Models, Theory & Systems Analysis in Geography

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Dr. Lalita Rana
Associate Professor, Shivaji College, University of Delhi

Every science has a goal, i.e. to understand and explain the real world phenomena.
Although geography is short on theories and long on facts, yet development of theory seems to
be vital both to satisfactory explanations and to the identification of geography as an independent
field of study. Few would deny the fact that the last few decades have been one of the greatest
periods of intellectual changes in the trends of geographic development. Most of these changes,
the questioning of the past approaches, looking at old problems with new eyes, have been of a
methodological nature involving, in virtually every instance, the substitution of quantitative
approaches to problems formerly treated in descriptive ways. Today an apparently new
perspective has been opened under the impact of so-called quantitative revolution. Statistical
methods have been introduced to attain a desired level of objectivity, and search for models and
theories and proceed apace. The works of Hartshorne (1939, 1959) may be considered the last in
the chain of traditional writers in geography. The concepts of geography elucidated by
Hartshorne and accepted by many practicing geographers began to come under attack from the
early 1950s onwards.

Another factor that has encouraged this development has been the spread of quantification. A
growing number of geographers became aware that mathematics and statistics could be applied
to geographical problems. These provide precise tools to test theories and analyze data. The
process of intellectual change led geographers to concentrate less and less on describing the
differences between particular areas or places and more and more on the study of uniformities
and the production of theories about the spacing of phenomena on the earths surface. Such an
emphasis on Nomothetic approach is in the right direction.

Besides, during the last few decades the focus has also changed to make the concept of the
systems of much greater significance, along with that of models and theories. The search for
generalizations based on the whole rather than on individual parts is, therefore, a complementary
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method of modern science known as systems analysis. Since all systems, whether physical or
human or a combination of both, consist of a set of objects and the relationships binding these
objects together into some organization, it is not surprising that the approach is especially useful
in dealing with functional aggregates. Indeed, now the main focus of scientific enquiry has
moved away from the study of objects or substances to the study of relationships and
organizations. And, as all organizations are recognized as being particularly complex, systems
analysis proves to be a particularly appropriate framework of study in geography. The systems
approach is not a replacement for the analytic method, but it is an additional line of modern
scientific enquiry designated to break down the barriers between inter-disciplinary enquiries. It
represents one of the major current research frontiers in geography.

Models, theories and systems analysis provide important tools of explanation in geography in
modern times.


The practical problem that follows theory building is how the related information can be
presented. One significant and popular way is the employment of model building or analogue-
in geography. The quest for models is a recurrent theme in research and it has become
very fashionable in geographic research (Harvey, 1969, 141). In general, model building is
concerned with simplification, reduction, concretization, action, extension, globalization, theory
formulation, theory testing, explanation, etc. The models link generalizations with theories.
1. Analogy is the resemblance of relations between some phenomena of the real world
in which geographer is interested.


The term model is conventionally used in a number of different ways. In its simplest form a
model is the representation of reality in an idealized form. The process of model building is
actually a process of idealization. The traditional reaction of man to the apparent complexity of
the world around him has been for him to make a simplified and intellectual picture of the real
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world. The mind decomposes the real world into a series of simplified systems. The system is
viewed from a certain scale; details that are too microscopic or too global are of no interest to us.

A model is thus a simplified structuring of reality that presents supposedly significant features of
relationships in a generalized form. Models are highly subjective approximations in that they do
not include all associated observations or measurements, but as such they are valuable in
obscuring incidental detail and in allowing fundamental aspects of reality to appear. This
selectivity means that models have varying degrees of probability and a limited range of
conditions over which they apply. The most successful models possess a high probability of
application and a wide range of conditions in which they seem appropriate. Indeed, the value of a
model is often directly related to its level of abstraction. However, all models are constantly in
need of improvement as new information or vistas of reality appear, and the more successfully
the model was originally structured the more likely it seems that such improvements must
involve the construction of a different model (Chorley & Hagget, 1967, 22). Scientific models
are utilized to accommodate and relate the knowledge we have about different aspects of reality.
They are used to reveal reality and more than this to serve as instruments for explaining the past
and present, and for predicting and controlling the future.

According to another viewpoint, a model is a skeletal representation of a theory. This implies
that a theory may imply more than one model but a model cannot have many theories to be
represented. Thus, we can say that models are of lower order than theories. Otherwise, there is no
distinction between a theory and a model. The only distinction is that theory is abstract and
model is concrete.
A model may be regarded as a formalized expression of a theory.
A model is a simplified structuring of reality that presents supposedly significant
features or relationships in a generalized form.
Models are highly subjective approximations as they do not include all associated
observations and measurement, but as such they are valuable in obscuring incidental
detail and in allowing fundamental aspects of reality to appear.
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This selectivity means that models have varying degrees of probability and limited range
of conditions over which they apply.
The most successful models possess a high probability of application and a wide range of
conditions in which they seem appropriate.

However, all models are constantly in need of improvement as new information appears. Models
are different from reality, as they are approximations of the reality. Therefore, they are called
analogous. The term true or false cannot be applied in the explanation of models. Instead, the
ones like appropriate, stimulating or significant should replace them.


The term model is conveniently employed in a number of different ways. It is used as a noun
implying a representation, as an adjective implying a degree of perfection, or as a verb implying
to demonstrate or to show what something is like. In fact, models possess all these properties.

The most fundamental feature of models is that their construction has involved a highly selective
attitude to information. Models can be viewed as selective approximations, which, by the
elimination of incidental detail, allow some fundamental, relevant or interesting aspects of the
real world to appear in some, generalized form. Thus, models can be thought of as selective
pictures and a direct description of the logical characteristics of our knowledge of the external
world shows that each of these pictures gives undue prominence to some features of our
knowledge and obscures and distorts the other features that rival pictures emphasize. Each of
them directs such a bright light on our part of the scene that it obscures other parts in a dark
shadow. Only by being unfaithful in some respect can a model represent its original.

