N4H7 APC Machine Report #M491029 After Reconditioning-1

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Annexure - 1

Makino Scope of work: Machine Health After recondition

Customer: Tata Motors Ltd CVBU ,Truck Plant
Make : NTC
Machine Model : N4H7 APC
Serial No : M491029

# M491029
Remarks / Detail of parts to be
Sl no Unit Checking / measuring unit Explanation Remarks
status replaced/ adjusted
Checked & Found leveling error of 0.002 micron for the full travel of X
data axis ( When Y & z axis is kept at the
Machine levelling, OK
center of its stroke length & 0.004 in Z axis
direction when z axis moved to full stroke.
recorded in
Checked &
data 1 Found 3 micron in X direction & 3 micron in Z direction for
Spindle head levelling Ok
recorded complete stroke

Home position setting of X Y Z axes Done ------ OK

Measurement of Inline alignment of X axis Back lash is found of 18 r
Detailed report is attached
center & Table center seconds
a) Negative direction to home position & Checked & NC Index Table Make
Back lash found is of 18 seconds and index accuracy is :Sudokama Model :
positive direction to home position
30 seconds in birectionally rotation. RT# 246,A Serial No.
in rapid mode adjusted 037121

1 Main Machine b) by indexing the table (0-180 deg &

90 -270 deg)
1 Main Machine

Found squareness XY=8 micron, YZ=4 micron, XZ=10 micron,

Pallet run out =5 micron for pallet B and 3 microns for pallet A.,
Pallet top surface parrallel to X direction = 10 microns, Pallet top
surface parallel to Z direction =8 microns . Table edge locator
Checked & parallelsim with respect to X axis movememt = 0.004 mm .
Static Accuracy measurement (as per Spindle parellesim in XZ = 8 microns and YZ =10 microns .
data Straightness of axes X axis in XY - 8 microns,XZ- 7 microns,
the test chart)
recorded Straightness of Z axis ZY - 8 microns and ZX - 7 microns.
Straightness of Y axis in YX - 10 microns and YZ - 2 microns
Spindle run out at 300mm lengh mandril found 10 microns and at
nose found 2 microns.And table fltaness found YX - 4 microns and
YZ - 6 microns
Need to replace the same for every 500 hours of machine
2 Spindle Spindle Rod Seal (C1 1028 V3664) Parkar Checked As a PM activity. Needs to replace the seals.
Found spindle taper in good condition by comparing blue
Check & clean the Spindle Taper, Checked OK
match check
Checked &
data Found 0.34mm of tool knock out during spindle unclamp
Tool Knock out measurement Ok
recorded state

Checked &
data Found 40 microns displacement of spindle shaft during
Spindle knock out measurement Ok
recorded unclamp
Spindle taper blue match check Checked Found 80% of spindle taper seating by blue matching OK
Checked &
Spindle axial play check data Found zero micron play in spindle axial direction OK
Checked &
Spindle radial play check data Found 4 micron of spindle radial play Ok
Checked & Found 10 micron run out at 300 mm length of testbar,
Spindle run out check - at 300mm length of data 2 micron at near nose, 1 micron at inside taper & 1 Ok
test bar, near nose and at spindle taper recorded micron at spindle face
Checked &
data Recommended is 18.5
Needs to replace the
Tool clamping force measurement recorded Found 7.5 KN KN So needs to replace
disc springs after trials.
the Draw bar assembly

Checked &
data Found Max. 0.878 microns in X plane & Max. 2.8 microns
Spindle vibration measurement OK
recorded in Y plane
2 Spindle
Checked &
Spindle no load measurement data Found Max.load 7% at 8000 rpm OK
Checked &
Found max. difference of 3 rpm during spindle running at
Spindle speed verification with command speed data OK
recorded 8000 rpm

Checked &
data Adjusted to within 35 microns as against earlier 100
Spindle orientation measurement Ok
recorded microns
Spindle Bearing lubrication function check Checked Found 1 drop of oil for every 15 second Ok
Recommended is 0.2 Mpa
Micron Lube air pressure Checked Found 0.2 Mpa
and is ok
Micron Lube manifold pressure Checked Found 0.04Mpa Recommended is 0.1 Mpa

But required it should be Needs to discuss with the

Check spindle air seal/curtain pressure Checked Found spindle air seal/curtain pressure 0.1Mpa (1 bar) 0.02 Mpa needs to Maintenance for any
adjust. reason behind increasing
the pressure
Check air supply to spindle taper clean Checked Found ok
Check the funtioning of the STC and air. Checked Found working ok needs to set the required preesure. Ok
Checked and
data Foun max of 42 degree celcius when run the spindle up to Needs to get testing Data
Spindle temperature check recorded 8000rpm insteps of 500 for about 90min from NTC.

