Market Valuation of Accounting Earnings Review of Evidence and Methodological Issues

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VOL. 2, NO.

6, September 2013 ISSN 2307-2466

International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management
2013. All rights reserved.

Market Valuation of Accounting Earnings; Review of Evidence and
Methodological Issues
Godfrey Akileng
Makerere University, College of Business and Management sciences, P.o Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to review the evidence pertaining to accounting valuation and accounting earnings. The
paper presents evidence so far on how capital markets value accounting information with specific reference to accounting
earnings numbers.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The specific review of the development of models used in valuation of accounting
information is beyond the scope of this study. However, the paper makes a general review of literature on how capital markets
value accounting information with specific reference to accounting earnings numbers.
Findings: It is evident from literature review that accounting information is related to prices and market value; therefore
accounting earnings are related to market returns. However, evidence is provided that accounting earnings consists of different
components such as cash flows, non discretionary accruals and discretionary accruals; each with different implications on
market valuation.
Originality/Value: This paper is the first review of its kind that focuses specifically on the market valuation of accounting

Keywords: Accounting valuation, Capital Markets, Earnings

One of the ways in which accounting numbers can
be assessed, is to evaluate how they relate to stock returns.
Finance theory hypothesizes that, capital markets are
efficient, such that market prices always reflect the
underlying value of the securities traded. Therefore,
accounting numbers should revise the markets beliefs and
generate a change in returns in response. But the key issues
are, how do we measure the change and how do we know
that any observed change is due to the information we have
identified and observed (Kothari, 2001).

Dumontier and Raffournier (2002) argue that, in
capital markets, accounting figures are aimed at providing
investors with relevant information for their investment
decisions, such as prediction of future cash flows ,
assessment of future securities risk and return. Returns
earnings association studies do not presume that investors
use only accounting numbers in their investment decisions.
Instead they argue that if accounting numbers are a good
summary measure of events incorporated in security prices,
then they are value relevant to the extent that they provide
an estimate of value for the firm that is close to that of the
market (Dumontier and Raffournier, 2002). Thus, returns
earnings association studies test whether and how quickly
accounting measures capture changes in the information set
that is reflected in security returns over a given period
(Kothari, 2001).

The first technique for measuring the market
impact of accounting numbers was developed primarily by
Ball and Brown (1968). Ball and Brown (1968) were
interested in measuring the impact of the information at the
time it is disclosed, but also its anticipation in the period up
to the announcement date. Ball and Brown (1968) find a
significant relationship between earnings announcement and
stock returns; that is, they confirm that earnings reflect
some of the information in security prices. Since the time of
the Ball and Brown (1968) study, returns earnings
association has seen considerable interest among accounting
researchers (e.g. Beaver et al., 1980; Kormendi and Lipe,
1987; Easton et al., 1992; Beaver et al., 1997 ; Kothari,
2001 etc).

Beaver et al. (1980) develop the idea that the
information reflected in prices is richer than that in
contemporaneous accounting earnings. They explain the
difference between predicted and estimated values of the
earnings response coefficient by introducing three
interrelated ideas, that is, price lead earnings, a true
earnings plus noise model of accounting earnings, and a
reverse regression econometric research design.

The common findings in the literature about the
earnings response coefficient (ERC) is that the estimated
returnsearnings relation is rather weak; that is, only a small
portion of price variation has been explained by accounting
earnings (Beaver et al., 1979, Lev, 1989; Lev and Zarowin,
1999). Explanations for the weak link between returns
earnings relation include the imprecise earnings
measurement and value irrelevant components of earnings.
Beaver et al. (1979) indicate that managers can manipulate
accounting earnings by choosing different accounting
methods and this could be one source of the weak link
between the returns earnings relation. They suggest
VOL. 2, NO. 6, September 2013 ISSN 2307-2466
International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management
2013. All rights reserved.

separating the reported earnings into two components;
permanent earnings that are value relevant information and
transitory earnings that are value irrelevant information.

