Cat Is Out of The Bag JVP Decides in Favour of MaRa - Yet Another Egregious Blunder by JVP

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Cat is out of the bag : JVP decides in favour of

MaRa -yet another egregious blunder by JVP

e-News- 08.June.2014, 7.30PM)
Based on the announceent ade
!" J#P $ene%a& sec%eta%" '(&)(n
*(&)a to the Lak!(a news+a+e%s
&ast ,%(da", (t has coe to &($ht
that des+(te ak(n$ a !($ d(n
a!out -(e&d(n$ a coon
o++os(t(on cand(date at the
-o%thco(n$ P%es(dent(a& e&ect(ons
a(ed at a!o&(sh(n$ the e.ecut()e
P%es(denc", the J#P (s -(na&&"
ak(n$ %eact(ona%" o)es to
su++o%t the d(ctato%(a& P%es(dent
Mah(nda /a0a+akse who was
(nsta&&ed (n +owe% w(th (ts
su++o%t, (nstead o- 0o(n(n$ w(th
the o++os(t(on to -(e&d a coon
cand(date .
'(&)(n *(&)a stated , t%eendous
e--o%ts a%e !e(n$ ade to %escue
the J#P &eade%sh(+ e(the% )(a a
%e+%esentat()e o- the ca+a($n on
!eha&- o- the +eo+&e o% soe!od" %es+ons(!&e (n that d(%ect(on . 1(th a )(ew to !u(&d(n$
the +eo+&e2s ca+a($n , a&%ead" a nu!e% o- success-u& d(scuss(ons ha)e !een he&d
w(th t%ade un(ons , 3n()e%s(t" &ectu%e%s2 -ede%at(on , -a%e%s , &a!o% t%ade un(on(sts and
an" othe% $%ou+s. Mo%eo)e% , d(scuss(ons a%e to !e had w(th o%e $%ou+s (n the
-utu%e , he added.
4t (s a atte% -o% dee+ %e$%et , at the %ecent eet(n$ he&d at the 5"de +a%k ,w(th the
+a%t(c(+at(on o- t%ade un(ons and c()(& o%$an(6at(ons a(ed at a!o&(t(on o- 7.ecut()e
P%es(denc" , whe%e a-te% stat(n$ %e+%esentat()es o- J#P t%ade un(on s+eake%s w(&& a&so
!e tak(n$ +a%t , the J#P at the &ast sta$es ($no%ed and -o%$ot (ts stance.
4n the +ast , at the uno--(c(a& d(scuss(ons , the J#P &eade%s sa(d , (- /an(&
1(ck%ees(n$he (s co(n$ -o%wa%d as the P%es(dent(a& cand(date o- the 3NP the"
wou&d not e.tend su++o%t.
5owe)e% , $o(n$ !" the stateent o- '(&)(n *(&)a toda" , (t (s e)(dent that at the
-o%thco(n$ P%es(dent(a& e&ect(ons , the" w(&& !e %e+%esent(n$ a th(%d -o%ce. 'he
%e+%esentat()es o- t%ade un(ons o- -a%e%s , &a!o%e%s and othe% naes the" a%e
ent(on(n$ a%e un(ons a--(&(ated to the J#P and none othe%, and the(% +%os+ect()e
cand(date (s #en. 8%. 8a!a%a 9(&a 'he%o , acco%d(n$ to uno--(c(a& sou%ces. #en.
9(&a 'he%o was -o% soet(e an act()e J#P e!e% , and &ed the J#P Bh(kkhu
o%$an(6at(on . 5e (s a Bh(kkhu who (s st(&& a J#P e!e% and not soe!od" new o%
:- cou%se ,the J#P has a deoc%at(c %($ht to take an" +o&(t(ca& dec(s(on , "et (- such a
dec(s(on (s w(tt(n$&" o% unw(tt(n$&" cont%(!ut(n$ to au$ent and %e)()e the +owe%s o-
des+ot(c o%(!und Mah(nda /a0a+akse who the" !%ou$ht (nto +owe% , the +eo+&e who
a%e %e0ect(n$ and o++os(n$ h( )eheent&" cannot cont(nue to %ea(n s(&ent , and (d&"
watch. 4t (s a )(ta& ;uest(on wh" , the J#P (s not 0o(n(n$ w(th the othe% const(tuent
+a%t(es o- the o++os(t(on (nc&ud(n$ the 3NP <
8o the" ha)e a +o&(t(ca& a$enda <
7)en a-te% the(% two (nsu%$enc(es du%(n$ the &ast 40 "ea%s and the(% +o&(t(ca& +%o$%as ,
the" ha)e on&" a =-10 > su++o%t o- the +eo+&e .
