Vocabulario Inglés

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The document discusses many English words, their definitions, idioms, and phrasal verbs. It also touches on various topics across its pages.

Some of the words and definitions discussed include entanglement, utterance, survey, severance, welter, noumenal, realm, and manifold.

Examples of idioms mentioned are 'to kick the bucket' and 'the last straw'. Phrasal verbs include 'to get together', 'to put off', and 'to get out'.

Entanglement:mess, embarrosing situation

Utterance:word, statement
Survey:study surveyor: inspector, assessor, examiner, evaluator: tasador, perito
Severance:division, partition, separation, taking apart <>unification
Welter:confusion,flurry, mass
flurry: snow wirling
!oumenal: someting understood witout te use of te senses
$indred:relatives, family members
%ag: label, mark, brand& 'oint, (uotation
)kin:of te same kind
*op: cut, split copper: grinder +rallador,
*ompel:to enforce
%racery:ornamental work
onto: on, on te top of, against
/old:corageous, audacious
Scrollwork:ornament seeming scrolls
"ipple:wave, flow
Stagger:stumbled, walk unsteadly
staggering 0staguerin1: causing great astonisment, ama.ement, or dismay& 2verwelming
/ackdrop:enviroment, background
3ncantation:cant, invocation
%o *ontrive:arrange, manufacture,plan, plot, sceme
!ouris:to feed
4easible:possible, viable
Subtle:sligt+insignificant, unimportant,, faint+pale,weak,dim,,delicate& sutil
-oose:free, movable,unfastened
lose: be unable tofind
understated:modest, discreet, simple, minimalist
exceed:go beyond, go far
inter alias: among oters, one of a group
rim:border, edge, perimeter
burrow: ole, lair, warren,den, tunnel
keg: barrel, cask, tub
slum: suburb, neigborood +arrabal,
ideaway: secrete, veil, camouflage
ideout: iding place, place of scape
nonsensical:senseless, ridicolous, irrational
assert:affirm, claim, empasi.e
bard:lyricist, writer
inkling:suspicion, clue, idea,notion, feeling
simpleton+rare,: weak5minded person
trammel: to prevent free movement
germane:relevant, usefull
utter: complete,total
straigtforward: easy, basic, uncompletely& 6onest, free from pretense or ambiguity, frank&
ordain: order, command
neglect: abandon, desert, avoid, pass over, foget, disregard, to leave out, to omit, to exclude
broad: wide, large, extensive
apt: rigt,pertinent, appropriate
foggy:misty, cloudy
arresting:impressive, interesting
attain:accomplis, acieve
adumbration: to give an incomplete or faint idea
slice: portion, part, sliver
splinter: fragment, cip, particle
flake: idem 7 deteriorate, crumble
fleck: idem
speck: synonyn of splinter
crumble:desintegrate, fall down, fall apart, fall to pieces, collapse
sard: synonym of splinter
overwelm:devastate, crus, overcome +con(uer, defeat, beat,
preclude: prevent, exclude, stop
distinct: different, dissimilar, diverse
discard:trow away, dispose
grapple:struggle, figt,wrestle
musing:tougt, consideration, meditation
advocacy:support,backing, encouragement
endeavor:try, attempt
frail:weak, fragile
fling +flung,: trow, pitc, especially as wit violence&
casm:gap, abyss
restrain:old back, control, bring under control, old down
bond:tie, link, connection
oblivious:unaware, ignorant
oblivion: te condition of being forgotten 8 te act of forgetting to cast into oblivion (echar
al olvido); to sink or fall into oblivion (caer en el olvido)
conversely:on te oter and, on te contrary
dim:not brigt, weak,soft, diffuse
wit:umor,intelligence, sense of umor, smartness, funniness
turnout:produce, manufacture5 crowd, audience
grudge:complaint, feeling of resentment,bitterness
meager:insufficient, not enoug 8 meagerness: insufficiency
feat:acievement, accomplisment, attainment & a.a9a, proe.a
barring:except for, not including
trait:peculiarity, attribute
stem: stalk, soot, twig, trunk: +como sust& significan rama, tronco, etc&,
stem: to contain
soot: to fire a weapon
saft: ray, beam, gleam 5 tube, pipe, duct +ventilation, elevator,, axis, axle5 The handle of any of
various tools or implements (e.g. of a racket)
cest: torso, box, container 5 desaogarse
trail: follow, trace, track
stalk: trail, follow, unt,
override:dominate, prevail
fondly:lovingly, tenderly
fancy: +v,to imagine,to believe,to visuali.e, to con:ecture; to like, to be interested 5 +ad:,
elaborate, decorative, extravagant, elegant 8 +n, fantasy, illusion, dream, castle in te sky
(ueer:surprising, odd, curious
staggering: astounding, ama.ing, surprising, socking
namely: tat is, to be exact,
lest:in case, for fear tat
vagary:unusual or unexpected idea, act or tougt
peep: peer, (uick look, glance, to spy,
sinister:ominous, menacing
sway:bend, lean, influence, affect
allmark: seal, stamp, trademark
umdrum:everyday, boring, routine
petty:little, insignificant,minor, irrelevant
lifting:exciting,stimulating, trilling
lift: raise, pick up, elevate
pitiful:disgraceful, patetic, deplorable
rift:crack, gap, ole, fissure
engender: produce, generate
utterly:absolutely, totally, entirely
bewilderment:confusion, desorientation, pu..lement
sei.e: agarrar, aprovecar, incautar& grasp, take old of
sei.ing: +s, lla toma, el agarre
grasp agarrar, comprender, sust& asimiento&
grab: sudden attemp to sei.e someting
grip: +on, very tigt old& +of, power of understanding or doing 5 andle
clue: sign, trace
eager: keen, entusiastic, excited,ready, willing, impatient
busby: a fur at of sort air
(uot: old use of <said= for 3, 6e, Se, 3t
unwavering:firm, solid, resolute
to snap:to break 8 cru:ir, cas(uear 5 impulsive, sudden
wayward:errant, desobedient, badly beaved, strog willed
wove: past of weave,knit,interlace, unite
beget: produce, lead to, cause, result in
to entrenc:to intrenc: to firmly stablis
tresold:entrance, doorstep
subtle:sligt, delicate +plural: subtleties,
slos:spill, splas+salpicar, capotear5 +s, ,
:ar: container& %o it, to bump+strike or it,
ascribe:assign, put down, attribute
render: make, provide, deliver
inscrutable:impenetrable, unreadable
regard:observe, consider
torougness:carefullness, attention to detail 8 toroug: careful, datailed, meticolous
dub: call, name, give te name +dubbed,
bitter:sour, acid, vinegary, astringent
pill:tablet, medication
ease:simplicity, easiness
molder:rot, decay,decompose, break down
anterior:forward, front
entail:envolve, re(uire, need, demand
outward:external, outer, apparent, superficial
conducive:favorable, elpful, contributing to
kinsip:relationsip, affinity, similarity, empaty
concise:brief, sort, summari.ing, precise +ness,
bias: pre:udice, partiality,unfairness,preconcive, predisposition&: a preference tat inibits
imparcial :udgement& sesgo, inclinaci>n& Sesgar, inclinar, propender& +n, tendencia,
propensi>n, parcialidad& +v, influir, predisponer: <to bias sb against st&= <to be biased in
favour of=&
unprepossessing:ugly, unattractive:unpleasant,plain
bunting:flag, decoration
finesse:skill, gace, elegance
cumbersome: awkward+uncomfortable,,bulky, weigty,burdensome
resort:option, coice, way out
nuance:sade +also sadow,5> sady, tone, gradation, degree
accretion: accumulation, addition
sweeten: to make sweet
griddle: grill, barbecue
slayer:destructive force, killer
ence:terefore, tus, for tis reason
content:appy, satisfied, pleased& )lso substance
yielding:soft, elastic,docile, ac(uiescent
igpitced:penetrating, sarp,ig
lowpitced:deep, low
pitc:arena, field of play, terrain
likely:possible, expected, apt
acute:sarp, sensitive, finely tuned,keen
toss:trow, pitc, let fly
mold:cast, sape, style
clas:conflict, disagree
disregard:ignore, pay not attention to
cessation:end, termination
reliable:consistent, unfailing
sift:move, transfer, cange, alter
poised:balanced, anging, on te edge& %o poise: balancear
probe:searc, investigate, explore, sondear 5 sonda
rod:pole, bar, stick
impending:imminent, in te near future, approacing
divest:strip, rid +free, clear,, dissociate
sliver: flake, sard
to sred: cut up, cut into strips, slice& +s, fragment :the paper shred machine
to slip +slipped,: fall, lose your balance5 desli.ar o irse sigilosamente 8 +s,: fall
slice:piece, portion, segment
sprinter: runner
flake:crumble, deteriorate
sard: slice, flake
mince: cut up,sred
peel: skin, strip, sed +pelar, despo:arse de algo,, peeling a banana
sed: +coberti.o, derramar, ut +refugio,, sut,discard
crumble:fall down, fall apart, fall to pieces
*aotic -ogic
'osit: speculate, con:ecture, ypotesi.e,imaging,concive
3nfuse: inculcate, impart, instill +fill, inspire, implant, , permeate, fill
Seep:leak, percolate,oo.e, trickle: gotear, caer un l?(uido poco a poco: te raindrops trickled
down te window
Enduring:lasting, during, permanent
*onceal: ide, cover, mask, screen, vail, to keep secret
)vail:purpose, aim, benefit, reward
@etac:separate, isolate, remove
becoming detaced: not connected to wat is appening arround
*omprise:include, contain, consist of
)wesome:overwelming, grand,splendid, ama.ing
Auivering:trembling, saking, sivering
Striving:determined, motivated
'ertain: be relevant, be appropriate
3nception:beginning, setting up
)ttain:reac, acive, accomplis
3mpinge on :impose, to ave an effect on,ave an influence on
*ouc:sofa, divan,express, prase
4ruition: completion, final result, execution, culmination, fulfillment
Seete:boil, bubble,foam+spume,spray,, fume+smoke, emit,exude,,effervesce
)c(uaint:explain, tell, notify
Wellspring:source, fountain, origin
*on:oin:be next to, be ad:acent to, nearby
Unfatomable:deep, profound, vast, immeasurable
*reep:move stealtily;furtively
Envisage: imaging, foresee, predict, visuali.e
-oft: attic, roof space, also: it, knock, strike
'ervade:permeate, pass troug
)droit: skillful, competent, able
@well:settle, inabit
%o "ustle:cruckle, crunc, sound of papper, murmur of leaves
Sig:exale noisily
Auote:(uotation, citation, line, passage, excerpt
#otto: slogan, saying, adage, aporism, maxim, axiom
6aunt: disturb, boter, worry
*ue: sign
)c(uainted: familiar
Unaided:witout elp
%apering: contraction, reduction, narrowing, decreasing
)c(uaintance: *onocido +familiar but not close,
'lume:spiral, curl
4ond: loving, tender
Sway: swing, rock, affect, influence
Slant:incline, lean
Stark: bare, desolate, austere, severe
*losure: end, sutting, closing
@eploy: arrange, set
Surpass: exceed, beat
/oug: branc, limb& "ama
Swerve: cange direction, turn sarply
Boid: emptiness
'aramount: supreme, top, dominant
Strife:trouble, discord
Slope: to incline, angle, ill
Weed:wild plant or flower
)isle+<ail=,: passageway, walkway +pasillo, nave,
Wilst: as te same time as, even as +fon:wailst,
"eplenis: refill, stock up, reload, restock
aste: speed, rus, rapidity, swiftness
grab: grip, sei.e, clutc, take
allucination: vision, illusion
pant: blow, gasp for air
cannily:cleverly, cunningly, astutely, carefully
saft: ray, beam, tube, pipe, stream, duct
indent: displace, move in, align
stretc: to make bigger, make longer, widen
rigging: ropes, cains, wires
las: tie, bind, knot, fasten, secure
yard: enclosure
rug: carpet, blanket
eddy:wirlpool, vortex
snout: nose
porpoise: a(uatic mammal, like dolpin
li.ard: male aligator
eap up: pile up, amass
sluggis:slow, slow5 moving, letargic
cling: adere, clutc, grip, stick, fit tigtly, ang +past: clung,
brandis: andle
crook: offender, villain, robber, criminal, felon, lawbreaker
ue: tone, tint, color
gigantic: enormous, uge, extremely large, massive, colossal
flee: fly, run away, escape, run off +past: fled,
dumb: unable to speak temporarily, speecless wit sock
dagger: blade, knife, stiletto
slab: block, piece, unk
pit: ollow, well, crater, cavity, ole in te ground
riddle: pu..le
bas: to knock, punc, smas, tump
wreck: destroy, demolis, break, ruin +of a sip: undir,
overanging: suspended, pendant, pending
mingle: mix, blend, combine, fuse, merge
creeper:climbing plant, liana
bealf +on b of, in b of,: in te name of, representing te interests of someone
asore: on sore, onto ground, onto dry ground, aground
rub: difficulty, obstacle
contumely: umiliating speec or beeviour
scorns: insults, spurns
bodkin: dagger
fardels: packs, burdens
bourn: boundary, confines
pitc: playing field, also te ig point in te fligt of a bird
pang: sudden sarp feeling of pain
despise: menospreciar, look down on, regard as wortless
dread: frigt, terror, fear, orror
grunt: mumble, murmur, groan +grunir,
sweat: worry, be panic, be agitated, also prespair +transpirar,5>swetsirt: sudadera
lark: silly game, :oke, game
bitterly: angrily
do not build castles in te air&
itCs no use crying over spilt milk *ry over spilled milk
do not count your cickens before tey are atced +emerged, produced,&
beauty is but skin deep&
well begun is alf done&
at "ome do as romans do&
it is never too late to mend +repair, fix,&
out of sigt, out of mind&
all is well tat ends well&
tere is no rose witout a torn&
a bird in and is wort two in te bus&
tose tat live in glass ouses sould not trow stones&
wat cannot be cured, must be endured +bear, suffer, tolerate, go on,&
a rolling stone gaters no moss&
never look a gift orse in te mout&
birds of a feater flock + gater, congregate, form a group, togeter&
flock: bandada
nougt: noting
run over: crus, it
3 cannot make ead or tail of it: 3 can not understand
mock at: ridiculi.e, make fun of someone&
D yard +yd,E F feet +ft&,
D foot +ft&,E DG inces +in&, a little over FH cm&
At first e did not know wat to do, but at last e knew&
e spent at least ten pounds, but at most fitteen pounds&
litte, less tan, te least
muc,many, more tan, te most
late, later, latest: is in reference to time& i&e&: e came later tan is master +adverb,
late, latter, last: used in reference to order: last nigt 3 ad a pleasant dream&
late, later tan, te latest,te last
old, older tan, elder, te oldest, te eldest
outbreak: eruption, occurrence, epidemic
sooting: calming, conforting
lull: to silence, to calm& +n,: tregua, pausa, calma&
entice: to tempt 8 enticement: attraction, seduction 8 enticer 5 enticingly
beguile: captivate, entice, engatusar& Iuile: astucia, malicia, ingenio&
fren.y: anger, fury, rage
frantic: frenetic
eagerness: anxiety, worry, concern, avide.
adventurous: daring, brave, audacious
alas: unfortunately
cataract: waterfall
waft: drift, float, be driven by te current or bree.e
endeavour: try to +procurar,
retrace: go back over, repeat
attire: cloting, dress
despise: ate, scorn
irksome: annoying
eel: talon
flattering: obse(uious +adular,
leap: a long :unping
resignation: renuncia
glisten: to sine
sleig: trineo
debauc te currency: corromper la moneda
debaucery+diboceri,: libertina:e, corrupci>n: prodigality, lavisness
subtler: manera sigilosa
diagnose: diagnosticar
fren.y: frenes?
sligt wort: wortless
leap year: a9o bisiesto
yyJme: too wise for me
yyur: too wise you are
seven deadly sins: pride, covetousness+greed,, lust, ire, gluttony, envy, slot +la.y,&
uddled: api9ado
te wretced: los miserables
yearing: anxious
tossed: abrumado
teeming: repleta
te custom of kissing
wen gosts are about
te wicked souls
:uno moneta
tere are references to one kind of
pulveri.ed glassE ground glass
posporous tipped matces were ignited by friction
fine arts: bellas artes
disciples: dic?pulos
(uotation: citas, proverbios
cloak: manto
entrails: entra9as
fulsome: flattering, excessive
funk: very strong smell, tat is offensive, rank, stink
olfaction: olfato
snuffle: oler
odor: olor
appetating: nice to te taste, delectable, mout5watering, relis, savory
bitter: amargo
flavor: sabor
palate: taste
sour: acido
salty, spicy, sugary, sweet
wet oneCs apetitte: stimulate te apetitte
to meet te re(uirements: to ave to acomplised all re(uirements
te :ustices are appointed for life by te president wit te approval of te senate
tat president died during in office
impeacment: :uicio de residencia
ac(uitted: sobreseido
cats ave nine lives
sweetened: sugared, to make sweet
te %ower of -ondon houses te *rown Kewels of /ritain
court: also certain playing cards: $ing, Aueen, and te $nive are court cards&
to keep oneCs fingers crossed
cross (uestions and crooked answers: dar respuestas evasivas a preguntas simples
to cross te "ubicon: !o way back
diamond5saped: rombo
fickle:inconsistent, cangeable: fickle love
bestow: give, confer, lend, be(ueat: superstition indicated tat tese flower ad te property
of bestowing its own caracteristics on to oters&
darkest our is tat before te dawn: means <wen tings are at teir worst, tey can only get
pincer: tena.a
molten lead: plomo fundido
beautify: get someone or someting more pretty
tree musketeers
personify: embody, represent, caracteri.e
@avy Kones personifies te spirit of sea 8as evil5
deat from unusual causes
about tastes tere is no disputing 8 de gustibus non est disputandum
cry of a new5born cild
cartage must be destroyed: watever stands in te way of greatness must be removed at all
wickerwork: basketry& i&e tat wat enclosures a demi:on
invoking is very nameL: invocando su s>lo nombre
summon: call, call for, send for
counsel: attorney at law
miscief: misbeaavior
dice: dados
digestive tract: long tube tat runs from mout to te anus
dine wit te cross5legged knigts: not to eat anyting
@iogenes cup: to live in a very simply way
latin diploma: letter folded double, in suc a way its contents are kept secret
diplomatic bag
diplomatic illnessMcold: a polite excuse in order to acieve not an appointment
diplomatic immunity
diplomatic service
breed: type, class, kind, race
to weig: pesar
nana: woman wo look after cildren
to be in te dogouse: to be in disguise +tis last word also mask, costume, comouflage,
second in fame only toL: segundo en fama s>lo atrNs deL&
draconian code: extreme severity
drone: .Nngano
sluggard, idler, parsite: aragNn, inOtil, parNsito
idle: inactive, inoperative, unused <> working 8 la.y, indolent <> diligent
idleness: la.iness, indolence& @esidia&
slovenliness: desidia en el vestir& +slovenly E untidy,&
dwarfs were not unfriendly to man, but could be vindictive an miscievous
dying sayings: last words
gloom: darkness
to snarl: gru9?r: the guard dog snarled at the thief
ottest, coldest, wettest, driest place on te world
nimble: (uick, agil
awkward: ill at ease, uncomfortable, embarrass
swollen: inflamed, inflated, engorged, puffy, distended +p&p swell,
pied piper of amelin +piedE G o 7 colours,
te supporters of 'er>n
conscientous ob:ector
te issue: te matter, te sub:ect
to be drafted: to get into te army
consensus on basic rules
conservatism: conservadurismo
relies on te abit ofL&: conf?a en el Nbito deL&
demograpy ascertains trends: la demograf?a reconoce tendencias
someting rotten in @enmark: algo uele a podrido
empiricism: pilosofical doctrine wic assertsL&+(ue determina,
empiricism 8 racionalism
realism 8 idealism
bombast: affectation, pomposity, pretentiousness
braind5dead: clinically dead
break te bank: acer saltar la banca
breattaking: out of tis world, ama.ing, incredible
brigt and early: very early
bug out 8slang5: get away
bug 8slang5 boter someone
to burn te midnigt oil: work up to late
burst out lauging: laug strongly
bury te atcet: finis old disputations
business as usual: everyting as like ever was
busybody: gossip, bigmout, entrometido
buy a pig in a poke: buy someting before see it
by a air: by a breadt, by a wisker: por un pelo
by all appearances: apparently
by cance: accidentally, by coincidence, fortuitously
by coincidence
by guess and by golly 8informal5 de pura suerte y con ayuda de @ios +Iolly,
by no means: no way
by virtue of someting: en virtud de algo
by word of mout: por la vo. (ue se corre 8 iCve eard it in te grapevine
call it a day: finis work and dismiss
call of nature5informal5 need to go to te batroom
callousness: cruelty, coldness, insensitivity, eartlessness
call someone on te carpet: reprimenda de un :efe
call te meeting to order: to announce tat te meeting as :ust began
call te sots, call te tune 8infml5 to take a decision, to make oneCs mind up
canCt see beyond te end of oneCs nose
carried away: excited, animated, energi.ed
carry out: accomplis, acieve a work, take carge of some work
conclave: con clavis
carry te torc: to leadering
case law: :urisprudencia
causeway: land bridge, ramp
cat got your tongue
catc someone off5balance: sorprender a alguien (ue no estN preparado para discutir
center stage: en primer plano, a la vista de todos
cainsmoker: smoker tat smokes one after oter
cange over: cambiar por algo, el canal, cangeover: transici>n, relevo
canging room: vestuario, probador
carley orse: calambre
ceat on someone: enga9ar
ceeseparing: taca9o
cest of drawers: c>moda
cickenearted: cobarde
cief :ustice: president of te court supreme
cocaolic: adict to cocolate
cinc 8infml5 too easy, piece of cake
clamp down: tomar medidas drNsticas
clear out: go away
clear someting up: explain someting doubtful
clear te table5 opposite of set te table
cliff5anging: suspenso, (ue termina en suspenso
close at and: a mano
cloud over: get cloudy
cloudburst: caparr>n
cloud5cuckoo5land: absent, to live in te clouds
coat and tie& de saco y corbata
cockiness ,cocksure: arrogancia, petulancia
cold, ard cas: contado rabioso
it gives me te collywobbles: to be very nervous
te devil and all: everytingCs bad
te devil dances wit an empty pocket: la pobre.a lleva a la tentaci>n del delito
devil dodger: ip>crita, mentiroso
te devil is not so black as e is painted: respuesta a una cr?tica exagerada
devilCs bones: dice, dados
te devilCs candlestick: pallus impudicus
devilCs dancing our: midnigt
devilCs do.en: DF, una para el diablo
te devil sick would be a monk: acer prome.as en las malas y no cumplirlas en las buenas&
devilCs luck: to ave very good luck
tell te trut and blame te devil: decir la verdad y ser onesto
come againP 8infml5 c>mo di:oP
come again: por favor, vuelva
come clean: to be absolutely onest wit someone
make it off: make love
come off itQ 8slang5 tell te trutQ
come out of nowere, or come out of te blue: to appear suddenly
come out of te closet: reveal secret intentions
come troug: to do wat oneCs expected to do, even difficult
come to a standstill: to stop temporarily or permanently
come to ligt: acer conocer
come to te point: get to te point: llegar al punto
to come to tink of it: now tat 3 remember
to come up: someting unexpected
comfortable as an old soe
confidence game, confidence trick: enga9o, timo, estafa& confidence stricker: estafador
contrariwise:on te contrary, viceversa
te dogs of war: orrores de guerra
dog5tired: cansado como perro
as sick as a dog: enfermo como un perro
barking dog seldom bites: perro (ue ladra no muerde
every dog as is day: a cada cual le llega su dia&
give a dog a bad name and ang im: ablar mal de alguien y arruinar su reputaci>n
keep a dog and bark oneself: pagarle a alguien para (ue aga algo y acerlo uno mismo
lead a cat and a dog life: siempre peleando
you canCt teac old dogs new tricks
cook te accounts: arreglar los libros contables
cool itQ, cool down: take it easy
count noses: contar gente reunida
count in: tener en cuenta a alguien& count out: no tener en cuenta
cras and burn: fracasar rotundamente
to be cra.y about
to create a scene: to make a scene +in public,
cross5examine:interrogar con detalle
cross swords: cru.ar espadas, pelear
cut a ceck: librar un ce(ue
to cut someone in: dar participaci>n en algo
daily do.en: 5infml5 e:ercicios f?sicos diarios
draconian code
drone: male of oney bee
dainties: ex(uisiteces
daintly: con delicade.a, con finura
damn: condenar& damn itQ: maldito sea
damnable: deplorable
dance to anoter tune: cambiar de conducta o actitud
dance wit dead: acer algo peligroso
dandruff: caspa
to dare someone: desafiar
dark orse: alguien poco conocido en sus abilidades o proyectos
day nursery: guarder?a infantil
Kanus presided over te entrance of te year
Kanuary and may: said of a old man marrying a young woman
ascribe: assign, attribute to +adscribir,
sole autority: Onica autoridad
refusal to salute
a word taken to be plural: a word in plural
butts: cascos de vino
:erry5built: poorly constructed, inconsistent +:erico walls,
:erry: as :ack, often used to denote inferiority or not distinguised, :errymumble& :erry snead:
persona falsa, :erry5sop: cervecer?a de ba:o nivel
:erked beef: car(ui
eventful: exciting, lively, a.aroso +via:e, vida,
te city after aving fallen to te arabsL&
passover commemoration: easter
condemned as a blaspemer
encompass te eart: cover L&
asumed te forms of animals
ideously ugly: orribly unattractive, socking, dreadful
singularly beautiful
poverty: deficiency, lack, sortage
pious man: devout, religious, moral, spiritual
painful desease
ultimately everyting is restored to im
<3 am as poor as Kob, my -ord, but not so patient= 6enry 3B
Kon 6ancock:ownCs signature
6olly "oger: black flag wit skull and crossbones& pirateCs flag
:ona ad to propesy disaster caused by te excessive wickedness, but !inive migt repent
and tereby be saved&
unprecedent severity
draw lots: tiraron suerte
calamitous condition
Kona draw te unlucky lot and e is trown overboard
swallowed by a great fis, wic vomites im out onto dry land
toug still reluctant, Kona perfoms is appointed mission to !inive
muc to is displeasure is call to repentance is eard and te city is saved
its name goes back to: its name is after
encloses suc turbulent istory
deeds: actions, manners, conduct
deed: )ct, legal document, -and @eed
distress: pain, suffering, sorrow
wandering troug settlements in Ialilee and te neigboring countryside in company of DG
ealing powers
message of te redeeming love of Iod
demagogues of all parties
public plunderers: sa(ueadores pOblicos
attack wrong: atarcar lo e(uivocado
news coverage
:uggernaut: algo (ue termina en masacre& *amiones muy grandes
Kupiter *apitolinus presided over te romans& @etermined te course of uman affairs
to curse someone
%e :ury arose in medieval times as a body of neigbors summoned to give on oatL: el
:urado apareci> en Rpocas medievales como un cuerpo de vecinos convodados para dar ba:o
tere ave long been: ay desde entonces
first clause of te *onstituion
for te most part: te ma:ority, greatest part
te number DG was doubtless regarded as providing a sufficiently large number of people to
give a reliable verdict in legal earings
<no one sould be a :udge in is own case=
<a man sould not act as a :udge eiter for someone e loves or for someone e astes, for no
man can see te guilt of someone e loves or te (ualities in someone le ates=
<do not be too asty in accusing or approving anyone=
<do not :udge somebody on te sip, from te land=
<let :ustice be done, even toug te eavens fall=
<wen te duty is to do an act fo :ustice, it sould be done promptly& %o delay is un:ustice&
<be :ust and fear not= 6enry B333 8Sakespeare
Ireat #os(ue at #ecca
coverede wit black brocate
formerly used
e is depicted as aL&: e is described as, e is represented
is a text on istory
referring toL&
balk:draw back, stop
bomb5loaded aircrafts cras into teir target
se was one of te great adulteresses of istory
wane: fade, vanis
se commits suicide by trowing erself under a train
se was memorably portrayed
te cumulative results of a personCs deeds
vow: swear, promise
a bunc of flowers
url: to trow, to launc, to pitc& 6e urled te rock from te eigt
kilt: long lengt of clot wrapped around te waist, wit one end trown over te soulder&
gartment: piece of cloting
neter: posterior, rear& +)nton: fore,
a kindergarten boy is led rater tan taugt
pre5primary5scool5age cildren
kin: family, relatives
kingM(ueen can do no wrong: te crown acts on te advice and consent of ministers, terefore
te sovereign cannot be el responsible&
king carleCs ead: obsesion
king demos: te people
king of te kings: god
kingCsM(ueenCs englis: perfect language
kingCsM(ueenCs picture: money
kingdom come
widespread mode of salutation: greeting or farewell
kissing under te mistletoe
kiss of deat: action wic as bad conse(uences
kiss of life: *'"
kiss te areCs foot: be too late& also: a day after te fair
it came to denote a man of gentle birt, serving at court as a page or es(uire +escudero,
retinue: entourage, attendats, followers
and all te tings tat may be desired are not to be compared to knowlegde
uni(ue: extraordinary, sole, exclusive
to sail a raft
to support te teory tatL&
tey were descendantsL
comprise buildings of many arcitectural styles&&:include, involve
enclosed by many towered walls D&S miles in circuit
%sar: .ar
is te seat of russian government
terse:brief& terseness
to level te city to te ground: destroy te city
baffle: confuse, perplex: it is baffling to find te way, flummox
bread kneader: (uien amasa pan
-ady @ay: annunciation of our -ady, te Birgin #ary
damsel: dama, damisela
ospital wards: salas del ospital
it pretext was a quarrel between "ussian and 4rance over te guardiansip of oly places
laisse. faire, laisse. passer: te non5interference by government
an inquiry into te natureL&
ence te name: de alli el nombre
to plunge: sink, fall
protegR: someone protected
civalry: caballeria& also gallantry, politeness, courtliness, good manners
adulterous: disloyal, false
land of milk and oney
*ain was exiled after e ad slain )bel
go to te land of !od: idiom: go to sleep
retain: preserve, maintain, old on to, keep
ever since: from te time wenL
-and of te midnigt sun
-and of te rising sun: :apan& te allusion is to the geograpical location wit regard to *ina
-and of te wite eagle: 'oland
coat of arms: insignia, emblem, symbol
laps of te gods: te unknown cances of te future
lapsus linguae: a slip of te tongue, an imprudent word inadvertently spoken
lapsus calami: a slip of te pen
lapsus memoriae: a slip of te memory
utter: complete, absolute, total
flu: catarr, cold, grippe, influen.a, sinusitis
fly5by5nigt: doubtful, distrustful, unreliable, dubious, (uestionable, trustless
foam at te mout: be very angry +con espuma en la boca,
fogorn: vo.arr>n
follow te trucks, follow te footsteps: seguir los pasos o el e:emplo de alguien
follow te crowd: do wat te oters do
follow up: vigilar, seguir la marca de algOn asunto
foolCs paradise: virtual situation tas seems to be pleasant, but itCs actually false
footloose: witout commitments
for all 3 care: 3 donTt care anyting
for all 3 know: up to te tings 3 know
for better or worse: it doesnTt matter wat will appen
foreign affairs: relaciones exteriores
foreknowledge: previous knowledge
foremost: primary, leading
forename: first name
foresee: predict, forecast, foretell, anticipate
foreseeable future: futuro inmediato
forever and ever: witout end, endlessness
forget oneself: to act incorrectly& < we go to a party, donTt forget yourself=
wrongly, imperfectly, mistakenly, erroneously, improperly, inaccurately
forgive and forget: perdonar y olvidar
for good: for ever, permanently
for kicks5slang5: for fun
for peteCs sake: exclamaci>n de molestia o perturbaci>n
for real 8inflm5: autRntico, genuino
fortnigt: (uincena, fortnigtly: (uincenalmente
for te birds: valueless, wortless
for te most part: mainly, mostly
for sure 8infml5: certainly, sure
forward looking: progresist, innovative, futuristic, aead of is time, modern
forty winks 8infml5: siestita
four eyes 8infml5: cuatro:os, anteo:itos
four5leaf clover
four5letter word: vulgarism, bad language, rude word
fox: as a verb, to confuse, to trick, to deceive
frame of mind: mood, temper, disposition
framework: structure, frame, outline
free and easy: to be easy, witout pressure
frolic: :uerga
from te bottom of my eart
from te cradle to te grave
from te word go 8infml5: from te very beginning
from time to time
from way back 8infml5: from te past, ancient
frown: ce9o fruncido
fruitcake: as nut as a fruitcake&
fuck around: fool around
fuck off: get awayQQQ +very rude,
fuddy5duddy: stick5in5te5muds, old fasioned, very traditional
full5ouse: full, replete, complete
full5blown: complete, full, mature
fund5raising: to collect funds
funeral ome: funeral parlor
fun5loving: playful, :oyful, ig5spirited
furtermore: also, besides, in addition
fussbudget: complainer +cill>n,
4U3: for your information
4W@: pass to, send to
gababout: calle:ero
gadfly: person wo criticies muc& also tNbano
gaffe: impropriety, blooper
gaga: empe.ar a cocear, ciflado
gain ground: advance, progress, improve
galimatias: confusing and dark language
gall: annoy, irritate& acerbic& bilis
gall blader: ves?cular biliar
gallstone: cNlculo biliar
gallows umor: black umor
galore: in abundance, in great (uantities
galump 8infml5: move like an elepant, clump, stomp+tread eavily,
tread: walk, stride, s(uas, crus 8 +v,to tread 8 to tread +trod, trodden,on someting: crus,
step on
gap5tooted: tat as separated teet, ironically tootless
garbageman, garbage truck
garden pat: also to fool, trick someone
garrulity: cattering, talkative, wordy, verbose, rambling +verborrNgico,
gas up 8infml5: get te tank full
gate craser: intruder, trespasser
ga.ebo:tent, pergola +glorieta,
generalMlocal anaestetic
gp: general purpose
generation gap: generational leap
generous to a fault: too muc benevolent
gentrification: aburguesamiento
gerrymander: dividir in:ustamente circunscripciones electorales en beneficio propio
get a break: a strike of luck, lucky strike
get a brigt idea
get a ceckup: pysical ceck, corporal ceck
get a frog on te troat: wit difficulty to speak
get a life 8slang5: +rude, donTt be silly& avivateQ
get a raw deal 8infml5: to get an unfair and non polite treatment
get a roug idea: to ave a general idea of someting +acerse la idea de algo,
get ants in your pants: to be nervous, anxious
get away from it all: let te daily routine away
get away wit someting: salirse con la suya
get better: recuperate, improve
get busy: get cracking
get by: survive, manage, scratc out a living
get carried away: to get very excited
get cold feet: to be very feared to do someting
get credit: to be renowned or famous for doing someting
get down to te facts: attain to te facts
get even: a mano
get fres: get insolent, impertinent, audacious
get in touc
get lost: go out of ereQQ
get mad: get annoyed
get off itQ: donTt say nonsense, donTt talk tis way
get off my backQ: donTt boter me
gostwriter: writing for anoter people
gift of te tongue: capacity to speak foreign languages
giggle: nerovous lauging
gimmick: ardid, truco, picard?a, recurso efectista& +v,: atraer la atenci>n con trucos&
gimmickry: an array of gimmicks
give and take
give im te red5carpet treatment
give me a break
given name: first name
give or take: more or less, approximately, someting like
go all out: make a uge effort, do your utmost
go aead: go forward, avance, progress
:aded: tired, exausted
:aundiced: cynical, pessimistic, skeptical, unentusiastic, apatetic
:aundice: yellowis decoloration of skin +ictericia,
:a..y: brigt, flasy, brigt coloured
sna..y: brigt, flasy colorful style
were, wore, worn
:ewel: a precious stone specially worn as an ornament
gem: cut precious stone
genie: sprite, spirit +of te lamp,
genius: igly talented person
:ocular: relates to :okes or :oking in general
:ocose: used for playful or :okey people
:ocund: used for playful or merry temperament, ig spirited
:ovial: earty, vigorous, energetic
:oin: refers to te visual appearance of tings :oined up
:oint: relates to te site of pysical :oining up
:unction: y5:unction, t5:unction
:uncture: is a critical time or state of affairs, crisis, turning point, .ero our
:uvenile: yout
:e:une: knaive, puerile
sunlit <>dark
nick: to cut by te edge
fold +increasing suffix,: undredfold: a undred of times, twofold: double
screec: scream
keep up wit: keep in contact wit
ideous: ugly, repugnant
teem wit: be full of, seete wit, be furious, be swarm wit
to ply: acer un via:e regularmente
streak: line, band, stripe a shirt covered with streaks of mud
go berserk: go mad, lose control
weirdness: strangeness, oddness
sriek: scream, cry, sout
freak: unusual event& abnormal, strange, odd
blot out: blank out, ide, conceal, cover, sadow, eclipse
wink on: glitter, sparkle, twinkle, flas
da..le: prevent from seeing, temporarily deprive of sigt, overwelm, astonis, deslumbrar&
gossamer: delicate, seer +pure, complete,, etereal
glow: radiance, sine, flame, bla.e
dim: not brigt, faint, badly lit; diffuse
glare: frown, look angrily
glare: eadligts, sunCs sining
fuss: commotion, excitement +alboroto, 8 to fuss: to boter
umpteent time: enRnesima ve.
