This document is a schedule of classes for Summer 2014 at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. It lists courses offered from several departments, including Asian and Asian American Studies, Africana Studies, Applied Math and Statistics, Anthropology, Art History, Biology, and more. For each class, it provides the department, course number, title, class number, format (e.g. lecture or lab), meeting days/times, building, room, and instructor. The schedule shows over 100 undergraduate courses offered during the summer session.
This document is a schedule of classes for Summer 2014 at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. It lists courses offered from several departments, including Asian and Asian American Studies, Africana Studies, Applied Math and Statistics, Anthropology, Art History, Biology, and more. For each class, it provides the department, course number, title, class number, format (e.g. lecture or lab), meeting days/times, building, room, and instructor. The schedule shows over 100 undergraduate courses offered during the summer session.
This document is a schedule of classes for Summer 2014 at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. It lists courses offered from several departments, including Asian and Asian American Studies, Africana Studies, Applied Math and Statistics, Anthropology, Art History, Biology, and more. For each class, it provides the department, course number, title, class number, format (e.g. lecture or lab), meeting days/times, building, room, and instructor. The schedule shows over 100 undergraduate courses offered during the summer session.
This document is a schedule of classes for Summer 2014 at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. It lists courses offered from several departments, including Asian and Asian American Studies, Africana Studies, Applied Math and Statistics, Anthropology, Art History, Biology, and more. For each class, it provides the department, course number, title, class number, format (e.g. lecture or lab), meeting days/times, building, room, and instructor. The schedule shows over 100 undergraduate courses offered during the summer session.
Schedule of Classes for Summer 2014 - Summer II - D Session
Statements herein were correct as of 4/30/2014 DEPT CRS Course Title Cls Nbr Cmp Days SCT Time Bldg Room Instructor DC/SK Asian & Asian American Studies (AAS) Courses AAS 110 Appreciating Indian Music G Credit(s): 3 SBC: ARTS 62429 LEC 01 TUTH 01:30-04:55PM HUMANITIES 1043 Aruna Sharma AAS 212 AAS Topics in Humanities G Credit(s): 3 SBC: HUM 64590 LEC 03 MW 01:30-04:55PM CHEMISTRY 124 TBA #MANGA AND ANIME AAS 240 Confucianism and Daoism J Credit(s): 3 SBC: GLO; HUM Note: Offered as AAS 240 and RLS 240 62190 LEC 01 TUTH 06:00-09:25PM JAVITS LECTR 101 Mary Diaz AAS 260 Buddhism J Credit(s): 3 SBC: GLO; HUM 64563 LEC 02 TUTH 01:30-04:55PM JAVITS LECTR 101 Mary Diaz AAS 340 Topics in Asian History J Credit(s): 3 SBC: SBS+ 65401 LEC 01 TUTH 01:30-04:55PM HUMANITIES 3017 TBA #ASIAN MEDICINE AAS 447 Readings Asian & Asian Am Stds Credit(s): 1 to 6 Prerequisites: U3 or U4 standing; permission of instructor 62046 TUT T07 APPT TBA HUMANITIES 1125 Eva Nagase 61909 TUT T08 APPT TBA HUMANITIES 1122 Sung-Bae Park 62094 TUT T15 APPT TBA Harsh Bhasin AAS 475 Undergrad Teachng Practicum I Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: U3 or U4 standing; permission of instructor 61908 TUT T12 APPT TBA HUMANITIES 1046 Sunita Mukhi 61904 TUT T17 APPT TBA HUMANITIES 1039 Mary Diaz AAS 487 Rsrch in Asian & Asian-Am Stds Credit(s): 0 to 3 Prerequisites: U3 or U4 standing; permission of instructor 61956 TUT T09 APPT TBA HUMANITIES 1118 Gregory Ruf 62096 TUT T15 APPT TBA Harsh Bhasin 62470 TUT T17 APPT TBA HUMANITIES 1139 Mary Diaz AAS 488 Internship Credit(s): 0 to 6 Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and undergraduate program director 61559 TUT T04 APPT TBA HUMANITIES 1123 Shikaripur Sridhar 61734 TUT T10 APPT TBA Eriko Sato Africana Studies/Soc & Beh Sci (AFS) Courses AFS 102 Themes in Black Experience II F Credit(s): 3 SBC: CER; SBS; USA Note: Reserved for students in AIM/EOP summer program. 60760 LEC 01 M-F 08:20-10:30AM JAVITS LECTR 110 Mark Chambers AFS 325 Civil Rights Movement K&4 Credit(s): 3 SBC: SBS+ Prerequisite: U3 or U4 standing; Advisory Prerequisite: HIS 104 or AFS 101 or 102 Note: Offered as AFS 325 and HIS 325 65520 LEC 01 MW 01:30-04:55PM SOCBEHAV SCI S228 Zebulon Miletsky AFS 447 Readings in Africana Studies Credit(s): 1 to 3 Prerequisite: Permission of instructor Undergraduate Courses 1 DEPT CRS Course Title Cls Nbr Cmp Days SCT Time Bldg Room Instructor DC/SK AFS 447 Readings in Africana Studies Credit(s): 1 to 3 Prerequisite: Permission of instructor 62141 TUT T04 APPT TBA Tracey Walters AFS 487 Research in Africana Studies Credit(s): 0 to 3 Prerequisite: Permission of instructor 61892 TUT T03 APPT TBA Dawn Harris AFS 488 Internship Credit(s): 0 to 6 Prerequisites: Africana studies major or minor; 15 credits in AFS courses; permission of instructorand program director 61945 TUT T04 APPT TBA Floris Cash Applied Math and Statistics (AMS) Courses AMS 102 Elements of Statistics C Credit(s): 3 SBC: QPS Prerequisite: Satisfaction of entry skill in mathematics requirement (Skill 1) or satisfactory completion of D.E.C. C or QPS Note: May not be taken by students with credit for AMS 310, 311, 312; ECO 320; OL 201, Psy 201, or SOC 202. 63698 LEC 02 MW 06:00-09:25PM EARTH&SPACE 069 Jeffrey Chen AMS 315 Data Analysis Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: AMS 102 or 310 64466 LEC 02 TUTH 01:30-04:55PM EARTH&SPACE 069 Un Jung Lee AMS 318 Financial Mathematics Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: AMS 310 63622 LEC 01 MW 01:30-04:55PM LGT ENGR LAB 152 Kelsey Alexovitz AMS 335 Game Theory Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: MAT 126 or 131 or 141 or AMS 151; C or higher in ECO 303 Note: Offered as AMS 335 and ECO 355 63882 LEC 01 MW 09:30-12:55PM ENGINEERING 143 Zhenning Wang AMS 351 Applied Algebra Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: AMS 210 or MAT 211; Advisory Prerequisite: MAT 200 or CSE 113 Note: Offered as AMS 351 and MAT 312. 63129 LEC 01 TUTH 09:30-12:55PM PHYSICS P116 TBA AMS 361 Applied Calculus IV: Diff Equ Credit(s): 4 Prerequisite: AMS 161 or MAT 127 or 132 or 142 or MPE level 9 64465 LEC 01 TUTH 09:00-01:25PM CHEMISTRY 124 James Kotary AMS 410 Actuarial Mathematics Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: AMS 261 or MAT 203 or 205; AMS 310; AMS 311 or 315 63883 LEC 01 MW 01:30-04:55PM MELVILLE LBR N4072 Chengrui Huang AMS 475 Undergrad Teachng Practicum Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: U4 standing as an undergraduate major within the college; a minimum g.p.a. of 3.00 in all Stony Brook courses and the grade of B or better in the course in which the student is to assist; permission of department 63415 TUT T01 APPT TBA Esther Arkin AMS 476 Undergrad Teaching Practicum Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: U4 standing as an undergraduate major within the college; a minimum g.p.a. of 3.00 in all Stony Brook courses and the grade of B or better in the course in which the student is to assist; permission of department 63837 TUT T01 APPT TBA MATHEMATICS P134B Esther Arkin AMS 487 Research in Applied Mathematic Credit(s): 0 to 3 Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and department 63998 TUT T01 APPT TBA MATHEMATICS P134B Esther Arkin Anthropology (ANT) Courses Undergraduate Courses 2 DEPT CRS Course Title Cls Nbr Cmp Days SCT Time Bldg Room Instructor DC/SK ANT 203 Native Peoples of North Americ J Credit(s): 3 SBC: GLO Advisory Prerequisite: ANT 102 64423 LEC 01 MW 01:30-04:55PM CHEMISTRY 128 Madeline Cherney Art History (ARH) Courses ARH 101 Art in Culture to ca. 1400 AD D Credit(s): 3 SBC: ARTS 60056 LEC 01 TUTH 01:30-04:55PM STALLER CTR 3220 Joseph Underwood ARH 335 History of Photography G Credit(s): 3 SBC: HFA+ Prerequisite: ARH 102 or CCS 101; Advisory Prerequisite: ARH 332 or 342 62201 LEC 01 MW 01:30-04:55PM STALLER CTR 3220 Alena Pletneva Veller ARH 488 Internship Credit(s): 0 to 6 Prerequisite: Fifteen credits in the Art Department, of which at least six shall be in art history/criticism; upper-division standing with preference given to U4 students; permission of instructor and department 62486 TUT T08 APPT TBA STALLER CTR 4219 Barbara Frank Studio Art (ARS) Courses ARS 154 Foundations of Drawing D Credit(s): 3 SBC: ARTS 62322 LAB L03 TUTH 01:30-06:00PM STALLER CTR 4218 Nicholas Warndorf ARS 255 Introductory Painting Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: ARS 154 62182 LAB L02 TUTH 12:30-05:00PM STALLER CTR 4253 Jason Paradis ARS 324 Intermediate Digital Art Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: ARS/MUS/THR 208 or ARS 225 LEC 01 MW 09:30-10:30AM STALLER CTR 4255 Fiona Cashell 62296 LAB L01 MW 10:35-01:15PM STALLER CTR 4255 Fiona Cashell ARS 492 Topics in Studio Theory & Prac Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: Permission of department Note: Offered as ARS 492.L02 and CEA533.L02. Extra course fee. 61987 LAB L02 TUTH 05:30-08:55PM STALLER CTR 4232 Jason Paradis #WATERCOLOR Astronomy (AST) Courses AST 487 Senior Research in Astronomy Credit(s): 0 to 6 Prerequisite: Permission of instructor 62274 TUT T18 APPT TBA Stanimir Metchev Pharmacology (BCP) Courses BCP 488 Internship Credit(s): 0 to 6 Prerequisites: BIO 361; CHE 322; g.p.a. of 3.00 or higher in these courses and their prerequisites;permission of department 60375 TUT T01 APPT TBA Robert Watson Biology (BIO) Courses BIO 114 Dinosaur Paleontology E Credit(s): 3 SBC: SNW Advisory prerequisite: Entry level biology Undergraduate Courses 3 DEPT CRS Course Title Cls Nbr Cmp Days SCT Time Bldg Room Instructor DC/SK BIO 114 Dinosaur Paleontology E Credit(s): 3 SBC: SNW Advisory prerequisite: Entry level biology 62202 LEC 01 TUTH 09:30-12:55PM EARTH&SPACE 069 Stuart Plotkin BIO 310 Cell Biology Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: C or higher in BIO 202; C or higher in BIO 203; CHE 321 or CHE 331 or CHE 341 62064 LEC 01 TUTH 01:30-04:55PM JAVITS LECTR 102 Susan Erster BIO 317 Principles of Cellular Signali Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO 202; Advisory Prerequisite: BIO 203 Note: The course is offered in a hybrid format requiring both in person and on-line lecture activities. 