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Recall Exercises

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Section two

Recall Exercises
Complete each of the following passages by supplying the correct form of the verb. (a)
_____________ That evening I (go) _____________ (have) _____________ dinner with an uncle and
aunt of mine. They also (invite) _____________ another person, a young woman, so that there (be)
_____________ four people at table. The young womans face . (be) _____________ familiar, but I
(not, can) _____________ (remember) _____________ where I (see) _____________ it. I (be)
_____________ quite sure that we (not, meet) _____________ before. In the course of conversation,
however, the young woman (happen) _____________ (remark) _____________ that she (lose)
_____________ her purse that afternoon. I at once (remember) _____________ where I (see)
_____________ her face. She (be) _____________ the young girl in the photograph, although she
(be) _____________ now much older. Of course she (be) _____________ very surprised when I (be
able) _____________ (describe) _____________ her purse to her. Then I (explain) _____________
that I (recognise) _____________ her face from the photograph I (find) _____________ in the purse.
The children (stop) _____________ (chatter) _____________ as Miss Hughes (enter)
_____________ the classroom. Then they (stand up) _____________ as one body and (say)
_____________ in a loud chorus: Good morning, teacher. Miss Hughes (smile) _____________,
(say) _____________ good morning too and (tell) _____________ the class (sit down)
_____________. At a glance there (seem) _____________ (be) _____________ about thirty-five
pupils in the class. The majority . (be) _____________ girls. She (notice) _____________ several
intelligent faces. All the pupils (watch) _____________ her intently, (wait) _____________ no doubt
(find out) _____________ what sort of a person she (be) _____________. I (suppose)
_____________ you (want) _____________ (know) _____________ my name, she (say)
_____________. But before she (can) _____________ (tell) _____________ them, someone in the
class (call out) _____________: It (be) _____________ Miss Hughes. Everyone (laugh)
_____________. Miss Hughes (laugh) _____________ too.
Helen (be) _____________ now quite sure that she (be going) _____________ (miss)
_____________ her train, although she (be) _____________ not very far from the station. She
(wonder) _____________ what (do) _____________ when a bus (come) _____________ into sight,
(go) _____________ in the direction of the station. The bus stop (be) _____________ not far off, so
Helen (get) _____________ her suitcase out of the taxi and (run) _____________ towards the bus,
which (stop) _____________ (let) _____________ some passengers (get off) _____________. The
bus conductor (see) _____________ her (run) _____________ and (not, ring) _____________ the

bell for the bus (start) _____________ until she (get on) _____________. Helen (reach)
_____________ the station just in time and (manage) _____________ (catch) _____________ her
tram after all. But if she (wait for) _____________ the taxi driver (stop) _____________ (argue)
_____________, she probably (miss) _____________ it.
I (wish) __________ he (let) __________ me (know) __________, the young man (say)
__________. I (write) ____________ him a letter (say) _____________ that I (come)
____________. I (have) ____________ all this trouble for nothing. Well, since he (not, be)
____________ here, there (be) ____________ no point in (wait) _____________ He (thank)
____________ Mrs. Crump and (go out) ____________. Mrs. Crump (go) _____________ to the
window and (watch) _____________ him (drive off) _____________. When his car (be)
_____________ out of sight, she (call out) _____________: You (can) _____________ (come out)
_____________ now, Mr. White. He (go Mr. White (come out of) _____________ the kitchen, where
he (wait) _____________. Many thanks, Mrs. Crump, he (say) _____________ (laugh)
_____________. You (do) _____________ that very well. These nephews of mine never (give)
_____________ me any peace. That young man (be) _____________ the worst of them all. As you
(see) _____________, when he (need) _____________ money, he even (follow) _____________ me
into the country. Well, perhaps next time he (not, warn) _____________ me by (write)
_____________ me a letter!
I (be) _____________ delighted (get) _____________ your letter this morning. I really ought (write)
_____________ to youit (be) _____________ my turn, I (know) _____________but I (be)
_____________ terribly busy. The children (seem) _____________ (take up) _____________ all my
time. I (think) _____________ of (send) _____________ Ann to a nursery school. She (be)
_____________ four next month. Baby just (start) _____________ (walk) _____________ and (not,
give) _____________ me a moments peace. But you (know) _____________ what it (he)
_____________ like! How' (be) _____________ all your children ? I (be) _____________ sure they
(love) _____________ (live) _____________ in the country. I (be) _____________ afraid we (not,
can) _____________ (come over) _____________ (see) _____________ you next Sunday, as you
(suggest) _____________. Toms mother (come) _____________ (spend) _____________ the day
with us. What about the Sunday after thatthe twenty - second ? We (be) _____________ free that
day and (love) _____________ (come) _____________. We (long) _____________ (see)
_____________ your new house.
Oh! I (be) _____________ stupid! (say) _____________ Mrs Brown. I (leave) _____________ all
my shopping in the restaurant and now I (be) _____________ lost. She still (wonder)

