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Liquid Goids


Aram N. Papazian
Engelhard Industries Division, Engelhard Corporation, East Newark, N.J., U.S.A.
Gold in the form of leaf or powder has long been used for the decoration of
ceramic ware. The development of liquid golds in the early 1830's, however,
made it possible for craftsmen to carry out such decoration more simply and
economically. This technological breakthrough led not only to the widespread use
of gold on ceramic and glass, but also, in more recent years, to sophisticated
applications in areas such as the aerospace and electronics industries.
A 'liquid bright gold' is a preparation which, when
applied to a smooth glossy surface, usually ceramic or glass,
and heated in air to burn off organic constituents, produces a
specular or mirror-like film of gold. This film is of at least 22
carat gold and usually about 125 nm thick.
Other products, called lustres, are based upon the same
technology. Dilwte formulations of liquid bright golds
produce attractive transparent red, violet, blue, ruby, pink or
green hues, and are used in similar fashion by glass and
ceramic decorators to produce articles of beauty.
Liquid bright golds are basically solutions in organic
solvents of organic compounds in which a gold atom is
attached to a sulphur or oxygen atom which in turn is linked
to a carbon atom. They contain small, but essential, additions
of compounds of rhodium and of base metals such as
bismuth, chromium, vanadium, silicon and tin. The
rhodium ensures that the gold film which forms on the
substrate on firing is bright. Its sesquioxide, Rh203 , is
apparently formed on the grain
boundaries of the gold particles,
thereby preventing agglomeration by
diffusion of gold from one particle to
another when they are in contact. As a
result, growth in the size of these
particles, which could lead to the
formation of gold islands on the surface
of the substrate, is inhibited (1). The
base metals ensure reaction bonding of
the gold film to the substrate (2).
When organic compounds of gold
without the addition of rhodium and
base metals are applied to refractory
surfaces and heated, useless, non-
adherent deposits of discrete particles
of gold are produced.
Fig. 1 Dissolving of gold granules is the
beginning of the liquid gold production process
The Industry
The earliest manufacture of liquid bright gold is credited
to Heinrich Gottlob Kuhn (3), first a technical manager and
then director of the Royal Porcelain Factory at Meissen, in
Saxony. The process was kept secret until 1851, when the
Deutertre brothers patented their method of manufacture.
Within a decade of the patent grant, the Deutertre company
was said to be consuming 4 kg of gold each month (3).
In 1879, Degussa (4) started up a liquid bright gold
production plant in Frankfurt, Germany. Soon afterwards,
the firm assigned its technology to Johnson Matthey for use in
Great Britain, China and Japan.
Liquid bright gold was first produced in the U.S.A. by the
Roessler and Hasslacher Chemical Company, established in
New York in 1882. This firm was later acquired by E.I. du
Pont de Nemours and Company which produced a variety of
decorative gold preparations until the early 1970's, when this
activity was discontinued. At that time, the major
Gold Bull., 1982, 15, (3)
manufacturer of liquid bright golds was the Hanovia Liquid
Gold Department of Engelhard Industries, a world-wide
precious metal processing firm. Hanovia's origins date back
to 1905 when Charles W. Engelhard formed the Hanovia
Chemical and Manufacturing Company to produce liquid
bright golds and other preparations for the decoration of glass
and ceramic for the American market. Today, Engelhard
Corporation's Hanovia operation continues to be the leading
manufacturer of liquid golds in the U.S.A. and has
production facilities also in Italy, England and Japan.