Another important property is that models are structured, in the sense that the selected aspects of
the web of reality are exploited in terms of their connections. It is interesting that what is often
termed a model by logicians is called a structure by econometricians. This model feature leads
immediately to the suggestive nature of models, in that a successful model contains suggestions
for its own extension and generalizations. This implies, firstly, that the whole model structure
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has greater implications than a study of its individual parts might lead one to suppose, and,
secondly, that predictions can be made about the real world from the model. Models have thus
been termed speculative instruments, and a promising model as one with implication rich
enough to suggest novel hypothesis and speculations in the primary field of investigation. A
good model is regarded as experimentally fertile, suggesting further questions, taking us beyond
the phenomena from which we began, and tempting us to formulate hypotheses.

Because models are different from the real world they are analogies. The use of hardware models
is an obvious example of the general aim of the model builder to reformulate some features of
the real world into a more familiar, simplified, accessible, observable, easily formulated or
controllable form, from which conclusions can be deduced, which, in turn, can be reapplied to
the real world.


Once devised, the models are of tremendous utility for their users:

Models simplify the otherwise complex relationships of the phenomena in the real world.
Models represent the reality not only in simple but also in systematic /orderly manner.
In geography, models are taken as generalizations, as they encourage the role of
nomothetic approach in making observations.
Models help in making prediction of trends.
Models act like a bridge between the observational and theoretical levels.
Thus, models may be used to connect theory and experience, experience with imagination,
theories with other theories, and imaginative creations with formal theory and so on.


Based on the various properties and uses of a model, its nine functions may be identified:

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1. Acquisitive/ Organizational: The model provides a framework wherein the
information may be defined, collected, ordered and manipulated. A model acquires
the information that could be defined in its framework or provides a framework for
defining certain kind of information.

2. Psychological: A model acts as a psychological device that facilitates complex
interactions to be more easily visualized, i.e. a kind of picturing device (Chorley &
Haggett, 1967, 24). This function enables some group of phenomena to be visualized
and comprehended more easily that could otherwise not be because of its magnitude
and complexity. A model helps to understand the reality in a simpler manner than
otherwise it would have been.

3. Logical: A model explains the situation rationally, accounting for how a particular
phenomenon comes about, or how a particular relationship among component parts
works about.

4. Normative: The model represents reality in an idealized form, i.e with the help of
certain norms, conditions, assumptions, etc. The normative function of a model
allows broad comparisons to be made, by comparing some less known phenomena
with more familiar ones.

5. Systematic: A model functions like a system. The systematic function of a model
stresses that theweb of reality should be viewed in terms of inter-locking systems.
This leads to the constructional function of the system.

6. Constructional: It means that a model provides a stepping-stone to the building of
theories and laws. As a constructional device it helps in searching for geographic
theory or the extension of the existing theory.

7. Selective: Model is a selective approximation, allowing some fundamental, relevant
or interesting aspects of the real world to appear in some generalized form.
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8. Interpretative: An important function of the model is to provide an interpretation of
the theory in the sense that every sentence occurring in the theory is a meaningful

9. Cognitive: Finally there is the cognitive function of model, promoting the
communication of scientific ideas.


Unfortunately, there is no common and firm classification for models. All are suggested
typologies. This is mainly because of a number of meanings and functions of models, as
understood differently by different scholars. The term model has been used in such a wide
variety of contexts that it is difficult to define even the broad types of usage without
ambiguity. However, some general groupings /types include:

1. Apriori and Aposteriori Models;
2. Descriptive and Normative Models; and
3. Hardware and Software Models.

Apriori and Aposteriori Models: Two ways of the construction of a formal theory have been
described. The first way begins with empirical observation from which a number of regularities
of behaviour may be extracted. To explain these regularities a theory is proposed which may
contain theoretical abstract concepts and eventually the theory may be given axiomatic treatment
and may be verified. This theory may then be represented by some structured model, which can
be used to facilitate deductions and simplify calculations. In this case the model developed in
order to represent the theory is aposteriori. On the other hand, the important form of the second
route to theory construction lies through giving interpretation to a completely abstract calculus.
In this case the model used is apriori. This distinction is based on the type of procedure used in
employing models in scientific explanations. In case the model is developed in advance in order
to represent a theory/explanation, it becomes apriori. In such a situation the function of the
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model is simply to represent something that is already known, and the only arising question is
that of the appropriateness of a model for a given purpose and this can be fully defined only if
the appropriate theory is referred to. But, when the process is reversed, i.e. observations or theory
precede a model, the model is the end result, an after product of explanations, it is aposteriori.
However, apriori models are more common in geography.

Descriptive and Normative Models: The Descriptive models are behavioural, i.e. they suggest
how things exist in reality, whereas the Normative models explain how they ought to be. The
former are concerned with some stylistic description of reality and the latter with what might be
expected to occur under certain stated conditions (Chorley, 1964). Descriptive models can be
static, concentrating on equilibrium structural features, or dynamic, concentrating on
processes and functions through time. Where the time element is particularly stressed historical
models result. Descriptive models may be concerned with the organization of empirical
information, and be termed data, classificatory (taxonomic), or experimental design models.
The Normative models, on the other hand, often involve the use of a more familiar situation as
a model for a less familiar one, either in a time (historical) or a spatial sense, and have a strongly
predictive connotation.

