makeup
you inherited from your parents can mutate during your life-
time and cause cellular changes, but this does not cause your
basic characteristics to change. On the other hand, mutations
that show up in populations canbe selected for increased rep-
resentation in the next generation.
1.7 Check Your Progress Humans are not descended from apes;
they share a common ancestor with apes. Explain the dierence.
FIGURE 1.7B An evolutionary tree shows how the ancestry of
Archaeopteryx can be traced to a common ancestor with crocodiles
and dinosaurs. Each circle is an intervening common ancestor.
FIGURE 1.7A This depiction of Archaeopteryx shows its bird and
reptile characteristics.
1.7 The ancestry of species can be determined
CHAPTER 1 Biology, the Study of Life 13
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(first cells)
cell with nucleus
common ancestor
1.8 Evolutionary relationships help biologists group organisms
Despite their diversity, organisms share certain characteristics,
and this can be explained by evolution from a common source.
For example, all forms of life are composed of cells and use
DNA as their genetic material. Figure 1.8A is an evolutionary
tree that shows how major groups of organisms are related
through evolution.
Organizing Diversity Because life is so diverse, it is helpful
to group organisms into categories. Taxonomy is the discipline
of identifying and grouping organisms according to certain rules.
Taxonomy makes sense out of the bewildering variety of life on
Earth and is meant to provide valuable insight into evolution. As
more is learned about living things, including the evolutionary
relationships between species, taxonomy changes. DNA technol-
ogy is now being used to revise current information and to dis-
cover previously unknown relationships between organisms.
The basic classication categories, or taxa, going from least
inclusive to most inclusive, are species, genus, family, order,
class, phylum, kingdom, and domain (Table 1.8). The least
inclusive category, species, is dened as a group of interbreeding
individuals. Each successive classication category above spe-
cies contains more types of organisms than the preceding one.
Species placed within one genus share many specic character-
istics and are the most closely related, while species placed in
the same kingdom share only gen-
eral characteristics with one another.
For example, all species in the genus
Pisum look pretty much the same
that is, like pea plantsbut species
in the plant kingdom can be quite
varied, as is evident when we com-
pare grasses to trees. Species placed
in different domains are the most
distantly related.
Domains Biochemical evidence
suggests that there are only three
domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and
Eukarya. Figure 1.8A shows how
the domains are related. Both
domain Bacteria and domain
Archaea evolved from the rst com-
mon ancestor soon after life began.
These two domains contain the uni-
cellular prokaryotes, which lack the
membrane-bounded nucleus found
in the eukaryotes of domain
Eukarya. However, the DNA of
archaea differs from that of bacteria,
and their cell surface is chemically
more similar to eukaryotes than to
bacteria. So, biologists have con-
cluded that eukarya split off from
the archaeal line of descent. Pro-
karyotes are structurally simple but
metabolically complex. Archaea
(Fig. 1.8B) can live in aquatic environments that lack oxygen or
are too salty, too hot, or too acidic for most other organisms.
Perhaps these environments are similar to those of the primitive
Earth, and archaea are the least evolved forms of life, as their
name implies. Bacteria (Fig.1.8C) are variously adapted to living
almost anywherein water, soil, and the atmosphere, as well as
on our skin and in our mouths and large intestines.
TABLE 1.8 Levels of Classication
Human Corn
Domain Eukarya Eukarya
Kingdom Animalia Plantae
Phylum Chordata Anthophyta
Class Mammalia Monocotyledones
Order Primates Commelinales
Family Hominidae Poaceae
Genus Homo Zea
Species* H. sapiens Z. mays
*To specify an organism, you must use the full binomial name, such as Homo sapiens.
FIGURE 1.8A All species have a common ancestor that existed about four billion years ago.
Domains Bacteria and Archaea were the rst to appear. Domain Eukarya, which includes protists,
plants, fungi, and animals, shares an ancestor with domain Archaea.