Moreover, Beaver et al. (1980) also suggest that
accounting earnings are sum of true earnings plus a value
irrelevant component uncorrelated with stock prices or
returns in all periods. However, evidence from Rayburn
(1986) and Dechow (1994) shows that the value irrelevant
components which Beaver et al. (1980) refer to is an accrual
component which is value relevant and informative.

Lipe (1986) argues that reported accounting
earnings consists of different components, each with
different implications; it is therefore inappropriate to expect
the same price reaction to each component of earnings.
Lev (1989) states that, While misspecification of the return
earnings relation or the existence of investor irrationality
may contribute to the weak association between earnings
and stock returns, the possibility that the fault lay with the
low quality (information content) of reported earnings
looms large. This lack of in formativeness could be due to
accounting earnings not being designed to measure value
changes alone (Watts and Zimmerman, 1986).

Additionally one of the objectives of financial
reporting is the prediction of future investor cash flows or
stock returns. Using the earnings returns correlation as a
measure, there has been an argument that GAAP is deficient
in fulfilling this financial reporting objective. Deficient
GAAP is claimed to produce low quality earnings that
exhibit only weak correlation with security returns. Thus the
primary objective of financial reporting is not a predictor
for future investor cash flows or stock returns (Kothari,

Kothari (2001) argues that the deficient GAAP is
another form of prices leading earnings argument. Perhaps
the deficient GAAP argument assumes that financial
statements are slow to capture information that is reflected
in the market therefore the greater correlation of earnings
with returns the more desirable the GAAP that produces
such accounting numbers.

However, J indrichovska (2001) argues that, in an
efficient and mature market, price changes tend to reflect
the revision of the capital markets expectation of future cash
flows. Therefore in comparison, accounting earnings have
only a limited ability in this respect. However, in an earlier
study, Kothari and Sloan (1992) argue that the primary
reason for this is the objectivity, verifiability and other
conventions that underlie GAAP, limit the ability of
accounting earnings to contemporaneously reflect the
markets revision of future cash flow expectations. Thus, the
change in prices is a response to a much wider set of
information so that the response coefficient may be down
ward biased.

Kormendi and Lipe (1987), Easton and Zmisjewski
(1989) show that the greater the impact of an earnings
innovation on the market participants expectations of
future earnings, that is, the more persistent the time series
property of earnings, the larger the price change or earnings
response coefficients. Easton and Zmisjewski (1989) also
show that greater risk implies a larger discount rate, which
reduces the discounted present value of the revisions in the
expected future earnings, that is, the earnings response

Collins and Kothari (1989) find that a firms ability
to earn above normal rates of return on its current or future
investment does not contradict capital market efficiency.
This is because in an efficient capital market, prices adjust
immediately to reflect changing expectations about a firms
earnings generating ability such that at any point in time an
investor can only expect a normal rate of return on the
investment in any stock. So long as current earnings are
informative about the firms growth opportunities, the price
change is expected to be large.

Anthony and Ramesh (1992) argue that depending
on a firms stage in its life cycle; financial statement
information is differentially informative about a firms cash
flow generating ability such that earnings response
coefficients are predictably related to a firms stage in its
life cycle.

Watts (1992) observes that earnings response
coefficient determinants do not control for differences in
accounting earnings ability to proxy for current and future
cash flows and differences in accounting methods. This
raises a possibility of a correlated omitted variables
problem, an argument similar to the findings of the study of
Salamon and Kopel (1991).

Easton et al. (1992) argues that temporal
aggregation of earnings is a key to a strong relation between
returns and earnings. Similarly, an association between
earnings and returns is stronger as the aggregation interval
is lengthened (Kothari and Sloan, 1992; Dechow, 1994).
However, Donnelly and Walker (1995)
In modelling the returns earnings relationship,
Easton and Harris (1991), argue that book value of equity is
show that the
extent to which prices anticipate earnings in the UK is less
compared to that reported by Kothari and Sloan (1992) for
US sample. Suggesting the differences may be due to the
informational environment or due to difference in the UK
and US application of the generally accepted accounting

Donnely and Walker (1995) investigate the extent to which share prices
anticipate future earnings changes by estimating earnings response
coefficients on sample of UK companies.
VOL. 2, NO. 6, September 2013 ISSN 2307-2466
International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management
2013. All rights reserved.

noisy proxy for the market value of equity and assuming
clean surplus, they argue that earnings measures change in
the market value of equity. They argue that earnings
deflated by price should be used in addition to earnings
change deflated by price in explaining earnings.