wretced +ad:,: miserable, desolate, eartbroken
wretc +n,: un miserable, un desgraciado&
startling: surprising 8 upsetting
puncture5wound: erida pun.ante
package tours: via:es con todo incluido
clockwork: perfecci>n, exacto
scaring ell out of people: asustar a la gente con el infierno
would5be: possible, probably
to demoralise
prior: previous
to ponder: ponderar
to dissect: to cut up, to cut apart
)ge o "eason
bespoke: custom5made <> mass5produced
helium was discovered on earth as a by-product of the radioactive decay of certain rocks, and
used by the toy-balloon industry
ooked: +ad:&, entusiastic, keen, captivated, obsessed, addicted
to boil off: evaporarse
the corona has a temperature of more than 1000 ! "far hotter than the surface
subtlety: delicacy, refinement, detail, fine point: sutile.a
meandering: roundabout, winding, tortuous
ellis: +ad:, extremely ot
to amount to: incrementar enL
at the height of the hunt
to lurk: to prowl, to lie in wait
to detain+detained,: to arrest
near5legendary status
to vindicate: to :ustify, to prove correct
slob: good5for5noting, la.ybones, waster
disposable income: trowaway income
to wet +wetted,: to stimulate, to sarpen: to whet the appetite
to plant a song, a rithm into pop culture
glide: move smootly, slide along
:unkieM:unky: +infml, a person wo wants to do or to ave someting all te time computer
#unkie, tv #unkie " a person wo takes drugs
to break out: estallar war broke out
to revive: to renew, to restore, to refres, to restart
to put an idea off: acer a un lado una idea
to implement
to unveil: descubrir, revelar, correr el velo
sundial: a sun clock
:udiciously: prudently, wisely
after a couple of false starts the obelisk has been converted into a giant sundial with the help
of a few #udiciously placed markings on the pavement$
to be oter5wordly
te subconscious
to imbue: fill, permeate, impreganate 8 to inspire: embuir
foreing ollidays
disconfort: +ad:, 8 +s, 8 +v,
cumulative: +ad:, growing, increasing cumulative miles flying
blackened sun
front5page news
unpalatable ideas: indegistible ideas, disgusting ideas, unpleasant, nasty, revolting ideas
divest: deprive, separate from
overcome:con(uer, defeat; agobiar, superar&
crass: insensitive, gross, tactless
posit: con:ecture, speculate, imaginate
extol: admire, worsip, exalt
upeaval: disturbance, disorder, turmoil
clas: figt, conflict
all in all: precis
is got to do wit 8 as noting got to do wit
scatter: disperse, spread out
to come up wit: produce, to come across an idea +encontrarse casi por casualidad,
get over: recover from, endure, survive
to be over someone: i%m not ove you yet : no lograr olvidarse de alguien
triving: flourising, prosperous, booming, blooming
founder: to wreck
tip: lean, angle, incline, tilt +gradient,
derelict: +ad:, abandon, neglected, ruined 8 +n, abandon property, omeless or :obless person
rave: be delirious, talk wildly, rage
take up: start, adopt, begin
overlook: fail to notice, fail to see, ignore, neglect, miss, forget& )s a noun means: place in a
ig place were one could look down below&
onset: start& 6e settled in 6olland at te onset of te war
onwards +or onward,: from a moment on +or a point aead, from this moment onward "
onward&' adelante& &
banned: excluded, expelled, dis(ualified, forbbiden
sort of: rater, (uite, reasonably, somewat, more or less
seek out: look for
purport: claim, assert, allege, declare
slur over: treat urriedly, or avoid dealing wit properly +skate over, smoot over, skimp
over, 8 slurred speec: inaudible, fu..y, unclear, nebolous
convey: express, put in words, communicate, transmit; carry
edgeog: porcupine +puercoesp?n,
og: control, dominate, take over, sare+antonym, 8 +n,: pig
s(uander: waste, trow away
run out on you: finis, end, come to an end&
clay: terracotta
darn: to mend, sew
put out: extinguis
fandango: fandango, bullicio, :olgorio
seasick: nauseous
forsake: abandon, desert, leave, turn your back on
baffling: mysterious, inexplicable, unsolved, arcane
strand: filament, fiber, string a strand of hair (hebras)
stranded: trapped, stuck, abandoned, marooned +varado,& desamparado
gist:substance, essence
fleeting: brief, momentary, epemeral
slot: opening, gap +ranura,
/ut wen given a piece of card se could (uickly and accurately line it up and post it straigt
alloy: metal components fusioned and allied&
stride +strode,: significant progress +especially in te prase Vmake stridesV, +Example: ()hey
made big strides in productivity(, 5 a step in walking or running 5 te distance covered by a
step5 cover or traverse by taking long steps&
gait: walk, way of walking&
s(uander: to waste
case: follow, trail, track, pursue, run after
airdresser: person wo cuts oters air
woodcutter: le9ador
engine driver: ma(uinista
crab: cangre:o
:ellyfis: medusa
sea urcin: eri.o
otter: nutria
brook: stream, creek, little river 8 to accept, put up wit
pot: maceta
paper weigt: pisapapeles
saucepan: cacerola
ladle: cucar>n
fis slice: espumadera
mutton: carnero
calf: ternero
score: partitura
baton: batuta 8 to call te tune: llevar la batuta
scenery: escenograf?a
stork: cigWe9a
swallow: golondrina
gull: gaviota
fly: mosca
earring: aro
brooc: broce
pin: alfiler
ribbon: cinta
fringe: fleco 8 extreme, edge, peripery, outer area, fartest part
embroidery: bordado
easel: caballete
paintbrus: pincel
palette: paleta
still life: naturale.a muerta
tangerine: mandarina
fig: igo
anvil: yun(ue
file: lima
corkscrew: sacacorcos
scale: balan.a
fan: ventilador 5 abanico
padlock: candado
grater: rallador
egg cup: portauevos
wellingtons: botas de lluvia
ligtning conductor: pararrayos
cloudburst: caparr>n
dew: roc?o
ox: buey
cristmas carroll: villancico
fir tree: pino
moulding: moldura
floor tile: baldosa
blind: persiana
bolt: cerro:o
corridor: pasillo
terrace: terra.a
cauffeur: cofer
draugtsman: dibu:ante
smit: errero
sour: agrio
tasteless: ins?pido
tuneful: melodioso
pavement: vereda
clay: arcilla
lime: cal
apron: delantal
dust coat: delantal
scarf: bufanda
soelaces: cordones
timble: dedal
tread: ilo 8 +v, to pass troug te eye of a needle
tape measure: cent?metro
lining: forro
stitc: puntada
seam: costura
sleeve: manga
protractor: transportador
covering: forro
divider: compNs
pencil older: lapicero
moo: mugir
ceep: piar
trill: trinar
pace: rate, speed
enfeeble: weaken, deteriorate
feeble: laxo, weak
waning: fading, declining
fledge: ready to fly from te nest, mature
full fledged: eco y dereco, con todas las de la ley&
proceeds: profits, income, earnings
grievous: grave, terrible, dreadful
malaise: depression, melancoly& Sensaci>n de malestar
bust: not working, out of order, ruined, broken
straitened: distressed or embarrassed +specially financially,
ailing: ill, sick, bellow par, not a undred per cent&
vex: irritate, annoy, displease vexation: someting annoying, irritating
:olt: sake, sock, pus
giddying: vertiginous +pronunc& guidin,
treacerous: unfaitful, disloyal
imperil: put in danger, endanger, :eopardi.e
baro(ue: extravagant; exaggerated
belated: be delayed
progeny:descendants, cildren
conduit: medium, means, cannel, instrument
set aside: save, reserve
curn; mix, stir, roil, agitate, sake
iatus:pause, interruption
oard: store, amass, accumulate
falter: esitate, fade
rot: to putrefy5 s& putrefaction
dismally: miserably, gloomily
unwind: slow down, calm down
take old: set, start, begin
repent: regret, be sorry, apologi.e
guise: appearance, costume 8 pretext, excuse
gale: strong suddenly wind
gaol: :ail +se pronuncian igual,
gape: stare at, attonised
string of garlic: ristra de a:o, garlic clove: diente de a:o
gas: long deep cut made wit a knife, slas
ga.e: paroxistic looking at
germ: germen
gesture: gesticulation
giggle:laug nervously
gill: bran(uia, agalla
gimmick: artima9a& 4ree gifts are often given away as a gimmick to draw attention to a new
glare: to look wit anger& to brigt or sine
gleam: spark, flas
glider: aircraft wic fly witout propulsion but air
glimpse: (uick sigt of someting or someone
gloomy: darky, sady
glossy: glossy paper: satinado
glow: irradiate eat and ligt
gnaw: bite& roer
goal: to score a goal& %arget
gobble: eat anxiously
gorge: deep sudden+abrupt, steep, valley
grapefruit: pomelo
graps: grNfica
grasp: catc firmly& Understand accurately, precisely
gravel: grava
gra.e: forage, rummage& Scratc, lesion, abrasion
grind: crus, pulveri.e
grip: to grasp
groan: moan, cry out, grunt, roar painfully
groceries: goods bougt at te supermarket
groove: cannel, rut, furrow: acanaladura, surco, cisura, estr?a&
growl: roar or grunt wit annoying
egg case: cascar>n
toddler: a cild wen begins to walk
grub: worm, or larva
grumble: complain, moan +refunfu9ar,, murmur
gulp: swallow, drink (uickly, greedly
gurgle: acer sonido burbu:eante con la garganta
tickle: please, entertain
ail: grani.o
ammock: amaca paraguaya
andlebar: manubrio, manillar
andstand: pararse con las manos
ang5glider: ala delta
to atc: come up, emerge, romper el cascar>n 8 +s, escotilla, compuerta
aul: pull or drag strongly& %e act of pulling or dragging
eap: stack, pile, mount, mass +a eap of clotes on te cair,
eave: lift someting eavy
edge: dividing buses
eel: tal>n
nortern, soutern emispere
erb: rosemary, oreganoL
int:to suggest, insinuate
iss: to wistle, sisear
oax: trick, fraud
obble: walk wit difficulty, suffle, drag one foot
ood: part of a coat tat covers te ead
oof: casco o pe.u9a
oop: ring, loop,circle
oot: to owl, te alarm is ooting
op: to :ump on one foot
back and fort: atascado, no decidirse
rear: back& +to, take care of, nurture&
foster: encourage
back down: back off, take back, admit you were wrong
back of te beyond: te most remote place
back up: support, backing
back alley: end way between two blocks
alley: passage, lane, narrow street 8 blind alley:calle:>n sin salida
backbreaking: ardous, exausting
backward5looking: retrograde, conservative
ball of fire: very active person
bark up at te wrong tree: to make a bad coice
basket case: caso perdido
to be a must: someting tat canCt be avoided
teacerCs pet: te one prefered by te teacer
bear down: put down, press down, pus down, anniilate, destroy
concealed: idden, covered
gnasings: cru:idos
leering: suggestive looking implying sexual desire
bigotry: pre:udice, intolerance, racism bigot: someone dogmatist, extremist; someone
crunc:comp, cew& *risis
roost: sleep, rest,settle
pail: container
slumberMdo.e: sleep
beat te clock: finis someting before expected time
bird of passage: ave de paso
birds of a feater, flock togeter: dios los criaL&
bite back: morderse la lengua para no ablar&
torougbred: pure5bred, pedigree
reaping: arvest, recollection
weld: fuse, :oint, solder, :oin, connect, repair
welfare: wellbeing, prosperity, safety, wealt
wealt: ricness, prosperity, assets +wealtier, wealtiest, 5> wealty
weat: cereal tat bread is made wit
weelbarrow: carretilla
weelcair: silla de ruedas
wine: complain, moan +(ue:arse prolongadamente,: te kid wined about going to bed
wirl: spin, rotate, twirl: te cowboy wirled te laso up around is ead
wirlwind: tornado, cyclone, urricane
wisk: beat +batir, wisk te egg wites until tey are stiff& 8 pala para batir
stiff +stiffer, stiffest, rigid, firm stiff plastic card
wisker: bigote de animal
wistle: silbato
wi.. +v,: passing by in a rus, (uickly, at ig speed&5 antonym: creep5 +s, be a wi.. at: ser
un genio de&&
wicked: 5> wickedness: evil
wide 8 widt <> narrow
wig: toupee, extension +peluca,
wasteland: inospitable, desert, wilderness
willing: entusiastic, ready, dispose, keen <> reluctant
to win <> to lose
to wind +wound,: twist +dar cuerda, 8 to .ig.ag, to meander: te long X winding road
to wink: gui9ar un o:o 8 +s, gui9o: 3 didnTt sleep a wink: no peguR un o:o
to wipe: clean or dry wit a duster +pa9o,
to witer: dry up, srink <> bloom +te plant witered wile tey were away,E to srivel
+srivelled, 8 to witer someone wit a look&
to wobble: to tremble, to (uiver +tambalearse,: e wobbled on is ice5skates
to tremble: temblar& tambiRn de fr?o o de miedo
wonder: surprise, astonisment, awe, admiration: tey looked in wonder at te brigt ligts in
te sky 8 marvel, miracle, penomenon
woodwind instrument: instrumento de viento&
ball of wool: bola de lana como se vende en los negocios&
wollen: made wit wool
eartworm: lombrices
worry: concern, fear, care,anxiety,
wort: te crown was wort a lot of money
wreat +f' * rids=,: garland, airdress
to wreck: to destroy, to demolis, to ruin, to break
to wrestle: to figt
to wriggle: move about 8 to sake te ips
to wring +wrung,: to s(uee.e a li(uid out by twisting +escurrir, exprimir,
wrinkle: arruga en la piel, tela,etc&& +v, to wrinkle
to Y5ray& ) cest Y5ray
to yap: to bark wit ig5pitced sound +agudo,
treble: sonido alto 8 +B, to treble: triplicarse
yarn: tread, fiber, string, filament to knit wit
to yawn: boste.ar 8 +s, boste.o de aburrimiento
yeast: musroom +levadura,
to yell: to sout, to roar 8 +s,: sout, roaring
yoke: burden +yugo,
yolk: yema de uevo
wites: clara de uevo
to .oom: go fast, go like a bullet: te motorbike .oomed past me
ang, ung, ung
to ang up: colgar la ropa en percas& +s,: problem, neurosis, eccentricity
uprigt: standing, erect, on two feet, vertical
ind: back, rear, posterior, fore
uproar: caos, tumult, pandemonium
to upset: tambiRn significa volcar: vaso, :arr>n
to urge: insist on, pus for& +s, sudden feeling to do someting, instinct, impulse
urine: orina
cat flap: puertita para (ue entre un animal
penknife: camping knife, army knife: cortaplumas
vacant 5> vacancy
vaccination: immuni.ation, inoculation
vacuum flask: termos
vague 5> vaguely
vain, vainer, vainest 8 vainly
valuable <> wortless
vandal 8 +v, vandali.e
vapour: steam
various: different, diverse, a variety of
varnis: lac(uer, polis, patina, gla.e& +v, to varnis
fles: tambiRn pulpa
aubergine: beren:ena
stem: tallo
stalk: tallo mNs grueso
twig: ramita
branc: rama
trunk: tronco 8 tambiRn parte del cuerpo y baOl
bark: corte.a
eartwood: duramen
growt rings: anillos de crecimiento
root tuber: tubRrculo
sweet potato: batata
radiccio: repollo
corn5cob: ma.orca
usk: vaina
sweetcorn +mai.e,: coclo
celery: apio
globe articoke: alcaucil
radis: rabanito
(uince: membrillo
case: vaina
nut: cual(uier tipo de nue.
berries: bayas
leaf bud: yema
cesnut: casta9o
vein: vena, nervadura de o:a
vessel: boat, sip 8 pot, container
vet: veterinario : veterinary surgeon
vicious: cruel, ferocious, fierce, brutal: a vicious dog attacked me
vcr: video cassette recorder
vintage: classic, traditional, typical 5 era, epoc, time
turn up te volume on te television:subir el volumen
vomit& +v, to vomit +vomited,
vulture: buitre
to wade: badear& to wade a strem across a ford
wafer: oblea, bar(uillo
waffle: pan(ue(ue
wagon: carriage, car, railway wagon
waist: narrow part of te body over te ips
tig+muslo,: te part of te leg between te ip and te knee
ind leg: back part of te leg <> fore leg
to wake up +woke, woken, 8 be awake
wand: stick or rod used by magicians or wi.ards
wander: vagar
wonder& preguntarse
wardrobe: ropero 8 winter wardrobe: colecci>n de invierno
wareouse: storeouse, depot
to waste 5> +s, a waste
waterproof coat: impermeable +also raincoat,
a DHH5watt ligt bulb
to wave: to sign, to signali.e, to gesticulate, to undulate, oscillate : te brances waved in te
wind& Se waved goodbye as te sip sailed away&
outfit: group, company, team, unit& +v, to supply, to provide, to e(uip, to furnis, to stock, to
kit out
outfit: also a costume, uniform, a set of clotes: e is wearing an outfit of cowboy& )lso
weary: exausted, drained, tired +wearier, weariest, 5> weariness
weater: climate 5 +v, to endure, to suffer, to go on +capear,
weter: if& weter, weter, weter, weter
web: telara9a
weed: wild plant, wild flower
to weep +wept,: to cry
palm: palmera
maple: arce
needles: agu:as del pino
birc: abedul
larc: alerce
oak: roble
flower bud: capullo
to trim +trimmed,: cut in order to tidy someting: the heardresser trimmed his hair
to trip: +tripped, stumble, fall, slip, tumble, lose your footing 8trope.ar& %ambiRn ir de
trolley: canguito de supermercado 8 tambiRn streetcar: tranv?a
to trot +trotted, a orse
troug: drinking troug: abrevadero para animales 8 eating troug: comedero
trout: truca
trowel: palita de :ardin
truce: ceasefire, armistice& the armies called a truce
to trudge: walk troug wit difficulty: they trudged home through the snow
trustworty E worty of trust, belief, or reliance; true +como ad:etivo,, reliable 5 trut:
verdad +v, to trust: to belief
se tried on te gloves: se prob> los guantes
tub: cuba& contenedor abierto usado para guardar o lavar cosas
tube: tubo, pomo lleno de algo
to tuck: meter en su lugar o arreglar, la ropa o alguna tela
to fold : +v,of paper etc :doblar; fold oneZs arms cru.arse de bra.os; (uebrar una empresa; +s,
in clot etc: pliegue
to tug +at, 8tagged& to pull, drag or aul, (uick and strong5 +s, tir>n
to trace to retrace: tra.ar, re5tra.ar
tuna: atOn
turban: turbante
tusk: colmillo
twirl: turn around: she twirled around to show them the new skirt
twist: torcer, doblar: she twisted her head around
ugly 8 ugliness
ulcer: Olcera, llaga
umpire: referee, arbitrator, arbiter
unanimous: said of an undivided agreement& wole consensus
to uncover: to expose, to reveal, to discover
undercover: in secret, secretly, coverly, furtively, stealtily
stealt: furtiveness, secrecy +secretismo,, covertness <> openness
underdone: undercooked, bloody, pink
underneat: under
understudy: substitute, replacement, double
underwear: pants, vest +camiseta,
to undress: take clotes off, strip, strip off
uneasy: anxious, nervous, perturbed 8 uneasily
uneven: roug, not level, irregular 8 unevenly
unexpected 8 unexpectedly
unicycle: veloc?pedo
engine no..le: bo(uilla de salida
docking window: ventana de acoplamiento
manouvering engines: motores de maniobra
windscreen: parabrisas
unmanned: no tripulado
to be unkind or kind to someone
unlikely: improbable, not likely: an unlikely story
unload <> load
unlock<> lock
unlucky 8unluckier5 unluckiest
unoccupied<> occupied: empty
unpack<>pack: unpack your suitcase
untrue<> true
unused<> used: new
unwell<> well: ill, sick, in poor ealt: 3 felt unwell for days&
to satter: destroy: when she sang the top notes, the glass shattered 8 to spoil a plan
sawl: stole, scarf +cal, pa9oleta,
to sear +seared, sorn,: es(uilar; to be sorn: (uedar es(uilado o pelado de algo&
seer:muy escarpado
sell: egg sell, nut sell, crabCs sell
sellfis: marisco
to sield: escudarse: she shieldied her eyes from the sun
sin: espinilla, canilla +tibia,
sipwreck: naufragio5tambiRn los restos
te dog sook +sake, imself dry
fairground boot: puesto de :uego en un par(ue de diversiones o kermese
sortage: lack, scarcity, deficiency <> excess& there is a shortage of bread in the market
sorten: cut down abbreviate, reduce <> lengten
sovel: spade 8pala para cavar
srill +sriller, srilliest,: strident, penetrating, sarp: a shrill whistle
to srink +srank, srunk,: contract, reduce in si.e: his #umper had shrunk in the wash
srub: bus, plant
to srug +srugged,: gesticulatin +encogerse de ombros,
to sudder: to sake, to tremble of fear
to suffle: to drag te feet 8 to mix up, put in random order, reorder +cards)<> sort out
sutter: persiana, contraventana5 obturador fotogrNfico: +v, close, secure, cover up
sy +syer, syest,5> syly
sideways: lateralmente; to one side, obli(ue
siege: blockade, cordon; barrier, barricade +sitio,: +v,: to siege, to lay siege: sitiar
sieve: strainer, colander, filter +tami.ador,& +v, to sieve
sift: to sieve, tami.ar, cernir& %o sift troug: to examine carefully&
to sig: exale noisily, groan
signal: he puts his right arm out as a signal that he wanted to turn right
signature: autograp
silence 5> silent, silently
to simmer: cook or boil in low fire: leave the soupl to simmer for about +0 minutes
to sink , sank, sunk <> float, suspend, ang, rise
sink: basin +fregadero,
to sip +sipped,: sorber& +s, sorbo
siren: alarm bell
to sit: also to take an exam
to si..le: sisear o cisporrotear algo (ue se cuece
borny sield: capara.>n de tortuga
bony plates: placa osea
soulder blade,: scapula: om>plato
:awbone: mandible
collar bone: clavicle
breast bone: sternum
upper arm bone: umerus
main forearm bone: cObito
small forearm bone: radius
coccyx: coxis
rib cage: ca:a torNcica
ip bones: pelvis
and bones +carpals,
tig bone: femur, muslo
kneecap: r>tula
main sin bone: tibia
small sin bone: fibula +peronR,
foot bones +tarsals,
sketc: brief, draft, roug copy, first attempt
to ski, skied, skiing
to skid +skidded,: to slip, to slide +slid,: the car is skidding on icy road
to slam+ slammed,: of door: to close violently& also to critici.e
to slant: to incline, to lean
to slap +slapped,: to smack, to slap +abofetear,& +s, bofeta.o
sledge: sleig +trineo para ielo,
sleek: smoot and siny, silky
slender: slim, sligt +scarcity,
slide +s,: tobogNn 8 diapositiva
slime: sticky and li(uid substance +baba de caracol, pescadoL, 5>slimy
slug: babosa
to dribble: babear un ni9o 8 +s, baba de ni9o
to slobber: babear un adulto 8 +s, spittle, saliva
to slobber: babear un animal 8 +s, baba de animal
to drool: fig& babear: he drools over her daughter
to sling +slung,: to ang 8 +s, :cabestrillo para el bra.o
slippery: oily, grease, icy: resbaladi.o
slit: cut, split, opening +rasgadura,
to glide: sliter, move smootly +desli.arse,
slope: ill, angle, gradient: the practised on an artificial ski slope
to slouc: estar, caminar, sentarse desgarbado: don,t slouch( ponete derecho)
slippers: pantufla
te watc is S minutes slow
sly +slyer, slyest,5> slyly: secret, furtive 8 cunning, clever
to smack: golpear con la mano 8 +s, golpe, bofetada
to smas: satter, brake, cras: the plates smashed on the ground
to smear: to spread, to cover wit +untar, embadurnar, mancar, 8 tarnis, discredit +difamar,
empa9ar la reputaci>n,
smoot <> roug
to smoulder 5> +ad:, smouldering: to burn or seete witout fire and slowly 8 be anger
smudge: blotc, smear, stain +algOn tipo de manca,:she has a smudge of chalk 5 +v,
snack:nibble& +refrigerio, bocadillo,
burglar: tief, robber, intruder
to snatc: to sei.e, grab, take someting suddenly 8 also to steal, to run off wit
to sneak5> sneaky : to tiptoe, to go away softly witout making noise; acer algo
furtivamente, acercarse, escabullirse, robar sigilosamente&&+noun, ad:ective and verb,&
to sneer: to scorn, to laug at& +s, actitud despreciativa
to snee.e: estornudar
to sniff: respirar por la nari.
