Electronic Report - Power Amplification
Electronic Report - Power Amplification
Electronic Report - Power Amplification
Power Amplification
Luan Vieira Mendes (SID 43409695)
ELEC376 Engineering Unit
Macquarie University NSW 2019 Australia
E-mail: [email protected]
16 May 2014
Abstract it is described in this report the process of
understanding the operation test of a power amplifier.
The aim of this laboratory exercise was to test the
operation of a power amplifier. The sources used in order to do
this report were those in the iLearn portal, Microelectronics
book by Sedra and Smith, and some articles found on Google
Scholar. It will be described in this report the process of
understanding the circuit, analyzing each step such as the class
A, B, C and AB amplifier.
The knowledge required in order to be capable of
understanding the circuit, and obtained by analyzing the
simulation circuit as well as the results of the simulation is
separated in two parts which are outlined below.
o Large Signal Amplifier and clipping limits
o Bias Power, Class A, B, and C
o Output power
o Efficiency
o Class AB bias
o Push-pull amplifier efficiency
o Cross-over distortion
o Feedback linearisation
o AWR simulation software
An amplifier consists of signal pick-up transducer in
which, it is followed by a signal amplifier, a large signal
amplifier and an output transducer [1]. Basically, the function
of a power amplifier is to raise the power level of an input
signal. The main objective of a power amplifier is to obtain in
the output a large signal when a small signal is applied as input.
Despite the name, power amplifier does not amplifier power, it
simply draws power from DC supply connected to the output
circuit and converts it into useful signal AC power. The type of
AC power available at the output terminals of the power
amplifier is controlled by the input signal [2]. To conclude, a
power amplifier may be defined as a device that converts dc
power and whose action is controlled by an input signal.
Power amplifiers can be divided in two devices, which
are audio-power amplifiers and radio-power amplifiers. The
difference between them is that the audio-power amplifier
raises the power level of signals that have audio-frequency
range between 20Hz and 20kHz, whereas radio-power
amplifiers raises the power level of signals that have radio
frequency range. They amplify a specific frequency of a narrow
band of frequencies while rejecting all other frequencies. The
first one is also called as small signal power amplifier, and
another one is known as large signal power amplifier. There are
5 types of amplifier classifications. They are Class A, Class B,
Class AB, Class C, and Class D. This classification depends on
the amount of transistor bias and amplitude of an input signal.
It is also considered, the portion of the cycle for which the
transistor conducts.
To understand the entire circuit of a power amplifier
is needed that the knowledge of each classification has been
acquired successfully, and for that it will be resumed in this
report what was necessary to understand the practical
simulation circuit.
In a Class A amplifier, transistor is so biased that the
output current flows for the entire cycle of the input signal.
Hence, the operation point is selected in order to the transistor
operates only over the linear region of its load line [3]. As the
transistor just operates on the linear region, the output
waveform does not change, that is the input and the output
waveform are the same. Despite of maintaining the waveform,
and operating on a liner region, the maximum efficiency of a
class A amplifier loaded is 50%. A Class A amplifier example
can be seen in the fig. 2.
Figure 1 - Class A amplifier example
In the case of a Class B amplifier, the output current
only flows during the positive half cycle of the input signal. At
the zero signal the bias current is zero and no biasing system is
required in class B amplifiers. The operation point is chosen in
order to the transistor be cut-off. Due to the total absence of the
negative half cycle of a Class B amplifier, the signal distortion
is high. The power dissipation and the average current is less
than when compared to a Class A amplifier, therefore the
theoretical efficiency is higher. It leads to 78.5% at maximum.
A Class B amplifier is shown in the fig. 3.
Figure 2 - Class B amplifier example
An amplifier needs to be biased at a dc level above the
zero base current level of class B amplifiers and above one-half
the supply voltage level of class A amplifiers. This condition is
used in a Class AB amplifier. For the Class AB amplifier, the
operation swing considered is between 180 degree and 360
degree and it is not either Class A or Class B operation [4]. A
Class AB amplifier example can be seen in the fig. 4.
Figure 3 - Class AB amplifier example
In the case of a Class C amplifier, it is biased for
operation in the above 180 degrees of the input signal cycle. It
just operates with a tuned or resonant circuit which provides a
full cycle of operation for the tuned or resonant frequency. It is
considered effective for short pulses and its efficiency is
approximately between 80 and 90%.
This type of amplifier is designed to operate with
digital or pulse type signals. It is not our focus in this practical,
therefore it just need to be known that the advantage of this
amplifier is it is on only for short intervals and the overall
efficiency can be practically be very high above 90 degree.
It has been achieved the necessary knowledge in order
to start the understanding of the practical simulation circuit.
The power amplifier shown in the fig. 5, which is the
simulation one, is a combination of many configurations
amplifiers. Class A, Class B, and Class AB amplifiers are used
in the circuit to treat the entire input signal in order that the
efficiency be high with the minimum distortion possible. For
that, as it can be seen in the fig. 6, Class AB amplifier
configuration is used where it is highlighted and its function is
to treat the signal where neither the Class A nor Class B
operation signal swing is considered. That is, from 180 to 360
degree. It also can be seen the Class A, and Class B
configuration in the circuit simulation where they are
highlighted in the fig. 6. As it has been explained, the Class A
and the Class B treats the other parts of the signal as the positive
half cycle and the negative half cycle.
Figure 5 - Simulation circuit
The efficiency of an amplifier depends on the output
power and the input power. Theoretically, a perfect amplifier
would have an efficiency of 100%, however, it is impossible.
As maximum the efficiency of amplifier is, and as the
minimum of distortion as well as the frequency range if it is an
audio amplifier, better it is.
It has been said that the efficiency is the power out
over power in, hence, it has been calculated the simulation
amplifier efficiency. As is was known the voltage, current and
the power, it was possible to obtain the approximately
efficiency by using the simulation. It has been obtained an
efficiency of 80~90%, which it is a high value. Therefore, the
amplifier is considerable very effective and a good one. It can
be seen on the fig. 6 the graph of the IF input and the RF output
of the amplifier.
Figure 6 - Input x output
In addition, it has been obtained the frequency
response graph, which shows the Vin and Vout versus the
frequency. It is shown on the fig. 7.
Figure 7 - Frequency response
The process of understanding the circuit was
challenged due to the changes that it was done in order to
discover how each component works. The first step was to
analyzer all the graphs and so change the circuit and add some
measurements and graphs to see how it would change. Some
transistors have been deleted for that and some graphs and
measurements were obtained. One of the most important
changes that it has been highlighted is the graph of the
fundamental and harmonics. It can be seen on the fig. 8 the
graph of the signal with some harmonics.
Figure 8 - Fundamental and harmonics
It can be concluded that in this practical, it has been
acquired the knowledge of the operation of a power amplifier
by analyzing its simulation circuit. The graphs obtained in the
simulation was fundamental to understand how the amplifier
works as each configuration. To achieve the full understanding
of the circuit and the graphs, it was necessary to change some
values and configurations. For instance, obtaining the output in
another place, changing the value of resistors and capacitors as
well as the frequency on the sources. In addition, it has to be
highlighted that the amplifier analyzed has a high efficiency
value which is considerable a pretty good one. The efficiency
found was about 80~90% by using the simulation data in order
to be capable of doing the calculus.
[1] Texas Instruments, Audio power amplifiers, viewed in 14 June
[2] B. Carlos, Power amplifiers, viewed in 14 June 2014.
[3] Principle of electronics, Power amplifiers Chapter19, viewed
in 14 June 2014.
[4] E. Ferdinand, The efficiency of an amplifier viewed in 14 June