Hardware and Software Models: The Hardware models are based on the use of some
hard/concrete material; e.g. physical, planning or defense project models. But, the non-physical,
conceptual, symbolic or statistical models are categorized as Software models. The simple
regression model, as shown below, serves as an example:

Y =a +bX +e
Y=the dependent variable
X=the independent variable
a/b =two parameters to be estimated from the data
e =an error

Besides, the above general categorization of models, some specific typologies have also been
presented by the scholars like Ackoff, Haggert and Chorley in 1960s. Of these the attempts of
Chorley are most elaborate. In fact, Chorley devised two classifications. He regarded all models
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as being analogues of some kind, and suggested his first classification in 1964. In a later
presentation (1967) Chorley revised and extended this classification system. This new
classification incorporated all those types of models he discussed earlier and also included the
ones that have been devised by his predecessors and fellow scholars. Hence, this classification is
relatively the most extensive and complete. It consists of three major categories of models with a
number of sub-types (Harvey, 1969, 155):

1. Natural Analogue System Model
a) Historical Analogue
b) Spatial Analogue
2. Physical System Model
a) Hardware Model
(i) Scale (Iconic)
(ii) Analogue
b) Mathematical Model
(i) Deterministic
(ii) Stochastic
c) Experimental Design model
3. General System Model
a) Synthetic
b) Partial
c) Black Box

The first group of models involves searching for analogous situations or events at different times
or in different places, and drawing some conclusions. The second group of models corresponds
to the more conventional notion of a model in the sciences. The third is a newer concept that
treats the structure of a landscape as an assemblage of interacting parts, and attempts to represent
the processes as such.

1. Natural Analogue System Models:

The natural models are simplified models to be used as a basis for further analysis and prediction
by their translation into some similar natural circumstances. The explanations are sought from
the natural world phenomena. This group of models involves searching for analogous situations
or events at different times or in different places, and drawing conclusions. Accordingly, it has
two major sub-types, viz. historical analogue and spatial analogue models.
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Historical Analogue Models: The Historical Analogue Models represent analogous events at
different times. An example of such a procedure is Rostows schematic representation of the
economic growth process that is derived from historical analysis and searching for analogies
between different countries at different times. The model of Demographic Transition Theory
serves another example.

Spatial Analogue Models: The Spatial Analogue models represent analogous situations at
different places. A number of examples are available:
The shift of highways being compared with the shift of rivers (by Bunge); or
The growth and shrinkage of ice-crystals representing growth and shrinkage of market
areas (by Christaller); or
The study of Natural Cycle of Erosion of a river based on Human life cycle (by Davis).

2. Physical System Models

This group of models corresponds to the more conventional notion of a model in sciences. The
relevant properties of real world are represented by the same properties in the model as well.
They simply mean picturing the real world phenomena. Three sub-types have been identified,
viz. Hardware, Mathematical and Experimental Design:

Hardware Models: As the term suggests, the Hardware Models use some concrete material, and
may be scale models or simply analogue models. The Scale or Analogue, both the subtypes,
means some kind of figurative representation.

Scale Models: The Scale Models use the same material as in the real world phenomena, but
with only change in scale. In Ackoffs classification such models have been designated as
iconic. Iconic or Scale models are generally three-dimensional models - made of same
material but on different scale. For example, the globe is an iconic model of the earth.

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Analogue Models: The Analogue Models have real - world properties represented by
different properties (Ackoff, 1962). Besides the change in scale, the analogue models also
involve a change in the materials used in building the model, e.g. an electric circuit being
assumed as an analogue for traffic system. Ackoff (1962) calls them as Simulation Models.

Mathematical Models: These models represent reality by some symbolic system, such as a
system of mathematical equations or statistics. They have also been called as Symbolic Models
(Ackoff, 1962). The mathematical models can further be classed according to the degree of
probability associated with their prediction into Deterministic and Stochastic.

Deterministic Models: The model when used with certainty of the effect becomes
deterministic. In this case, the outcome or results of the exercise are pre-conceived or are
more of less sure to come true.

Stochastic Models: The laws of probability strictly govern this type of model, and there is
doubt about the exact effect of a given cause.

Experimental Design Models: Such models involve some practical procedures, as in laboratory
or in field. The models used in defence or planning are the experimental design models.

3. General System Models

This third category of models represents a newer concept of the times treating the structure of
geographical landscape as an assemblage of interacting parts and attempting to represent the
process as such. Three subtypes, viz. Synthetic, Partial and Black Box, are discussed below:

Synthetic System Models (i.e. in synthesis): Trying to bring the reality and its representation in
perfect harmony or synthesis, such models simulate reality in a structured way, i.e. a perfect
correspondence is expected between reality and the model used to represent it. Synthetic systems
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are artificially built to simulate reality in a structured way and, as Chorley points out, such
models may be similar to experimental design models.

Partial System Models: The partial systems are concerned with workable relationships and
attempt to derive results without complete knowledge of the internal workings of the system, i.e
there may be some chance of correspondence between reality and its representation through the
selected model.

Black Box System Models: The black box approach attempts to derive results from a situation
in which we have no knowledge of the internal workings of the system.

To conclude, the concept of models poses considerable methodological difficulty. There is a
multiplicity of model types performing a multiplicity of functions associated with a multiplicity
of definitions. Each particular model exhibits a different logical capacity for performing the
function required of it. In fact, the type, nature, use, quality and significance of models all
depends on the types of theories to which they serve.


The quest for an explanation is a quest for a theory. The development of theory is at the heart of
all explanations, and most writers doubt if observation or description can be theory-free. To
state a fact entirely divorced from theoretical interpretations is not justified. Theories represent
generalizations used for explanations. They can make precise predictions. The quantitative
techniques can be used effectively if they are supported by carefully constructed theories.

Theories prove that there is some hidden order within chaos and the geographers task is to
search for that order (rule or law). This order may be arrived at in two ways:

1. Empirically Inductive: i.e. induced empirically, or based on personal observations;
proceeding for numerous particular instances to universal statements; moving from
particular to general.
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2. Theoretically Deductive: i.e. deduced theoretically; proceeding from some apriori
universal premise to statements about particular sets of events or phenomena; i.e.
proceding from general to particular.

In the latter case, the explanations are based on already established /existing theory (apriori),
whereas in the former the explanations arrive at some theory, i.e formulation of a new or original
theory (aposteriori).

