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The Crusoe Effect

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he Crusoe Effect is a demonstration adventure used to
introduce players to the Star Trek: The Next Genera-
tion Roleplaying Game. In this episode, the Crew of the
U.S.S. Hood (NCC-42296) must rescue the castaways of
an ill-fated runabout that crashed on a planet. Unfortu-
nately, a primitive civilization lives on the planet, posing
special restrictions on the Crew. The Hoods mission is to
rescue the survivors, remove all traces of the runabout,
and avoid contact with the local populace.
Two months ago, the runabout U.S.S. Patuxent was
conducting scientific research in the Rogun binary system
when a faulty warp coil caused the ship to spin out of
control. Before the crew could jury-rig repairs, the ship
popped out of warp square into the gravity well of Rogun
II, a class M planet in orbit of Beta Rogun, a red main
sequence star.
The ship crash-landed on the planet, where the Huth,
the natives of Rogun II, rescued the crews sole survi-
vor, Ensign Davis. The Huth are a species of deer-like
humanoids in a stage of Stone Age technological devel-
opment (moving towards Early Bronze Age). They nursed
Ensign Davis to health, and after he recovered, he felt
obligated to the people who had helped him. He repaid
them in the best manner he could: using his engineering
skills to aid the survival of this tribe.
After some initial research aboard ship, the Crew
beams down to the crash site, only to find it abandoned.
A chance encounter with the Huth jeopardizes the mis-
sion, and hints at the ultimate fate of the Patuxents crew.
Following the clues takes the Crew to the location where
the casualties were cremated, while the other leads to
the Huth village where Ensign Davis currently resides.
There, the Crew learns the full extent of the havoc that
Davis has unintentionally wreaked on the Huth civili-
zation. In the end, when a rival tribe of Huth attacks
the village, the Crew must make a difficult decisiondo
they stay and defend the Huth, or preserve the Prime
Because this episode focuses on the Prime Directive,
the Narrator should ensure the Crew obeys the General
Order One to the best of their ability. During the adven-
ture, allow the Crew to debate the nature of the Prime
Directive. You can pointedly ask are you sure you want
to do that? even if their decision makes sense; you want
them to question their actions. The easiest road is seldom
the correct one. At the climax, the fight between the rival
Huth tribes, be sure to frame the philosophical conflict
as well, but keep the action fast-paced. The Crew cannot
undertake actions that contaminate Huth society, but the
contamination has already occurreddoes the Crew try
to contain the damage by leaving with Davis, or do they
stay and protect the tribe?
The adventure is broken into a series of scenes, each
one advancing the story to the next element. In some
cases there may be a shift of time as the Crew moves
from one scene to the next.
Captains Log, Stardate 46041.1: After several days
of uneventful exploration in the Derren sector, our long-
range sensors detected a Starfleet distress call originat-
ing from a planet in the Rogun system. It comes from
the U.S.S. Patuxent, a runabout reported missing from
Starbase 54 two months ago. Weve been ordered to
retrieve the crew, and if possible, salvage the Patuxent.
I am about to meet my senior officers to discuss our
The episode opens with the Crew seated in Captain
DeSotos Ready Room. Sparsely furnished, the room
appears to be a throw-back to an earlier timea well-
polished mahogany desk and Louis XIV chairs are the
only furnishings; an impressive collection of fishing lures
is mounted on the wall. The only apparent concessions
to the 24
century are a portable computer terminal and
a model of the Hood, placed on his desk. The door
behind the Crew hisses open and the captain enters. He
smiles amiably at them and takes his seat behind the
Captain DeSoto begins the conference with a bit of
small talk with the Crew, asking how things are going at
their stations or in their social lives (so long as the ques-
tion would not be considered rude). Dont spend a lot
of time on this, just enough to help get the players into
character. Then he begins his briefing.
Captain DeSoto explains that two months ago the
runabout, Patuxent, was conducting a survey of a neigh-
boring system. Three days into the survey, the runabout
reported that is was having problems with its warp drive
and was never heard from again. An extensive search
was conducted but after a week of searching, the craft
was declared lost. Yesterday, the Hood detected the run-
abouts distress signal coming from Rogun II. The ship is
en route to the planet even as they speak. Their mission
is to locate the runabout and the survivors.
At that point he looks at the First Officer. As far as the
runabout is concerned, if it cant be recovered, Starfleet
Command wants it scuttled. He orders the Tactical Offi-
cer to find a way to destroy the Patuxent, without calling
the attention to the locals. The Chief Engineer should be
familiar with the runabouts frame, so the Captain sug-
gests he assist the Tactical Officer. DeSoto hopes every-
one on the Patuxent survived the crash. If there are casu-
alties, their remains are to be transported to the Hood.
Captain DeSoto concludes by stressing the impor-
tance of rescuing the survivors and minimizing any cul-
tural contamination. The Prime Directive is in full force.
He wants to know if the Crew has any questions.
Once he answers all the Crews questions, DeSoto
instructs his Crew to conduct the following tasks:
Put together a list of the Patuxents crew and any
pertinent data on each of them.
Obtain data on Rogun II.
Scan for the location of the crashed runabout on
the planet.
Find a way to destroy the runabout, if needed,
without violating the Prime Directive.