Kothari (1992) and Ohlson and Shroff (1992) offer
alternative, earnings expectations based motivation for
using earnings deflated by price to explain stock returns in a
return earnings association. Ohlson (1991) and Ohlson and
Shroff (1992) and Kothari (1992) show that, because price
embeds expectations about future performance, it serves not
only as deflator with economic benefits but it in effect
correlates returns with the unexpected component of the

Ohlson (1995) introduces modelling residual
income, instead of total income or changes in income as an
autoregressive process. The model assumes a linear relation
exists between value (price) and accounting variables such
as, earnings, book values and dividends.

The Ohlson (1995) model is said to better capture
the intuitive economic effects of product market
competition. Dechow et al. (1999) report evidence that
supports the economic modelling of residual income.
However, Dechow et al. (1999) argue that economic
modelling of residual income is only able to achieve modest
improvements in explanatory power compared to earnings
capitalization model and dividend discounting models.

Other studies, Biddle et al. (1997), Vincent (1999),
Dhaliwal et al. (1999), Fields et al. 1998) have examined
new performance measures, that is, comprehensive income
compared to primary earnings per share. Evidence from
these studies suggests that performance measures that have
evolved voluntarily in an unregulated environment are more
likely to be incrementally informative than those mandated
by regulation.

Moreover, Kothari and Zimmerman (1995) argue
that the correlation of the entire performance measure that is
earnings (comprehensive income) with prices is indeed
important because current price contains information in the
surprise as well as the anticipated components of the
performance measure.

Financial accounting information should be useful
in assessing the amount, timing, and uncertainty of future
cash flows; by comparing performance measures on the
basis of their correlation with future cash flows (Kothari,

Other studies that have examined the earnings correlation with future
cash flows include Finger, (1994), Dechow et al., (1999) and Barth et al.,
. Kothari (2001) argues that the benefit of using
price is that it contains information about expected future
cash flows in an efficient market; which means the vector of
expected future cash flows is collapsed into single number
price. Kothari (2001) argues that in an efficient market price
changes instantaneously incorporate the present value of the
revisions in the markets expectations of future net cash
flows. In contrast, because of the revenue realization and
the expense matching principles that are fundamental to the
earnings determination process, accounting earnings
incorporate the information reflected in the price changes
systematically with a lag. Kothari (2001) also argues that
Beaver et al.s (1980) findings suggest that prices lead

The argument that stock prices lead earnings has been empirically tested
by Collins et al.,(1987),Kothari (1992),Kothari and Sloan (1992) ,
Donnelly and Walker (1995) Kothari and Zimmerman(1995) and Kothari
(2001) etc .
which means the information set in price changes
is richer than that in accounting earnings.

Some studies attempts to improve on the earnings
association by breaking down reported earnings into
different components like, extraordinary vs. ordinary
earnings, nondiscretionary vs. discretionary accruals
(Subramanyam and Wild, 1996), and looking at different
financial statement item lines (Ohlson and Penman, 1992;
Barth, Beaver and Landsman, 1992). Sloan (1996) finds that
stocks with high accruals, subsequently have lower returns
and underperform stocks with lower accruals. A possible
explanation for this is the association of accruals with
earnings management or the fixation of investors on
headline earnings.

However, Kothari (2001) argues that regardless of
whether accruals are informative or are of low quality, it
seems unlikely that earnings without accruals would be true
income. He further argues that there is no intuition to
suggest that an earnings measurement process that
emphasizes a transaction based approach would generate
true income, which means earnings that capture all of the
information that is in economic income, that is, the change
in equity market capitalization.