However, the theories in either of ways are used for explanation and are the highest order


A theory is defined as a system of ideas explaining something; or a system of ideas based on
general principles independent of the facts or phenomena to be explained; or a scientific
statement or a group of scientific statements. In order to understand the meaning of theory, the
difference between a simple and a scientific statement needs to be made clear. Consider these
two statements, for instance:

1. Delhi lies across the river Yamuna.
2. One finds the big cities generally located across the rivers in the world

Of the above two, the former is a simple statement, whereas the latter may be called a
scientific statement, because the scientific statements are based on generalizations, derived
from a number of simple statements (facts).

After searching out some relationship / order, we state it or express it in the form of scientific
statements. The lowest order statements are generalizations followed by laws and theories at
higher order of explanation. Thus, the theories are the highest order scientific statements or the
universal statements. They state some rule of action, behaviour, process or development.

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If the form of explanation is empirically inductive, it generates original theories. But in the case
of theoretically deduced explanations the process is reversed. In this situation, the theory already
exists; only its testing or verification is required. Before the theory is tested and verified in real
world situation, it is stated in the form of hypothesis
. At times, some new rule or law is also put
to test before it gets universal acceptance to attain the status of a theory. At this stage it is only a
hypothesis. A scientific hypothesis is a particular kind of proposition that if true, will be
accorded the status of a scientific law. Assuming this definition of the term hypothesis, it
appears that the difference between this term and the scientific law is simply a matter of
confirmation. After confirmation it becomes a generalized statement or generalization.
2. The literal meaning of hypothesis is anticipated outcome.

Structure of a Formal Theory

The scientific theory has a formal structure, which basically includes its Calculus and Text.





The various words that constitute the specific vocabulary of a theory are its terms. These terms
are the Building Blocks of a theory. There are two types of terms, viz Axioms and Derived

The axioms are the primitive terms that are basic, original and not derived, e.g. point or line
in geometry; and river, plain, settlement, market, desert, road, etc. in geography.

The derived terms, on the other hand, need further definition, as they may have several
connotations. They are formed from the primitive terms. The terms like distance, network,
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region, space, long, short, high, low, up, down, etc. fall in this category. They are
required to be defined and explained within some given context. Their meaning would change or
vary in different contexts or references.

The original and derived terms combine together to make statements, the scientific sentences.
Again, there are two types of statements, viz. Axiomatic and Derivative.

The axiomatic statements are primitive statements. For example:

Delhi lies across the river Yamuna
Thar Desert lies on the western margin of Indian Subcontinent

The derivativestatements are derived from axiomatic statements, and the
explanations, at times, are sought from an existing theory. For example:

The important cities of the world lie across major rivers
The western margins of continents are deserts

In addition to the primitive terms and axiomatic statements scientific theories also possess
certain Rules or Laws that govern the formulation of the derivative sentences. At least five
different types of laws may be formulated by geographers, such as: (i) Cross-Section; (ii)
Equilibrium; (iii) Historical; (iv) Developmental; and (v) Statistical (Davies, 1972).

The axioms, statements and rules (laws) make up the Calculus of a theory. But a theory is
useful in empirical science only if it is given some interpretation with reference to empirical
phenomena. Thus in Euclidean geometry, for instance, primitive terms such as point and line
may be interpreted by dots and pencil lines. By elaborating a formal structure we ensure the
logical truth of the propositions contained in the theory. These propositions are linked to
empirical phenomena by a set of interpretative sentences called a Text. The text of a theory
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tells about its scope, i.e. where and how the theory should be applied and also its limitations in
explanation. Thus, the text of a theory performs two important functions, viz:

1. It provides a translation from completely abstract theoretical language to the language
of empirical observation. Without such a translation there is no possibility of
empirical support for the theory. Or it identifies an abstract symbol with a particular
class of real world phenomenon. For example, in a correlation-regression model X
and Y represent the real world phenomena of Independent (e.g. rainfall) and
Dependent (e.g. floods) variables respectively.
2. Another important function of the text of a theory is to identify the domain of objects
and events to which theory can be applied. This domain may simply be defined by a
set of spatial and temporal co-ordinates. Domain, in its simplest form is the field of
application of theory. It is the section, aspects, reality that the theory adequately
covers, including its limitations in application.

The theory itself is simply an abstract set of relata; the text states how and under what
circumstances such an abstract system may be applied to actual events. The extent of domain of
the theory varies according to the number of terms within it that have to be given a specific
translation in terms of a specific subject matter.

A theory without a text and a well-defined domain is useless for prediction. To a greater or lesser
degree theories are provided with appropriate texts. No text can be absolutely perfect, but
undoubtedly the provision of a text for theoretical structures accounts for their greater predictive

Thus, a theory with a complete calculus and text is a Formal Theory. But most theories,
particularly in social sciences like geography, are incomplete.

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Types of Theories
It has already been suggested that it is comparatively rare for theories in either the natural or
social sciences to be stated in a completely formal manner. In some cases this may simply be
because sufficient information is not available for such a formal statement to be made. This
raises, therefore, the problem of how theories are in fact stated, how far such theories can be
partially formalized, and what criteria we need to employ in distinguishing speculative fantasies
from scientific theory. In fact, in a continuum of theoretical formulations, at the one end of
which lies the pure formal theory and at the other end lies the purely verbal speculative
statement. Thus, there is a whole range of theories in between.