14 CHAPTER 1 Biology, the Study of Life
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Methanosarcina mazei, an archaeon
1.6 mm
Prokaryotic cells
of various shapes
Adaptations to
extreme environments
Absorb or
chemosynthesize food
Unique chemical
Prokaryotic cells
of various shapes
Adaptations to
all environments
Absorb, photosynthesize,
or chemosynthesize food
Unique chemical
Escherichia coli, a bacterium
1.5 mm
Certain algae, mosses, ferns,
conifers, and flowering plants
Multicellular, usually with
specialized tissues,
containing complex cells
Photosynthesize food
Passiora, passion flower, a owering plant
Molds, mushrooms, yeasts,
and ringworms
Mostly multicellular filaments with
specialized, complex cells
Absorb food
Coprinus, a shaggy mane mushroom
KINGDOM: Animals
Sponges, worms, insects,
fishes, frogs, turtles,
birds, and mammals
Multicellular with
specialized tissues
containing complex cells
Ingest food
Vulpes, a red fox
Algae, protozoans,
slime molds, and
water molds
Complex single cell
(sometimes filaments,
colonies, or even
Absorb, photosynthesize,
or ingest food
Paramecium, a unicellular protozoan
1 mm
Taxonomists are in the process of deciding how to catego-
rize the organisms within domains Archaea and Bacteria into
kingdoms. Domain Eukarya, on the other hand, contains four
major groups of organisms (Fig. 1.8D). Protists, which now
comprise a number of kingdoms, range from unicellular forms
to a few multicellular ones. Some are photosynthesizers, while
others must acquire their food. Common protists include algae,
the protozoans, and the water molds. Figure 1.8A shows that
plants, fungi, and animals evolved from protists. Plants (kingdom
Plantae) are multicellular photosynthetic organisms. Examples
of plants include azaleas, zinnias, and pines. Among the fungi
(kingdom Fungi) are the familiar molds and mushrooms that,
along with bacteria, help decompose dead organisms. Animals
(kingdom Animalia) are multicellular organisms that must ingest
and process their food. Aardvarks, jellysh, and zebras are
representative animals.
Scientic Names Biologists use binomial nomenclature to
assign each living thing a two-part name called its scientic
name. For example, the scientic name for mistletoe is Phora-
dendron tomentosum. The rst word is the genus, and the sec-
ond word is the specic epithet of a species within that genus.
The genus may be abbreviated (e.g., P. tomentosum), and if the
species is unknown it may be indicated by sp. (e.g., Phoraden-
dron sp.). Scientic names are universally used by biologists to
avoid confusion. Common names tend to overlap and are often
in the language of a particular country. Scientic names are
based on Latin, a universal language that not too long ago was
well known by most scholars.
1.8 Check Your Progress a. Fire ants belong to what domain and
what kingdom? b. What types of data did biologists use to draw the
tree of life depicted in Figure 1.8A?
FIGURE 1.8B Domain Archaea.
FIGURE 1.8C Domain Bacteria. FIGURE 1.8D Domain Eukarya.
CHAPTER 1 Biology, the Study of Life 15
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Some plants within a population exhibit variation in leaf structure.
Deer prefer a diet of smooth leaves over hairy leaves. Plants with
hairy leaves reproduce more than other plants in the population.
Generations later, most plants within the population have hairy
leaves, as smooth leaves are selected against.
The phrase common descent with modication sums up the pro-
cess of evolution because it means that, as descent occurs from
common ancestors, modications occur that cause these organisms
to be adapted (suited) to the environment. Through many observa-
tions and experiments, Charles Darwin, the father of evolution,
came to the conclusion that natural selection is the process that
makes modicationthat is, adaptationpossible. In other words,
the theory of evolution also states that, as evolution occurs, natural
selection brings about adaptation to the environment. Adaptation to
various environments accounts for the diversity of life.
Natural Selection During the process of natural selection,
some aspect of the environment selects which traits are more apt
to be passed on to the next generation. The selective agent can
be an abiotic agent (part of the physical environment, such as
altitude) or a biotic agent (part of the living environment, such
as a deer). Figure 1.9A shows how deer could act as a selective
agent for a particular mutant. Mutations fuel natural selection
because mutations introduce variations among the members of
a population. In Figure 1.9A, a plant species generally produces
smooth leaves, but a mutation occurs that causes one plants
leaves to be covered with small extensions or hairs. The plant
with hairy leaves has an advantage because the deer (the selec-
tive agent) prefer to eat smooth leaves rather than hairy leaves.
