31 Secret Restaurant Recipes
31 Secret Restaurant Recipes
31 Secret Restaurant Recipes
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
31 Secret Restaurant Copycat Recipes: Volume II
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31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
LeLLer from Lhe LdlLors
uear 8eader,
nearly every one of us has gone Lo a resLauranL and had a meal LhaL was so good LhaL we wanLed Lo
learn how Lo make LhaL reclpe aL home. 1he problem ls famous resLauranL reclpes are Lough Lo flnd,
because resLauranLs can be very proLecLlve of Lhelr mosL popular reclpes.
Lucklly, many LalenLed home cooks ouL Lhere spend hours playlng around wlLh reclpes Lo Lry and creaLe
copycaL reclpes of Lhose famous Lop secreL reclpes. And whlle Lhe copycaL reclpes may noL be exacL
repllcas of Lhose famous resLauranL reclpes, Lhey are so close LhaL you wlll never know Lhe dlfference.
And some of our resLauranL reclpes - Lhose from larger chalns - may be Lhe exacL reclpes.
So, here aL 8eclpeLlon we have puL LogeLher our second collecLlon of Lhe besL copycaL reclpes so LhaL
oLher home cooks could have Lhe [oy of cooklng a Lop secreL reclpe ln Lhelr own homes and wowlng
Lhelr famlly and frlends wlLh reclpes LhaL are so close Lo famous resLauranL reclpes.
lL ls lmporLanL Lo noLe LhaL none of Lhese copycaL reclpes are Lhe acLual copyrlghL proLecLed Lop secreL
reclpes. lnsLead, Lhey are copycaL reclpes LhaL do Lhelr besL Lo LasLe as close as posslble Lo Lhe famous
lor even more resLauranL copycaL reclpes, qulck and easy dlnner ldeas, cooklng Llps and more, vlslL us aL
Cur eCookbooks, llke all our reclpes, are absoluLely l8LL Lo members of our cooklng and reclpe
communlLy. lease feel free Lo share wlLh famlly and frlends and ask Lhem Lo check ouL our webslLe aL
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31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
1ab|e of Contents
Ch|||'s Gr|||ed Ch|cken Iettucc|ne ........................................................................................... 6
Macaron| Gr||| Iocacc|a .......................................................................................................... 7
Macaron| Gr||| enne kust|ca ................................................................................................. 9
Macaron| Gr||| koasted Gar||c Lemon V|na|grette ................................................................. 11
Macaron| Gr||| Shr|mp ortof|no .......................................................................................... 12
S|zz|er S|zz||n' Cn|on Stack Steak .......................................................................................... 13
1aco 8e|| Meat Season|ng .................................................................................................... 14
1aco 8e|| Cha|upa Supreme.................................................................................................. 16
And|amo's kaspberry Choco|ate M|n|-Cakes ........................................................................ 18
App|ebee's Vegetab|e |zza w|th Sp|nach-Art|choke Sauce ................................................... 20
8uca d| 8eppo-Sty|e Ch|cken Marsa|a .................................................................................. 22
Cheesecake Iactory 8ruschetta............................................................................................ 24
Cope|and's of New Cr|eans 8eer Cheese 8a|| ....................................................................... 26
I|mmy 8uffet's Margar|tav|||e Cheeseburger |n arad|se ...................................................... 27
1.G.I. Ir|day's Lemon Ch|cken w|th asta ............................................................................. 29
Weber Gr|||'s Iamous Sangr|a .............................................................................................. 31
Wendy's Ch||| ...................................................................................................................... 32
1.G.I. Ir|day's Gar||c Ch|cken and otatoes ........................................................................... 34
.I. Chang's Ch|cken Lettuce Wraps ..................................................................................... 3S
.I. Chang's I|recracker Shr|mp ........................................................................................... 37
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
.I. Chang's Szechaun Ch|cken Chow Iun ............................................................................. 39
Arby's Copycat norsey Sauce ............................................................................................... 41
Carrabba's Ita||an Gr||| 8read D|p M|x .................................................................................. 42
Ch|||'s Margar|ta res|dente ................................................................................................. 43
C'Char|ey's Loaded otato Soup .......................................................................................... 44
Cracker 8arre| C|d Country Store Cherry Choco|ate Cobb|er ................................................. 46
C||ve Garden 8readst|cks ..................................................................................................... 48
C||ve Garden Caprese Sa|ad ................................................................................................. 49
C||ve Garden Ch|cken Marsa|a ............................................................................................. S0
C||ve Garden Iettucc|ne A|fredo .......................................................................................... S1
C||ve Garden nouse Dress|ng ............................................................................................... S2
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
Ch|||'s Gr|||ed Ch|cken Iettucc|ne
1hls copycaL pasLa reclpe ls rlch and creamy, wlLh a splke of Ca[un seasonlng. ?ou won'L be able
Lo belleve Lhls lsn'L from Chlll's!
Serves: 2
2 boneless sklnless chlcken breasL halves, cuL lnLo sLrlps
2 Leaspoon Ca[un seasonlng
2 Lablespoon buLLer or margarlne
/2 cup heavy cream
/4 Leaspoon drled basll
/4 Leaspoon lemon pepper seasonlng
/4 Leaspoon salL
/8 Leaspoon pepper
/8 Leaspoon garllc powder
4 ounce feLLucclne, cooked and dralned
unlLs of someLhlng
1. lace chlcken and Ca[un seasonlng ln a bowl or resealable plasLlc bag, Loss or shake Lo coaL.
2. ln a large skllleL over medlum heaL, sauLe chlcken ln buLLer unLll almosL Lender, abouL 3 Lo 7
mlnuLes. 8educe heaL. Add cream and seasonlng, heaL Lhrough. Add pasLa and Loss, heaL
LhroughouL. Sprlnkle armesan cheese lf deslred.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
Macaron| Gr||| Iocacc|a
1hls rosemary focaccla ls Lhe perfecL bread Lo dlp ln a flavorful ollve oll. Serve Lhls as a sLarLer or
use as Lhe base for a hearLy sandwlch.