Here an attempt is made for a brief classification of theoretical structures according to their
degree of formulation, i.e. based on the degree of precision, and the extent to which the theories
are structurally complete or incomplete (Harvey, 1967, 96-100). There are four main types and
these range from completely formal Type-I theories, through the Type-II theories and Type-III
theories which involve pre-supposition and quasi-deduction respectively, to the more nebulous
Type-IV theories, which scarcely conform in any respect to the standards of scientific theory:

Type I: Deductively Complete Theories
Type II: Theories with Systematic Presupposition
1. Elliptical Formulation
2. Common Sense Presupposition
Type III: Quasi Deductive Theories
1. Inductive systematization
2. Incomplete Deductive Elaboration
3. Theories With Relative Primitives
Type IV: Non Formal Theories
Verbal Explanations
Pseudo-theories/ Speculative statements

Type I: Deductively Complete Theories: Such theories possess completely formal structures.
Their axioms are fully specified. All steps in the deductive elaboration are fully stated. For
example, a textbook in Euclidian
Geometry exhibits this kind of structure. The probability
theories and the theorems in geometry fall in this category. They are perfect, but do not have
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empirical content, as it is not actually required. In other words, they have perfect calculus, but
the text is missing.
3. Euclid was a famous mathematician of Alexandria in ancient times; his treatises on geometry
are famous.

Type II: Theories with Systematic Presupposition: They involve the reference to another set
of theories. Such theories may or may not be deductively complete. These have two subtypes:

Elliptical Formulations, which are deduced completely, but proof is not given; and
Common Sense Presupposition, in which the deductive part of theory is missing, because
it is technically difficult to give deduct and proof.

Type III: Quasi Deductive Theories: They may be regarded as incomplete theories. Because
the primitive terms of the theory, the deductive elaborations of it, do not conform to the
standards of formal theory. The terms or theorems have not been derived properly and
completely; and have been substituted in various forms. Accordingly, three sub-types may be

(1) Inductive systematization: i.e. the theory substituted by assumptions.
(2) Incomplete Deductive Elaboration: where certain steps have been left out,
because they appear too complicated for explicit deductive procedures to be
(3) Theories With Relative Primitives: In this case the theories do not make use of
original primitive terms or axioms; instead use only derived (parallel) terms
or theorems.

Type IV: Non Formal Theories: They may be regarded as statements made with theoretical
intensions, but for which no theoretical language has been developed. They are verbal
explanations, ranging in sophistication from carefully thoughtout system of linked statements to
the kind of explanation sketch. Historians frequently use such theories. They are also called as
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Verbal Explanations, where systematic explanation is given but without rigorously having
calculus or text, or Pseudo-theories / Speculative statements, where no systematic relative
statements are made or which cannot identify calculus or text.

The discipline having Type-I theories is considered as the most advanced. In geography, the
theory building has reached, at the maximum, at Type-II level. However, the most common in
geography are Type-III. In practice geographical theory varies a great deal in its degree of
formulation. Given the nature of geographic concepts the development of formal theory in
geography appears to be a very restricted possibility. For the most part we must at best rest
content with varying degrees of partial formulation. In most cases the systematic pre-supposition
or the quasi-deduction involved are not of the harmless variety in which a full proof or full
theory is available but not stated.

The Basic Postulates

An explicitly developed scientific theory requires a number of axiomatic statements from which
the theorems can be derived. To achieve this empirical status these axiomatic statements
(containing primitive terms) require translation to either observable classes of events or to
theoretical concepts from which the behaviour of observable classes of events can be derived.
The concepts that correspond to the axioms of the theory are called its basic postulates.

Such concepts and principles (or the postulates) that have been used or may be used by
geographers in theory building can be classified into two, viz.:

1. Derivative Concepts, and
2. Indigenous Concepts

Derivative Concepts: The use of derivative concepts involves the consumption of some
theoretical structure from another discipline. A number of such concepts have entered in
geography from other disciplines,as economics, psychology, sociology, geometry, physics,
chemistry, biology, etc.
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(a) Economic Concepts have frequently been used as the foundation for geographic theory.
Economics has, perhaps, been the most successful of the social sciences in developing formal
theory (even if the empirical status of that theory is open to doubt). Many of the postulates and
theorems of economics have been absorbed into geographic theory. In particular, the location
theory, which has been especially concerned with the development of the theoretical
deductive method in geography, can be related to economic postulates. Out of many such cases,
Central Place theory by Christaller has been described as the one relatively well-developed
branch of theoretical economic geography, using economic geographical laws. The fundamental
spatial concept the range of a good is basically derived from economics. Similarly, Losch
(1954) treated the location of settlement as part of the general location problem and, grounding
his analysis firmly on Chamberliman economic theory, gave a more powerful theoretical
foundation for the settlement theories of Christaller. Dacey (1965) has provided a geometric
version of a probabilistic central-place system. The articulation of a theoretical structure in this
may again be traced back to the basic economic postulation. All the above examples are just few
out of many to demonstrate how geographical theory may be derived from the basic postulates of

(b) Psychological and sociological postulates have also been introduced in the construction of
geographical theory. Human geographers (e.g. Bruhnes, Sauer, Wolpert) have long recognized
that geographical patterns are the end product of a large number of individual decisions made
at different times for often very different reasons and that it was necessary to employ some
psychological notions in explaining those patterns. Traditional notions regarding the importance
of individual and group behaviour in the creation of geographic patterns can be sharpened by
reference to the psychological literature. Psychological postulates, particularly behavioural ones,
have been employed directly by geographers with profit. The use of sociological postulates in
human geography is equally as widespread as that of psychological. For instance, the concepts of
fertility, mortality, migration, etc. all have a deep grounding in sociology.

(c) The relationship between geography and geometry is of special relevance. As a branch of
mathematics, Geometry provides an abstract language for discussing sets of relationships.
The Association for Geographical Studies
Geography maps many of its problems into this abstract language. The various forms of
geometry appear to be a peculiarly appropriate language for theorizing about spatial
relationships, about morphometry, and about spatial pattern. From this language we may derive
the morphological laws that help to explain geographical distributions.

