MEP3 Week4

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Anuban Weekly Outline

Sitapatr School
Teacher: Mike and Sarah Class: MEP 3 Week: 4 Dates: 09/06/14-13/06/14
This week we are learning:
Circle Time Review
This week are going to review classroom
o!ects and actions"
#e are then going to introd$ce the new to%ic
o& occ$%ations" #e are going to start '
learning the new voca$lar'( an actor) an
actress) an astrona$t) a dentist) a &armer) a
soldier) a veterinarian) a dancer) a doctor) a
%oliceman) a &ireman) a mailman) a n$rse) a
$s driver) a %ilot) a teacher) a waiter) a
arer) a st$dent) a cook"
#e will $se the occ$%ations &lashcards to
learn this voca$lar'"
*s a warmer and to maintain &$ll
concentration we will enco$rage the children
to do some sim%le %h'sical e+ercise activit'
to engage the od' and mind"
Activity Time
Sentence structure:
This week we are going to &oc$s on $sing what is he/she, he/she is a %oliceman" #e will
also contin$e to %ractise what is it, it is a/an""""""" d$ring the lessons"
#e are going to %la' d$ck) d$ck) goose $sing the voca$lar' in %lace o& goose" #e will
%la' s%lat where - st$dents race to hit the correct &lashcard called o$t ' the teacher
and also %la' charades where the st$dents g$ess the occ$%ation eing acted o$t ' one
o& the st$dents"
This week we are going to do a worksheet on occ$%ations where the st$dents have to trace
the words and then match the word to the correct %ict$re" #hen com%leted we will
review the worksheet ' each %ointing to a %ict$re and the correct word and sa'ing the
word o$t" #e are also going to do a word search where the st$dents will &ind
occ$%ations" This will %ractise their s%elling and reading skills"
This week we are going to learn the %eo%le song to learn the voca$lar' in a &$n wa'"
New letters!soun"s!vocabulary#
2n %honics this week o$r new voca$lar' will consist o& three letter at words" The'
are as &ollows( cat) rat) mat) at) hat and &at" To test skills and knowledge) the
children will e com%leting the ne+t %art o& their %honics activit' ook which
incor%orates oth reading and writing skills"
This week we will egin looking at the at
three letter words" The initial and end
so$nd o& each word will e identi&ied so
that we are ale to lend the so$nds
together to read the word" The words we
will e working with can e re&erred to in
the new 5letters/ so$nds / voca$lar'
7ario$s %ict$res and &lashcards will e
$sed to %la' games s$ch as &l' swat) the
river game and r$n) sla% and draw"
Writing $ractice
This week we are %racticing writing
letters in o$r new handwriting ooklets"
8ast week the st$dents were having
%rolems writing the letters the correct
wa' and with %osition and si9e" #e will
&oc$s on these iss$es"
Sight Wor"s
:ew sight words this week are(
2) is) it) come) down"
$arent %ollow &' ! &se(ul Websites ! )omework:
;ear Parents" Please revise all the work we do in class at home" This will hel% 'o$r child to rememer the words etter and $se it with more con&idence"
Please hel% 'o$r child to learn the occ$%ations voca$lar'" <o$ co$ld sing the song with them htt%s(//www"'o$t$e"com/watch,v./01a$%2/3r4
Thanks) 'o$r hel% is greatl' a%%reciated" *n' =$estions %lease ask" Teacher Mike and Teacher Sarah"

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