Serves: 8
9 Lablespoon ollve oll
3 cup all-purpose flour, unslfLed
/4 cup semollna flour, unslfLed
/2 Leaspoon salL
/2 Lablespoon qulck-rlslng dry yeasL
/2 cup hoL mllk
1 Lablespoon fresh rosemary leaves
1. our a scanL Lablespoon of Lhe ollve oll lnLo a 9-lnch square cake pan, spread evenly Lo
cover boLLom and sldes. lace all-purpose flour, semollna flour, 2 Lablespoons of Lhe
ollve oll, 1/4 Leaspoon of Lhe salL and all of Lhe yeasL ln Lhe bowl of a mlxer flLLed wlLh a
dough hook. (1he mlxlng can be done by hand as well.) 8lend lngredlenLs on medlum
speed. 8educe speed Lo low and slowly add hoL mllk. 8alse Lhe speed Lo medlum and
conLlnue mlxlng for 3 mlnuLes (knead abouL 8 Lo 10 mlnuLes by hand).
2. Sprlnkle boLLom of cake pan wlLh a llLLle flour. 8emove dough from bowl and spread ouL
evenly ln pan. Cover wlLh a Lowel and leL resL for 30 mlnuLes.
3. reheaL oven Lo 400 degrees l.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
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4. 8emove Lowel. 8rush dough wlLh 1 Lo 2 Lablespoons of Lhe ollve oll. Sprlnkle Lop wlLh
addlLlonal salL and rosemary. 8ake for 20 mlnuLes.
3. 8emove from oven and drlzzle wlLh remalnlng oll.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
Macaron| Gr||| enne kust|ca
1hls resLauranL copycaL pasLa dlsh ls loaded wlLh flavor. 8eLween Lhe shrlmp, chlcken, panceLLa
and Lhe creamy sauce, Lhls lsn'L a dlsh you wlll soon forgeL.
Serves: 6
2 Leaspoon buLLer
2 Leaspoon garllc, chopped
1 Leaspoon ul[on musLard
1 Leaspoon salL
1 Leaspoon rosemary, chopped
1 cup Marsala wlne
/4 Leaspoon cayenne pepper
8 cup heavy cream
1 ounce panceLLa or bacon
of someLhlng
18 shrlmp, peeled and develned
12 ounce grllled chlcken breasL, sllced
/2 cup sauce (from reclpe below)
48 ounce penne pasLa, cooked
3 Leaspoon plmenLo
6 ounce buLLer
1 Leaspoon shalloLs, chopped
1 plnch salL and pepper
1 cup armesan cheese
/2 Leaspoon paprlka
6 sprlgs fresh rosemary
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
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CraLlnaLa Sauce (1he sauce uses Lhe lngredlenLs llsLed from buLLer Lhrough heavy cream)
1. SauLe buLLer, garllc, and rosemary unLll garllc beglns Lo brown. Add Marsala wlne and
reduce by one-Lhlrd. Add remalnlng lngredlenLs and reduce by half of orlglnal volume.
SeL aslde.
enne 8usLlca:
2. SauLe panceLLa unLll beglns Lo brown. Add buLLer, shalloLs, and shrlmp. Cook unLll
shrlmp are evenly plnk buL sLlll LranslucenL. Add chlcken, salL, pepper, and mlx
Lhoroughly. Add graLlnaLa sauce and 1/2 cup of parmesan cheese and slmmer unLll
sauce Lhlckens.
3. ln a large bowl, comblne shrlmp and chlcken mlxLure wlLh precooked pasLa. lace Lhls
mlxLure lnLo slngle servlng dlshes or one large casserole dlsh. 1op wlLh remalnlng cheese
and plmlenLos and sprlnkle wlLh paprlka. 8ake aL 473 degrees l for 10 Lo 13 mlnuLes.
8emove and garnlsh wlLh fresh rosemary sprlg.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
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Macaron| Gr||| koasted Gar||c Lemon V|na|grette
1hls salad dresslng comblnes roasLed garllc and llghL lemon [ulce Lo creaLe Lhe perfecL flavor for
an lLallan salad. 1op your favorlLe greens or veggles wlLh Lhls resLauranL copycaL dresslng from
Macaronl Crlll.
/4 cup red wlne vlnegar
3 Lablespoon honey
/2 Lablespoon salL
/2 ounce roasLed garllc
/4 cup ollve oll
/2 lemon, [ulced
1. lace vlnegar, honey, salL and roasLed garllc ln a food processor. uree unLll garllc ls
chopped very flne.
2. WlLh Lhe food processor sLlll runnlng, add ollve oll and lemon [ulce. 8efrlgeraLe unLll
ready Lo use.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
Macaron| Gr||| Shr|mp ortof|no
1hls slmple and flavorful shrlmp dlsh ls perfecL over rlce or pasLa. 1ry Lhls copycaL reclpe from
Lhe Macaronl Crlll LonlghL and please Lhe enLlre famlly.
Serves: 4
16 medlum mushrooms
2 Leaspoon garllc, chopped
/2 cup buLLer, melLed
16 large shrlmp, cleaned
/2 Leaspoon pepper
/4 cup fresh lemon [ulce
1 [ar marlnaLed arLlchoke hearLs
4 sllces lemon
2 Lablespoon parsley
1. SauLe mushrooms and garllc ln buLLer unLll almosL Lender. Add shrlmp and sauLe unLll
shrlmp ls cooked, abouL 3 mlnuLes (do noL overcook!). Add remalnlng lngredlenLs excepL
lemon and parsley and heaL Lhrough.
2. Serve over pasLa or rlce. Carnlsh wlLh lemon sllces and parsley.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
S|zz|er S|zz||n' Cn|on Stack Steak
1hls resLauranL copycaL reclpe ls packed wlLh flavor. 1wo klnds of onlons Lopped hlgh on a
perfecL sLeak make for a dellclous and fllllng meal. ?ou can serve Lhls wlLh your favorlLe slde
dlsh, buL we recommend a hoL baked poLaLo.
Serves: 1
8 ounce favorlLe sLeak
/2 Leaspoon sLeakhouse seasonlng
1 ounce onlon sLraws
3 ounce caramellzed onlons
2 sprlgs parsley
Au [us
1. repare sLeak Lo your llklng uslng your favorlLe sLeak house seasonlng.
2. lace 3 ounces of caramellzed onlons on plaLe. Cnce sLeak ls ready, place sLeak on
caramellzed onlons. 1op sLeak wlLh Cnlon SLraws. Sprlnkle chopped parsley on Lop of
Cnlon SLraws.