(d) Of all the derivative postulates, the physical postulates are of tremendous significance to
research in geography, and especially physical geography. These postulates have been mainly
derived from the sciences like physics, chemistry and biology. Much of the studies on desert
erosion, coastal erosion, glacial erosion, make direct use of the basic postulates and known
relationships of physics. Similarly, works in meteorology are related to the postulates of physics,
while work on soil formation, weathering processes, and so on, refers to the concepts of
chemistry and biology. In fact, any work on process in physical geography can be related,
directly or indirectly, to the postulates of the various physical sciences. The Davisian system in
geomorphology needs a special mention here.

Indigenous Concepts: There are plenty of concepts and principles developed by geographers
that could function as postulates for theory. But few have been developed in indigenous manner.
In fact, we have not sufficient experience of theory construction in geography to discuss
indigenous postulates with any certainty. But, on the basis of the limited experience we possess
in this direction, together with some apriori notions regarding the nature of geographical enquiry,
some clues may be provided as to the nature of such indigenous postulates. One of such
postulates, and the one that served as the central concept of geography for a long time is the
concept of region. This has been repeatedly used to explain the areal differentiation of earths
surface and the human spatial organization. The region is not the only concept of this type. Some
other concepts well may form a set of indigenous postulates for the development of geographic
theory. These concepts are often related to what are often called spatial processes or rather
sets of spatial relationships. These concepts have essentially to do with location, distance,
pattern and morphology.

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Systems Analysis
All around us, we find every phenomenon, every event and every feature assigned to a system,
e.g. economy is a system, politics is a system, nature is a system, and even an individual human
being is also a (biological) system in himself. Each part of the system or each individual over the
earth is significant not only in terms of functions it is performing independently, but also in
terms of its relationships with others; and unless and until these individuals are studied together
they can not form a system. Hence, it is within the framework of the systems that we are
studying each and every component of the world or the Earth. The systems approach can be
suggested as a way or a method of comprehending the world as a whole.

The modern emphasis on system as an explicit item for analysis may be seen as a part of a
general change in emphasis from the study of very simple situations in which the interactions are
few, to situations in which there are interactions between very large numbers of variables. The
interest in these complex systems has grown very rapidly in the 20
century. Given the
multivariate nature of most geographic problems, it is hardly surprising that systems analysis
provides an appealing framework for discussing these problems. In geography, the awareness
towards the use of systems approach has developed because of the realization that:

1. Firstly, the earths surface (world) is made up of different types of areas, regions,
or places; and these, besides having an individual significance, also are part of a
whole as conceived by Ritter (in his Erdkunde) and Humboldt (in his Cosmos);
2. Secondly, these parts or sub-parts are not only inter-related with each other, they
also form independent sub-systems of their own.


A system is a functioning whole with various sub-systems interlinked with each other. The
system, contrary to chaos, is the name of an order. In other words, it is the way, sequence in
which the various components or phenomena are organized into a whole, into a totality. There
is a whole range of systems from microscopic to micro, meso and macro systems. Various
The Association for Geographical Studies
examples of system can be cited, as climate, water system, plant ecology, human society,
economy, etc. (Harvey, 1967, 447-459).

The characteristics of a System may be summarized as follows:

1. A system has an order of or sequence of functions;
2. Although each part of a system plays an individual role in the systems operation, no
part is entirely independent of others.
3. A change in the operation of one part will have significant repercussions throughout
the system.
4. Systems are generally open-ended.
5. Accordingly a system has some inputs and some outputs:
6. The system is not a juxtaposition of various elements; it is rather a functioning
7. There is always some stimulus (or driving force) behind the functioning of a system.
8. Systems are generally at balance or at equilibrium.
9. Malfunctioning of one part disturbs the balance of whole system.
10. Within macro systems there are micro systems (the sub systems)

A system is not merely the assemblage of various components; rather it is the functioning of
those components together and independently as well. The whole is greater than the parts. Any
little change leads to the various corresponding changes in the whole system. For instance,
continuous flow of smoke and gases from the factories and mills have greatly increased the
amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere; and this increase has disturbed the ecological
balance of CO
already present in the atmosphere. As a result there is decrease in the total
amount of rainfall, increase in the temperature, etc., which in turn affects crop production.

Essential Features of a System

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The essential features of a system define its basic functional characteristics in terms of its
environment, behaviour, state of existence, information and organisation. All are interrelated
(Harvey, 1967, 455-459).

Environment of a System
The environment of a system is the whole of which the system is only a part. For example, the
economy constitutes the environment of a firm; or a farm system has its environment in the
biosphere. The changes in this environment bring about direct changes in the values of the
elements contained in the system under examination. Environment changes from system to
system, even of the same time, because it is not the time more considered here, rather it is the
manner or way in which the elements (relevant) are combined and functioning together.

This flexible approach to the concept of environment in systems analysis is particularly useful to
geography, because it has made considerable use of the notion of the environment. It is useful at
this juncture to clarify the usual meaning of the terms open and closed systems. The open
system interacts with the environment. It means then an open system is not isolated from its
environment, but exchanges materials or energies with it. A closed system, on the other hand,
operates without any kind of exchange with the environment.

The Behaviour of a System
When we speak of the behaviour of some system we are simply referring to flows, stimuli, and
responses, inputs and outputs, and the likes. We can examine both the internal behaviour of some
system or its transactions with the environment. A study of the internal behaviour accounts for a
study of functional laws that connect behaviour in various parts of the system. Most analyses of
behaviour tend to concentrate on the latter aspect. For instance, a system has one or more of its
elements related to some aspect of the environment, and the environment undergoes a change.
Then, at least one element in the whole system is affected and the effects are transmitted
throughout the system until all connected elements in the system are affected. This constitutes a
simple stimulus response, or input-output system without feedback to environment.

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Fig. 1: Behaviour of a System

In other words, the behaviour of a system is described by its flows that connect the inputs
(stimulus) with the outputs (responses) (Fig.1). The simplest example of this is provided by
input-output analysis of economics, in which a vector of final demands (e.g. derived from
imports, home consumption, or however) is related to a vector of final outputs in various sectors
in the economy.