9n" (no% +o&(t(ca& +a%t" has on&" = a)enues o+en to the at the P%es(dent(a&
e&ect(ons ?
1. ,(e&d(n$ the(% own cand(date
2. *u++o%t(n$ a cand(date o- anothe% +o&(t(ca& +a%t" o% an a&&(ance !ased on cond(t(ons.
3. *u++o%t(n$ a cand(date o- anothe% +o&(t(ca& o% an a&&(ance sans cond(t(ons.
4. *u++o%t(n$ a coon cand(date who (s %e+%esent(n$ no +o&(t(ca& +a%t" .
=. Bo"cott(n$ e&ect(ons .
'he J#P has a&%ead" %eso%ted to a&& the a!o)e o+t(ons (n the +ast , and (s the%e-o%e &e-t
w(th no o%e.
1. 'he J#P -(e&ded /ohana 1(0ewee%a as (ts cand(date at the 1@82 e&ect(ons .
2. 4n 1@@4 , the J#P w(thd%ew (ts P%es(dent(a& cand(date to su++o%t Ahand%(ka when
she was e&ected to +owe% on the cond(t(on, the 7.ecut()e P%es(denc" sha&& !e a!o&(shed
w(th(n an "ea% o- he% co(n$ to +owe% .
3. 4n 200= , when P%es(dent Mah(nda /a0a+akse contested and won e&ect(ons , the J#P
su++o%ted h( sans cond(t(ons.
4. 4n 2010 , the J#P su++o%ted *a%ath ,onseka the cand(date sans a +a%t" , !ased on a
+a+e% w(thout contest(n$ e&ect(ons.
=. 4n 1@8@ , 'he J#P !o"cotted e&ect(ons and k(&&ed the -(%st -()e )ote%s who went to cast
the(% )otes.
4n the c(%custances , the J#P (s &e-t w(th no o%e +o&(t(ca& o+t(ons at the -utu%e
P%es(dent(a& e&ect(ons.
4- the%e (s an" , (t (s on&" to %edee the s(ns (t co(tted . 'he on&" wa" to do that (s to
a)e%t the un+a%dona!&e s(n o- uncond(t(ona&&" su++o%t(n$ Mah(nda /a0a+akse the
noto%(ous c%ue&, c%ooked , +owe% $%eed" and t%a(to%ous &eade% at the -o%thco(n$
P%es(dent(a& e&ect(ons.
8(d not the J#P know at the 200= P%es(dent(a& e&ect(ons that Mah(nda /a0a+akse +%(o%
to that , de-%auded the 'suna( -unds sent -o% the %e&(e- o- )(ct(s !" t%ans-e%%(n$ the
on(es (nto h(s "oun$e% s(ste%2s !ank account < Ae%ta(n&" , J#P cannot +&ead ($no%ance
o- these sta%k -acts.
1as the J#P unawa%e as a a(n +a%t" o- Mah(nda2s e&ect(on ca+a($n du%(n$ that
+e%(od , that Mah(nda !" a%%an$(n$ +a"ents (n !(&&(ons o- %u+ees to the L''7
un&aw-u&&" , -o%ced the )ote%s to !o"cott e&ect(ons (n the no%th , and de+%()ed the )ote%s
o- the(% &e$(t(ate -%anch(se <
8(d n2t the J#P -ee& $u(&t" o% so%%" that the count%" (s !e(n$ !et%a"ed to the L''7 at
that t(e< 8(dn2t the" %ea&(6e (t was an e.+&o(tat(on o- +owe% o- wea&th and wea+ons
,and that 8eoc%ac" was !e(n$ de)astated< 9-te% know(n$ a&& these , wh" d(d the J#P
%ea(n !&(nd-o&ded and t($ht &(++ed <
1hen the J#P (s $u(&t" o- a&& these &a+ses , ce%ta(n&" J#P has no o%a& %($ht to c&a( (t
w(&& not !e su++o%t(n$ a coon cand(date (- heBshe (s o- 3NP , and w(thout c(t(n$ an"
%easona!&e $%ounds act (n a anne% that w(&& dest%o" and deo%a&(6e the o++os(t(on Cs
0o(nt e--o%ts . 'h(s (s o!)(ous&" !ecause o- the -oo&(shness o- w%on$&" )(sua&(6(n$ o%
(a$(n(n$ o% c&a((n$ that /a0a+akse can !e de-eated !" anta$on(6(n$ the 3NP wh(ch
has the !($$est )ote !ase aon$ the o++os(t(on +a%t(es. 'h(s ste+ w(&& !e the ost
onuenta& o- the se%(es o- +o&(t(ca& !&unde%s co(tted !" the J#P !ecause (t (s
ce%ta(n&" a ost stu+(d +o&(t(ca& o)e that w(&& w(thout an" t%ace o- dou!t he&+
Mah(nda who (s now %e+u&sed and %e0ected !" one and a&&.
