Overview of CO2 EOR

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Introduction to EOR Methods
History of CO2 EOR in the US
Current Status of CO2 EOR in the US
Future of CO2 EOR in the US
Technical Sides of CO2 EOR

Primary Recovery (6-15% OOIP Recovery)
! Natural reservoir energy (fluid and rock expansion, solution gas drive,
gravity drainage, water influx from aquifer)
Secondary Recovery (6-30% OOIP Recovery)
! Mostly water flooding
Tertiary or Enhanced Oil Recovery (8-20% OOIP Recovery)
! Thermal EOR (Steam flood, SAGD, HPAI)
! Chemical EOR (Surfactant, Polymer, Alkali-Polymer, Alkali-Surfactant-
! Gas EOR (Nitrogen flood, HC gas injection, CO2 injection)
Remaining Oil in Place (80-35% OOIP)
Source: Advanced Resources International, Inc. Source: Melzer Consulting
Why the residual oil saturation after water flooding
is so large?
! Some portions of the reservoir have not been
contacted by the injected fluid due to heterogeneity
and anisotropy
! High capillary forces between the rock surface, oil
and water exist in the contacted portions
C Number of EOR projects in the United States from 1978 to 2008, (Ezekwe 2010)
Oil production rate from EOR projects in United States from 1978 to 2008, (Ezekwe 2010)
Percentage EOR oil Production in United States from 1980 to 2010, (Ezekwe 2010)

Number of EOR projects versus oil prices in the United States from 1978 to 2008, (Ezekwe 2010)

Miscible CO2 gas injection EOR in US, (Bui 2010).
Advantages of CO2 over other gasses:

CO2 has a lower MMP compared to other gases
CO2 has high solubility in crude oil
CO2 saturated crude oil has a lower viscosity
CO2 has higher density at higher pressures
Higher viscosity at higher pressures
Environmentally beneficial if industrial CO2 is used
CO2 is less expensive than other miscible fluids


CO2 density and viscosity as a function of pressure, (Bui 2010).
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In 1952 the first patent of CO2 EOR technology
granted to Whorton, Brownscombe, and Dyes of
the Atlantic Refining Company.
The first field test was conducted in 1964 in Mead
Strawn Field, a Pennsylvanian sandstone in Jones
County TX.

! 25% of HCPV of CO2 was injected followed by carbonated
water and brine
! 53-82% more oil produced by CO2 than by water in the best
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The first commercial CO2 EOR project,
the worlds largest MISCIBLE CO2 EOR
CO2 initially supplied from Val Verde Gas
Current suppliers are McElmo Dome (CO),
Sheep Mountain (CO), and Bravo Dome
Current incremental oil recovery by CO2
EOR is 29,300 bbl/day
CO2 EOR accounts for 10% of HCPV
incremental production
Gas handling capacity of the field is 0.6
175 million metric tons of CO2 have been
injected into the SACROC unit since 1972.
Half of this volume has been produced with
oil and recycled.
SACROC field is owned by KinderMorgan 7+"*-'8 9"$2 3+:0# 3:*;+& 3'&#'*
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Shell Oils Denver Unit, Wasson Field,
West TX
Original Oil In Place (OOIP), 2 billion
Primary production from 1938 to 1965
Secondary production from 1964 to 1982
Tertiary CO2 injection started at1983
Current production rate: 34500 bbl/day
Incremental oil attributed to CO2 flood:
28990 bbl/day (84% of field production)
More than 120 Million barrel of
incremental oil produced with CO2 EOR
thru 2008
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280,000 bbl/day through 2014.
360,000 bbl/day by 2020.
580,000 and 740,000 bbl/day by 2030
and 2040 respectively.

Source: Energy Information Administration

615,000 bbl/day by 2020

Source: U.S. DOE NETL, Office of Fossil Energy

Source: Advanced Resources International,
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Screening Reservoirs for CO2 EOR Suitability

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Principal mechanisms in CO2 EOR

Viscosity Reduction
Crude Vaporization
CO2 Condensation and Extraction
The ability of two or more substances to form a single
homogeneous phase when mixed in all proportions!without
existence of an interface

MMP depends on crude oil composition and reservoir conditions,
and is typically determined using slim tube tests.

Source: (Bui 2010).
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Minimum Miscibility Pressure (MMP)

MMP depends on crude oil composition and reservoir conditions.
MMP is typically determined using slim tube tests.
MMP is defined as the pressure at which 90% of OOIP is recovered at 1.2
HCPV of CO2 injection.

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2.19 Billion bbl cumulative production
Bottom-water drive mechanism
More than 90% of the wells produce with
a rate of less than 5 bbl/day
The average reservoir pressure is 1150
The average reservoir temperature is
110 F

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Arbuckle reservoirs rock and fluid properties

Depth, ft 3950-4060
Average Temperature, F 110
Pressure, psia 1150
Porosity, % 21.3
Permeability, md 2.5 mD Dolomite
Oil Gravity, API 33.34
Viscosity @ 14.7psi & 60 F, cp 13.4
Residual Oil Saturation after Waterflood
for dolomite cores, %
C36+ MW, g/mol 873.24
C36+ Density @ 14.7 psi & 60 F, g/cc 0.9978
Source: (Bui 2010).
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Source: (Bui 2010).
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Oil fields in Kansas offer 2 billion barrels of
oil recoverable by CO2 EOR
Wellington field is located in South Kansas,
Sumner County
Production from the field started in 1929
Water flooding plan started in 1950s
The field produces with a very high water
cut, 99%
The multi-disciplinary research funded by
DOE and industrial partner to investigate
CO2 EOR and storage in 5 oil fields in
Injection of 30,000 metric tons of CO2 into
Mississippian reservoir
Injection of 70,000 metric tons of CO2 into
Arbuckle saline aquifer, Oct. 2011
main sources of CO2 in Kansas are coal-
fired power plants (Jeffery Energy Center
1857 MW, Lawrence Energy Center
600MW), refineries (Coffeyville, El Dorado,
McPherson), ethanol plants.
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Currently 282,000 barrels of incremental oil is produced per
day due to CO2 EOR activities
Most of the CO2 supply for EOR projects comes from natural
sources in Colorado, New Mexico, and Mississippi.
Over 3,500 miles of CO2 pipelines transport the CO2 from
natural and industrial sources to the oil fields.
The single largest expense in CO2 EOR in the first 10 years of
operation are CO2 purchases.
CO2 purchase accounts for 68% of total costs of CO2 EOR
The average amount of required CO2 per barrel of recovered
oil is 6-7 MCF/STB.
Miscible CO2 floods have higher utilization efficiency than
immiscible floods.

With the rapid decline of natural CO2 sources, future success
of CO2 EOR projects depend on the CO2 captured from
industrial sources.
The key element in Kansas CO2 EOR projects is the CO2
capture from the industrial sources.
Arbuckle saline aquifer with a thickness of 600-1000 ft provides
a good geological sink for long term CO2 storage
CO2 sequestration capacity in Arbuckle group is between
1.1-3.8 billion metric tones.
The Mississippian oil field and underlying Arbuckle saline
aquifer is an excellent candidate for CO2 EOR/Storage which
minimizes the uncertainty and risk in the project.
The future of CO2 EOR and capture in Kansas are intertwined.

1. Ezekwe, Nnaemeka. Petroleum Reservoir Engineering
Practice: Pearson Education, 2010.
2. Bui, Ly H. "Near Miscible CO2 Application to Improve Oil
Recovery." (2010).

Thank you for your attention

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