WTA Bellow Sealed Valve Maintenance

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Operating and Maintenance Instructions

Bellows sealed globe valves Type 11.9/11.3/11.35

1. General Instructions 4. Initial Operation

1.1 Important Hints After the whole system has been pressurised, bellows sealed
Contact surfaces of the seat are carefully honed which is how valves are opened fully. This activates the metal back seat
the necessary seat tightness is achieved when the valve is clo- which seals the stuffing box and ensures that the valve opera-
sed. The sealing system can however be damaged by impuri- tes free of vibrations.
ties despite the high degree of hardness. Intrusion of foreign The bonnet flange connection does not have to be re-tightened
materials into the valve during transportation, mounting and after reaching the operating temperature, as the gaskets used
operation must be avoided. The valves are transported and to have a high compressive resistance and are shrink resitant.
installed in the closed position for this reason.
5. Maintenance
1.2 Design All components of the valves are designed to be maintenance-
Y-type and straightway bellows sealed valves with external or free, as the materials used for the mating surfaces have been
enclosed stem screw thread. selected in such a way, that wear is only minimal. To ensure
operational reliability, all valves should be operated and chek-
1.3 Sizes ked regularly, i.e. once or twice p.a.
Face to face dimensions according DIN 3202 Should it become necessary to open the valve, a new gasket
has to be fitted.
1.4 Application
According to material, pressure, working temperature and 6. Repair of Failures
medium one must comply with the specifications. 6.1. Repacking of the safety stuffing box in case of defecti-
ve bellows
2. Transportation and Storage If the bellows becomes damaged, the medium penetrates
Inlets and outlets of the valves are sealed with plastic caps. through the loosely tightened stuffing box. In this case the valve
These are to be removed before installation. Valves must be has to be fully opened to activate the back seat. The stuffing
stored in a clean, tempered and dry room. Condensation insi- box is then tightened slowly until the leak is repaired. In order
de the valve must be prevented. When storing for a longer peri- to make the valve completely operational again, it is, however,
od of time, additional corrosion protection of the interior and necessary to replace the defective bellows as fast as possible.
exterior parts must be applied. When the stuffing box is repacked, the pipe system must be
depressurised for safety reasons, as the metal back seat is not
a primary pressure containing part.
3. Installation
3.1. General Instruction 6.2. Defective Seats
In principal bellows sealed valves can be installed in any posi- W. T. A. bellows sealed valves consist of a conical seat which is
tion, but it is however recommanded, not to install bellows sea- capable of absorbing minor damages. It is possible to polish off
led valves with the stem upside down in order to prevent the minor disc defects by operation the valve with some force by
accumulation of debris in the bellows area. Before installation hand. If the damage is too extensive and no tightness can be
please ensure that all pipes and valves are free from impurities achieved even after opening and closing the valve several
which could impair usability. Connecting pipes are to be posi- times under pressure, the valve insert has to be removed.
tioned in such a way, that no undue tensions act onto the valve Damage to the valve disc can be removed by machining or by
housing . grinding. If the body seat is damaged, it can be re-finished with
3.2 Flange Fittings a portable valve-refacer or if the damage to the seat is too
The sealing surfaces of flange valves must be clean and must extensive and re-finishing is impossible, the seat has to be
not be damaged. Bolts are to be tightened cross-wise, gradu- renewed by build-up welding. For reasons of expediency this
ally and equally along the whole circumference. ought to be carried out at the the manufacturers.

3.3 Welded Fittings 6.3 Damage to the Bellows

Before welding, the welding surfaces of valves and pipes must As a matter of principle, the complete valve insert should be
be cleaned carefully and any corrosion must be removed. exchanged whenever the bellows is defective.
When welding, cleanliness is an absolute must to ensure that
no impurities enter the interior of the valve, which could lead to
damaging of the sealing surfaces or bellows. Check if dimen-
sions of welding surfaces of pipes and valves are compatible.
Position and tack correctly. Metal sealed fittings should be clo-
sed during the mounting. Soft sealed fittings must be dismoun-
ted before welding. Afterwards, seat must be cleaned careful-

W.T.Armatur GmbH & Co. KG Edition 04/06 - Subject to change without notice

Industriestr. 5 · D - 67133 Maxdorf · Tel. +49(0)6237/9280 - 0 · Fax +49(0)6237/9280 - 50 · [email protected] · www.wta.eu

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