Therefore, the plant with hairy leaves survives best and pro-
duces more seeds than most of its neighbors. As a result, genera-
tions later most plants of this species produce hairy leaves.
As with this example, Darwin realized that although all indi-
viduals within a population have the ability to reproduce, not all
do so with the same success. Prevention of reproduction can run
the gamut from an inability to capture resources, as when long-
necked, but not short-necked, giraffes can reach their food source,
to an inability to escape being eaten because long legs, but not
short legs, can carry an animal to safety. Whatever the example,
it can be seen that living things having advantageous traits can
produce more offspring than those lacking them. In this way, liv-
ing things change over time, and these changes are passed on
from one generation to the next. Over long periods of time, the
introduction of newer, more advantageous traits into a population
causes a species to become adapted to an environment.
For example, rockhopper penguins (Fig. 1.9B) are adapted to
an aquatic existence in the Antarctic. An extra layer of downy
feathers is covered by short, thick feathers that form a waterproof
coat. Layers of blubber also keep the birds warm in cold water.
Most birds have forelimbs proportioned for ying, but penguins
have stubby, attened wings suitable for swimming. Their feet
and tails serve as rudders in the water, but their at feet also allow
them to walk on land. Rockhopper penguins hop from one rock to
another and have a bill adapted to eating small shellsh. Penguins
also have many behavioral adaptations for living in the Antarctic.
They often slide on their bellies across the snow in order to con-
serve energy when moving quickly. Their eggsone, or at most
twoare carried on the feet, where they are protected by a
pouch of skin. This allows the birds to huddle together for
warmth while standing erect and incubating eggs.
1.9 Check Your Progress Explain how natural selection results in
the adaptations of a species.
FIGURE 1.9B Rockhopper penguins are adapted to swimming in
the icy waters of Antarctica.
FIGURE 1.9A Predatory deer act as a selective agent to bring
about change in a plant population.
1.9 Evolution through natural selection results in adaptation to the environment
16 CHAPTER 1 Biology, the Study of Life
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1B Evolutions Many Applications
The principles of evolution not only increase our understanding
of how the world works but also help us solve practical prob-
lems that impact our lives. Many good examples can be cited in
the elds of agriculture, medicine, and conservation.
The fruit of the wild banana plant is small and tough with large
hard seeds. In contrast, the bananas we eat today are large, soft,
sweet, and for practical purposes seed-
less. Humans produced this type of
banana by using articial selection; in
this case, humans were the selective agent
and not the environment. Most of the veg-
etables we eat today, and our domesti-
cated animals including horses, dogs, and
cows, were produced in the same way.
Understanding the evolution of our agricultural plants helps
us keep them healthy. For example, maize chlorotic dwarf virus
(MCDV) causes an infection of young corn plants that makes
them sick and reduces yield. However, its known that our
domesticated corn is derived from wild plants called teosinte,
and scientists have found teosinte species in the wild that are
resistant to several viral diseases, including the one caused by
MCDV. This gene has been transferred to corn plants so that they
too are resistant.
Farmers use pesticides to protect their crops from insects, or
they grow plants that have been engineered to produce the pes-
ticide. However, the pesticide is a selective agent for those mem-
bers of the insect population that carry genes for the resistant
trait. Because these insects reproduce more than nonresistant
insects, a large percentage of the insect population becomes
resistant. Understanding this process has caused scientists to
suggest that farmers make a part of their elds pesticide free.
This will allow nonresistant insects to also reproduce, and in
this way the percentage of resistant insects in the next genera-
tion will be reduced.
In the presence of an antibiotic, resistant bacteria are selected to
reproduce over and over again, until the entire population of
bacteria becomes resistant to the antibiotic. In 1959, a new anti-
biotic called methicillin became available
to treat bacterial infections that were
already resistant to penicillin. By 1997,
40% of hospital staph infections were
caused by MRSA (methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus). By now, the same
bacteria can spread freely through the
general population when people are in
close contact. The infection is called CA-
MRSA (community-acquired MRSA).