In the era when Meissen was the tentre for producing
decorative porcelain objects, competition among the
manufacturers was so keen that technological advances were
closely held secrets. Little was published until 1927 when
Chemnitius (5) described how gold chloride mixed with
sulphurized terpene reacts to produce a gold terpene sulphide
which is soluble in a wide range of organic solvents and
essential oils. Prior to 1950, this class of gold-containing
organic compounds was the main ingredient in liquid bright
In 1949, Ballard (6) disclosed the use of cyclic gold terpene
mercaptides for liquid bright gold manufacture. More
recently, Fitch (7) patented a series of gold tertiary
mercaptides for use in liquid bright golds. These newer
organic compounds are characterized by their higher gold
content of 20 to 60 per cent by weight, greater solubility in a
larger variety of solvents and lower thermal decomposition
temperatures. Such properties have led to markedly improved
The objects decorated with liquid gold preparations range
from simple inexpensive ashtrays, glass containers and
tableware to richly decorated lamp bases and fine China. The
preparations are used in most countries, and throughout the
world there are manufacturers of liquid bright golds to supply
the decorators' demand. Engelhard Corporation/Hanovia,
Degussa and Johnson Matthey play the more prominent
roles. However, there are local producers in Italy, France,
Japan, the Sovjet Union, Mexico, Brazil and Argentina, who
serve these markets. It is estimated that more than 10 tons of
gold is annually processed world-wide into products for
application on glass and ceramic ware. While this quantity is
not as large as those for jewellery, dentistry or electronics, it is
nevertheless significant and reflects a continuing consumer
demand for gilded glass and ceramic products,
Early Products
During its 150-year history, liquid bright gold technology,
like any other that has survived such a span of time, has
undergone constant improvements to meet changing
commercial needs.
The first preparations were limited to simple liquids used
by the artisan to decorate various ceramic objects, by
application with a brush. Inconsistent product quality was the
tule, but was compensated for by the experience and skill of
the user. Thus, variations in viscosity from batch to batch
were considered unavoidable and each decorator prided
himself on his ability to make adjustments to his liking,
either by thinning or evaporation. Work benches were
miniature chemistry laboratories with jars and bottles of
essences, oils and organic solvents.
The firing process which converts the brown liquid deposit
into a specular clean gold film is_critical. Earlier formulations
containing natural resinous materials of unknown or
inconsistent quality were particularly sensitive to
inappropriate firing conditions. Less-than-specular, dull,
scummed or discoloured gold films of unacceptable quality
resulted if furnace temperatures and atmospheres were not
carefully controlled. Fired film quality was also affected by
the thickness of the liquid gold application. Over-application
caused blistering and dullness, while under-application
resulted in weakness of the gold colour.
Clearly, most of these difficulties were caused by variations
in the quality of the natural ingredients used for the
preparation of liquid golds.
Liquid golds were initially formulated for use only on
ceramics. Products for glass came later and required a separate
development effort. The variety of glasses and the lower
maximum temperatures to which they may be submitted
during firing made early liquid golds unsuitable for use on
them. The major stimulus for the development of
preparations applicable to glass has arisen in the U.S.A. over
the past 40 years, because of increased demand for decorated
Adhesion of the fired gold film, which directly influences
its utility, left much to be desired with earlier products. The
property became especially relevant with the introduction of
the dishwasher, in which strong detergents are used. It is an
important consideration also for decorative labelling of
cosmetic, liquor and other commercial containers.
The firing temperatures of the products of yesteryear were
in excess of
C. As time progressed, hoorever, liquid golds
were required which would mature quickly at lower
temperatures and so be applicable to an increasing variety of
substrates in decorative and industrial applications. This
demand for more versatile, liquid bright golds of high
performance became particularly pressing from 1950. The
challenge was to be met successfully by the industry.
Modern Advances
The variety and quality of liquid golds offered today bear
testimony to the advances made by manufacturers during the
last three decades.
$ 2GoldBull., 1982, 15, (3)
As recently as 1940, liquid golds were supplied primarily
with a pains consistency. Since then, automatic machine
application (up to 100 pieces per minute) has fostered the
development of liquid golds in forms that range from very
thin liquids to viscous pastes. Almost without exception, the
advances made in recent years have resulted from the need to
satisfy requests by users of liquid golds.
A typical liquid bright gold may consist of as many as forty
or more separate ingredients. As recently as 15 years ago, raw
material inventories consisted of such items as balsams
(derived from saps from evergreens), lavender and other
natural essential oils, natural resins, asphalt and turpentine.
While some of these natural products are still in use,
synthetic materials have been the key to the development of
many new liquid golds. Synthetic resins and essential oils,
organic acids and commercially available organic compounds
of base metals have partially replaced the traditional raw
materials with the result that liquid golds of more consistent
and improved quality are now produced.
