22 zTidBits (IMS - Then&ToDay) PDF

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IBMs Information Management System (IMS) is still one of the most popular OnLine

Transaction Processing (OLTP) systems in the world with more than 50 billion
transactions running through IMS databases each day. The latest version, IMS 10, was
recently released so nows a good time for customers and IBMers to revisit IMS which
comprises both a transaction monitor system and a hierarchical database management
and what makes it special.
IMS continues to be an important component of modern world wide computing having
a strong heritage in 95% of Fortune 1000 companies. IMS manages over 15 million
gigabytes of Production data serving over 200 million users processing on average
22,000 transactions per second on a daily basis.

IMS provides technological leadership to communicate with a network incorporating
input/output messaging through a form of message queuing, message formatting,
logging and recovery. It also implements the scheduling, execution, checkpoint / restart
of online and batch messages from its processing programs.

How did IMS reach this esteemed acclamation from world wide use?

How it was started
In 1966, IBM along with the collaboration of two partners began the design for a new
database called Information Control System (ICS) and Data Language/Interface (DL/I).
Its objective was to handle an extremely large Bill of Materials (BOM) plan. BOMs are
hierarchical in nature with the top level representing the final assembly or product. This
design began the concept of database management systems. The IBM Team
completed and shipped the first release of ICS in 1967. The following year, ICS was
installed and the first READY message appeared on a typewriter terminal at the
Rockwell Space Division at NASA for the Apollo moon mission. In 1969, ICS was
renamed to Information Management System/360 (IMS/360) becoming available world

The importance of this design was the model of separating application code from the
data which was and is todays DL/I. IMS controls all access and recovery control of the
data. This partitioning established a new paradigm for all application programming for
the reason that application developers could now focus on the making use of information
without the complication and overhead related with the access of data. This
implementation also eliminated copies of data providing a centralized location
introducing data-sharing. In addition to a new data base system, IBM developed an
online component to support DL/I enabling access through terminal devices known as
data communications (DC) which later evolved into the IMS Transaction Manager (TM).

IMS consists of three components:
The Database Manager (IMS DB)
The Transaction Manager (IMS TM)
The Common Services to IMS DB/DC

Known collectively as IMS DB/DC
, the three components creates a complete online
transaction processing environment that provides continuous availability and data
integrity. IMS TM and IMS DB can be ordered and paid separately if the functions of one
component are not required. The appropriate system services are provided for the
component ordered. When IMS DB is ordered by itself, it is called DB control (DBCTL).
When IMS TM is ordered by itself, it is called DC control (DCCTL).

DC - Data Communications was used as a past acronym

IMS Transaction Management(TM) system provides the industrial resources to
communicate with the network, manages input/output processing and security. This
component of the product provides message queuing, formatting services for different
device types, transaction logging and recovery. Finally, it ensures the scheduling,
execution, and checkpoint/restart of online and batch messages through its processing

IMS architecture provides Open Transaction Manager Access (OTMA) which is an
open interface to IMS TM allowing TCP/IP application programs to send transactions
and commands to IMS without using IBMs proprietary network architecture SNA
(System Network Architecture). Many programs can connect to IMS TM using OTMA
such as middleware, gateway programs, and other databases.
NOTE: The OTMA interface is highly flexible.
Is IMS Strategic?
IMS continues to be a thriving and innovating database management system fulfilling
important and essential roles in relation to many business requirements. IMS continually
reinvents itself as new functional demands arrive on the IT scene.

In the last few years IMS systems have grown over 25%. Therefore overall, the growth
of new IMS licenses remain positive, fueled largely by expansions due to todays
economics with corporate consolidations. Having said this, this notes the fact customers
display confidence in the future of IMS. As a past example, MIPS capacity of IMS
increased 67% in the first few years of this decade. The ability of our IMS teams to
deliver revenue growth is measured by our business success. Hence, the overall health
of IMS is robust and has never been better, in its 38 year history. IMS is on its way to its
third record breaking year in a row, as measured by the revenue delivered to IBM.

IMS DB is organized hierarchically
- Optimizes storage and retrieval
- Ensures integrity and recovery
IMS DB records have
predefined relationships
providing for high speed
data access

IMS TM provides support for
advanced telecommunications
IMS TM brings together
multiple products and
protocols in a unified network
Who uses IMS
The top world wide companies in many industries use IMS to run their daily operations:

Health Care

Interestingly, IMS is not necessarily breaking new ground in new acquisitions, but has
ensured the foundation of its customer base continues to exploit innovations in its
functionality and in some cases faster than most popular relational systems.

IMS and the mainframe platform strengthens the vast majority of financial institutions
world wide. The Banking industry alone in the far east may provide more growth in the
next few years than the rest of the world has in the past decade. Combine that kind of
regional growth, especially with IBMs System z9, its no wonder why this collective
solution provides a winning combination.

