Fairtrade 2
Fairtrade 2
Fairtrade 2
100g mince meat
2 Fairtrade bay leaves
200g spaghetti
1 Oxo cube
Pinch of Fairtrade basil
1 tbsp Fairtrade peanut butter
1 tbsp Worcester sauce
2 tbsp tomato puree
1 can of chopped tomatoes
3 large mushrooms
1 onion
1 tsp Fairtrade olive oil
1 garlic clove
50g panchetta
Salt and pepper to season
1. Brown the mince in a pan of oil.
When the mince is brown, add the
crushed oxo cube. Then add the
Worcester sauce, chopped
tomatoes and tomato puree.
2. Then add the bay leaves, peanut
butter, onions and mushrooms.
3. To let the sauce thicken, simmer
for 45 mins.
4. Twenty mins before the end,
place the pasta in a pan of boiling
water for 15-20 mins or until
5. To serve, spoon the bolognese
on top of the pasta, and garnish
with slices of parmesan.
1 free range egg, separated
2 tbsp Fairtrade plain flour
1 tsp cornflour
50g/2oz Fairtrade dark chocolate,
1 tbsp Fairtrade caster sugar
Unsalted butter, for greasing
Fairtrade Cocoa powder, for
For the chocolate sauce:
3 tbsp hot water
1 tbsp Fairtrade caster sugar
50g/2oz Fairtrade dark chocolate,
Thick cream
1. Preheat a flat baking sheet in an
oven set to 200C/400F/Gas 6.
2. To make the fondant, whisk the
egg white until stiff, then fold in the
flour and cornflour.
3. In a separate bowl, mix together
the melted chocolate, sugar and
egg yolk.
4. Mix one spoonful of the whisked
egg white into the chocolate, then
add the rest of the white and fold
5. Butter two dariole moulds and
dust with cocoa powder.
6. Spoon the mixture into the
moulds, then bake in the oven for
10 minutes.
7. To make the chocolate sauce,
in a bowl mix the water and
caster sugar with the melted
8. To serve, turn the fondants out
on to a plate, garnish with the ice
cream and spoon around some of
the chocolate sauce.
they are being produced and the
poor workers are on the bad end
of the deal.
Fairtrade ensures bananas
are bought and sold at a regu-
lated price and ensures certain
standards and working condi-
tions are met on the planta-
The price difference in Tesco
between a cheap banana and
one you can be sure has been
ethically produced to Fairtrade
standards is just 13p.
That added extra helped
earned farmers across the
world 65million in Fairtrade
premiums last year alone.
It helped more than 18,000
people working on smaller,
independently-run farms
But the Fairtrade movement
also looks after crops, herbs,
rice, chocolate, spices, oils and
numerous other products.
The Basildon Fairtrade steer-
ing group is due to renew the
towns status later this year
and continues its battle to raise
awareness and make con-
sumers think about where their
ingredients are coming from.
It has held art and literature
competitions for primary
schools and works with the
local media, councils, schools,
churches and other community
organisations to spread the
Fairtrade is fighting to
make itself redundant, says
It wants to change things
enough that a fair life for these
workers and fair trade prices is
standard and not the exception
to the rule.
If you are getting a really
good deal in the supermarket,
the chances are someone is suf-
fering elsewhere as a result.
Basildon Fairtrade group
wants you to join in the fight
for ethical foods and better
working environments.
For information on the group
and its activities, e-mail
[email protected]
PAYING a little extra helps
earn food producers a
premium that ensures a
better working
environment and helps
invest back into the
business. Other benefits of
buying Fairtrade for
workers include:
Set wages matched
against cost of living.
Robust trading contracts
that help plan for the
Labour union rights.
Access to affordable
housing, education and
Improved health and
No child labour.
Cook-off king Josh Parrys bolognese recipe helped him beat Sinead Burton, above left,
and Jody Ellis, above right, to the cook-off crown Pictures: ANNA LUKALA BA91109_ANL04
Echo Thursday March 6, 2014 25 echo-news.co.uk