_____________ what (do) _____________ when a policeman (come up) _____________ and (ask)
_____________ if he (can) _____________ (help) _____________. Mrs Brown (explain)
_____________ what (happen) _____________. Well, first of all, (say) _____________ the
policeman, we (have) _____________ better
(go back) _____________ as far as the chemists. Now, (suggest) _____________ the policeman,
when they (get to) _____________ the chemists, lets (go) _____________ in this direction. It
(lead) _____________ to the main road, where we probably (find) _____________ your restaurant.
When they (reach) _____________ the main road, the policeman (say) _____________: I (think)
_____________ you (find) _____________ the restaurant you (look for) _____________ along there,
on the opposite side of the road.
You (buy) _____________ old books, dont you ? (ask) _____________ Fred, (put)
_____________ his parcel down on the shop counter. I (have to) _____________ (see)
_____________ what you .' .. (get) _____________ before I (can) _____________ (answer)
_____________ that question, the bookseller (say) _____________. Business (not, be)
_____________ so good as it used (be) _____________. People (seem) _____________ (prefer)
_____________ (buy) _____________ new books nowadays. Fred (open) _____________ his parcel
and (lay) _____________ the books out on the counter. I (not, pretend) _____________ (know)
_____________ much about books, he (say) _____________. I (have) _____________ these for
years and I even (not, read) _____________ them. My grandfather (leave) _____________ them to
me, as a matter of fact. But my wife never (stop) _____________ (complain) _____________ about
them. She (say) _____________ they (make) _____________ the place (look) _____________ dirt}'.
So I (think) _____________ I (bring) _____________ them in (show) _____________ you, just in
case there (be) _____________ anything of interest. '
It (be) _____________ dark in the attic, as Miss Manning (warn) _____________ him. Weston (find)
_____________ the small window in the roof and (force) _____________ it open, thus (let in)
_____________ more light. He (can) _____________ just (make out) _____________ the boxes
which Miss Manning (tell) _____________ him about. When my father (die) _____________, Miss
Manning (say) _____________, his large library (sell up) _____________. His papers, and some
other possessions of no great value, (store) _____________ in boxes and (put up) _____________ in
the attic. They (be) _____________ there ever since. I (not, suppose) _____________ the room
(open) _____________ for over ten years. What about his diaries ? (ask) _____________ Weston.
In one of his letters to a friend, Colonel Manning (mention) _____________ that he (keep)
_____________ a diary. I (not, remember) _____________ (see) _____________ any diaries,
(say) _____________ Miss Maiming, with a puzzled look on her face. Of course he may (destroy)

_____________ them before his last illness. Otherwise they (must) _____________ (be)
_____________ in those boxes in the attic. On May ist we (plan) _____________ (hold)
_____________ a dinner (celebrate) _____________ the fifth anniversary of the Selmore Literary
Society and I (ask) _____________ by our committee (invite) _____________ you (be)
_____________ the guest of honour on this occasion. Since you (come) _____________ (live)
_____________ in our town last year, you always (show) _____________ a great deal of interest in
our activities and you (be) _____________ without doubt our most popular speaker. We all (be)
_____________ delighted as well as highly honoured if you (can) _____________ once again (find)
_____________ the time (spend) _____________ an evening in our company. I (send)
_____________ you further details as soon as I (hear) _____________ from you. I (hope)
_____________ you (be able) _____________ (accept) _____________ this invitation.
Now, sir, (say) _____________ Inspector Robinson, a chair (draw up) _____________ close to the
injured mans bed and (sit down) _____________> I (hope) _____________ you (feel)
_____________ well enough (answer) _____________ a few questions, Yes, of course, (say)
_____________ Topham. He (sit up) _____________ in bed. The nurse (place) _____________
another pillow behind his head and (leave) _____________ the room. First of all, (say)
_____________ the inspector, (open) _____________ his notebook, we (have to) _____________
(establish) _____________ your identity. Topham (look) _____________ astonished. My identity?
you even (not, know) _____________ who I (be) _____________ ? How long .. I (lie)
_____________ in hospital ? Three days, the inspector (tell) _____________ him. But we (find)
_____________ no papers on you at all. Whoever (attack) _____________ you also (steal)
_____________ your wallet. But what about my car? (ask) _____________ Topham. Surely you
could (find out) _____________ my identity from that ? Your car (steal) _____________ too, the
inspector (explain) _____________ patiently. So, you