to snip +snipped,: to cut wit scissors
nail clippers: cortau9a 5 clipper: vessel, boat
to snore: roncar
snowdrift: ventis(uero, mont?culo de nieve
snowstorm: bli..ard, snow fall, snow flurry
snug: warm, omely, confortable: the cat looked very snug curled up inside the basket
to snuggle: to nestle, stay all togeter and close to keep warm
to soak: to immerse, to marinate 8 to drenc, to wet: empapar: the rain had soaked her hair
to sob +sobbed,: to weep, to sed tears +sollo.ar,
socket: ollow, ole +encufe de algo,
soft <> ard, soft <> rigid, soft <> roug, soft <> loud, soft +gentle,<> ars , soft +dim,
<> brigt, soft+indulgent, <> strict, soft +tender, <> ardearted
soil: ground, umus
solar panel
sole: only, solitary, single, lone: he was the sole survivor 8 suela de .apato
to carve: +from wood, to sculpt 8 +from meat, cut in slices
a solo fligt 8 a violin solo
to somersault: to flip over, to roll forward, to roll backward 8 salto mortal
sore +sorer, sorest,: painful, acing
sorry, sorrier, sorriest
soup 5> soupy
to sow: to propagate, to plant seeds
spanner: llave para tuercas
spark: cispa 5 to sparkle: centellar, destellar 8 +ad:&, sparkling +brillante,
spear: sling
speck: dot, fleck, fragment, small piece, mota o manca de tierra: a speck of dust
speckled: spotted, dotted +moteado,: a speckled egg
spectator: viewer, observer
railing: fence, barrier, balustrade: they were stood by the railings watching the match
to spell: to separate a word into its syllables 8 +s, magic carm: the magician cast a spell on
the frog 8 a period of time: i%ll take a spell at the wheel
to spend a lot at te sales
spice 5> spicy
watsoever: at all nothing whatsoever' nada en absoluto, watever
frill: decoration, add5onn, edging
trade off: costo de oportunidad de algo&
srimp: langostino
cildCs car safety seat
a secure door
to seesaw: to oscilate& +s, subiba:a
a pot of paint
semapore: sist& naval de mensa:es con banderas
senior: seniority
sensible: prudent, reasonable, rational note te difference
sensitive: susceptible, receptive, perceptive <>indifferent
se(uel: continuation, saga <> forerunner
se(uence E se(uency
se(uin: lente:uela
serial: se(uential, entertainment in installment +in capters,
series: matematic progression 8 of books 8 tv series, novels series
to settle down: calm down, relax , to (uiten down 8 to solve a dispute& that settles it& ' est-
saggy: airy, irsute, long5eared
sallow: low, tin, superficial <> deep
same5> asamed
two5dimensional sapes, tree5dimensional sapes: figuras y volOmenes
isoceles triangle
rigt5angled triangle
cuboid: paralelepipedo
e(uilateral triangle
to rinse: en:uagar, (uitar el :ab>n
to rip +ripped,: to tear +tore5torn,: the dog tore his trousers, split, sred, slas, break, scratc
+paper, cloting,
to revise 5> revision
to rumble: retumbar& +s,
rumor5rumour: gossip
runway: landing strip, airstrip, landing field
strip: narrow piece, band +fa:a, fle:e,
rust: corrosion 5> rusty
sickle: a.ada
to rustle
rye: centeno
saddle: montura
safe5> safety
saliva: spit +to spit, spat, spat, he spat the rotten apple
to repair 5> te repair
to repeat 5> te repetition
replica: copy, model, duplication 8 a model made to scale
tey are giving away free samples of ceese at te supermarket
sandals: flip5flops
sas: fa:a en la cintura
sawing a plank +board, flat timber,:tabla of wood
to scald: escaldar: scalding water
scales: scale, weiging macine, balance
scar5>to scar
scarce +a,5>scarcity +s,
scarecrow: espantapN:aros
scavenger: forager: basurero, trapero, (ue se alimenta de carro9a 8 to scarvenge
scent: smell, fragance, perfume 8 track of odor 5>+a, scented
scool: scool of salmons: cardumen
to scold: to reprimand, to reproac
to scoop: to dig or ollow up wit a spoon or a spade : scoop out of
to scowl: to glare, to frown 5>+s, scowl: fruncir el entrece:o
to scorn: to disrespect, to disdain, to despise, to contempt +desprecio,<> to admirate, to
respect 8 +n, despite
scornful: disrispectful +a,
to scramble: rus, move (uickly, climb (uickly 8 mix, mix up
scrap: piece, fragment, particle 5> to scrap
to scrape: scratc, gra.e, bite to eat: scrapping wallpaper of te walls +ras(uetear, 5> +s, on
paintwork: ara9a.o, pincelada fuerte
to scrub: to rub, deep polis, deep brus +fregar,
screen: dividing panel + biombo,
to scratc: to scrape, to gra.e, to grate +ara9ar, raspar, 5> +s, scratc
scallop: sellfis +vieira,
ray: tambiRn: mantarraya
sucker: ventosa 8 easy target
clam: alme:a
urcim: eri.o
seaweed: alga marina
trow, trew, trown
tud: tump, knock, bump , dull sound +dry sound,: the book dropped with a thud
tunderstorm& cloudburst, tormenta elRctrica
to tick: to ceck, to mark 8 +s, 8 sound of a clock
to tickle: to prickle, to itc: acer cos(uillas
to itc: picar, sentir pica.>n
to tie: tambiRn: empatar: they tied for first place
tigt +tigter, tigest, <> loose 5> to tigten 8 tigtly
tigtrope: cuerda de acr>bata: cuerda flo:a
to tile: to lay concrete on, cover 8 +s, on wall: a.ule:o, on floor: baldo.a, on roof: te:a
till: +adv, until 8 +s, cas register +ca:a registradora, 8 +v, cultivate
to tilt: to lean, to inclinate: the huge pile of books tilted dangerously
winder: cuerda de relo: o de :uguetes
strap: a tie, a band, a strip&a teter: correa
diary: memoir, account, cronicle, record
timetable: scedule, program: he checked the timetable to find out when the train left
timid5> timidly
to tingle: pica.>n u ormigueo& fi..y(effervescent) drinks make my mouth tingle
to tinkle: to ring, to ding, to :ingle +campanillear,
to tip +tipped, : incline, lean 5 pour, empty, dump +volcar el contenido de algo,M dump out
tip: point, end, extremo 8 propina 8 lugar donde se tira la basura 8 conse:o, info: do you have
any tips for getting rid of stains
to tiptoe: to creep, to sneak +caminar en puntas de pie,
tissue: te:idos orgNnicos 8 papel de seda +andkercief,
toad: sapo
to toast: acer un brindis 8 +s, &brindis 8tostada
toffe: caramelo masticable
tap:grifo, tambiRn trompo
to tapple: derribar: the pile of dominoes toppled over
to toss: to flip, to trow, to url 8 :ugar a cara o cru. 8 +s,
cras elmet: casco
to tow: pull, drag, remolcar
to trot +trotted,: to :og, to run
trade: deal, business: the tourist trade 8 to buy and sale
track: uella, pisada +trace, 8 senda, ruta 8 pista de carrera 5 v?a fRrrea
the latest transition got going on the early 1/00s
boffin: slang, *cerebrito1,specialist, autority, professional, consultant
to trail: follow, truck, trace, pursue
trailer: someting pulled by veicle 8 clip, preview
to train: entrenar, prepararse
tame+ tamer, tamest,: domestic, disciplined, docile <> wild
tan: +s,auburn, reddis5brown +bronceado,5> to tan
to tangle: to knot +tie, loop,, to interweave+interlace, ,to intertwine, to twist, to mes +net,
web,: +enmar9ar, enredar, 8 +s,: twist, knot, kink,web 8 complication, ma.e, mess, labyrint,
tanker: ve?culo cisterna
tantrum: outburst, fit of temper, paroxysm: rabieta, berrince
to tap +tapped,: to touc sligtly wit fingers& +s,
sticky tape: cinta scotc
taste5> to taste5> tasty she tried the soup to see if she liked the taste
teacups: cups of tea
teapot: tetera
to tease: pull somebodyCs leg, to mock, to taunt, to provoke, to irritate, to boter, to torment
+importunar, fastidiar; en animales: acer rabiar, 8 +s,teaser, leg5puller
temper: +s,anger, rage, bad umor, annoyance, bad mood, temperament : she throw the book
across the room in a temper; keep one%s temper, lose one%s temper 5 +v, to moderate, to
mitigate, to alleviate, to calm, to soote <> to intensify
to tempt: to lure, to persuade, to convince, to attract 5> temptention
to tend 5> tendency
tense <> relaxed
terminal: +s, workstation, ending station 8 +a, fatal, incurable, deadly, mortal
to teter: to secure, to tie an animal
textile: material, cloting, +material textil,
texture: consistency of a surface, felt wen toucing it: sandpaper has a rough te2ture
to taw: melt, defrost, li(uefy the snow began to thaw in the sunshine <> to free.e 5> ad::
tesaurus: lexicon, word list, glossary: diccionario de sin>nimos
tougtful: considerate, kind: it was thoughful of him to3$ 45 thoughless
treat5> treaten
trill: excitement, adventure 5> trilling: exciting, awesome
swell: wave +olea:e, 8 +v,to puff up, enlarge, expand the bird%s throat swells up to attract
females -5 swelling: growt, bump +cic>n, 8 +a, great, brilliant, fabulous
to swim5swan,5swun swan: cisne
to swing +swung,: rock, roll, move backwards and forward
swing: ammock
to swirl:to spin,to wirl+arremolinarse,the boat swirled around as it floated downstream
to swivel +swivelled,: to spin , to rotate, to turn around an axis +girar sobre un e:e,
to swoop: to fly down, to dive the plane swooped down out of the sky
symmetrical: this cut-out shape is symmetrical
sympaty5> sympatetic: compassion, consideration, pity
symptom: sign, warning sign
syringe:ypodermic, needle
syrup: almibar
tablet: pill, drug, capsule
to tackle: also: deal wit someting difficult
tactful 5>tactfully <> tactless: diplomatic, discreet, sensitive, polite
tadpole: renacua:o
talkative: catty, lo(uacious
tambourine: pandereta
straw: pa:illa para beber 8 pa:a 8 that%s the last straw' la gota que colm6 el vaso
to stray: get lost, lose your way, wander away
streamlined: aerodynamic 8 efficient, updated
to strengten: make stronger, fortify, build up, reinforce
to stretc: to elongate, to widen, to extend <> to srink :the road that stretches away
stretcer: camilla
strip: narrow piece, band,sliver, stripe, belt +tira de algOn material,
stripe: raya, fran:a 8 gal>n militar 5>striped5>stripy
swimsuit: trunks, bikini, etc&&
to stroke: to caress 5 +sust, knock, it 8 eart stroke 8 pincelada
to stroll: to walk wit leisure, wander, ramble 8 +s, leisurely walk
stubborn: obtinate, mulis, inflexible a stubborn mule 8 persistent, tenacious
magnifying glass
stuffy: airless, unventilated, close, ot, oppressive <> airy 8 conventional, old5fasioned
to suffocate: aspyxiate, smoter+oppress,, stifle+strangle,
stump: remains, remnant a tree stump (toc6n) 8 to get or be stumped: to be perplex
sturdy:+sturdier, sturdiest, : strong, powerful
to stutter: to stumble or esitate wen talking, to stammer 8 +s, : stammer +tartamudo,
7oes this shirt suit me8 -5suitable
to sulk 5> sulky : to be in a temper, to be in a mood, to brood <>deligt 8 +s, bad temper, bad
umor, funk, bad mood
sunsineE sunligt
superb: excellent, outstanding, splendid, brillant
supper: dinner, evening meal
surgery: operation 5> surgical procedure 8 undergo surgery: ser intervenido
to suspend: to ang, to ang up 8 to postpone, to defer, to delay
suspicious: +ad:, causing suspicion 8 +ad:, feeling suspicion : be suspicious of her
suspicion: doubt, distrust, mistrust, disbelief, skepticism, (uestion <> trust, confidence
misgiving: scruple, doubt
to swop +swopped,: to cange, to swap, to excange +trocar, 5 +s,: switc, excange, trade
swarm: a group bees or insects 8 orde, crowd, multitude, mob +people,
to sway: to bend, to swing, to wave: the trees swayed in the wind " to influence, to control, to
persuade 8 +s,: control, power, command
to swear +swore5sworn,: to vow, to promise 9 swear 8 to curse, to blaspeme to swear at
to sweep: to brus off, to brus away
& full step
; semi5colon
, comma
5 das
[ asterisk
+, brackets
< speec marks
C apostrope
at present: now
:owl: :aw, cin, ceek
bib: babero
bucket: pail +balde,
cane: walking stick
button (botn)<> botton
:est: :oke, gag
safe: strongbox, casbox, coffer
cub: pup
eating: calefacci>n
impolite: rude, not polite
funnel: cone5saped tool, conduit +embudo,
to praise: eulogi.e, commend, pay tribute to, speak well of someone& +n,: expression of
admiration; exaltation of someone or someting&
to pray: to implore, to beg, to plead
midget: dwarf
to fall ill,to make ill: enfermar
to swindle: to ceat, to trick, to defraud
a:ar: partly open, alf closed +e&g& a door,
to covet: to envy, to desire, to long for
renowned: famous
bragging: immodest, vain, arrogant, bigeaded +fanfarr>n, <> modest
railway: ferrocarril
friar: priest, monk
flask: bottle, container +frasco,
overcoat: sobretodo, gabNn
cracker: biscuit
rooster: cock + gallo,
longing: a desire, a wis
club: society, association, alliance 8 bat, stick, mace 8 +v, to beat, to it to batter
tabby: gaita
tomcat: gato
truck: lorry <> van
nigtdress: nigt clotes
faucet: tap, valve +canilla,
palindrome: capicOa
letter file: folder +carpeta,
dwelling: ouse, residence, place of adobe
brow: foreead 8 eyebrow: ce:a
corncab: coclo
spout: :et, stream, fountain 8 +v, to discarge, to emit, to soot out, to send fort 8 pico por
donde se vierte algo: mouth, or pipe through which liquid is released or discharged
to bringup: to raise, to breed, to nurture, to care for, to educate 8 to mention, to suggest, to talk
about <> to gloss over +pass over, evade,
apricot: damasco
peac: dura.no
to arm: to in:ure, to damage
to give, to deal +cards,
relief: +s, rest, liberation, release
parting: departure, farewell, goodbye
disc: disk, record
to tame , break in +orses,: to domesticate, to train +domar, 8 +ad:, domestic, domesticated,
to drain: to exaust, to consume, to deplete, to empty, to witdraw <> to replenis, to fill
grimace: gesture, frown 8 +v, tomake a face, to frown <> smile
greedy: gluttonous, voracious, insatiable <> moderate 8 avaricious, covetous <> generous
to engrave: to etc, to carve, to incise +grabar,
to record: grabar +sound, ligt,
unger: lack of food, starvation, food sortage, famine 8 desire, need, wis 5 +v, to yearn, to
want very muc
come up wit: seguir el ritmo 8 pensar y luego surgir una idea
I've been [pulling my hair out / grinding my teeth / dying] this whole time for you to get
on-line, but I guess it's like watching water boil... the more you wait, the longer it seems.
to tink up: to plan
wrat: anger, rage
wild boar: :abal?
am: :am>n
:am: :elly +mermelada, 8 congestion, traffic :am, blockage 8 +v, get stuck, or cause to to to
stick +atascar, apretu:arse,
migraine: eadace
:ugE continer for li(uid
:ar E pot, container
youtful: young, cildlike <> old
kermesse: fair, festival
kiosk: newsstand
to cross out: tacar
cover: lid, cap: tapa
cobweb: telara9a
tongs: pincers, forceps +tena.as,
sears: scissors, cutters, clippers+for nails: cortau9as,
tint: of colour: mati. 8 in air: tinte 8 +v,: te9ir
eucarist: eucarist?a
to partake: to take part, to participate
reenactment: restoration, rebuilding, renewal
last supper: Oltima cena
te ope of everlasting life
saints Mattew, #ark, -uke and Kon
in D\J] and later
aramic: arameo
sed ligt on: ecar lu. sobre un tema
to undertake: to start a task 8 to agree to do someting undertaking: task, endeavor,
undertaking: an enterprise 8 a pledge +guarantee,
fasting: not eating: ayuno 8 to fast
kasrut: :ewis dietary law 5> koser food
tract: area, territory, .one, region 8 pamplet, leaflet
loosly used: usado libremente
monteism 8 polyteism
conceive of one god: creer en un s>lo dios
ice5cube: cubito
ice5rink: pista de ielo
icicle: estalactita
impatience 5> impatient
importance 5> important
inclusion5> to include
inconvinience5> inconvinient
steep: seer, vertical, sarp, precipitous, abrupt, sudden <>gentle
indignant: ungry, offended, up in arms
infancy 5> infant
infection 5> infectious
to infuriate: to annoy, to exasperate, to irritate somebody
inland: domestic, national, local <> foreigner
inlet: bay, f:ord
cokroac: cucaraca
wasp: avispa
locust: langosta
pecking: picoteo
workings: macinery
invitation 5> invite
to ug: to embrace
ouseold: family, family circle
to um: to bu.. +.umbar,
to over: float, drift 8 revolotear
ump: bump, swelling : of camel or person: :oroba; of road: bace
3 unted all over te ouse for my keys
cusion: pillow, pad, absorber 8 +v, to soften
to us: to be in silence, (uiet, mute 8 +s,: silence, (uietness, calm, stillness
ut: sed, selter, cabin
utc: cage for pets
tere is no rose witout a torn
a bird in te and is wort two in te bus
put down to my account: deposit
put down: a critical remark <> compliment 8 +v, put down in writing 8 put someting down to
someting +attribute,
D gallon E J (uarts
D (uarts E G pints
D pint E ^ -t&
3 was reading by myself all morning
to ploug: arar to plough the earth with a plough drawn by horses 8 +s, arado
draw, drawn, drawn +tirar,
to sow te seed +spread, propagate, implant, disseminate,
itCs no use crying over spilt milk
spill: fall, drop
do not count your cickens before tey are atced +emerged,
do not build castles in te air
out of sigt, out of mind +o:os (ue no ven, cora.>nL&&,
to form nouns: added to nouns: <sip=: friendsip&5 )dded to ad:ectives: <ness=: weakness&
to overear: +escucar sin (uerer acerlo,, snoop, spy, bug somebodyCs pone
fis scales: escamas
to overlap+overlapped,: intersect 5 coincide, ave similarities +teories,
to overtake : to pass, go beyond, go past, surpass <> fall beind 8 take by surprise
ox, two oxen: buey, toro
pad: for protection +almoadilla,padding, cusion 8 for absorbing li(uid +compresa, 8 for
writing tablet, notepaper, block, notepad
paddock: enclosure, corral, cage
padlock: candado
pan: cacerola
parcel: pa(uete
package: pa(uete (ue se transporta
paste: glue +engrudo,
pasta +comida,
pastry +masa, pie, tartlet
pasture: pasturas
patc: remiendo 8 plot of land
to peck: picotear
peg: dowel +pin,, ook, bolt, anger +broce o su:etador, para la ropa,
penknife: pocketknife, army knife, camping knife
pepper corns: granos de pimienta
to perc: rest on, balance on +posarse como los pN:aros,
perc: roost, branc, post
pest: peste
fortnigt: (uincena
pN:aros: male: cock 8 female: en
coat: abrigo 8 pela:e: wiry coat (pela#e tupido), sleck coat (pela#e liso), tabby coat (pela#e
wiskers: facial air +animals, bigotes
addition: GF plus D\ is JG; tey sum JG, te total is JG
7 D\
F and \ are DG; 3 put down G and carry D& D and G and D are J&
substraction: GF minus D\ is J
5 D \
\ from F, 3 canCt; 3 borrow D& \ from DF leaves J& D from D, H +nougt,& %e remainder is S&
multiplication: GF multiplied by J are \G
x J
J times F are DG; 3 put down G and carry D& J times G are _ and D, \& %e product is \G&
division: JS divided by ` is ]&S
JSM `aaaa
JG ]&S
` into JS goes ] times; ] times ` are JG, from JS leaves F; 3 bring down H and place a point; `
into FH goes S times; S times ` are FH, from FH leaves H& %e (uotient is is ]&S +seven point S,&
film premiere
tatCs were we live
ang on: to grip, to old on <> let go 8 to wait, old on, stay around, 5 to depend on, be
influenced by
ereCs b GH cange
:igsaw: pu..le
make friends
torn: p&p tore: tattered, ragged, worn
torn up: desacerse, acerse polvo o ilacas
tattered: andra:oso
ragged: andra:oso
worn: damaged, dilapidated 8 also past of wear
frayed: +ad:,: cuffs desilacado
to fray: figt, dispute
treadbare: ra?do
in tatters: of clotes& eco :irones 8 reputation, career: arruinado
sabby: of clot: ragged, untidy, scruffy <> elegant, new 8 of person: nasty, cruel,
disonorable, unfair, rotten <> respectful
to rag: to tease 8 +s, arapo, trapo
in rags: con arapos
poke: prod +empu:>n, 5 :ail 5 +v, empu:ar, clavar, sacar he poked his head out of the window
(asom6 la cabe.a por la ventana); poke fun at (reirse de); poke one%s nose into (meter las
narices en)
at first
please, give my regards to&&
rus our
window cleaner
do up: renovate, beautify, revamp, refurbis 8of buttons, coats: fasten, button up 8 of laces:
tie, lace <>undo
camper: campista
camper van: casa rodante
ordeal: trial, torment, suffering
mean : +ad:, nasty, malicious
eCs really not bad
wite5ot: so ot 8 .ealous, fervid, fervent, entusiastic
to (ueue+ kiu, (ueued5(ueued : acer una fila
seeting: furious, very angry
atred: ate, detestation, disgust, extreme dislike <> love
sweater: pullover 8 sport sirt
tracksuit: :ogging, e(uipo de gimnasia
cecked pattern: tartan + a cuadros,
plain pattern
striped pattern
spotted pattern
flowery pattern
baggy: loose, voluminous <> tigt
tigt the skirt is a bit too tight
action film, cartoonManimated film, comedy, fantasy film, istorical film, orror film, musical,
science fiction film, western
bendy: of textures: flexible, malleable, easily bent <> stiff: rigid
dull: of weater: grey, cloudy 8 of sound, pain: sarp +sordo, 8 boring 8 sin brillo ni vida&
back+ad:, : ind neter: posterior, rear an animal%s hind legs
pot plant: indoor plant, ouseplant
custom: tradition, norm, routine, ritual it%s the costume in france; as it was his custom 8 trade,
business thanks for your custom at our shop
customs: civili.ation, society, etnicity, traditions 8 beaviour, conduct 8 aduana
omesick: nostalgic, longing, regretful, reflective, evocative, wistful
lifestyle: way of life, standard of living, daily life, existence
double5decker bus
moped: be sorry for yourself +abatido,
dead boringQ
donCt exaggerate
for ages
bunk beds: A narrow bed built like a shelf into or against a wall, as in a ship's cabin
connect to the internet
tet message
search the web
surf the internet
furnisings: furniture, fittings, e(uipment
to furnis: +v,amueblar8 to supply
ice cap
cest of drawers: desk or storage place or coffer wit boxes+drawers,
wardrobe: placar para ropa 8 guardarropa
waste bin
6owCs it going, in ereP
coac: instructor, trainer 8 a bus or a train wagon 5 +v, to train, to prepare
couc: sofa, divan, caise longue 8 +v, to express, to formulate
racing5car driver
ski instructor
tv newsreader
tv reporter
to vet: to examine, scrutini.e, ceck, evaluate, investigate
web designer
private sector <> public sector
tv network
personality ad:ectives
crate: packing case
easy5going: relaxed, tolerant
moody: temperamental, cangeable, unstable, irritable
on te wole 0tey are nice kids1, in general, mostly
se doesnCt speak for ours
to sprinkle: sake over, dust
parsley: pere:il
rosemary: romero
tyme: tomillo
sage: salvia
gosQ: carambaQ
3 doubt it
is it all rigt if we sleep over tereP
to sleepover: to spend the night as a guest at another's home. ! (s) An overnight guest. sleepover
party (of children)
spooky: terrifying, scary, frigtening, fear5provoking
clip art: raphics that are created for use on !eb pages. "his can be anything from photographs
to hand drawn images
go online
course <> curse
bounce: of ball: rebotar 8 on sofa: saltar5 of ceck or 3%: rebotar
a sore troat
a stomacace
a temperature
brace for teet : brackets
vitamin tablets
fond of : keen on: attaced to
fond: +ad:, loving, tender affectonate <> uncaring he%s fond of travel:music; i%m very fond
of him
moo: the characteristic deep long sound made by a cow" to make this sound
artwork: #ork in the graphic or plastic arts, especially small handmade decorative or artistic ob$ects "
An illustrative and decorative element, such as a line drawing or photograph, used in a printed work,
such as a book.
erupt 5> eruption
mountain biking
rock climbing
volcanic as
fed up: unappy, sad, depressed 8 bored, tired, annoyed be fed up with ' estar harto de3
to pollute 5> pollution
to reduce 5> reduction
solar panel
run out: tp expire, to come to an end, to end
solar panel
to spill: derramar 8 +s, overflow, overrunning, flood : derrame
use up: consume, exaust, expend
drougt: se(u?a
fall asleep
locket: ornament, :ewelry, adornment, accessory
bus pass
pull off: To perform in spite of difficulties or obstacles% bring off& pulled off a last-minute victory.
toug luck
%own *ouncil
wasteland: 'and that is desolate, barren (infertile) , or ravaged (devastated). " A place, era, or aspect
of life considered as lacking in spiritual, aesthetic, or other humani(ing qualities% a vacuum& a cultural
wrist pad: mu9e(uera
to ug+ugged,: to old close, to embrace, to s(uee.e
to inerit:
ankle: tobillo
footprint: pisada, uella
sandy: dirty, covered in dust
step out: to walk briskly
twisted: perverse, sick, cruel, abnormal <> wolesome: ealty, natural
depletion: reduction, exaustion, weakening
spike: point, torn, spine +of animal or vegetal,
vegetable& ortali.a
vegetables: verdura
to spin +spun,: girar 8 te:er una tela +ombre, ara9a, gusano,
spine: torn 8 backbone, spinal column
spire: A top part or point that tapers upward% a pinnacle.