Prior studies have also broken down earnings into
permanent and transitory components. Evidence is provided
that the weak earnings returns response coefficients is
because of earnings that are transitory; which means that
earnings change is expected to be non permanent, which is a
departure from the random walk assumption (Luberrink,
2000). There is evidence from the literature of smaller
earnings response coefficients on transitory earnings as
proxy for by non recurring items reported in financial
statements (Hayn, 1995, Ramakrisshnan and Thomas,
1998). The argument is that, markets do not expect extreme
negative or positive earnings changes to be permanent, so
stock price adjustment will always be smaller implying a
non linear relation between stock returns and accounting

VOL. 2, NO. 6, September 2013 ISSN 2307-2466
International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management
2013. All rights reserved.

Hayn (1995) finds that losses are not useful in
predicting future earnings and so attenuate the returns
earnings relation. This is because losses are not expected to
continue indefinitely, since shareholders have the
liquidation option. She argues that by excluding loss
observations from the sample, the relation between returns
and earnings becomes much stronger. This argument has
been supported by Martikainen et al. (1997) and Kallunki
and Martikainen (1997).

Easton et al. (2000) argues that differences in
earnings response coefficients are associated with the
degree in permanence of earnings and the accounting
recording lag. They argue that the failure to recognize the
impact of both factors may lead to wrong inferences. For
example, since accounting recording lag is the cause of
prices leading earnings, it can be inferred that a low
earnings response coefficient may reflect either transitory
earnings with high value relevance and or a great effect of
prices leading earnings that is, low value relevance.

The argument of Easton et al.(2000) above is
supported by Lubberink (2000) who argues that low
earnings response coefficients are often interpreted as a
result of low quality financial statements, while low
earnings response coefficient can be the result of investors
anticipation (of earnings) that is not correctly captured by
the association model. However, Lubberink (2000) observes
that isolating the two effects empirically is very difficult.

Balsam, Bartov and Marquadt (2002) suggest that
investors reassess reported earnings figures using financial
statement information and that this reassessment is
associated with substantial stock price change. While
Francis, LaFond, Olsson and Schipper (2005), argue that,
investors price securities in a manner that reflects their
awareness of accruals quality: lower quality of accruals is
associated with smaller price multiples and with larger
equity betas. Moreover accruals quality loads as a separate
factor in explaining variation in excess returns.

Ohlson (1995) and Feltham and Ohlson (1995)
have also stimulated plenty of research on equity valuation
using the price models. Studies that use price earning
models to measure the association between share prices and
earnings, for instance Collins, Pincus and Xie (1999), show
that price earnings association (value relevance) shifts from
earnings to book values especially when earnings are
negative or as firms face financial distress. Collins et al.
(1999) also show that when the book value of equity is
included in the price earnings relation, the coefficient on
earnings for loss firms is significantly positive overall. They
document evidence that shows that simple earnings
capitalization model is misspecified due to omission of
book value of equity. They demonstrate that this omission
induces a negative bias in the coefficient on earnings for
loss firms and positive bias in the coefficient on earnings
for profit firms.

Moreover, Collins et al. (1999) also show that the
price earnings relation is not homogenous across profit and
loss firms even using a model that includes earnings and
book values of equity. In particular Collins et al. (1999)
findings show that the coefficient on earnings is
significantly larger for profit firms compared to loss firms;
which is consistent with Hayns (1995) results that the
market regards losses as being transitory. However, Collins
et al. (1999) arguments are inconsistent with the findings of
Kothari and Zimmerman (1995) that the coefficient on
earnings in the simple capitalization model is unbiased.

In the previous section is presented the empirical
evidence of the relation between security market values or
changes in values and accounting numbers or information in
order to assess the validity of accounting numbers. As noted
in the previous section, primarily two approaches are used
in the valuation of earnings. These are the returns model
and the price model. Both of these models have a theoretical
basis in the linear information model by Ohlson (1995).