62229 LEC 01 MWF 09:30-11:45AM EARTH&SPACE 069 Thirumalini Vaithianathan BIO 361 Biochemistry I Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: C or higher in BIO 202; C or higher in CHE 322 or 326 or permission of instructor Note: Exam attendance required: Th 7/17; Th 7/31; Tu 8/12 from 5 - 6:30 PM 61545 LEC 01 TUTH 09:30-12:55PM FREY HALL 100 Michael Lake BIO 446 Readings in Neurobio & Physiol Credit(s): 1 to 2 Prerequisites: Written permission of instructor and undergraduate studies committee 60688 TUT T01 APPT TBA CTR MOLEC ME 112 TBA 61781 TUT T02 APPT TBA TBA 61782 TUT T03 APPT TBA TBA BIO 447 Readings in Molec Cell Dev Bio Credit(s): 1 to 2 Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology 60689 TUT T01 APPT TBA CTR MOLEC ME 112 Erwin London 61794 TUT T02 APPT TBA TBA 61795 TUT T03 APPT TBA Jennie Williams 61796 TUT T04 APPT TBA TBA 61797 TUT T05 APPT TBA TBA 61798 TUT T06 APPT TBA TBA 61799 TUT T07 APPT TBA TBA 61800 TUT T08 APPT TBA TBA 61801 TUT T09 APPT TBA TBA 61802 TUT T10 APPT TBA TBA 61803 TUT T11 APPT TBA TBA 61804 TUT T12 APPT TBA TBA BIO 449 Readings in Ecology & Evolutn Credit(s): 1 to 2 Prerequisites: Written permission of instructor and undergraduate studies committee 60690 TUT T01 APPT TBA CTR MOLEC ME 112 TBA 61810 TUT T02 APPT TBA TBA 61811 TUT T03 APPT TBA TBA 61812 TUT T04 APPT TBA TBA 61813 TUT T05 APPT TBA TBA 61814 TUT T06 APPT TBA TBA 61714 TUT T07 APPT TBA LIFE SCIENCE 023 Michael Bell BIO 475 Teachng Pract. College Bio I Credit(s): 0 to 3 Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and undergraduate studies committee 60691 TUT T01 APPT TBA CTR MOLEC ME 112 TBA 62034 TUT T02 APPT TBA Susan Erster 62247 TUT T03 APPT TBA TBA 62248 TUT T04 APPT TBA TBA BIO 476 Teachng Pract. College Bio II Credit(s): 0 to 3 Prerequisites: BIO 475; permission of instructor and undergraduate studies committee 60692 TUT T01 APPT TBA CTR MOLEC ME 112 TBA 62036 TUT T02 APPT TBA Susan Erster 62135 TUT T03 APPT TBA TBA Undergraduate Courses 4 DEPT CRS Course Title Cls Nbr Cmp Days SCT Time Bldg Room Instructor DC/SK BIO 476 Teachng Pract. College Bio II Credit(s): 0 to 3 Prerequisites: BIO 475; permission of instructor and undergraduate studies committee 62136 TUT T04 APPT TBA TBA BIO 486 Rsrch in Neurobiology & Physio Credit(s): 0 to 6 Prerequisite: Written permission of instructor and undergraduate studies committee. Request for committee approval must be submitted no later than two days prior to the last day of the add/drop period as scheduled in the academic calendar. 60693 TUT T01 APPT TBA CTR MOLEC ME 534 Anat Biegon 61471 TUT T02 APPT TBA LIFE SCIENCE 540 Simon Halegoua 61817 TUT T03 APPT TBA Arianna Maffei 61469 TUT T04 APPT TBA CTR MOLEC ME 112 Lonnie Wollmuth 61818 TUT T05 APPT TBA Todd Miller 62475 TUT T06 APPT TBA LIFE SCIENCE 534 William Collins 62476 TUT T07 APPT TBA Suzanne Scarlata 62477 TUT T28 APPT TBA LIFE SCIENCE 516 Alfredo Fontanini 61467 TUT T32 APPT TBA Howard Sirotkin BIO 487 Rsrch in Molec Cell & Dev Bio Credit(s): 0 to 6 Prerequisite: Permission of instructor and Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology 61596 TUT T01 APPT TBA LIFE SCIENCE 420 Suzanne Scarlata 61830 TUT T02 APPT TBA LIFE SCIENCE 450B Nancy Marshall 61831 TUT T03 APPT TBA LIFE SCIENCE 414 Vitaly Citovsky 61832 TUT T04 APPT TBA LIFE SCIENCE 472 Harvard Lyman 61597 TUT T05 APPT TBA LIFE SCIENCE 470 Robert Haltiwanger 61833 TUT T06 APPT TBA BASICSCI RES 5-194 Ilan Spector 61834 TUT T07 APPT TBA LIFE SCIENCE 416 James Bliska 61835 TUT T08 APPT TBA LIFE SCIENCE 234A Michael Hayman 61836 TUT T09 APPT TBA CTR MOLEC ME 138 Steven Smith 61837 TUT T10 APPT TBA HSC 15040 James Konopka 61838 TUT T11 APPT TBA Neta Dean 61839 TUT T12 APPT TBA LIFE SCIENCE 374 Paul Bingham Joanne Souza 61840 TUT T13 APPT TBA LIFE SCIENCE 336 Bernadette Holdener 61598 TUT T14 APPT TBA CTR MOLEC ME 436 John Gergen 61976 TUT T15 APPT TBA HSC 9-030 Elizabeth Roemer 61977 TUT T16 APPT TBA Adrianus van der Velden 61978 TUT T17 APPT TBA Gerald Thomsen 61979 TUT T18 APPT TBA Sanford Simon 62265 TUT T19 APPT TBA Adan Aguirre 62266 TUT T20 APPT TBA LIFE SCIENCE 480 Benjamin Martin 62267 TUT T21 APPT TBA HSC 8-082 Helene Benveniste 62268 TUT T22 APPT TBA LIFE SCIENCE 344 Nurit Ballas 62269 TUT T23 APPT TBA TBA 62270 TUT T24 APPT TBA HSC 8-088 Sumita Bhaduri-McIntosh 62271 TUT T25 APPT TBA Patrick Hearing BIO 488 Internship in Biological Scien Credit(s): 0 to 6 Prerequisites: BIO 201, 202, 203; CHE 132; permission of faculty sponsor and biology internship committee 61954 TUT T01 APPT TBA CTR MOLEC ME 112 John Gergen BIO 489 Rsrch in Ecology & Evolution Credit(s): 0 to 6 Prerequisite: Written permission of instructor and undergraduate studies committee. Request for committee approval must be submitted no later than two days prior to the last day of the add/drop period as scheduled in the academic calendar. 60694 TUT T01 APPT TBA CTR MOLEC ME 112 Catherine Graham Daniel Dykhuizen Douglas Futuyma 61847 TUT T02 APPT TBA LIFE SCIENCE 605 Jeffrey Levinton 61848 TUT T03 APPT TBA Joshua Rest 61849 TUT T05 APPT TBA Stephen Baines Undergraduate Courses 5 DEPT CRS Course Title Cls Nbr Cmp Days SCT Time Bldg Room Instructor DC/SK BIO 489 Rsrch in Ecology & Evolution Credit(s): 0 to 6 Prerequisite: Written permission of instructor and undergraduate studies committee. Request for committee approval must be submitted no later than two days prior to the last day of the add/drop period as scheduled in the academic calendar. 61850 TUT T06 APPT TBA John True 61742 TUT T07 APPT 01:00-01:00PM LIFE SCIENCE 023 Michael Bell 61851 TUT T08 APPT TBA Jessica Gurevitch 61852 TUT T09 APPT TBA John Gergen 61571 TUT T16 APPT TBA LIFE SCIENCE 650C Walter Eanes 61463 TUT T17 APPT TBA LIFE SCIENCE 674 Haluk Akcakaya 61461 TUT T25 APPT TBA LIFE SCIENCE 650C Dianna Padilla Business Management (BUS) Courses BUS 111 Intro to Bus for Non-Bus Maj Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: Non Business Majors Only Note: Offered as BUS 111.01 and BUS 115.01 64101 LEC 01 MW 01:30-04:55PM LGT ENGR LAB 102 Richard Laskowski BUS 115 Intro to Bus for Bus Majors Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: BUS Major; Pre or co-requisite: WRT 102 Note: Offered as BUS 115.01 and BUS 111.01 64107 LEC 01 MW 01:30-04:55PM LGT ENGR LAB 102 Richard Laskowski BUS 300 Writing for Business Mngmnt Credit(s): 0 Prerequisites: BUS major; U3 standing 64002 TUT T04 HTBA TBA TBA BUS 346 Management and Operations Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: BUS Major/Minor or ISE Major.; Advisory Pre or Co-requisite: BUS 110, 111, 112, or 115 64017 LEC 02 TUTH 06:00-09:25PM HARRIMAN HLL 111 Ralph Marra BUS 353 Entrepreneurship Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: BUS Major/Minor or Engineering Major; U3 or U4 standing. Corequisite for engineeringmajors: enrollment in relevant senior design course. 64113 LEC 01 MW 06:00-09:25PM HARRIMAN HLL 108 Timothy McHeffey BUS 447 Business Ethics Credit(s): 3 SBC: CER; SPK; WRTD Prerequisites: BUS Major or Minor, or ECO, ISE, or MTD Major; U4 standing. 64103 LEC 01 TUTH 06:00-09:25PM HARRIMAN HLL 108 Timothy McHeffey BUS 475 Undergrad Teachng Practicum I Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: Grade of A or A- in the course in which the student is to assist and permission of undergraduate program director 64016 TUT T02 APPT TBA HARRIMAN HLL 314E TBA BUS 487 Independent Research Credit(s): 0 to 3 Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and undergraduate program director 64111 TUT T04 APPT TBA Liliya Cushenbery 64128 TUT T05 APPT TBA TBA 64139 TUT T06 APPT TBA HARRIMAN HLL 314A TBA BUS 488 Internship Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: BUS major; permission of undergraduate program director 64098 TUT T01 APPT TBA Michael Nugent 64007 TUT T02 APPT TBA TBA 64012 TUT T03 APPT TBA TBA 64013 TUT T04 APPT TBA HARRIMAN HLL 323 TBA 64014 TUT T05 APPT TBA TBA 64015 TUT T06 APPT TBA HARRIMAN HLL 301 TBA 64022 TUT T07 APPT TBA TBA 64023 TUT T08 APPT TBA HARRIMAN HLL 311 TBA 64024 TUT T09 APPT TBA HARRIMAN HLL 314B TBA Undergraduate Courses 6 DEPT CRS Course Title Cls Nbr Cmp Days SCT Time Bldg Room Instructor DC/SK BUS 488 Internship Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: BUS major; permission of undergraduate program director 64025 TUT T10 APPT TBA HARRIMAN HLL 309 TBA 64026 TUT T11 APPT TBA HARRIMAN HLL 314B TBA 64138 TUT T12 APPT TBA HARRIMAN HLL 314A TBA 64140 TUT T13 APPT TBA HARRIMAN HLL 314A TBA Cinema and Cultural Studies (CCS) Courses CCS 204 Film Festival: Films/Contexts D Credit(s): 3 SBC: ARTS Note: Class meets 7/17,7/18,7/19,7/22,7/24,7/26,7/27 3 -5 pm. Final exam 7/29; 3:00 - 5:00 pm. LAB L01 HTBA TBA Marta Kondratyuk 62029 REC R01 HTBA TBA Marta Kondratyuk CCS 488 Internship Credit(s): 0 to 6 Prerequisite: Permission of program advisor 60372 TUT T01 APPT TBA HUMANITIES 2121 Raiford Guins Chemistry (CHE) Courses CHE 132 General Chemistry II E Credit(s): 4 SBC: SNW Prerequisite: C or higher in CHE 129 or CHE 131; or C or higher in CHE 125 and D or higher in CHE 129 or CHE 131. Pre- or Corequisite: MAT 125 for those who took CHE 129 or 130; MAT 126 or higher for all others LEC 01 MWF 09:30-12:55PM EARTH&SPACE 001 Susan Oatis 60144 REC R01 W 01:30-03:30PM PHYSICS P116 Susan Oatis Susan Oatis 61870 REC R02 W 01:30-03:30PM PHYSICS P127 Susan Oatis Susan Oatis 61871 REC R03 W 01:30-03:30PM PHYSICS P130 Susan Oatis Susan Oatis 61872 REC R04 W 01:30-03:30PM FREY HALL 328 Susan Oatis Susan Oatis 61906 REC R05 W 01:30-03:30PM MELVILLE LBR N4006 Susan Oatis