Assemble needed equipment (e.g., medical kit,
phasers, tricorders).
Find out what survival gear the runabout was pro-
vided with.
That said, he dismisses the Crew, telling them to
work out a plan of action together. The Hood will arrive
in orbit of Rogun II in two hours. They have work to do!
Ask the Crew what theyre doing to prepare for the
mission. Each person should go about his or her busi-
ness. Each persons search for data is reflected in a Test
that varies from character to character.
To research Rogun II, the Crew must make a Rou-
tine (4) Shipboard Systems (Sensors) Skill Test. If success-
ful, hand the player Rogun IIs planetary template. Most
important: Rogun II is inhabited by a primitive civiliza-
tion, with a tech level equivalent to the Stone Age. Thus,
the natives fall under the authority of the Prime Direc-
tive. With a successful Moderate (6) Computer (Research)
Skill Test, the Crewman discovers the U.S.S. Tsilokovski
conducted a planetary survey of Rogun II seven years
ago. (Hand the Huth Species Template to the player; this
represents all the information the Tsilokovski gathered
With successful Computer (Research) Test against
a Routine (4) difficulty, the Crew learns the U.S.S.
Patuxent had a crew of three: Lieutenant Timothy Kelly
(Command), Lieutenant Gary Wickman (Science), and
Ensign Frank Davis (Engineering). Nothing in their ser-
vice records appears out-of-the-ordinary, although at the
Academy Ensign Davis failed Cultural Relations and had
to repeat the class.
Upon successfully completing a Routine (4) Com-
puter (Research) Test, the Crew learns the runabout had
enough rations to last the three crewmembers one week.
The ship was equipped with an emergency beacon,
which transmits a standard distress message.
With a Moderate (7) Shipboard Systems (Sensors)
Test, the Crew can locate the Patuxent. This should be an
Extended Test, with a turn length of ten minutes. When
a player achieves a total Test Result of 25, he locates the
wreckage of the runabout. The Hood does not receive
any messages from the runabouts emergency beacon. If
the player achieves a total Test Result of 30, also inform
him or her that there is a small village only 10 kilometers
A successful Moderate (6) Materials Engineering or
Demolitions Skill Test is needed to devise a method for
scuttling the runabout. If successful, he discovers infor-
mation on Deconstructing Nanites. Perceptive players
will pick up on the information for Rogun II (i.e., that the
natives are primitive), and try to find a way to scuttle the
Patuxent without leaving wreckage.
No actual test is required to obtain the needed equip-
ment. A Starfleet medical kit contains all the supplies the
Away Team will needphasers and tricorders are read-
ily available.
The Crew will likely try to locate the Patuxents sur-
vivors, using the sensors. (If they think to use a long-
range probe, give them some extra Renown at the end
of the episode). Since discovering their ultimate fate in
this way damages the story, the sensors are of little use;
it would take days to scan the surface of the planet look-
ing for three Humans. If the PCs think to search for the
combadge signals, this alters the episode slightly. Two of
the combadge signals originate from an area not far from
the runabout; a third can be located at the sight of the
runabouts crash.
Once this is done, its time to decide on a course
of action. Leave it up to the ships Executive Officer to
conduct the meeting. (If things seem to be going badly,
a player coming down with a case of stage fright or
becoming excessively argumentative, you can always
have Captain DeSoto pop in for a status report.) During
this scene, as the players list findings and make their rec-
ommendations, listen for the following points.
A sapient species lives on the planet below. They
are primitive culture, and a crashed runabout could
have a definite impact on its development.
If any of the crew survived, they probably had to
feed by foraging. The Chief Medial Officer, in fact,
can confirm this with successful Medical Science
(Human) Test at Routine (5) Difficulty, determining
that the average human can live only two weeks
without food.
Survivors should be recovered quickly and quietly.
The remains of any casualties should be recovered
as well.
The Prime Directive must not be violated. If
any cultural contamination has occurred, it must
be contained. Further contamination must not be
Once the Crew decides on a plan, the captain orders
his first officer to put together an Away Team (the player
characters) and repeats his instructions to either salvage
or scuttle the runabout and recover the survivors and
Each character should requisition a Type II Phaser
(automatically set on Heavy Stun, 6+4D6 damage) and a
tricorder appropriate to his or her Department. The ships
Doctor should also have the Medical Kit he or she put
together. Likewise, the Tactical Officer (or Engineer) has
a duranium suitcase containing six canisters of Decon-
structing Nanites if they were able to successfully devise
a plan to scuttle the Patuxent. In addition, the Engineers
tricorder contains the data on the runabout to assist the
Tactical Officer in this task.
The characters meet in the Transporter Room, where
the transporter chief waits along with the captain. DeSoto
again stresses the importance of avoiding all contact
with the Huth. He also asks the first officer to keep him
abreast of the situation with regular updates. Following
that, the characters beam down to the planet.