The Ohlson (1995) residual income valuation
model conceptualizes how value relates to the three
accounting variables, that is, earnings, book values and
dividends. The theory rests directly on the clean surplus
Security valuation: the present value of expected
dividends determines the market value;
and the feature that dividends reduce book values
but leave current earnings unaffected and it comprises of
three basic assumptions;
Equity accounting: accounting data and dividends
satisfy the clean surplus relation and dividends
reduce current book value but do not affect current
earnings; and
A linear model frames the stochastic time series
behaviour of abnormal earnings

Both the price and return models begin with
standard valuation model in which price is the discounted
present value of expected net cash flows. Both models also
rely on the premise that current earnings contain
information about expected future cash flows (Watts and
Zimmerman, 1986; Kormedi and Lipe, 1987; Ohlson, 1991,
and Ohslon, 1995, Kothari and Zimmerman, 1995).

Clean surplus relation implies that all changes in assets and liabilities
unrelated to dividends must pass through the statement of comprehensive
Abnormal earnings is defined as current earnings minus the risk free rate
times the beginning of period book value, that is, earnings minus the
charge for the use of capital.
VOL. 2, NO. 6, September 2013 ISSN 2307-2466
International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management
2013. All rights reserved.

Given that the markets expectations of future cash flows
are unobservable, empirical specifications of price-earnings
often use current earnings as proxy for the markets
expectations (Kothari and Zimmerman, 1995).

The price model is the theoretical foundation for
many studies of the relation between share price, book
value of equity and earnings. The regression is typically run
on per share basis and based on Ohlson (1995) the price
is specified thus,



t =
Price per share
= current years earnings per share
= Beginning book value of equity for the
year per share

The returns model is stated thus,
( ) { }

t t t
d P P


, represents the abnormal
share return

Earnings (E) are normally scaled by total assets or
market value at the beginning of the year (Beisland, 2009).

The review of existing evidence suggests that the
returns model and the price model differ in the following
ways. The returns model reflects both earnings surprise and
change in the expectation of future earnings as a fraction of
initial price; while the price model reflects only the
expected future earnings (Ye, 2009).

Studies that have used both price model and
returns model on the same sample have reported
inconsistent and rather confusing results. These
inconsistencies are associated with the poor econometric
properties of these models, that is, scale effect and their
estimation of value relevance as measured by the earnings
response coefficients and adjusted R-square.

Harris, Lang and Moller (1994) compare the value
relevance of accounting data for the US and the German
firms. They report that the R

Its not the intention of this study to derive the price and returns model.
The expressions in this study are only indicative otherwise see Olhson
(1995), Ota (2001) for the detailed derivation of the price model and
returns model.
for German firms (7%) using
the returns model is comparable to that of U.S firms (7%).
However, the R
obtained for German firms (14%) using the
price model is less than half that for the U.S firms (34%).
Similarly, Francis and Schipper (1999) with U.S firms, Lev
and Zarowin (1999) with the U.S firms and Ota (2001) with
the J apanese firms report significant differences in the R

for return models and the price models. In these studies the
price models exhibited larger R
compared to the returns
models. Ota (2001) observes that these findings give the
impression that accounting data is useful in equity valuation
(using price models) and accounting information is of less
value to the stock market ( using returns model).

However, Kothari and Shanken (2003) argue that,
it is meaningless to compare R square across different data
sets, such as data from different years or different countries.
They argue that a data set for homogenous firms with high
quality accounting may produce a much lower R

In order to make a correction to the econometric
properties of R
compared to a data set in which accounting is of low quality
but firms are heterogeneous.

square, Brown et al. (1999) suggests
adjusting for the variance of the regression variables. While
Chang (1998) suggests the use of the mean squares of
logarithm ratio of predicted price to price. And Gu (2001)

suggests using error variance. In addition, Chang (1998)
argues that R square is unrealistic and difficult to interpret
due to heteroscedasticity. Brown et al. (1999)
and Gu
(2001) argue that, the problem is due to scaling not
heteroscedasticity and that R

Ye (2009), suggests that, the price model needs
adjustment for scaling variable as firms differ in size. He
argues that firm size is correlated with many variables,
omitting the size variable in regression analysis may lead to
serious bias in model estimation. In addition, size causes
squares are sensitive to the
scaling of variables.