Spindle head mounting screws tightness

Checked Found ok
confirmation with specified torque
Lub Oil pressure Checked Adjusted to 16 bar Recommended 16 bar
Checked All ball screws and LM guides checked oil is reaching the OK. Checked at Ball
Feed axis oiling
3 Feed Axis points. screw & LM blocks
Check the tightness of Motor mounting, coupling Checked Found ok

Check the tightness of column casting fixing bolts

on LM blocks with specified torque (X & Y Checked Found ok
axis casting)
Back lash measurement
a) by using MPG X and Z axes ball screws
b) by using MDI / Auto mode replaced from other
c) by Axis PUSH & PULL Method machine.
Found X axis - Maximum 6 microns, Y axis - Maximum 10 Y axis ball screw not
d) between ball nut & ball screw microns & Z axis - Maximum 12 microns replaced as laser reports
shows ok
But still some noise in the
e) between axis bearing assembly
Checked X axis - 4.3 microns ,Y
(laser axis 4.5 microns Z axis is
test) 14.2 microns .Positioning
Axis Repeatability Report is attached . accuracy for X axis 5.6
microns , Y axis 6.0
microns and Z axis 15
3 Feed Axis
Re pretension of Ball screw Done Done as per the NTC standards i.e of 120Nm torque. OK
Checked and
Observed X having 0.077 microns ,Y axis having 0.080
Ball screw linear play by Laser data OK
recorded microns and Z axis having 0.040 microns of linear play
checked Observed X and Z axis backlash . Done the pitch error X and Z axes ball screws
Pitch error check & compensation by using laser
(laser compensation for X ,Y and Z axis. replaced
(Ball 0.022 mm circularity observed as against the earlier
Circularity check by using Renishaw ballbar
bar test) 0.12mm
Replaced the end support bearings for X and Z axis from
Only In Y axis some noise
other machine. Also replaced the X axis 4 LM blocks of X
Check the noise of end support bearing is coming when run in
axis from the other machine as the backlash was high even
100% rapid.
after Ball screw and bearing replacement.

Check for any cooling oil leakage in the support Not

bearing assembly of ball screw Applicable
Found there is no scale for Z axis ,X axis scale is bypassed
,when made on alram is getting generated as #385 X axis scale needs to
Check the alignment of scale Checked
serial data error and Y axis scale is in ON be replaced
condition and is ok .
Check the condition of table cone Checked Found ok
Confirmation of all balls in the cones Checked Found ok
Check the tightness of Table casting fixing bolts
Checked Found ok
with specified torque
Servo error measure during table index

Checking by When tried to reduce the back lash by adjusting the worm So needs to replace the
NC Index Table Make
Auto shaft position the worm wheel movement getting tighten worm shaft assembly
B axis back lash measurement with table lift :Sudokama
collimeter and hence drawing more current. And the back lash is with the necessary parts
4 Index Table condition Model : RT# 246,A
and uneven throught the wheel ,found 18 r seconds after like bearings , O rings
Serial No. 037121
correcting adjustment with mechanical and parameter correction. and seals etc.

B axis back lash measurement with table clamp Checked

Found ok ( No movement )
Checked Edge locator parallelsim with respect to X axis movememt
Measure Pallet edge locator parallesim with
= 0.002 mm ( On small locator )and 0.004mm on big
X axis
locator ,
Check proper setting of the pressure switch Checked Found functioning ok
Index Table oil level check Checked Found table oil level is low and topped up Ok
Hydraulic pressure check Checked Found 60 bar pressure Ok
Checked Found external leakage in pressure gauges at hydraulic Needs to replace the
Hydraulic leakage check
5 Hydraulic stack near incoming air supply pressure gauges
Oil temperature measurement Checked Found 40 deg temperature on tank body, Ok
Hydraulic internal leakage check Checked Found oil is coimng to the drain line continously. Found OK
Coolant Chilling Cleaned the whole unit and checked the functioning of the
6 Check cooling/lubrication oil condition Found OK
unit checked same
Chip disposal /
7 cutting fluid Check air filter & condensor Checked Cleaned the whole coolant tank ,pumps and filters OK
8 ATC Magazine Check oil level Checked Toped up the oil level Ok
Checked Parts needs to be Parts are Springs,
Check the function back lash of the arm Found arm backlash of 2.0mm at stand by condition
replaced. Grippers key etc.
ATC arm gripper condition Checked Found wear & need to replace.

9 ATC arm
Removed the bend of the ATC shutter and adjusted the
Functioning of ATC shutter Checked Ok
cusioning of the Cylinder now found OK.
9 ATC arm
Check ATC alignment of arm with respect to checked and Done the resetting of the ARM position with respect to the
Found Ok
Spindle corrected Spindle.

But pot is shaking.U

Check ATC alignment with respect to arm and
Checked Found ok . plate needs to be
next pot.
Penumatic Incoming filter Cheked Needs to replace the filter elements AS as PM activity.
11 Telescopic cover Check Condition of wiper Checked Found OK

Measure arm alignment in both X and Z direction

Found shift by 0.05 mm in Z direction and .0.06mm in X
Automatic Pallet when Z axis is at 2nd reference Checked OK
12 direction
Changer position
Check functioning of the stocker assembly Checked Found ok

Check & adjust voltage in stabilizer / transformer,

13 check earth resistance, check voltage Checked 205 vots ,3 volts bettween earht and nuetral Ok
difference between earth & neutral

Back up of all Parameters & software Taken

14 Clean cooling fans, filters, , tighten all electrical
Controller Checked Cleaned all drive fans Ok

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