The Transporter Room blurs. When the Crews vision
clears, they find themselves in a forest clearing in front
of the crashed runabout. A thin mist surrounds cloys at
them, and a gentle drizzle falls. In the runabouts wake
a line of collapsed trees extends approximately a kilo-
meter, showing the path of the doomed runabouts final
landing. The foliage about them crackles as rain falls
Nanites are microscopic machines capable of
manipulating individual molecules. Used initially in
medicine, to disassemble infectious diseases or
rebuild tissue, Stareets engineers developed Decon-
structing Nanites to disassemble an object into its
component atoms. Stored in a canister the size of a
can of soup, a timer releases the nanites into the envi-
ronment. To keep these nanites from deconstruct-
ing everything in their path, Stareets engineers built
in two failsafes: The nanites are pre-programmed to
work on particular substances (duranium, transpar-
ent aluminum, isolinear crystal); and they die with-
out a source of the programmed substance. Intro-
duced into starship, however, the results can be
disastrous, limiting the usefulness of these nanites.
upon the leaves. None of the runabouts crew can be
found in the immediate vicinity. (Note, especially smart
characters may beam down to the sight of the Patuxent
crews final resting place).
Crew members who scan the ships interior find traces
of both Human and Huth DNA, detected with a success-
ful Personal Equipment (Tricorder) Test at Moderate (7)
Difficulty. If the scanning character scores a Dramatic
Success, he or she can distinguish the DNA traces to the
runabouts individual crewmembers. Similarly, the Crew
easily finds a comm badge in the wreckage (a Routine
(3) Tricorder Test); this belongs to Ensign Davis, and fell
off during the crash. Anyone searching the Patuxents on-
board supplies will find a Type II phaser missing along
with a medical kit.
Scanning for Human lifeforms requires a Personal
Equipment (Tricorder) Test at Challenging (9) Difficulty.
The easiest way to go about this is to make it a Com-
bined Test. If successful, the character finds indications
of Humans to the west (Ensign Davis). If anyone scored
a Dramatic Success back when he or she scanned for
the runabouts location, they realize that a village lies in
that general vicinity. Note also, if anyone scanning the
runabouts interior scores a Dramatic Success, the diffi-
culty of this test is reduced to Moderate (8).
There are several ways to assess the runabouts flight-
worthiness by way of Engineering Tests made at Moder-
ate (6) Difficulty. Listed below are some possible special-
Propulsion Engineering (Impulse): Will the engines
work? (The warp drive can be fixed, if the original
cause for the crash is repaired; but the impulse
engines were damaged in the crash).
Systems Engineering (EPS): Are the ships power
systems intact? (No. The EPS taps from the power
transfer conduits were damaged in the crash.)
Systems Engineering (Flight Control): Are the pilot-
ing systems functional? (Yes, they remain undam-
aged, if unpowered).
Material Engineering (Structural/Spaceframe): Will
the runabout survive take-off? (No. The crash buck-
led the hull in several places, and caused numer-
ous micro-fractures in the metal).
As far as repair estimates go, a character succeeding
at his test knows it will take at least two days to repair the
runaboutwith an entire engineering team (this is not
using Scotty-Math). Unless they want to take the time,
the Crew will have to scuttle the ship.
Destroying the runabout requires an Extended Test
conducted by engineering and security personnel. Have
the available engineer make a Material Engineering
(Structural/Spaceframe) Test, and a security officer a
Demolitions (Shipboard Demolitions) Test each turn. A
turn lasts 5 minutes, and the difficulty is Moderate (7).
When the combined total from both characters tests
reach 40, the runabout can be destroyed quickly (and
Fifteen minutes after the characters arrive at the crash
site, a gathering party of Huth, led by Thuath, arrives on
the scene. If any characters scan for approaching people,
a Routine (4) Personal Equipment (Tricorder) Test, they
have two turns to prepare for the partys approach. If they
dont, have all characters outside the runabout make an
Intellect Attribute Test (including the Perception Edge) at
Moderate (7) Difficulty. If successful, the characters hear
the approach of someone from the west, and have one
turn to act before the Huth arrive. If no one keeps watch
for approaching Huth and everyone fails their tests, the
characters are caught by surprise as Thuath and five other
Huth come bursting on the scene.
Thuath and the others hear the Away Team at the
runabout, and decide to investigate. When they arrive,
the anticipate finding a band of rival Huth, and expect
a fight. Although they may surprise the Crew with their
arrival, the Huth are instead surprised to find more
people like Ensign Davis (if the Crew sticks around to be
Depending on the Crews above actions, they have
four basic options: Flee, hide, fight, or talk.
Fleeing is the best option. A clear-headed player
could simply hail the Hood and call for an immediate
transport. If the characters have one or two turns before
the Huth arrive, this is a largely academic case of return-
ing to the ship until the Huth leave the vicinity. If they
attempt to beam out in front of the Huth, things get a
trifle more difficult.
Players can be inventive, and devise an alter-
nate solution to the runabout problem. They may
decide to repair the Patuxent after all, which involves
beaming down a ve-man repair crew and two days
worth of work; this increases the likelihood of being
discovered. They might try to use the ships cargo
transporters to beam the wreck up; because of its
large size, a single transporter can not handle the
job. The crew would have to cut the runabout into
manageable sections, increasing the missions dura-
tion, as well. Use your judgement.