Susan Oatis 62059 REC R06 W 01:30-03:30PM HUMANITIES 1023 Susan Oatis Susan Oatis CHE 134 General Chemistry Lab II Credit(s): 1 Prerequisites: CHE 133; Pre- or Corequisite: CHE 132 LEC 01 TUTH 01:00-01:55PM FREY HALL 100 Bradford Tooker 60148 LAB L11 TUTH 09:30-12:30PM CHEMISTRY 202 Bradford Tooker Bradford Tooker 61655 LAB L12 TUTH 09:30-12:30PM CHEMISTRY 204 Bradford Tooker Bradford Tooker 61861 LAB L13 TUTH 09:30-12:30PM CHEMISTRY 206 Bradford Tooker Bradford Tooker 61862 LAB L14 TUTH 09:30-12:30PM CHEMISTRY 208 Bradford Tooker Bradford Tooker 61863 LAB L15 TUTH 09:30-12:30PM CHEMISTRY 210 Bradford Tooker Bradford Tooker 62092 LAB L16 TUTH 09:30-12:30PM CHEMISTRY 203 Bradford Tooker LEC 02 TUTH 01:00-01:55PM FREY HALL 102 Bradford Tooker 61864 LAB L21 TUTH 02:00-05:00PM CHEMISTRY 202 Bradford Tooker 61865 LAB L22 TUTH 02:00-05:00PM CHEMISTRY 204 Bradford Tooker Undergraduate Courses 7 DEPT CRS Course Title Cls Nbr Cmp Days SCT Time Bldg Room Instructor DC/SK CHE 134 General Chemistry Lab II Credit(s): 1 Prerequisites: CHE 133; Pre- or Corequisite: CHE 132 61866 LAB L23 TUTH 02:00-05:00PM CHEMISTRY 206 Bradford Tooker 61867 LAB L24 TUTH 02:00-05:00PM CHEMISTRY 208 Bradford Tooker CHE 322 Organic Chemistry IIA Credit(s): 4 Prerequisite: C or higher in CHE 321 Note: The final exam will take place on Friday, August 15, during the lecture time period. LEC 01 MWF 09:00-11:35AM FREY HALL 104 Zachary Katsamanis 61722 REC R01 TUTH 09:00-10:20AM MELVILLE LBR E4315 Zachary Katsamanis Zachary Katsamanis 61724 REC R02 TUTH 10:30-11:50AM MELVILLE LBR E4315 Zachary Katsamanis Zachary Katsamanis 61725 REC R03 TUTH 01:40-03:00PM MELVILLE LBR E4315 Zachary Katsamanis Zachary Katsamanis 61726 REC R04 TUTH 03:10-04:30PM MELVILLE LBR E4315 Zachary Katsamanis Zachary Katsamanis CHE 361 Nuclear Chemistry Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: Four semesters of chemistry; PHY 126 and 127, or 132/134 or 142 or 171; AMS 161 or MA; Corequisite: CHE 362 61739 LEC 02 TWTF 08:30-11:00AM BNL Roy Lacey Jiangyong Jia CHE 362 Nuclear Chemistry Laboratory Credit(s): 3 Corequisite: CHE 361 Note: This course is restricted to students participating in the ACS/DOE nuclear chemistry summer school program 60204 LAB L01 TWTF 08:30-11:00AM BNL Roy Lacey Jiangyong Jia Chinese Language (CHI) Courses CHI 112 Elementary Chinese II S3 Credit(s): 4 SBC: LANG Prerequisite: CHI 111 64566 LEC 01 MW 06:00-09:25PM SOCBEHAV SCI N102 TBA CHI 201 Intensive Intermediate Chinese S3 Credit(s): 6 SBC: HFA+ Prerequisite: CHI 101, CHI 112, or placement test 64565 LEC 01 MTWT 09:30-12:55PM HUMANITIES 2047 Dongmei Zeng Classics of Literature (CLL) Courses CLL 215 Classical Mythology I Credit(s): 3 SBC: HUM Advisory Prerequisite: One course in literature 62018 LEC 01 TUTH 01:30-04:55PM PHYSICS P112 Gregory Clinton Classics (CLS) Courses CLS 447 Directed Readings in Classics Credit(s): 1 to 6 Prerequisite: Permission of instructor 61653 TUT T01 APPT TBA Aaron Godfrey Chemical and Molecular Engnrng (CME) Courses CME 199 Intro to Undergraduate Resrch Credit(s): 0 to 3 Undergraduate Courses 8 DEPT CRS Course Title Cls Nbr Cmp Days SCT Time Bldg Room Instructor DC/SK CME 199 Intro to Undergraduate Resrch Credit(s): 0 to 3 Prerequisite: Permission of instructor 63862 TUT T06 APPT TBA TBA 63863 TUT T11 APPT TBA TBA 63864 TUT T15 APPT TBA TBA 63865 TUT T16 APPT TBA TBA 63866 TUT T21 APPT TBA TBA 63867 TUT T25 APPT TBA Tadanori Koga 63868 TUT T33 APPT TBA Yizhi Meng Computer Science (CSE) Courses CSE 214 Computer Science II Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: C or higher in CSE 114 Note: Not open to high school students. P/NC grading option not available. LEC 01 MW 09:30-12:55PM COMPUTER SCI 2120 Ahmad Esmaili Ahmad Esmaili 62558 REC R01 TU 09:30-12:55PM COMPUTER SCI 2120 TBA CSE 475 Undergrad Teaching Practicum Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: U4 standing as an undergraduate major within the college; a minimum g.p.a. of 3.00 in all Stony Brook courses and the grade of B or better in the course in which the student is to assist; or permission of department 62562 TUT T01 APPT TBA Ahmad Esmaili 62916 TUT T02 APPT TBA Leo Bachmair 63390 TUT T03 APPT TBA Hussein Badr 63391 TUT T04 APPT TBA Robert Kelly CSE 488 Internship in Computer Science Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: CSE major, U3 or U4 standing; permission of department 62563 TUT T01 APPT TBA COMPUTER SCI 1427 Robert Kelly 63672 TUT T02 APPT TBA Robert Kelly 63673 TUT T03 APPT TBA TBA 63674 TUT T04 APPT TBA TBA 63675 TUT T05 APPT TBA TBA 63676 TUT T06 APPT TBA TBA CSE 495 Sr Honors Research Project I Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: Admission to the Computer Science Honors Program 63666 TUT T01 APPT TBA Robert Johnson CSE 496 Sr Honors Research Project II Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: CSE 495 63710 TUT T01 APPT TBA TBA Dance (DAN) Courses DAN 102 Intro to World Dance Cultures D Credit(s): 3 SBC: ARTS; GLO 65524 LEC 01 TUTH 06:00-09:25PM STALLER CTR 3220 Randy Thomas DAN 353 Topics in Dance Performance Credit(s): 3 SBC: HFA+ Prerequisite: One of the following: DAN 165, DAN 166, DAN 167, DAN 168 64483 LEC 01 TUTH 01:30-04:55PM NASSAU HALL 114 Loretta Celitan #TEACH CREATIVE DANCE/CHILDREN DAN 369 World Dance II J Credit(s): 3 SBC: GLO; HFA+ Prerequisite: One of the following: DAN 165, DAN 166, DAN 167, DAN 168 61656 LEC 01 MW 01:30-04:55PM NASSAU HALL 114 Loretta Celitan #SALSA Undergraduate Courses 9 DEPT CRS Course Title Cls Nbr Cmp Days SCT Time Bldg Room Instructor DC/SK Economics (ECO) Courses ECO 303 Intermed Microeconomic Theory F Credit(s): 4 SBC: SBS+ Prerequisites: C or higher in ECO 108; C or higher in MAT 122 or MAT 123 or AMS 151 or placement level 4 on the mathematics placement examination Note: Non Stony Brook students: enrollment by permission of dept. 60417 LEC 01 MWTH 09:30-12:35PM MELVILLE LBR W4540 Ryan McKenna Alejandro Melo Ponce ECO 305 Intermed Macroeconomic Theory F Credit(s): 4 SBC: SBS+ Prerequisites: C or higher in ECO 108; C or higher in MAT 122 or MAT 123 or AMS 151 or placement level 4 on the mathematics placement examination Note: Non Stony Brook students: enrollment by permission of dept. 60540 LEC 01 MWTH 01:30-04:35PM MELVILLE LBR W4540 Vasileios Tsiropoulos Xin Tang ECO 355 Game Theory Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: MAT 126 or 131 or 141 or AMS 151; C or higher in ECO 303 Note: Offered as ECO 355 and AMS 335. 62147 LEC 01 MW 09:30-12:55PM ENGINEERING 143 Zhenning Wang ECO 360 Money and Banking Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: C or higher in ECO 108 Note: Non Stony Brook students: enrollment by permission of dept. 62022 LEC 01 TUTH 01:30-02:50PM MELVILLE LBR E4320 Zahra Ebrahimi ECO 389 Corporate Finance Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: C or higher in ECO 303; Advisory Prerequisite: C or higher in ECO 305 64480 LEC 01 TUTH 09:30-12:55PM LGT ENGR LAB 102 Marcos Fernandes ECO 475 Undergrad Teachng Practicum I Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and department 60561 TUT T51 APPT TBA SOCBEHAV SCI N617 Sandro Brusco ECO 476 Undergrad Teachng Practicum II Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: C or higher in ECO 475; permission of instructor and department 60563 TUT T51 APPT TBA SOCBEHAV SCI N617 Sandro Brusco English (EGL) Courses EGL 191 Introduction to Poetry B Credit(s): 3 SBC: HUM Prerequisite: WRT 102 or equivalent 64472 LEC 01 MW 09:30-12:55PM CHEMISTRY 124 Dawn Chartschlaa EGL 192 Introduction to Fiction B Credit(s): 3 SBC: HUM Prerequisite: WRT 102 or equivalent 61968 LEC 01 MW 06:00-09:25PM CHEMISTRY 123 Adam Katz #GREAT MOMENTS 500 YRS FICTION EGL 310 Neoclassical Lit in English G Credit(s): 3 SBC: HFA+ Pre- or Corequisite: EGL 204; Advisory Prerequisite: EGL 206 62358 LEC 01 TUTH 06:00-09:25PM CHEMISTRY 126 Nicole Garret #18 CENTURY SATIRE EGL 389 Science Fiction H Credit(s): 3 SBC: STAS Prerequisite: WRT 102; one D.E.C. B or HUM course; one D.E.C. E or SNW course 64473 LEC 01 MW 06:00-09:25PM CHEMISTRY 124 Connor Pitetti EGL 476 Undergrad Teachng Practicum II Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: EGL 475; permission of instructor and director of undergraduate studies 61455 TUT T01 APPT TBA HUMANITIES 2091 Susan Scheckel Environmental Humanities (EHM) Courses Undergraduate Courses 10 DEPT CRS Course Title Cls Nbr Cmp Days SCT Time Bldg Room Instructor DC/SK EHM 118 Intro to L.I. Natural History E Credit(s): 3 SBC: SNW 64439 LEC 01 MW 09:30-12:55PM PHYSICS P122 Steven Englebright EHM 314 Civilizations and Collapse J Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: U3 or U4 status 64412 LEC 01 TUTH 01:30-04:55PM PHYSICS P125 Elizabeth Newman EHM 487 Research/Environmental Human Credit(s): 1 to 6 Prerequisite: Permission of instructor 64215 TUT T01 APPT TBA Heidi Hutner Environmental Science (ENV) Courses ENV 487 Research in Environmental Sci Credit(s): 0 to 6 Prerequisite: Permission of instructor 64196 TUT T01 APPT TBA James Hoffmann Electrical Engineering (ESE) Courses ESE 306 Random Signals & Systems Credit(s): 4 Pre- or Corequisite: ESE 305 63900 LEC 01 TUTH 09:00-01:25PM HVY ENGR LAB 201 Thomas Robertazzi ESE 319 Electromag and T Lines Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: ESE 271 63625 LEC 01 TUTH 01:30-04:55PM CHEMISTRY 124 Harbans Dhadwal ESE 360 Network Security Engineering Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: ESE/CSE 346 or CSE/ISE 310 63897 LEC 01 TUTH 06:00-09:25PM CHEMISTRY 124 Carlos Gamboa ESE 475 Undergrad Teaching Practicum Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: U4 standing; a minimum g.p.a. of 3.00 in all Stony Brook courses, and a grade of B or better in the course in which the student is to assist; permission of department. 