API 570 Exam B31.3 Quiz
API 570 Exam B31.3 Quiz
API 570 Exam B31.3 Quiz
3 Quiz
1. All welding terms found in ASME B31.3 are found in the Code and:-)
A. ASME Section -~ ~ B. ASME Section ~ C. A!SA".# vD. A!S A3.$
". A fluid ser%ice in which the &otential for &ersonnel e'&osure is (~dged to )e significant: .
C)vA. Categor * +luid Ser%ice
, B. -igh .ress/re +luid Ser%ice C. 0ormal +luid Ser%ice
1. CategorB +luid Ser%ice
3. Snow and ice loads due to )oth en%ironmental and o&erating conditions are considered:
A. 1ead 2oads ~ 3-45)2i%e 2oads
%C. En%ironmental 2oads 1. Structural 2oads
#. 6he re7uired thic8ness of straight sections shall )e determined in accordance with E7. "9 -
A. tm : t ; d B. tm : d -t
<= tm : t ; C 1. tm : C -t
~>, [email protected] A
B. Soc8et welds should:
A. )e a%oided in the &i&ing sstem . ~ B. )e used in all welded &i&ing
%C. )eweldedusingSA!Conl .
(!!J'e a%oided w)eie cre%ice corrosion ma occur.
D. A Char& E -notCh s&ecimen for im&act testing shall )e made using a standard:
<1A. 1F"A s7uare cross section , B. 1$ Ms7uare cross section
%A@AC. 1$ mm s7uare cross section 1. .B$B A s7uare cross section
G. Hualification of welding &rocedures to )e used in com&liance with ..?9 ~SME B 31.3 shall conform t~the re7uirements of: ~ i5?i???@1A
A. AS:ME B 31.3
B. B.E Code9 Section IJ r~\ c. A.IBG$
2 vD. BothAandB
K. Su)(ect to the s&ecific a&&ro%al of the Ins&ector9 welding &rocedures 7ualified:
f.\ v""A. ) others ma )e used
u 9? B. ) the em&loer onl ma )e used
C. ) the use of A!S &re7ualified9 11.1 t&e &rocedures9 ma )e used 1. ) the use of A.I 11$# 7ualified &rocedures ma )e used
=. A ~ 1CE. Electrode in the A !S AB.1 is:
A. EG$1K ...9L. EG$1D ~D$"# <:5?GAD$1$ 1$. A welder ma &ass a &erformance 7ualification test for Com&an A9 7uit the (o)9 then )e
hired ) Com&an B9 to &erform similar wor89 and not ha%e to retest.
<F4 6rue ~ +alse
vC. 6rue onl in certain states
1. +alse9 in com&liance with ASME B 31.3
11. +iller metal shall conform to the re7uirements of:
~. A!SAB.1 <f5M) Section IJ l-<:@. Section E
, 1. A.IBG$
I6AC ASME K31.3 Summar9 S&ring9"$$3 .age#.1D
?~- . A c@? ~ y"~"
..~i!~~) . --~ A... -
1". Circurnferencial welds inside surfaces of groo%e welds shall )e aligned:
A. ; or -1F1DA B. ; or.? 1F3"A
N?I ~. within the dimensional limits in the !.S t.O 1. the fa)ricator@s discretion
13. 6he root &ass and final &ass of a weld ma not )e:
1 $) ~. &eened
9B. cleaned
i~ C. stress relie%ed
c,C!,~ 1. &ainted
1#. A threaded (oint ma )e seal welded ) a 7ualified welder if:
9 9
~:AA99? A. the (oint is l~a8ing
.B. the (oit:1t has straight t)reads onl ~ the (oint has ta&ered tl1reads onl <:= all e'&osed threads are co%ered
1B. 6he &reheat Pone shall e'tend at least -)eond the edge of the weld.
A. 1$ mm iR~ .FB. 1 inch
Q4 C.B$mm
1. 3 inches
1D. 6he ow&~r@s Ins&ector shall ha%e:
A. an A.I BG$ Certification
A ---@, B. an A !S C!I Certification u9...4 C. an A.I B1$ Certification
1. not less than 1$ ears e'&erience dealing with &i&ing
1G. In re%iewing radiogra&h of a 0ormal +luid Ser%ice &i&ing weld a crac8 was noticed. If the &i&e wall was .;;'JJ>, w~a~~E crac8 i!.
Rnone B. 6F3
C. 3F1DA
IE@ 1. crac8s will not show on radiogra&hs
1K. An e'aminer &erforming a .6 test of a com&leted weld on the outside of a Categor 1 +luid Ser%ice &i&ing sstem noted a trans%erse
crac8 in the root &ass:
A A. 6he weld is acce&ta)le
B. 6he .6 test should )e re&eated
C. 6he welder should )e re7ualified
FB@.)6he .6 test will not show this t&e of discontinuit from the outside. I9 @ 2F ~
I6AC ASME K31.3 Summar9 S&ring9 "$$3 .age #- 1G
::Ac@=@9 ~--~- CC1:---:~~~~ ~ ~-A~-~
1=. Indi%idual slag tra&&ed in a weld in Se%ere Cclic Conditions &i&ing sstem9 ma'imum length ma )e: ~
.~S6~3 <, ~ ~6wF3
2.:F C. ~ 1" 6 1. 3F"3 @1
"$. E'aminers ma )e 7ualified in com&liance with:
A. AS:M:E Section IJ , B. AS:M:E Section E
C.F t@C4 AS06 S~ -6C -lA ~. A.IBG$
API ASME B31.3 Quiz Answer Key
1. 1 <.aragra&h 3$$." .age ") ". A <.ara. 3$$." ) &age B)
A.~??.?9 3. B <.ara. 3$1.D.1 &age 1")
...9 #. C <.ara. 3$#.1.1 a .age 1=) B. 1 <.ara. 311.".# .age 3#) D. C <.ara. 3"3.3.3 .age B")
G. 1 <.ara. 3"K.".1a .age B=) K. A <.ara. 3"K."." .age B=)
=. 1 <.ara. 3"K."."g .age D$) 1$. A <.ara. 3"K.".3 .age D$) 11. B <.ara. 3"K.3 .age D$)
1". C <.ara. 3"K.#.3 .age D1)
13. A <.ara. 3"K.B.1d .age D") 1#. 1 <.ara. 3"K.B.3 .age D#) 1B. B <.ara. 33$.1.# .age DD) 1D. 1 <.ara. 3#$.# .age GB)
1G. A <6a)le 3#1.3." .age GD) 1K. 1 <6a)le 3#1.3." .age GD) 1=. B <6a)le 3#1.3." .age GD) "$. C <.ara. 3#".1 .age K")
I6ACASMEB31.3Summar9 S&ring9 "$$3 .age#-1=
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