IMS Offerings
Now that weve established IMS viability, even unmatched in database throughput, IMS
offers a wide preference implementing new application design:

Open Standards
Web serving
XML processing
Workload readiness for SOA
Ownership value

IMS embraces an IMS Integration Suite. Existing IMS applications using IMS technology
allows for connectivity, data representation, and enhanced application development.
This allows existing investment in IMS skills to deploy IMS-based applications over the
web without touching a single line of code providing access to IMS transactions and data
from any web connection.

Alternatively, you can modernize IMS Applications and enable them to interoperate with
other clients, such as Microsoft .NET or SAP clients and other IT Systems within an
existing enterprise or supply chain. The IMS SOAP
Gateway is a Web service solution
that integrates IMS assets in a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) environment. IMS
SOAP Gateway enables IMS applications to inter-operate outside of the IMS
environment through SOAP to provide and request services independent of the

Simple Object Access Protocol
platform, environment, application language, or programming model. It assists enabling
IMS applications to become a Web service.

IMS provides a robust interface to Java. The IMS JDBC Connector (formally called IMS
Java application support), allows Java application programs to access IMS databases
from a variety of popular subsystems inclusive of Distributed platforms. Hence, Java
application programs can use JDBC to access IMS databases. JDBC is the SQL-based
standard interface for data access in the Java 2 SDK Standard Edition and Enterprise
Edition. The IMS implementation of JDBC supports a selected subset of the full facilities
of the JDBC 2.0 API. This subset allows everything that traditional IMS applications do
using DL/I calls. There is also a feature to allowing the IMS Java hierarchic database
interface to lower-level access of IMS databases allowing system analysis / processing.

IMS has scalability through virtualization in assuring flexibility for growth and expansion.
This works in a homogeneous environment utilizing many heterogeneous data and
application resources with new hardware and software facilities to optimize performance,
capacity, availability, and recovery. This includes new levels of enhanced availability for
IMS High Availability Large Databases (HALDB)
introduced in IMS V7, with fully
integrated Online Reorganization support that provides concurrent online update and
availability of data.

The IMS Transaction and Database Server is evolving to further strengthen its support
for Enterprise and Network Computing environments. IMS has been providing increased
capacity and incremental horizontal growth offering improved availability with network,
message and data sharing. It utilizes the coupling facilities of the z platform and the
latest technological advancements for security and integrity of z/OS. IMS has provided
open/integrated access with Java and XML. IMS has also been providing improved
systems management in automated operations, workload balancing, dynamic routing,
dump analysis and packaging enhancements. Building on a tradition of success, IBM
has been offering additional product and tools for IMS which enhance enterprise
computing systems management, availability, and capacity. In addition, IBM is offering
additional product and tool enhancements to simplify access to both legacy and new
IMS applications and data.

Because XML and IMS databases are both hierarchical, IMS is a natural DBMS for
managing XML documents. IMS will allow easy retrieval and storage of incoming XML
documents. It can compose XML documents from existing legacy information and stored
them in its databases.

For application and information integration as well as for operational integration, IMS is
exploiting the latest programming technologies for the Internet and Java. With the
industry standard, open interfaces of Java, users can transparently download and
seamlessly run applications. It is becoming widely used and is platform independent.
IMS applications and data can use and be accessible using the latest in standard
architectures and interfaces, include the J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA) and
standard application programming interfaces, for example, Java Database Connectivity
(JDBC) interface, across platforms.

The J2C dynamic wizard in Rational Application Developer allows for the creation of
specialized Java classes representing the input and output messages of an IMS
transaction from the corresponding COBOL or C data structures of the IMS application
program. These specialized Java classes are called data bindings.
HALDB is designed to increase the capacity and availability of full-function databases.
In conjunction with WebSphere studio tools and WebSphere servers, IMS Integrated
Connect/Connector for Java function can be used for new J2EE application development
and enablement to access IMS applications. IMS provides Web services for IMS
applications using the WebSphere Application Server, IMS Connector for Java, and IMS

Tools can transform existing IMS transactions into Web services by using the
WebSphere suite of products to create service definitions for IMS transactions. You then
deploy these service definitions to WebSphere Application Server (WAS) to make the
IMS services available as Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) services or Simple Object Access
Protocol (SOAP) services. In this way, users can enable IMS applications as Web
Services to support IMS COBOL, C and MFS-based applications. This Web services
support integrates IMS into the Services Oriented Architecture (SOA). SOA is key to
interoperability and flexibility for on demand business. SOA supports end-to-end
integration across the enterprise and among business partners. This provides a flexible
business process model that allows customers to respond quickly to new customer
requirements, new business opportunities, and competitive threats.