3. Serve wlLh baked poLaLo or vegeLable of your cholce.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
1aco 8e|| Meat Season|ng
lf you love 1aco 8ell (and leL's face lL - who doesn'L?), you'll be so exclLed Lo make Lhls copycaL
reclpe for Lhelr meaL seasonlng. 1here's someLhlng speclal abouL Lhe flavor of a 1aco 8ell Laco,
and now you can repllcaLe lL aL home. Woo hoo!
Serves: 6
Cook|ng 1|me: 30 mln
/3 pound lean flnely ground chuck
/2 Lablespoon Mesa Corn llour
/2 Leaspoon chlll powder
/2 Leaspoon onlon powder
/2 Leaspoon garllc powder
/2 Leaspoon seasoned salL
/2 Leaspoon paprlka
/4 Leaspoon cumln
/2 Leaspoon garllc salL
/4 Leaspoon sugar
1 Leaspoon dry mlnced onlons
/2 Leaspoon beef boulllon
1. Mlx LogeLher all lngredlenL excepL Lhe meaL. SLlr Lhe splce mlxLure well maklng sure LhaL
all splces have been blended well.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
2. Crumble ground beef and brown sLlrrlng well.
3. 8emove from heaL, rlnse wlLh hoL waLer and draln waLer and grease from beef.
4. 8eLurn ground chuck Lo Lhe pan and add Laco seasonlng.
3. Add 3/4 - 1 cup waLer Lo ground beef and Laco seasonlng and slmmer on medlum low
LemperaLure for 20 mlnuLes.
6. Slmmer unLll mosL of molsLure has cooked away.
7. 8emove from heaL when molsLure ln meaL as dlsslpaLed buL meaL ls noL dry.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
1aco 8e|| Cha|upa Supreme
1aco 8ell's food ls known for belng lnexpenslve, buL why noL save yourself even more money by
sLaylng home and maklng a copycaL reclpe lnsLead? 1aco 8ell's Chalupa Supreme reclpe LasLes
[usL llke Lhe real Lhlng!
1 pound ground beef
/4 cup flour
1 Lablespoon chlll powder
1 Leaspoon paprlka
1 Leaspoon salL
1 Lablespoon drled mlnced onlon
/2 cup waLer
flaL bread (plLa wlll work)
oll (for deep frylng)
sour cream, Lo LasLe
shredded leLLuce, Lo LasLe
shredded Cheddar/[ack cheese, Lo LasLe
dlced LomaLoes, Lo LasLe
1. Mlx drled onlon wlLh waLer ln a small bowl and leL sLand for flve mlnuLes.
2. Comblne ground beef, flour, chlll powder, paprlka and salL. Mlx well. Add onlons and waLer.
Mlx agaln. ln a skllleL, cook beef mlxLure unLll browned. SLlr ofLen whlle cooklng so no large
chunks form, lL should be more llke a pasLe.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
3. 8emove from heaL and keep warm. ln a deep-fryer (or you can use a skllleL) deep fry Lhe
bread for 30 seconds. LeL draln on absorbenL Lowels. 8ulld Chalupas sLarLlng wlLh meaL, Lhen
sour cream, leLLuce cheese, and LomaLoes ln LhaL order. 1op wlLh hoL sauce or salsa lf deslred.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
And|amo's kaspberry Choco|ate M|n|-Cakes
1hls sweeL and sophlsLlcaLed copycaL reclpe comes from Andlamo, a popular Callfornla
resLauranL. 8lLLersweeL chocolaLe and raspberrles glve Lhese llLLle cakes gourmeL LasLe.
1 baskeL fresh raspberrles
/4 cup granulaLed sugar
/4 cup brandy
/4 Leaspoon clnnamon
1 Lablespoon unsweeLened cocoa powder
2 ounce blLLersweeL or semlsweeL chocolaLe, chopped
/4 cup unsalLed buLLer, cuL small
2 large egg yolks
1 large egg
of someLhlng
1. Comblne raspberrles wlLh 1/2 cup sugar, brandy and clnnamon ln a medlum saucepan. SLlr
and slmmer over medlum heaL unLll sugar dlssolves and sauce Lhlckens, abouL 10 mlnuLes.
2. 8emove 1/4 cup of raspberrles from saucepan and draln, savlng sauce. 8uLLer Lwo 3/4 cup
cusLard cups. Whlsk cocoa and remalnlng 1/4 cup sugar ln a small bowl.
3. SLlr chocolaLe and buLLer ln heavy small saucepan over low heaL unLll chocolaLe melLs and
mlxLure ls smooLh. Whlsk ln cocoa mlxLure. Whlsk ln egg yolks, Lhen whole egg and flour. lold
ln reserved 1/4 cup berrles. our baLLer lnLo Lwo cusLard cups.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
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4. 8ake aL 330 degrees l unLll edges are seL and cenLer ls sLlll shlny and LesLer comes ouL wlLh
some weL baLLer aLLached, abouL 22 mlnuLes.
3. 1o serve, cuL around warm cakes Lo loosen. 1urn ouL onLo plaLes. Spoon sauce on Lhe slde.
SlfL confecLloners' sugar over and garnlsh wlLh mlnL.
Cakes are Lo have a sllghLly sofL cenLer. boLh sauce and cakes can be made ahead of Llme. Cakes
can be made ahead of Llme and refrlgeraLed. When ready Lo eaL, heaL ln mlcrowave for abouL 1
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
App|ebee's Vegetab|e |zza w|th Sp|nach-Art|choke Sauce
CopycaL vegeLable plzza uses dellclous splnach-arLlchoke dlp as a sauce, raLher Lhan LomaLoes.
lL's noL your Lyplcal plzza, buL LhaL's whaL makes lL so lnLeresLlng!
1 10 lnch flour LorLllla
buLLer-flavor oll, as needed
/2 cup sllced mushrooms
black pepper, Lo LasLe
granulaLed garllc, Lo LasLe
salL, Lo LasLe
4 ounce PoL Splnach and ArLlchoke ulp
/4 cup LomaLoes, dlced
/2 Leaspoon lLallan seasonlng
/2 cup mozzarella cheese, shredded
1. 1o make plzza: ln a hoL sauLe pan or on a grlddle, place sllced mushrooms and buLLer-flavor
oll and season wlLh salL, pepper and garllc. Cook unLll hoL.
