3 Day Sample

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Sample 3-Day Individual Meal Plan

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Chai Oatmeal Breakfast Potato Tacos Berry Berry Quinoa
Moroccan Lentil Soup
1 Sweet Potato
Jalapeno Hummus Lentil Pear Sala!
Smashe! "hite Bean
#oaste! #e! Pepper "rap
$ cups %roccoli
Spicy Peanut &oo!les Leftover
Moroccan Lentil Soup
Crackers or Toast
1 cup %lue%erries ' %anana
(free)e it*+
' cup applesauce
(warm it*+
with cinnamon
1 %ell pepper, slice!
1 tomato with salt an!
1 cup %roccoli
' cup %lue%erries
1 -rapefruit
1 cup %roccoli
*meal plans start at 1,200 calories, but can easily be adjusted to fit your unique needs
Breakfast Recipes
hai !atmeal | serves 1 (SF)(F)
1 c!ai tea ba" (or fruit#flavored !erbal tea)
$ cup rolled oats (uncoo%ed)
1 tsp pump%in pie spice (or cinnamon)
1 tbsp pure maple syrup
$ banana, sliced
& cup blueberries (fres! or fro'en)
Steep tea ba" in ( to 1 cup !ot )ater for *#+ minutes, -iscard tea ba" coo% oats in tea, alon"
)it! spices and fro'en berries, .nce oatmeal is coo%ed and your fro'en fruit !as )armed, add
banana slices, dri''le maple over top and serve, Per serving: 282 calories, 3.2g fat, 60g
carbohydrates, 7.2g fiber, 22.2g sugars, 6.4g protein
"eed m#re cal#ries #r $ulk% /dd a side s)eet potato or more fruit,
Breakfast P#tat# &ac#s | serves 1 (SF)(F)
1 potato
2 corn tortillas
1 "reen onion, sliced
$ cup salsa
!ot sauce
1 tbsp corn (t!a)ed, if usin" fro'en)
0a%e, steam or micro)ave potato, Smas! coo%ed potato in a bo)l, addin" salt and blac% pepper if
desired, Spoon potato onto tortillas, 1op )it! salsa, "reen onion slices, and corn, t!en dri''le
"enerously )it! !ot sauce, /lternatively, combine smas!ed potato )it! salt and pepper, salsa and
!ot sauce, t!en put mi2ture in tortillas )it! "reen onion on top or mi2ed in, Per serving: 286
calories, .!g fat, 62.7g carbohydrates, !.6g fiber, 6.7g sugars, 8.8g protein
"eed m#re cal#ries #r $ulk% /dd e2tra corn, beans or spinac!, Prep' 3oo% potato a!ead,
Berry Berry (uin#a " serves 1 (SF)(F)
& cup quinoa (uncoo%ed)
1 cup blueberries
4 stra)berries, sliced (t!a)ed, if usin" fro'en)
& tsp "round cinnamon
1 tsp a"ave, maple or !oney
5i2 quinoa )it! $ cup )ater (if usin" fro'en berries, add t!em too plus an e2tra splas! of )ater),
3over, brin" to a boil t!en reduce to lo) and simmer for 16 minutes, or until quinoa is fluffy, fully
coo%ed and )ater evaporated, about 16 minutes, 5i2 )it! remainin" in"redients, dri''lin" syrup
over top,
Per serving: 283 calories, 3.2g fat, 60.3g carbohydrates, 8.#g fiber, 24.!g sugars, 7.4g protein
"#te' 7ou can substitute 1 sli"!tly !eapin" cup fro'en mi2ed berries or 1 cup blac%berries
"eed m#re cal#ries #r $ulk% /dd more quinoa (and )ater) and fruit,
Prep' 8uinoa can be made a!ead, 5icro)ave for a fe) seconds to )arm it up, t!en add toppin"s,
Lunch Recipes
M#r#ccan Lentil S#up | serves 2 (SF)(F)
1 onion, diced
2 "arlic cloves, minced
* cups lo) sodium ve"etable brot!
$ cup red lentils (uncoo%ed)
1+ o' diced tomatoes (canned)
$ cup carrots, sliced (92 re"ular carrots)
$ cup celery stal%s, sliced
1 tsp "aram masala
1 tsp papri%a
1 tsp "round "in"er
$ tsp "round cumin
$ tsp "round cinnamon
$ tsp mild curry po)der