IMS Java support provides for the development/enablement of Java applications running
under the IMS Transaction Manager and also for accessing IMS Databases with JDBC
from applications running under other environments, such as WebSphere, CICS, and
DB2 Stored procedures, as well. The IMS Java DB utility can help distributed as well as
z/OS WebSphere environments access IMS data.

Interoperability is also being provided between Java, Cobol and PL/I applications, and
between DB2 and IMS databases. IMS provides for the storage/retrieval of decomposed
or intact XML data in IMS DB databases.

New support for DB2 Stored procedures can access IMS TM applications as well as IMS
DB data. IBM provides JDBC access to IMS Databases with the DB2 Information
Integrator Classic Federation product.

IBM is also planning to provide support for IMS Databases with XQuery
, the new
standard XML interface. IMS is also using the WebSphere XML Adapter for COBOL and
SOAP support with its IMS SOAP gateway code

The IMS SOAP Gateway is an XML based connectivity solution that enables existing or
new IMS applications to communicate outside of the IMS environment using SOAP to
provide and request services independently of platform, environment, application language,
or programming model. The IMS SOAP Gateway enables the seamless exposure of IMS
application assets as Web Services. The IMS SOAP Gateway, providing a relatively
simple but extensible option, will provide the ability for non-WebSphere customers to re-
use existing and to create new IMS based business logic. One typical usage scenario of
providing Web services with the IMS SOAP Gateway is to enable Microsoft .NET client
applications or intermediary servers that submit SOAP requests into IMS to drive business
logic transactions. The SOAP for IMS function can assist organizations with Enterprise
modernization, Application development, Business integration, and web services
xQuery is a query language designed to query collections of XML data. It is semantically similar to SQL. The best way
to explain XQuery is to say that XQuery is to XML what SQL is to database tables. XQuery was designed to query XML
data. XQuery is also known as XML Query.
IMS in Parallel Sysplex
IMS continues to strengthen its support of the Enterprise by providing the highest in
performance, availability, security, integrity, at the least cost per transaction. In doing this
it has been exploiting the hardware/software environments that it has grown up along
side of.

IMS fully exploits for the application advantage the new technology and power of z/OS
and the Parallel Sysplex. Existing IMS data sharing capability was initially enhanced to
take advantage of the coupling facility for storing lock information and for easy
availability of that information by all systems in the Sysplex environment. The lock
manager in each system could access the locks as they needed to. In addition to data
sharing, IMS provided necessary information to the Z workload manager to assist with
workload balancing of resources across the Sysplex.

IMS also enhanced message routing between systems to take advantage of workload
balancing information, and IBM provided the IMS Workload Router to use these facilities
to push the work to the available system. Significant enhancements were also added to
complement the Parallel Sysplex hardware and operating systems facilities. IMS has
since improved its initial Data Sharing and Workload manager enhancements with
additional data sharing (storing changes and unaltered data on the coupling facility for
Sysplex access, and providing additional Fast Path sharing), message sharing
(providing message queues and fast path messages on the coupling facility for Sysplex
access), and message routing enhancements (utilizing VTAM Generic resource support).
As customer workload grows, the power of distributing data and applications across the
Sysplex is needed. End users want to be able to access applications and data
transparently, regardless where the work is processing. This enhanced support provides
improved end user interaction, improved IMS availability, improved workload balancing,
and offers increased capacity and growth in moving into Parallel Sysplex environments.

Implementing IMS as multiple instances or in a Parallel Sysplex provides support of a
Single Point of Operations Control (SPOC) presenting a single system image by allowing
the user to enter commands to all IMSs in the IMS Sysplex (a.k.a. IMSPlex) from a
single console. Although designed with Sysplex in mind in order to optimize operations
across a Sysplex, the new SPOC can also be used to improve systems management of
commands in general, and the SPOC can be used to control any IMS, without the
requirements of a Sysplex. This support can provide operations management for IMS
DB and/or IMS TM environments from a TSO/ISPF Application running on z/OS or from
a distributed DB2 with its IMS Control Center code.

Ownership Value
The total cost of ownership is much more than software and hardware costs. IMS
continues to work on a wide range of innovative means where customers have concerns.

The ability to scale as far as needed and using the processing capability efficiently
continues to be a key concern. The cost of an outage can be tens of thousands of
dollars per minute, so extending our traditional strength is crucial.
Many customers pay more for tools and utilities than for the base products. IMS is
helping to provide better value for the money. Systems management is the key.
Enhancements are being designed/delivered to ease IMS systems management and
move toward Autonomic Computing.

Finding people with z/OS education and skills has become more and more difficult. IBM
is not only are trying to ease use and management of the system to bring down the skill
level requirements, but to also provide certification programs, training and working with
universities to continue building up our skill base.

Hierarchical and Relational
Hierarchical and relational databases have grown up as separate data management
solutions and provide different roles.