The tapping of ones communicator looks remarkably
to the Huth like beating ones breast: a sign of challenge
in their culture. If the Huth witness a character contact-
ing the ship, have them make an Opposed Test using
the characters Personal Equipment (Communicator) Skill
versus Thuaths Primitive Weapons (Club) Skill. Because
this is basically an Initiative Test, the character should
use their Coordination augmented by Reaction. If the
character comes up short in this roll, Thuath gets a free
strike at him or her with his club before the transporter
whisks the Crew away. As another unfortunate side effect
of departing in sight of the Huth, if the characters have
not yet destroyed the runabout, the Huth investigate the
characters work. Halve the Test Result accumulated so
far by the players attempting to scuttle the Patuxent to
reflect the Huth mucking around.
Some characters might decide to run away rather
than transport out. If the Crew has the time, they can
escape into the woods and hide until the Huth go away.
Again, if the Huth surprise the Crew, and the Crew tries
to run away, the Huth pursue. Roll an Opposed Athlet-
ics (Running) Test between the character and the Huth.
If the character scores greater than the Huth, he or she
escapes. If the character fails in this, the Huth try to
subdue the character and take him or her to its village.
Characters could elect to hide. If the Huth caught them
completely flat-footed, this is impossible. Given enough
warning, Crew members should make an Opposed Test
using the characters Stealth (Hiding) Skill against the
Huths Search Skill. If a character out rolls a Huth, he or
she remains unseen, and can wait until the Huth leave.
Not all PCs have the Stealth Skill; when this is the case,
have the player roll his or her characters Coordination.
For every turn ahead of time the characters have to pre-
pare, they get a +2 bonus to their die roll.
In the event the Huth find a Crew member, Thuath
and the others are shocked to recognize the characters
uniform. Noting its similarity to that of Ensign Davis, he
offers to escort the character to the village. The Univer-
sal Translator can understand the Huth language. Thuath
answers any questions the Crew may have about this
turn of events (see the talk option below).
Brash characters may choose instead to fight. Using
phasers to resolve the situation is not a good solution.
The Huth may have surprise on their side, depending on
the Crews actions (see the Tricorder Tests above). When
they stumble upon the Crew, the Huth are surprised to
find others like Ensign Davis; they make no immediate
moves to attack. The Huth stand approximately 5 meters
Regardless of what type of action the Away Team
takes, one of the Huth accidentally loses its knife (or one
of the Crew could ask to take a look at a knife, if they
open talks with the Huth). Anyone analyzing the knife
should make a Planetary Science (Mineralogy) Skill Test
at Moderate (7) difficulty or a Personal Equipment (Tri-
corder) Test at Routine (4) Difficulty to realize it knife
is forged from crudely tempered steel. Anyone making a
Social Sciences (Anthropology) Test at Moderate (6) Dif-
ficulty realizes such technology is beyond the abilities of
an early Stone Age culture.
After the incident with the Huth, it would be a good
idea for the officer leading the Away Team to contact the
captain and update him on current events. If the player
doesnt think of this, the captain hails him or her. This
scene is a tool for the Narrator to help new players assess
how theyre doing so far. Its also a tool for the Narrator
At several points in the episode, the Crew has
the potential to encounter Thuath or another Huth.
Although this makes the mission more difcult, and
violates the Prime Directive, it gives you a chance
to make the Huth more than the alien-of-the-week.
Thuath treats the Crew with deference and hospital-
ity. The Huth should be kind, hospitable, and friendly.
Make it hard for the Crew to simply abandon the
tribe during LCARS 4.1 If time permits, narrate a scene
where the Huth put on a banquet for the Crew, or
Huth children come to see them.
away from the runabout wreck and the Away Team.
If the Crew attacks, during the first round of combat,
the Huth dodge and advance to melee range with the
characters. During the second and subsequent rounds of
combat, the Huth (if still conscious) dodge and attack
with their clubs.
The final (and possibly worst) action is to talk with
the Huth (bear in mind however, that this will likely
occur anyway). Interacting with the Huth directly is a
violation of the Prime Directive. Again, Thuath and the
others recognize the Crews uniforms. Thuath answers
any questions the Crew may have to the best of his ability
(You are from the sky, like Davis. One of your friends
stays in our village. We will take you to him.). Char-
acters who attempt to communicate with the Huth are
shown to the village to meet Ensign Davis.
to get the players back on track if it seems like theyve
wandered off the beaten path.
No matter how the initial encounter with the Huth
progressed, Captain DeSoto takes the report in calmly.
He instructs the characters to continue their mission of
finding the survivors and casualties. Play this depending
on how the earlier encounter went. If the Crew mentions
encountering the Huth, their discovery of the runabout,
or their steel knives, DeSoto wants the Crew to assess the
damage this has done to the local civilization, so long
as they avoid further contamination of the culture. The
captain points out the location of a Huth village about 10
kilometers to their northwest, unless they already know
this. If they Crew speaks with the Huth, DeSoto is less
sanguine, but theres little he can do about it now (though
later the Crew can expect a reprimand).
As stated in LCARS 2.0, scanning for Humans directs
the Crew in a westerly direction. As the Crew follows
their tricorder read-outs, the path diverges in two direc-
tions. The first is to the southwest, while the second is to
the northwest towards the Huth village.