4t (s a +(t" that the J#P wh(&e announc(n$ (t (s -o%(n$ a th(%d +o&(t(ca& -o%ce (s +&a"(n$
(nto the hands o- Mah(nda /a0a+akse , and cont%(!ut(n$ towa%ds h(s )(cto%" ha)(n$
-o%$otten the 1@8@ e)ents and e.+e%(ence. 4n 1@8@ , the J#P %e-used to ente% (nto a
0o(nt +%o$%a w(th *(%(a Banda%ana(ke o- the o++os(t(on , and w(thd%ew -%o
d(scuss(ons (dwa" du%(n$ that +e%(od ( None o- the J#P e!e%s who +a%t(c(+ated (n
those d(scuss(ons a%e &()(n$ now . 8(nesh Dunawa%dena howe)e% who took +a%t ou$ht
to %ee!e% )
4t (s the con)(ct(on o- the J#P , that the +eo+&e a%e !e(n$ &u%ed towa%ds (t s(nce the
+eo+&e a%e d(s(&&us(oned o)e% the -act that the *L,P cou&d not de-eat the 3NP s(nce
P%eadasa was +%o+e&&ed to +owe%. 'hat t(e (t was the J#P2s !o"cott o- e&ect(ons that
ade the !($$est cont%(!ut(on to (nsta&& P%eadasa (n +owe% , and the e.tens()e
)(o&ence that was &aunched to sa!ota$e e&ect(ons. 9-te% P%eadasa cae to +owe% , the
J#P !e$an (ts )(o&ence a$a(nst h( wh(&e +%oc&a((n$ that h(s $o)e%nent w(&& not &ast
-o% o%e than th%ee onths.
4n the end , a a0o%(t" o- the J#P e!e%s and (ts &eade%s we%e assass(nated.
Now the J#P2s ca&cu&at(on (s , (n case Mah(nda /a0a+akse (s %e e&ected , the +eo+&e w(&&
se&ect the J#P at the ne.t %ound !ased on (ts assu+t(on that the 3NP (s weak.
3n-o%tunate&" , that (s a (sca&cu&at(on. Pos(t()e&" what (s $o(n$ to ha++en (s , a
%e+et(t(on o- the 1@8@ de!ac&e , o% e)en wo%se. 'hat w(&& !e ost dan$e%ous not on&" to
the J#P , !ut e)en to the a0o%(t" o- the +eo+&e.
'hou$h the 3NP (s a +a%t" w(th a &a%$e )ote !ase , (- (t (s to de-eat the /a0a+akse
%e$(e , (t cannot a&one do (t. 'he su++o%t o- the (no% +a%t(es (s essent(a&. 9t the sae
t(e (- th(s a0o% 3NP +a%t" ha&ts , a-te% de-eat(n$ /a0a+akse %e$(e w(thout
a!o&(sh(n$ the e.ecut()e P%es(denc" and $oes o-- t%ack , the sa&&e% const(tuent +a%t(es
w(&& ha)e the %($ht and a!(&(t" to kee+ (t on t%ack.
4n the c(%custances , a (no% +a%t" that has on&" a =>-10 > su++o%t o- the +eo+&e
shou&d not act &(ke $an$s w(th swe&&ed heads +ande%(n$ to d()(s(ona& (nte%ests (nstead
o- nat(ona& (nte%ests whe%e!" on&" the /a0a+akse %e$(e w(&& stand to $a(n. 4t ust
(nstead act w(th honest co(tent (n wo%d and deed (n the !est (nte%ests o- the
count%"2s deoc%ac". 4t shou&d !(tte%&" and w(th dete%(nat(on o++ose the atte+ts to
ake the e.ecut()e +%es(denc" a d(ctato%(a& %e($n.
'he J#P that +%ooted to (nsta&& a d(ctato% sans cond(t(ons ust use a&& (ts %esou%ces
and +owe%s now to swee+ h( out o- +owe%- the on&" wa" (t can w(+e out (ts +ast s(n
ow(n$ to wh(ch the who&e count%" (s now +a"(n$ a )e%" h($h +%(ce.
B" -1(a& 8hee%aseka%a('%ans&ate -%o *(nha&a o%($(na& a%t(c&e to 7n$&(sh !" Je--)

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