62538 TUT T03 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 239 Peter Milder 62539 TUT T04 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 213 Harbans Dhadwal 62536 TUT T05 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 245 Petar Djuric 62492 TUT T06 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 243 Alexa Doboli 62537 TUT T07 APPT TBA Eugene Gindi 62541 TUT T08 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 259 Mikhail Gouzman 62542 TUT T09 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 209 Vera Gorfinkel 62544 TUT T10 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 237 Ridha Kamoua 62546 TUT T11 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 273 Serge Luryi 63382 TUT T12 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 245 Monica Bugallo 62547 TUT T14 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 253 John Murray 62549 TUT T15 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 225 Jayant Parekh 63366 TUT T16 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 263 Milutin Stanacevic 62556 TUT T17 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 247 Dmitri Donetski 62557 TUT T18 APPT TBA CHEMISTRY 551 Mikhail Gouzman 62550 TUT T19 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 249 Thomas Robertazzi 63367 TUT T20 APPT TBA TBA 62551 TUT T21 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 229 Kenneth Short 63368 TUT T22 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 235 Xin Wang 62552 TUT T23 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 233 Murali Subbarao 62553 TUT T25 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 231 Wendy Tang 63369 TUT T26 APPT TBA David Westerfeld 62555 TUT T28 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 201 TBA Undergraduate Courses 11 DEPT CRS Course Title Cls Nbr Cmp Days SCT Time Bldg Room Instructor DC/SK ESE 475 Undergrad Teaching Practicum Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: U4 standing; a minimum g.p.a. of 3.00 in all Stony Brook courses, and a grade of B or better in the course in which the student is to assist; permission of department. 62545 TUT T29 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 263 Emre Salman 62554 TUT T31 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 215 YuanYuan Yang 62548 TUT T33 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 143 Leon Shterengas 62540 TUT T34 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 261 Alexa Doboli 62543 TUT T35 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 217 Sangjin Hong ESE 476 Instructional Lab Practicum Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: U4 standing; minimum cumulative g.p.a. of 3.0 and minimum grade of A- in the course for which the students will develop material; permission of department and instructor 63335 TUT T03 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 239 Peter Milder 63336 TUT T04 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 213 Harbans Dhadwal 63337 TUT T05 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 245 Petar Djuric 63338 TUT T06 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 243 Mikhail Dorojevets 63339 TUT T07 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 235 Eugene Gindi 63340 TUT T08 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 259 Vera Gorfinkel 63341 TUT T09 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 209 Gregory Belenky 63342 TUT T10 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 237 Ridha Kamoua 63343 TUT T11 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 273 Serge Luryi 63344 TUT T12 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 245 Monica Bugallo 63345 TUT T14 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 253 John Murray 63346 TUT T15 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 225 Jayant Parekh 63347 TUT T16 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 263 Milutin Stanacevic 63348 TUT T17 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 247 Dmitri Donetski 63349 TUT T18 APPT TBA CHEMISTRY 551 Mikhail Gouzman 63350 TUT T19 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 249 Thomas Robertazzi 63351 TUT T20 APPT TBA TBA 63352 TUT T21 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 229 Kenneth Short 63353 TUT T22 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 235 Xin Wang 63354 TUT T23 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 233 Murali Subbarao 63355 TUT T25 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 231 Wendy Tang 63356 TUT T26 APPT TBA David Westerfeld 63357 TUT T28 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 201 TBA 63358 TUT T29 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 263 Emre Salman 63359 TUT T31 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 215 YuanYuan Yang 63360 TUT T33 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 143 Leon Shterengas 63361 TUT T34 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 261 Alexa Doboli 63362 TUT T35 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 217 Sangjin Hong ESE 488 Internship Electr/Comp Engnrng Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: ECE or ESE major; U3 or U4 standing; 3.00 g.p.a. minimum in all engineering courses;permission of department 62682 TUT T03 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 239 Peter Milder 62683 TUT T04 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 213 Harbans Dhadwal 62617 TUT T05 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 245 Petar Djuric 62615 TUT T06 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 243 Mikhail Dorojevets 62620 TUT T07 APPT TBA Eugene Gindi 62622 TUT T08 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 259 Vera Gorfinkel 62618 TUT T09 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 209 Gregory Belenky 62624 TUT T10 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 237 Ridha Kamoua 62626 TUT T11 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 273 Serge Luryi 63375 TUT T12 APPT 12:00-12:00AM LGT ENGR LAB 245 Monica Bugallo 62627 TUT T14 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 253 John Murray 62629 TUT T15 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 225 Jayant Parekh 63376 TUT T16 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 263 Milutin Stanacevic 62619 TUT T17 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 247 Dmitri Donetski Undergraduate Courses 12 DEPT CRS Course Title Cls Nbr Cmp Days SCT Time Bldg Room Instructor DC/SK ESE 488 Internship Electr/Comp Engnrng Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: ECE or ESE major; U3 or U4 standing; 3.00 g.p.a. minimum in all engineering courses;permission of department 62621 TUT T18 APPT TBA CHEMISTRY 551 Mikhail Gouzman 62630 TUT T19 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 249 Thomas Robertazzi 63377 TUT T20 APPT TBA TBA 62631 TUT T21 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 229 Kenneth Short 63378 TUT T22 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 235 Xin Wang 62632 TUT T23 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 233 Murali Subbarao 62633 TUT T25 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 231 Wendy Tang 63379 TUT T26 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 215 David Westerfeld 62635 TUT T28 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 201 TBA 62625 TUT T29 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 263 Emre Salman 62634 TUT T31 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 215 YuanYuan Yang 62628 TUT T33 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 143 Leon Shterengas 62616 TUT T34 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 261 Alexa Doboli 62623 TUT T35 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 217 Sangjin Hong ESE 499 Research in Electrical Science Credit(s): 0 to 3 Requirements: U4 standing, 3.00 g.p.a. minimum in all engineering courses, permission of department 63920 TUT T16 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 263 Milutin Stanacevic 63879 TUT T19 APPT TBA LGT ENGR LAB 221 Thomas Robertazzi English as Second Language (ESL) Courses ESL 193 Advanced Composition Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: A score of 2 on the writing assessment or successful completion of ESL 192 62076 LEC 01 MW 09:30-12:55PM SOCBEHAV SCI N103 TBA Sandra Brennan Technology and Society (EST) Courses EST 475 Undergrad Teaching Practicum Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: U4 standing; a minimum g.p.a. of 3.00 in all Stony Brook courses and a grade of B orbetter in the course in which the student is to assist; permission of department 63907 TUT T11 APPT TBA HARRIMAN HLL 345 Dorys Johnson EST 499 Research in Tech & Society Credit(s): 0 to 3 Prerequisite: Permission of instructor 63589 TUT T11 APPT TBA HARRIMAN HLL 342 Dorys Johnson Externships (EXT) Courses EXT 288 Internship Credit(s): 0 to 3 Prerequisite: Only matriculated SBU students may enroll in EXT. Minimum overall GPA of 2.5 with atleast one prior semester of attendance at Stony Brook; WRT 102; acceptance by a faculty sponsor and permission of the Career Center 61965 SUP V01 HTBA TBA TBA Margaret Bennett EXT 488 Internship Credit(s): 0 to 6 Prerequisite: Only matriculated SBU students may enroll in EXT. Minimum overall GPA of 2.5 with atleast U3 standing; acceptance by a faculty sponsor and permission of the Career Center 64156 TUT T01 APPT TBA TBA Marilyn Zucker 64194 TUT T02 APPT TBA TBA Eng Kiong Tan 64217 TUT T03 APPT TBA John Robinson 64166 TUT T05 APPT 01:00-01:00PM TBA Undergraduate Courses 13 DEPT CRS Course Title Cls Nbr Cmp Days SCT Time Bldg Room Instructor DC/SK French (FRN) Courses FRN 201 Intensive Intermediate French S3 Credit(s): 6 SBC: HFA+ Prerequisite: FRN 101 or 112 Note: Offered as FRN 201 and FRN 212 and FRN 581. 60311 LEC 01 MTWT 06:00-09:25PM MELVILLE LBR E4315 Ina Ionescu FRN 212 Intermediate French II S3 Credit(s): 3 SBC: HFA+ Prerequisite: FRN 211 Note: Offered as FRN 201 and FRN 212 and FRN 581. 