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NE in Fault Mode

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NE in Fault Mode

The NE enters Fault Mode if three restarts have been performed within 15
minutes, due to a severe error. If the error still remains the NE enters Fault
Mode. After 30 minutes the NE automatically performs a warm restart to try
to recover from Fault Mode.
The course of action differs if Fault Mode occurs at initial start up or on an NE
that is up and running.
Recovering from Fault Mode at Initial Start up
Start up the NE with only the NPU inserted in the AMM. If the NE starts
correctly, insert the different plug-in units one by one (with some time delay)
to determine which plug-in unit causes the NE to enter Fault Mode.
Restoring a Configuration File Back-Up
The NE must be connected to a local or remote FTP server in order to download
a configuration file.
Use MINI-LINK Craft and perform the following to download a configuration
file from an FTP server:
1. In the Management Tree, right-click the NE.
2. Point to Configure and click Load Configuration.
3. On the Load Configuration page, select Donload from FT! server and
select remote or local FTP server.
4. Click Brose and select the desired configuration file.
5. Click "ppl#
To replace the NPU
1. You need a backup configuration file on the FTP server on your PC. The
configuration file must have the following path: <drive:>\tn_ftp_hom
e\tn_backup_configuration\<hostname.cfg>. The file is typically
fetched from the same directory on a remote FTP server.
Note: f you do not have a configuration file you can! if possible! try to
upload the e"isting configuration file from the #$.
%. &isconnect all cables from the plug'in unit and undo the two screws on
the latches
(. Press the )* button gently and release it. This is a re+uest to take the
plug'in unit ,ut of -ervice and all traffic related alarms will be disabled.
Note: The )* button should be pressed before the plug'in unit is
removed! even if the Power .green/ 0$& is ,FF.
1. 2ait until the )* .yellow/ 0$& is ,# and then remove the plug'in unit
within 34 seconds. f the 0$& is not ,# within 34 seconds! press and
release the )* button again. 2ait another 34 seconds and if the 0$& is still
not ,#! remove the unit anyway.
5. nsert the new #P6 7"%. Press and release the )* button while the
Fault .red/! Power .green/ and )* .yellow/ 0$&s are ,# .#P6 power
up/. The )* .yellow/ 0$& will start flashing! indicating that the #$ is in
#P6 nstallation mode.
3. Tighten the two screws on the latches.
8. Connect all cables.
7. -tart a 2eb browser! not craft, and enter the 6*0 http://
9. n the Enter Network Password dialog bo"! type the user name and
password! and click OK.
14. ,n the Restore NPU Configuration page! click Download Configuration
11. ,n the !oad Configuration page! type the name of the configuration file in
the ile Na"e bo" and then click #ppl$.
1%. ,n the !oad Configuration Progress page! click Update Progress until
the download is finished. f the configuration file re+uires new software to
present in the <C:>\tn_ftp_home\tn_system_release folder.
: progress bar displays the progress of the software upgrade. 2hen the
download and software upgrade is finished! the #$ will make a warm
restart. :fter the restart the #$ will run in #ormal mode with the correct
%ullet Proof &er'er
(nstalling %ulletProof TP &er'er
To install )ulletProof FTP -erver with default settings:
1. -tart the )ulletProof FTP -erver installation program
%. n the !icence #gree"ent dialog bo"! click Ne)t to accept the licence
(. n the (nstallation Options dialog bo"! click Ne)t to accept the installation
type &tandard.
1. n the (nstallation director$ dialog bo"! click Ne)t to accept the default
location of the FTP server files.
5. n the Co"pleted dialog bo"! click Close to e"it the installation program.
Configuring %ulletProof TP &er'er
Creating a User
1. ,n the &tart menu! point to Progra"s*%ulletProof TP &er'er and
then click %PTP &er'er.
%. ,n the &etup menu! click User #ccounts.
(. The &etup User #ccounts dialog bo" appears.
1. *ight'click in the User #ccounts list and then click #dd on the shortcut
5. n the Enter #ccount Na"e dialog bo"! type anonymous and click OK.
This is the default user name.
3. n the &etup User #ccounts dialog bo"! type anonymous in the Password
bo". This is the default password.
&pecif$ing the TP &er'er Root Director$
8. *ight'click in the Directories list and then click #dd on the shortcut menu.
7. n the &elect Director$ dialog bo"! browse to the <drive:>\tn_ftp_home
directory and click &elect. The #$ uses this directory and its sub'directories
for uploading and downloading configuration files and load modules.
9. n the Directories list! select the <drive:>\tn_ftp_home directory.
14. 6nder iles! select the Read! +rite and #ppend check bo"es.
11. 6nder Directories! select the ,ake! !ist and -&u.dirs check bo"es.
1%. Click OK. The FTP server is now configured to be used by the #$.
E)tract the /ip file CP0123224353 and paste it under tn5s$ste"5release

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