Following the southwest path takes them through the
forest and into another clearing. Before them is a five-
meter square pit brimming with ashes; charred bones
are visible in the soot. Tricorder readings report trace
amounts of human DNA in the charnel pit (another Rou-
tine (4) Tricorder Test). These are the remains of Lieuten-
ants Kelly and Wickman. Identifying the bodies requires
a rather morbid Extended Test using the skill Personal
Equipment (Tricorder) against a Moderate (7) difficulty.
When the total die rolls equal 40, the task is complete.
Each turn takes five minutes of time. If the doctor uses
his or her Medical Tricorder and makes a successful Per-
sonal Equipment (Medical Tricorder) Test at Challenging
(9) Difficulty, he or she is able to determine that the two
casualties were long dead before they were cremated.
Clever Crew members may have detected this sight
from orbit, by homing in on the Patuxent crews comm
badges. Its possible the Crew beams down here before
finding the runabout; if so, play this encounter first. Then
go on to the LCARS 2.0
Following the northwest direction, the Crew reaches
the Huth villagea collection of a dozen huts, a small
pen for livestock, and an irrigated field. The village is
alive with activity. A nearby stream has been dammed up
and is being used for moving a water wheel. The sound
of metal ringing against metal emanates from one of the
huts, smoke curling from its chimney. Several Huth carry
metal toolshoes and shovelsas they move around
the village. A Social Science (Anthropology) Test at Rou-
tine (5) Difficulty confirms these as beyond the capabili-
ties of an Early Stone Age culture. More shocking, they
see a Human drawing schematics in the dirt, explaining
something to a group of Huth.
Ask the Crew their actions. They should attempt to
hide in the foliage (a Routine (4) Hide Test), or the Huth
will spot them. If the Huth see the Crew, they send a
band of hunters to round the Crew up. Naturally, once
these Huth get close enough to get a good look at the
Crew, their motives change from attack to conversation.
As before, they invite the Crew into the village as guests
(because of Ensign Davis).
Confronting Davis wont be easy, much less trans-
porting him to the Hood. Unless Thuath, or another
Huth, escorts them, the Crew has to sneak into the vil-
lage. Leave it up to them as to when they attempt this
(immediately, at night, etc.). The first thing the charac-
ters have to do is find Ensign Davis hut. Second, they
have to find a way to get him alone. This doesnt happen
until nightfall. Getting into the camp can be done by
transporter, or by sneaking in on foot.
In order for the Crew to beam into Ensign Davis
hut, they have to learn which hut is his. They can easily
discover this by remaining hidden, and watching Davis
movements. This requires a successful Moderate (7) Hide
Skill Test. Its easier if the Crew uses their tricorders,
a Personal Equipment (Tricorder) Test made at Moder-
ate (6) Difficulty. Once they know where Davis can be
found, the transporter chief can beam the Crew into the
hut with no one the wiser.
Sneaking in on foot is a more difficult undertaking.
Two sentries walk the perimeter at night, and getting
past them requires a successful Stealth (Stealthy Move-
ment) Opposed Test against their Intellect + Perception
(or Search skill). If a character fails, one of the Huth
sentries challenges him. The Huth, however, does not
attack unless it is attacked first. In the event the charac-
ters engage in melee, each round another Huth enters
the fray. If they remain undiscovered, the Crew can make
their way to Davis hut.
Once the Crew enters Davis hut, he awakens with
a start and draws his phaser. The phaser is set for light
stun, but at wide angle. Any Psionic characters can make
a Receptive Telepathy at Challenging (10) Difficulty. If
successful, he or she detects thoughts of guilt and fear.
Ensign Davis tries to justify his actions to the Crew,
but because hes nervous, he isnt completely coherent.
He sputters out answers based on what he knows, listed
The runabout crashed on this planet after a mal-
functioning warp coil spun the ship into the plan-
ets gravity well.
Lieutenants Kelly and Wickman both died in the
crash. The Huth cremated them, as is their way.
Davis was unconscious after the crash, so he must
rely on what the Huth told him.
Davis regained consciousness in the village. The
Huth people tended to his wounds and nursed him
back to health.
The various Huth tribes compete heatedly with one
another for food and materials, and suffer hard-
ship when they cannot find enough food to eat.
Survival is difficult for them. Making a successful
Life Sciences (Ecology) Test at Routine (4) verifies
thiswithout agriculture, a small group of herbi-
vores cover a large amount of territory. By teach-
ing them agriculture and giving them metal tools,
Davis has increased the tribes chances for sur-
Because of the tribes small population, Davis felt
obligated to help them survive as thanks for saving
his life.
Davis gave up hope of being rescued, and expected
to spend the rest of his life on Rogun II. So why not
help Tuaths tribe? He sees himself as a modern-
day Robinson Crusoe.
Ensign Davis knows he broke the Prime Directive
and feels some remorse about doing so. He believes,
though, what he did was the right thing to do to repay
this tribe for their kindness.
During the conversation, Ensign Davis never lets go
of his phaser, and if any character makes a hostile move,
roll initiative and conduct combat. He carries a Type II
Phaser set on light stun (wide beam). If a tussle breaks
out, the Huth have say in the matter (see LCARS 3.3).