60425 LEC 01 MTWT 06:00-09:25PM MELVILLE LBR E4315 Ina Ionescu FRN 447 Directed Readings in French S3 Credit(s): 1 to 6 SBC: EXP+ Prerequisite: Permission of department 60420 TUT T01 APPT TBA HUMANITIES 1069 Sini Sanou FRN 475 Undergrad Teaching Practicum I S3 Credit(s): 3 SBC: EXP+ Prerequisites: Fluency in French; permission of instructor and department 61465 TUT T01 HTBA TBA HUMANITIES 1069 Sini Sanou Study Abroad: Italian Studies (FSI) Courses FSI 447 Directed Readings in Italian S3 Credit(s): 1 to 6 SBC: EXP+ 64157 TUT T03 APPT TBA TBA 64158 TUT T04 APPT TBA TBA 64159 TUT T05 APPT TBA TBA 64160 TUT T06 APPT TBA TBA Geosciences (GEO) Courses GEO 447 Senior Tutorial in Geology Credit(s): 1 to 3 Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and chairperson 64462 TUT T01 TUTH 01:30-04:45PM EARTH&SPACE 115 Gilbert Hanson W 01:30-04:45PM EARTH&SPACE 115 Gilbert Hanson GEO 488 Internship Credit(s): 0 to 6 Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and department 62275 TUT T03 APPT TBA Timothy Glotch 62435 TUT T15 APPT TBA E. Rasbury Germanic Languages and Lit (GER) Courses GER 101 Intensive Elementary German S3 Credit(s): 6 SBC: LANG 65503 LEC 01 MTWT 01:30-04:35PM HUMANITIES 3020 Michele Aweh GER 112 Elementary German II S3 Credit(s): 4 SBC: LANG Prerequisite: GER 111 65504 LEC 01 MTWT 01:30-04:35PM HUMANITIES 3020 Michele Aweh GER 475 Undergrad Teaching Practicum I S3 Credit(s): 3 SBC: EXP+ Prerequisites: Fluency in German; permission of instructor and department 61670 TUT T01 APPT TBA HUMANITIES 1136 Robert Bloomer History (HIS) Courses Undergraduate Courses 14 DEPT CRS Course Title Cls Nbr Cmp Days SCT Time Bldg Room Instructor DC/SK HIS 214 Modern Latin America J Credit(s): 3 SBC: GLO Advisory Prerequisite: LAC 200 Note: This class is cross-listed with POL 214. 62310 LEC 01 TUTH 01:30-04:55PM SOCBEHAV SCI S328 Mark Rice HIS 215 Long Island History K&4 Credit(s): 3 Advisory Prerequisite: HIS 102-104 or equivalent 61998 LEC 01 MW 09:30-12:55PM MELVILLE LBR E4315 Tara Rider HIS 325 Civil Rights Movement K&4 Credit(s): 3 SBC: SBS+ Prerequisite: U3 or U4 standing; Advisory Prerequisite: HIS 104 or AFS 101 or 102 Note: Offered as HIS 325 and AFS 325 65521 LEC 01 MW 01:30-04:55PM SOCBEHAV SCI S228 Zebulon Miletsky HIS 340 Topics in Asian History J Credit(s): 3 SBC: SBS+ Prerequisite: HIS 219 or 220 62302 LEC 01 MW 01:30-04:55PM SOCBEHAV SCI N310 Aihua Zhang #EAST ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS HIS 363 Topics in American History F Credit(s): 3 SBC: SBS+ Prerequisites: U3 or U4 standing; HIS 103 or 104 64375 LEC 01 TUTH 01:30-04:55PM SOCBEHAV SCI N310 Sergio Pinto-Handler #RISE/FALL OF SLAVERY IN NEW WO HIS 390 Topics Ancient & Medivl Europ I Credit(s): 3 SBC: SBS+ Prerequisites: U3 or U4 standing; one European history course 64374 LEC 01 TUTH 06:00-09:25PM EARTH&SPACE 069 Jennifer Jordan #THE MIDDLE AGES AT THE MOVIES 65397 LEC 02 TUTH 09:30-12:55PM SOCBEHAV SCI S328 TBA #WAR & SOCIETY IN ANCIENT WORLD HIS 392 Topics in European History I Credit(s): 3 SBC: SBS+ Prerequisite: One course in modern European history 62312 LEC 01 MW 06:00-09:25PM SOCBEHAV SCI S328 Ronald Van Cleef #THE FRENCH REVOLUTION HIS 396 Topics in US History K&4 Credit(s): 3 SBC: SBS+ Prerequisites: U3 or U4 standing; HIS 103 or 104 62165 LEC 01 MW 01:30-04:55PM SOCBEHAV SCI S328 Kelly Jones #VIETNAM 64376 LEC 02 MW 06:00-09:25PM SOCBEHAV SCI N310 Adam Charboneau #URBAN YOUTH AND THE CITY HIS 397 Topics Hist of US Immig & Ethn K&4 Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: U3 or U4 standing; HIS 103 or 104 or AFS 102 64377 LEC 01 TUTH 06:00-09:25PM SOCBEHAV SCI S328 Eron Ackerman #IMMIGRATION 1850-PRESENT HIS 447 Indep Readings in History Credit(s): 1 to 3 Prerequisites: A strong background in history; permission of instructor and department 60546 TUT T01 APPT TBA April Masten 60643 TUT T04 APPT TBA Eric Beverley 60656 TUT T06 APPT TBA Wilbur Miller 60657 TUT T08 APPT TBA Donna Rilling 62314 TUT T09 APPT TBA TBA 60647 TUT T10 APPT TBA Paul Gootenberg 61555 TUT T12 APPT TBA SOCBEHAV SCI S349 Janis Mimura 60651 TUT T15 APPT TBA Herman Lebovics 60662 TUT T16 APPT TBA Kathleen Wilson 60650 TUT T18 APPT TBA Brooke Larson 60648 TUT T20 APPT TBA Young-Sun Hong 60658 TUT T21 APPT TBA Wolf Schafer 60642 TUT T23 APPT TBA Michael Barnhart 60655 TUT T25 APPT TBA Gary Marker 60654 TUT T26 APPT TBA Iona Man-Cheong 60660 TUT T28 APPT TBA Nancy Tomes 60661 TUT T33 APPT TBA Jennifer Anderson 60649 TUT T35 APPT TBA Ned Landsman 60646 TUT T45 APPT TBA Robert Goldenberg 60659 TUT T46 APPT TBA Christopher Sellers Undergraduate Courses 15 DEPT CRS Course Title Cls Nbr Cmp Days SCT Time Bldg Room Instructor DC/SK HIS 447 Indep Readings in History Credit(s): 1 to 3 Prerequisites: A strong background in history; permission of instructor and department 60653 TUT T47 APPT TBA Sara Lipton 60652 TUT T48 APPT TBA Shirley Lim 60645 TUT T49 APPT TBA Jared Farmer 60644 TUT T51 APPT TBA Mary Cooper HIS 495 Sr Honors Project in History Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: Admission to the history honors program 60547 TUT T01 APPT TBA Wilbur Miller HIS 496 Sr Honors Project in History Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: Admission to the history honors program 60548 TUT T01 APPT TBA Wilbur Miller Adapted Aquatics (HSQ) Courses HSQ 270 Emgrcy Response, CPR, Safety Credit(s): 3 Note: Additional fee required. P/NC not permitted. 64666 LEC 01 MW 06:00-09:10PM SOCBEHAV SCI S218 Peter Angelo Christina Ozelis HSQ 271 Instructor of CPR Credit(s): 2 Prerequisites: HSQ 270 (or the former PEC 270); permission of instructor Note: Additional fee required. P/NC not permitted. Prereq: HSQ 270 grade of A. 64698 LEC 01 MW 06:00-09:10PM SOCBEHAV SCI S218 Peter Angelo Christina Ozelis HSQ 272 Instructor of First Aid Credit(s): 2 Prerequisites: HSQ 270 (or the former PEC 270); permission of instructor Note: Additional fee required. P/NC not permitted. Prereq: HSQ 271 grade of A. 64699 LEC 01 MW 06:00-09:10PM SOCBEHAV SCI S218 Peter Angelo Christina Ozelis HSQ 475 Adapted Aquatics Teaching Pra Credit(s): 2 Prerequisites: Advanced skill level; permission of instructor and department Note: P/NC grading option not permitted. Permission required. 64747 TUT T01 APPT TBA Peter Angelo Christina Ozelis HSQ 476 Adapted Aquatics Tchng Prt II Credit(s): 2 Prerequisites: Advanced skill level; permission of instructor and department Note: P/NC grading option not permitted. Permission required. 64684 TUT T01 APPT TBA Peter Angelo Christina Ozelis French Literature and Culture (HUF) Courses HUF 318 Pan-African Literature I J Credit(s): 3 SBC: GLO; HFA+ Prerequisite: U3 or U4 standing; Advisory Prerequisites: Two courses in literature 64613 LEC 01 TUTH 01:30-04:55PM STALLER CTR 0113 Rita Nezami Italian Literature and Culture (HUI) Courses HUI 447 Dir Readings in Italian Stds Credit(s): 1 to 6 Prerequisite: Permission of department 61946 TUT T02 APPT TBA HUMANITIES 1075 Giuseppe Costa Undergraduate Courses 16 DEPT CRS Course Title Cls Nbr Cmp Days SCT Time Bldg Room Instructor DC/SK HUI 475 Teaching Practicum I Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: U3 or U4 standing; permission of instructor and language coordinator 61542 TUT T01 APPT TBA HUMANITIES 1146 Giuseppe Costa 61543 TUT T02 APPT TBA HUMANITIES 1074 Irene Marchegiani Intensive English Center (IEC) Courses IEC 101 INTENS EGL BEGINNER Credit(s): 0 to 15 Note: Permission of department and placement exam required 64233 LEC 01 M-F 09:00-03:50PM HUMANITIES 2045 Efie Spentzos 64234 LEC 02 M-F 09:00-03:50PM HUMANITIES 3013 Efie Spentzos IEC 102 INTENS EGL LO-INTER Credit(s): 0 to 15 Note: Permission of department and placement exam required 64226 LEC 01 M-F 09:00-03:50PM HUMANITIES 3014 Efie Spentzos 64230 LEC 02 M-F 09:00-03:50PM PHYSICS P123 Efie Spentzos 64236 LEC 03 M-F 09:00-03:50PM HUMANITIES 3015 Efie Spentzos IEC 103 Intensive Intermediate EGL Credit(s): 0 to 15 Note: Permission of department and placement exam required 64227 LEC 01 M-F 09:00-03:50PM SOCBEHAV SCI N102 TBA 64228 LEC 02 M-F 09:00-03:50PM SOCBEHAV SCI N118 Efie Spentzos 64231 LEC 03 M-F 09:00-03:50PM SOCBEHAV SCI N107 Efie Spentzos 64237 LEC 04 M-F 09:00-03:50PM SOCBEHAV SCI N101 Efie Spentzos IEC 104 Intensive High Intermed EGL Credit(s): 0 to 15 Note: Permission of department and placement exam required 64229 LEC 01 M-F 09:00-03:50PM HUMANITIES 3016 Efie Spentzos 64232 LEC 02 M-F 09:00-03:50PM EARTH&SPACE 177 Efie Spentzos 64235 LEC 03 M-F 09:00-03:50PM PSYCHOLOGY A 144 Efie Spentzos Information Systems (ISE) Courses ISE 475 Undergrad Teaching Practicum Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: U4 standing as an undergraduate CEAS major; a minimum g.p.a. of 3.00 in all Stony Brook courses; grade of Bor better in the course in which the student is to assist; or permission of department 62565 TUT T01 APPT TBA Anita Wasilewska 62920 TUT T02 APPT TBA Ahmad Esmaili ISE 488 Information Systems Internship Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: ISE major; U3 or U4 standing; permission of faculty sponsor and department 62568 TUT T01 APPT TBA COMPUTER SCI 1425 Robert Kelly Italian (ITL) Courses ITL 201 Intensive Intermediate Italian S3 Credit(s): 6 SBC: HFA+ Prerequisite: ITL 101 or 112 Note: Offered as ITL 201 and ITL 212 60312 LEC 01 MTWT 06:00-09:30PM HUMANITIES 1057 Michele Giua ITL 212 Intermediate Italian II S3 Credit(s): 3 SBC: HFA+ Prerequisite: ITL 211 Note: Offered as ITL 212 and ITL 201 60424 LEC 01 MTWT 06:00-09:30PM HUMANITIES 1057 Michele Giua ITL 447 Directed Readings in Italian S3 Credit(s): 1 to 6 SBC: EXP+ Prerequisite: Permission of instructor Undergraduate Courses 17 DEPT CRS Course Title Cls Nbr Cmp Days SCT Time Bldg Room Instructor DC/SK ITL 447 Directed Readings in Italian S3 Credit(s): 1 to 6 SBC: EXP+ Prerequisite: Permission of instructor 60421 TUT T01 APPT TBA HUMANITIES 1143 Charles Franco Japanese Language (JPN) Courses JPN 447 Independent Study Credit(s): 1 to 6 Prerequisites: U3 or U4 standing; permission of instructor 61962 TUT T06 APPT TBA TBA 61938 TUT T10 APPT TBA Eriko Sato 61963 TUT T17 APPT TBA Mary Diaz JPN 475 