A knowledge of evolution has not only allowed scientists to
understand how pathogens (e.g., bacteria and viruses) become
resistant to antibiotics, but has also helped them create a process
to develop new drugs to kill them. Millions of possible drugs are
selected based on their ability to kill a particular pathogen. Then
the best of these are tweaked chemically before this new patch
of chemicals are tested for their ability to kill the pathogen. This
selection process is repeated time and time again until a new
drug has been developed. This drug is then tested in another
mammal (e.g., mouse) or another primate (e.g., chimpanzee)
that is closely related to humans through evolution. If the drug
has few harmful side effects, it is prescribed to humans to cure
the disease.
A knowledge of evolution helps scientists decide which technolo-
gies can help save the environment. For example, most of us still ll
the tanks of our cars with gasoline derived from oil. Yet oil is a
nonrenewable resource that will eventually be depleted. What we
need is a renewable resource that can be replaced over and over
again. Corn is a renewable resource that can be used to produce
ethanol, a fuel that substitutes for gasoline and is somewhat better
for the environment. Furthermore, some scientists believe that,
instead of using corn, which is food for animals and humans, bil-
lions of tons of currently unused waste materials in the United
States are available for ethanol production. By mocking the natural
selection process as described above for perfecting a drug, the best
bacteria for changing waste to ethanol could be arrived at. Using
the natural selection process to
achievethe best drug or the best bac-
terium or to select anything for a par-
ticular task is now described as using
directed evolution.
A knowledge of evolution can
also help us save endangered species
in the wild. For example, some popu-
lations of chinook salmon are listed
under the U.S. Endangered Species Act as either threatened or
endangered. To save them, it is possible to build hatcheries,
breed more sh, and introduce these sh into rivers where small
populations of wild chinook salmon now live. However, this will
not work if the captive sh have inadvertently undergone selec-
tion for reproduction in hatcheries but not in rivers. Therefore,
hatcheries should mimic as much as possible the selection pres-
sures that wild populations are exposed to. Only in that way can
the introduced chinook salmon help save wild populations and
our efforts will not have been wasted.
1. Give examples of how a knowledge of evolution can help
humans solve practical problems that impact their lives.
2. Explain why it benets farmers to set aside part of their
elds where nonresistant insects can reproduce.
3. Give reasons why captive chinook salmon introduced into
the wild need to have been exposed to the same environ-
mental pressures as wild populations.
CHAPTER 1 Biology, the Study of Life 17
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Science Helps Us Understand the Natural World
1.1 Scientists use a preferred method
Biology is the scientic study of life.
The scientic method consists of four steps:
making observations using both our senses and special
formulating a possible explanation, called a hypothesis, by
using inductive reasoning
doing experiments that involve an experimental variable,
test groups, and a control group that is not exposed to the
experimental variable. Alternatively, scientists can simply
make further observations. When doing experiments,
scientists sometimes work with a model.
coming to a conclusion based on data as to whether the
hypothesis is supported or not.
A scientic theory is a major concept supported by many
observations, experiments, and data.
1.2 Control groups allow scientists to compare experimental
In a scientic experiment involving the use of a synthetic
nitrogen fertilizer versus a legume (pigeon pea) to enrich
the soil, the control pots produced a greater yield than those
utilizing the legume. After three years, however, a winter
wheat/pigeon pea rotation out-performed the control pots and
those that were fertilized with a synthetic nitrogen fertilizer.
Organisms Are Composed of Cells
1.3 Cells are the fundamental unit of living things
Biological organization extends from the molecules in cells to
the organism and beyond.
1.10 Evolution from a common ancestor accounts for the characteristics of life
The diversity of life has been mentioned several times by now.
With so much diversity, how can we possibly dene life? The
best way we know to distinguish the living from the nonliving is
to list the characteristics shared by all organisms. These charac-
teristics of life must have been present in the original common
ancestor or else they would not be present in all organisms.
1. Life is organized. The levels of biological organization
extend from cells to the biosphere; see p. 8. The rst living
organisms were unicellular, and only later did multicellular
forms arise. Once several different types of organisms arose,
they interacted among themselves and became the biotic
components of ecosystems.