Trying to talk him into coming willingly requires a
successful Opposed Test. Use the characters Persuasion
skill while Ensign Davis uses his Presence augmented by
his Willpower. A character who uses a calm voice and
treats him sympathetically can add his or her Empathy
edge to the die roll. If the attempt fails, Ensign Davis
calls for help from his Huth companions.
The Crew could end this simply by beaming Davis
back to the Hood. Transporting him back to the ship
against his will takes two actions: signaling the ship to
engage the transporters and actually activating the beam
(the transporter can lock onto everyone in the room or
on Ensign Davis specifically). Because this ends the story
prematurely, you should try to keep the Crew and Davis
on the planet; have a Huth enter just as the Crew con-
tacts the Hood. Beaming out in front of a Huth is a bad
Finally, the Crew could encounter Ensign Davis will-
inglywhen the Huth bring the Crew to see him. Thuath
and the others certainly dont understand whats going
on, and assume the Crew and Davis belong together.
Davis hasnt given them any reason to fear people wear-
ing Starfleet uniforms; quite the opposite. Thus, this con-
versation with Davis could take place at any time of
day, and in almost any circumstances, but with the Huth
Should Ensign Davis call for help, twelve Huth and
Thuath come to his rescue. If the characters talk to Ensign
Davis in their presence, assume they are in melee range
already. Otherwise, assume the Huth expend a turn to
get to Davis hut. Each Huth is armed with a club. They
fight until they or the characters are incapacitated.
If the Huth overwhelm the Away Team, they awaken
to find themselves tied up and under the watchful eyes of
six Huth, Thuath, and Ensign Davis. Davis has taken their
comm badges, making communication with the Hood
impossible, as well as their other equipment. Thuath
looks to Ensign Davis to decide what should be done.
Ensign Davis shakes his head. He has no idea what to do
with the Away Team.
The Crew has one last opportunity to try to convince
him to come along quietly. Characters, in order to do
this, should point two things out to him.
Ensign Davis is in way over his head; if he ends
this now, the charges against him will go easier.
If this Team fails in getting him, another Away
Team is sure to follow (and another one after
Ensign Davis never orders the characters to their
death. The decision, however, is made for him soon as
described in LCARS 4.0.
As the rain picks up its cadence, and Ensign Davis
struggles with what must be done with the Crew, an
opposing tribe attacks the village.
Suddenly, arrows and rocks come hurtling into the
village. The Huth in the village run to defend their
homes, forgetting about the Crew. As the battle unfolds,
observant security officers can see an enemy of over-
whelming numbers opposes the friendly Huth. Ensign
Davis picks up his phaser and heads in the same direc-
tion as the Huth.
Its up to the Crew to free themselves. Escaping from
their bonds requires an Extended Fitness Test (augmented
by Strength) or Coordination Test (augmented by Dexter-
ity) for each character. Each turn takes one minute, and
the difficulty is Routine (4). When he or she reaches a
total of nine, the bindings are loosened to the point that
he or she can slip out. While they try to free themselves,
the Crew can see the invading Huth inside the village
perimeter; they seem bent on genocide, as they attack
women and children. Without the Crews help, the tribe
faces annihilation. Three minutes into their work, six
Huth from the other tribe come for the characters. Unlike
Davis tribe, these Huth do not look at the characters
with any sense of awe. They do not hesitate to attack
the Crew whether they are free or not. They continue to
pound away at each character until he or she is dead.
Once free, the Crew must retrieve their equipment,
which is kept in Ensign Davis hut. This takes two min-
The end of the episode depends largely on the Crew.
While the fight rages on around them, be sure to frame
the philosophical conflict as welldoes the Crew try to
contain the damage by leaving with Davis, or do they
stay and protect the tribe? You might stress the barbaric
acts committed by the invading Huth tribe, then describe
Davis firing his phaser. You want to play on competing
emotions. Keep the action fast-paced; dont give the
Crew time to think.
They leave with Davis: Ensign Davis is currently
in the middle of the battle, firing his phaser again
and again. To reach him, the Crew must wade into
the thick of things, confronting one or two Huth
along the way. Once they reach Davis, they must
grab hold of him and call for immediate transport.
If characters simply recover Ensign Davis, Thuaths
tribe is massacred. Once back on board, proceed
to LCARS 4.2.
They help the Huth: Another option the Crew
might take is assisting the Huth in defending their
village. Although this defies the Prime Directive,
players might reason that the culture has already
been contaminated. To turn the tide of battle, the
Crew must incapacitate a total of sixteen oppos-
ing Huth. This does not include the incidental
Huth that the Crew might run into while retrieving
their equipment. At this point, the invading Huth
panic and scatter, leaving Thuaths tribe alive to
see another day. Afterwards, Ensign Davis agrees
to return to the ship, then, without another word.
Beaming back to the Hood, the Huth village becomes
nothing more than a blur, and when their vision clears,
the Crew stands in the transporter room. Captain DeSoto
waits for them. Looking at Ensign Davis with a sad
expression, DeSoto reproaches him (though sympatheti-
cally). Ensign Davis, straining to maintain his compo-
sure, tells the captain he is ready to face charges. Cap-
tain DeSoto nods and orders him confined to quarters.
Any character needing medical attention should
report to Sickbay. DeSoto tells the remaining characters
to get cleaned up and meet him in his Ready Room in
one hour.