2. 8rush LorLllla wlLh oll and place on grlddle. Spread splnach and arLlchoke dlp evenly on Lop of
LorLllla Lo wlLhln 1/2 lnch of Lhe edge. 1op wlLh mushrooms, when cooked, lLallan seasonlng
and dlced LomaLoes. Sprlnkle shredded mozzarella cheese over plzza and remove from grlddle
and place on a plzza pan ln an oven preheaLed Lo 330 degrees l. 8emove from oven when
cheese ls melLed and Lop wlLh shredded armesan/8omano cheese. CuL lnLo wedges and serve.
1C MAkL SlnACP Anu A81lCPCkL ul:
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
1 (10 ounce) box frozen, chopped splnach, Lhawed
1 (14 ounce) can arLlchoke hearLs, dralned and rough chopped
1 cup shredded parmesan/8omano cheese blend
1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
10 ounces prepared Alfredo sauce
1 Leaspoon mlnced garllc
4 ounces (1/2 package) sofLened cream cheese
1. Comblne lngredlenLs Lhoroughly ln a bowl and spread mlxLure lnLo a small baklng dlsh. 8ake
ln an oven preheaLed Lo 330 degrees l for 30 mlnuLes or unLll cheeses are bubbllng and melLed.
Serve as sauce for Lhe plzza, or as dlp for bread or chlps.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
8uca d| 8eppo-Sty|e Ch|cken Marsa|a
8uca dl 8eppo has become hugely popular Lhanks Lo lLs famlly-slzed servlngs of lLallan favorlLes.
now you can cook up a blg plaLe of resLauranL-quallLy chlcken marsala aL home uslng Lhls
copycaL resLauranL reclpe.
ollve oll, Lo LasLe
4 Lhln chlcken breasL cuLleLs
2 ounce low salL bacon, cuL lnLo 1/4 lnch pleces
/2 cup all purpose flour
coarse salL
freshly ground pepper, Lo LasLe
/2 cup dry Marsala wlne
3 Lablespoon heavy cream
1. CoaL a large skllleL llghLly wlLh ollve o9ll and seL over medlum-hlgh heaL. Add bacon and
cook unLll crlsp and llghLly browned. 8emove wlLh a sloLLed spoon, seL aslde. Leave faL ln pan.
uL flour on a plaLe. aL cuLleLs dry. Season llghLly wlLh salL and pepper, Lhen dredge ln flour.
2. PeaL pan wlLh bacon faL over medlum-hlgh heaL. Add a Louch more ollve oll lf necessary Lo
make approxlmaLely 2 Lablespoons. When faL ls hoL, shake excess flour off cuLleLs and place ln
pan. SauLe, Lurnlng once unLll browned on boLh sldes. 1hln cuLleLs should only Lake a few
mlnuLes per slde. 8emove cuLleLs. our excess faL from pan. WlLh pan over medlum-hlgh heaL,
add Lhe Marsala and scrape up Lhe browned blLs from Lhe boLLom of Lhe pan. Cook Marsala
unLll lL ls reduced by one quarLer.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
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3. SLlr ln cream and slmmer unLll you geL a nlcely Lhlckened sauce. 8eLurn Lhe chlcken and
bacon Lo Lhe pan and Lurn Lhe cuLleLs Lo coaL and reheaL for a mlnuLe. Serve wlLh Lhe sauce
over Lhe Lop, wlLh a sprlnkllng of parsley.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
Cheesecake Iactory 8ruschetta
1hls ls one of Lhe mosL dellclous reclpes for one of Lhe slmplesL appeLlzers - you can'L go wrong.
Serve copycaL Cheesecake lacLory 8ruscheLLa aL your nexL dlnner parLy.
/2 cup chopped 8oma LomaLoes
3 Lablespoon dlced red onlons
1 large clove garllc, mlnced
2 Lablespoon fresh basll, chopped
2 Lablespoon ollve oll
/2 Leaspoon red wlne vlnegar
/4 Leaspoon salL
freshly ground black pepper, Lo LasLe
/2 loaf lrench bagueLLe or crusLy lLallan bread
3 sprlgs cllanLro
1. Comblne LomaLoes, red onlon, garllc and basll ln a medlum bowl. Add 1/2 Lablespoon of oll,
vlnegar, salL and pepper and mlx well. Cover Lhe bowl and refrlgeraLe for one hour.
2. When ready Lo serve, preheaL broller and sllce Lhe bagueLLe ln 1-lnch sllces on a 43 degree
angle Lo make 3 Lo 7 sllces of bread.
3. Comblne remalnlng 1 1/2 Lablespoons oll wlLh Lhe garllc salL. 8rush enLlre surface of boLh
sldes of each sllce wlLh ollve oll mlxLure. 8roll sllces for 1 1/2 Lo 2 mlnuLes per slde, unLll surface
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
sLarLs Lo brown. Arrange bread llke wheel spokes on servlng plaLe. Spoon Lhe chllled LomaLo ln
neaLly onLo bread sllces where Lhey meeL aL Lhe cenLer of Lhe plaLe. Carnlsh wlLh cllanLro.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
Cope|and's of New Cr|eans 8eer Cheese 8a||
1hls dellclous appeLlzer ls packed wlLh cheesy flavor and has a hlnL of beer. Serve Lhls
resLauranL copycaL reclpe wlLh your favorlLe bread or crackers. lL's sure Lo be a hlL.
1 pound cheddar cheese, graLed
1 pound velveeLa cheese, graLed
3 cloves garllc, chopped
3 Lablespoon WorcesLershlre sauce
/2 can beer
1 Leaspoon salL
1 Leaspoon powdered musLard
1abasco sauce, Lo LasLe
aprlka, for garnlsh
arsley, chopped, for garnlsh
1. Comblne lngredlenLs, shape lnLo deslred form. Wrap cheese wlLh plasLlc wrap,
refrlgeraLe overnlghL.
2. unwrap cheese, sprlnkle wlLh paprlka and parsley.