2. Life uses materials and energy. The metabolic pathways
that allow an organism to maintain its organization and to
grow are the same in all organisms; see p. 9. We will study
these metabolic pathways in future chapters because they
are so critical to the lives of organisms.
3. Life reproduces. Unicellular organisms simply divide when
they reproduce, but in multicellular forms, new life often
begins with a fertilized egg that grows and develops into a
new organism. When organisms reproduce, genetic differ-
ences arise that allow evolution to occur; see pp. 910.
4. Life is homeostatic. Regulatory mechanisms allow cells
and organisms to keep their internal environment relatively
constant; see p. 11. Homeostasis evolved because those
members of a population that were homeostatic had more
offspring than those that were less homeostatic.
5. Life responds to stimuli. Organisms respond to internal stim-
uli and external stimuli, and this allows them to maintain
homeostasis. Response to stimuli also accounts for the behav-
ior of organisms; see p. 11. Behavior evolves through natural
selection in the same manner as do anatomical features.
6. Life forms ecosystems. Interactions are a hallmark of liv-
ing things. Cells interact within organisms, and populations
interact in ecosystems. We could not exist without food
produced by plants and without bacteria and fungi that
decompose dead remains; see p. 12.
7. Life evolves. The history of life began with a common
source, but as life reproduces it passes on genes that can
mutate. Through mutations, advantages arise that are
suited to the environment, and through natural selection
they become more prevalent in a population. Adaptation
to different environments accounts for the variety of life on
Earth; see pp. 1316.
1.10 Check Your
Progress Describe
how the hawk and her
ospring illustrate the
characteristics of life.
The cell theory states that cells, the fundamental units of
life, come from other cells as reproduction of cells and the
organism occurs.
18 CHAPTER 1 Biology, the Study of Life
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heat heat
producers consumers
chemicals decomposers
Energy flow
Chemical cycling
Bacteria Archaea Eukarya
In cells, atoms combine to form molecules; similar cells make
up a tissue; and tissues compose organs that work together in
organ systems. Organ systems work together in an organism.
Cells and organisms acquire materials and energy from the
environment to maintain their organization.
Energy is the capacity to do work.
Metabolism carries out chemical reactions.
Photosynthesis allows plants to capture solar energy and
produce nutrients that sustain all organisms.
Genes Control the Traits of Organisms
1.4 Organisms have a genetic inheritance
The gene theory tells us that genes are hereditary units
composed of DNA.
Genes control the structure and function of cells and
organisms by coding for cellular molecules (proteins).
Because genes can mutate, each organism has it own
particular sequence of DNA nucleotides.
The gene theory has been very fruitful, yielding many
practical applications, such as those listed on page 10.
Organisms Are Homeostatic
1.5 Organisms regulate their internal environment
The theory of homeostasis states that organisms and
cells have mechanisms that keep the internal environment
relatively constant. Only then can life continue.
Homeostasis involves the use of sense receptors to monitor
the external and internal environment.
Organisms can respond to changes in the environment. For
example, when plants turn toward sunlight, they acquire the
energy they need to photosynthesize.
Organisms Live in Ecosystems
1.6 The biosphere is divided into ecosystems
The theory of ecosystems says that within a local environment:
The members of each species are a population.
Populations form a community in which they interact with
each other.
In a community, chemicals cycle and energy ows but does
not cycle.
Chemical cycling requires interaction with the physical
Diverse ecosystems, including tropical rain forests and coral
reefs, are being destroyed by human activities.
Organisms Are Related and Adapted to
1.7 The ancestry of species can be determined
The theory of evolution says that all species (living or
extinct) can trace their ancestry to a common source.
An evolutionary tree depicts the pattern of descent by way of
common ancestors.
1.8 Evolutionary relationships help biologists group
Taxonomy is the classication of organisms according to the
evolutionary relationships.
The classication categories are species (least inclusive),
genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom, and domain
(most inclusive).
There are three domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.
Domain Archaea and domain Bacteria contain prokaryotes
(organisms without a membrane-bounded nucleus).
Domain Eukarya contains eukaryotes (organisms with a
membrane-bounded nucleus).