Captain DeSoto asks about the condition of any
wounded member of the team first and proceeds with an
after action review. This is the Narrators opportunity to
counsel characters through the voice of the captain.
Encourage the players to relate the events on Rogun
II. Ask their opinion of Ensign Davis actions. If the Crew
asks about Ensign Davis fate, Captain DeSoto admits he
sees no malice in Davis actions, but what he did will
probably get him cashiered out of Starfleet. He sadly
waves aside any objections and admits having some
sympathy for Ensign Davis.
The ends never justify the means because there is no
way of knowing what the ends would truly be, DeSoto
points out.
Award individual experience to characters as follows:
Character survived: 1 point
Player made an earnest attempt at roleplaying: 1
Away Team avoided all contact with the Huth: 2
shot first and asked questions later: +2 Aggression;
-1 Openness.
made an earnest attempt to avoid contact with the
Huth: +2 Discipline.
broke the Prime Directive him- or herself: 2-6
came up with innovative solutions to problems:
+1-6 Initiative, Openness, or Skill.
tried to reason with Ensign Davis: +2 Openness.
avoided all contact with the Huth: +5 Skill
The following characters play important roles in this
episode. Feel free to create additional cast members as
Some captains are born warriors and some are born
diplomats. Captain DeSoto is a born teacher. He has
spent thirty-six years in Starfleet, seventeen of those years
as captain of the Hood. His experiences range from lead-
ing the rescue effort after the Ghorusda Disaster to the
dangers of Altair III.
Captain DeSoto is a mild-mannered Human content
to spend the rest of his days in the captains chair of the
U.S.S. Hood. He takes pride in his aging Excelsior-class
vessel and the missions it has undertaken with him at the
helm. He tends to speak in a round-about manner and
in a fatherly tone of voice when he talks to everyone.
Fitness 2
Coordination 2
Intellect 3
Presence 4
Willpower +1
Psi 0
Administration (Starship) 3 (4)
Athletics (Fly Fishing) 2 (4)
Command (Starship) 4 (5)
Computer (Research) 1 (2)
Culture (Human) 2 (3)
Diplomacy (Trade Agreements) 1 (2)
Dodge 1
Energy Weapon (Phaser) 1 (2)
History (Federation) 1 (2)
(Human) (2)
Language, Federation Standard 3
Law (Starfleet Regulations) 4 (5)
Personal Equipment (Tricorder) 1 (2)
Planetary Science (Ecology) 2 (3)
Planetside Survival (Mountains) 1 (2)
Shipboard Systems (Command) 2 (3)
Starship Tactics (Federation) 2 (3)
Vehicle Operations (Shuttlecraft) 1 (2)
World Knowledge (Altair III) 1 (2)
(Earth) (2)
Code of Honor (Starfleet) -4
Contact (Captain Jean-Luc Picard) +2
Contact (Commander William Riker) +1
Department Head (Command) +3
Promotion (Captain) +15
Courage: 5
Renown: 66
Aggression: -7 Discipline: 16 Initiative: 9
Openness: 17 Skill: 17
Resistance: 2
Wound Levels: 2/2/2/2/2/2/0
Image: On first impression, Captain DeSoto conveys
an air fatherly sternness, and calm self-assurance. He
has an average build for a man in his mid-fifties. His
hair is thick and gray, although retreating from his
forehead in a widows peak.
Role Playing Notes: Your years of experience have
gotten you to the point where nothing takes you by
surprise anymore. Your voice is calm, reassuring,
and you never lose your temper.
Planet Name: Rogun II
Class: M
System Data: Rogun II is a moonless world in orbit of
a red main-sequence star.
Gravity: .9 G, Rogun II is slightly smaller than Earth.
Year and Day: 243/21
Atmosphere: Oxygen-nitrogen with high ozone con-
tent. Earth-normal pressure.
Hydrosphere: 77% surface water. High moisture con-
tent in atmosphere.
Climate: Damp and temperate
Sapient Species: Huth (humanoid, share many fea-
tures with Earth deer, herbivorous), approximately 1.5
Tech Level: Level One (An off-world survey con-
ducted by U.S.S. Tsilokovski, seven years ago, deter-
mined Huth possessed Stone Age technology.)
Government: Tribal
Culture: Survival focused conict between tribes.
Conict often centers on foraging territory.
Afliation: None. Planet in Federation space under
auspices of Prime Directive.
Resources: Heavy tree cover over most of land sur-
face. Crust contains high quantities of peat and
Places of Note: None
Ship Facilities: Not Applicable
Other Details: Planet off limits to surface exploration
and resource exploitation. Contact with sapient spe-
cies prohibited.
When Ensign Davis attended Starfleet Academy he
never paid particular attention to the Prime Directive;
he viewed it as nothing more than a curve ball thrown
into his exams now and then. He received a reprimand
for failing Cultural Relations; and only graduated after
passing it a second time. After becoming marooned on
Rogun II he blatantly defied the Prime Directive by assist-
ing Thuath and his tribe. The magnitude of his offense
doesnt become apparent to him until the Crew arrives.
Ensign Davis is not an evil man with a grand scheme.
