Phonology Task

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Trinity Cert TESOL

Phonology Task
Total marks: 70
1. Match the term with its deinition and write the letters in the !o"es:
1. Phonology
2. Consonant
3. Elision
4. Stress
5. Vowel
6. Rhythm
7. Intonation
8. Phoneme
a) the rise and fall of the voice when speaking
b) the smallest element of sound in a language which is
recognised as making a difference in meaning
c) a sound made without the audible stopping of breath
d) A sound in which the air is partly blocked by the lips, tongue,
teeth etc.
e) the greater emphasis of some syllables or words over others
during speech
f) the study of how speech sounds are produced, used and
distinguished in a specific language
g) the regular repetition of stress in time
h) the leaving out of a sound or sounds in connected speech
1. . !. ".
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#$% marks&
'. (nderline the main stress in the ollowing words: e.g: photographer
'conomy 'conomically 'conomist 'conomics
#$' marks&
). Match the words !elow to their correct deinitions:
i) *ecord a) (verb) )o keep information about someone or something.
ii) *ecord b) (noun) +ile of information about someone or something.
iii) +mport c) (noun) A product brought in from a foreign country.
iv) ,m,ort d) (verb) )o bring in products from foreign countries.
v) Contract e) (verb) )o hire people to work for you or do a -ob for you.
vi) .ontract f) (noun) An agreement between employer and employee.
#$) marks&
/honology )ask
Trinity Cert TESOL
-. Look at these e"ercises and answer the ./estions that ollow:
a) 0hat is the aim of the e1ercises2
4) ,f they were done together, what would be the most logical order to do them in2
#$% marks&
/honology )ask
Trinity Cert TESOL
0. The ollowing mnemonic incl/des the eight English di,hthongs.
+dentiy the di,hthongs and com,lete the ,honemic re,resentation. The irst
one has !een done or yo/.
, fear no boy may cure their cow
5aI5 5f 5 5n 5 5b 5 5m 5 5k- 5 5D 5 5k 5
#$7 marks&
1. Stressing dierent words can gi2e a sentence dierent meanings.
Match the meanings o the 0 e"am,le sentences and write the letters in the !o"es
1. I didn6t steal your pencil. a) , stole someone else6s pencil
'. , didnt steal your pencil. b) , only borrowed your pencil 7 , was going to give it
). , didn6t steal your pencil. c) ,t wasn6t me 7 it must have been someone else
-. , didn6t steal your pencil. d) , didn6t steal your pencil 7 , stole your pen
0. , didn6t steal your pencil. e) *eally8 , didn6t 7 you6ve got to believe me
1. . !. ". #.
#$0 marks&
7. Mark the intonation ,atterns in this dialog/e /sing arrows.
3o/ can /se fall ( ), rise ( ).
A: !olitely" )ea2 _______
4: #irmly" No. _______
A: !olitely" .offee2 _______
4: #irmly" No _______
A: s$r!rise%" No2 _______
4: &onsi%ering" 0ell3 _______
A: han%ing tea" 9ere. _______
4: )hanks. _______
/honology )ask
Trinity Cert TESOL
#$% marks&
%. +n the sentences !elow4 mark the linking with a 5

The irst sentence has an e"am,le to hel, yo/. 7ind and mark ) more

A table was set under a tree in front of the house, and the 9are and
the 9atter were having tea at it: the ;ormouse was sitting between
them fast asleep, and the others were resting their elbows on him.
#$) marks&
8. Some o the changes that occ/r in connected s,eech are:
elision ' when a so$n% is le#t o$t e.g. (t( in )past perfect<
liaison * the intr$si+e letters that are a%%e% to lin, so$n%s e.g. )we (-) are-
Look at the words and ,hrases in the dialog/e and ind three e"am,les o each. 9rite
the word:s; aected on the line !elow. 7or elision4 cross o/t the rele2ant letter:s;.
A: ;o you think we should go out this evening2
4: , don6t know. , can try and book some seats for the movie.
A: 0hat6s on2 , didn6t think there was anything good.
4: )here6s =9arry /otter< or =,ndiana >ones< or =>ames 4ond<
at the ?deon.
A: @et6s go and see =4atman <. 0here6s my handbag2
'lision: '1ample: think
1) 33333333333333333333333333333..33
@iaison: '1ample: go 5w5 out
1) 33333333333333333333333..33333333
) 3333333333333333333333333333.333.
/honology )ask
Trinity Cert TESOL
#$1 marks&
10. Mark the so/nds which are ,rono/nced $@$ in nat/ral s,eech in the ollowing
,assage. :Please /nderline 1- e"am,les. 3o/ may think yo/ can ind more than 1-4
as this e"ercise de,ends on yo/r ,ersonal ,ron/nciation. <o not /nderline more or
less than 1- e"am,les.;
/honeme the princess was sad because she wasn6t as beautiful as her sister *ealia.
+rom dawn to dusk young men waited to catch a glimpse of *ealia6s sparkling eyes.
)hey sung to her of love and marriage, and swore that they would do anything to win
her heart. =Ahe must be so happy,< sighed /honeme, staring sadly at the mirror. ;eep
down, she knew she shouldn6t have grown her beard.
#1$' mark ,er e"am,le = $7 marks&
11. Say these ,airs o sentences alo/d4 ,a/sing slightly where marked :$;4 and
say what the dierence in meaning o each ,air is!le
, like 'liBabethan drama and poetry.
, like 'liBabethan drama 5 and poetry.
i) )he speaker likes both 'liBabethan drama and 'liBabethan poetry
ii) Ahe likes 'liBabethan drama, and poetry in general
a) )he passengers who didn6t have tickets 5 were fined.
)he passengers 5 who didn6t have tickets 5 were fined.
i" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
ii" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
b) Ahe went to answer the phone hopefully.
Ahe went to answer the phone 5 hopefully.
/honology )ask
Trinity Cert TESOL
i" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
ii" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/honology )ask
Trinity Cert TESOL
c) 0e prefer dancing to music.
0e prefer dancing 5 to music.
i" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
ii" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
d) , didn6t marry him because of his looks.
, didn6t marry him 5 because of his looks.
i" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
ii" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#$% marks&
1'. P/t the ollowing >/m!led lesson acti2ity ,roced/re into the correct se./ence as
yo/ wo/ld teach it. The ,/r,ose o the acti2ity is to recognise stressed and
/nstressed sylla!les in connected s,eech. The irst and last are done or yo/.
a) Ask the learners to compare which syllables they heard being stressed in pairs or
small groups. .heck that they have the correct answers.
b) Co through the learners6 ideas with the whole group. Aome discussion of why they
think the stresses will fall in these places will be useful.
c) Ask the learners to group the unstressed words according to their function. )his
should produce categories such as prepositions, con-unctions, and some modal
d) Now ask the learners to listen to the tape again and to underline all the weak 5@5
sounds that occur between the stressed syllables. /lay the tape.
e) Cive the learners a copy of the tapescript. ;ivide them into pairs and ask them to
decide where they think the main stresses will fall.
f) )ell them that they are now going to listen to the tape to compare the actual stress
placement on the tape with the stress placement they have predicted. /lay the
tape. Dou will probably need to play it more than once.
g) Cet the learners to compare their answers and check that their suggestions are
correct. )here will normally be a large number of unstressed 5@5sounds.
1. e
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/honology )ask
Trinity Cert TESOL
#$0 marks&
/honology )ask

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