spire " a tall tower that forms the superstructure of a building (usually a church or temple)
and that tapers to a point at the top
church service, church
pinnacle " (architecture) a slender(slim) upright spire at the top of a buttress (support,
contrafuerte) of tower
tower " a structure taller than its diameter% can stand alone or be attached to a larger
spirit: also in <good spirit=, in good mood
spite: rencor; ill will, malice, nastiness <> appreciation to show spite toward, to ignore
someone out of spite 5>spiteful
to split: he split the logs with an a2e, the bag split open
to splutter: seete +cisporrotear, farfullar,: the eggs spluttered in the frying pan
sponge5> spongy
singlet: vest+ t5sirt,, collarless sleevesless underwear +remera deportiva,
field ockey 8 ice ockey
puck: te:o
te strings: encordado
golf clubs: palos de golf
arm pad, soulder pad, cesp pad : protectores
to gripe: infml& to complain petulantly 8 infml& to irritate her petty complaints really gripe me
8 +s, a firm old 5 a andle or a grip
spot: place 8 covered in whites spots
to spot: to notice, to see, to recogni.e
to spray: rociar 8 +s, rociador
to spread +spread,: also extender, desenvolver she spread the blanket out over the table 8 +s,
infml& <comilona=
spring: coil, spiral, elix 8 season 8 manantial, surtidor 8 +v, +sprang, sprung, brincar, saltar
he sprang to his feet' se levant6 de un salto- houses sprang up all over the hill
to sprint: to run fast 8 +s, race
to sprout: grow, germinate, spring fort 8 +s, soot, bud, young branc
to s(uas: to crus, to s(uee.e 5 to compress we all squashed onto the sofa 8 to overcome, to
anniilate 8 +s, congestion, crowd
to s(ueak: cillar, cirriar, cru:ir 8 +s,screec; of mouse: cillido, of inge: cirrido, of soes:
cru:ido screec
to s(ueak by +or s(ueak troug,: survive, succeed, pass, pasar raspando&
to s(ueal: to yell, to cry, to sriek, to yelp, to wail, to screec, to s(ueak +cillar como
marrano, 8 inform on someone to te police 8 +s, a long ig5pitced yelp
to squee.e the paint out of the tube
to s(uirm: To twist about in a wriggling, snakelike motion% writhe " To feel or ehibit signs of
humiliation or embarrassment 5>s(uirmy
to s(uirt:to spurt, to soot, to s(uee.e, to spout +lan.ar un corro de, he squirted the washing-
up liquid into the bowl
to stab +stabbed,: to knife, to pierce, to spear, run troug, penetrate she stabbed the potato
with a fork to se if it was cooked
stable: establo para caballos, arn: granero 8 +ad:, steady, constant, secure, perpetual
to stack: to pile
a fligt of stairs: desarrollo o vuelo de los escalones de una escalera
stale: old, musty+ (ue uele a umedad,, sour, out of date <> fres stale bread
stall: boot, stand for offering tings to sell 8 cubicle, compartment for cow or orse into a
stable 8 +v, to stop, to pause <> keep going 8 to delay, to defer, to postpone 8 play for time
+intentar ganar tiempo,
to stamp: to stomp, to trample, walk on firmly
standardE normal, usual 8 customary, accepted 8 flag, banner, ensign
car eadligts
staple: paper fastener, nail 8 principal raw material produced in a region 8 +ad:, of prime
to line up: array, alinearse
to startle: to surprise, to astound, to scare, estremecer&
to starve 5> starvation
to state: to affirm, to utter 5> statement
steady +stedier, stediest,: firm he held the ladder steady " constant a steady fall of snow
steak: bife, filete
kitcen utensils& grater+rallador,, and wis+batidor,
to steer: to guide, to maneuver
stepladder: escalera portNtil
stern: severe, strict; relentless 8 +s, popa
still: +ad:, (uieto, inm>vil
still: even now 8 owever 9 don,t like it, but 9 still ate it- even more still more snow fell
stilt& .anco
to stick: to attac, glue, fix 8 salir, sobresalir the bread stuck out of the basket
to stink +stank, stunk,: to smell orrible
to stock: to store, to reserve
stool:backless and armless cair, benc +taburete,
stop5watc: cronometer
storey: level, floor of a building
stork: cigWe9a
stove: oven 8 eater
straigt +straigter, straigtest,: directo, ir recto
to strain: to make a great effort strain one%s eyes(esfor.ar la vista) 8 drain li(uid from 8 filter,
separate+tami.ar, 5 +s, great effort 8 species, type, variety, subspecies
abrev& abreviation
aka& also known as
ammo& ammunition
anon& anonymous
apt& apartment
assoc& association
asst& assistant
attn& attention
atm& automatic telling macing
aux& auxiliary
avg& average
blt& bacon, lettuce, tomato sandwic
bet& between
biog& biograpy
blvd& boulevard
bull& bulletin
burger& umburger
cat& catalog
*S% centeral standard time& ora del centro de los EEuu
cent& century
cod collect on delivery: contra reeembolso
cap& capter
cron& cronology
ca& circa
condo& condominium
conf& conference
corp& corporation
crim& criminal
ctr& center
cimp& cimpan.ee
deg& degree
denom& denomination
dept& department
dict& dictionary
dip& diploma
dol& dollar
do.& do.en
dr& doctor
encyc& encyclopedia
env& envelope
e(uiv& e(uivalent
ES% eastern standard time& ora del este de los EEuu
etc& et cetera
etym& etymology etymologist
exam& examination
exec& executive
e&g& exempli gratia: for example
i&e& id est: es decir
et al&: et alli, et allia: y otros
fka& formerly kwon as
fn& footnote: nota al pie de un escrito
fyi& for your information
geom& geometry
gov& governor: governador
gvt& government
grad& graduate: graduado
f& alf
on& onorable
or& ori.ontal
osp& ospital
r& our
6"6& erMis royal igness
6t& eigt: altura
wy& igway
id& idem
i&e& +id est, <tat is=
3S/!: international standard book number
#*& master of ceremonies
nMa& not applicable
"x& proscription
'X-& profit and loss
"" railroad: ferrocarril
"SB' reponde. sCil vou plait
fx special effects
antill: ormiguero
antler: asta, cuerno
ass: asno
bird dog: perro de ca.a
boar: male pig
bobcat: lince
bovine: bovino
brood mare: yegua de cr?a
broody: en sitting on eggs
bullock: novillo
calf: terneroMa 8 tambiRn para mam?feros :>venes
canine: canino
carrier pigeon
caterpillar: gusano oruga
cick: pollito
colt: potrillo
crab: cangre:o
critter: animal, bestia
cygnet: cisne :oven 8 swan: cisne adulto
draft animal: animal de tiro
drake: male duck
duck: female
duckling& patito
ewe: female seep
fledging: pN:aro (ue aprende a volar
en: gallina
:ackass: donkey
:ellyfis: medusa
:enny: burra
kitten: gatito
lamb: cordero
livestock: animales de cria
mane: crin o melena de animales
mare: yegua
stallion, stud: padrillo
mustang: caballo salva:e
trorougbred: caballo pura sangre
mussel: me:illon
ox: buey 8 oxen +plural,
paw: pata de animal con garra+claw,
peasant: faisNn
pooc: perro sin lina:e
pouc: marsupial bag
poult: pavita
poultry: aves de corral
puss: gato
pussycat: gato
rynoceros& ryno
rodent: roedor
rooster: gallo
srimp: langostino
songbird: ave canora
sow: cerda
s(uirrel: ardilla
steer: novillo
swallow: golondrina
trout: truca
trunk: trompa de elefante
tuna: atOn
vixen: .orra, female fox
vulture: buitre
woodpecker: pN:aro carpintero
worm: gusano
afterbirt: placenta, anus, appendix, arteries, axila, bladder: ve:iga, bone marrow: mRdula
osea,tuRtano; bowel, intestines, buttock: nalga, buttocks: trasero, carpus: carpo, clavicle,
coccyx, cornea, dermis, diapragm, duodenum, epidermis, esopagus, extremities, femur,
fibula: peronR, tumb, index, middle, ring, little
frontal, genitals, glands, umerus, iris, ivories +slang,: dientes, kneecap: r>tula, larynx,
mammary gland, mandible, maxilla, metacarpus, metatarsus, nasal cavity, navel: ombligo,
nogging +slang,: el mate, noodle +slang,: coco, nostril: orificio nasal, occipital, orbit,
pancreas, parietal, patella: r>tula, pelvis, penis, parynx, prostate, radius, rectus, renal, retina,
rib:costilla, sciatic nerve, sternum, tarsus, tendon o acilles, testicles, tibia, tonsils: amigdalas,
tracea, trape.ius, tympanum, umbillical cord, vein, vertebra, vocal cords&
absenteeism, )ct of Iod: catNstrofe natural, )dded Balue %ax E value5added tax, assessment:
evaluation, :udgement; audit: inspection, ceck; bank card: tar:eta bancaria
bank olliday: feriado bancario; big budget: costoso; bonus: plus, additional benefit
bottom line: balance final; bounty: reward, gift& incentivo; boycott; bureaucracy
bounty: reward& /ounty unter
capital intensive; captive market; carrier: transporter, delivery system; cartel
caveat emptorE let te buyer beware: advertencia al consumidor para (ue sea cauteloso
census; classified advertising: avisos clasificados; competitive advantage; compound interest;
concilliation; conflict of interest; consignment: consignaci>n; consortium
consultant; contract of adesion; customs duty& derecos aduaneros; direct mail: venta por
correo; direct selling: venta directa; electronic funds transfer +eft,; escrow: fideicomiso; fiber
optics: fibra >ptica; fiscal policy; fringe benefits: beneficios sociales
goods: mercandise, commodities; gratuity: tip; eirMeiress: erederoMa; to oarding:
acaparar; impulse buying: compra por impulso; inflationary spiral; insolvency; in transit;
inventory; :oin account: cuenta con:unta; :ournalism: periodismo; :urisdiction; :urisprudence;
labor day: d?a del traba:o; letter of attorney: poder; line of credit; local brand: marca local;
malpractice: mala praxis; mediation; mercantile; modus operandi
money laundering; laundry: lavadero 8 do te laundry: lavar la ropa; multiple brands: marcas
mOltiples; nabob: persona rica e influyente; notary public: escribano; occupational disease:
enfermedad profesional; opinion polls: encuestas de opini>n; optimun capacity; outlet: punto
de venta 8 v?a de escape 8 encufe; overabundance; overburden; overcarge: cobrar de mNs;
overdraft: descubierto, sobregiro; overdue: pla.o vencido; overead: gastos indirectos;
overpay: pagar en exceso; overseas: ultramar; overspend: gastar de mNs; overstaffed: exceso
de personal; overtime: oras extras; overvalue <> undervalue; perisable goods: bienes
perecederos; planned economy<> market economy; precious metals; prerogatives; private
enterprise; private sector<> public sector; privati.ation; procedure; procurement: supplies;
prototype; (uantity discount; (uestionnaire; (uota: cuota; rebate: reembolso; recorded
delivery: servicio postal registrado; referendum; remuneration; revenue: ingresos;
salary review: revisi>n salarial; sales promotion; savings; seasonal discount; securities:
valores, t?tulos; self5emplyment: cuentapropismo; sin tax: infml& impuesto al tabaco, alcool,
:uegos de a.ar; sponsor; status symbols; to subsidy: subsidiar; tax break: beneficio impositivo;
tax deduction; tax evasion; teleconferencing; temporary personnel
testamament 8 will; tird party: terceros; trade barriers; trade deficit; training programs
transaction; treasury bills: bonos del tesoro; underdeveloped nation; underemployment
under protest; unemployment; useful life: vida Otil; vertical integration; wite5collar crime;
witolding tax: retenci>n impositiva; yield: rendimiento, producci>n; yout market: mercado
answering macine; answer pone; area code; auto dial; buried cable: cable subterrNneo
busy signal: telRfono ocupado; cellular pone; coaxial cable; coin5operated; collect call:
llamado por pagar; cordless pone; dead: l?nea muerta; directory: guia telef>nicaE pone
book; facsimil 8 fax; ang up: colgar <> old on; international country code
lineman: operario telefonico; person5to5person; pone boot; prefix; pus button pone:
telRfono a botonera E touc tone; station to station: llamada telRfono a telRfono; telepony:
telefonia; tree way calling: conversaci>n en conferencia; toll: tarifa por llamada; tympanum:
diafragma del telRfono; videoconference; wite pages, yellow pages; wrong number&
even number<> odd number; ypotenuse; prime number; roman numeral: nOmero romano;
trillion: D bill>n; .ero; bakerCs do.en: trece; centigram; centiliter; double magnum: botella de
F lt&; gross: gruesaEDG docenas +DJJ,; liter: litro; magnum: D ^ litro
milligram; millimeter; necadne..ar: botella de D\ lt&; tablespoon: cucaradaE F de tR&
troy ounce; wen you know inces, you can find millimeters if you multiply by GS&J&
allmigty dollar; arm and leg: gran suma; asset stripping: vaciamiento; bean: ubs D
big bucks: muco dinero; bill: billete; bouncing paper +slang,: ce(ue rebotado
bread +slang,: dinero; buck +slang,: d>lares; bullion: lingotes de oro o plata; cambist;
cas in and: contado disponible; cicken feed +slang,: poco dinero; circulation: circulaci>n;
clam +slang,: d>lar; c5note +slang,: billete de DHH usd; counterfeit: moneda falsa; dime: DH
cents; four bits: SH cent& de usd; I5noteE Irand: billete de DHHH usd
green +slang,:billete; greenback: billete de usd; ard currency: papel moneda en circulaci>n;
loot: dinero mal abido; legal tender: dinero; lucre: ganancia; mint: casa de moneda; nickel: S
cents&; opulence; paper money; penny: D cent usd; piggy bank: alcanc?a; pin money: pe(ue9os
aorros; rices: ri(ue.a; ricness: opulencia, ri(ue.a
(uarter: GS cent& de usd; ready money: plata lista para gastar; rubber ceck: ce(ue rebotado;
wealty: ri(ue.aE affluent, well5of, rolling in doug, well5to5do, well5eeled,on easy street,
loaded, moneyed, opulence&
apprentice; artisanE craftsman: artesano; babysitter; bank tellerE casier; bartender
blacksmit; cabdriver; cairmaMcairwoman: presidente del directorio; cleaner; clerk;
cobbler:.apatero; counselor; dealer: concesionario; die maker: matricero; foreman: capata.;
freelancer: empleado de tiempo parcial; garbage man: basurero; gla.ier: cristalero; goldsmit:
orfebre; gold5collar worker: empleado en informNtica; aberdaser: empleado en tienda
masculina; airdresser: coiffeur; ousewife; installer
instructor; :ournalist: periodista; :urist& :urista; :uror: :urado; laborer: empleado sin
especialidad; legislatorElawmaker; librarian: bibliotecario; manicurist; metalworker
military; ortopaedist: ortopedista; parmacist; pysician: doctor; politician; psyciatrist
psycoanalist; salesperson; sculptor; soemaker; silversmit; skilled laborer: obrero
especiali.ado <>unskilled laborer; social worker; sole propietor: cuenta propista; stunt person;
supervisor; surgeon: ciru:ano; systems analyst; talent agent: agente art?stico
teamster: camioneroE truck driver; tour guide; trainer; travel agent; veterinarian&
adultood: adulte.; adultery: infidelity, unfaitfulness, betrayal, treacery, in5laws: parientes
pol?ticos, alimony: pensi>n alimentaria, baby carriage: buggy, stroller
babyood; bacelor: single man; bacelor party: despedida de soltero; cristening: baptism;
betrotal: engagement; better alf: media naran:a; bottle feeding: alimentaci>n por mamadera;
breast feeding; brideMbridegroom : novia, novio en el casamiento
bridesmaid: dama de onor; bride5to5be: comprometida; celibacy; curc marriage
con:ugal, diaper: pa9ales; diaper ras: irritaci>n por los pa9ales; digamy: Gdas& nupcias
divorce: dissolution, disunion, separation, break up; divorcR5divorcRe& divorciado5divorciada;
family man: ombre de familia; fiancR 8 fiancRe; flirt: galanteo, co(ueteo
ousewife: ama de casa; oneymoon; ousemate: esposoMa; ubby: infml& usband, spouse,
sidekick, mate; infant; kinsman5kinswoman: relative man5woman; lullaby
maiden name: nombre de soltera; marriage: wedding, union, matrimony, wedlock
moter5to5be; neonatal; newlyweds: :ust married; nuptial; pacifier: cupete; postpartum
potty5cair: tabla de inodoro para ni9os; sower: despedida de soltera; teeter: mordedor;
unmarried; vows: votos de fidelidad; wife: spouse, consort, mate
afternoon: noon to evening; aftertime: te future; anew: again, one more, an additional
awile: for a wile; bedtime; biannual: twice a year; bicentennial: G undred years
biennial: every two years: bienal; bimontly: twice a mont, or every two monts
by and by: soon; circa; contemporaneus; cycle; daily: diariamente; daytime: per?odo de lu.
solar; decade; dinnertime: ora de la principal comida; diurnal; epemeral; epoc; era;
everlasting: eternal; fiscal year; fore: previous; forenoon: por la ma9ana; for good: for keeps:
permanente <> for te time being; former: previo 5> formerly: antes; fortnigt: (uincena;
fre(uent <> infre(uentE sporadic; from time to time; 6alcyon @ays: times of peace and
tran(uility; encefort: de a(ui en mNs; ereafter: en el futuro
eretofore: asta aora; eyday: tiempo de vigor y prosperidad; ign noon& mediod?a
ig tea: comida liviana a la ora del tR; in a flas: (uickly: in no time, rigt away;
in a moment; instant; interim: interval; in te nick of time: :ust on time: in te last minute;
lapse; leap year: bisiesto; lifelong: toda la vida: lifetime; life span: duraci>n de la vida; in te
long run: a la larga; longstanding: larga duraci>n; lustrum: (uin(uennial
lunctime; matinal; midday; midnigt; millennium; morn: aurora, cockcrow,daybreak,
sunrise; nevermore: nunca de nuevo; nowadays; now and ten: de ve. en cuando
off an on: intermitente; off5season: fuera de temporada; oftentimes: often, again and again,
over and over; overnigt: lapse between dusk and dawn; part5time <> full5time
perennial: year after year; playtime; premiere; present5day: moderno; punctual; (uarter5our;
(uotidian; recurrent; salad daysc: tiempo de :uventud; seldom: rarely; semmianual: every `
mont; ses(uicentennial: DSH years; simultaneous; sort5run: corto pla.o; small ours: muy
tarde por la noce; split5second: fracci>n de segundo; spur5of5te5moment:impromtu,
inesperado E sudden; sundown<> sunrise; suppertime: ora de la comida; teatime; temp:
infml&: temporary personnel; tencefort: de a(uel tiempo en adelante; tereafter:
subsecuentemente; tereupon& inmediatamente despuRs; tree (uarters of an our; time frame:
time span: tiempo para completar una tarea

bottleneck: cuello de botella; bumper5to5bumper: paragolpe a paragolpe: trNnsito pesadoE stop
and go: tailgate; bypass: ruta (ue evita una ciudad; carpool: auto compartido; carrefour:
crossroad, concourse, :unction; cloverleaf: desviaci>n de autopistas a distintas alturas;
commercial district; congestion: gridlock, traffic :am
cornise; dead end; detour; dirt road: sin pavimentar; double parking: estacionamiento en las G
manos; drive5in: servicio de atenci>n en el auto; driverCs license; driveway: camino de calle
pOblica a un lugar privado; expresswayEigway; filling station: gas station; freeway: ruta sin
pea:e <> turnpike; to itcike: acer dedo; ometown: ciudad natal; :ersey barrier:
separaci>n entre manos de una ruta; lane: andarivel
midtown: centro E uptown; one5orse town: villorio; outskirts: suburbios ale:ados del centroE
suburb; parking lot; parking meter; residential area; rus our; safety island: dNrsena de
seguridad en rutas; sidewalk: vereda; stopligt: semNforo; stop sign
torougfare: igway: ruta principal; towaway .one: .ona de grOas; traffic signal& 'asa:e
entre dos lugares&
U5turn: vuelta en U; wite line: raya (ue separa las manos
transportation; aerostat: balloon; airliner: avi>n de pasa:eros; baggageman; baggage master;
bar car; boarding pass: tar:eta de embar(ue; bullet train: %IB; cab: taxi
carry5on5luggage: e(uipa:e de mano; cockpit: cabina de mando; control tower;
convertible; cruiser: ocean liner; dining car; dirigible; express train <> infml& milk train;
funicular; glider: planeador; golf cart; elibus: elicoptero para pasa:eros; 3-S: instrument
landing system; mercant sip; microbus; microligt: ultraliviano; non5stop fligt; no5sow:
pasa:ero (ue no se presenta a la partida del avi>n; observation car;
red5eye: infml& vuelo nocturno; sedan; sleeping car; S%2-: sort take off and landing aircraft;
subway; toucdown: contacto con la pista de aterri.a:e; B%2-: vertical take off and landing
aircraft; widebody: fusela:e anco
apartment building; attic; beacfront property; beam: viga; bungalow, condominium: condo;
domicile; duplex; fadade; first5and5last: al(uileres de adelanto: security deposit;
foundation: fundamento, cimiento, garden apartment: en planta ba:a con :ard?n, greenbelt:
.ona de construcci>n proibida, guestouse: casa para uRspedes, ligtouse: faro, ouseold:
vivienda y ocupantes, industrial park, landlord: propietario, locador, lessor, land value, lease;
lessee: locatario, lot, pension; prefab; rent: al(uiler; revolving door; selter: refugio;
skycraper, slidding door: puerta corredi.a; triplex, veranda: galer?a
bli..ard: ventisca, tormenta de nieve; clear: cloudless <> partly cloudy <> cloudy
cilly: muy fr?o, cill: fr?o; cold front; cold wave; crescent moon, full moon, (uarter moon,
new moon; cyclone; eart(uake; electrical storm, eye of te storm; foggy: neblinoso;
forecaster: pronosticador; frosty: elado, escarcado; gelid; ail: grani.o; ig visibility
umit: Omedo, umidity: umedad; urricane; seasonable: normal temperature <>
unseasonable; sowers: caparrones, smog; snowball; snowfall; snowflake; snowings:
nevadas; snowmobile: motonieve, subfree.ing: temp& under .ero centigrades Esub.ero,
temblor, termometer; tornado: twister; torrential rains; typoon; weatercock: veleta : vane;
weater report; weater stripping: burletes; wirlwind: remolino; boiling point; free.ing point
aftereffect: efecto secundario
aftermat:resultado desagradable de alguna situaci>n, consecuencia funesta, per?do funesto +in
te aftermat of war: en la posguerra,
airs ang graces: darse aires
all5merciful: misericordioso
almigty: todopoderoso
all roads lead to "ome
a miss is as good as a mile: errar por poco es lo mismo (ue errar por muco
answer back: contestar mal, con impertinencia
to be te apple of someone: el preferido de alguien
at te double: marcar al doble de velocidad
babbermout: est>mago resfriado
babble: ablar sin ton ni son
backpedal: cambiar de opini>n
back to basics
bad to worse: de malo en peor
beat te drum: llamar la atenci>n
bed5rock: piedra fundamental
before te flood: ace muc?simo
believe oneCs earsMeyes
better devil you know, tat devil you donCt
better late tan never
big sot: persona:e importante
watCs biting youP: (ue te picaP
black and wite: por escrito
bluenose: puritano
bosom friend: amigo cercano
boy meets girl movie
braincild: creaci>n
breakeven: salir a mano 5 point of balance between wat comes in and wat goes out&
break neck: gran esfuer.o
breaktroug: progreso, adelanto
breataly.e: prueba de alcoolemia
breattaking girl
bring te ouse down: gran ovaci>n
bring to ligt: revelar
broad5minded: de mente amplia
broad dayligt: a plena lu. del d?a
bull in a cina sop: elefante en ba.ar
bullCs eye +to it te,: acer algo apropiado, :usto
bury te ead in te sand
butterfingers: dedos de manteca
to buy tat: aceptar, creer
by and by: luego de un corto tiempo
by all means: of course, yes <> by no means
let bygones be bygones: lo pasado, pisado
by te looks: por las apariencias
to call names: insultar
cantankerous: (uarrelsome: cascarrabias
card up oneCs sleeve, to ave: tener un as en la manga& 'lan /
cards on te table: decir todo lo (ue uno sabe
carefree: despreocupado
carryall: bolso de via:e
carry5on: e(uipa:e de mano
cart before te orse: el carro delante de los caballos
wen te cat is away, mice will play
cainsmoker: fumador empedernido
cange orses in midstream: cambiar caballo en medio del r?o
carley orse: calambres
cicken and te egg, wic come firstP
cicken out: acicarse
cickenearted: cobarde
cild is fater of te man: lo (ue se aprende de ni9o nunca se olvida
*rist *ild: ni9o KesOs
cloak5and5dagger: de capa y espada
come off itQ : no seas rid?culo
corridors of power: pasillos del poder
cock5and5bull: camelo
cold cuts: fiambres
contrariwise: al contrario
corkscrew: sacacorcos
couc potato: adicto a la tv
crew neck: cuello redondo
crocodile tears
cross5eyed: bi.co
cross my eart: :uramento
crybaby: (ue:oso, llor>n
cry for te moon: (uerer algo imposible
crystal ball: la bola de cristal
crystal clear: fNcil de entender
curiosity killed te cat
cut it out Q : cortala, acabala
dark orse: persona misteriosa
dead duck: algo (ue no saldrN adelante
devil finds work for idle ands: el ocio es la madreL&&
diedard: conservador 8 leal a una causa perdida
@ink: double income no kids: ingreso doble sin i:os
do or die: acer algo riesgoso
doubting tomas: alguien (ue no cree sin ver o tocar
down and dirty: inescrupuloso
draw te line: poner l?mite
dress up to te nines: muy producido
drunk as a lord: borraco pero compuesto
easy does it: acer las cosas con calma
elbow5room: lugar necesario para moverse
elevent our: a Oltimo momento 8 los Oltimos
E pluribus unum: %odos, Uno&
eyeball to eyeball: cara a cara
eye opener: algo (ue revela
3 donTt ave te faintest idea: ni idea
fall on deaf ears: caer en oidos sordos
to turn a deaf ear: acer o?dos sordos
to fall sort: andar corto de algo +dinero,
to fall troug: fracasar
far and away: por muco he is far and away th best of all
fift5column: (uinta columna: esp?as, traidores
fine featers make fine birds: s>lo aparentemente atractivas por las ropas
firebrand: petardista, provocador social
first and foremost:E first ting first
firstborn: primogRnito
later5born: ermanos menores
last5born: el mNs cico de los ermanos
flea market
fles and blood: familia
fly a kite: largar un rumor
flying visit: visita de mRdico
for te birds: sin valor
four5letters5words: malas palabras
frog in te troat: disf>nico
from te word go: desde el principio
fro.en to te marrow: congelado asta la mRdula
gadfly: tNbano 8 persona muy pesada
get even: get back
get down to te nitty5gritty: discutir lo fundamental
get old of: ablar con alguien 9 tried to get hold of you by phone " obtener, conseguir get
hold of that book for me
get your ass over ereQ & ven?, moveteQ
gigo: garbage in garbage out: si entra basura, sale basura
te Iods: asientos del para?so en el teatro
grape5vine: radio pasillo
grass is always greener on te oter side of te fence
greek calends: never
greek gift: relago peligroso+por caballo de troya,
owCs it goingP: ello tere: ow you beenP :owCs tingsP
grey eminence& poder en la sombra + padre :osep, secretario del cardenal ricelieu,
ave a eartQ& se condescendienteQ
ave boot feet on te ground
ave it off wit+slang,: sex
eads and tails: cara o cru.
it te eadlines: sacudir los titulares period?sticos
it te nail on te ead: dar en el clavo
old te line: mantenerse en l?nea
old your orses: mantener la calma
orse of a different color: tema completamente distinto
ot potato: persona o asunto dif?cil de mane:ar
ow aboutP: (ue tal siL
incumbent: persona (ue ocupa un cargo pOblico
in mint condition: usado pero en excelentes condiciones
in perspective <> out of perspective
in te long run: a la larga
in te nick of time: a Oltimo momento
in te neigborood: aproximadamenteL, alrededor de there were in the neighborhood of
;0$000 people
keep an eye: controlar algo o alguien
keep an open mind
keep in mind
keep it upQ: sigue as?Q
kill te fatted calf: gran celebraci>n +i:o pr>digo,
wo laugs last, laugs longer
la.y susan: bande:a de comida giratoria
leaves a lot to be desired: de:a muco (ue desear
like fater, like son
like a fis out of water: situaci>n inc>modac
to be in te limeligt: estar donde se llama muco la atenci>n
lionCs sare
live and let live
live from day to day
live down: vivir luego de olvidarse algOn suceso desafortunado: it took him a long time to live
down the scandal
live up to: estar al nivel de otros he should live up to his teaches
local color: t?pico de la regi>n
lone wolf
looking for a needle in a aystack
lose face: perder fama
lukcy dip: aceptar algo sin opciones
lucy stoner: mu:er (ue mantiene su apellido de soltera
#ack and <ary are made for each other
maiden lady: soltera de mediana edad
maiden voyage: via:e inaugural de un barco
make it up: acer las paces
man in te street: el ombre medio
te #idas touc
milestone: a breaktroug
miss te boat: perder la oportunidad
monkey business: actividad ilegal
te morning after te nigt before: la ma9ana luego de aber tomado muco alcool
name of te game: lo esencial de algo
narrow5minded <> broad5minded
nearest and dearest: la familia
near miss: infortunio (ue no ocurri> por poco
neck to neck: cabe.a a cabe.a
never5never land: utopia
new broom: escoba nueva, debutante
new broom sweeps clean: escoba nueva barre bien
no news is good news
none oter tan: ninguna otra (ueL that person was none other than the president
noting of te kind: nada (ue se le pare.ca
not to give a damn: not wort a damn
not to lift a finger
not to turn a air: (ue no se le mueve un pelo
of note: famoso
one swallow does not make a summer
on te ouse: invitaci>n de la casa the bill is on the house
on te level: propuesta o persona :usta
out of date: fuera de moda
out on a limb: idea opuesta a todas +o:a (ue estN suelta del resto del Nrbol,
pat on te back: palmada de aprobaci>n
pave te way: pavimentar el camino, acer las cosas fNciles
peacock: fanfarr>n, pavo real 8 proud as a peacock
people wo live in glass ouses sould not trow stones: mirar la pa:a en o:o a:enoL&
peeping %om: mir>n
penny for your tougts: pago por saber (ue piensas
pep talk: palabras para motivar
to go put: infml& my tv went phut' se descompuso
pie in te sky: promesa futura (ue seguramente no se cumplirN
wen pigs migt fly
in te pipeline: infml& algo (ue estN todav?a en el orno
play on words: :uego de palabras
play safe: no asumir riesgos
please yourself: aga como le guste
possession is nine points of te law: la posesi>n da dereco
put te ead in te lionCs mout
pyrric victory
rest on te laurels
rigt arm: colaborador mNs cercano
roug diamond: algo valioso (ue necesita preparaci>n
to say te least: decir lo menos, sin exageraci>n
self5conscious: t?mido
self5critical: autocr?tico
selfsame: every day the selfsame food&
so far, so good: asta aora todo ok
speaker of te ouse: pres& de la cNm& de diputados
address: direcci>n 8 forma o tratamiento alguien how do you address the #udge8- discurso
step out of te line: desentonar del resto
straw tat breaks te camelCs back: la pa:a (ue (uiebra el lomo del camello: la gota (ue&&
strike te rigt note: dar en la tecla
take it for granted
talk of te devil: ablando de "omaL&&
tell it to te marines: descreimiento
tank eavensQ: gracias a @ios
te moment of te trut
tose were te days: tiempo pasado fue siempre me:or
trigger5appy: gatillo fNcil
turn a blind eye: acer o:os ciegos
ugly duckling: persona (ue se convierte
up5and5coming: alguien (ue empe.> exitosamente y sigue
ups and downs: la rueda de la fortuna
vote of confidence: voto de confian.a
vote of tanks: voto de agradecimiento
walk in te air: sentirse muy feli.