He is instead a man who wished to repay an act of kind-
ness, but committed a grievous error in judgement.

Fitness 3
Coordination 2
Intellect 3
Perception +1
Presence 2
Psi 0
Athletics (Hiking) 3 (4)
(Climbing) (4)
Computer (Modeling) 2 (3)
Culture (Human) 2 (3)
(Huth) (3)
Dodge 1
Energy Weapon (Phaser) 1 (2)
History (Federation) 1 (2)
(Human) (2)
Language, Federation Standard 3
Huth 1
Law (Starfleet Regulations) 1 (2)
Material Engineering (Civil) 2 (4)
(Mechanical) (4)
Personal Equipment (Tricorder) 1 (2)
Physical Science (Physics) 1 (3)
Planetside Survival (Forest) 2 (3)
Propulsion Engineering (Warp Drive) 1 (2)
Shipboard Systems (Sensors) 2 (3)
(Transporter) (3)
Vehicle Operations (Shuttlecraft) 1 (2)
World Knowledge (Earth) 1 (2)
(Rogun II) (2)
Engineering Aptitude +3
Courage: 5
Renown: 1
Aggression: 0 Discipline: 0 Initiative: 0
Openness: 1 Skill: 0
Resistance: 3
Wound Levels: 3/3/3/3/3/3/0
Image: Ensign Davis has not seen civilization for
over two months. His hair is long and unkempt and
he has a somewhat spotty beard covering his face.
He projects a demeanor of youthful exuberance and
brashness, though inside hes not sure of himself at
Role Playing Notes: Panic! Youve just realized how
much hot water youre in. Emotion is king and you
need to be (if youd pardon the pun) brought back
down to earth. You are convinced you did the right
thing, given the circumstances.

Thuath is a tribal leader among the Huth. When
his people found the crashed runabout, he insisted the
strange creature they found still living be brought back to
their village. Since then, his tribe has gone from the cusp
of extinction to contenders for survival.

Fitness 4
Coordination 4
Dexterity -1
Intellect 2
Perception +2
Presence 3
Psi 0
Athletics (Running) 3 (4)
Culture (Huth) 2 (3)
Dodge 1
History (Tribal) 1 (2)
Huth 1
Law (Tribal) 1 (2)
Material Engineering (Civil) 1 (2)
(Mechanical) (2)
Physical Science (Physics) 1 (2)
Planetside Survival (Forest) 3 (4)
Primitive Weapons (Club) 2 (3)
Alertness +2
Excellent Chemoreception +1
Peripheral Vision +1
Promotion (Tribal Leader) +1
Courage: 3
Renown: 5
Aggression: 1 Discipline: 1 Initiative: 1
Openness: 1 Skill: 1
Resistance: 4
Wound Levels: 4/4/4/4/4/4/0
Image: A very muscular Huth. He tends to quietly
observe (and later prod and poke) something new
and undiscovered.
Role Playing Notes: Remain quiet for the most part
occasionally grunting and giving quizzical looks to
Ensign Davis when you dont understand something.
Be friendly to Davis companionsthey might help
your tribe, too. And theyre obviously Davis tribes-
Fitness 4
Coordination 3
Dexterity -1
Intellect 1
Perception +2
Presence 2
Psi 0
Athletics (Running) 2 (3)
Culture (Tribal) 1 (2)
Dodge 1
History (Tribal) 1 (2)
Language, Huth 1
Law (Tribal) 1 (2)
Planetside Survival (Forest) 3 (4)
Primitive Weapons (Club) 2 (3)
Alertness +2
Excellent Chemoreception +1
Peripheral Vision +1
Courage: 3
Resistance: 4
Wound Levels: 4/4/4/4/4/4/0
Fitness 3 [6]
Coordination 3 [6]
Dexterity -1
Intellect 1 [4]
Presence 2 [5]
Psi 0 [3]
Athletics (Running) 2 (3)
Culture (Tribal) 1 (2)
History (Tribal) 1 (2)
Language, Huth 1
Law (Tribal) 1 (2)
Planetside Survival (Forest) 2 (3)
Primitive Weapons (Club) 2 (3)
Alertness +2, Excellent Chemoreception +1, Periph-
eral Vision +1, Poor Sight (-1 to ranged attacks) 2
Special or Unique Abilities
Huth do not possess stereoscopic vision (i.e., their
eyes are on the sides of their head). This gives them
a wide angle of vision but poor depth perception.
They also have a very acute sense of smell.
Traits Common to Species
Huth males are aggressive toward other males
not bearing their tribes scent. Huth stand at an aver-
age of 2 meters tall.
Story Notes
The Huth have only recently, within the last 100
years, developed tribal societies. Still gathering her-
bivores, they rely on foraging widely for food. This
leads to competition with other tribes for food. Tech-
nologically, they live with Stone Age technology.
The Huth have achieved sapience but do not
yet dominate their world. They remain susceptible to
attacks from predators, and live at the mercy of the
elements. Because of this, their skills in survival are
well honed.
The Huth tribe led by Thuath is not as aggressive
as other tribes. Ensign Davis increases the tribes
chances of survival by teaching them agriculture,
and giving them steel tools and weapons. The Huth
believe Davis to be, if not a god, then their tribes
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