2012 03 22 MAH Thanks
2012 03 22 MAH Thanks
2012 03 22 MAH Thanks
Me 13059341483
13059341483 Me
19546836085 Me
19546836085 Me
Me 19546836085
Me 18504435193
19044762690 Me
Me 19044762690
Me 18502105573
Me 18502943855
Received Message .. lU
..... J -
Dr Fernando, I am out of town for the week. Can you email your
3/19/2012 10:13
request to mike dew and cc diane Moulton. Thank you!!!
3/19/2012 10:29 Sure; sorry to bother you. Best,
Hi there. Hope all is well. Can you help me with a bill signing
3/21/2012 8:16 ceremony for 1227? Big issue for the police chiefs. I can get a ton of
them there fo
3/21/2012 8:16 r it and they really want to do it. Thanks.
112012 11
to you. I am out of thr office this week.
3/21/2012 11:09 Am out of thr office in st Thomas. Do u need me?
Hi Carrie! Wanted to let you know that is spoke with Tom Lee and
3/21/2012 11:11
Troy McNichols. Both good conversations. Thanks!
3/21/201211:11 Thank you so much!!
3/21/2012 11:12 All okay?
3/21/2012 11:12 Carly, can one of you reach out to beth Kigel re the dbpr issue
Hi Kathleen, sorry for the delay. I on vacation this week in st Thomas.
Me 19175397245 3/21/2012 11:41 If the issue is education related, I would send them to scott kittle.
Dianne Alborn can schedule a call or meeting.
18504435193 Me 3/21/2012 11:54 Just about Beth Kiegel client with DBPR problem.
19044762690 Me
18502943855 Me
18502105573 Me
18502943855 Me
18502943855 Me
19045021802 Me
19044762690 Me
Me 19044762690
Me 19045021802
Me 18502943855
Me 18502105573
Me 18504435193
18504435193 Me
19045040510 Me
Me 19045040510
19044762690 Me
19045040S10 Me
Steve gave me the green light to reappoint Mel Jurado. Is that ok
3/21/2012 12:46 with u? Do u want to notify her or do u want to? We will mail letters
later today. Thanks.
3/21/2012 13:10 Sure!
3/21/2012 13:16 Yes. There is an issue with a federal grant, can I call you?
3/21/2012 15:05 So you have her number? Or will Dianne have it?
Nevermind ... Just called and spoke to her. I am talking with her and
3/21/2012 15:34
her attorney on Friday.
Our project press release will be issued at 11am today. You'll get a
final copy in advance. Susie met yesterday with both Burgess and
3/22/2012 8:50 Gibbs to walk through the press plan. Turbeville walked Steve
through the release. If you see any hiccups, let me know. Thanks for
all your help!
Just wanted to follow up on Mel Jurado . Is it ok if I call her to let her
3/22/2012 14:19
know she is being reappointed?
3/23/2012 11:22 Yes. That is fine . Thank you!!
3/23/2012 11:23 Thank you!!
3/23/2012 11:25 Thank you so much!!!
3/23/2012 11:25 I am available now if you would like to call.
3/23/2012 11:26 Carly has spoken w beth. And will speak to her attorney on Friday.
3/23/2012 11:31 Wonderful
I know you will be tanned, rested and ready when you return. All ok
3/23/2012 11:44 here. Probably need some time Monday afternoon to discuss
Everglades though.
3/23/2012 11:47 Working on it. ;). Where did we end up on funding?
3/23/201212:07 You' re welcome! We will get it out today.
I am being briefed late today. I think we will do it without an
3/23/2012 12:18
312312012 12
Okay. Just spoke w Jessie. We should on