Resources On Holocaust Education and Literature For Children

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Resources on Children's Literature and Holocaust Education

Anderson, Mark M. “The Child Victim as Witness to the Holocaust: An American Story?” Jewish
Social Studies. 14.1. Fall 2007.

Atkinson, Linda. In Kindling Flame: The Story of Hannah Senesh, 1921-1944. New York: Lothrop,
Lee, and Shepard. 1985.

Baer, Elizabeth R. “A New Algorithm in Evil: Children's Literature in a Post-Holocaustal World.” The
Lion and the Unicorn. 24.3. 2000.

Brabham, Edna Greene. “Holocaust Education: Legislation, Practices, and Literature for Middle-
School Students.” The Social Studies. 88. May-June 1997. 139-142.

Brinda, Wayne. “Building Literacy Bridges for Adolescents Using Holocaust Literature and Theatre.”
The Journal of Aesthetic Education. 42.4. Winter 2008.

Bosmajian, Hamida. Sparing the Child: Grief and the Unspeakable in Youth Literature about Nazism
and the Holocaust. New York: Routledge, 2002.

Buckley, Jeanne. “Using Holocaust Literature to Teach Values.” School Libraries in Canada. 23.4

Creany, Anne. “Author’s Memoirs: Personal History in Children’s Literature.” Social Studies
Journal. 26. Spring 1997.

Flender,Harold. 1964. Rescue in Denmark. New York: Manor Books, Inc.

Forman, James D. The Survivor. New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux. 1976.

Freeman, Evelyn B. and Linda Levstik. “Recreating the Past: Historical Fiction in the Social Studies
Curriculum.” The Elementary School Journal. 88.4. March 1988.

Gies, Miep. Anne Frank Remembered: The Story of the Woman Who Helped to Hide the Frank Family.
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1987.

Glynn, Mary, Geoffrey Bock, and Karen Cohen. American Youth and the Holocaust: A Study of Four
Major Holocaust Curricula. New York: National Jewish Resource Center, 1982.

Kertzer, Adrienne. “Do You Know What 'Auschwitz' Means? Children's Literature and the Holocaust.”
The Lion and the Unicorn. 23.2. 1999.

Kertzer, Adrienne. My Mother's Voice: Children, Literature, and the Holocaust. Peterborough, ON:
Broadview Press, 2002.

Kidd, Kenneth B. “'A' is for Auschwitz: Psychoanalysis, Trauma Theory, and the 'Children's Literature
of Atrocity.'” Children's Literature. 33. 2005.
Kimmel, Eric A. “Confronting the Ovens: The Holocaust and Juvenile Fiction.” The Hornbook
Magazine. February 1977.

Kornfield, John. “Using Fiction to Teach History: Multicultural and Global Perspectives of
World War II.” Social Education. 58. Sept. 1994.

Kremer, S. Lillian. “Children's Literature and the Holocaust.” Children's Literature. 32. 2004.

Martin, Michael J. “Experience and Expectations: The Dialogic Narrative of Adolescent Holocaust
Literature.” Children's Literature Association Quarterly. 29.4. Winter 2004.

Millen, Rochelle L., Timothy Bennett, and Jack Mann. New Perspectives on the Holocaust: A Guide
for Teachers and Scholars. New York: New York University Press, 1996.

Ozick, Cynthia. “Who Owns Anne Frank?” The New Yorker. 6. October 1997.

Pape, Walter. “Happy Endings in a World of Misery: A Literary Convention between Social Constraints
and Utopia in Children's and Adult Literature.” Poetics Today. 13.1. 1992.

Roskies, Diane. Teaching the Holocaust to Children: A Review and Bibliography.Hoboken, NJ: KTAV,

Rudman, Masha Kabakow and Susan P. Rosenberg. “Confronting History: Holocaust Books for
Children.” The New Advocate. 4.3. Summer 1991.

Rushforth, Peter. “’I Even Did a Theme Once on That Anne Frank Who Kept the Diary and Got an A
Plus on It’: Reflections on Some Holocaust Books for Young People.” Dimensions: A Journal
of Holocaust Studies. 1994.

Russell, David L. “Reading the Shards and Fragments: Holocaust Literature for Young Readers.” The
Lion and the Unicorn. 21. 1997.

Schmidt, Gary D. “My Mother's Voice: Children, Literature, the Holocaust, and: Sparing the Child:
Grief and the Unspeakable in Youth Literature about Nazism and the Holocaust.” The Lion and the
Unicorn. 27.2. 2003.

Schmidt, Vicki I. “Holocaust Workshop for Teachers.” Indiana Libraries. 27.2. 21-22.

Shawn, Karen. “’What Should They Read and When Should They Read It?’: A Selective Review of
Holocaust Literature for Students in Grades Two Through Twelve.” Dimensions: A Journal of
Holocaust Studies. 8.2. 1994.

Sherman, Ursula F. “Why Would a Child Want to Read about That? The Holocaust Period in Children's
Literature.” How Much Truth Do We Tell the Children? The Politics of Children's Literature. Betty
Bacon, ed. Minneapolis: MEP, 1988.

Short, Geoffrey. “Teaching the Holocaust: The Relevance of Children's Perceptions of Jewish Culture
and Identity.” British Educational Research Journal. 20.4. 1994.
Singleton, Laurel S. H is for History: Using Children’s Literature to Develop Historical
Understandings. CS: Social Science Education Consortium Inc, Boulder, CO 1995.

Smith, John A. and Dorothy Dobson. “Teaching with Historical Novels: A Four-Step Approach.”
Social Studies and the Young Learner. 5. Jan-Feb 1993.

Sokoloff, Naomi B. “The Holocaust and Literature for Children.” Prooftexts. 25.1-2. Winter/Spring

Stephens, Elaine C., Brown, Jean E., and Janet Rubin. Learning About the Holocaust: Literature and
Other Resources for Young People. Library Professional Pubs, 1995.

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