There are four major groups in domain Eukarya:
Protistsunicellular to multicellular organisms with
various modes of nutrition
Fungimolds and mushrooms
Plantsmulticellular photosynthesizers
Animalsmulticellular organisms that ingest food
To classify an organism, two-part scientic namesbinomial
nomenclatureare used, consisting of the genus name and
the specic epithet.
1.9 Evolution through natural selection results in adaptation
to the environment
The theory of evolution also says that modications are
introduced as evolution occurs, and if these modications
assist adaptations, they become more common through
natural selection. The result is a wide variety of life-forms on
Earth, each adapted to a different environment.
1.10 Evolution from a common ancestor accounts for the
characteristics of life
Organisms have shared characteristics because of common
descent. Life is organized, uses materials and energy,
reproduces, is homeostatic, responds to stimuli, forms
ecosystems, and evolves.
Science Helps Us Understand the Natural World
1. Which of the following words would not be part of a
a. proof c. rejection
b. support d. All can be part of a conclusion.
CHAPTER 1 Biology, the Study of Life 19
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2. Which term and denition are mismatched?
a. datafactual information
b. hypothesisthe idea to be tested
c. conclusionwhat the data tell us
d. All of these are properly matched.
3. Which of these describes the control group in the pigeon pea/
winter wheat experiment? The control group was
a. planted with pigeon peas.
b. treated with nitrogen fertilizer.
c. not treated.
d. not watered.
e. Both c and d are correct.
4. THINKING CONCEPTUALLY Whats the relationship between the
scientic method and the ve theories on which this book is
Organisms Are Composed of Cells
5. The level of organization that includes cells of similar
structure and function is
a. an organ. c. an organ system.
b. a tissue. d. an organism.
6. Which sequence represents the correct order of increasing
complexity in living systems?
a. cell, molecule, organ, tissue
b. organ, tissue, cell, molecule
c. molecule, cell, tissue, organ
d. cell, organ, tissue, molecule
7. All of the chemical reactions that occur in a cell are called
a. homeostasis. c. heterostasis.
b. metabolism. d. cytoplasm.
8. The process of turning solar energy into chemical energy is
a. work. c. photosynthesis.
b. metabolism. d. respiration.
Genes Control the Traits of Organisms
9. Genes are
a. present in eukaryotes but not in prokaryotes.
b. composed of RNA and DNA.
c. passed on from cell to cell and from organism to organism.
d. All of these are correct.
10. Genes
a. code for proteins.
b. can mutate.
c. are always composed of four nucleotides.
d. All of these are correct.
11. THINKING CONCEPTUALLY Whats the relationship between genes
and the diversity of life?
Organisms Are Homeostatic
12. Which of the following are a part of homeostasis?
a. Animals keep their internal temperature relatively constant.
b. Your blood cell count is always about the same.
c. Certain organs, such as the kidneys, excrete wastes.
d. Plants are able to turn toward the sun.
e. All of these are correct.
13. To remain homeostatic, organisms need to
a. be multicellular.
b. acquire material and energy from the environment.
c. have a nervous system.
d. respond to stimuli.
e. Both b and d are correct.
Organisms Live in Ecosystems
14. Which sequence represents the correct order of increasing
a. biosphere, community, ecosystem, population
b. population, ecosystem, biosphere, community
c. community, biosphere, population, ecosystem
d. population, community, ecosystem, biosphere
15. In an ecosystem, energy
a. ows and nutrients cycle.
b. cycles and nutrients ow.
c. and nutrients ow.
d. and nutrients cycle.
16. An example of chemical cycling occurs when
a. plants absorb solar energy and make their own food.
b. energy ows through an ecosystem and becomes heat.
c. hawks soar and nest in trees.
d. death and decay make inorganic nutrients available to plants.
e. we eat food and use the nutrients to grow or repair tissues.
17. Energy is brought into ecosystems by which of the following?
a. fungi and other decomposers
b. cows and other organisms that graze on grass
c. meat-eating animals
d. organisms that photosynthesize, such as plants
e. All of these are correct.
18. THINKING CONCEPTUALLY How is a college campus, which is
composed of buildings, students, faculty, and administrators,
like an ecosystem?