like water off a duckCs back: (ue resbala, (ue no tiene efecto
water under te bridge: pasado (ue no se puede corregir 8 mucas cosas an pasado
to meet oneCs Waterloo
wat te ellQ
wile tereCs life tereCs ope
yuppies: young urban professionals
altogeter: overall, in sum, in total, all in all 55555 all togeter: todos :untos
to allude: aludir 5555555555 to elude: evoid, evade
always: siempre 555555555 all ways: en todo sentido
alternate: alternar 55555555555 alternative: alternativa
eager: impatient 5555555555555555555 anxious: nervous, worried
to apprise: to explain, to inform 555555555555555555555 to appraise: to evaluate, to :udge
canvas: lien.o para pintar5 lona 555555555555555555555555 to canvass: to campaign 8 to researc, to
seek opinion of 8 to solicit votes or wittnesses&5 %o canvass for: support to
casual: casual 8 informal, sporty 55555555555 casualty: victim
to censor: to edit, cut, expurgate, repress 8 +s, censor 5555555555censure: criticism, disaproval,
condemnation <> approval
cildlike: innocent, pure, candid 555555555555555555cildis: irresponsible, immature, silly
coffer: cest 8 treasury =ational coffers' arcas del estado ----------coffin: ataud
complacent: self5satisfied 555555555555555555complaisant: complaciente
complement: complemento 55555555555555555compliment: alago, cumplido
contemptible: disgraceful, sameful,despicable+despreciable,,distasteful 5555555contemptuous:
despectivo, desde9oso: disdainful, scornful, sneering
criterion plural: criteria
penomenon penomena
curriculum curricula
cupid: cupido 55555555cupidity: greed, avarice
diagnosis: diagn>stico 555555555555555555555prognosis: pron>stico
dinner: comida principal a mediod?a o la tarde 5555555555supper: comida nocturna
to disburse: pay out 55555to dispense: offer, sell 5555555to disperse: scatter, separate, disband,
dyeing: te9ido 5555555555555555555555555dying: muriendo
emigrR: emigrado
enervate <> energi.e
to envelop: ensobrar 5555555555555envelope: sobre
facetious: +ad:, teasing: burl>n 555555555555555555555555555 sarcastic: sarcNstico
fallacious: fala. 555555555555555555555fallible: falible
few: pocos, menos +nOmero, 555555555555less: menos +volumen, <<>> more
flair: talento 555555555555555555flare: lu. brillante
to flaunt: ostentar, alardear 55555555555555555555to flout: desobedecer
flounder: gran esfuer.o sin logros 55555555555to founder: .o.obrar, dar un traspiR
forbear: tener paciencia, contenerse 555555555555555555555forebear: ancestro
forego: preceder 5555555555555555555555 forgo: give up
illegible: ilegible 5555555555555555555 unreadable: no vale la pena ser le?do
imply: implicar 5555555555555555infer: inferir
ingenious: ingenioso55555ingenuity: ingenio,inventiva 555555555 ingenuous: crRdulo
invaluable: inestimable: priceless 5555555555555 valueless: (ue no tiene ningOn valor: wortless
to inveig: arremeter 555555555555 to inveigle: inducir, persuadir
lay: poner sobre algo 555555555555555555555 lie: descansar ori.ontalmente 8 mentir
liable: responsible
notable: (ue impresiona 5555555555555555555 notorious: notorio
ordinance: ordenan.a5 suministros y pertrecos militares
overlook: pasar por alto
oversee: supervisar
per(uisite: incentivo, beneficio extra 55555555555555555prere(uisite: prerre(uisito
to recollect: recall, remember 5555555555555555555 to re5collect: cobrar nuevamente
to recount: narrate, relate 55555555555555555555555 to re5count: recontar
to resume: start again 555555555555555555 resumR: resumen, rese9a
tosaw: +soo,: aserrar 8 pasado de ver
to sew +sou,: coser
to sow +soou,: sembrar& also as in to sow doubt, to sow discord
sensible: sensato 5555555555555555555555555555555555 sensitive: sensible
sear: es(uilar 5555555555555555555555555555555 seer: pure he did for sheer necessity
stationary: (uiet 5555555555555555555555555555 stationery: material de oficina
strait: geog&: estreco 5555555555555555555555555straigt: dereco
talk to: dirigirse a alguien 55555555555555 talk wit: conversar
wind up: enroscar
yoke: yugo 5555555555555555555555555555555555 yolk: yema de uevo
alumna: graduada 555 alumni: graduados; aptitude test; autodidact; /&): bacelor of arts;
baccalaureate: bacelor; billingual education; /&S: bacelor of science; *)3: computer assited
instruction; class: graduados de un a9o; classmate: compa9ero de estudio;
clockwatcer: alumno ansioso por el final de ora; collo(uium; conservatory; correspondence
course; cras program: programa intensivo; cum laude: con onores;
deanCs list: lista de alumnos con altas notas; diploma; docent; @&%&: doctor of teology
ES-: englis as a second language; fill in te blanks; gifted cildren: ni9os dotados;
graduate; grammar scool: primaria; andicapped cild: ni9o discapacitado; dean: decano;
eadmasterMmistress: directorMa; ig scool: secundaria 8 secondary scool;
omeroom: aula donde se inicia la :ornada; onor roll: lista de alumnos con notas altas;
lecture all: auditorio; matriculation; #&@&: medical degree; mentor; nursery scool: pre5
kindergarten; oral: examen oral; overaciever: alumno (ue supera el promedio <>
underaciever; paper: tarea escrita; paris scool: escuela parro(uial; pedagogue; '&@:
doctor of pilosopy; preceptor; aving private tuition: tomar clases particulares; prodigy;
(ui.: prueba rNpida no anunciada; realia: estudio de casos reales; rector; regent; Sc&@: science
degree; scolar: erudito; scolarsip: beca; scool5age: edad escolar; scoolbook; scoolboy;
scoolcild; scoolgirl; semester; textbook; trimester; tuition: matr?cula
eupemism: greek: eu5 good, peme5speec: to speak wit good words or in a pleasant
egress: egreso
au naturel: naked: in birtday suit, state of nature
ballooning: filtraci>n deliberada de informaci>n para crear reacci>n
bat room: ladiesCroom, menCs room, gentsC, restroom, wasroom, powder room, lavatory
to bend an elbow: to drink
bo: body odor
ome secretary: secretario del interior
boililng point: a punto de eno:arse: to be livid
to ave a bun in te oven: embara.ada
call of nature: ir al ba9o
cange of life: menopausia
civil servant: empleado pOblico
te company: *3)
eyes only: secret classified
in te family way: estar embara.ada
gold brick: la.y
ig and migty: to ave te nose in te air: arrogante, pretencioso
to ave a ollow leg: to eat voraciously
insides, innards, guts: >rganos internos abdominales
knocking on doors: lobby
make a pass at: buscar el interRs de otra persona
mentally unstable: mad, cra.y, insane, nuts, out to lunc, loony, kook, screwball
move te bowel: mover el vientre
number one: pee5pee
number two: poo5poo
one ouse bill: proyecto (ue no verN la lu., pero (ue gana el favor popular
to pass away: to die, peris, sucumb, kick te bucket
pencil: penis, prick, solicitor general
prayer bones: knees
pudendum: from pudere: to be asamed 8 partes pudendas +de la mu:er,: clitoris, gymen,
labia, vagina,vulva& 'ara los cicos: %om cat y %ootsie Wootsie
(uarantine: embargo
red tape: procedimientos burocrNticos
sunsine law: ley con muca difusi>n <> sunset law
trone: inodoro
touristas: diarrea: mocte.umaCs revenge
underground economy
to ave a visitor: per?odo menstrual: a friend as come, flag is up
wolf in seepCs cloting
)lps; arcipielago; border: limites; canyon; cardinal points; coastline; compass; duna
estuary; fatom: bra.a, profundidad del mar; glacier; globe; gulf; international date line;
itsmus; key: cayo; lagoon; landmass: continente: mainland; littoral; meadow: pradera;
penninsula; plain: llanura; precipice; relief: relieve; sandbank; savanna; steppes: estepa;
eavenly body; Ireenwic:englis city troug wic prime meridian runs at .ero
adolescent; adult: mature, full5fledged, grown5up, big person; neonate: newborn; boy: lad,
youngster, bud, cick, kid; fetus; girl: damsel, gal, lassie, cick, babe; infant: baby, unfledged,
unripe; infantile; :uvenile; preteen: before DF U; retiree: retired; young adult: young man,
young person
coefficient; common denominator; cube root
anyow: anyway, at least, at any rate; at large: free 8 in general, generally; for te most part:
ma:ority, mainly; fairly: +adv,: (uite, rater, practically, absolutely; comparatively;
in sort; likely: probable; by and large: generally, overall, on te wole; roundly: completely,
utterly; rougly: about, around, more or less, approximately; seeming : apparent, outward
+external, superficial, obvious,; seemingly: apparently, ostensibly, outwardly; so to speak:
anyway; suc and suc: tal y talLL&, tal y cual propiedad;
trut of te matter: te eart of te matter; tereabouts: around tere, near tere: por ai
by far: undoubtedly, certainly, decidedly; evermore: increasingly, more and more, step by step
<> suddenly; ever so: tan, muy she%s ever so rude&; ever since: desde ese momento; far and
away: far away: muy le:os; faraway: distant, remote; expressly: explicitly, clear; furtermore:
watCs more, in addition, also, besides, moreover;
in te main: in general <> in particular; mainly: mostly; namely: to be exact, tat is, i&e&;
ciefly: essentially, principally, mainly; over and above: ademNs de )hey receive e2tra money
over and above the usual welfare payments.;pronounced: marked, distinct, prominent;
notably; not to mention: to say noting of; to say te least: used to sow tat wat you are
describing is in fact muc more serious or important tan you ave suggested: 9t>s going to be
awkward, to say the least.; all along: from te very beginning 7o you think he>s been
cheating us all along8; all over te place: desparramados; for all: despite; at lengt: after a
long period of time: the police let him go at length; exceedingly: very, exceptionally,
remarkably; fartest: utmost, extreme, mNs le:ano; yper: yperactive; myriad: DH&HHH;
plentiful; spanking: pristine, perfect, brand new; smasing: extremely good, attractive he will
make a smashing dad;
surpassing: extremely great; unbounded; unrivaled; untold; vast; .illion: an extremely large,
but not stated, number: i%ve told you a .illion times3; walloping: infml& great a walloping
slice of cake; wacking: very big a whacking stone; widespread: extensive, prevalent,
common; witering: extremely critical; conclusively+adv,: witout any doubt; decidedly;
definitely; word5for5word: using exactly te same words:
?he listened to everything 9 said and repeated it word for word to her mum; for good: forever,
for keeps, always; once and for all: completely and in a way tat will finally solve a problem:
Our intention is to destroy their offensive capability once and for all;
one and all: everyone The news of his resignation came as a surprise to one
and all;
all5out: complete and wit as muc effort as possible We made an all-out effort to
get the project finished on time; full5out: a toda mN(uina; forever and ever: para
siempre :amNs; identically; immeasurably; in all respect: en todo lo (ue respecta aL&;
indubitably; inevitable , in full: completo , in point of fact: de eco, en realidad; in reality; in
toto: en general, en un todo, incluye todo; invariably; lastly: finally; literally;
literatim: literalmente transcripto; and in and: de la mano;minimus; needless to say;
noow: not in any way; one and all: a todos y cada uno; out5and5out: complete or in every
way, used to empasi.e an unpleasant (uality of a person or ting: That's an out-and-
out lie! The whole project was an out-and-out disaster; outrigt: absolute, out5
and5out; solely: only, exclusively; so muc as; undeniably; under no circumstances;
unmistakably; uppermost: igest, top, principal, upmost, cief; utmost: igest, principal,
greatest, maximum; veritably: autenticamente; witout exception; .ilc: infml& none, .ero,
naugt; morass: mess, caos
puncture: pinc.o 8 pincadura a tyre puncture, a ball puncture8 +v,
to (uake: temblar
to (uarrel: pelear, re9ir 8 +s, pelea +ad:, (uarrelsome
(uarry: cantera
(uay: muelle 8 Nrea de carga
(uilt: cobertor, colca
to (uote: citar, repetir +s, (uotation
racket: alboroto, bullicio
radius +pl, radiuses, radii: radio de circunferencia
rag: trapo, arapo
raid: ata(ue, allanamiento the @$A$9 made a raid on the house
rail: baranda 8 tren railway: red de v?as
rainfall: cantidad de lluvia 8 precipitaciones
to rake: rastrillar la tierra o las o:as 8 +s, rastrillo
rally: carrera larga 8 reuniones pol?ticas
ram: carnero 8 ariete
rascal: p?caro, da9ino
ras: sarpullido, erupci>n
to rus: apurarse
rater: bastante 8 preferentemente
raw: crudo 8 novato 8 en carne viva a raw wound
ready readiness
to rear: criar 8 encabritarse rearing horse
receipt: recibo
recipe: receta de cocina
to recite: recitar
to reckon: deducir, calcular, computar +s, reckonining
to recruit +s, recruitment
to reduce te price by alf
to reign
rein: rienda 8 +v, to control, to restraint, to old back
rude<> polite
rely: confiar
relay: relevo
to repair+s, repair
to repeat repetition
to replace replacement
to replace: reempla.ar 8 volver a colocar algo en su lugar
to reservereservation
to respond response
to respectrespect+ad:, respectful
reservoir: reservorio, embalse
to reviserevision
riddle: adivinan.a
to ride a ride +via:ar en cual(uier ve?culo,
to record: grabar, registrar record: grabaci>n, registro, marca, rRcord
rim: borde
:ewellery: :oyer?a
ripe: maduro <> unripe
to rise +rose, risen,: ascender, subir
to risk: arriegar +s, risk +ad:, risky
to roast: asar
to rob: robar +s,robbery 8 +s, robber
to rock: mecer rocking chair
rodent: roedor
to roll: rodar 8 rollar +barco, 8 apisonar una superficie
roll of paper 8 roll: bollo, panecito
roof: also <paladar=
to rot+rotted,: pudrir+ad:, rotten
row: fila 8 pelea alboroto
to rub: frotar, friccionar
to spill: salpicar
to trample: to walk on: pisotear
rudder: tim>n de direcci>n +barco, avi>n,
flap: tim>n de profundidad
float: flotador
landing weel: tren de aterri.a:e
ull: casco de un nave
sea plane: idroavi>n
cab: cabina de un cami>n, tren
air deflector
dairy tanker: cami>n cisterna +de lece,
ood: capota
rotor blade: Rlices, aspa giratoria
engine ousing: ca:a del motor
ousing: ca:a, cubierta 5 viviendas
landing ski: pat?n de aterri.a:e
instrument panel
fairing: fuselado
windscreen: parabrisas
exoust pipe: ca9o de escape
disc brake: disco de freno
engine: locomotora
double5decker carriage: vag>n de G pisos
track: riel
saddle: montura 8 asiento de bicicleta
pommel: pomo de la montura
stirrup: estribo
mud guard: guardabarros
andlebar: manubrio
funnel: cimenea
deck: cubierta
paddle steamer: vapor de paletas
paddle weel: rueda de paletas
trap door: escotill>n, puerta trampa
tras: desperdicio 8 cacivace
to travel +traveled,: via:ar de un lugar a otro <> :ourney
trawler: barco pe(ue9o
treacerous: traicionero
to tread +trod, trodden,: to walk on, to trample: pisotear
tread: borde de rodamiento de una rueda
treasurer: tesorero
treaty: agreetment
treat: recompen.a they were taken her to the .oo as a birthday treat 8 regalo, obse(uio
tramp: wanderer, beggar
egg yolk: yema
weed: yuyo
tile: on floor: baldo.a, on wall: a.ule:or, on roof: te:a
to lick:lamer
to slaugter: to kill
fewer: less: menos
packMdeck of cards
obese: fat
ocupation: :ob
earing: inner ear: oido
navel: ombligo
a sentence: a prayer
gloomy: dark
loaf of bread
nappy: diaper: pa9al
parcel:bundle: pa(uete
pace: step: paso
bosom: cest, breast
to miss: to lose
aste: urry
to proibit
andful: fist
to crus: to break
complaint: (ue:a
to take away: to remove
anger, fury, rage
to split: to crack
bou(uet: ramillete
stale: rancid
opscotc: rayuela
proverb: saying
oar: paddle: remo
to tear: to break, to pierce
to take out: sacar
salty: salado
to leap: to :ump
compliments: greetings
tirst: sed
secure: safe +ad:,
babyCs rattle: sona:ero
to loosen: to untie: aflo:ar
trus: .or.al
to pick: elegir y agarrar
pier: muelle
pillow: almoada
to pinc: pelli.car
pineapple: ananN
pit: po.o profundo
pitc: campo de :uego
plain: sencillo, comprensible 8 +s, llanura
fern: eleco
bulb: bulbo
plaster: yeso 8 ap>sito pMeridas
plateau: meseta
pleasure pleasurable
plot: tramar secretamente 8 +s, plan, trama 8 +s, parcela de tierra
to ploug: to plow: arar 8+s, arado
plug: encufe 8 tap>n, tarugo
to plunge: caer al agua, .ambullirse
point: tambiRn <punta de algo=
to poke: empu:ar con un palo o la mano 8 ati.ar el fuego
pole: poste, mastil
pollen 8 pollinate te flowers
pond: estan(ue, carca
pork: carne de cerdo
meat: carne vacuna
lamb: carne de cordero
to pose: posar& Una pose& %o pose a problem: plantear un problema&
post: correo 8 poste, pilar, columna
pot: pote, olla de lados altos coffee pot' cafetera
pottery: va:illa o adornos de arcilla orneada
to pour: verter un l?(uido
to pounce: :ump, sei.e upon the cat pounced on the mice
to practise practice
to praise: alagar a praise
to pray: re.ar a prayer
priest: sacerdote
to prefer +ad:, preferable +s, preference
pregnant preganancy
to pretend pretence +s,
price: precio
pri.e: premio
to prod: agui:onear, picar, pun.ar
to produce te produce: production, product
profile: perfil de cara 8 perfil anal?tico
profit,s +ad:, profitable
program: de pc
programme: de tv, de eventos, librito del cine o teatro
prompt: rNpido 8 puntual 8 +v, incitar, impulsar, movili.ar 8 +s, informat& mensa:e
to project (s)pro:ect
prove +ad:, proven
puddle: carco
puff: bocanada de aire o umo
pulling on a rope: tirar de la soga
pulley: polea
punc: pu9eta.o 8 +v, to punc 8 mN(uina agu:ereadora a hole punch 8 ponce
to :ab: pun.ar, erir 8+s, punta.o
ladle: cucar>n
lap: vuelta 8 rega.o
to lap: capotear 8 to lap up: lamer, beber con la lengua
:ogged: dentado, filoso
:am: mermelada 8 embotellamiento de trNfico o gente
:ar: tarro 8 +v, cirriar, sonar agudo y estridente 5 a #arring sound
:ug: :arro para l?(uidos
:avelin: :abalina
:et: corro de agua o gas
armband: bra.alete
earings: aros
pendant: pendiente
coker: collar, necklace
clasp: broce
to :og: trotar despacio
to :olt: tra(uetear, sacudir
to :uggle: acer malabarismos
:unction: confluencia, empalme
kebab: brocette
skewer: pinco
rolledup: enrrollado
kingfiser: mart?n pescador
knee: rodilla
to kneel +knelt, arrodillarse
knob: mani:a de muebles
knuckle: nudillo
lace: cord>n 8 puntilla
to laug at +s,laugter
to launc: botar un bote, lan.ar, iniciar
layer: capa, cobertura
lead: plomo 8 primer lugar +in te lead,5 indicio, pista
to lean +leant, : reclinarse, apoyarse en algo
to leap +lept,: saltar muco en largo o en alto: +s, leaping
leap year: a9o bisiesto
lecture: conferencia
a lengt of ribbon: un tro.o de cinta
leotard: malla enteri.a
licence to license
to leak: gotear, rotura (ue drena
to lick: lamer
lid: tapa
saucepan: cacerola con mani:a larga
bucket: balde 8 +ad:, flo:o, rela:ado, laxo
to limp +limped, : renguear 8 +s, rengueo
uman: mammal of te genus 6omo, te only living species of wic, is <omo sapiens=
features: caracter?sticas, detalles
patcly eary: parcialmente cubierto de pelos
is s5saped rater tan straigt
foreead: frente
distinguisable from LL by LL: distinguible deL porL&&
renaissance aderents
by virtue: en virtud
amendment: enmienda
idealism dates from +dates back to, te teacings of 'lato in ancient Ireece
artistic idealism denotes a rendering of someting <as it ougt to be, rater tan as it actually
to render: cause to be, make, turn into 8 provide, give, deliver5 portray, depict, represent
imperialism impose alien culture on native societies
most former colonies: la mayor?a de las ex colonias
increase in population
industrial working class
eversince: desde entonces
by5product of tecnology: producto derivado
a fairly recent penomenon: relativamente reciente
to advocate: abogar por
nationalism: ideology to wic +olds tat, +tat states,LL&
dwells on a nationCs past: pone Rnfasis enL&
oligarcs rule in teir own interests
by means of rational in(uiry: por medio del anNlisis racional
a number of groups wit conflicting interests, none of wic is able to stablis absolute
te trut of a proposition as no absolute standing but depends onLL: no tien valor en si
misma, sino (ue depende deL&&
primarily: principally, mainly
appointment: also <nombramiento en un cargo=
to grant pardons: otorgar perdones
te office: el cargo
along wit: :unto a
unaidedly: sin ayuda deL
innate ideas: ideas innatas& 5 innately
approval or re:ection
separation on suc grounds as race, sex, etcLL: separaciones sobre la baseLLL
skeptic +s& pl&, te skeptics
lie lies lying lay lain yacer, acostarse
lie lies lying lied lied mentir
lay lays laying laid laid poner con cuidado sobreL
to meet te re(uirements: they have to accomplish all requirements
:ustices +:udge in a court; named: mr& :ustice /rown, are appointed for life by te president
wit te approval of te senate
te president $ennedy died during in office
impeacment: :uicio de residencia
ac(uitted: sobrese?do
nimble: ligero, Ngil
swallen: incado
pied piper of amelin +piedE two or 7 colours,
te supporters of 'er>n
conscientous ob:ector
te issue: el tema
to be drafted: to be recruited
consensus on basic rules
is distrustful: duda de&&
conservatism: conservadurismo
relies on te abitL: conf?a en el Nbito
demograpy ascertains trends: la demograf?a reconoce tendencias
sometingCs rotten in denmark: algo uele a podrido
empiricism: pilosopical doctrine wic assertsL& + (ue determina,
empiricism <> racionalism
realism <> idealism
witold: old back, keep back, refuse to give, retain, keep old of&
executive privilege: the president withholds information from congress or the courts
endargement of national security: poner en peligro la seguridad nacional
e refused to surrender te tapes +entregar las cintas, and supply te court wit information
tey drew up te basic outline for te plan
one people: un pueblo
dissolve political bands: disolver las ataduras pol?ticas
te rigts tat entitle imL&: le otorgan, le dan dereco
to endow: dotar
self5evident: autoevidente
pursuit of appiness: bOs(ueda de felicidad
is regarded asL se lo conoce como
te first parliament remained answerable to te monarcy: sigui> respondiendoL&
sift: cambio
to expound: exponer, declarar
to exposse: exponer a un peligro
bloody dispute
multiparty: multipartidario
universal adult suffrage
according to dialectical materialism +egel,, social cange can only occur wen two opposing
views are resolved troug a new syntesis, rater tan one stablising itself as true&
dictatorsip: dictadura: legal restraints on governmental autority are abolised existing as a
mere formality
ouses of te *ongress: cNmaras
tese principles may be formulated on political criteria
larger society: la sociedad en general
freetinkers sougt to assert reson over religious autority: buscaban exaltarL&&
affluent western societies: sociedades occidentales opulentas
tey gained political representation sortly afterwards,L& poco despuesL&
dominance of one state over oters: it olds egemony power
one social class monopoli.ing te creation and transmission of moral values
opposite: del otro lado
to oppose: oponerse +opposition,
beak: pico de ave
outcome: resultado de algo
oil slick: manca de aceite en el agua
glossy: silky, siny, polised
origin to originate
to munc: comer algo cru:iente
mutiny: mot?n
to mutter: to murmur
mutual: mutuo, en comOn
mu..le: ocico, bo.al
nap: siesta
fiddle: viol?n
tuning peg: clavi:a
beaters: palillos
moutpiece: bo(uilla
naugty: travieso
flare: bengala
necessaries: needs
life :acket: salvavidas
to neglect: descuidar 8 +s,
to nibble: mordis(uear 8 +s, mordisco
optician: >ptico
optimistic <> pesimistic
to nod +nodding,: asentir con la cabe.a
noodle: tallarines
noose: la.o corredi.o
nostril: agu:eros de la nari.
no..le: pico de un ca9o o manguera
nuisance: molestia
nugget: peda.o, tro.o +de mineral,
nudge: coda.o 8 to nudge
numb: entumecido +numbness,
FD] is a tree figure number
nun: mon:a
nut: tuerca
bolt: bul>n
oats: avena
obstacle: obstruction
obstinate: obstinately
odour: olor fuerte
dustbin: taco de basura 8 dustbin liner: bolsa de basura
wavy line: l?nea ondulante
litter: basura 8 of animal: camada +offspring, 8 a disorderly accumulation of ob:ects, a pile
little: +littler, littlest,: pe(ue9o
little: +less, least, breve
e lived to an old age
living: subsistencia
li..ard: lagarto
lock: cerradura, cerro:o, esclusa
sleepless nigt
loose: flo:o, olgado +adv, loosely, +v, loosen, +s, looseness
to lose +lost5lost,: perder
to lower +lowered,: ba:ar algo con cuidado
luggage: baggage
lukewarn: mild : templado
to lull: arrullar, adormecer
lump: bulto, terr>n, protuberancia lump of coal
magnifying glass
straw: pa:illa
make out of: acer conL
snout: ocico
trunk: trompa
mu..le: ocico& caballo
tusk: colmillo
foal: colt: potrillo
ump: :oroba 8 on road: bace
fin: aleta
marble slab: baldo.a de mNrmol
marble: canica
mars: swamp
ive: colmena
swarm: en:ambre
mast: mNstil
mat: felpudo 8 mantel individual
to mate +mated, aparearse
mattress: colc>n
ma.e: laberint
mean:+meaner, meanest, desconsiderado, taca9o5 +s, medio 8 +v, significar
put teL&& on to boil
to melt: derretir
to mend: reparar
tin can: frasco de o:alata
mercy merciful
midday: noon <> midnigt
mill: fNbrica de materiales
to mind: importar acerca de algo 8 cuidar a alguien
minute: minuto 8 diminuto
miscievous: travieso, :uguet>n
mistaken +ad:&,
moat: foso con agua
moisture moistEumid
mole: on skin, lunar
mougrel: perro mesti.o o calle:ero
mop: estropa:o
mos(ue: me.(uita
to mourn: estar de luto: to grieve for, to bemoan, to express grief mourn for someone
mournful: sad, sorrowfull, desolate, somber 8 dismal: depressing, dreary, dull +lugubrious,
to mon: segar el cRsped moan the lawn
muddle: embrollo, confusi>n 8 to muddle
mug: ta.a
orderly: in order
senate: upper ouse of te legislature <> ouse of representatives
committee cair: presidencia del comitR
presiding officer: presidente de una :unta
simple ma:ority, two tirds ma:ority
natural5born nativo de un pa?s
is common to all societies
ceap labor: mano de obra barata
by enslaving: esclavi.ando
on te return :ourney
were sold into slavery
by te late D_
and early D\
century, slavery laws were abolised trougout muc of
outlaw: illegal
te aims of teLL los ob:etivos deL&
immediate overaul +restructuraci>n, of te prevailing political system
private individuals
differing over suc (uestions asL&
to expound: exponer, tratar
te term arose in D\GS: el tRrmino se origin> en L
to describe
to eradicate
to prescribe: prescribir
te utopian novel is a literary genre
welfare state: estado de bienestar o benefactor
compreensive policies: pol?ticas de con:unto
since Kesus did not return on dates forecastedL
advent: penitential period beginning four Sundays before Ymas&
malignant or beneficial effects
demonic kings
protestant denomination: creencia protestante
no official creed: sin credo oficial
ierarcy: :erar(u?a
te group convenes every five years: L&se reOneL& )lso to be summoned&
by wic: por el cual
beatification: canoni.aci>n
te title <blessed=: el t?tulo <beato=
old in e(ual steem: mantener la misma estima aLwe hold in equal steem this book with the
craving and attacment: ansias y apego
cessation: terminaci>n, fin
to attain: conseguir, obtener
eigtfold pat: sendero de los _ caminos +del !irvana,
to resolve: resolver 8+s, E resolution
mindfulness: conciencia mindful: attentive, careful, aware of
a torouggoing austere revamping: complet?sima y austera moderni.aci>n
trift: aorro 5 austeridad
to stress: remarcar algo
or to damnation: o por condena
cardinal: rank in te ierarcy of te clergy +clero, of te "oman *atolic *urc
a vacancy in te papal office: papado vacante
sayings: dicos
to ac(uire: ad(uirir
(uasi5religious caracteristics
te responsibility of sovereign to people
measureless: inconmesurable
arcenemy: arcienemigo
Supreme /eing: Ser Supremo
to cast out: expulsar
tempter: el (ue tienta
scriptures: escrituras sagradas
srine: santuario
mendicant order
to preac: predicar
feast: fiesta, commemoraci>n
on te tird day
magi +tree wise men,
toil: traba:o, esfuer.o 8+v, to work continously and ardly on someting5 also +n,: someting
tat binds +ties,, snares+catces, or entangles +twists togeter, one: an <entrapment=,
especially from witces&
to banis: desterrar
is e(uated wit: es comparado con
to disestablis <> to stablis
/ook of *ommon 'rayer: -ibro de 'legarias
to carry out: llevar a cabo
Epistles: Ep?stolas
te so5called: las as? llamadas
<)nalectas= from *onfucio
to streak: to move fast, to flas, to soot; about5face: ir en direcci>n contraria; to ambulate:to
wander: to roam; to amble: caminar de manera cansina; to barrel: moverse rapidamente; to
blow in: llegar de golpe; to blast off: partir abruptamenteE to clear out <> to fade: to slip
away; to blunder: moverse sin e(uilibrio; to bounce: ir a los saltos;
to cover ground: cubrir grandes distancias; to clamber: trepar; to come fort: emerger;
to commute: acer via:es de ida y vuelta; to crawl: arrastrarse; to dart: abalan.arse;
decelerate <> accelerate; to deviate; to dodge: moverse por un curso irregular, con curvas; to
embark; to flee: escapar rapidamente; to flock: moverse en grupo; frogmarc: salto de rana; to
gain ground: acicar distancia <> to lose ground; to get going: ponerse en movimiento; goose5
step: paso de ganso; urdle: obstNculos o vallas de una carrera
to inc: ir lentamente; to make away: apartarse: to mince: caminar afectadamente; to move
along: ir en una direcci>n; move it +slang,: vNyanseQ ; to negotiate: maniobrar;
to outpace: exceder la velocidad para pasar; to overtake: alcan.ar y pasar; to piss off +slang,
ale:arse rNpido sin muca ceremonia; to plummet: descender rNpidamente;
to press on: avan.ar contra obstNculos; promenade: paseo en lugar pOblico; (uickstep: marca
rNpida; reenter: volver, reincorporarse; regress: ir acia atrNs; to reverse: ir marca atrNs; to
scuff: caminar sin levantar los pies; set fort: set out: set off; to sadow: seguir a alguien; to
soulder: abrirse camino a empu:ones; to sow up: aparecerse; to suttle: ir y volver& +s,
puente aRreo; to spring: saltar; to steer: dirigir la marca; to steer clear of: mantenerse ale:ado;
to tiptoe: caminar en punta de pie; to wisk: moverse con rapide.; to .ig5.ag
to assay: examinar y evaluar; bat an eye: parpadear con sorpresa; to browse: mirar como al
pasar; to canvass: examinar con atenci>n; to cast about: mirar a todos lados; to contemplate;
to distinguis +wit sigt,; to envision: imaginar; to fix oneCs eye on: fi:ar la mirada; to focus;
to give te evil eye: mirar maliciosamente; to give te once5over: mirar de arriba aba:o; to
glimpse: to glance; goggle: con o:os muy abiertos; to leer: mirada lasciva; to look daggers:
mirar con ostilidad: to look out: estar alerta; to look over: examinar; look sideways: mirada
torcida de desaprobaci>n; to mark: advertir: take note of; to marvel: mirar con asombro; to
observe; to overlook: mirar a la distancia 8 mirar por arriba; to oversee: mirar con atenci>n; to
overview: vista.o general; to peek: mirar escondido: to pick out: ver a alguien entre varios:
preview: premiere; rubberneck:infml: mir>n; to screen: examinar con atenci>n; to snoop:
entrometerse con la mirada; to survey: inspeccionar; to watc out: vigilar; to wink: gui9ar un
to announce;to assert: afirmar; to babble: parlotear; to bicker: discutir sobre temas
intrascendentes; to cant: cantar con tonos repetitivos y mon>tonos; to cat: carlar;
to catter: ablar muco y sin parar; to cime in: interrumpir: to interrupt; to citcat:
cismorrear; to confide: confiar algo; to converse: conversar; to croon: cantar suavemente; to
declaim: declamar, ablar dramaticamente; to eco: repetir lo otros dicen; to enunciate; to
greet: saludar; to grumble: gru9ir; to ammer: macacar, repetir;
to arengue: arengar; to intone: entonar; to invoke; to :ive +slang,: ablar rNpido y sin sentido
para enga9ar; to kibit.: infml& ofrecer conse:o no pedido; to mince: ablar para parecer
refinado; to mispronounce: pronunciar mal; to murmur; to narrate: to relate; to overstate:
exagerar; perorate: perorata; to propesy: profeti.ar; raise te voice; to rap: ablar sin
ataduras: to speak out; to recount: narrar; to regale: entretener con istorias;
to reas: narrar con modificaciones istorias vie:as; to reiterate; to sermoni.e; to soot off
oneCs mout: ablar sin discreci>n; to sig: suspirar; to soft5pedal: ablar calmando las cosas;
to stumble: ablar mal, con errores; to sttuttes: tartamudear; to summon: convocar; to
susurrate; to touc on: decir de paso; to troll: cantar alegremente; to trumpet: ablar con vo.