The State of a System
In general the state of a system may be thought of as the values which the variables take on
within the system at any particular point of time. Now it is possible for the variables to take on a
large number of values, so that the term state is often used in a more restricted sense to refer
any well defined condition or property that can be recognized if it occurs again. It is therefore
useful to differentiate between the transient and transitional states and the various types of
equilibrium states, which have distinctive properties.

Equilibrium refers to a system that maintains some kind of balance instead of being in a
transient or ever-changing state. Homeostasis implies that the balance is at a fixed point or
level. A steady state is an equilibrium that does not depend on a fixed point or level.
Morphogenesis, is the process that leads to changes in a systems form, structure, or state, so
that it comes to exist at a new and more complex level of equilibrium.

Normally, we can recognize two kinds or categories of equilibrium, viz. stable and dynamic. The
stable equilibrium includes both homeostasis and steady states, as defined above. In a
homeostatic social system there is always activity, but it does not alter (change) the balance
between the systems components. A social system that was in a steady state would be equally
stable, but it would also change in an orderly way. Dynamic equilibrium refers to the process
by which a slight disturbance engenders constant change throughout the system.
The Association for Geographical Studies

Organization and Information in System
The twin concepts of organization and information are exceedingly important in systems
analysis. They provide the necessary concepts for discussing certain aspects of behaviour of
systems in a general or objective way. The concept of organization can best be examined by
way of an example. Consider a system, containing n elements, that behaves in such a way that
if we know the value of one element in the system we can predict the values of all the others.
Such a system is highly organized. Consider a similar system in which even though we know the
values of 1-to-n elements, we still cannot predict the value of the nth element. Such a system
is disorganized. Information may be regarded as the measure of the amount of organization
(as opposed to randomness) in the system.

The term entrophy and negentrophy are closely related to the organization and information in
the system. Entrophy (a measure of unavailable energy) is often referred to as a measure of
disorder or disorganization. Basically it is an expression for the degree to which energy has been
unable to perform the work. It states systems can only proceed to a state of increased disorder.
Negative entrophy or Negentrophy, on the other hand, is a measure of order. These two concepts
are perhaps best illustrated by an inanimate example. If we put sugar in coffee, there will be an
increase in entrophy, since the sugar crystals, which would otherwise have held their shapes
indefinitely, will dissolve. If we heat the coffee, entrophy will increase further, since the increase
in heat motion will dissolve the sugar faster. Any closed system tends to increase its entrophy in
this way, and will finally approach the inert (inactive) state of maximum entrophy. An open
system, on the other hand, can maintain a fairly low level of entrophy, by interacting with its
environment. As a result, it will tend to develop a more complex structure.

It is useful to think of entrophy and negentrophy when studying socio-economic systems because
it makes us ask how organized they are. Whereas entrophy brings disorder, negentrophy is
thought to be bringing order.

Structure of a System

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Structure of a system refers to the arrangement of various component parts (elements) in it. This
structure is composed essentially of the elements and the links between elements.

Element is the basic unit of a system. The definition of an element depends on the scale at which
we conceive of the system. The international monetary system, e.g., may be conceptualized as
containing countries as elements; an economy may be thought of as being made up of firms and
organizations; organizations themselves may be thought of as systems made up of departments; a
department may be viewed as a system made up of individual people; each person may be
regarded as a biological system, and so on. In substantive terms, therefore, we face the problem
that systems may be embedded in systems, and that what we choose to regard as an element at
one level of analysis may itself constitute a system at a lower level of analysis. The only way for
the problem to be solved is to simply group elements into a hierarchy of classes with each
higher-order class forming an element in a higher order system.

The links within the elements provide the other component in the structure of a system.
Generally the five forms of relationships can be defined (Figs. 2 to 6).

(i) Cause and Effect Relationship: Also known as Series relationship, it is the simplest
and is the characteristic of elements connected by an irreversible link.


Fig..2: Cause and Effect Relationship

For example, rainfall affects the rate of soil erosion but soil erosion apparently has no
effect on rainfall.

(ii) Parallel Relationship : It is similar to multiple-effect structures in that both a
and a
are affected by some other element a


In other words, for both the sets of elements
there is common cause or stimulus to function. Taking the same example as in the
The Association for Geographical Studies
previous case, the rainfall is the cause of soil erosion on the hill slopes and also of the
increased runoff in the streams.



Fig..3: Parallel Relationship

(iii) Feedback Relationship: It is a kind of link that has newly been introduced into
analytic structures. It describes a situation in which one element influences itself. For
instance, if crop- production of a year is not up to the desired level of production, then
there will be a kind of feedback to the stimulus, i.e. to improve the ways and means of
production. Then the whole system of the crop-production will either modify itself or
will be discarded.


Fig. 4: Feedback Relationship

Feedback in a system is essentially a way whereby the output is used to control its
working so that it may achieve its desired goal. It is a self-steering mechanism.

(iv) Simple Compound Relationship: Where a set of components is affected by two ways,
i.e. by feedback and also because of the influences from other set of components,
working simultaneously.



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Fig. 5: Simple Compound Relationship

The present Indian Society can be an example cited here, because today it is not only
changing and modifying its norms and values by discarding certain old ones but also
adopting certain characteristics of the western society. It is all for the betterment of
human beings.

(v) Complex Compound Relationship: i.e. where there are influences and changes from
all sides and within each and every component, modifying and influencing each other.



Fig. 6: Complex Compound Relationship

In this system, there are influences and changes from all sides and within each and every
component modifying and influencing each other. Our environment, consisting of
physical and cultural environment, may be cited as an example here. Such systems are
very difficult to interpret.

All the above five types of links form a kind of wiring system connecting the elements
in various ways.