3. Serve wlLh crackers.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
I|mmy 8uffet's Margar|tav|||e Cheeseburger |n arad|se
1here's noLhlng llke a resLauranL-quallLy burger ln Lhe comforL of your own home. 1ry Lhls
copycaL reclpe from !lmmy 8uffeL's MargarlLavllle and you'll never make anoLher burger agaln.
|e|ds: 4
28 ounce uSuA cholce beef chuck, dlced
2 Lablespoon kosher salL
1 Lablespoon ground black pepper
/2 Leaspoon garllc salL
/2 Leaspoon onlon salL
1 Leaspoon celery salL
8 sllces Amerlcan cheese
4 sesame hamburger buns, LoasLed
8 leaves lceberg leLLuce
4 sllces LomaLo, .23 lnch Lhlck
4 sllces red onlon, .23 lnch Lhlck
4 LooLhplcks
4 plckle spears
2 pound ldaho poLaLoes, peeled, cuL lnLo frles and frled golden brown
1. uslng a meaL grlnder wlLh a 3/8-lnch plaLe, grlnd Lhe meaL. Change Lo a 1/8-lnch plaLe,
and grlnd a second Llme. Shape Lhe ground meaL lnLo 4 (7-ounce) paLLles.
2. ln a mlxlng bowl, comblne Lhe kosher salL, pepper, garllc salL, onlon salL and celery salL.
Mlx well.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
3. lace burger on a hoL grlll and season wlLh Lhe seasonlng salL. Cook Lhe burgers halfway
Lo deslred LemperaLure and fllp over and flnlsh cooklng.
4. lace cheese on Lhe burger when lL ls 3/4 of Lhe way cooked and melL. lace boLLom
bun on plaLe. lace burger on boLLom bun. lace leLLuce, LomaLo and onlon on Lop of
Lhe burger. Cover wlLh Lop bun and secure wlLh a wooden plck. lace plckle nexL Lo Lhe
burger. lace frles on Lhe plaLe.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
1.G.I. Ir|day's Lemon Ch|cken w|th asta
use Lhls copycaL reclpe Lo make a dellclous Lake on Chlcken Scalopplnl. Lemon Chlcken wlLh
asLa ls a dellclous meldlng of savory and zesLy flavors.
/2 pound chlcken breasLs (pounded Lhln)
2 ounce ollve oll
8 ounce sllced mushrooms
2 lemons, halved
4 ounce heavy whlpplng cream
4 arLlchokes
4 Leaspoon parsley
12 ounce lemon sauce
20 ounce angel halr pasLa
8 Lablespoon frled panceLLa
1 Lablespoon fresh lemon [ulce
4 Lablespoon frled capers
1 quarL Chablls
3 Leaspoon buLLer
1 quarL whlpplng cream
1 Lablespoon Lhyme
salL and pepper, Lo LasLe
1. lor Chlcken: PeaL sauLe pan Lo medlum heaL. Add oll and heaL. Add chlcken pleces Lo sauLe
pan and sauLe on each slde for one mlnuLe (or unLll no longer plnk). Add sllced mushrooms Lo
sauLe pan and sauLe wlLh chlcken for an addlLlonal mlnuLe. When mushrooms are cooked,
squeeze [ulce from lemons lnLo sauLe pan and coaL Lhe chlcken wlLh [ulce (ensure Lhere are no
seeds). Add cream Lo pan and sLlr Lo lncorporaLe. 8rlng Lo a boll. CuL arLlchoke halves ln half
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
agaln lengLhwlse, add Lo pan and cook for 13 seconds. 8emove pan from heaL. Add parsley and
sLlr Lo lncorporaLe. Add lemon sauce and sLlr Lo lncorporaLe. uC nC1 8L1u8n An 1C
2. lor Sauce: 8oll Chablls Lo reduce Lo 2 cups. Add lemon [ulce, buLLer and melL slowly. Add
whlpplng cream and slmmer on low heaL unLll Lhlckened. Add splces and cool Lo room
3. ln large bowl, Lwlrl pasLa lnLo a nesL. Sprlnkle chlcken pleces agalnsL pasLa and pour
remalnlng conLenLs of pan on and around Lhe chlcken. Sprlnkle panceLLa and capers over Lhe
enLlre dlsh. Carnlsh wlLh chopped parsley.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
Weber Gr|||'s Iamous Sangr|a
Sangrla ls a Lype of wlne punch common Lo Lhe lberlan enlnsula, buL lL's very popular rlghL
here ln Lhe uSA as well. 1hls verslon coples Lhe dellclous sangrla made aL Lhe Weber Crlll, and lL
ls [usL as LasLy!
1 Cranny SmlLh apple, dlced
1 8ed uellclous apple, dlced
1 8arLleLL pear, dlced
1 orange, sllced
2 llmes, sllced
1 cup slmple syrup (equal amounLs sugar and waLer heaLed unLll sugar ls dlssolved)
/4 plnL orange [ulce
/4 cup brandy
/4 cup 1rlple Sec
1. Comblne all lngredlenLs and genLly mlx.
2. lace ln a conLalner and refrlgeraLe.
3. Serve base wlLh equal parLs sparkllng wlne or Champagne.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
Wendy's Ch|||
As resLauranL copycaL reclpes go, Lhls verslon of Wendy's Chlll ls bang-on! We swear, lf you puL
lL lnLo one of Lhose paper cups llke Lhey serve lL ln aL Wendy's, you'd be hard-pressed Lo Lell Lhls
was slmply a resLauranL copycaL reclpe. lL LasLes [usL llke Wendy's chlll!
Serves: 8
Cook|ng 1|me: 3 hr
2 pound ground beef
1 29-ounce can LomaLo sauce
1 29-ounce can kldney beans wlLh llquld
1 29-ounce can plnLo beans wlLh llquld
1 medlum onlon, dlced
2 green chlles, dlced
1 rlb celery, dlced
3 medlum LomaLoes, chopped
2 Leaspoon cumln powder
3 Lablespoon chlll powder
/2 Leaspoon black pepper
2 Leaspoon salL
2 cup waLer
1. 8rown Lhe beef and draln Lhe faL off.
2. Crumble Lhe cooked beef lnLo pea slze pleces.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
3. ln a large poL, comblne Lhe beef wlLh Lhe remalnlng lngredlenLs and brlng Lo a slmmer
over low heaL.
4. Cook, sLlrrlng every 13 mlnuLes, for 2-3 hours.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
1.G.I. Ir|day's Gar||c Ch|cken and otatoes
A dellclous dlnner from 1.C.l. lrlday's - or ls lL? 1hls chlcken copycaL reclpe LasLes so much llke
Lhe real Lhlng, you won'L be able Lo Lell lL's home-made!