Brown et al. (1999) suggests the use of lagged
share price in price models. Barth and Clinch (1999) argue
in the model, which reduces the
accuracy of the parameter estimation. There is no consensus
in accounting literature on the best measure of size (scaling
factor). The frequently used variables include book value of
equity, market value of equity, total assets, lagged share
price and number of shares issued.

Gu (2001) maintains that R
is a descriptive measure specific to sample
and criticises the use of R
as metric to assess the value relevance of
accounting data across different samples. He suggests the use of residual
variance as an alternative measure of value relevance.
Brown et al. (1999) replicated the study of Collins et al. (1999) after
controlling for scale effects; they find that the value relevance of
accounting data has declined over time. They attribute this to an increase in
the scale effect having more than offset a decline in the explanatory power
of accounting data.
Ye (2009) argue that heteroscedasticity consistent methods such as the
White (1980) standard error method do not improve the estimates
VOL. 2, NO. 6, September 2013 ISSN 2307-2466
International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management
2013. All rights reserved.

that the number of shares outstanding can be a proxy for
scale. However, Easton (1998)
argues against using the
number of shares, since a firm arbitrarily determines the
number of shares it issues. Meanwhile, Barth and Kallapar
(1996) advocate for the use of unscaled estimation of the
price models. Easton and Sommers (2003)
In contrast some studies suggest that, in order to
mitigate the problems posed by potential scale effects, all
explanatory variables in price models should be deflated by
lagged share price for the period as proposed by Christie
(1987), Easton (1998) and Brown et al. (1999) which
approach has been recently applied in the study of Callao
and J arne (2010)
argue that the
best measure of scale is the market capitalization (market
value of equity). The use of other accounting data is
fundamentally inferior.

. However, this approach converts the
price model into returns model. Therefore the researcher
losses the very essence of the use of price model in equity

Because of the possible weaknesses in the price
model and returns models, Kothari and Zimmerman (1995)
and Ota (2001) advice that, the most appropriate action is to
use both the price and the return models on the same
sample. However, Ota (2001) warns of the risk of obtaining
inconsistent and confusing empirical results.

Finally, Beisland (2009) argues that the research
question is decisive in the choice of the use of price models
or the returns models. Beisland (2009) argues that if the
intention of the study is to evaluate the pricing of equity and
other balance sheet items, the price models becomes the
choice. However, if the study has change oriented approach,
in which value creation is the main focus, or how value
relevance is affected by new accounting standards,
regulatory frameworks such corporate governance, a return
regression is appropriate.

There is evidence in accounting literature of the
relation between security market values or changes in
values and accounting numbers or information such as
earnings. Primarily two approaches are used in the valuation
of accounting numbers such as earnings. These are the
returns model and the price models. However, there is still
debate on which models provides a better measure and

Easton (1998) argues that the statistical associations between stock price
and book value per share and any other explanatory variables measured at
levels may simply be a spurious effect of scale. To prove his point using
U.S sample data, he deflated both sides of the price model to remove the
scale effect on book value per share, and earnings per share, and found
statistically significant coefficient estimates
See Easton and Sommers(2003) for detailed examination of market
Callao and J arne (2010) used this approach in their study examining
country factors and value relevance of discretionary accruals in the
European Union.
validity of the earnings return coefficient. While some prior
studies have indicated that the price model reports earnings
response coefficients which are less biased compared to
returns models. Others show that the Price models are
associated with poor econometric properties and
endogeneity problems. Price models are always subject to
rejection of tests of heteroscedasticity and model
misspecification than return models. In addition the returns
model is a basis of most value relevance studies and the
success of the returns model in examining the incremental
information of accounting, the timeliness of earnings and
market efficiency, is vital and meets the expectations of the
market (Beaver, 1998).

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