The Association for Geographical Studies
Types of Systems

There are various ways in which we could classify systems. We would differentiate between
open and closed systems; between man-made and natural systems; and so on. Rather than to
attempt an exhaustive classification of systems, the attention has been concentrated upon those
types of systems which have something new to tell us regarding the analysis of complex
interactions. Most that is new in systems analysis has to do with systems which are homeostatic,
self-regulatory, adaptive, and particularly with systems that incorporate some form of feedback.

(a) Homeostatic System: It is the system that maintains a constant operating environment in the
face of random external fluctuations. Such systems resist any alteration in the environmental
conditions and exhibit a gradual return to equilibrium or steady-state behaviour after such an
alteration. The displacement of a spring, e.g. , will be followed by a series of oscillations until
eventually the spring returns to a stationary state. Human body itself is a homeostatic system, i.e.
it maintains its equilibrium at about 98.2 degrees Celsius. Generally the homeostatic systems
refer to open-systems analysis, and are associated with the important concept of steady-state - a
concept which has a great significance in the study of fluvial and other geomorphological

(b) Adaptive System: It is similar to homeostatic system in many respects, but possesses some
special characteristics. An adaptive system is one for which there exists for each possible input a
set of one or more preferred states, or preferred outputs. The adaptive character of the system
means that if the system is not initially in a preferred state, the system will so act as to alter its
state until one of the preferred ones is achieved. The study of such systems provides a mode of
approach to systems that are usually throught of as goal-seeking. Such systems clearly rely
upon feedback mechanisms of some kind in order to achieve the preferred state. Wheat-
production of a country can be taken as an example. Suppose a nation has set the goal for the
production of wheat during a certain plan year. If the required figures are not achieved in that
year, in the next year more sophisticated and advanced techniques will be used and something
more will be done in order to increase the production of the wheat up to the desired level, i.e.
there is a kind of feedback to the system.
The Association for Geographical Studies

(c) Dynamic System: It may be regarded as a separate class of systems. Both homeostatic and
adaptive systems show a change of state over time as they move towards steady or preferred
state. In a truly dynamic system, however, feedback operates to keep the state of the system
changing through a sequence of unrepeated states usually termed as the trajectory or line of
behaviour of the system. Feedback may, for example, cause new preferred states to be
identified. Economic growth models, such as the circulation and cumulative causation models,
may be regarded as dynamic systems.

(d) Controlled System: In this kind of system, the operator has some level of control over the
inputs. Such controlled systems are, of course, of great interest in systems engineering and
cybernetics (the study of communication and control mechanisms in machines and living
beings). Systems control theory provides a good deal of insight into the behaviour of systems,
and is not irrelevant to the application of geography to substantive problems. Particularly in the
field of planning, government of both national and local levels, controls some of the inputs into
the economic systems and manipulates (handles, manages) these in order to try and achieve some
desired level of output. Monetary or budgetary policy are thus used to stimulate house demand,
while at the local level the investment in roads, utilities, public housing and so on which is
controlled by local government, provides an important means for varying the inputs in order to
achieve certain goals (outputs).

In most situations we have control over certain inputs while others are impossible or too
expensive to manipulate. In seeking to maximize agricultural input, for example, we may be able
to control water input by irrigation, but we must do so in a situation where other aspects of the
biosphere remain uncontrolled. Partial controlling systems are thus of great interest.

Thus, Systems analysis is capable of dealing with the structural characteristics and the
behaviour of complex interacting phenomena, and systems concept therefore provides an
appropriate conceptual framework for handling substantive geographical problems.

The Association for Geographical Studies
In conclusion it is worthwhile to stress that there is no single path to scientific understanding. All
scientists search for order in the real world, whatever their disciplinary perspective is in
organizing the search. For this, model building, theory formation and the use of systems
approach serve as important tools of explanation and cannot be dispensed with lightly.

1. Ackerman, A.E. (1963) Where is a research frontier, Annals of Association of
American Geographers, 53: 429-440.
2. Ackoff, R.L. (1962) Scientific Method: Optimising Applied Research Decisions, New
3. Ambrose, P. (ed.) (1970) Analytical Human Geography, Longmans.
4. Berry, B.J .L. (1964) Cities as systems within systems of cities, Pap. Regional Science
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5. Bertalanffy, L. Von (1951) An outline of general system theory, Journal of British
Philosophy of Science, I: 1-10, 134-65.
6. Braithwaite, R.B. (1960) Scientific Explanations, New York: Harper Torch books.
7. Bunge, W. (1960) Theoretical Geography, Lund Stud. Geogra., Series C. No. 1 (2

8. Burton, I. (1972) Quantitative revolution and theoretical geography in W.K.D. Davies
(ed) The Conceptual Revolution in Geography, New J ersey: Rowman and Littlefield,
9. Chorley, R.J . (1962) Geography and general systems theory, Prof. Pap. U.S. Geol.
Surv., 500-B.
10. Chorley, R.J . (1964) Geography and analogue theory, Annals of Association of
American Geographers, 54: 127-137.
11. Chorley, R.J . and Haggett, P. (1967) Integrated Models in Geography, Part IV, London:
Mathuen and Co. Ltd.
12. Cook, R. U. and J .H. J ohnson (1969) Trends in Geography, London: Pergamon Press, 81-
13. Davies, W.K.D. (1972) Conceptual Revolution in Geography, London: University of
London Press, 77-107, 331, 186-197; 255-281.
14. Dikshit, R.D. (1997) op. cit., pp: 116-127; 134-155.
15. Hall, A.D. and Fagen, R.E. (1956) Definition of system, General Systems Yearbook,
Vol. I, Ann Arbour, Mich., 18-28 (Mimeographed).
The Association for Geographical Studies
16. Harvey, D. (1969) Explanation in Geography, New Delhi: Arnold Publishers.
17. Husain, M. (1993), Perspective in History and Nature of Geography, 3: 63-84); 5: 101-

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