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II. Circle Best Option To Complete The Sentences Below. - (10x0,2 5 2,5) )

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1. A. read B . meat C . seat D .

2. A. relaxes B . watches C . misses D . lives
3. A. school B . mechanic C . machine D . chemistry
4. A. half B . hour C . history D . hi
5. A. worked B . missed C . returned D . watched
1 2 3 4 5
II. Circle best option to complete the sentences below. .(10x0,2 5=2,5))
1. ome !eo!le are used to..... in crowed "uses #ridin$%to ride% rode% rides&
2. 'ou should "e careful when !layin$ $ames( )ideo $ames can "e .............# addictin$%
addictive% addiction% addicted&
3. *y !arents like fish( "ut ..............# so do +%. neither do +% + do too% + don,t&
4. *y sister has a.............summer vacation. # five - weeks% five . week,s% five . weeks,%
five - week&
5.( /$a is........in my class#."eautiful% more "eautiful% the more "eautiful % the most
"eautiful &
0. 1e should not 22..too much candy# to eat% eats % eat % ate&
3. he 22......television last ni$ht# watched% to watch% watches% watch&
4. 1ould you like 22.to school# walk% walked% walks% walkin$&
5. he s!ends an hour 22.6n$lish# learn% learnin$% learned% to learn&
17. 22.you eat rice 2 days a$o8 # Are% 1ere% Did% 1as&
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
0. 3. 4. 5. 17
III. Use the words given in br!ets to "orm word tht "its in the spce. ( 0,25x 8=1,5
1.1here your father #"e& 8 9e.#read & a "ook
2:et;s 2..#$o& to school
3. 9ow often :an <s "rother22.#!lay& $ames8 . =nce a week
4.ome !eo!le2.#watch& flims tomorrow8
5.9e2..#"e & at home last week
0.*y mother ou$ht to 22# >o$& every day
3.?hey #cook& dinner now
1. 2 3. 4
5 0 3 4
+). @ead the !assa$e and answer the Auestions. #7.3 x 5 B1.5 !t&
Crank is now the head of a very lar$e "usiness com!any( "ut as a "oy he used to work
in a small sho!. +t was his >o" to re!air "icycles and at the time he used to work fourteen
hours a day. 9e saved money for years and in 1534 he "ou$ht a small worksho! of his
own. Durin$ the war( Crank used to make s!are !art for !lanes. At that time he had two
hel!ers. By the end of the war( the small worksho! had "ecome a lar$e factory which
em!loyed seven hundred and twenty.ei$ht !eo!le. Crank smiled when he remem"ered his
hard early years and the lon$ road to success.
D #$estions%
A. 1here did Crank use to work when he was a "oy8
B. Did he use to work forty hours a day8
C 1hen did he "uy his own worksho!8
D. 1hat did he use to do durin$ the war8
6. 9ow many workers were there in CrankEs factory at the end of the war8
V. &ind nd correct the $nderlined word or phrse in ech sentence tht needs
correcting. (6x 0,25 =1,5 )
1. Ba is in the class 3A last week
.2 'ou look tired. 'ou,d "etter stayin$ inside at recess.
3. *y mother !refers watchin$ ?) than listenin$ to the radio.
4 *y "rother doesnEt like !ork( and + donEt like them( too.
5. he "ou$ht some souvenirs from the sho! and so was +.
0. 'esterday(t + ate "read and drink a $lass of milk.
1 2 3
4 5 0
'I. &inish the second sentence in s$ch w( is similr to the originl one ( 5 x
0,4= 2ms)
. 1 9ow heavy is the chicken 8
1hat ...................................................................................................................................
2. *iss :an is a fast runner.
*iss :an runs22222222222222222222222222222
3. *y house is the oldest house on the stress.
/o houses222222222222222222222222222222
4 . +t takes my mother half an hour to cook lunch.
*y mother s!ends22222222222222222222222222
5 :istenin$ to music at home is more interestin$ than $oin$ to the concert
B FI prefer22222222
M%N& 'I(N) *N+ $
N,M +-C& 2013 . 2014.
I. Choose the $nderlined prt is prono$nced di""erentl( "rom o" the others.
(5 x 0,2 = 1.0/0)
1. D headache 2. D . lives 3.C .machine 4. B hour 5. C. returned
I. Circle best option), *, C, or + to complete the sentences below. (10 x
0,25 = 2, 5/0s)
1. A. ridin$ 2 addictive 3. o do + 4. CiveGweek 5. ?he most
0. eat 23. 1atched 4.to walk 5. :earnin$ 37. Did
III. Use the words given in br!ets to "orm word tht "its in the spce. (
0,25x 8=1,5
1. is 2. is readin$ 3. $o 4. does 2. !lay 5.
will2.watch 0. was 3.>o$
4. are cookin$
IV. 1234 052 /3ss362 374 37s829 052 :;2s0<=7s. (0.3 x 5 =1.0 /0)
A( he used to work in a small sho!
B( /o( 9e did not
C( +n 1534
D( 9e used to make s!are !art for !lanes
6(even hundred and twenty.ei$ht !eo!le
I. &ind nd correct the $nderlined word or phrse in ech sentence tht
needs correcting. (8 x 0,25 = 1, 5m)
1 is. was 2. stayin$.stay 3 than -to 4 too. either 5. was.did 0
drink. drank
II. &inish the second sentence in s$ch w( is similr to the originl one(
, x 0,5= 2ms)
1. 1hat is the weight of the chicken ?
2. *iss. :an runs fast
3. /o houses on the stress are older than my house
4. *y mother s!ends half an hour cooking lunch
5.+ !refer listenin$ to music at home to $oin$ to the concert
m=92 0537 100 8=94s) (2/0s)
*H "IiJ /Ku LMNc chO LP cOa "Ii viQt LMNc #7(5 LiRm.&
?hSn "IiJ /Ku vI trTnh "Iy LMNc mUt sV hoWt LUn$ cOa n$MXi viQt vI "Wn cYn$ lZ! cOa h[
thMXn$ lIm tron$ $iX ra ch\i # 1 LiRm&
]Qt lu^nJ ?_m t`t( khan$ Lbnh lWi tct cd cec hoWt LUn$ Lf trTnh "Iy H trKn #7(5 LiRm&
D BIi viQt !hdi Le! gn$ LO cec yKu chu dMZi LSy mZi cho LiRm tVi La.
. ijn$ chO LP.
. idm "do nUi dun$.
. ijn$ chknh td vI n$l !he!. Dimn LWt n troi chdy( c_ kQt nVi n

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