/2 ounce garllc buLLer
2 chlcken breasLs, pounded and seasoned wlLh garllc
mlxed vegeLables
mashed poLaLoes
1 Lablespoon sllced green onlon
2 Lablespoon garllc chlps
of someLhlng
1. PeaL sauLe pan over medlum heaL, add garllc buLLer and cook for 30 seconds. lace seasoned
chlcken breasLs ln pan and sauLe on each slde for 1&1/2 mlnuLes.
2. Whlle flnlshlng Lhe chlcken, add Lhe vegeLables. llash sauLe vegeLables Lo coaL wlLh
marlnade. Mound mashed poLaLoes ln Lhe cenLer of servlce plaLe and garnlsh wlLh green
3. 8emove chlcken from sauLe pan and shlngle breasLs sllghLly on mashed poLaLoes. ulsLrlbuLe
vegeLables wlLh [ulces around mashed poLaLoes. ulsLrlbuLe frled garllc chlps over chlcken
breasLs. Carnlsh wlLh chopped parsley.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
.I. Chang's Ch|cken Lettuce Wraps
1hls lconlc dlsh became a copycaL aL many resLauranLs durlng Lhe low-carb craze. 1ry Lhls
verslon from Lhe resLauranL LhaL sLarLed lL all. 1hese chlcken wraps are qulck and easy and can
be made as an appeLlzer or maln course.
Serves: 1
8 drled shllLake mushrooms
1 Leaspoon cornsLarch
2 Leaspoon dry sherry
2 Leaspoon soy sauce
2 Leaspoon waLer
SalL and pepper
/2 pound boneless sklnless chlcken breasLs
3 Lablespoon vegeLable oll
1 Leaspoon fresh glnger, mlnced
2 cloves garllc, mlnced
2 green onlons, mlnced
2 small drled chlles (opLlonal)
8 ounce can bamboo shooLs, mlnced
8 ounce can waLer chesLnuLs, mlnced
1 package Chlnese rlce noodles, prepared accordlng Lo package
lceberg leLLuce leaves
Cooklng Sauce:
1 Lablespoon Polsln sauce
1 Lablespoon soy sauce
1 Lablespoon dry sherry
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
2 Lablespoons oysLer sauce
2 Lablespoons waLer
1 Leaspoon sesame oll
1 Leaspoon sugar
2 Leaspoons cornsLarch
1. Cover mushrooms wlLh bolllng waLer, leL sLand 30 mlnuLes Lhen draln. CuL and dlscard
woody sLems. Mlnce mushrooms. SeL aslde.
2. Mlx all lngredlenLs for cooklng sauce ln bowl, and seL aslde.
3. ln medlum bowl, comblne cornsLarch, sherry, soy sauce, waLer, salL, pepper and
chlcken. SLlr Lo coaL chlcken Lhoroughly. SLlr ln 1 Leaspoon oll and leL slL 13 mlnuLes Lo
marlnaLe. PeaL wok or large skllleL over medlum hlgh heaL. Add 3 Lablespoons oll, Lhen
add chlcken and sLlr fry for abouL 3-4 mlnuLes. SeL aslde.
4. Add 2 Lablespoons oll Lo pan. Add glnger, garllc, chlles (lf deslred), and onlon, sLlr fry
abouL a mlnuLe or so. Add mushrooms, bamboo shooLs and waLer chesLnuLs, sLlr fry an
addlLlonal 2 mlnuLes. 8eLurn chlcken Lo pan. Add mlxed cooklng sauce Lo pan. Cook unLll
Lhlckened and hoL.
3. 8reak cooked cellophane noodles lnLo small pleces, and cover boLLom of servlng dlsh
wlLh Lhem. 1hen pour chlcken mlxLure on Lop of noodles. Spoon lnLo leLLuce leaf and
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
.I. Chang's I|recracker Shr|mp
Splce up dlnner wlLh Lhls copycaL reclpe from .l. Chang's Chlna 8lsLro. 1hls dlsh ls Lhe perfecL
way Lo save on LakeouL and creaLe an auLhenLlc Chlnese dlsh on your own. Serve Lhls wlLh your
favorlLe rlce.
Serves: 2
2 Lablespoon canola oll
8 ounce shrlmp
7 baby carroLs, halved lengLhwlse
/2 cup waLer chesLnuL sllces
24 snow peas
1 large scalllon (whlLe parL), mlnced lnLo .23 lnch pleces
1 large garllc clove, chopped
2 Lablespoon sherry
1 Lablespoon sambal chlll pasLe
/4 Leaspoon ground whlLe pepper
2 Leaspoon ground bean sauce
CllanLro (for garnlsh)
CornsLarch slurry (1 Leaspoon cornsLarch blended wlLh 1 ounce waLer)
2 Lablespoons soy sauce
2 Leaspoons granulaLed sugar
2 ounces waLer
2 Leaspoons whlLe vlnegar
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
Assemble sauce lngredlenLs and puL aslde.
1. PeaL a large sauLe pan, casL lron skllleL, or elecLrlc wok unLll smoklng. Add oll and baby
carroLs, sauLe unLll Lhe color of carroLs brlghLens.
2. Add shrlmp and sLlr fry unLll abouL halfway cooked. Add waLer chesLnuLs, snow peas and
garllc. SauLe brlefly. Add scalllons. Add chlll pasLe, ground whlLe pepper, ground bean
sauce, when you smell Lhe "nuLLlness" of Lhe ground bean sauce, reduce heaL and add
3. lnLroduce sauce mlxLure, leL boll brlefly. Add cornsLarch slurry and sLlr unLll Lhlckened
(approxlmaLely 30 seconds). Serve wlLh sLeamed rlce on plaLLer or ln large bowl, garnlsh
wlLh cllanLro.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
.I. Chang's Szechaun Ch|cken Chow Iun
1hls Chlnese chlcken chow fun dlsh ls Lhe perfecL dlnner for Lwo. Spend Lhe nlghL ln lnsLead of
golng Lo a crowded resLauranL wlLh Lhls dellclous copycaL reclpe from a popular Aslan chaln.