Undergrad Teachng Practicum I Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: Fluency in Japanese; U4 standing; permission of instructor 62101 TUT T05 APPT TBA TBA 62102 TUT T06 APPT TBA TBA 62103 TUT T07 APPT TBA TBA 62104 TUT T10 APPT TBA TBA JPN 476 Undergrad Teachng Practicum II Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: JPN 475; permission of instructor 62109 TUT T05 APPT TBA TBA 62110 TUT T06 APPT TBA TBA 62111 TUT T07 APPT TBA TBA 62112 TUT T10 APPT TBA TBA Latin American & Caribbean Std (LAC) Courses LAC 488 Internship Credit(s): 0 to 6 Prerequisites: 15 credits in LAC studies; permission of instructor and director 60773 TUT T02 APPT TBA SOCBEHAV SCI N333 Paul Firbas LLC: Health and Wellness (LHW) Courses LHW 488 Internship in Health & Wellnes Credit(s): 0 to 6 Prerequisites: LHW 301; permission of director of the minor 64162 TUT T01 APPT TBA SCHICK 101 Deborah Zelizer Linguistics (LIN) Courses LIN 307 Sociolinguistics K Credit(s): 3 SBC: SBS+ Prerequisite: C or better in LIN 101 Note: Offered as LIN 307 and LIN 542 62188 LEC 01 MW 06:00-09:25PM SOCBEHAV SCI S228 TBA LIN 344 Literacy Development Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: Admission to a teacher education program Note: Offered LIN 344 and LIN 544 60365 LEC 01 MW 01:30-04:55PM HUMANITIES 3008 TBA LIN 355 Lang & Life Sel Area of World J Credit(s): 3 Advisory Prerequisite: LIN 101 62081 LEC 01 TUTH 09:30-12:55PM CHEMISTRY 126 Paola Cepeda LIN 447 Dir Readings in Linguististics Credit(s): 1 to 6 Undergraduate Courses 18 DEPT CRS Course Title Cls Nbr Cmp Days SCT Time Bldg Room Instructor DC/SK LIN 447 Dir Readings in Linguististics Credit(s): 1 to 6 Prerequisite: Permission of department 62481 TUT T02 APPT TBA Mark Aronoff LIN 475 Undergrad Teachng Practicum I Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: Linguistics major; U3 or U4 standing; permission of instructor. 62273 TUT T01 APPT TBA TBA Mathematics Teacher Prep (MAE) Courses MAE 330 Technology in Math Education Credit(s): 3 SBC: TECH Prerequisites: MAE 301 and 311 65537 LEC 01 TUTH 06:00-09:25PM MATHEMATICS 4130 Joseph Pastore Mathematics Proficiency (MAP) Courses MAP 103 Proficiency Algebra S1 Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: Level 2 on the mathematics placement examination or MAP 101 60429 LEC 01 MWTH 06:00-08:15PM LGT ENGR LAB 152 Nissim Ranade Mathematics (MAT) Courses MAT 122 Overview of Calculus with Appl C Credit(s): 3 SBC: QPS Prerequisite: C or better in MAP 103 or level 3 on the mathematics placement exam; (Prerequisite must be met within one year prior to beginning the course.) 61875 LEC 01 MW 01:30-04:55PM PHYSICS P112 Joseph Thurman MAT 123 Introduction to Calculus C Credit(s): 3 SBC: QPS Prerequisite: C or better in MAP 103 or level 3 on the mathematics placement exam; (Prerequisite must be met within one year prior to beginning the course.) 62002 LEC 02 MWTH 09:30-11:45AM PHYSICS P113 Debra Wertz MAT 125 Calculus A C Credit(s): 3 SBC: QPS Prerequisite: C or higher in MAT 123; or level 4 on the mathematics placement examination; or MAT 122 and coregistration in MAT 130 61999 LEC 02 MWTH 06:00-08:15PM HVY ENGR LAB 201 Yuan Gao MAT 126 Calculus B C Credit(s): 3 SBC: QPS Prerequisite: C or higher in MAT 125 or 131 or 141 or AMS 151 or level 6 on the mathematics placement examination 60314 LEC 02 MWTH 09:30-11:45AM HARRIMAN HLL 108 Cameron Crowe MAT 127 Calculus C C Credit(s): 3 SBC: QPS Prerequisite: C or higher in MAT 126 or level 8 on the mathematics placement examination 60430 LEC 01 TUTH 01:30-04:55PM HVY ENGR LAB 201 Cheng Hao 61950 LEC 02 TUTH 01:30-04:55PM MELVILLE LBR W4550 Xuemiao Chen MAT 132 Calculus II C Credit(s): 4 SBC: QPS Prerequisite: C or higher in AMS 151 or MAT 131 or 141, or level 7 on the mathematics placement examination 60431 LEC 01 MWTH 06:00-09:05PM HARRIMAN HLL 116 William Bernhard 61901 LEC 02 MWTH 09:30-12:35PM PHYSICS P112 William Bernhard MAT 303 Calculus IV with Applications Credit(s): 4 Prerequisite: C or higher in MAT 127 or 132 or 142 or AMS 161 or level 9 on the mathematics placement examination 60432 LEC 01 MWTH 06:00-09:05PM MELVILLE LBR E4310 Kirill Lazebnik MAT 312 Applied Algebra Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: C or higher in AMS 210 or MAT 211; Advisory Prerequiste: MAT 200 or CSE 113 Note: Offered as MAT 312 and AMS 351. 60816 LEC 01 TUTH 09:30-12:55PM PHYSICS P116 TBA MAT 342 Applied Complex Analysis Credit(s): 3 Undergraduate Courses 19 DEPT CRS Course Title Cls Nbr Cmp Days SCT Time Bldg Room Instructor DC/SK MAT 342 Applied Complex Analysis Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: C or higher in the following: MAT 203 or 205 or 307 or AMS 261; MAT 303 or 305 or AMS; Advisory Prerequisite: MAT 200 62020 LEC 01 TUTH 01:30-04:55PM EARTH&SPACE 079 Claudio Meneses Torres Mechanical Engineering (MEC) Courses MEC 488 Mechanical Engnrng Internship Credit(s): 3 to 9 Prerequisite: Permission of undergraduate program director 63587 TUT T01 APPT TBA TBA MEC 499 Research in Mechanical Engnrng Credit(s): 0 to 3 Prerequisite: Permission of department 63853 TUT T03 APPT TBA HVY ENGR LAB 222 David Hwang Music (MUS) Courses MUS 101 Introduction to Music D Credit(s): 3 SBC: ARTS 64582 LEC 02 MW 06:00-09:25PM STALLER CTR 2322 Christopher Howard MUS 119 Elements of Music D Credit(s): 3 SBC: ARTS 62213 LEC 01 TUTH 06:00-09:25PM STALLER CTR 2322 Jacinth Greywoode MUS 487 Independent Project Credit(s): 0 to 6 Prerequisite: Permission of instructor; approval of department's undergraduate studies committee 62224 TUT T01 APPT TBA STALLER CTR 3304 Peter Winkler MUS 488 Internship Credit(s): 0 to 6 Prerequisite: U3 or U4 standing; 15 credits in music department courses; permission of department 60399 TUT T01 APPT TBA STALLER CTR 3332 Peter Winkler Philosophy (PHI) Courses PHI 104 Moral Reasoning B Credit(s): 3 SBC: CER; HUM 61768 LEC 01 MW 09:30-12:55PM HUMANITIES 3020 TBA PHI 108 Logical and Critical Reasoning B Credit(s): 3 SBC: ESI; HUM Prerequisite: Open to freshmen and sophomores, and to juniors and seniors who have not completed D.E.C. B or HUM 62191 LEC 01 TUTH 09:30-12:55PM CHEMISTRY 128 TBA Physics (PHY) Courses PHY 122 Physics for Life Sciences II E Credit(s): 3 SBC: SNW Prerequisite: C or higher in PHY 121/123; Corequisite: PHY 124 Note: Students may not enroll in PHY 122 without enrolling in PHY 124. 60316 LEC 01 MWF 11:45-02:45PM HARRIMAN HLL 137 Edward Pascuzzi PHY 124 Physics for Life Sci Lab II Credit(s): 1 Prerequisite: C or higher in PHY 121/123; Corequisite: PHY 122 Note: If you are registering for PHY 124, you must also register for PHY 122. Lab fee is 16$. 60368 LAB L01 MWF 09:30-11:30AM PHYSICS A120 TBA 60369 LAB L02 MWF 03:00-05:00PM PHYSICS A120 TBA 61446 LAB L03 MWF 05:00-07:00PM PHYSICS A120 TBA 62326 LAB L04 MWF 09:30-11:30AM PHYSICS A118 TBA 62327 LAB L05 MWF 03:00-05:00PM PHYSICS A118 TBA Undergraduate Courses 20 DEPT CRS Course Title Cls Nbr Cmp Days SCT Time Bldg Room Instructor DC/SK PHY 127 Classical Physics C E Credit(s): 3 SBC: SNW Prerequisite: C or higher: PHY 125 or 131 or 141 Corequisite: MAT 126, 132, 142, 171 or AMS 161 or level 7 or higher on math placement exam 60345 LEC 01 MWF 11:45-02:45PM HARRIMAN HLL 112 Jason Clough PHY 132 Classical Physics II E Credit(s): 3 SBC: SNW Prerequisite: C or higher in PHY 131 or PHY 141; Corequisite: MAT 132 or MAT 142 or MAT 127 or MAT 171 or AMS 161 64456 LEC 01 MWF 11:45-02:45PM FREY HALL 317 Adnan Iqbal PHY 134 Classical Physics Lab II Credit(s): 1 Prerequisite: C or higher in PHY 133; Pre- or Corequisite: PHY 126 and PHY 127; or PHY 132; or corequisite PHY 142 Note: Lab fee 16$. 62328 LAB L01 MWF 09:30-11:30AM PHYSICS A130 TBA 62177 LAB L02 MWF 03:00-05:00PM PHYSICS A130 TBA 64457 LAB L03 MWF 09:30-11:30AM PHYSICS A116 TBA 64458 LAB L04 MWF 03:00-05:00PM PHYSICS A116 TBA PHY 191 Transitional Study Credit(s): 1 Prerequisite: Permission of department 60996 LAB L02 HTBA TBA Abhay Deshpande PHY 192 Transitional Study Credit(s): 1 Prerequisite: Permission of department 60997 LAB L02 HTBA TBA Abhay Deshpande PHY 287 Introduction to Research Credit(s): 0 to 3 Prerequisite: Permission of department 62226 TUT T59 APPT TBA TBA PHY 487 Research Credit(s): 0 to 6 Prerequisite: Permission of department 62089 TUT T27 APPT TBA Thomas Hemmick 62232 TUT T66 APPT TBA Michal Simon Diane Diaferia Political Science (POL) Courses POL 214 Modern Latin America J Credit(s): 3 SBC: GLO Advisory Prerequisite: LAC 200 Note: Offered as POL 214 and HIS 214 62414 LEC 01 TUTH 01:30-04:55PM SOCBEHAV SCI S328 Mark Rice POL 447 Directed Readings in Pol Sci Credit(s): 1 to 6 Prerequisites: Political science major with U3 or U4 standing; 15 credits in political science; permission of instructor and department 60774 TUT T01 APPT TBA SOCBEHAV SCI N711 Albert Cover 60792 TUT T04 APPT TBA Frank Myers POL 475 Undergrad Teachng Practicum I Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: Political science major; U4 standing; permission of instructor 60398 TUT T01 APPT TBA Albert Cover 60787 TUT T02 APPT TBA Charles Taber 60788 TUT T03 APPT TBA Scott Basinger 60789 TUT T04 APPT TBA Frank Myers 60790 TUT T05 APPT TBA Gallya Lahav POL 476 Undergrad Teachng Practicum II Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: POL 475; permission of instructor and department 60400 TUT T01 APPT TBA Albert Cover POL 487 Directed Research Credit(s): 0 to 6 Prerequisites: Political science major; 15 credits in political science; permission of instructor and department; permission of departmental research coordinator may be substituted. Undergraduate Courses 21 DEPT CRS Course Title Cls Nbr Cmp Days SCT Time Bldg Room Instructor DC/SK POL 487 Directed Research Credit(s): 0 to 6 Prerequisites: Political science major; 15 credits in political science; permission of instructor and department; permission of departmental research coordinator may be substituted. 