estridente; to twaddle: ablar tonter?as; to twitter: ablar ansiosamente; to vaticinate; to
vocali.e; to verbali.e; vow: promesa, :uramento; to warrant: asegurar, prometer; to yak:
ablar incesantemente; to yarn: contar cuentos inventados y exagerados; to yell: gritar
to bait: molestar; to boast: autoelogiarse; to burst out: lan.ar una expresi>n sorpresivamente;
to ceer: aplaudir y vivar; cuckle: risas aogadas; to clamor: protestar a viva vo.; to crack:
acer una broma; to entuse: expresar entuasiasmo;
to exclaim; to exort; to gam: entablar una conversaci>n amistosa; giggle: risas nerviosas; to
grouse: (ue:arse; to arass: molestar, acosar; to eckle: pertubar a un orador pOblico; to
imprecate; to :olly: alegrar a alguien para conseguir su favor;
to lament; to las out: insultar; to needle: ironi.ar; to obsess: reiterar; to paint: describir en
detalle; to pledge: prometer solemnemente; to preac: pronunciar un serm>n; (uip:
comentario inteligente; reassure:restaurar la confian.a; to renounce; to repudiate; to ridicule:
reirse de otro; to rip: ofender; to sass: ablar ruda o impertinentemente; sligt: insulto,
descortes?a; to snap: ablar con irritaci>n; snarl: de malas maneras; talk back: rebatir; to tease:
provocar con sarcasmos; to unburden: sacarse un peso de encima;
to unload: ablar para descargarse; to urge: urgir, persuadir; to vent: ventilar los problemas; to
weep: llorar; to wisecrack: acer cistes o comentarios inteligentes; to yawn: expresar
aburrimiento, boste.ar
to allege: alegar; to allude; to attest: atestiguar: to testify; to attribute: atribuir; to beat around
te bus: ablar con evasivas; to break te news: acer conocer algo; to ca:ole: persuadir con
alaban.as; to cant: ablar ipocritamente; to cew over: discutir largamente; to clear te air:
ablar para despe:ar las tensiones; to coax: persuadir gentilmente; to collo(ue: ablar
privadamente; to confer: discutir con otras personas: to contend; to convey: dar informaci>n;
to convince; to counsel: aconse:ar como profesional; to decree: decretar; to delineate; to
depict: describir: to describe; to disclose: develar; to discouse: dar un discurso; to discuss:
discutir; to divulge; to elucidate; to enpasi.e; to enounce; to e(uivocate: ablar
ambiguamente, esconder la verdad; to expound: exponer; to fill in: informar detalladamente;
to get across: acerse entender; to gloss over: tapar un error; to illustrate; to impute; to
induce; to instruct; to interpret: traducirL&&; to itemi.e: detallar por item; lecture: conferencia,
clase; to parley: discutir con oponentes; to plead: apelar; to postulate; to preface; to propose;
to rebut: rebatir; to recant: retirar lo dico: to witdraw; to recap: to recapitulate; to recite; to
restate: reiterar con pe(ue9os cambios; to retell: contar lo mismo; to retract; to spell out:
detallar; to stipulate; to submit: someter a consideraci>n; to summari.e: to sum up
to talk into: persuadir; to talk out of: desalentar, acer desistir; to talk over: discutir un tema;
totalk sense: ablar con ra.ones; to talk turkey: infml& ablar sin tapu:os; to tell all: revelar
todo, incluso secretos; to understate: decir menos de lo (ue se sabe; to unsay: to retract; to
unvail: develar
:udgments pro and cons: acuerdos y descuerdos; to affirm; to argue; to assent: asentir;
to backbite: decir cosas desagradables; to bad5mout: critircar severamente; to belittle:
degradar, disminuir: disparage, decry; to comminate; to concur: aprobar, concordar;
to confront; to contradict; to denigrate; to denounce; to deplore; to discredit; to dispute;
to dissuade; to flatter: elogiar para ganar favores; ector: to intimidate; to laud: exaltar,
elogiar: to praise; to make fun of: burlarse; to ob:ect; to opine; to recommend; to repreend; to
reprimand; to reproac; to slander: infamar; to speak oneCs mind: opinar con libertad; to
speculate; to vilify: ablar mal de otros
regime: rRgimen de gobierno; regimen: rRgimen dietario; regiment; register registered; to
regurgitate; to reabilitate; reign: kingdon; reincarnation; to reinforce; to reinvent; to reiterate;
to re:uvenate; to relativi.e; relaxant: rela:ante; to relief: to relevar; reli(uary: relicario;
relucent: reluciente; remanent; antiwar; etcer: a person wo makes etcing +grabado,; output:
production; remediable; remedy; reminiscence; remissible: remisible; remission: remisi>n; to
remit: remitir; remitent& remitente; remora; to remunerate; remunerative; rendition; renegade;
to renounce; to renovate; renunciation;
reparable; reparation; repartition; repatriate; repecage: repecage; to repel: repeler; repellent;
repercussion; repertoire; repetition; repetitive; to replant; replete: repleto; replica; to repose:
reposar; repository: repositorio; to repreend; repreensible; repression; reprimand; to
reproac+s,; reprobation; reprovable; to reprove; reptant; to repudiate; repugnance; repulse:
repulsa; repulsion: repulsi>n; reputable: reputable; reputation; reputed; re(uiem; re(uirement;
re(uisite: re(uisito; re(uisition: re(uisici>n; rescind; rescission; rescissory: rescisorio;
resentment: resentimiento; reservoir; to reside: residir; resident: dweller; residual; resign:
resignar 8 renunciar; resistance, resistant: resistente; to resolve; respectable;
respectiverespectively; to respire: to breat; resplandent; restitution; restoration:
restauraci>n; to restor: restaurar; to restrict: restringir; to restructure; result: resultado;
resultant: resultante; to resume: resumir 8reanudar; to resuscitate; resuscitator; to retain:
retener; to retard; retardate: retardado; reticent; reticle: ret?cula; retina; retiree: retired;
retirement; retractile; retribuion; retributive; retroactive; to retrocede; retrograde: retr>grado;
returnable; to reunite: reunir; to revaluate: revalori.ar; revelation; revengeful: vengativo;
reverberation; reverence; reverend: reverendo; reverent: reverente; reverential; reverse;
reversible;to revise: revisar; revision; revisory: revisorio; to revive: revivir; revocable;
revocation,to revolve: revolver; revulsion; rapsody; retoric; retorical; reumatic;
reumatolgy; r factor; rinitis; rinoceros: rinoceronte; uniceros: unicornio; rinoplasty;
rinoscopy; r negative; rombus: rombo: diamond; ryme: rima; rytmics: r?tmica; ricter
scale: a scale ranging from D to DH, for indicating te intensity of eart(uakes& )fter *arles
"icter, U&S& seismologist; ricotta: resembles cottage ceese, made from te wey of milk;
wey: suero de lece; rictus: rictus; rifle; rigor; rigorism; rigorous; risible: risible; risotto: rise
cooked in brot+caldo, flavored wit grated ceese +rallado,; rival; big man: ombre
importante; tried: pp to trial; guillotined; robust; rococo; a DH5volume study of a Ierman5born
musician; roman e clef: novel tat represent istorical events and caracters under te guise of
fiction +novel wit a key,; a romeo: a man wit reputation for amatory success; to float
asore: flotar asta la costa;
suckled by a se5wold: amamantados por una loba;reared by a seperd: criados por un pastor;
figting sibings: ermanos enfrentados; to adbducte: abducir, tereafter: desde entonces;
rosary: rosario; rotative; rotatory; rouge; roulette; discourse; ine(ualities;
to torment; persecusion mania; seclusion: isolation; route: ruta; routine; ruby: rub?; rudiment;
ruffian; rugose; ruin; ruminant: rumiante; rumor; rupture: ruptura; rural; to deduce; views on:
puntos de vista; controversial; te !a.i treat; abandoned pacifism, but reverted to it: LLL
al (ue retorn>; anti nuclear; wordly: mundialmente; e was awarded te !obel 'ri.e in
literature; rustic; "ut: a book of te bible bearing er name; sabbatical; oral vaccine for
immuni.ation against poliomyelitis; sabotage; saboteur; saccarine; sacerdotal; sacrali.e;
sacrilege; sacrilegous; sacristan; sacristy;
sacrosanct; sacrum: ueso lumbar; sadism; sadist; sadomasocism; safari; saga; sagacious;
sagacity; beloved book by cildren and adults alike: un libro amado; brilliantly orcestrated;
concerto; salamander; salami; salient: saliente; saliferous: sal?fero; salini.ation: salini.aci>n;
saliva; salivary gland; salmon; salmonella; salon;
veal sauteed in butter, and seasoned wit sage: ternera saltada en manteca y sasonada con
salvia; salutation: salutaci>n; salute: saludo; salvo: salva; sanctify; sanction; sanctity;
sanctuary; sanguinary; sanguine: sangu?neo; sanguinolent; sanitary; sanity: sanidad, santa
claus, sappire& .afiro; uman rigts; sarcasm; sarcastic; sarcopagus;
sardine; sardonic; satiable; to satiate: saciar; satiety: saciedad; satire: sNtira; satirical; satiri.e;
satrap; saturable: saturable; to saturate +saturated,; satyr: sNtiro; sauna; savoir5faire; saxon:
sa:>n; saxopone; scandalscandalous; scandinavia; scapula; scarlet: escarlata; scatology;
scenario: stage; scenic: escRnico; sceptical: skeptical; scema: es(uema; sci.oprenia;
scolastic; sciatica; sciatic nerve; sclerosis; scoliosis; scoria; scorpius: escorpio; scriptures:
escrituras; scruple: escrOpulo; scrupulous; scrutable: escrutable; scrutiny; sebaceous +gland,;
seborrea; secession; secret; to secrete: secretar;
secretion; sectarian; sectional; secularism; sedan; to sedate; sedative; sedentary; sediment;
sedimentary; sedition, seditious; to seduce; seducerMseductress; to segregate;
segregationist, seismograp; seismology; selectivity; semantic; semantics: SemNntica;
semaprore; semiannual; semicircle; semiconductor; semidesert; seminal;seminarian:
seminarista; seminary; semiotics: Semi>tica; semiprecious; semite: semita; semitic;
semper fidelis; sempiternal: sempiterno; dramatist; senile: senil; senility; sensibility:
sensibilidad; sensible: sensato; sensitive: suceptible; sensory: sensorial; sensual: sensual;
sensualism; sententious: sentencioso; sentiment; sentimental; sentimentalism; separable;
separatist; separdi: sefaradita; sepia; septicemia; septuagenarian; sepulcer; sepulcral;
sepulture; se(uel: secuela; se(uester +custody,; serapim; serenade: serenata; serene: sereno;
serenity; sermon; sermoni.e; sermon of te mount; serology; serpent; serpentine; serviceable:
servicial; service station; servile: servil; servitude: servilismo; servomecanism; sesame;
session; neo5impressionist painter; severe; severity; sexagenarian; sexism: sexismo; sextant;
sextuple; sampoo; drama; disciple; siamese cat; sic transit gloria mundi: tus passes away
te glory of tis world; sign: signo; to sign: firmar& signature; signal: se9al; significance:
significancia; significant; signification; significative; silicon: silicio; silicone: silicona; ig5
tecnology companies; silviculture; similar; similarity: similitude; simile: s?mil; simplicity;
simplistic: simplista; simply: simplemente; simulacrum; simulate; simulation; simultaneous;
from D\JH on: desde D\JH en adelante; sincere; sincerity; to comprise: to include; a cycle of
DD novels; ardent socialist; sinister; Sinn 4ein means: ourselves; sinousity; sinuous; sinusitis;
sipon; eminent; to convey: to express, to suggest, to communicate; dynamic bruswork:
pinceladas dinNmicas; siren: sirena; sistine capel;
sisypus: compeled by Iods to roll a stone to te top of a slope+cuesta,, tat always escapes
im and rolls back down again& Symbol of futility and opelessness; to situate; sketc; te
unobservable; stimuli: est?mulos; a painful stimulus as a mild electric sock
c.ec: ceco; slogan; slovakia; an in(uiry into te nature and causes of te wealt of nations;
influence on; e as been never surpassed; a buffet meal of a variety of ot and cold food;
caserole dis: ca.uela; erring: aren(ue; sober: sobrio; sobriety: sobriedad;
sociability; sociable; social security; social service; sociocultural; socioeconomic;
sociopolitical; to be ac(uainted: estar familiari.ado; religious eresies: ere:?as religiosas; e
willingly drunk up te cup of poison emlock: LL&sicuta venenosa;
sodium; sodomite; sodomy; sofa: couc; solace: sola.; solarium; solar plexus; solemn:
solemne; solemnity; to solemni.e: solemni.ar; solenoid; solfa; solfeggio: solfeo; to solicit;
solidify; solilo(uy& solilo(uio; solitaire: solitario: solitary; solo;
Aui., callenge yourself Q 4ive (uestions& Iive eac one two points& 3f you score DH, you are
a genius& Up to _, you are getting to it& Up to `, youCd better get in sape& Under J, you are not
paying attention& 3f you couldnCt get a single mark, youCd better read te wole ting again&
deity: deidad; potofobia; potosyntesis; pysical: fisico +cuerpo,; pysicist: f?sico +tRcnico,;
pysiology; picares(ue; picket: pi(uete; pickle; pic5nic; piety: piedad; pigmentation; pile:
pila; pillage: pilla:e; pillar: pilar; pine: pino; pineal gland; pinion: pi9>n; pinacle: pinNculo;
pious: p?o; pipe: pipa; pirana; pirouette; pisces: piscis; pisciculture, piss: pis; piston, placard;
placebo; placenta; placid; plafond; plagiary; planetarium; planispere; plankton; plantation;
pla(ue: placa; plastic surgery; platinum; plausible; plebeian; plebiscite; pleiades; plenary;
plenary indulgence: indulgencia plenaria; plenipotentiary; plenitude; pleonams; pletora,
pleura; pleuresy: pleures?a; plexiglas; plume: feater 8 of smoke: cloud, curl, spiral, column;
pluvial; pneumatic: neumNtico: tyre; pneumococcus; pneumonia; podiatry: podolog?a;
podium; pointillism: puntillismo; to polemici.e: polemi.ar; polemist; polenta; policy: p>li.a;
politici.e: politi.ar; pollen; pollution; polo; polycrome; polyclinic; polygamy; polyglot;
polymer; polyvalent; pomade: pomada; pomelo; pomposity; pompous; ponderable; pontiff; to
pontificate; pontoon; porcelain; porcine; porosity; porous: poros; portent: portento;
portentous; portico; post5dated; posterior; posterity; postgraduate; postumous: p>stumo;
postindustrial; postnatal; postpartum; postulant; to postulate; posture: postura; potable;
potassium; potentate: potentado; to potentiate; potentiometer; potpourri; pottage: pota:e;
practicable; practical; practitioner: practicante; praxis; preamble; prebend: prebenda;
precarious; to precede: preceder; precedent: precedente; precept: precepto; precint: precinto;
preciosity: preciocidad; precious: precioso; precious metals; precipice: precipicio; to
precipitate: precipitar; precipitacion; precise: preciso; precocious: preco.; to preconi.e:
preconi.ar; precursor; predecessor; to predetermine; predicament; predilection; to predispone;
predominant; to predominate; preeminence; to pre:udge; pre:udice: pre:uicio; prelate: prelado;
prelature; preliminary; premarital; prelude; premeditated; syndrome; premise: premisa;
premolar; preoccupied; preparation; preparative; prepotency; prerogative; presbyter; to
prescind: prescindir; to prescribe; prescript: prescripto; prescription: prescripci>n;
presentiment; president elect: presidente electo; presidio; prestidigitation; pre5socratic;
prestissimo: at te most rapid tempo +music,; presumable: presumible; presumptive:
presuntivo; presumptuous: presuntuoso; pretentious; pretest; pretext: pretexto; prevalent;
prevarication; price control; price index: ?ndice de precios; primacy: primac?a; prima donna;
prima facie; primogeniture; primordial; prince royal: pr?ncipe real; principality: principado;
prismatic; private secretary; privation; privative: privativo; to privati.e; probity: probidad;
proboscis; procession: procesi>n; proclamation; proclivity: proclividad; to procreate;
procuration: procuraci>n; procurator; to procure; prodigal: pr>digo; prodigality: prodigalidad;
prodigious; profanation; to proffer: proferir; cream puff: bonba de crema; pro forma; profuse:
profuso; progenitor; progeny: progenie; prognostic: pron>stico; programmatic: programNtico;
pro:ectile; pro:ection: proyecci>n; pro:ector: proyector; pro:ectionist: proyeccionista;
prolapse; prolegomenon; proletarian: proletario; proletariat: proletariado; to proliferate;
proliferous: prol?fero; prolific: prol?fico; prologue; to prolong; prolongation; in defiance of:
desafiando a; prominence: prominencia; prominent: prominente; promiscuity; promiscuous;
promissory: promisorio; promontory: promontorio; to promote: promover; promptitude:
to promulgate; pronation: pronaci>n: rotation of te and or te forearm so as to bring te
palm downward or rearward; prone: propenso: propense; pronouncement: pronunciamiento;
pronunciation: pronunciaci>n; propaganda; to propagate; to propend;
propensity: propensi>n; proper: propio; proper noun: nombre propio; propylactic:
profilNctico; propylaxis; to propitiate: propiciar; propitious; to propone; proprietor:
propietario; propriety: propiedad; pro rata; to prorate: prorratear; prosaic; proscenium:
proscenio; to proscribe; proscription; prose: prosa; proselyte: prosRlito; proselytism;
prospective: prospectivo; to prosper: prosperar; prostate: pr>stata; prostesis: pr>tesis; to
prostrate: postrar; protectorate: protectorado; protector; protectress; protRgR: protegido;
protRgRe: protegida; protuberance; protuberant; imagery: imaginaci>n; astma; ruled by
snobbery: governada por el snobismo; sage: wise, erudite; provisional;
provisory: provisorio; to provoke; mellow: smoot, soft; proximate: pr>ximo; proximity:
proximidad; prudence; prudent; prudential; pruritus; psalm; psalm book; pseudo; pseudonym;
psoriasis; psycedelic; psycologist; psycopat; psycopatology;
psycosis; despite is many errors: a pesar de susL&&; puberty; pubes: pubis; public
corporation: empresa pOblica; public domain: dominio pOblico; public ealt; publicist;
publicity; to publici.e: publicitar; public servant: empleado pOblico; public works: obras
pOblicas; to publis: publicar; preeminent composer: compositor preeminente; misceivous
sprite: esp?ritu travieso; puerile: pueril; puerperim: puerperio; pugilism; pugilist; pulcritude:
pulcritud; pulmonary artery; pulpit: pOlpito; to pulsate; pulsation: pulsaci>n; pulso: pulso; to
pulveri.e; punctual: puntual; punctuation: puntuaci>n; punitive; pupila; purulent; pustule;
putative: putativo: presumed, supposed; putrid; putter: a golf club; pygmy: pigmeo; pyorrea:
piorrea; pyromancy: piromancia; pyromania; pyrotecnics; pyrric victory: a victory or goal
acieved at to great a cost; remark: comentario; demigod: semidios; skilled matematician;
pytagorean teorem: te s(uare of te lengt of te ypotenuse of a rigt5angled triangle
e(uals te sum of te s(uares of te lengt of te oter two sides; pytoness; (uadragenarian;
(uadrant; (uadriga; (uatrilateral: cuadrilNtero; (uadriplegia; (uadruped; (uadruple; to
(uadruplicate; (uaker: cuN(uero; (ualification; (ualified; to (ualify; (ualitativeM(uantitative
analysis; (uality control; (uarantine; (uartet; (uart.: cuar.o; (uestionable; (uestionnaire;
(uietude: (uietud; (uinine: (uinina; (uin(uagenarian;
(uin(uennial: (uin(uenal; (uin(uenniun: (uin(uenio; (uintet; (uintuple; to (uintuplicate;
(uotidian: cotidiano; rabbi; pilosopy and letters; rabies: rabia; race: ra.a5carrera; radiant; to
radicali.e; radicle: rad?cula; radiogram: radiograma; radiograp; raison dCRtat; ra:a: ra:N;
embarked on an expedition; rally; ramification; rancid: rancio;
rancor: rencor; rancorous; rank: rango; ranking; rapacious: rapa.; raptor; rapture: rapto;
rara avis; stew: guiso; to ratify: ratificar; rating; ravioli; rayon: ray>n; reactance: reactancia;
reactionary: reaccionario; to reactivate: reactivar; reactive: reactivo; readersip: distribution,
circulation; to reanimate; rebellion; recalcitrant; to recapitali.e: recapitali.ar; recapitulation;
to receive: recibir; receiver; receptacle: receptNculo; reception; receptionist; receptive; recess:
receso; recession: recesi>n; recessive: recesivo; reciprocal; reciprocity; recision: rescisi>n;
recital; to reclaim: reclamar; reclamation; reclassify; to recline: reclinar; recluse: recluso; to
recommend; recompense: recompensa; to reconcile: reconciliar; reconciliation; recondite; to
reconstitute: reconstruir: to reconstruct; reconstruction; recourse: recurso; to recriminate;
rector; rectory; rectum: recto; to recur: recurrir; recurrent; to recuse: recusar; to redeem:
redimir; redeemable; redemption: redenci>n; to redistribute; to redouble: redoblar; redundant;
refection: refecci>n; refectory; referential; refine: refinar;
refine: refinado; refinement: refinamiento; refinery; reflector; reflexology; reforest; refractive:
refractivo; refractory: disobedient, wayward: refractario; refresment: refresco; refrigerant:
refrigerante; refuge: refugio; refugee; refulgent; regalia; regatta; regency; regent: regent
spotless: inmaculado
to tend te fire: mantener el fuego
vacuous: vac?o, insustancial
vacuum bottle: termo
vacuum packed: empacado al vac?o
vagaries: capricos vagaries of the weather
vaguely: vagamente
vainglorious: :actancioso
vainly: vanamente
valedictory: discurso en ceremonias de graduaci>n
vale of tears: valley, dale, glen de lNgrimas
valetudinarian: ipocondr?aco
valiant: valiente
valise: bolso de via:e
valuables: ob:etos de valor
value5added tax
value :udgement
vamp: vampiresa 8 empeine del cal.ado
van: camioneta 8 vanguardia
vanisig cream: crema evanescente
vanis into te air
vanity case: neceser
to van(uis: vencer
vapid: insulso, persona sin interRs
variegated: multicolor, abigarrado
variety is te spice of life
variety store: tienda de saldos
vassal: vasallo 8 estado dependiente
vaulting orse: potro
to vaunt: :actarse, alardear
veep: B': vice5president
venal: venal, corrupto: bribable, corruptible
vending macine: mN(uina expendedora
venial: excusable, forgivable
venom: veneno 8 pon.o9a
vent te spleen: desaogarse
to venture fort: arriesgarse, aventurarse
venture capital
venturesome: persona osada: adventoruous, audacious, daredavil, daring, reckless
verbatim: literal, al pie de la letra
to volley: golpear algo antes de (ue to(ue el suelo 8 +s, bombardment, burst, cannonade,
fusillade, salvo
old up your ands and bless
walkover: ganar con facilidad, <un paseo=
to walk tall: caminar dereco
verbiage: verborragia
verbose: ampuloso, verboso
veritable: autRntico
te very ting: la mism?simaL
vicious circle
villain of te piece
vim an vigor: energ?a y entusiasmo
vintage: coseca a9e:a 8 algo a9e:o: vintage car from 1/1/ to 1/;0
viper +slang,: fumador de mariuana
vital statistics: estad?sticas demogrNficas
viva voce
vixen: arp?a 8 .ool& .orra
v5neck: cuello en v
void: nulo, invalido 8 un vac?o espiritual
volte5face: cambio total de opini>n
to vote a straigt ticket& votar sin cortar boleta
vote wit te feet: expresar la opini>n yRndose del lugar
vulpine: artero, taimado
wacko: ciflado
wacky: eccentric, arebrained, loony
wafer5tin: delgad?simo
waif: ni9o abandonado
wailing wall: muro de los lamentos
waist5ig: a la altura de la cintura
wag te cin: iniciar una conversaci>n
wag: movimiento corto y cont?nuo
wait up: esperar despierto
waiting in te winds: listo o preparado
wakey5wakey: arribaQ
to walk away: ale:arse 8 walkaway: paseo
to walk in te tigtrope: caminar la cuerda flo:a
to walk all over someone: tratar de malas ganas
to walk on air: estar muy feli.
to walk on eggs: infml& prudente, cauteloso
wallflower: mucaca (ue planca durante un baile
to walk te floor: caminar nerviosamente
to walk troug: aprobar con los o:os cerrados
wall ave ears
to walk te calk: caminar la raya para comprobar la sobriedad
to walk te ospitals: practicar al principio la medicina
around G f is fro.en in glaciers and ice around te poles
tumb, forefinger, middle finger +medicus,, wedding finger, little finger
wanderings: andan.as
wanton: sin sentido 8 gratuito 8 displicente
warorse: veterano
warily: cautelosamente
warm5earted: afectuoso
warm te benc: calentar el banco: esperar (ue le to(ue a uno
warrant: orden :udicial
warrantee: titular de una garant?a 8 warrantor: garante 8 warranty: garant?a
to was te dirty linen in public
waspis: pun.ante, morda.
to waste oneCs breat: gastar el aliento
watc itQ: cuidadoQ
watcword: palabra clave, lema
watc im like a awk: vig?lalo muy de cerca
watermark: marca de agua en el papel
eskimos: es(uimales +anuits,
cordage: correa:e
sinew: tendon: tend>n
fislike sape
ways and means: mRtodos y medios para alcan.ar un fin
weak5kneed: pusilNnime
weak5willed: tener poca voluntad
wear more tan one at: tener mNs de una responsabilidad
wedding breakfast: comida luego de una ceremonia de casamiento
wee: pe(ue9ito 8 acer pis
week in, week out: semana tras semana
week of Sundays: per?odo indefinido
to weig oneCs words: medir las palabras
welcome to doL&: bienvenido a tal tarea
welfare state
well5being: bienestar
well5bread: distinguido
well5built: fornido
well5connected: bien relacionado
well5earned: bien merecido
well5eeled, well5fixed, well off: rico, adinerado
well5oiled: casi borraco
well5tougt5of: muy bien conceptuado
well5timed: oportuno
well5to5do: de buena posici>n social
wet beind te ears: :oven e inexperto
wet blanket: alguien (ue (uita el entusiasmo +fra.ada mo:ada pMapagar el fuego,
wen in "ome, do as te romans do
wen poverty comes in at te door, love flies out at te window
now is wen te fat lady sings: cuando todo termina
te place were te soe pinces: *no one knows where the shoe pinches like the wearer1
wite goods: l?nea blanca del ogar
wite knigt: alguien (ue sale en ayuda de una empresa en problemas
wite eat: fig& intenso estado emocional
wite5lie: mentira piadosa
wite5livered: cobardemente
wite man: ombre ?ntegro y onorable
wite nigt: noce en vela
wite wedding: casamiento con la novia de blanco
wet nurse: nodri.a
wat are you driving at: ad>nde (uieres llegarP
wat a way to run a railway: (uR manera mala de mane:ar un asuntoQ
watCs keeping youP: (uR te demoraP
wat makes it tickP: cuNles son las motivacionesP
wat on eartL&: en (uR demoniosL&
watCs cooking: (uR estN pasandoP
watCs eating youP: (uR te picaP
watMowMwere te ellL&P
weeling and dealing: te:emane:es
wen all is said and done
wenever: siempre y cuando
wen least expected: cuando menos se lo esperaba
wen te catCs away, te mice will play
wen te cips are down: cuando las cosas estNn mal de verdad
wen te @evilCs blind: nunca
wen te tiem is ripe: el momento :usto
wereabouts: location, situation: paradero
wereas: mientras (ue, en tanto (ue, por cuanto
were iCm coming from+slang,: desde mi punto de vista
were is te fireP : persona (ue pasa muy apurada
were tereCs a will, tereCs a way: cuando ay ganas, ay forma de acer algo
were tereCs smoke tereCs fire
wereupon: con lo cual
wicever: el (ue sea, cual(uiera de&&
to wip it up: preparar algo, organi.ar, acer un informe
wippersnapper: entrometido sin experiencia en el tema
wistle5blower: el (ue denuncia prNcticas ilegales
wistle5stop: visita relNmpago
wite elepant
wite5eaded: ni9o mimado
to woop it up: divertirse
wore: prostituta
wys and werefores of: las ra.ones y causas de un asunto
wide5awake: estar muy despierto
wide of te mark: le:os del ob:etivo
wild about: sentir gran entusiasmo, afecto&&
widow and er en: greed
covetousness overtakes itselfQ : la codicia se supera a s? misma
te first campionsip was eld in D_]]
te annual tournament run by all England *lub at Wimbledon ranks as te premier
court was set up to try te accused man
ten e was imprisoned
wild5goose case: bOs(ueda infructuosa
willpower: fuer.a de voluntad
win by a ead: win by a nose
to wine and dine: omena:ear con una gran comida
wing it: acer lo me:or posible
to wipe te floor wit someone
wise after te event: el (ue tiene la soluci>n cuando ya ocurri> algo
wisecrack: broma afortunada
wise guy: sabelotodo
wisful tinking: pensamiento en positivo
wit a will: con determinaci>n
wit all my eart and soul: absolutamente sincero
wit flying colors: acer algo con facilidad y excelencia
wit at in and: umildemente
witin limitsMbounds: asta cierto punto
witout fail: por cierto, absolutamenteE witout (uestion
womani.er: mu:eriego
wooded5eaded: tonto
woolgatering: so9ador, (ue vive en las nubes
word by word: palabra por palabra
word for word: verbatim: literalmente
word to te wise: una palabra sabia
workaolic: adicto al traba:o
work te fingers to te bone: traba:ar muy duro
work out: acer e:ercicios
work out for te best: terminar algo de la me:or manera posible
work it out: solucionar un problema
work troug te cannels: acer las cosas a travRs de los procedimientos correctos
to work wonder: acer cosas muy bien ecas
worrisome: preocupante
wort its weigt in gold
wort your salt: ganas tu salario
worty of te name: (ue merece el nombre
wouldnCt dream of going it: no lo ar?a ni so9ando
wouldnCt touc it wit a tenfoot pole: no (uerer relacionarse con alguien
wrap it upQ: concluir
wreak avoc wit: +infligir estragos, causar muco da9o o dificultades
write it down
write up: promover, ensal.ar
wrongdoer: malecor
wrongfully: in:ustamente
wrongeaded: obstinado
wysiwyg: wat you seeL&&
selftaugt: autodidacta
x: ci en el alfabeto griego
x5rays: invisible, igly penetrating electromagnetic radiation of muc sorter wavelengt
tan visible ligt
brute: beast, animal, creature; monster
propensity: tendency, inclination
brutis: roug, wild, violent
yaoo: a tribe of brutis me described in SwiftCs <Iulliver=& %e word is used for degraded
persons: patNn& 4ron te blend of two exclamations of disgust: yaQ and ugQ
used derisively by : make fun of
Yantipes: mu:er de mal carNcter +esposa de S>crates,
x5c: cross country
x marks te spot: este es el lugar exacto
Yn: cristian
Ynty: cristianity
x5rated: calificado s>lo para adultos
to yammer: protestar
to yank: sacar de un golpe, dar un tir>n
to yap: ablar sin parar
yard sale: garage sale
yardstick: criterio, patr>n de acci>n
to yarn: inventar una excusa
yawing: enorme
to yawn: boste.ar 8 boste.o
yea <> nay
yeaP: ga s?P
yearbook: anuario
year5end: a fin de a9o
yearlong: todo un a9o
yearly: anualmente
to yearn: anelar
yearning: ansias
yep: yes
yes5manMwoman: persona (ue dice s? a todo
yesteryear: anta9o
to yield: ceder +terreno en una contienda,la palabra, el dereco de paso, etcBe yielded to the
other man>s arguments; Be yielded all his possessions to the state$ ceder, 8 to consent, to
accede 8 to produce, reportar, brindar
yielding: flexible, complaciente
yieldable: disposed to yield or comply
to yield te palm: admitir el triunfo a:eno
to yield te rigt5of5way: ceder el paso
yob: patotero: ruffian, tug
yokel: a rustic man, countryman, bumpkin
yore: tiempos pasados
youngis: mNs bien :oven
youngster: :oven
and so far as 3 am able to :udge
te occult
reveries over cildood and yout: sue9os sobre la ni9e. y adolescencia + W&/& Ueats,
yellow press
to bind togeter: :untar
stag: ciervo
te yoga involves te witdrawal of te pysical senses from external ob:ects&
to old oneCs breat
to protract: to prolong, to extend, to delay <> to cut sort
.eitgeist: te moral or intellectual tendency of a period of time or era
youtfulness: :uventud
cristmastide: temporada de navidad
you bet your bootsQ: you can bet on it
you can say it again: you said itQ: es as?, vos lo di:iste
you canCt please everyone
you cant take it wit you: disfrutN el dinero aora, no te lo podRs llevar a la tumba
you scratc my back and 3Cll scratc yours
your guess as good as mine: ambas opiniones son vNlidas
.aftig: mu:er rellenita
.ealot: devotee .ealotry: devotion, fanatism
.ero in on someting: enfocar, apuntar
.est: entusiasm .esty, .estful: brioso; relis&
.inger: respuesta inteligente
.ipper: .ip: cierre relNmpago
.ip code: +.one improvement plan,: c>digo postal
to .onk out: (uedarse dormido como un tronco
yout is renewed like te eagleCs
wintry: cilly, free.ing, icy
blast: explosion, detonation, discarge, flas, flare 8 party, rave 8 +v, to explode, to blow up 8
to critici.e, to attack 8 to damage, to disfigure, to burn, to scar
ram: carnero 8 +v, embestir
<2ur vernal signs te "am begins&
%en comes te /ull, in #ay te %wins,
%e *rab in Kune, next -eo sines,
)nd Birgo ends te nortern signs&
%e /alance brings autumnal fruits,
%e Scorpion stings, te )rcer soots&
@ecemberCs goat bring wintry blast,
)(uarius rain, te 4is come last=
inventories: bienes de cambio
inventory: stock, existencias
inventory turnover: rotaci>n de existencias
inventory value: valor de mercado de una inversi>n
investment: adviser
investment advisory services
issue: emisi>n de t?tulos
:obber: mayorista
:oint liability: responsabilidad solidaria
:oint custody: dep>sito con:unto& *ual(uiera puede disponer de Rl
kiting: provocar el al.a del precio de las acciones creando una actividad ficticia en el mercado
lagging indicators: variables econ>micas de seguimiento
law of diminising returns
lawful money: moneda de curso legal: legal bill: legal tender
legal entity: persona :ur?dica
legal reserves: reservas m?nimas
current lilability: pasivo corriente
deferred liabilities: deudas diferidas
foreing currency liabilities: deuda en moneda extran:era
life annuity: anualidad vitalicia: perpetual annuity: perpetuity
li(uid asset: activo l?(uido o reali.able
li(uid funds: fondos disponibles
li(uid market: mercado l?(uido
li(uid resources: recursos disponibles
bank loan: prRstamo bancario
consumption loan: prRstamo personal
ome loan: prRstamo para la vivienda
mortgage loan: crRdito ipotecario
overdue loan: prRstamo vencido
long bond: bono a DH o 7 a9os
long term: a largo pla.o
luxury tax: impuesto a bienes suntuosos
managed account: cuenta (ue mane:a un oficial de inversiones
marginal cost
marginal revenue
imbalance: dese(uilibrio
ordinary income: ganancias ordinarias
organi.ation cart: organigrama
oter incomes: otros ingresos
outstanding capital stock: capital accionario en circulaci>n
outstanding sares: acciones en circulaci>n
overead: costo indirecto