Serves: 2
4 ounce ground chlcken, cooked
14 ounce chow fun noodles (wlde rlce noodles sold aL mosL Aslan markeLs)
2 Lablespoon scalllons, mlnced
1 Leaspoon garllc, mlnced
1 Leaspoon chlll pasLe
1 Leaspoon Szechuan preserved vegeLables
2 Lablespoon black fungus mushrooms, shredded
2 Lablespoons soy sauce
2 Lablespoons vlnegar
2 Lablespoons granulaLed sugar
1 Leaspoon oysLer sauce
1 Leaspoon mushroom soy sauce
2 Lablespoons waLer
1. SeparaLe Lhe chow fun noodles and cover wlLh plasLlc wrap unLll ready for servlce. PeaL
wok and add 2 Leaspoons vegeLable oll. SLlr fry garllc and chlll pasLe for 3 Lo 7 seconds.
Add ground chlcken sear wlLh garllc and chlll pasLe. Add black fungus mushrooms and
sauce sLlr-fry brlefly.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
2. SeparaLe Lhe noodles and drop lnLo Lhe wok whlle you are mlxlng a handful aL a Llme.
ConLlnue cooklng unLll Lhe noodles have absorbed all Lhe flavors and are hoL. llnlsh wlLh
sesame oll.
3. Serve lnLo bowls or plaLes. Carnlsh wlLh Szechwan preserved vegeLables and mlnced
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
Arby's Copycat norsey Sauce
1hls lmlLaLlon reclpe ls mlld buL Langy, [usL llke Lhe orlglnal. lnsLead of golng ouL, slaLher Lhls
copycaL sauce on some roasL beef for a LasLe [usL as dellclous as Lhe real Lhlng!
1 cup mayonnalse
3 Lablespoon boLLled horseradlsh cream sauce
1 Lablespoon granulaLed sugar
1. Mlx all lngredlenLs LogeLher well. keep refrlgeraLed, LlghLly covered. Wlll keep up Lo 2 weeks.
uC nC1 l8LLZL!
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
Carrabba's Ita||an Gr||| 8read D|p M|x
1hls flavorful bread dlp ls packed wlLh herbs and splces. 1ry Lhls resLauranL copycaL reclpe nexL
Llme you have company. lL's a qulck and easy appeLlzer LhaL wlll have everyone asklng for
1 Lablespoon crushed red pepper
1 Lablespoon black pepper
1 Lablespoon drled oregano
1 Lablespoon drled rosemary
1 Lablespoon drled basll
1 Lablespoon drled parsley
1 Lablespoon garllc powder
1 Lablespoon garllc, mlnced
1 Leaspoon salL
1. Crlnd LogeLher.
2. 1o use, puL 1 Lablespoon of mlxLure ln a small bowl. our exLra vlrgln ollve oll over and
mlx LogeLher. ulp warm sourdough lrench bread lnLo Lhe mlxLure.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
Ch|||'s Margar|ta res|dente
CreaLe your own happy hour wlLh Lhls dellclous verslon of Chlll's famous margarlLa. Ln[oy a
bowl of LorLllla chlps and salsa wlLh your margarlLa. ?ou'll never wanL Lo leave Lhe house agaln!
/4 ounce Sauza CommemoraLlvo 1equlla
/2 ounce resldenLe brandy
/2 ounce ColnLreau
4 ounce sour mlx
Splash of llme [ulce
of someLhlng
1. Mlx all lngredlenLs LogeLher and serve ln a salL rlmmed MargarlLa glass fllled wlLh lce.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
C'Char|ey's Loaded otato Soup
Creamy cheesy poLaLo soup ls a resLauranL favorlLe LhaL can now be made aL home wlLh Lhls
greaL copycaL reclpe. 1hls soup ls hearLy enough Lo be served as a meal.
Serves: 8
Cook|ng 1|me: 30 mln
3 pound red poLaLoes
/4 cup margarlne
/4 cup flour
8 cup half-and-half
16 ounce velveeLa cheese, melLed
WhlLe pepper, Lo LasLe
Carllc powder, Lo LasLe
1 Leaspoon hoL pepper sauce
/2 pound bacon, frled
1 cup cheddar cheese, shredded
/2 cup fresh chlves, chopped
/2 cup fresh parsley, chopped
1. ulce unpeeled red poLaLoes lnLo 1/2-lnch cubes. lace ln a large uuLch oven, cover wlLh
waLer and brlng Lo a boll. LeL boll for 10 mlnuLes or unLll 3/4 cooked.
2. ln a separaLe large uuLch oven, comblne melLed margarlne and flour, mlxlng unLll
smooLh. lace over low heaL and gradually add half-and-half, sLlrrlng consLanLly.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
ConLlnue Lo sLlr unLll smooLh and llquld beglns Lo Lhlcken.
3. Add melLed velveeLa. SLlr well. uraln poLaLoes and add Lo cream mlxLure. SLlr ln pepper,
garllc powder and hoL pepper sauce. Cover and cook over low heaL for 30 mlnuLes,
sLlrrlng occaslonally.
4. lace soup lnLo lndlvldual servlng bowls and Lop wlLh crumbled bacon, shredded cheese,
chlves and parsley.
.+($'('-"/0 !"1-$2/('-"
er servlng: 913 calorles, 63 g faL (64 percenL calorles from faL), 174 mg cholesLerol, 33 g
proLeln, 32 g carbohydraLe, 1,332 mg sodlum
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
Cracker 8arre| C|d Country Store Cherry Choco|ate Cobb|er
ChocolaLe and cherry ls a wlnnlng comblnaLlon. 1ry Lhem LogeLher ln Lhls dellclous copycaL
verslon of Cracker 8arrel's cherry chocolaLe cobbler. 1hls ls perfecL served warm wlLh whlpped
Serves: 6
Cook|ng 1|me: 43 mln
/2 cup all-purpose flour
/2 cup granulaLed sugar
2 Leaspoon baklng powder
/2 Leaspoon salL
/4 cup buLLer
6 ounce semlsweeL chocolaLe morsels
/4 cup mllk
1 egg
21 ounce can cherry ple fllllng
/2 cup nuLs, flnely chopped
1. reheaL oven Lo 330 degrees l.
