Our pre-kindergarten curriculum provides developmentally appropriate learning activities to support children's spiritual, physical, emotional, social and cognitive growth. It incorporates a variety of individual, small group and large group activities into daily lessons. Academics are taught through integrated thematic units to enhance thinking skills and creativity rather than rote memorization. The curriculum includes Bible lessons, language arts focusing on phonemic awareness, reading comprehension and handwriting, and math concepts through hands-on learning centers.
Our pre-kindergarten curriculum provides developmentally appropriate learning activities to support children's spiritual, physical, emotional, social and cognitive growth. It incorporates a variety of individual, small group and large group activities into daily lessons. Academics are taught through integrated thematic units to enhance thinking skills and creativity rather than rote memorization. The curriculum includes Bible lessons, language arts focusing on phonemic awareness, reading comprehension and handwriting, and math concepts through hands-on learning centers.
Our pre-kindergarten curriculum provides developmentally appropriate learning activities to support children's spiritual, physical, emotional, social and cognitive growth. It incorporates a variety of individual, small group and large group activities into daily lessons. Academics are taught through integrated thematic units to enhance thinking skills and creativity rather than rote memorization. The curriculum includes Bible lessons, language arts focusing on phonemic awareness, reading comprehension and handwriting, and math concepts through hands-on learning centers.
Our pre-kindergarten curriculum provides developmentally appropriate learning activities to support children's spiritual, physical, emotional, social and cognitive growth. It incorporates a variety of individual, small group and large group activities into daily lessons. Academics are taught through integrated thematic units to enhance thinking skills and creativity rather than rote memorization. The curriculum includes Bible lessons, language arts focusing on phonemic awareness, reading comprehension and handwriting, and math concepts through hands-on learning centers.
Our pre-kindergarten curriculum is developmentally
appropriate providing for all areas of a childs development: spiritual, physical, emotional, social, and cognitive through an integrated approach. The learning activities and materials are concrete, real, and relevant to the lives of our young children. A variety of individual, small group, and large group activities are incorporated into the daily program. Our classroom environment provides opportunity for children to learn through active exploration and interaction with adults, other children and materials. Our Early Childhood program recognizes that play is an important avenue for learning Academics are incorporated into unit themes of study. This enables the children to receive an integrated experience that enhances thinking skills and creativity rather than exclusively promoting the rote memorization of facts. Daily activities include circle time, which includes calendar time, pledges to the American fag, the Christian Flag and to the Bible. Center times incorporate math and language arts activities as well as our thematic units. Enrichment activities include art, music, PE and library opportunities. Bible Our Bible curriculum is Walking With God and His People, by Christian Schools International. The goals of the curriculum are to provide opportunities to begin establishing the authority of the Word of God, develop some knowledge of Bible stories, and focus awareness on principles of Christian living. It focuses on familiar childrens stories of the Bible such as creation, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David and Jesus. Language Arts Phonemic Awareness The language arts approach incorporates thematic units centered on the letter of the week. Various types of pre- reading skills are daily presented to the children. Oral language development is encouraged through centers and through circle time. Children are introduced to nursery rhymes, fnger plays, and songs that encourage students to hear rhyming words and to increase vocabulary. Reading comprehension strategies are taught by modeling thinking with the use of picture books and other literature. Students will deepen their understanding of text by making connections, visualizing, and asking questions. Handwriting Pre-kindergarten through frst grade utilizes the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum. This developmental approach provides one of the foundational skills of language development. Our goal is to help students learn proper handwriting habits (ie. posture, paper and pencil skills) that will transfer to all of their writing experiences. Mathematics Students are introduced to mathematic concepts through hands-on learning centers. Centers are designed to develop an understanding and insight related to the patterns in math through the use of concrete materials. Emphasis is given to shapes, objects positions, and size. Pre-K Curriculum Description 2014-2015