61878 TUT T01 APPT TBA SOCBEHAV SCI N711 Albert Cover 61879 TUT T02 APPT TBA SOCBEHAV SCI N711 Charles Taber 61880 TUT T04 APPT TBA SOCBEHAV SCI N711 Frank Myers 61881 TUT T06 APPT TBA SOCBEHAV SCI N711 Leonie Huddy 61882 TUT T07 APPT TBA SOCBEHAV SCI N711 Howard Lavine 61883 TUT T08 APPT TBA SOCBEHAV SCI N711 Matthew Lebo 62255 TUT T17 APPT TBA Lindsey Levitan POL 488 Internship Credit(s): 0 to 6 Prerequisites: Political science major or minor with 3.00 g.p.a.; 15 credits in political science; permission of instructor and department 60675 TUT T01 APPT TBA SOCBEHAV SCI S701 Albert Cover Alfreda James 60805 TUT T02 APPT TBA Charles Taber 60804 TUT T03 APPT TBA Scott Basinger 60806 TUT T04 APPT TBA Frank Myers 60676 TUT T05 APPT TBA Gallya Lahav 60807 TUT T06 APPT TBA Leonie Huddy 60808 TUT T07 APPT TBA Howard Lavine 60809 TUT T08 APPT TBA Matthew Lebo POL 489 Washingtn or Albany Internship Credit(s): 12 Prerequisites: Completion of pre-application orientation; admission to Washington Center or NY State; Corequisite: POL 490 60412 TUT T01 APPT TBA Albert Cover 60413 TUT T05 APPT TBA Charles Taber POL 490 Washington or Albany Seminar Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: Completion of pre-application orientation; admission to Washington Center or NY State; Corequisite: POL 489 60408 SEM S01 HTBA TBA Alfreda James 60409 SEM S05 HTBA TBA Charles Taber Psychology (PSY) Courses PSY 103 Introduction to Psychology F Credit(s): 3 SBC: CER; SBS 62148 LEC 01 TUTH 09:30-12:55PM HUMANITIES 3018 Maria Anderson PSY 220 Survey in Developmental Psych F Credit(s): 3 SBC: SBS+ Prerequisite: PSY 103 Note: This course uses an automatic wait list 64413 LEC 02 TUTH 01:30-04:55PM HUMANITIES 3018 Ashley Yttredahl PSY 273 Supervised Rsrch in Psychology Credit(s): 0 to 6 Prerequisite: Permission of instructor 60113 TUT T01 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 115 Anne Moyer 60133 TUT T03 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 152 Patricia Whitaker 62368 TUT T04 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 324 Nicholas Eaton 60122 TUT T06 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 214 Turhan Canli 60129 TUT T07 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY A 240 Arthur Samuel 64425 TUT T08 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 354 Matthew Lerner 60819 TUT T09 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 311 Joanne Davila 62052 TUT T10 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 131 Panayotis Thanos 60128 TUT T11 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 254 John Robinson 60117 TUT T12 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 338 Nancy Franklin 60137 TUT T13 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 220 Marvin Goldfried 60135 TUT T14 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 240 Gregory Zelinsky 60118 TUT T17 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 201 Richard Gerrig Undergraduate Courses 22 DEPT CRS Course Title Cls Nbr Cmp Days SCT Time Bldg Room Instructor DC/SK PSY 273 Supervised Rsrch in Psychology Credit(s): 0 to 6 Prerequisite: Permission of instructor 60136 TUT T18 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 142 Sheri Levy 60820 TUT T19 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 203 Antonio Freitas 60114 TUT T20 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 216 Brenda Anderson 60121 TUT T22 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 444 Daniel Klein 61692 TUT T24 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 146 Greg Proudfit 60123 TUT T27 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 314 Hoi-Chung Leung 60126 TUT T28 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 411 K O'Leary 60124 TUT T30 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 224 Anne Moyer 61693 TUT T31 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 242 Bonita London-Thompson 60132 TUT T33 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 356 Harriet Waters 62125 TUT T34 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 250 Christian Luhmann 64426 TUT T36 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 226 Kristin Bernard 60131 TUT T41 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 358 Everett Waters 60125 TUT T47 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 222 Marci Lobel 60116 TUT T49 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 322 Susan Brennan 60120 TUT T50 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 265 Paul Kaplan 60134 TUT T66 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 252 Camille Wortman 60127 TUT T93 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 340 Suparna Rajaram PSY 283 Applications & Community Servc Credit(s): 1 to 3 Prerequisite: Permission of instructor 61454 TUT T01 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 222 Anne Moyer 60435 TUT T05 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 222 Anne Moyer 60436 TUT T15 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 244 Harriet Waters 60437 TUT T95 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 222 Anne Moyer PSY 310 Research and Writing in Psych F Credit(s): 4 SBC: ESI; SBS+; WRTD Prerequisites: PSY 103; PSY 201 or any other course satisfying the department's statistics requirement Note: This class has an automatic wait list 62332 LEC 03 MWTH 09:30-12:55PM PSYCHOLOGY A 141 Moriah Jacobson 62333 LEC 04 TUTH 09:00-01:25PM PSYCHOLOGY A 141 Vasiliy Safin PSY 327 Human Dev: Educational Context Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: U3 or U4 standing; admission to a teacher education program, or admission in the Psychology major Note: This course uses the automatic wait list 64415 LEC 01 MW 01:30-04:55PM HUMANITIES 3018 Nabiha Zakir PSY 346 Health Psychology Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: PSY 240; Advisory Prerequisite: PSY 310 Note: This course has an automatic wait list. 62340 LEC 01 MW 09:30-12:55PM HUMANITIES 3018 Allison Sweeney PSY 347 Psychology of Women F Credit(s): 3 SBC: SBS+ Prerequisite: WST major or minor; or one of the following: WST 102, WST 103, PSY 103, WST/SOC 247 64416 LEC 01 TUTH 01:30-04:55PM PSYCHOLOGY A 137 Christina Dyar PSY 382 Rsrch Lab: Social Psychology Credit(s): 4 SBC: ESI; WRTD Prerequisites: PSY 240 and 310 Note: This class has an automatic wait list 62157 LAB L01 MWTH 01:30-04:55PM PSYCHOLOGY A 141 Melissa Auerbach PSY 447 Readings in Psychology Credit(s): 1 to 6 Advisory Prerequisite: PSY 310 60175 TUT T01 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 115 Anne Moyer 60176 TUT T03 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 312 Patricia Whitaker 60177 TUT T06 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 214 Turhan Canli 60178 TUT T07 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY A 240 Arthur Samuel 64432 TUT T08 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 354 Matthew Lerner 60823 TUT T09 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 311 Joanne Davila Undergraduate Courses 23 DEPT CRS Course Title Cls Nbr Cmp Days SCT Time Bldg Room Instructor DC/SK PSY 447 Readings in Psychology Credit(s): 1 to 6 Advisory Prerequisite: PSY 310 60179 TUT T11 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 254 John Robinson 60180 TUT T12 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 338 Nancy Franklin 60181 TUT T13 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 220 Marvin Goldfried 60182 TUT T14 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 240 Gregory Zelinsky 60183 TUT T17 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 201 Richard Gerrig 60184 TUT T18 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 142 Sheri Levy 60824 TUT T19 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 203 Antonio Freitas 60185 TUT T20 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 216 Brenda Anderson 60186 TUT T22 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 444 Daniel Klein 61695 TUT T24 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 146 Greg Proudfit 60189 TUT T27 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 314 Hoi-Chung Leung 60190 TUT T28 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 411 K O'Leary 60191 TUT T29 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 244 Susan O'Leary 60192 TUT T30 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 224 Anne Moyer 61691 TUT T31 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 242 Bonita London-Thompson 60193 TUT T33 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 356 Harriet Waters 64433 TUT T36 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 226 Kristin Bernard 60195 TUT T41 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 358 Everett Waters 62038 TUT T42 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 131 Panayotis Thanos 60196 TUT T47 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 222 Marci Lobel 60197 TUT T49 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 322 Susan Brennan 60198 TUT T50 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 265 Paul Kaplan 60199 TUT T66 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 252 Camille Wortman 60200 TUT T93 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 340 Suparna Rajaram PSY 475 Undergrad Teachng Practicum I Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: PSY 310; U4 standing in psychology major; permission of instructor and department 60743 TUT T01 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 115 Anne Moyer PSY 476 Undergrad Teachng Practicum II Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: PSY 475; permission of instructor and department 60698 TUT T01 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 115 Anne Moyer PSY 487 Independent Rsrch in Psych Credit(s): 0 to 6 Prerequisites: U3 or U4 standing; PSY 310; permission of department 61967 TUT T01 APPT TBA Anne Moyer 62087 TUT T27 APPT TBA TBA PSY 488 Internship Credit(s): 0 to 6 Prerequisites: 12 credits in psychology including PSY 310; permission of the supervising faculty member and undergraduate director 