Photocatalytic Tio Thin Film Deposited Onto Glass by DC Magnetron Sputtering
Photocatalytic Tio Thin Film Deposited Onto Glass by DC Magnetron Sputtering
Photocatalytic Tio Thin Film Deposited Onto Glass by DC Magnetron Sputtering
tracer O gas were performed. The SIMS is widely
used in various elds such as semiconductors to obtain
detailed information for in-depth distribution of impu-
rities or dopants in the materials because of its excel-
lent sensitivity and high-depth resolution compared
with XPS. In this analysis, the lms were heat-treated
at 500C for 1 h in
O rN s1r4 atmosphere, and
2 2
thereafter the amount of incorporated
O was mea-
sured by SIMS PHI Adept1010 . The Cs primary ion
beam was operated at 5 keV, 200 nA and rastered on
the area of 300=300 m
. The angle of incidence was
60 to the normal of the sample surface. The charge
neutralization was accomplished using an electron ood
The electronic structure of the lms was calculated
using a rst-principle calculation method based on the
w x
density functional theory 15,16 . The calculations were
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performed using VASP programs 1720 . Two types of
oxygen vacancy in anatase TiO were simulated by
2=2=1 supercell model containing 48 atoms. One
was that a single oxygen atom was removed from a Ti
anions O , and the photo-generated holes react with
water to produce hydroxyl OH radicals. These reac-
tive radicals then work together to decompose organic
materials. If an energy level is present at the band-gap,
the photo-generated electrons and holes are con-
sidered to be recombinated. Consequently, the
probability of the formation of O
and OH radicals
decreases, leading to the decrease in photocatalytic
Taking this into consideration, the formation of some
energy levels around the mid-gap, as shown in Fig. 7c,
can cause the decrease in photocatalytic activity be-
cause they can work as recombination centers of
photo-generated holes and electrons. The change in
coordination structure of Ti is induced by the structural
defects associated with oxygen vacancies. Namely, there
is a possibility that the sputtered TiO thin lm has
many more structural defects associated with oxygen
vacancies than a perfect crystal, resulting in the de-
crease in the coordination numbers of oxygen around a
Ti atom. Therefore, it is important to decrease the
structural defects associated with oxygen vacancies in
the lm for improving the photocatalytic activity.
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Takeuchi 24 reported that the structural defects asso-
ciated with oxygen vacancies of the sputtered TiO lm
decreased with increasing the oxygen concentration in
the sputtering gas. This result suggests that controlling
the oxygen concentration during the sputtering process
is a key parameter for improving the photocatalytic
Furthermore, the decomposition ability of CH CHO
is higher for the crystallized lm than that of the
amorphous lm, as shown in Figs. 2 and 5. It is known
that there are some energy levels at the band-gap for
the amorphous lm because of its structural disorder.
This means that the photo-generated electrons and
holes are recombinated, as mentioned above. Conse-
quently, the photocatalytic activity of the amorphous
lm decreases compared with that of the crystallized
lm. In addition, the crystalline structure of the crystal-
lized lm is found to be the anatase form. The anatase
form is known to exhibit excellent photocatalytic activ-
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ity compared with the rutile form 25 . Namely, the
formation of anatase form is also important for improv-
ing the photocatalytic activity of the lm.
5. Conclusions
A photocatalytic TiO thin lm with high mechanical
durability and transparency in the visible region has
successfully been obtained by reactive DC magnetron
sputtering. The lm showed good uniformity of thick-
ness over a large area with the optical transmittance of
;80% in the visible region. The mechanical durability
of the lm was much higher than that of solgel-
derived TiO thin lms. The photocatalytic activity of
the lm was almost the same as that of the solgel
lms. The lm was characterized by various analytical
methods. The electronic structure of the lm was also
calculated using a rst-principle calculation method. It
was found that the structural defects associated with
the oxygen vacancies and the crystalline structure
played an important role for the photocatalytic perfor-
mance of the lms. Therefore, controlling these factors
is important for improving the photocatalytic activity of
the lms.
( ) S. Takeda et al. rThin Solid Films 392 2001 338344 344
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