Search and Rescue Fundamentals: Courtesy of LTJG Scott Rooke

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Search and Rescue Fundamentals

Courtesy of LTJG Scott Rooke
Search and Rescue (SAR) is defined as "the use of available resources to assist
persons and property in potential or actual distress."

The SAR organization is composed of the:
SAR Coordinator (SC)
SAR Mission Coordinator (SMC)
Rescue Coordination Center (RCC)
Rescue Sub-Center (RSC)
On Scene Coordinator (OSC)
SAR Units (SRUs)

List the eight major duties of the SAR Coordinator (SC).
Major duties of the SAR Coordinator are to:
Identify all SRUs and SAR resources that may be used within the
Establish close liaison and agreements with other Services,
agencies, and organizations having SAR potential and with SAR
authorities of neighboring nations to ensure mutual cooperation and
Prepare and distribute a current comprehensive area SAR plan.
Establish RCCs to coordinate SAR resources within the region of
responsibility and Rescue Sub-Centers (RSCs) for areas where
RCCs cannot exercise direct and effective coordination.
Ensure that operations conform with the SAR plan and the National
SAR Manual.
Conduct SAR, assigning SMC and SRUs until assistance is no
longer necessary or rescue has been effected.
Suspend SAR cases when there is no longer a reasonable chance of
Report results to the parent operating command or agency.

State the position responsible for planning the SAR mission.
While the SAR Coordinator retains overall responsibility, the SMC plans and
operationally coordinates and controls SAR missions from the time assigned until
conclusion, prosecuting each mission with resources available.

State the function of the Rescue Coordination Center (RCC).
The SAR Coordinator

State the position which controls SRUs on scene.
The On Scene Coordinator

State the required advanced notice the SRU should provide to the OSC prior to
arrival on scene.
15 minutes
Search and Rescue Fundamentals
Courtesy of LTJG Scott Rooke

List the five response stages.
Initial Actions

List the four most important pieces of information obtained during the
awareness stage.
Type of incident and the nature of emergency
Location and time of the incident
Target description
Number and condition of the people involved

List the five SAR support components.
Emergency Care

List the three emergency phase classifications.

Define datum.
Datum is defined as the most probable location of the search object corrected for
movement over time.

State the best source of information on total water current.
Data Marker Buoy (DMB)

State the forces involved in determining total water current.
Sea Current
Wind Current
Reversing Tidal Current
Longshore Current
River Current
Lake Current
Surf & Rip Current

Define leeway.
Leeway (LW) is the movement through the water caused by winds blowing against
the exposed surfaces of the search object.

Define track spacing.
The distance between two adjacent parallel search legs is known as track spacing.

Search and Rescue Fundamentals
Courtesy of LTJG Scott Rooke
State the three correction factors you use to determine corrected sweep width.
weather, fatigue, aircraft speed

State the correct formula for determining coverage factor.
C = W (corrected sweep width)
S (track spacing)

State the items you should consider when selecting a search pattern.
Accuracy of datum
Size and detectability of the search object
Size and shape of the search area
Time available for searching
Number and type of SRUs
En route and on scene weather
Navigational ability of the SRUs
Desired POD

Identify the meaning of search pattern letter designators.

The first letter indicates search pattern type:
Trackline (T)
Parallel (P)
Creeping Line (C)
Expanding Square (S)
Sector (V)
Barrier (B)

The second letter indicates the number of SRUs in the same search area:
Single-Unit (S)
Multi-Unit (M)

The third letter indicates amplifying/supplementary information:
Radar or Return Search (R)
Coordinated (C)
Loran (L)
Aural (A)
Non-Return Search (N)
Drift Compensated (D)
Search and Rescue Fundamentals
Courtesy of LTJG Scott Rooke

State the characteristics for each of the following search pattern types:

o A Trackline (T) search pattern is used when the only information available is
the search target's known or projected trackline. This search pattern is
usually the first search action since it is assumed that the target is near track
and will be easily seen or will signal the SRU. Searching a datum line
(intended trackline corrected for drift) should be evaluated as it can be a
return or non-returning pattern. If a singleunit non-return (TSN) is conducted,
the SRU searches down the trackline or datum line. For a single-unit return
pattern (TSR), offset the search legs one-half track space (S) either side of
the track/datum line.

o A Parallel (P) search pattern should be used when the search area is large,
there is equal probability of the target being anywhere in the search area,
datum information is fair, and uniform coverage is desired throughout the
area. The pattern may be used when the degree of detection may have an
equal probability of being anywhere in the search area. The search legs are
parallel to the search area's major axis (longest side oriented down the drift
line). Commence Search Point (CSP) is located one-half track space inside
the search area in the specified corner.

o A Creeping Line (C) search pattern is used when the search area is large,
uniform coverage is desired, datum information is fair, and there is more
chance of the target being in one end of the search area than the other. The
search legs are parallel to the search area's minor axis (shortest side of the
search area or 90 off of the major axis).

o An Expanding Square (S) search pattern is used when datum is established
within close limits and uniform coverage is desired. The first leg is usually
oriented downdrift (if it is not practical to search the first leg downdrift, then
another first leg direction may be used). All turns are 90 to the right and a
second search is performed by shifting the pattern 45 to the right.

o A Sector (V) search pattern is used when datum is established with a high
degree of confidence and the target is difficult to detect. The search unit
passes through datum several times, each time increasing the chances of
finding the target. The pattern resembles the spokes of a wheel, with the
center of the wheel at datum. It is the only pattern with a circular area of
coverage. The datum may be marked with a floating object such as a DMB.
By marking the center of the search pattern, the SRU has a chance to check
its navigation each time the SRU passes near the center of the search
pattern. A 60 sector search is normally used which consists of nine equal
legs, each leg having a length equal to the radius of the search area. The first
leg is usually downdrift. Although the center of the search area is covered
very well, the outer limits of the area are not covered as well.

Search and Rescue Fundamentals
Courtesy of LTJG Scott Rooke
Select the radio transmission proword associated with distress, urgency, and

List the three on scene SAR frequencies.
282.8, 156.3, 123.1

Select the required time interval for SITREP submission.
At least once daily

Select the assignment responsible for deployment of the Search Action Plan

State the type of ELTs/EPIRBs which use a coded ID.

Search and Rescue Fundamentals
Courtesy of LTJG Scott Rooke
State the correct initial response search pattern.

List the characteristics of the SRU best qualified to be an OSC.
Long endurance
Excellent comms capability
Knowledgeable crew
Adequate staffing

State the information the OSC should pass to the SMC in the first SITREP.
On scene weather conditions

Identify the proper use of the Maritime Assistance Request Broadcast.
When specific alternate assistance is not requested or available, the mariner will be
informed that a MARB can be made to determine if someone in the area can come to
his or her assistance.

Identify the proper use of the term safe haven.
A place that can accommodate and will accept the safe mooring of the vessel and
has available a means of communication, normally a telephone.

Define false alarm.
A False Alarm is a case where the subject reported to be in distress is confirmed not
to be in distress and not to be in need of assistance.

Define hoax.
A Hoax is a case where information is conveyed with the intent to decieve.

Define Uncorrelated Distress Broadcast.
An Uncorrelated Distress Broadcast is a distress broadcast that does not include
position and/or identification information sufficient to generate a reasonable search

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