:ine a medium pot )it! a t!in layer of )ater, .ver !i"! !eat, saut; onions and "arlic until )ater
!as absorbed, about * minutes, /dd remainin" in"redients and brin" to a boil, 3ontinue to coo%
about 16 minutes, or until lentils are fully coo%ed (t!ey !ave e2panded and are oran"e), /dd salt
to taste, 1ransfer 1<2 of soup to blender and puree or use an immersion blender and puree until
smoot!, =eturn to pot and mi2 )it! remainin" soup, 1urn off !eat, cover and let rest 6#10
minutes, allo)in" flavors to mer"e before servin", Per serving: 28 calories, .#g fat, #4.#g
carbohydrates, 20.3g fiber, 2.g sugars, #.8g protein
"eed m#re cal#ries #r $ulk% /dd a side salad, crac%ers, or a side of "rains, Prep' 3oo% a!ead,
)alapen# *ummus | serves 2 (SF)(F)
16 o' c!ic%peas (canned)(drained and rinsed)
cilantro (optional)
$ jalapeno pepper, coarsely c!opped (or 1#2 tbsp canned jalapenos)
lemon or lime (juice and 'est)
1 small "arlic clove
& tsp "round cumin
& tsp mild curry po)der
& cup lo) sodium ve"etable brot!
ta!ini (optional)
red pepper fla%es (optional)
ve"etables or crac%ers for dippin"
3ombine c!ic%peas, cilantro (> use 2 tbsp#$ cup), jalapeno, juice of t!e lemon or lime (!alf or
less if it?s bi") plus a tiny pinc! of 'est, "arlic, cumin and curry in a food processor and blend until
you !ave smoot! and creamy !ummus, addin" ve"etable brot! as needed, (7ou can also add
ta!ini to taste if you li%e ta!ini in your !ummus), 1aste, addin" more cilantro, lime or lemon,
cumin, curry or ta!ini to taste, 3an also add salt or pepper if desired, arnis! )it! red pepper
fla%es, or a das! of !ot sauce, if desired, Per serving: 234 calories, .8g fat, 38.4g carbohydrates,
!g fiber, 2.#g protein
"eed m#re cal#ries #r $ulk% /dd a side salad or potato, Prep' 5a%e a!ead,
Lentil + Pear Salad | serves 1 (SF)(F) **you?ll ma%e t!is t)ice t!is )ee%,
+ cups salad mi2 (i,e, sprin" mi2) (about 1 ba")
1 pear, sliced or diced
1 cup lentils (coo%ed)
* tbsp fat#free balsamic or raspberry vinai"rette dressin" (+6 calories )ort!)
& red onion (optional), sliced t!in
>n a bo)l, top salad mi2 )it! pear slices and lentils, t!en dri''le )it! dressin", Per serving: 382
calories, .2g fat, 77.2g carbohydrates, 22.6g fiber, 32g sugars, 20.4g protein
"eed m#re cal#ries #r $ulk% /dd more ve"etables, a side potato or coo%ed "rains to t!e salad,
Prep' 3oo% lentils a!ead (or buy premade), Store components separately and assemble )it!
dressin" just before eatin" or ma%e a salad jar (storin" dressin" separate), See blo" post about
salad jars on "etmealplans,com,
Dinner Recipes
Smashed ,hite Bean + R#asted Red Pepper ,rap | serves 1 (SF)(F)
1 )!ole#)!eat or bro)n rice tortilla (or 2 corn tortillas)
1 roasted red bell pepper (in )ater not oil), sliced
1 cup spinac! (or lettuce)
( cup )!ite beans (canned)
& red onion, sliced
2 o' "uacamole (or & avocado) (or :F option)
5as! beans and mi2 )it! salt and pepper, and "uacamole (or save avocado or "uacamole for on
top), Spread beans on one slide of t!e )rap, top )it! spinac!, red bell pepper, red onion, and
"uacamole t!en roll into a )rap, Per serving: 386 calories, !g fat, 62.!g carbohydrates, !.4g
fiber, 4.#g sugars, 6g protein
L#-er .at' =eplace "uacamole )it! * $ tbsp !ummus or * cups broccoli or ( cup peas,
"eed m#re cal#ries #r $ulk% /dd a side salad, eat )it! crac%ers, or a side of "rains,