60993 TUT T01 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 115 Anne Moyer 62234 TUT T03 APPT TBA Patricia Whitaker 62132 TUT T12 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 338 Nancy Franklin 61890 TUT T21 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY A 142 Richard Heyman 61900 TUT T24 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 420 Greg Proudfit 61891 TUT T25 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY A 142 Amy Smith-Slep 62085 TUT T30 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 224 Anne Moyer 62433 TUT T34 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 250 Christian Luhmann 62345 TUT T47 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 222 Marci Lobel 61448 TUT T50 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 265 Paul Kaplan 60757 TUT T94 APPT TBA PSYCHOLOGY B 226 Arthur Aron Religious Studies (RLS) Courses RLS 240 Confucianism and Daoism J Credit(s): 3 SBC: GLO; HUM Undergraduate Courses 24 DEPT CRS Course Title Cls Nbr Cmp Days SCT Time Bldg Room Instructor DC/SK RLS 240 Confucianism and Daoism J Credit(s): 3 SBC: GLO; HUM Note: Offered as AAS 240 and RLS 240 62200 LEC 01 TUTH 06:00-09:25PM JAVITS LECTR 101 Mary Diaz RLS 260 Buddhism J Credit(s): 3 SBC: GLO; HUM 65406 LEC 02 TUTH 01:30-04:55PM JAVITS LECTR 101 Mary Diaz RLS 270 Christianity I Credit(s): 3 SBC: GLO; HUM 62316 LEC 02 MW 06:00-09:25PM HUMANITIES 1023 Mary Ward Russian (RUS) Courses RUS 447 Directed Readings in Russian S3 Credit(s): 1 to 3 SBC: EXP+ Prerequisites: RUS 311, 312 or equivalent proficiency in Russian; a 300- or 400-level course in Russian literature; permission of instructor and department 61955 TUT T03 APPT TBA Timothy Westphalen Sustainability Blck Curriculm (SBC) Courses SBC 206 Economics and Sustainability F Credit(s): 3 SBC: SBS+ Prerequisite: ECO 108 LEC 01 APPT 09:30-12:55PM HUMANITIES 3019 Arlene Cassidy 64394 REC R01 MW 09:30-12:55PM HUMANITIES 3019 Arlene Cassidy SBC 307 American Environmental History K&4 Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: U3/U4 standing 64172 LEC 01 TUTH 09:30-12:55PM MELVILLE LBR E4310 Tara Rider SBC 488 Internship Credit(s): 0 to 12 Prerequisites: U3/U4 status and permission of the Undergraduate Program Director 64173 TUT T05 APPT TBA James Hoffmann 64193 TUT T06 APPT TBA Sharon Pochron 64195 TUT T07 APPT TBA TBA Sign Language (SLN) Courses SLN 112 Elem American Sign Language II S3 Credit(s): 3 SBC: LANG Prerequisite: SLN 111 60446 LEC 01 MW 09:30-12:55PM LGT ENGR LAB 152 Melissa Scali 60447 LEC 02 MW 06:00-09:25PM PHYSICS P112 Linnae Janky 60448 LEC 03 TUTH 09:30-12:55PM STALLER CTR 2322 Linnae Janky SLN 212 Intermediate Sign Language II S3 Credit(s): 3 SBC: HFA+ Prerequisite: SLN 211 or permission of instructor 62375 LEC 01 TUTH 06:00-09:25PM EARTH&SPACE 079 Linnae Janky SLN 475 Undergrad Teachng Practicum I Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: U3 or U4 standing; permission of instructor 61607 TUT T01 APPT TBA TBA 61608 TUT T02 APPT TBA TBA 61609 TUT T03 APPT TBA TBA SLN 476 Undergrad Teachng Practicum II Credit(s): 3 Prerequisites: SLN 475; permission of instructor 61593 TUT T01 APPT 12:00-12:00AM TBA 61594 TUT T02 APPT 12:00-12:00AM TBA 61595 TUT T03 APPT 12:00-12:00AM TBA Undergraduate Courses 25 DEPT CRS Course Title Cls Nbr Cmp Days SCT Time Bldg Room Instructor DC/SK Sociology (SOC) Courses SOC 105 Introduction to Sociology F Credit(s): 3 SBC: SBS 60015 LEC 01 MW 01:30-04:55PM SOCBEHAV SCI N436 Rose Sayre SOC 201 Research Methods in Sociology Credit(s): 3 SBC: ESI Prerequisite: SOC 105 61912 LEC 02 MW 09:30-12:55PM SOCBEHAV SCI N436 Hyang-Gi Song SOC 337 Social Deviance F Credit(s): 3 SBC: SBS+ Prerequisites: SOC 105; U3 or U4 standing 62286 LEC 01 TUTH 09:30-12:55PM SOCBEHAV SCI N436 Kenneth Pierce SOC 364 Sociology of Latin America J Credit(s): 3 SBC: SBS+ Prerequisites: SOC 105; two other courses in the social sciences 64368 LEC 01 MW 06:00-09:25PM SOCBEHAV SCI N436 Helen Jolly SOC 371 Gender and Work K Credit(s): 3 SBC: SBS+ Prerequisites: SOC 105 or WST 102 (formerly SSI/WST 102) or WST 103; two other courses in the social sciences Note: Offered as SOC 371 and WST 371 60385 LEC 01 TUTH 01:30-04:55PM SOCBEHAV SCI N436 Hewan Girma SOC 390 Special Topics F Credit(s): 3 SBC: SBS+ Prerequisites: SOC 105; U3 or U4 standing 64369 LEC 01 TUTH 06:00-09:25PM SOCBEHAV SCI N436 Heidi Rademacher #SOCIOLOGY OF SEXUALITY SOC 391 Special Topics F Credit(s): 3 SBC: SBS+ Prerequisites: SOC 105; U3 or U4 standing 64370 LEC 01 MW 01:30-04:55PM HUMANITIES 3017 Clayton Fordahl #SOCIOLOGY OF FILM SOC 447 Independent Readings Credit(s): 1 to 6 Prerequisites: Written permission of instructor and director of undergraduate studies 60187 TUT T02 APPT TBA SOCBEHAV SCI S429 Catherine Marrone SOC 475 Undergrad Teachng Practicum I Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: U3 or U4 standing; 12 credits of sociology; permission of instructor and director of undergraduate studies Note: S/U Grading Only 60188 TUT T02 APPT TBA SOCBEHAV SCI S429 Catherine Marrone SOC 476 Undergrad Teachng Practicum II Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: SOC 475; permission of instructor and director of undergraduate studies Note: S/U Grading Only 60202 TUT T02 APPT TBA SOCBEHAV SCI S429 Catherine Marrone SOC 488 Internship Credit(s): 0 to 6 Prerequisite: Twelve credits in sociology; permission of instructor and department Note: S/U Grading Only 60203 TUT T02 APPT TBA SOCBEHAV SCI S429 Catherine Marrone SOC 495 Senior Honors Project I Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: Admission to the sociology honors program 60380 TUT T02 APPT TBA SOCBEHAV SCI S429 Catherine Marrone SOC 496 Senior Honors Project II Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: SOC 495 60382 TUT T02 APPT TBA SOCBEHAV SCI S429 Catherine Marrone Spanish (SPN) Courses SPN 112 ElementarySpanish II S3 Credit(s): 4 SBC: LANG Prerequisite: SPN 111 Undergraduate Courses 26 DEPT CRS Course Title Cls Nbr Cmp Days SCT Time Bldg Room Instructor DC/SK SPN 112 ElementarySpanish II S3 Credit(s): 4 SBC: LANG Prerequisite: SPN 111 Note: Some seats reserved for seniors. 62008 LEC 03 MW 09:00-01:25PM MELVILLE LBR N3063 Maria Dominguez SPN 212 Intermediate Spanish II S3 Credit(s): 3 SBC: HFA+ Prerequisite: SPN 211 60438 LEC 01 TUTH 09:30-12:55PM MELVILLE LBR N5004 Tatiana Rzhevsky SPN 312 Intro to Literary Studies G&3 Credit(s): 3 SBC: HFA+; SPK Prerequisite: SPN 310 or 311 62021 LEC 01 TUTH 09:30-12:55PM CHEMISTRY 123 Christian Formoso SPN 321 Adv Spanish Grammar & Compostn S3 Credit(s): 3 SBC: HFA+; WRTD Prerequisites: SPN 312 64559 LEC 01 MW 09:30-12:55PM CHEMISTRY 126 Coral Rivera-Diaz SPN 447 Directed Readings S3 Credit(s): 1 to 6 SBC: EXP+ Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and department Note: DEPARTMENTAL CONSENT NEEDED TO REGISTER 60618 TUT T02 APPT TBA MELVILLE LBR N3013 TBA 61485 TUT T03 APPT TBA MELVILLE LBR N3015 TBA 61486 TUT T04 APPT TBA TBA 61487 TUT T06 APPT TBA MELVILLE LBR N3018 TBA 61923 TUT T07 APPT TBA TBA 61488 TUT T08 APPT TBA MELVILLE LBR N3019 TBA 61489 TUT T09 APPT TBA MELVILLE LBR N3022 TBA 61490 TUT T10 APPT TBA MELVILLE LBR N3027 TBA 61764 TUT T12 APPT TBA MELVILLE LBR N3026 TBA 61491 TUT T13 APPT TBA MELVILLE LBR N3014 TBA Sustainability Studies (SUS) Courses SUS 350 Topics in Sustainability Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: SBC 111; U3/U4 status 64219 LEC 01 TUTH 01:30-04:55PM HUMANITIES 1023 Heidi Hutner #UTOPIA, ACTIVISM, DYSTOPIA Theatre Arts (THR) Courses THR 101 Introduction to Theatre Arts D Credit(s): 3 SBC: ARTS 62184 LEC 02 TUTH 01:30-04:55PM STALLER CTR 3218 Stephanie Walter THR 104 Play Analysis B Credit(s): 3 SBC: HUM 64386 LEC 02 TUTH 09:30-12:55PM STALLER CTR 3216 Margarita Espada-Santos THR 105 Acting I D Credit(s): 3 SBC: ARTS 64527 LEC 02 TUTH 09:30-02:00PM STALLER CTR 1020 Valerie Pye 65540 LEC 03 TUTH 06:00-10:30PM STALLER CTR 0003 Kelley Sweeney THR 487 Independent Research Credit(s): 0 to 6 Prerequisite: Permission of department 62045 TUT T69 APPT TBA STALLER CTR 3020 Phillip Baldwin THR 488 Internship Credit(s): 0 to 6 Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and department 60235 TUT T35 APPT TBA STALLER CTR 3016 Norman Prusslin Undergraduate Courses 27 DEPT CRS Course Title Cls Nbr Cmp Days SCT Time Bldg Room Instructor DC/SK Writing (WRT) Courses WRT 101 Introductory Writing Workshop A1 Credit(s): 3 Prerequisite: successful completion of ESL 193; or a score of less than 1050 on the combined SAT verbal and written exams; or less than 24 on the combined English and writing portions of the ACT Note: Students not attending first class will be deregistered; there will be no add/swap; waitlisted students must attend first two classes to be eligible for possible enrollment; no waitlists beyond the first day of class. 61560 LEC 02 TUTH 09:30-12:55PM HUMANITIES 3019 William Marderness WRT 102 Intermed Writing Workshop A A2 Credit(s): 3 SBC: WRT Prerequisite: WRT 101; 3 or higher on the AP English Comp Lit exams; 1050 or higher on the combinedverbal + writing SAT I components; 24 or higher on the combined English/Writing ACT components; C or higher in an approved transfer course Note: Students not attending first class will be deregistered; there will be no add/swap; waitlisted students must attend first two classes to be eligible for possible enrollment; no waitlists beyond the first day of class. 60539 LEC 01 MW 09:30-12:55PM HUMANITIES 1023 Matthew Miranda 61931 LEC 02 MW 01:30-04:55PM HUMANITIES 3019 Safet Dabovic 62254 LEC 05 TUTH 09:30-12:55PM HUMANITIES 1023 Jennifer Albanese 65437 LEC 06 TUTH 01:30-04:55PM MELVILLE LBR N3085 Ghanashyam Sharma Women's Studies (WST) Courses WST 371 Gender and Work K Credit(s): 3 SBC: SBS+ Prerequisites: SOC 105 or WST 102 (formerly SSI/WST 102) or WST 103; two other courses in the social sciences Note: Offered as WST 371 and SOC 371 60386 LEC 01 TUTH 01:30-04:55PM SOCBEHAV SCI N436 Hewan Girma Undergraduate Courses 28