2. ln large bowl, comblne flour, sugar, baklng powder, salL and buLLer, cuL wlLh pasLry
blender unLll crumbs are slze of large peas. MelL over hoL (noL bolllng) waLer, semlsweeL
chocolaLe morsels. 8emove from heaL and cool sllghLly aL room LemperaLure (abouL 3
mlnuLes). Add mllk and egg Lo melLed chocolaLe and mlx well. 8lend chocolaLe lnLo flour
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
3. Spread cherry ple fllllng ln boLLom of a 2-quarL casserole. urop chocolaLe baLLer
randomly over cherrles. Sprlnkle wlLh chopped nuLs. 8ake aL 330 degrees l for 40 Lo 43
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
C||ve Garden 8readst|cks
Lveryone knows Lhe breadsLlcks from Lhe Cllve Carden. 8uLLery, chock full of herbs and
dellclous. Make Lhese aL home Lo go perfecLly wlLh your nexL pasLa dlsh or Lo serve alongslde a
beauLlful salad.
|e|ds : 8
reparat|on 1|me: 2 hr
Cook|ng 1|me: 23 mln
1 loaf of frozen bread dough, Lhawed and aL room LemperaLure
am spray
Carllc powder, Lo LasLe
Cregano, drled, Lo LasLe
1. When dough ls sofL enough Lo knead, spray your flngers wlLh am or oll and knead [usL
unLll you can shape lnLo clgar-slze pleces (abouL 8 Lo 10). lace Lhese 3 lnches aparL on
am-sprayed cookle sheeLs.
2. LeL rlse ln a warm place unLll doubled - abouL 1 1/2 Lo 2 hours.
3. Poldlng am abouL 8 lnches from sLlcks, llghLly spray Lop of each and Lhen dusL wlLh
garllc powder and oregano.
4. 8ake aL 373 degrees l abouL 20 Lo 23 mlnuLes or unLll golden brown. Cool ln pan on rack
Lo serve wlLhln a day or Lwo.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
C||ve Garden Caprese Sa|ad
1hls classlc LomaLo and mozzarella salad ls perfecL aL Lhe Cllve Carden. 1ry Lhls qulck and easy
copycaL reclpe ln your own home and lmpress your guesLs wlLh such a slmple, yeL flavorful dlsh.
Serves: 4
1 pound vlne-rlpened LomaLoes, sllced .23 lnch Lhlck
1 ounce balsamlc vlnegar
/4 cup basll, fresh
12 ounce whole mllk or buffalo mozzarella
1 plnch oregano, drled
SalL, Lo LasLe
lresh ground pepper, Lo LasLe
2 Lablespoon exLra vlrgln ollve oll
1. Cn a large plaLLer, arrange sllced LomaLoes and drlzzle wlLh balsamlc vlnegar.
2. lace one basll leaf on Lop of each LomaLo sllce.
3. Sllce mozzarella and place on Lop of basll leaves.
4. Sprlnkle oregano, salL and black pepper on cheese and drlzzle wlLh Lhe ollve oll.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
C||ve Garden Ch|cken Marsa|a
Learn how Lo make chlcken marsala from one of Lhe mosL popular resLauranL chalns ln Amerlca.
1hls dellghLful copycaL reclpe ls easy Lo make and produces a dellclous producL every Llme.
Serves: 4
4 boneless, sklnless chlcken breasL halves, pounded .23 lnch Lhlck
/4 cup Wondra flour
/2 Leaspoon salL
/8 Leaspoon freshly ground black pepper
/2 Leaspoon oregano
4 Lablespoon oll
4 Lablespoon buLLer or margarlne
1 cup fresh mushrooms, sllced
/2 cup Marsala wlne
1. Comblne flour, salL, pepper and oregano and blend well.
2. PeaL Lhe oll and buLLer ln a skllleL unLll bubbllng llghLly.
3. uredge Lhe chlcken ln Lhe flour and shake off Lhe excess. Cook Lhe chlcken on medlum
heaL for abouL 2 mlnuLes on Lhe flrsL slde, unLll llghLly brown. As you Lurn Lhe breasLs Lo
Lhe second slde Lo cook, add Lhe mushrooms around Lhe chlcken pleces. Cook abouL 2
more mlnuLes, unLll llghLly browned on Lhe second slde. SLlr ln Lhe mushrooms. When
Lhe second slde ls llghLly browned, add Lhe wlne around Lhe pleces, cover Lhe pan and
slmmer for abouL 10 mlnuLes.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
C||ve Garden Iettucc|ne A|fredo
leLLucclne Alfredo ls a classlc lLallan dlsh and a popular resLauranL offerlng. now you can
recreaLe Lhe Cllve Carden's famous verslon wlLh Lhls resLauranL copycaL reclpe.
1 plnL heavy cream
/2 cup buLLer
2 Lablespoon cream cheese
/4 cup armesan cheese
1 Leaspoon garllc powder
8 ounce feLLucclne, cooked and dralned
SalL and pepper, Lo LasLe
1. ln a saucepan comblne buLLer, heavy cream, and cream cheese. Slmmer Lhls unLll all ls
melLed, and mlxed well. Add Lhe armesan cheese and garllc powder. Slmmer Lhls for
13 - 20 mlnuLes over low heaL.
2. 1oss pasLa llghLly wlLh sauce, coaLlng well. LefLovers freeze well.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
C||ve Garden nouse Dress|ng
1he besL parL abouL dlnner aL Lhe Cllve Carden ls Lhe compllmenLary salad and breadsLlcks.
now you can recreaLe Lhe dellclous lLallan dresslng ln your own home wlLh Lhls qulck and easy
copycaL reclpe.
8 ounce aul newman's vlnegar and Cll dresslng
/2 Leaspoon basll, drled
/2 Leaspoon oregano, drled
3 packeLs of SweeL and Low or 1 Lablespoon sugar
1. uL lngredlenLs lnLo a boLLle and shake well. 8efrlgeraLe 24 hours before uslng.
31 Secret kestaurant Copycat kec|pes: Vo|ume II
llnd Lhousands of free reclpes, cooklng Llps, enLerLalnlng ldeas and more aL
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eCookbook from www.8eclpeLlon.com
lncluded ln Lhls eCookbook
31 8esLauranL CopycaL 8eclpes, lncludlng:
o Wendy's Chlll
o Slzzler Slzzlln' Cnlon SLeak SLack
o Cllve Carden 8readsLlcks
o .l. Chang's Chlcken LeLLuce Wraps
o Chlll's Chlcken leLLucclne
and more!