Prep' 3oo% a!ead and re!eat in micro)ave or on stove top,
Spicy Peanut "##dles | serves 1 (SF)(F) $%dapted fro& 'udget'ytes
+ o', @oodles (suc! as Aad 1!ai, but lin"uine also )or%s)
2 tbsp peanut butter
& tsp red pepper fla%es
1 tbsp bro)n su"ar
1 tbsp lo) sodium soy sauce, tamari (F) or coconut aminos (SF)
Srirac!a (or ot!er /sian !ot sauce), to taste
& to $ cup cilantro
1#2 "reen onions, sliced
3oo% noodles accordin" to pac%a"e instructions, t!en drain and rinse )it! cool )ater so noodles
are still )arm but not lava !ot, 5ean)!ile, )!is% peanut butter )it! 1#2 tbsp !ot )ater, red
pepper fla%es, su"ar, soy sauce and !ot sauce (start )it! 1 tsp, addin" to taste), Aour peanut
sauce over noodles, stirrin" to coat noodles, /dd cilantro and "reen onions before servin", plus
more Srirac!a if desired, Per serving: 4 calories, 8.6g fat, 4!.6g carbohydrates, 4g fiber,
2.!g sugars, 4.#g protein
L#-er .at' .mit peanut butter, su"ar and soy sauce, /dd teriya%i sauce (*#+ tbsp) plus 2 cups
man"o or pineapple,
"eed m#re cal#ries #r $ulk% /dd a !ealt!y side of steamed ve"etables li%e broccoli, or mi2 inB
Prep' 3oo% noodles a!ead or ma%e entire dis! a!ead and re!eat,
Make /head ,#rksheet
0Prep the f#ll#-in1 #n Sunday2
(eals that can be &ade ahead:
5oroccan :entil Soup
Calapeno Dummus
Aeanut @oodles (or just prep noodles)
Arep a!eadE
3oo% potatoes (1 re"ular, 2 s)eet potatoes)
>f ma%in" from scratc! (not buyin" canned)E
)!ite beans
Sh#ppin1 List
*#-ay >ndividual Alan Sample
Dry 3##ds + Breads
corn tortillas 2 (free'e leftovers)
noodles (uncoo%ed) (i,e, Aad 1!ai) + o'
red lentils (uncoo%ed) $ cup
rolled oats (uncoo%ed) $ cup
FF or F crac%ers (or toast)
FF or F tortilla (or 2 more corn tortillas)
quinoa (uncoo%ed) & cup
banana 1
blueberries (fres! or fro'en) 1& cup
broccoli (fres! or fro'en) 2 cups (9G o')
carrots 2
celery stal%s +
corn (fro'en)
"arlic cloves
"uacamole 2 o' (free'e leftovers) or avocado
"reen onions 1 bunc!
jalapeno pepper (or canned jalapeno)
onion 1
red onion 1
pear 1
potatoes 1 (s)eet potatoes) 2
salad mi2 (or ot!er) + cups
spinac! (or ot!er) 1 cup
stra)berries 4
ve""ies for dippin" (optional, or crac%ers)
anned 3##ds
c!ic%peas (16 o' can) 1
diced tomatoes (1+ o' can) 1
lentils (coo%ed) 1 cup (about $ cup uncoo%ed)
)!ite beans (i,e, @avy) (16 o' can) 1
pump%in pie spice (or cinnamon), "aram masala,
papri%a, "round "in"er, "round cumin, "round
cinnamon, mild curry po)der, red pepper fla%es,

fat#free balsamic vinai"rette or balsamic vine"ar
!ot sauce (i,e, 3!olula)
!ot sauce, /sian (i,e, Srirac!a)
salsa $ cup (9+ o')
In 4#ur Pantry
c!ai tea ba" (or fruit#flavored !erbal tea) 1
li"!t bro)n su"ar, bro)n su"ar, or ra) su"ar
lo) sodium ve"etable brot! * & cups
peanut butter
pure maple syrup (or a"ave or !oney)
roasted red bell pepper (in )ater not oil) 1
soy sauce, tamari (F) or coconut aminos (SF)
ta!ini (optional)
FF H )!ole#)!eat | F H "luten#free
5L#-er .at' Rem#ve peanut butter, su"ar, soy
sauce, "uacamole, /dd' teriya%i sauce, 2 cups
pineapple or man"oI !ummus or * cups broccoli
or ( cup peas,
Snacks + Desserts (not included in above list
but included in 1,200 calories bud"et)
1 $ cup blueberries (fres! or fro'en) (9J,6 o'),
1 bell pepper, 1 tomato, 2 cups broccoli (fres! or
fro'en) (9J o'), 1 "rapefruit, 1 pear, applesauce,

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