ownerCs e(uity: patrimonio neto
past due: vencido, en mora
payable on demand: pagadero a la vista
payable to bearer: pagadero al portador
payable to order: pagadero a la orden
payment in kind securities: pago de dividendos en t?tulos
payment on account: pago a cuenta
penalty clause
personal income: ingresos personales
petty cas: ca:a cica
pledge: prenda
pledged asset: bien prendado
plow back: reinvertir las ganacias
present value: valor actual
pretax earning: profit before taxation
price risk
principal: capital
principle of diminising returns
private banking: banca privada
profit margin
promissory note: pagarR
proxy: carta poder, autori.aci>n
public auction: subasta pOblica
appraisal: official or expert valuation as for taxation or auctioning
public bid: oferta pOblica
purpose statement: formulario con detalle de la aplicaci>n de un prRstamo
(uant: persona con conoc& de matem& y comput& (ue da soporte anal?tico
(uantity discount
(uick asset: activos l?(uidos
(uotation: coti.aci>n
racketeering: extorsi>n
rainy day money: activos (ue se reservan para la :ubilaci>n
rateable value: valuaci>n fiscal
rating: calificaci>n crediticia
raw materials
real asset: activos reales
real state: bienes inmuebles: real property: realty
real state tax: impuesto inmobiliario
real investment: inversi>n en activos tangibles
reali.ed lossM profit
rebate: reba:a, bonificaci>n
receiver: s?ndico de (uiebra
receiverCs certificate: t?tulo de deuda de una (uiebra
recourse loan: prRstamo con aval personal
refund: reembolso, devoluci>n
renewal: renovaci>n
replacement cost
replacement cost accountig: contabili.ar a costo de reposici>n
to rescind
reserve for bad debt: reserva para incobrables
reserve re(uired: reserva estatutaria m?nima: reserve re(uirement: restricted retained earnings
reset bond: bono a:ustable
residual value
resource gap: dRficit de recursos
restatement of asset values: actuali.aci>n de valor de los activos
restrictive endorsement: endoso no a la orden
retained earnings: resultados no asignados
revaluation deficitM earning
revenues: ingresos, facturaci>n
rules of fair practice
runaway inflation: inflaci>n cabalgante
running yield: tasa de retorno
saving account: ca:a de aorro
%e teory played out relatively reliably in te early to mid D\HHs, but as
since been disproved&
functional food: a foodstuff tat contains additives +vitamins,
precision farming
pink dollar: buying power of omosexual groups
irrigation 8 seeding 8 fertili.er 8 pesticides
for5profit: profit making
pysical and sensory disturbances
bovine spongyform encepalopaty: mad cow disease
is incurable
fundie: fundamentalist
cultbuster: recuperador de personas abducidas por sectas o cultos
be tere for: be available to
drop5dead: sut upQ, collapseQ 8 drop5dead gorgeous: muy atractiva
geek: boring or socially inept
dude: a guy, one of te gang
power dressing: vestido para ganar
power lunc: almue.o de e:ecutivos o politicos
power nap: siesta reparadora de alguien importante
annus orribilis: a dreadful year
blue5box: a blue5colored box for recycling rubbis
actioner: an action film
impairment: in:ury, arm: dificultad f?sica
of te ability to co5ordinate
to empower
bad air day: a bad day
te later stage: en la pr>xima etapa
)ids: sort for ac(uired immune deficiency syndrome
emergicenter: center tat treats emergency outpatient, for minor ailment +illness: aca(ue, or
onset: start, beginning
allusion: reference, mention
derogatory: disparaging, belittling, tending to detract, despectivo&
to amend: to add or improve the firm had to amend the frofit figures because of an error
arrears: overdue debt Cobert was noticed that his account was in arrears and had ;0 days to
to fund the plant e2pansion, the company issued D+0 million worth of +0-year bonds
bread even: to reac a point were expenses e(ual costs, to sow neiter profit nor loss
break ground: to begin excavation for a new building the facility will come on line one year
after we break ground
it was reported that the plant was producing at 0E percent of capacity
capital stock: te total outstanding sares of a companyCs stock, ciefly common and
cain store: one of a group of stores under te same ownersip
classified section: te part of a newspaper in wic advertisements are arranged into categories
he read the employment ads y the classified section of !larFn
clause: a section of a contract &
clerical: of or relating to a clerck clerical duties include typing, filing,etc
commercial bank: a bank tat accepts deposits and makes loans
consignee: te person or company to wom goods are to be sent
port of discarge
consulting firm
counteroffer: an offer made in response to an initial offer&
data proccesing
autori.ed dealer ken bought his stereo from an authori.ed dealer
before deciding to take out a loan, we considered whether we would be able to handle the
depreciation: in accounting, spreading out te cost of an asset over its stimated life the ta2
authority did not permit the firm to deduct the entire cost of the copier in one year but did
allow it to depreciate the cost over five years
the house has actually depreciated in value because it%s been poorly maintained
disability insurance: an insurance tat provides compensation to employees unable to work&
%e payments are based on a percentage of te insuredCs salary
she saved over +0 percent by buying her stereo at an discount store instead of a department
e(ual opportunity employer: one tat doesnCt practice any kind fo discrimination in iring
e(uity: net wort
exempt from: free from a duty or obligation re(uired of oters
import duties
federal insurance contribution act +43*),: taxes witeld from an employeeCs salary to
support te Social Security System
income tax
feedback: a return flow of information on te perfomance ofL&he run test on the new
equipment in order to get feedback
he financed his new car by taking out a loan
oldings: te real or financial assets owned by a person or corporation
ouse brand: a product bearing te brand label of te store in wic it is sold: vino de la casa
middle5aged buyers
improved land: land wic as been prepared for construction, by installing sewer connections,
streets, etc& the company purchased a tract of improved land, since developing an unimproved
piece of land would have been #ust as costly
infringement: violation of a protected rigt the !arner !o$%s new trademark turned out to be
similar to that of another company, and attorneys recommended it be change to avoid an
infringment lawsuit
he called her secretary on the intercom
the bank charged #ohn 1+ percent interest on his car loan
internal revenue service +3"S,: responsible for administering federal taxes he call for help in
filling out his ta2 forms
inventory: mercandise on and
the percentage of women making up the nation%s labor force has been increasingly steadily
to file a lawsuit: non5criminal legal action
leave of absence: she took a one-year leave of absence
it%s company policy to forward all letters of complaint to the legal department
he markets the products of @ord under a long-term license arrangment
listing seet: the realtor showed us the listing sheet for several houses; from those we chose
three to look at
litigation: legal action to settle a disagreement
loading dock is often raised where goods are picked up and delivered
to set goals and let oters work out te details
even the best products won%t sell unless they have the right kind of marketing
industry wide5fall in sales
market survey: collect information to determine te si.e of te market
market value: te priece at wic buyers and sellers agree tat a product sould be sold 8 on
te stock excange, te most recent price at wic a stock traded
mass market: ine2pensive line of shoes that appels to the mass market
media 8 +sing&, medium
to carry all kinds of mercandise: tener para ofrecerL&
minutes: an official record, usually written, of matters
to call up files from one computer to oter
to bargain: to negotiate for low prices
the company sold D 0 million worth of notes maturing in 0 years, and paying 10 percent
occupational illness: directly caused by conditions at an employeeCs workplace
operating company: company wic produces revenue for a parent company
Garker Groductc !o$ has two ma#or division, each of wich supervises3$$
outlay: expenditure there was a huge outlay of cash for new equipment
sales outlet: a place were mercandise is sold to te public&
price cut
outline: to summari.e he took a few minutes to go over the outline of his proposal before
going into detail
output: te amount produced
outstanding: in effect, in existence
payroll& te total amount of money paid out to employees in salaries
to supplement
assembly plants
pool:a group of people for a common purpose karen worked in the secretarial pool
portfolio&a collection or grouping of items #ohn checked stock and bond prices every day to
see if he needed to make changes in his portfolio
premiun: payment made to an insurance company for insurance coverage
press release: a written statement given to radio and television stations, newspapers, etc the
bank sent out press realease to announce the opening of its new branch
te companyCs stock was trading at a 'E ratio of only, wic :on felt was a bargain
Ermer co& will run commercials in te S to ] p&m& period
print advertising: print advertising often permits a company to target its audience more
precisely than radio does
'rintout& seet of written information from a computer printer
producer: manufacturer, maker, creator the company will have to increase production in
order to keep up with steadily increasing sales
product line <> line of production : te range of similar products offered for sale by a
profile: a list of caracteristics sared by a group of people or tings today%s teenagers don,t
fit the same profile as the teen of ten years ago
gross profit: revenue from sales minus te cost of te goods sold
net profit& te sum remaining after all costs and taxes ave been deducted +also net income,
profitable: successful, producing a net gain
profit margin: te ratio obtained by dividing profit by sales
profit5saring plan:
turnover: income, earnings <> loss
#oe received a promotion because of the consistently high quality of his work
through the efforts of our public relations agency, several of our products have been
favorably reviewed in a number of recent publications
purcase agreement& a contract stating te terms of sale for specified goods or services
payment must be made within HE days of the receipt of the goods
purcase order: the company from whom we purchase office supplies requires a purchase
order before they will process any order over D 100
(uestionnaire: a printed form asking a set of (uestions recently we made questionnaire wich
was mailed out to E000 clients (or out to E000 people)
(uota: te number of units sceduled to be produced by a group or by eac member of a
group each sales representative has a monthly quota of calls he must make on new clients
(uotation: an offer to sell goods or services at a specified price #ohn wanted to be sure se got
the lowest price on the merchandise, so he called several suppliers to get quotations
railroad siding& a sort section of railroad track connectin to te main track
raise: an increase in salary
raw material: a natural substance or semi5finised product
readersip: all te readers of a publication taken as a group
record: date on wic sareolders must officially own te stock in order to receive a dividend
dividends can only be paid to shareholders of records as of <arch thirty-first
to recover: to regain or get someting back
reference: a statement giving information on one personCs caracter, abilities, experience, etc&
to reimburse reimbursement +reembolso, when #ohn returned from his trip, he fillep out an
e2pense report to have his e2penses reimbursed
release: when she was reimbursed for her in#uries in a car accident, the insurance company
asked her to sign a realese form freeing them for further responsibility
he was asked if he would be willing to relocate to !alifornia
to resignresignation : to (uit oneCs :ob usually turning in a written statement
rRsumR: summary, curriculum vitae
retained earnings: gcias& no aplicadas
to fund: to finance, to back, to support, to subsidi.e subsidi.ationsubsidy
to retire retirement
return: profit or payback from an investment
revenue& total amount of income
ribbon5cutting ceremony: wen a ribbon if often cut to commemorate one event
robot to roboti.e by robota.ing the line of production, the enginnears estimate that
efficiency could be increased by 1E percent
settlement: an agreement neither 7arwood co$, nor <aagg asoc$ wanted the e2pense of a
court trial, so they agreed to an out-of-court settlement 8 defrayal, reimbursement
ma:or sareolder of stock of te company
sift: specified period of time, usually _ ours, during wic a group of employees works,
often in a factory the plant has only a day shift right now, but it would add a second one if
business improved +turno laboral,
sortand: stenograpy she takes shorthand at 1+0 words a minute
social security: program funded by employer and employee contribution tat provides
payments to presons for disability, unemployment and retirement
spot: a sort commercial on radio or television the advertising budget was divided between
1E-second prime-time spots and cheaper but longer spots after 11 p$m$
stalemate: a position reaced by two opponents in wic neiter is able to move witout loss
both, the company and the strikers refused to yield(give up,capitulate) in their demands
standard: a level of beavior or (uality agreed upon as acceptable
state5of5te5art: aving te mos recent tecnical developments state-of-the-art equipment
stock option: a form of compensation giving an employee, usually an executive, te rigt to
buy sares of te companyCs stock at a specified price 8often below te market price or at a
discounted price 5for a specified period of time
stock purcase program: idem
companyCs annual meeting
streamline: to make more efficient, moderni.e new ideas for streamlining are well received
strike: a work stoppage called by labor to force management to agree to certain demands
parent company> subsidiary the I co$ owns EE percent of A corp$%s common stock
very reasonably priced
sue: to bring legal action against someone in order to obtain compensation manufacturers are
careful about product safety, knowing that they can easily be sued if a defective product
causes in#ury or damage
to order someting from someone
the ceo ruled out purchasing the land when the survey showed a large area of wetlands not
suitable for construction
they are trying to target teen-age consumers more closely in its new ad campaign
tax return: report of income, deductions and taxes due wic must be submited to te tax
autorities annually by taxpayers John has an accountant prepare his ta2 return, which must
be filed by april 1E
temporary elp: workers wo are ired for limited periods of time the foreman didn,t have
enough people to finish the construction #ob on schedule so he hired several temporary
tender offer: a public offer, valid until a specific date, to buy a specified number of sares of
stock in a company, at a stated price to submit the stock for sale under the terms of the
company%s tender offer
terms of payments& specific details of ow and wen payment is to be made our terms of
payment include a + percent discount for payments received withing 10 days, + percent
interest per month after K0 days, and a E percent penalty after /0 days
tract& a large piece of land often subdivided into smaler plots
trade publication: a maga.ine dealing only wit a class of industry computer trade
the store cashier records the number of cash and credit transactions each day
transparency: a clear seet of plastic used in connection wit an overead pro:ector
unemployment insurance
unimproved land: land wic as not been prepared for construction
utility connections: public services suc as gas, water and electricity #ohn%s monthly
apartment rent doesn,t include utilities
with increasing sales, the unit cost of a product drops, permitting the company to lower its
vendor: a seller, often a supplier
latest: newest, most recent
substantial discount on high-volume orders
Lall ?treet reacted favorably to the news that interest rates were about to drop
wareouse: a building used for storage to play goods in storage in an effort to shorten
delivery time to retailers, the co$ has recently set up warehouses in various regions around
the country
wolesale: te sale of goods in large (uantities, usually to a middleman, not directly to te
wolesale prices
word processing: te production of typewritten documents wic allows te user to format
documents before tey are printed
to get the upgraded version wich has many new features
workerCs compensation: to workers wo are in:ured on te :ob or ave contracted
employment5related illneses& usually covers ospital expenses and loss of wages
.oning: te legal division of a town or area into districts were only certain types of activities
are permited +industrial, commercial, and residential .oning,
cityCs .oning regulations
to bleep: to call, to bu.., to alert to page a bleeping wrist clock- +sust, beep, tone, bu..
to be on network <> stand alone pc
to place someone on old may 9 place you on hold E minutes while 9 reserch the issue8
to fill a secure web form
wrait: gost, specter,spirit, apparition
to fetc: to get, to carry, get a old of
to strive+strove, striven,: to struggle, to do your best, attempt
responsiveness: receptivness
cruise sip
densely populated
ultimately: in te end, finally
daytime sky
nigt5time sky
outnumbered: sobrepasado
an eclipse' a deep blue curtain falls abruptly over the daytime sky, allowing bright stars and
planets to wink on$ )he sun becomes a balck void surrounded by the gossamer glow of its
outer atmosphere, the corona$ Lere the moon a bit larger, it would block the corona and turn
the sky black, making eclipses like ordinary night-time rather than surreal twilight$ ?maller,
and the moon would not completely cover the sun, ruininig the dramatic effect$
this has both solved and raised scientific mysteries$
compliant: obedient, accommodating, submissive, conforming, meeting te re(uirements <>
resistant, rebellious
mislead: to lead in wrong direction& %o lead into error of tougt or action& %o deceive&
misleading: false, deceptive, ambiguous, confusing <> trutful +enga9oso,
misnomer: a name tat does not suit wat it refers to, or te use of suc a name:
9t was the scruffiest place 9>ve ever stayed in, so >Botel Coyal> was a bit of a misnomer.
9t>s something of a misnomer to refer to these ineperienced boys as
fistful: pu9ado
innumeracy +ad:,: unable to understand or use numbers in calculations
innumerate +s, person wo canCt L&&
illiteracy +ad:,: unable to read and write
illiterate: +s, person wo canCtL&&
to tras: to beat, to wip, to defeat <> to lose +dar una pali.a,
s(ualor: inmundicia: nastiness, unpleasantness, dirt
cabal: group, section, faction, sect
dispatc: transmit
sceduling: preparation, setting up, development, arrangment, forecast+previsto,
elk: ciervo canadiense
layperson: amateur, proletarian <> professional +ombre de la calle, comOn,
pungent: strong, spicy, sarp flavour
cellar: basement, crypt, underground room
snail: caracol
to encompass: to include, to cover
crawler: psycopant, impostor 8+v,: andar arrastrNndose, lentamente
dye: color, colorant, pigment, tint, peroxide +air dye,
to trottle: to strangle, to coke 8 +n, palanca acelerador, apertura5cierre de gas, etc&&
to relin(uis: to give up, resign, abandon, turn down, renounce
to revere: to worsip, to venerate, to admire
to inveig: to strongly critici.e someting or someone: There were politicians who
inveighed against immigrants to get votes
bust: to come to an end, break
blast: to blow up wit explosion, to make a loud noise
burn: to be on fire 8 in:ury caused by fire
blow: to cause to move by means of a current of air 8 te act of blowing, a blast of air
burst: to explode, to break& + a burst of applause, gratitude, laugter, passion,
swarm: group, orde, cloud, multitude +en:ambre,
wake: como sust&: velatorio5 estela, camino ya recorrido por otros
all comes down toL: everyting is noting butL&&+todo se resume a,
notc: indentation of a key
ridge: a long narrow piece of someting: te ridge wit notces of a key
trottle: a valve tat regulates te flow of a fluid +carburador,8 to trottle: to regulate te flow
of fuel in an engine&
te price cut went into effect
te pone lines were down for GJ s due to te big storm
e was on a tour of Europe for F weeks +a tree5week tour,
s&o E someone s&t& E someting
in a effort toL&
make a go of E succeed
sortage of goods during a recession
to fill an order on time E to delivery or do witin te time tat was promised
to meet a (uota E to accomplis
no alternative, bu to do s&t&
3 didnTt tink tings were (uiete tat bad
to come up E to occur: something has come up at the Muilmes plant that need my attention$
ectic: frentic, excited, caotic
practical on5te5:ob experience
repair <> break down
drop off at leaving <> pick up wen return
to lower our costs or rise our prices
to turn down te :ob offer <> to accept it
ma:or problem <> minor problem
increase in taxes<>decrease in spending: to balance te budget
te plant produces D`HH units, as against, a (uota of D_SH to meet
to re5evaluate your suitability as plant manager
to keep track off
to pase out: to fade away, to eliminate gradually
to read troug te mails
to put off: to delay
a problem tat could get any worse
property keeps going more expensive
to go along wit: to agree
for te time being: por el momento, por aora
autoamted 8 automation 8 roboti.ed
city utilitiesMpublic utilities: servicios
outlay: spend, lay out, cost 5wat will te approxiate dollar outlay beP
to scedule te appointments wit te :ob applicants
rRsumR +resOmeei,: curriculum
list your former employments& /egin wit te present one and continue on reverse
#odals: can, may, sould, would, must&
sould be typed or filled out in ink
someone must approve tese expeditures in advance
work troug: traba:ar algo a fondo
3Cll do it first ting tomorrow morning: lo primero (ue aga
turn down: refuse, decline, re:ect
and in: present,submit, remit
write up a report
go over +read, a report
take over a position +to get a :ob,
reading troug some letters
secretarial pool
look forward: to expect, to ope
3 look forward to earing from you, 3 was looking forward to meeting you,Letc&
tey are of te most widely used
to screen +a file, a curriculum,: to examine torougly, systematically
3Cm getting to know er well +empe.ando a conocer bien,
itCs ard to get anyting done wit te pone ringing constantly
3Cve dialing #r& 'earsonCs number for ten minutes, but 3 canCt get troug
6e really wants to get aead +progress, advance,
*an we get down to business nowP +begin wit te matters,
3 really sould get going, for itCs late
3t took me a wile to get my point across te *ustoms officer
te speaker talked on and on witout ever really getting to te point
trick: ba.a +mano en :uego de cartas,
trinket: barati:a
to lounge around: tirarse a la bartola
basis: fundamento, origen
to lay te foundations of: sentar las bases para
3 live on vegetables: me alimento de verduras
coarness: bastedad
couldnCt get a word in edgeways: no poder meter una palabra
grant: beca pOblica 8 grant older
scolarsip: beca privada 8 scolarsip older
to say grace: bendecir la mesa
benefactorMtress is beneficent: does carity to a beneficiary
to do well out of st&: sacar proveco de algo
carity raffle: rifa benRfica
camber pot: bacinilla
crosier: bNculo
clapper: bada:o
atband: badana
ditc: badRn, .an:a&
trifle: bagatela
vile deed: ba:e.a
sootout: balacera
pennant: bander?n, estandarte
transom: banderola de puerta
skyligt: banderola de teco
stod: ban(ueta
verge: ban(uina
bain marie: ba9o mar?a
do inalation: acer vaos
ramrod: ba(ueta de fusil
andrail: baranda
accustomed to: ave.ado
foreawarded: estar sobre aviso
until furter notice: asta nuevo aviso
due5date reminder: aviso de vencimiento
to rekindle: avivar un sentimiento
to brigten: avivar un color
to flare, to stoke up: avivar el fuego
armpit: axila
governess: aya
tutor: ayo
:anitor: bedel
e is making use of a stick to elp imself walk
town council: ayuntamiento +corporaci>n, 8 town all: edificio
stewardess 8 air ostess: a.afata de vuelo
ostess: a.afata de exposiciones, congresos
stewardess: a.afata de tierra
saffron: a.afrNn
scourge: calamidad, a.ote
bluis: a.ulado
to set on: a.u.ar un animal
3 ope you avent been waiting long& 3Cm beind scedule
3 ope youCll forgive me, but 3Cm going to ave to cut our meeting sort
to follow up on te discussion: seguir discutiendo el tema
rivalry: opposition, competion
ouseold word: domestic word, use familiarly
to old responsible S&2 for te sales falling
to put togeter +a complete market study,: to consider some facts and arrive at a conclusion
specifications on te products
no ard feelingsP: sin resentimientosP
3Cve got it: lo tengo, puedo con ello, ya lo soluciono: 3 can andle it
to need data on pricing, advertising, distributionL
badly5needed supplies: necesitado urgentemente
specifics: essentials, particulars, details, specific data
e is up for te :ob: estNr capacitado
letCs get started, sall weP
disgorgement: te reflex act of e:ecting te contents of te stomac troug te mout
in:unction: sanction, command, embargo, restriction
venue: site, place, location
pursuant to: in accordance wit, conformable to
plaintiff: applicant, petitioner, claimer
lodger: inabitant, tenant, dweler
to vacate: to (uit, to evacuate<> to occupy
inception: beginning, setting up, foundation
bungler: someone wo makes mistakes because of incompetence
etced: imprinted, carved, stamped, fixed, impressed
purportedly: supposedly, ostensibly, alleged
on bealf5in bealf: A traditional rule holds that in behalf of and on behalf of have distinct meanings.
In behalf of means )for the benefit of,) as in We raised money in behalf of the earthquake victims. On
behalf of means )as the agent of, on the part of,) as in The uardian sined the contract on behalf of
the minor child. The two meanings are quite close, however, and the phrases are often used
interchangeably, even by reputable writers.
3 couldnTt get troug so 3 ad te operator dial te number
3 ad my secretary type te memos
te :udge as re(uested me conduct a review of te case
te bank isnt open today 8 itCs notP +comments,
5 is itP +empasis,
3Cm not late, am 3P
3Cm at t rigt address, arent IP
no one called wile 3 was out, didnt theP
your family lives in london, dont theP
tatCs so muc of a generali.ation: eso es algo muy general
straigten s&t& out: put rigt, set rigt
on a regular basis: en forma regular
look it over: pegar una le?da
call up te file on: llamar al arcivo de pc sobreL&
cas being eld at te bank
to old cas on a cecking account at a bank
to keep a closer eye on te situation
too promptly: to (uicky, before being punctually
itemi.ed invoice: factura detallada
te promotion was long overdue
te overall operation needs FS to JH employees
it looks as if itCs going to rain any minute
but oter tan tat,L&: pero aparte de eso,L
collections: cobros 5 the standard collection policy of the company
turn s&t& over to s&o: pasar un traba:o a a alguien
to settle an account: cancelar una deuda
patronage: apoyo como consumidor, a una empresa; lealtad a una marca
bot, sort5 and long5term
to invest in
inerit +in:erit,
to set up an appointment
once in a wile: una ve. cada tanto
mockery: +n,derision, scorn, carade, caricature, imitation, parody8 +v,to ridicule, to mock, to
deride, to make fun of,
crumple: crease, wrinkle +arrugar,
to tell S&2& off: to reprimand, to reproac
gorge: (uebrada
rupture: med& fractura
curfew: tor(ue de (ueda
6ow muc furter is it forL&P: gcuNnto (ueda para llegar aL&&P
te :ob turned out perfectly: el traba:o (ued> perfecto
to come fift: (uedar en Sh lugar
to come to noting: (uedar en nada
watCs it to be, tenP: gen (uR (uedamosP
on te outskirts: en las afueras +de la ciudad,
wereabouts is itP: gd>nde (uedaP
to get a tan: broncearse 8 tanned: bronceado
to be burn5out: estar agotado
to be fed up: estar arto
point5blank: (uemarropa
were tereCs a will tereCs a way: (uerer es poder
wat do you mean by tatP: g(uR (uieres decir con esoP
it looks like rain: parece (ue va a llover
woever comes: (uien(uiera (ue venga
5still: 5(uietoQ
stillness: (uietud
woreouse: prost?bulo& 8 ame$ hooker, br$ whore
all ell broke loose: se arm> un gran l?o
cemistry: ciencia (u?mica 8 cemical: sustancia 8 cemist: cient?fico
newspaper stand: (uiosco de diarios
toucy, over5sensitive: (uis(uilloso
to take away: (uitar +el ambre, la sed, el dolor,, restar
take up time: (uitar el tiempo
layabout: vago
sunsade: (uitasol, parasol
we are (uorateMun(uorate: ayMno ay (u>rum
to te letter: a ra:atabla
breadcrumbs: pan rallado
grater: rallador
to wander off te point: irse por las ramas
andful: ramillete, con:unto
mellow wine: vino rancio
buttercup: ranNculo
saven: rapado
scrawny: ra(u?tico+cani:o,
level wit: a ras con 5 at ground level: a ras de tierra
to skim: rasar
rake: rastrillo
petty tief: ratero
tat sould keep us going for a wile: it will take some time +nos llevarN un rato,
to kill time: to pass te time +matar el tiempo,
to ave a ard time of it: pasar un mal rato
at times: a ratos
bookworm: rata de biblioteca
by te buckett: in abundance +a raudales,
to keep s&o&Ms&t& in line: mantener a raya
ruled paper: papel rayado
spoke: rayo de rueda
bolt of ligtning: rayo elRctrico
and (uite rigtly so: y con ra.>n
to resume: reanudar, reasumir 5 resumption
diluited wit: reba:ado con
roundabout explanation: explicaci>n rebuscada
relapse: reca?da
to warm up: recalentar +nuevamente, 8 to overeat +demasiado,
to old back <> openly: recatarse
te takings: la recaudaci>n
in safe5keeping: a buen recaudo
prescription pad: recetario
recipe:receta +med& X cul&,
receipt: recibo
receso +:uicio,: ad:ournment 8 +parlamento,: recess 8 +teatro,: interval 8 +reuni>n,: break
newly5weds: reciRn casados
newcomers: los reciRn llegados
poignant: profoundly moving, toucing
clutc: claw, control or power, esp& in <caugt in te clutc of sin=& 8 +v, to grasp and old
tigtly, to sei.e&
ard5line +attitude,: a not compromising policy
a feeling tat grows out of tat experience: surge
to wage +carry on, war against someone
to draw on: to make use of
endeavor +endNver,: enterprise
unseemly: indecorous, inappropriate, improper
woleearted elp: ayuda incondicional
staunc supporter: seguirdor incondicional
unconnected: parte inconexa 5 dis:oint: texto, pensamiento inconexo
unmistakable: inconfundible
nonconformist: inconformista
inconsistency: incongruencia, inconsecuencia incongrous, illogical, inconsistant
flimsiness: incosistencia flinsy, insubstantial
unmeasurable: vast, immense +inconmensurable,
unassailable: un(uestionable, indisputable +incon(uistable,
unconsciousness unconcious :sin conocimiento 5 tougtlessness tougtless, reckless
irreflexivo +ambos: inconsciencia,
mesmeri.e: to ypnoti.e, to captivate
disconsolate: inconsolable
unbounded appiness: alegr?a incontenible
uncontrollable crying: llanto incontenible
indisputable: undeniable, innegable, incontrovertible
situation out of and: situaci>n fuera de control
lack of restraint: actitud de incontinencia
incontinence: med& incontinencia
bloodless: incruento
unconvincing: increible 8 dif?cil de creer
inconceivable: inconcebible 8 unbelievable
incredible: absurd, implausible
incompreensibility +incompresibilidad, <>dearness incompreensible +incomprensi5ble,
incompreension: lack of understanding +incomprensi>n, unsympatetic
+incomprensivo, E insensitive, cold
lack of foresigt: imprevisi>n
unforseen circumstances, unforseen expenses: imprevistos
barring accidents: wit te exception ofL: claOsula <salvo imprevistos=
inappropriate: inadmisibble +improcedente,
improper for: unbecoming to +impropio de,
unextendable: improrrogable 8 feca improrrogable: deadline is final
recklessness: carelessness +imprudencia,
careless: reckless 8 indiscreet +imprudente,
to contest: to dispute +impugnar,
to take a run5up: tomar impulso 8 to run up: accumulate, amass, gater
attributable to: imputable a
to deactivate: to switc off +inactivar,
malad:ustmentMmalad:usted: inadaptaci>nMinadaptado
to go unnoticed: pasar inadvertido
unattainable: beyond your reac, unfeasable, impossible, inaccessible
necessity: need
inalterable +salud,: stable, +amistad,: undying, +principios,:unsakeable, +decisi>n,: final,
+rostro, carNcter,: impassive
open to appeal: apelable
pressing or urgent necessity: necesidad inapla.able
unspeakable: indiscribable +incalificable,
untiring: tireless
sei.ure: arrest, capture, abduction +incautar,
to set fire to M to catc fire : incendiar M se
incitive: incentivo
ceasless: incessant
incitement: provocation +incitaci>n,
inedible: unpalatable, disgusting, revolving +incomible,
outpouring: +n,torrent, flood, stream, effusion 8 +ad:&,
stark contrast: complete, extreme contrast
being stifling ot: suffocating ot
to liken: to compare, to e(uate
in te bosoms of: en el seno de
bla.on: a coat of arms 8 +v, to proclaim widely, to decorate wit bla.ons
unsung: not sung, not onored: an unsung hero
+en sentido de, Incapacidad Incapacitar Incapacitado Incapa!