Organisms Are Related and Adapted to Their
19. Organisms are related because they
a. all have the same structure and function.
b. share the same characteristics.
c. can all trace their ancestry to a common source.
d. all contain genes.
20. An evolutionary tree
a. shows common ancestors.
b. depicts the history of a group of organisms.
c. is based on appropriate data.
d. shows how certain organisms are related.
e. All of these are correct.
21. Classication of organisms reects
a. similarities.
b. evolutionary history.
c. Neither a nor b is correct.
d. Both a and b are correct.
22. Which of these exhibits an increasingly more inclusive
scheme of classication?
a. kingdom, phylum, class, order
b. phylum, class, order, family
c. class, order, family, genus
d. genus, family, order, class
23. Humans belong to the domain
a. Archaea. c. Eukarya.
b. Bacteria. d. None of these are correct.
24. In which group are you most likely to nd unicellular organisms?
a. Protists c. Plantae
b. Fungi d. Animalia
25. The second word of a scientic name, such as Homo sapiens, is the
a. genus. d. species.
b. phylum. e. family.
c. specic epithet.
20 CHAPTER 1 Biology, the Study of Life
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Experiments and/or
Scientific Method Example
26. Modications that make an organism suited to its way of life
are called
a. ecosystems. c. adaptations.
b. populations. d. None of these are correct.
27. THINKING CONCEPTUALLY Give evidence to support the phrase
Evolution is the unifying theory of biology.
For questions 2831, match each item to a characteristic of life in
the key.
a. is organized d. is homeostatic
b. uses materials e. responds to stimuli
and energy f. forms ecosystems
c. reproduces g. evolves
28. organisms exhibit behavior
29. populations interact
30. giraffes produce only giraffes
31. common descent with modication
1. An investigator spills dye on a culture plate and notices that
the bacteria live despite exposure to sunlight. He decides to
test whether the dye is protective against ultraviolet (UV)
light. He exposes to UV light one group of culture plates
containing bacteria and dye and another group containing
only bacteria. The bacteria on all plates die. Complete the
following diagram to identify the steps of his investigation.
2. You want to grow large tomatoes and notice that a name-
brand fertilizer claims to yield larger produce than a generic
brand. How would you test this claim?
Enhance your study with animations
that bring concepts to life and practice tests to assess your
understanding. Your instructor may also recommend the
interactive eBook, individualized learning tools, and more.
The scientific method consists of making observa-
tions, formulating a hypothesis, testing the hypoth-
esis, and coming to a conclusion on the basis of the results (data).
The conclusions of many studies have allowed scientists to develop
the five theories (cell theory, gene theory, theory of homeosta-
sis, theory of ecosystems, and theory of evolution) on which this
book is based. Theories are conceptual schemes that tell us how
the world works. All theories of biology are related. For example,
the gene theory is connected to the theory of evolution because
mutations create differences between the members of a popula-
tion. Better-adapted members have the opportunity through natural
selection to reproduce more, and in that way a species becomes
adapted to its environment.
Any two theories are related. For example, evolution is also con-
nected to the theory of ecosystems because, as natural selection occurs,
species become adapted to living in a particular ecosystem. We can
connect this observation to the cell theory because, if a gazelles nerve
cells can conduct nerve impulses faster to its muscle cells than a lions
nerve cells, the gazelle is more likely to escape capture.
In exploring the theories, we have also discussed the char-
acteristics of life. The cell theory taught us that all organisms are
composed of cells and that cells are the fundamental units of life.
The theory of homeostasis tells us that all organisms have mecha-
nisms that allow them to keep their internal environment rela-
tively constant. The gene theory tells us all organisms have genes,
hereditary units that undergo mutations leading to the variety of
life. Even so, all life-forms share similar characteristics because
they can trace their ancestry to a common source as stated by the
theory of evolution. All life-forms live in ecosystems where inter-
actions allow them to acquire the materials and energy they need
to continue their existence. Human beings are also dependent on
ecosystems, and when they preserve the biosphere, they are pre-
serving their own existence as well.
1. Give your own example (not taken from this reading) to show
that two theories are related.
2. Explain in your own words how bacteria become resistant to an
CHAPTER 1 Biology, the Study of Life 21
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