(see) _____________, we (be)

_____________ completely in the dark. (CPi8) _____________

We first (become) _____________ aware that something unusual (happen) _____________ when one
of the ships officers (come) _____________ up to the Chief Engineer, who (sit) _____________ at
our table, and (speak) _____________ to him in a low voice. The Chief Engineer at once (stand up)
_____________ and with a brief excuse, which (tell) _____________ us nothing, (leave)
_____________ the dining-room. At first we (think) _____________ that there (be) _____________
an accident or that a fire (break out) _____________ on board ship, but soon the word (go round)
_____________ that a man (see1) _____________ . (float) _____________ in the sea. Then we
(notice) _____________ that the ship (slow down) _____________ and ('begin) _____________ (turn
round) _____________ with rather a violent motion. Some of the passengers (not, wait)

_____________ (finish) _____________ their meal, but at once (rush) _____________ up on deck.
Others (crowd) _____________ round the portholes, (make) _____________ it impossible for us (eat)
_____________ in comfort. There (be) _____________ such confusion in the dining-room that we
(decide) _____________ (join) _____________ those who (go) _____________ up on deck.
When I (finish) _____________ my meal and (be) _____________ about (pay) _____________ my
bill, I (call) _____________ the owner of the restaurant over and (ask) _____________ him what the
man (want) _____________. The owner (be) _____________ a little embarrassed by my question and
at first (not, want) _____________ (tell) _____________ me. I (insist) _____________. Well, he
(say) _____________, that man (be) _____________ a detective/ Really ? I (say)
_____________, considerably surprised. He (be) _____________ certainly very interested in me. But
why ? He (follow) _____________ you here because he (think) _____________ you (he)
_____________ a man he (look for) _____________, the owner of the restaurant (say)
_____________. When he (come) _____________ into the kitchen, he (show) _____________ me a
photograph of the wanted man. He certainly (look) _____________ like you! Of course, since we
(know) _____________ you here, I (be able) _____________ (convince) _____________ him that he
(made) _____________ a mistake. It (say) _____________ lucky I (come) _____________ to a
restaurant where I (know) _____________, I (say) _____________, otherwise I might (arrest)
_____________I ,
At that time I (have) _____________ every intention of (remain) _____________ in London, but
since then I (change) _____________ my mind and I (be) _____________ now very much inclined
(come back) _____________ (work) _____________ in my native town. My problem (be)
_____________ this; I (be) _____________ away now for so long (since 1956, in fact)
_____________ that I (have) _____________ very few contacts in Durham. That (be)
_____________ why I (write) _____________ to you now. I should really (be) _____________ most
grateful if you (can) _____________ (put) _____________ me in touch with anyone who (can)
_____________ (help) _____________ or (advise) _____________ me. But please (not, put)
_____________ yourself to a lot of trouble on my behalf.
He just (sit down) _____________ when he (find) _____________ the young lady assistant (stand)
_____________ alongside him. You must (be) _____________ more careful when you (handle)
_____________ these books, she (say) _____________ severely. Satisfied that she (do)
_____________ her duty, she (turn) _____________ (go back) _____________ to her desk. Then a
sudden thought (strike) _____________ her. By the way, how old (be) _____________ you ? she
(ask) _____________ Phillip. Thirteen, he (tell) _____________ he You (not, allow)

_____________ in here under the age of fourteen, you (hum) _____________, the assistant (say)
_____________, you (not, see) _____________ the notice on the door ? Phillip (shake)
_____________ his head. He (expect) _____________ the assistant (ask) _____________ him (leave)
_____________. Instead, in a more kindly tone, she (say) _____________: Weil, never (mind)
_____________. But (make) _____________ sure that you (not) _____________ disturb)
_____________ the other readers again, otherwise I (have to) _____________ (ask) _____________
you (leave) _____________.
The manager (wave) _____________ his hand towards the chair on the other side of the desk and
(tell) _____________ Henry (take) _____________ a seat. I (wait for) _____________ a longdistance call from Manchester, he (explain) _____________. The telephone (ring) _____________
just as he (speak) _____________. The manager (pick up) _____________ the receiver and for some
time (speak) _____________ rapidly and impatiently into the telephone. Henry (wait)
_____________, rather (regret) _____________ that his interview, which he (dread) _____________
for days, (not, begin) _____________ at once. When at last the manager (finish) _____________, a
secretary (come in) _____________ w i t h a pile of letters. I really (not, keep) _____________ you
(wait) _____________ much longer, (say) _____________ the manager apologetically, as he (pick
up) _____________ the first letter and (begin) _____________ (read) _____________ it. But these
(have to) _____________ (catch) _____________ the next post.

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