Thanksgiving Health Care Handout
Thanksgiving Health Care Handout
Thanksgiving Health Care Handout
0 — provisions guaranteeing taxpayers do not finance $1.2 billion — cost to taxpayers per page
abortion $5-$10 billion — additional funding needed for the IRS to
0 — provisions prohibiting the rationing of health care implement the bill
0 — number of senators required to enroll in the new $8 billion —taxes levied on uninsured individuals
government-run plan $25 billion —additional Medicaid mandates placed on
8 — number of new taxes created in the bill, according to states
JCT analysis $28 billion —new taxes on employers not providing
13 — pages in the bill’s table of contents government approved plans
20.8 – pounds the bill weighs printed out $100 billion — estimated annual fraud in Medicare and
36 — pages in the CBO estimate of the price tag Medicaid
70 — government programs authorized by the bill $118 billion —cuts to Medicare Advantage
1,697 — times the Secy. of HHS is given authority to $465 billion — total cuts to Medicare
create, determine, or define things in the bill $494 billion — revenue from new taxes/fees levied on
2,074 — pages in the bill American families and businesses
3,607 — uses of the word "shall" in the bill $2.5 trillion — cost for full implementation of the legislation
$6.8 million — cost to taxpayers per word $12 trillion — total U.S. national debt
24 million — people left without health insurance