Catarct Sinilis
Catarct Sinilis
Catarct Sinilis
Resultados clnicos na facoemulsificao utilizando a frmula SRK/T
Trabalho realizado no Departamento de Oftalmologia
da Universidade Federal de So Paulo - UNIFESP - So
Paulo (SP) - Brazil.
Department of Ophthalmology - Universidade Federal
de So Paulo - UNIFESP - So Paulo (SP) - Brazil.
Substitute Adjunct Professor, Posgraduation Profes-
sor at the Department of Ophthalmology of UNIFESP -
So Paulo (SP) - Brazil.
Department of Ophthalmology of UNIFESP - So Paulo
(SP) - Brazil.
Department of Ophthalmology of UNIFESP - So Paulo
(SP) - Brazil.
Department of Ophthalmology of UNIFESP - So Paulo
(SP) - Brazil.
Department of Ophthalmology of UNIFESP - So Paulo
(SP) - Brazil.
Department of Ophthalmology of UNIFESP - So Paulo
(SP) - Brazil.
Department of Ophthalmology of UNIFESP - So Paulo
(SP) - Brazil.
Address for correspondence: Juliana M. S. Lagrasta.
Rua Botucatu, 822 - So Paulo (SP) CEP 04023-062
E-mail: [email protected]
Recebido para publicao em 23.04.2008
ltima verso recebida em 16.12.2008
Aprovao em 28.01.2009
Nota Editorial: Depois de concluda a anlise do artigo
sob sigilo editorial e com a anuncia do Dr. Wagner
Zacharias sobre a divulgao de seu nome como revisor,
agradecemos sua participao neste processo.
Juliana Marques de Souza Lagrasta
Norma Allemann
Luciana Scapucin
Cecilia Tobias de Aguiar Moeller
Lilian Emi Ohkawara
Luiz Alberto Soares Melo Jr.
Eduardo Sone Soriano
Fabio Henrique Casanova
Clinical results in phacoemulsification using
the SRK/T formula
Keywords: Biometry; Cataract extraction; Lens implantation, Intraocular/methods; Lens
diseases; Phacoemulsification; Refractive errors/surgery; Refraction, ocular
Purpose: To evaluate the prediction of refraction using the SRK/T
formula for intraocular lens (IOL) calculation in eyes with medium axial
length after phacoemulsification. Methods: This prospective study
enrolled 33 eyes with nuclear cataract that underwent phacoemulsi-
fication. All procedures were performed by one surgeon with the
intraocular lens placed within the capsular bag. The same technician who
was unaware of the purpose of the study made all the measurements. The
achieved refractive error one month after surgery was compared to the
predicted postoperative refractive error by the SRK/T formula. Results:
The ocular axial length varied between 22.2 mm and 24.5 mm. The mean
predicted refraction was -0.431 0.181 D and the mean achieved
postoperative spherical equivalent was -0.220 0.732 D. Eighteen eyes
(55%) had a refractive error between 0.50 D and thirty eyes (91%)
between 1.00 D of the predicted refraction. There was a tendency
toward hyperopic shift (mean SD: 0.211 0.708 D, p=0.009). Conclusion:
The SRK/T formula demonstrated a satisfactory accuracy to calculate
the error of refraction in eyes with medium axial length.
Intraocular lens (IOL) power calculation formulas have evolved over the
past 25 years. The most recent formulas (third and fourth generation) are
the most useful and precise
. These formulas vary with anterior chamber
depth (ACD), axial length (AL) and corneal curvature. Third-generation
formulas such as Holladay 1, Hoffer Q and SRK/T use constants associated
with the expected position of the IOL. Holladay uses the surgeon factor,
the distance from the iris plane to the IOLs plane; Haigis uses 3 constants
for better Effective Lens Position (ELP) prediction; Hoffer Q uses the ACD
constant, average distance between the power plane of the cornea and that
of the IOL; and SRK/T uses the A-constant to calculate the ACD, using the
retinal thickness and corneal refractive index
Prediction accuracy depends on three factors: accuracy of the biometric
data (axial length and keratometry readings), accuracy of manufactured IOL
power quality control and accuracy of the IOL power formulas
Several previous published studies reported accuracy of 1.00 diopter
(D) after cataract surgery using phacoemulsification technique that varies
from 80 to 94.8%, depending on the AL and the IOL power calculation
72(2)10.pmd 15/4/2009, 10:10 189
190 Clinical results in phacoemulsification using the SRK/T formula
Arq Bras Oftalmol. 2009;72(2):189-93
After introduction of phacoemulsification with small in-
cision techniques, minimizing cylindrical error
, and con-
tinuous curvilinear capsulorhexis technique, that allows better
IOL capsular fixation and more predictable ELP
, the correct
IOL power became a crucial step for good refractive outcome
in the preoperative examination of cataract surgery.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prediction
of postoperative refraction using the SRK/T formula in pha-
coemulsification in eyes with medium AL.
This prospective non-comparative study comprised 33
eyes of 33 consecutive patients with senile cataract who un-
derwent phacoemulsification and in-the-bag IOL implantation
between August and October 2002. Informed consent was
obtained from all patients and the study protocol was appro-
ved by the Ethics and Research Committee of the Federal
University of So Paulo - Paulista School of Medicine.
Inclusion criteria were age between 50 and 90 years, nu-
clear cataract greater than 2.5 based on the Lens Opacities
Classification System III (LOCS III)
, and axial length
between 21.5 and 24.5 mm. Exclusion criteria were the pre-
sence of associated ocular pathologies, monocular patients,
and intraoperative or postoperative complications.
Before surgery, simulated keratometry was obtained from
corneal topography using axial map (EyeSys Technologies,
Houston, TX, USA), and the axial length was recorded as the
average of five readings taken using a 10 MHz A-scan ultra-
sound transducer (Zeiss Humphrey, Dublin, CA, USA) with
contact technique under topical anesthesia with 0.5% proxy-
metacaine chlorhydrate. SRK/T formula was chosen to predict
the IOL power. All examinations were performed by the same
examiner who was unaware of the purpose of the study.
All patients had standardized uneventful small-incision
phacoemulsification with in-the-bag IOL implantation perfor-
med by a single surgeon (FHC). Phacoemulsification was per-
formed using 20000 Legacy