This document is a registration form for businesses interested in becoming a partner to market and sell certified organic commodities from Uttarakhand, India. It requests information such as the business name, address, contact details, experience in sales and marketing of organic products, and annual turnover.
By registering, partners will have access to benefits like an approved farmers list, participation in trade fairs and exhibitions, and support for consumer awareness programs. They must follow terms like copying the commodity board on all orders, maintaining product traceability, and using the organic certification logo on retail packaging. An annual fee of 1000 rupees is charged, and additional service fees are based on the partner's annual invoice amounts from farmers groups.
This document is a registration form for businesses interested in becoming a partner to market and sell certified organic commodities from Uttarakhand, India. It requests information such as the business name, address, contact details, experience in sales and marketing of organic products, and annual turnover.
By registering, partners will have access to benefits like an approved farmers list, participation in trade fairs and exhibitions, and support for consumer awareness programs. They must follow terms like copying the commodity board on all orders, maintaining product traceability, and using the organic certification logo on retail packaging. An annual fee of 1000 rupees is charged, and additional service fees are based on the partner's annual invoice amounts from farmers groups.
This document is a registration form for businesses interested in becoming a partner to market and sell certified organic commodities from Uttarakhand, India. It requests information such as the business name, address, contact details, experience in sales and marketing of organic products, and annual turnover.
By registering, partners will have access to benefits like an approved farmers list, participation in trade fairs and exhibitions, and support for consumer awareness programs. They must follow terms like copying the commodity board on all orders, maintaining product traceability, and using the organic certification logo on retail packaging. An annual fee of 1000 rupees is charged, and additional service fees are based on the partner's annual invoice amounts from farmers groups.
This document is a registration form for businesses interested in becoming a partner to market and sell certified organic commodities from Uttarakhand, India. It requests information such as the business name, address, contact details, experience in sales and marketing of organic products, and annual turnover.
By registering, partners will have access to benefits like an approved farmers list, participation in trade fairs and exhibitions, and support for consumer awareness programs. They must follow terms like copying the commodity board on all orders, maintaining product traceability, and using the organic certification logo on retail packaging. An annual fee of 1000 rupees is charged, and additional service fees are based on the partner's annual invoice amounts from farmers groups.
201 Phase I, Vasant Vihar, Dehra Dun - 248 006, India Tel: 2760770 Telefax: 2764309 Web: Registration Form Registration No. (For UOCB Use only) To, The Secretary Uttarakhand Organic Commodity Board, Dehradun (248001). Dear Sir, We would like to get registered with Uttarakhand Organic Commodity Board as the Business Partner for the marketing and sale of certified organic commodities from Uttarakhand. We are hereby filling below all the necessary information as desired. S.No Particulars Details 1 Name of the Organization (Attach Relevant Documents) 2 Name of the MD/Director /Other 3 Registered Address 4 Correspondence Address 5 Email id 6 Tele No Office Mobile No: Fax No 7 8 Company Profile 9 Region of Business in India (City / State) 10 Mode of Sales and Marketing :- Retailing Trading Exports 11 Experience ( if any):- 12 Brand Name ( if any ) 13 Retail Outlets (if any, name of the places) 14 15 Turnover of the company (Rs in Lakhs) 16 References (if any) 17 Details of the Demand Draft/Cheque (In favour of Secretary UOCB) 18 Name of the Bank 19 DD NO. 20 Amount ( Rs ) 21 Date Terms & Conditions: 1. All orders and correspondence raised by the trade agencies shall be copied to the marketing cell, U.O.C.B. 2. The trade shall take place entirely between the agency and producers group as directed by UOCB. 3. Transaction certificates shall be issued to the trade agency only upon requirement. 4. All related documents for issuance of transaction certificate shall reach UOCB marketing cell within 7 days of procurement, failing which UOCB will not be held responsible for non issuance of the same. 5. Trade agencies are obliged to maintain the chain of custody of the till the retail point. 6. The final retail packing of the produce should be made available to the U.O.C.B. 7. The trade agency dealing in retails shall use the name/logo Organic Uttarakhand, or should mention the source of origin in their final retail pack. 8. Any feed back from the consumers shall be sent to trade agency and those are obliged to be considered for being taken into consideration and inclusion. 9. U.O.C.B. reserves the right for cancellation of registration of any agency. 10. Annual registration fees of Rs 1000 will be charged from the trade partners. UOCB will obtain service charge for the different services provided on the basis of the total invoices generated by the farmers group to the buyers in a financial year. The slabs for the charges are as follows: Note: - Order below Rs. 50,000 are not entitled to the below benefits. Against the registration and the service charge obtained by UOCB the buyer/ traders gets the package of benefits which it can avail time and again, the different benefits are as follows:- A free hard copy of AFL ( Approved Farmers List ) Customized Producers - Buyer Meets and field visits. Participation in the Organic Fairs / Exhibitions / Workshops/Seminars on payment/sponsorship basis. Support in organizing Consumer Awareness Programs. Being invited to conferences meetings and general buyer seller meets. Getting information from UOCB Magazines and newsletters Distribution of / promotional fliers, brochures. Distribution of Display Stands and other literatures. No transaction certificate cost will be charged. Facilitation and monitoring in the supply of the commodities in terms of travel of the UOCB staff to the supply areas and link with field works and farmers groups. Self Declaration: The information given by me in this form and enclosure is true and I am solely responsible for accuracy. Date: Signature Place: (Authorized Signatory) S.No Slabs Service Charge 1 Rs 50000 to Rs 5 Lac 1 % of the invoice 2 Rs 5 Lac to Rs 15 Lac Rs 15000 3 Rs 15 Lac to Rs 50 Lac Rs 20000 4 Rs 50 Lac and above Rs 30000