3mposibilidad 3nability UnfitMdisabled 3ncapable of
4alta de aptitud imcompetence 3mcompetent at
@ereco 3ncapacity %o dis(ualify from @is(ualified from
-aboral %o render unfit
'U!*%U)%32! #)"$S
& 5 a : ; , M
period ypen underscore colon semicolon comma slas
i << >> j T < = k,
back slas comillas guillemot simples dobles o inglesas ditto marks
(uotation marks
L l m 8
ellipses pilcrow +fin de pNrrafo, dases +guiones de separaci>n,
ainCt: +nonstandard speec, )m not 8 also are not, is not, as not, ave not& )m 3 notP se
reempla.a cuando se abla por arenCt 3P, pero no se contrae en forma escrita&
upper5class speakers, educated speakers aprove te usage of <ainCt=&
clumsy: awkward, all tumbs +torpe,
slowness: falta de inteligencia 8 clumsyness: falta de abilidad it was a clumsy thing to do
that:to say that
tower block: torre de apartamentos
bloodstream: torrente sangu?neo
te boot is on te oter foot: darse vuelta la tortilla
tortuoso: sinuosoE tortous, winding; perversoEdevious
devious: also <taimado, artero=&
tosco: cosa primitivaEcruede; persona, modalesE roug, coarse +basto,
in all: en total
stubborn: to.udo
finicky :ob: traba:o de cinos 8 ard to please, ca
traba:o: manualE manual labor; mentalMf?sicoE mentalMpisic efforts
tongue5twister: trabalenguas
to strike up a conversation: comen.ar una comunicaci>n
trabar con: llaveE to lock; trancaEto bar; cerro:oE to bolt
tracci>n: traseraE rear5weel drive; delanteraE front5weel drive; JruedasE four5weel drive;
animalEdrawn by animals
influence peddling +US: graft,: trNfico de influencias
sounded triunp
skyligt: tragalu.
smoke5linked disease
back5track: to go back to te place you came from
time marking: acer tiempo
anckering after: obsesi>n con
stray over: salir disparado en otra direcci>n
inimical: contrary, adverse, ostile
layman:secular, not a clergyman5 not professional, amateur
to broaden: to widen
take up an abit: tomar un Nbito o vicio
to tell apart: differentiate, distinguis, discrimanate, decide
disproof: refutation, denial
to briber: sobornar
us: +n, silence 8 +v, to (uieten, mute, to be (uiet
turn me on: estimulate me
decoupling: desacople
unravelling: collapse5 undo5 untwist5 to solve a pu..le
outgrowt: te consecuence of, te result of 5 development, someting growt from a
principal body
old out: to resist, to refuse to reac an agreement
up against: confronted wit
coy: reserved, sy, modest
pull out of: to take out a sting, information, etc&
to inder 0:inder1: to restrict, to obstacle indrance: obstacle, impediment
clog: indrance& %o inder
ramsone: rescue, redeption
windfalls: sudden piece of good fortune
fudge: to falsify, to forge, to counterfeit
misconception: fallacy, delusion, inconsistency
mass transit: public transport
eavy rail: inter5city
railways ligt rail: urban
procastination: desidia 8to procastinate: to postpone, to delay
draugts X wildfire caused by climate cange
srewis: continually complaining and faultfinding +critical,
to nag at: to complain, to irritate
nagging: irritating, troublesome, persistent, endless5complaining
indictment: accusation, condemnation, sentece5 censure, criticism,disapproval
to indict: to accuse 8 to make a formal accusation
people wo lives on less tan a dollar a day
stub: tal>n, colilla, final de un lNpi. 8
andouts: money, food or clotes for carity 8 bulletin, circular, mailsot, pamplet, A sheet
or sheets of paper containing topical information, distributed to people attending a speech, lecture, or
to elate& ehilarate, ecite (regoci$ar)
scope: scale, range, reac +alcance,
stately: splendid, dignified, royal, noble, pompous5 stateliness5 statelier5stateliest: a stately
outgrow: to leave beind someting as by growing 8 surpass, go beyond
conform; to ade(uate
te carrying capacity of te eart +as suc of uman and resources,
beold: to see, to perceive, to stare at 8 behold the results& ' he aqui los resultados "
imperative to call attention: behold, for !hrist sake&
to look on: to considerer as, to conceive as, to repute as, to tink of 8 to observe wit attention
gladness: :oy, pleasure, deligt, appiness
to eed: to pay attention 8 +n,: attention 8 eedful: vigilant, watcful 8 eedless: reckless,
careless, witout regard, neglectful, oblivious 8 eedlessly: carelessly, a la ligera&
mirt: good umor, deligt, fun, laugter
gibe +or :ibe, +:ib,: to mock, to :oke, to tease, to make taunting, deriseve or :eering remarks, to
:eering: burl>n, insultante
craving: desire, longing, passion +anto:o, anelo, deseo,
up time: te time or period a macine is available or is on duty&
itcs raining cats and dogs
gutter: drain, sewer, troug; cannel tat collects water from te roof or floor, and carries it
away +canaleta, desagWe, canal>n, cuneta,
spewMspew out +spiO,: to e:ect, discarge, send out, emit +arro:ar, vomitar lava, etc,
tatc: plant stalks, straw using as a roofing material; roof covered wit straw: a tatced
roof 8 +v, to cover a building or ouse wit a roof&
carcass: dead body of an animal or a uman5 remains of someting gone: the carcass of a
once glorious empire 8 framework or basic structure
to be on te wrong side of te tracks
soot: dirt, dust, stain, grunge
switc: a stick for riding +fusta,
unsure: esitant, not sure,unconfident, irresolute
garnis: to decorate, to dress up, to beautify, to embellis
to elp up: to elp someone to get up from someting
to elp back: to elp someone return to someting or somewere&
treat oters te way you would like to be treated
to parse: " %o break +a sentence, down into its component parts of speec wit an explanation
of te form, function, and syntactical relationsip of eac part&; upper and lower case letters
lay out: to design 8 +n, a design
te wrong end of te stick
outouse: a building separated from te main building 8 outdoor toilet, privy, eart5closet
flusing toilet
toilet paper
tis name dates back muc earlier to te days of te first typewriter, te days computer was
yet to exist&
paperwork: red tape, official procedure, formalities
felt: fieltro: felt hat
to nickname: to give a familiar or alternative namebyname, street name, appellative
running water& pre-running water days
to sit troug: to stay until te end of someting: a film, a lecture, a class, etc&: who really
wanted to sit through this boring film anyway8
someting looks <spik and span= means it looks clean +or cleanly,
tarnis: to discolour, deslustrar tarnised: blemis,sin brillo, deslustrado untarnised:
%e water would become so dirty tat wen a baby was bated in it, e could possibly be lost
or even tossed outQ 2f course, one would ope tat te parents would ave enoug common
sense to ceck firstQ
detracting from: derogate, draw
noting: take into account, noticing
extraneous: nonessential, unnecesary, redundant, superfluos, unneeded, unessential,
irrelevant, external, strange&
sidetrack: +n, a sort stretc of railroad track to store rolling stock; siding; turnout 8 +v, to
distract, to divert 8 to delay 8 to deviate&
vassals: servants, feudatories, retainers upon te tenure +term, permanet status, of fealty
+loyalty, fidelity,&
reverieMMrevery: daydream, daydriming, trance, deep absortion or abstraction
to accost: to approac and speak to, especially +MMspecially, in an unfriendly way&
cieftan: caci(ue
supersede: to take te place of, to replace
flaw: imperfection, defect 8 +v, to make or become defective
out of conformance: witout conformity
upon conformance to: correspondence, compability, normality
compiler +<kompailer=,
the system raises warning messages
sortcoming: deficiency, flaw 8 disadvantage
impair: weaken, make worse, to cause to diminis as in strengt, value or (uality
soundness: good condition of structure, validity of an argument, solvency of business a flaw
that impairs soundness
defuse: to remove te fuse from +a bomb,, deactivate, disable 8 to make armless, less
dangerous, calm, smoot a situation
deprecation: imprecation, curse, strong expression of disapprobation or disapproval
entreaty +for pardon,: appeal, petition, plea, supplication 8 te act of entreating, urgent prayer,
earnest +serious, sincere, passionate, resolute, ardent, petition, pressing solicitation
beseec: implore, plead
+n, prevailing current of tougt, influence or activity
mainstream: +ad:, repressenting prevalent attitude or values
+v, to integrate or incorporate into te prevailing group
instability: unsteadiness, wavering, volatility, insecurity
sludge: soft, slimy mud, grease or oter matter wic settles at te bottom of a li(uid5
sediment5 mud5sewage +<soic=, 5+Engineering M *ivil Engineering, +in sewage disposal, te
solid constituents of sewage tat precipitate during treatment and are removed for subse(uent
settling tank: a container used in te process by wic solid particles settle to te bottom of a
li(uid and form a sediment +decantador,
unfamiliar: new, untried, unknown, strange, alien, different
beverage: a li(uid for drink, except water&
offspring:descendants, progeny
licensed: commissioned, autori.edMsed,legal
to linger: ang on, delay leaving, ang around, remain
binding: fastening, strap, band, bandaging +atadura, venda:e, encuadernaci>n: clothbound
binding bookO encuadernaci6n de tapa dura con tela 45 softcover book$
airy: unsubstantial5 spacious+ouse, room,5well ventilated +room,5ligt +cloting,5careless +a
la ligera,: he%s always full of airy promises
seaf +pl$ seves,: bundle, stack, cluster ,of cut stalks of grain or similar plants, bound wit
straw or twine +cord, string, tread,
eddy: wirpool+remolino, 8 +v, to move against te main current of opinion
to and fro: to move back and fort, backward and forward
surly: rude, brus(ue, impolite, bad5tempered 5 rustic +cerril, 5 menacing
twosome: duo, pair, couple, two of a kind
to put two and two togeter: atar cabos
bandric: bandolera
sling: +n, catapult +onda,5 triangular bandage for a broken arm 8 +v,: +slung, to trow away 8
to carry, to ang, to suspend
miscance: unfortunate occurance, bad luck+infortunio,
countenance: appearance, especially te expression of te face, semblante 8 +v, to approve, to
ere: poetic before
warf: dock price e2 whorf' precio franco en el muelle
gear: mecanism5device5e(uipment, kit5stuff, parapernalia, belongins5+v, +7up,to get ready5
to adpapt, to fit, to tailor or to suit5 to orientate or be orientated
to get someting into gear: poner en marca
to cange gear: cambiar de velocidad +auto o algo, p&e una campa9a electoral,
to move into ig gear: acelerarse algo o alguna circunstancia
gear down: reducir velocidad
annotated: footnoted, a book wit commentary or explanatory notes&
teaser: igligt, prRcis, outline, summary, abstract presented before te start of a sow&
offset: someting tat balances or counteracts&
cap: gorra5 limit cap P trade' approach for achieving solutions in the emissions of pollutants$
brace: abrasadera 8 berbi(u?u5 refuer.o
worktop: counter+mesada, encimera,
acting out: uncontrollable outburst, unrestrained expression of emotion
it was not to be: it was not going to be, it was not going to appen
watCs not to like: g(uR ay de malo con elloP
at stake: at risk, in danger, in :eopardy
pretty muc allL: casi todos losL
andover: una entrega 8 relin(uis, relin(uisment, a renouncing act
to meet a deadline: to complete te work on or before a certain date
forward tinking people: reasoning to predict te future
wen it comes toL: talking about someting or someoneL+cuando se trata deL,
downrigt: %orougly; absolutely
ammer out: to produce an agreement wit a great deal of effort and discussion
get real: to accept te trut and not deceive yourself
mindset: mental attitude +mentalidad,
destitute: poor, impoverised +despose?do, indigente,
4or te most part, banks ire liberal arts graduates +educaci>n general amplia, wo learn
banking on te :ob
daunting: discouraging, dismaying, intimidating, frigtening
folly: cra.iness, silliness, stupidity, lack of good sense
vi.&: abbreviation for videlicet, namely, tat is& Used to introduce lists, examples or items&
to cut corners: to do someting in te easiest or m ost inexpensive way
clientele: clients, regulars, consumers
drug trafficker
mobster: gangster
blur+v,: to make indistinct and a.y in appearance or outline,vague impression, a.e, a
blurred shape$ +n,: blur: someting vague, imprecise, unclear, a.y or indistinct&
ow does it fit into te pictureP: wat does it ave to do witLP
cog: component, part, mecanism
dubious: (uestionable
weeler5dealers: people wo skirt +avoid<> to addressE attend to, te law or take big risks for
(uick profits&
wen te cips are down: wen itCs too late; wen tereCs no alternative left
regardless of weter tey would ever be repaid +te loans,
tey were selved at work for lack of initiative
mes: net, web
enmes: to entangle, to trap
eigten: to enance, to improve, to increase, to reinforce
pligt: dilemma, difficulty, troubles
pocketbook: a pocket5si.ed notebook 8 a purse, a andbag
soddy: careless
ustler: slang5 a person wo do business in an illicit or unetical way5unscropolous person, an
opportunist, weeler5dealer&5 swindler +ceat, fraud, trickster,
crook: lawbreaker
minimal precautions : minimun, least, smallest precautions
lure: +v, to attract or tempt someone wit te promise of pleasure or reward5 +n, se9uelo,
wit far less risk: con muco menos riesgo
to te manner born: accustomed from birt to a particular beavior or lifestyle
to arness: to connect, to tie togeter
wimpy: forceless
cleansing: ad:&: liberador, limpiador, catNrtico
dissolute: unrestrained by morality, immoral, degraded, debauced
leec: bloodsucker, sangu:uela
to fence: practicar esgrima
gi.mo: instrument, utensil, wose name as been forgotten: un coso
gown: a womanCs long dress for formal occasions, parties, dances 8 a loose robe worn by
clergymen, lawyer, teacers&
rendering: interpretation, as in painting or music 8 translation
rendition: te act of rendering, performance, interpretation&
sift: filter, separate
gargle: rinse te mout or troat +acer gNrgaras,
disgruntled: discontented, angry, annoyed
fop: a dandy, incroyable
emboss: to carve or molde in relief +labrar, acer en relieve,
sowcase: a display case or cabinet +vitrina,8 to display +exibir,
gritty: grainy +arenoso, polvoriento, 8 courageous +resoluto, decidido,
mat: also doormat: felpudo 8 also tablemat: mantel individual
rag: piece of clot +trapo, 8 old clotes: arapos
tack: cince 8 clavar con cinces
rugged: accidentado, escabroso 8 de rasgos duros o angulosos 8 tosco, rudo
startling: surprising, socking, alarming, extraordinary, unexpected, sudden, llamativo
te flat was seven fligths up: ] tramos de escalera
rougen: to make or became roug; coarsen, tougen
torn papel: papel picado +tear, torn, torn,
ars blue: a.ul cill>n
tear 5torn5torn: rasgar, romper, cortar papel
to flap5 flapped5 flapped: to wave, to sake, aletear
fitful: esporadic, erratic, restless, irregular, intermittent
fitfully: intermittently
at any rate: in all cases
grimy: dirty
walls sored up wit balks of timber: paredes apuntaladas con vigas de madera para
to sag5sagged5sags: combarse, undirse
barbed wire: alambre de pOas
containerful: te (uantity tat a container will old
teacupful: te (uantity L E teacup
teaspoonful: te (uantity L E teaspoon +cucaradita,
tablespoonful: te L E tablespoon +cucarada,
penolder: portalNpices
alcove: a recess forming part of room +nico, ueco,
to seclude: to keep apart, to isolate, to screen from view
slummy part of town: very poor part of a city
frowsy5frowsier5frowsiest: untidy, dirty, smelly, neglected
neat5neater5neatest: orderly and clean, tidy neatness
sloven: untidy in dress or appearance, negligent at work slovenly
unkempt: untidy, uncombed
musty5mustier5mustiest: rancio, (ue uele a umedad o encierro
(uarter of a town: barrio
to sot at close (uarters: disparar a (uemarropa
to dip 5 dipped: to plunge, immerse, wet, bate& 8 +n,: a (uick swim
to pin down: to fix or stablis clearly: finally he was able to pin down the cause of the
to come ome to somebody: become clear it come home to him the true magnitude of the
to blare5blared: to sound loudly and stridently 8 +n,: te blaring: a loud strident sound 8 +ad:&,
boo.y: infl& drunk boo.iness: drunkeness
to wallow: nadar o revolcarse en el agua o barro +o figurativamente: en la abundancia,
burrow: tunnel or ole dug by an animal for refuge
matcwood: splinter +astilla, the house went to matchwood when hit by the twister$
gunsigt: mira
cramp: spasm, contraction& ) sudden, involuntary, spasmodic muscular contraction causing
severe pain, often in te leg +calambre,&
s(uared paper: papel cuadriculado 8 lined paperMandwriting paper: o:a rayada 8 s(uared
grap paper: papel milimetrado&
succession: secuence, series
wording: prasing, te way in wic words are used to express a statement, report: redacci>n
stats: sortening for statistics
touc on: to refer or mention briefly
steadfast: firm, resolute, uncanging: steadfast in danger 8 faitful: steadfast in love
allegiance: loyalty, commitment, faitfulness
public sentiment: public opinion +sentiment means feelings, but also opinion,
drawback: +n, disadvantge, inconvenience, negative aspect 8 +v,: to retreat, to move
3nfirm: weak, ill, frail 8 not strong, lacking firmness of will, irresolute
(uaint: old5fasioned, pictures(ue 8 odd, peculiar, not regular& Bow quaint& ' QquN raro&
stand out: to excel, to outsine +destacarse, sobresalir,
fly, flew, flown: volar 8 fligt: vuelo
flow: +n, current 8 +v, to move in a stream, to circulate
flood, flooded:+v, to submerge, to inundate 8 +n, inundation, deluge
flaw: defect, error, fault
feat: skill, acievement 8 usually in plural
meddle: to intervene, to intrude
deemed: considered as , estimated as
(uirk: peculiarity, oddness, eccentricity
pervasive: invasive, persistent, omnipresent
contrue: to interpret, to analy.e
butler: steward, superintendent +mayordomo,
urtling: precipitNndose +velo.mente, con ruido, acia un desastre, co(ue, etc&&,
nuts and bolts <> loftiest +lo bNsico <> lo mNs elevado,
aste: rapidity & apresuramiento& apresurar
appraisal: valoraci>n
reprise: repetici>n
reprisal: represalia
watercooler conversations: conversaciones de oficina +alrededor de la cafetera o el
dispensador de agua,&
prone: propenso, inclinado, sesgado
meek: gentle, docil, submissive& manso
rule of tumb: regla prNctica, a o:o de buen cubero
assess: weig up, consider, evaluate
sound: firme
fren.y: frenes?
noteworty: worty of notice, remarkable& notable, digno de atenci>n
feck+obsolete,: value, wort&
feckless: +ad:&, sin valor
by and large: for te most part, generally
review: reappraisal, reassessment, revaluation& "evisi>n& Examen, anNlisis
insigt: percepci>n, perspicacia, comprensi>n
loom: aparecer desde la niebla, la sombra, desde le:os, etc&
seamless: sin costura
indsigt: perception after te facts& restrospectiva
feign: to pretend, to simulate
to beoove: to be necessary or proper for
faux: +fou, fake, artificial, false
fondness: cari9o, predilecci>n +por alguien,& )fici>n +por algo,
undeterred: not deterred, resoluted, undiscouraged
fittable: suitable
fittings: apropiado, digno, adecuado& +n, prueba de ropa& )moblamiento& )ccesorios
sprawling: sprawl: tumbado+persona,, sentado en forma indolente; desordenado&
*recimiento rNpido de una ciudad
arrowing: painful, distubing, tormenting, torturesome&
encman: secua., partidario
swagger: paso o movimiento decidido, fanfarr>n o arrogante& %o swagger: moverse as?&
seer: one tat sees& ) propet
cogent: convincing& *onvincente, coerente&
beacon: guiding ligt, bonfire, guide +faro,& 3nspiration
guild: union +gremio, asociaci>n, fraternidad, grupo,& Irupo +ecosistem,
seat: vaina, funda, cubierta
barter: excange, trade, swap +trocar& %rue(ue,
lus: ad:: exuberant, luxuring, flourising, blossoming, blooming
douse: empapar
ars: duro, riguroso, Nspero +persona o cosa, o el clima,
ledge: alfei.sar
curb: dominar, refrenar
refrain: refrNn& "efrenar, abstenerse
bland: soso
peruse: to examine wit care
entail: lead to, tat meansL
:erk: movimiento bruco, empell>n& ?pasmodic #erking of his body
to appease: calm down, (uieten down, soote, conciliate, pacify
slate: pi.arra, te:a& -ista de candidatos& )notar, agendar, poner en una lista para elegir
witty: ingenioso, agudo, ocurrente, salty +pungeant,, earty +vulgar,
brackis: salobre
crank: eccentric person& #anivela& )rrancar algo& *rank out: producir penosamente
trot: trote& %rotar& %rot out: ecar mano de un argumento
snarl: gru9ir& gru9ido
flouris: floreo, floritura
blurt out: desembucar, de:ar escapar una palabra
assle: a figt& %o figt
underpinning: foundation, supporting; apuntalamiento
awe: fear, dread, admiration +temor reverencial,
pitfall: danger 8 difficulty, escollo&
to rev up +revved; revving,: acelerar, girar mNs rNpido, aumentar las revoluciones
wary:cautious, suspicious, on guard <> unwary
tweak: pelli.co; reto(ue& 'elli.car, retocar
witstand: endure, resist, old up, old out
stepback: revRs, contratiempo
flick: movimiento rNpido como un latiga.o; como de la mu9eca; como p&e para sacarse el pelo
de la cara& %ambiRn verbo&
scam: fraud, racket, swindle& )lso verb&
to snoo.e: to take a nap
angst: anguis, anxiety, sorrow
outsmart: outwit, overcome; ganar siendo mNs listo
fingertip: extreme of te fingers
abor: detest, ate +aborrecer,
bounce back: recover (uickly as from setback
setback: obstruction, delay +contratiempo, revRs,
to cope wit: to manage, to deal wit, andle +arreglNrselas con,
turncoat: traitor, defector, double agent +transfuga,
to keel over: to collapse or fall into a faint
cut and dried: not spontaneous
conflate: to meld, to fuse
devise: to conceive, to plan, to formulate
spadework: groundwork, preparatory work
skew: be place at an angle +torcido,& %o pun at an angle +torcer,
for tee and tine: para t? y los tuyos
watCs mine is tine: wat belogs to me, belongs to you, too&
#ut $ancelot mused a little space
%e said, '&he has a lovely face'
od in his mercy lend her grace,
"he $ady of &halott
usher( escort, guide. noun or verb.
di))y( faint. lightheaded.
ludicrous( absurd, ridiculous.
preposterous( ludicrous.
slab( a broad, flat, thick piece *losa, plancha+.
foothold( grip *asidero, punto de apoyo+.
rift( a narrow fissure in rock. , break in friendly relations.
stopover( escala en un via-e.
abut( [abat] lindero,ne.t to, be ad-acent to.
conceit( pride, vanity, arrogance.
bloated( *hinchado, inflado+ swollen, distended, stuffed
unre/uited( unreturned, not reciprocal( unre!uited love
chime( sonar, repicar, las campanas o un relo-. 0hime of bells( carrill1n
timely( *adv+ ocurring in time. *ad-.+ oportuno, ocurring at a suitable or opportune time.
readily *adv+( willingly, gladly, done with pleasure' easyly.
bearing( manner, behaviour.
The raven - Poe
dreary( *about book, work, life, speech+ dull, boring, monotonous, taciturno. *about
landscape+ grey, dismal, bleak.
ponder( consider, wonder about, muse, considerar, sopesar.
/uaint( old-fashioned.
distinct *ad-+( readily distinguishable from others, separate, discrete' easily perceived,
clear' clearly defined' likely, probable' notable.
distinctly *adv+( clearly, markedly, noticeably.
lore( popular wisdom, tradition *tradici1n+, knowledge about a particular sub-ect*saber
bleak( desolado, inh1spito, l2gubre. 3a bleak outlook of the future4. 3a bleak landscape4.
ember( ash, glowing coal. 5ying ember( rescoldo.
wrought( p.p. irregular of work' work upon( to forge, to shape.
surcease( stop, halt, cessation.
rustle( to move with soft fluttering or crackling sounds.
flutter( aletear. ,leteo.
crackle( cru-ir. cru-ido.
entreat( to plead, to beg, to implore, to make a earnest re/uest of.
presently( shortly. *6&+ now.
token( sign, symbol, indication, gesture.
shutter( postigo
to flirt( to move abruptly.
saintly *ad-. saintlier, saintiest( pious. 7efering to or resembling saints.
days of yore( anta8o, days long past.
obeisance( genuflection, bow, movement that e.presses deference, respect or homage.
mien( bearing or manner, especially as if it reveals an inner state of mind( aire, porte.
beguile( entice, charm, cautivate.
decorum( appropriate behaviour or manners.
craven *ad-+( gutless, cowardly,weak.
ghastly *ghastlier, ghastliest+( frightening, horrifying, suggesting death( ominous.
grim *grimmer, grimmest+( gloomy, dismal, harsh, bleak. sobrio, adusto.
lordly *lordlier, lordliest+( se8orial, altivo.
plainly( clearly, evidently, manifestly, claramente.
ungainly *ungainlier, ungainliest+( 'acking grace or ease of movement or form% clumsy.
dirge( funeral song, re/uiem.
gaunt( thin, bony.
betake( to cause oneself to go or move.
gloat( to re-oice, especially with malice. 9 3over4( relamerse, recrearse contemplando.
censer( a vessel where incense is burned. Incensario.
footfall( footstep.
respite( relief, pause, break, interval. "o give no respite( no dar tregua.
/uaff( )amparse, clavarse, mandarse una bebida de un solo trago.
daunt( to discourage, intimidate, amedrentar.
undaunted( fearless, intr:p;do.
lade *lades,laded, laden+( to load with cargo.
fiend [find]( evil person, demon. ,lso an addict to something( se. fiend, work fiend.
upstart( *n+ a parvenu, advenedi)o. *ad-+( advenedi)o, presuntuoso. *v+ start up.
seeming( *n+ appearance, look. *ad-+ apparent, ostensible.
flit( revolotear, saltar. <litting( revoloteo.
end The raven
/uandary( dilemma.
endurance( the act or power of whitstanding hardship or stress' resistence.
byway( side street, #-road' byways of history( least-known aspects of history.
eerie( creepy, ghostly, sobrecogedor, in/uietante.
hardship( adversity, privation, condition of life difficult to endurance.
detachment( indiferencia. &eparaci1n.
splice( -oin or tie together, empalmar.
e.pedient( convenient, advisable, oportuno.
pithy( brief, concise, succinct, conciso.
relish( *n+en-oyment, )est, enthusiasm, de buena gana. *v+ to taste, to like.
disrepute( discredit' desprestigio.
loony( cra)y, silly, foolish.
transpire( to give vapor off through the pores' come to lilght, emerge, be revealed, turn
let loose( e.press audibly.
allure( to attract with something desireble, to entice, atraer, encantar . "he power of
attract, entice, encanto, atractivo.
to moonlight( to work at another -ob, often at night.
fad( cra)e, a short-lived popular fashion.
at bay( cornered, trapped.
fraught( 3with4 *ad-+ charged with something, 3cargado de= miedo, peligro, curiosidad,
etc.4. 5if>cil, tenso.
rumble( estruendo, ruido sordo, estr:pito. rumbles of discontent( murmullos de protesta.
grumble( /ue-a, /ue-arse. 7uidos de protesta.
wean( separar, destetar.
whiff( bad smell *tufillo+.
boo)e( alcoholic beverage.
gripe( to complaint. 0omplain, ob-ection.
fairness( -ustice.
surge( oleada' olea-e.
sludge( mud, sewage.
commendation( praise, approval, award.
transient( transitory, temporary, ephemeral, brief, momentary.
fleeting( short-lived, transitory, transient.
tool up/down( to drive a vehicle.
mill around( hang about, gather around.
gritted teeth( apretar los dientes *gritty( arenoso+.
cranky( eccentric, odd.
slump( to fall or sink heavily and suddenly. , marked or sudden decline or failure in
progress, collapse.
privy [privi]( to be privy to sth( estar al tanto de algo. ?rivy toilet( ba8o e.terno.
venomous( poisonous, to.ic, no.ious. @iperina *tongue+.
kindred [kindred]( related to, "indred spirits# "indred feelings. 7elatives, family
stedfast( resolute, unswerving, unshakable. resuelto, interp:rrito.
to carouse carousal( to drink, to get drunk, ir de -uerga.
to subdue( to restrain, to control, so-u)gar.
overly( *adv+ e.cessively, e.aggeratedly.
to waive( to surrender, to give up, to relin/uish.
to avert( turn away, turn aside, avoid.
hype( e.agerar con propaganda. *n+ bombo publicitario.
salacious( scandalous, spicy.
innuendo( insinuation, suggestion, indirecta.
marksmanship( punter>a.
compliment( flattery, halago. complimentary( halgAe8o, elogioso.
suss( *out+ percatarse, darse cuenta, calar.
mindful( *ad-+ aware, watchful, alert.
legwork( groundwork. !ork done in preparation for a pro-ect.
whopping *ad-.+( e.ceptionally large.
rampage( to run riot, to go wild. "o go on rampage *B+( a riot.
eavesdrop( listen sneakily.
scant( *ad-+ barely sufficient.
bolster( support, reinforce, encourage.
misfit( eccentric, odd, not suited to a particular enviroment.
flipper( a wide flat limb adapted for swimming.
arouse( stimulate. awaken.
hamper( to obstruct, to impede.
gripping( absorbing, fascinating, mesmera)ing, atrapante.
confound( to confuse.
deterrent( something that deters' desaliento, disuasivo.
lame( *about e.cuses+( weak, unintelligent.
unscathed*ad-+( unhurt, not in-ured.
onslaught( attack, offensive, arremetida.
bulge( protuberance, bulto.
unwittingly( without knowing, unsuspectingly, une.pected, unconsciously.
bustling( active, lively, animado.
haulage( the act of hauling, transportation.
truss( to bind, to tie up. apuntalar. ,puntalamiento, soporte de puntales.
hardy( resilient, robust.
supple( fle.ible
suppleness( fle.ibility.
unwholesome( unhealthy, insalubrious, no.ious. Corally unpleasant, desagreeable
*intention( malsana+.
meddlesome( *ad-.+ interfering, meddling *entrometido+.
turn about( turnarround. 3please, turn about, so I can see who you are4.
to delude( *-delusion+ to deceive.
fainthearted( pusillanimous. pusilDnime.
desinter:s( lack of interest. desinteresado( desinterested.
autodidact( self-taught person.
da)ed( astounded, stunned, perple.ed, disorientated, astonished, confused. aturdido, .
to massage( manipulate, ma/uillar un hecho( 3massaged data4.
guarded( secured, watched over, protected, custodiado.
imposed( inforced, impuesto. to inforce( imponer.
figurative( *meaning+ sentido figurado. *,rt+ figurativo.
I5IEC& F ?%7,&,$ @G7#&
IDIOMS( a word or e.pression that has a figurative meaning(
*figure of speech, idiomatic usage, e.presi1n idiomDtica+
3to kick the bucket4 means 3to die4.
what it means is often not readily deducible from its grammatical usage.
PHRASAL VERB( @G7# 9 adverb
*compound verb+ adverb 9 preposition
where the meaning is different of the meaning the verb normally has.
?hrasal @erb *informally+ Ceaning *more formally+
"o get together To congregate
"o put off To postpone
"o get out To eit
Idiomatic usage( as a figurative application in everyday speech.
literal usage( 3to look up4' 3to walk across4.
END OF I5IEC& ,B5 ?%7,&,$ @G7#&.
leftover( *ad-+ residual. $eftovers( remainings, waste, surpluss.
swath( fran-a, surco.
thrive( to succeed, to flourish, to prosper.
dwindle( to decrease, to decline, to fall off, to drop off, to diminish.
batter( to beat, to hit.
brew( to prepare, to infuese, to ferment. to concoct, to devise( planear, urdir.
hip( cadera.
carnage( killing, slaughter, massacre, mass murder.
the last straw( lo /ue faltaba, el colmo, la 2ltima gota de agua.

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