Hierarchical is best used for mission critical work and for that which requires the utmost
in performance. Hierarchical data structure relationships are predefined having access
paths distinct and ready to use by the application. Here careful design and known entity
relations are an advanced requirement needed by the database administrator or analyst.
Having an existing mapped out roadway to navigate data structures offers the ultimate in
speed accessing data. In hierarchical, call structure syntax to access data can become

Relational is best used for decision support and where application efficiency might be an
unknown. This data is best used for engineering and scientific work where large,
unstructured data is required. In this design, relationships of data structures are not
known until runtime. Data elements are joined during database calls producing on-the-fly
result sets for immediate analysis. The relational query syntax known as Structured
Query Language(SQL) provides for a flexible means to form these database calls being
an industry standard for the implementation of the relational model.

Therefore, one of the largest drawbacks of a relational database is its inability to initially
handle queries efficiently. Because different portions of a transaction query can be
stored in different structures, more work is required to gather that data when a query is
performed. Using the Structured Query Language can incur high use of the machines
resources especially when complex data structures are required to form a result-set.

Although hierarchical can offer a significant performance edge over relational databases
when queries are known beforehand, query optimization for relational databases are
better known, and have the edge in this area through disciplined administration practices.
Each type is the best at what they do. The products supporting these are being
enhanced to address the different application requirements and are continuing to create
more and more overlap in their capabilities. The type originally designed for that
capability will however inherently be the best at that. IBM will continue to invest in
providing complementary solutions..

Relational databases do not usually suffer from the referential integrity problems that
occur in hierarchical databases. However, relational databases are usually more
complex in design than hierarchical databases. Specific relational design practices are
used where by data elements and entities are normalized to reduce data redundancy.

Relational and hierarchical technology can work together for optimum solutions. Users
can efficiently store operational data in hierarchical form, which can be accessed easily
by their favorite relational decision support tools, with minimal impact on the production
hierarchical data. IMS data can be accessed directly or propagated and replicated with
relational data for summarizing, enhancing, and mining. IBM provides standard
application interfaces for accessing IMS as well as other data. Both relational and
hierarchical IMS data can be most efficiently accessed, together or independently, using
the IMS Transaction Manager and WebSphere servers.

IBM continues to invest in providing these complementary solutions.

IMS Today
Since its inception, IMS has been at the forefront of technology in Database and
Transaction Management. IMS has been the first at delivering IBM database solutions.
Some other examples are: Multiple Systems Coupling Facility - IMS has been
distributing workload across multiple systems for a long time, Datasharing - IMS has
been the first to provide 2-way and then N-way data sharing, and extended that to
Message sharing and network sharing as well. eXtended Recovery Facility (XRF)
provides a hot standby capability for IMS customers. IMS is the only DB/TM system to
provide this level of high availability takeover support. This is also true for Remote site

IMS and DB2
IMS offers a highly integrated, open access with enhanced IMS/XML database
support, XQuery

access to IMS data, and broadened Java and XML tooling to ease
development. It also provides System Manageability through staging users to autonomic
computing with simplified dynamic resource definition, eased operations and systems
management, integrated operations across subsystems/platforms, enhanced security
and serviceability. It offers scalability with more parallelism in IMS Database Recovery
and Sharing Control (DBRC), and improved performance/capacity in Fast Path
High Availability Large Database (HALDB), and database utilities. IMS scalability offers
widened bandwidth for Multiple Systems Coupling, improved system availability,
performance, and capacity in workload balancing.

IMS Fast Path continues to support the highest transaction per second database access
solution. As we move further into the new era of computing, IMS is still leading the way.
More than 30 years since the first IMS READY message for the Apollo Space program,
IMS and Z are breaking technology barriers, but sometimes taken for granted. But IMS
continues to lead the industry in performance, availability and on demand business

IMS is a powerful database and transaction management system, which also includes
significant systems services that are built on and exploit the Z processors and its
operating system architecture.

The IMS Database Manager can be used with applications running under the IMS
Transaction Manager, CICS Transaction Server, or running as DB2 stored procedures,
WebSphere EJBs, etc.

The IMS Transaction Manager can be used with IMS DB or DB2 data. Along with the IMS
Transaction and Database Managers are IMS Systems Services, consisting of facilities to
optimize/ease systems operations and management. These services help with command
processing, memory management, operations interfaces, global resource management,
and inter-systems communications. These services also include support for industry
standard, Java application support for IMS transactions, Java data base connectivity to
IMS and DB2 databases, and interoperability with existing IMS applications and data.
These services also included integrated connect function, which provides for open
connectivity support to IMS applications and operations.

- - - -

IMS FAST PATH is a specially designed database for very intensive performance of application transactions. It was first
introduced in Retail Banking.

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