With the proliferation of liquid gold forms, the control of
their physical properties became increasingly important, and
in fact critical, to ensure reproducible performance. Perhaps
the most significant property, viscosity (or more properly,
rheology), could not be accurately measured until the
development in recent years of suitable instruments, which
greatly assist the characterization of liquid golds. One such
instrument was the Shirley Ferranti viscometer which has
served the industry most effectively for new product
development and production control. Measurements made
by this instrument can be related to the behaviour of liquid
golds in production processes and provide a means of
establishing quality control parameters.
The widening of the range of substrates to be decorated,
from glazed ceramics to a variety of glasses, confronted the
liquid gold manufacturer with another challenge, namely the
compatibility of liquid golds with these substrates. Liquid
golds had to be developed for use at different maturing
temperatures and on new substrate compositions. Thus, lead-
rich glasses require golds that mature at temperatures as low
as 500C, while lead borosilicate glasses require firing to
650C, and soda-lime glasses, the most common, require a
product that matures at 600C. Ceramic substrates, on the
other hand, require liquid golds that may be fired in the
temperature range of 700 to 900C.
Significant technological advances were the improvements
in the durability of gold films obtained from liquid gold
preparations, and in their adhesion to glass. The necessity for
these arose from the damaging effect of domestic dishwashers
on gilded tableware. (It is generally considered that a single
dishwasher cycle equals over a hundred hand washings.)
The rising price of gold has affected liquid gold
GoldBul!., 1982, 15, (3)
manufacturers to the extent of endangering their very
existence. The price of gold has varied between 35 and 800
U.S.$/oz. since the beginning of the 1970's. Fortunately, the
industry reacted to this problem at an early stage and sought
means to counter it through the development of
compositions requiring less gold and permitting more
efficient use of the metal.
The average gold content of liquid golds prior to the period
of gold price increase was 10 to 11 per cent by weight, and a
major effort was made to lower this level while still offering a
quality product. Currently, preparations containing
commonly between 6 and 8 per cent gold, or sometimes as
little as 4 per cent, are being used successfully by decorators.
While these reductions do not fully compensate for the rise in
the price of gold, they have done much to salvage the usage
of liquid golds and to restrict market losses mostly to
economically marginal uses.
A final example of the ingenuity applied by manufacturers
to meeting the needs of a changing market is the formulation
of liquid golds in thermoplastic form. With the development
of high-speed decorating machinery and demand for multi-
coloured designs, the need for this new, unique form of
`liquid' gold arose. The product is waxlike and solid at room
temperature. When applied through an electrically heated
metal screen, it produces a dry gold-containing deposit which
resists smearing during handling prior to firing. This
development met yet another requirement of the decorator
and further broadened the applications for liquid golds.
One characteristic of the industry which bas remained,
however, is the secrecy surrounding new formulations,
although the development of sophisticated analytical
instruments and techniques has made this increasingly
difficult to maintain.
Methods of Application
The users of liquid golds may apply them by any of a
variety of proprietary methods and techniques. This aspect of
the industry explains the development of hundreds of liquid
gold formulations.
The original method of application, that of manually
brushing, much as an artist would, is still utilized. Typically,
a hand decorator employs a turntable on which the object to
be decorated is placed, along with a supply of artist's brushes
in a range of sizes and shapes, and a well and plate on which
he maintains his working supply of liquid gold. While the
technique is relatively slow and results depend largely upon
the skills of the decorator, modern formulations have
minimized the risks of failure by allowing the user a wider
margin for variation.
Since 1950, the technique of applying liquid golds by
screen printing has increased significantly in popularity,
Fig. 2 This gold decorated glass container for
men's fragrance has received wide acclaim for
excellence in package design. This cosmetic
package is produced by applying liquid bright
gold using a screening method
Fig. 3 Shirley Ferranti viscometer used to
determine the viscosity of liquid bright gold by
automatically plotting data from which
rheological properties can be calculated
Fig, 4 Gold decorated glass perfume bottles after
firing in a lehr (glass annealing) furnace
84GoldBidl., 1982, 15, (3)
especially in the U.S.A. where glass tableware and container
decorating has groven rapidly, Generally referred to as
'squeegee' bright golds, the products used in this technique
account for the major use of liquid golds in that market. The
success of screen printing is due to its versatility. Intricate
designs and finely detailed gold decors may be produced at
rates which range from deliberate slow manual application to
100 prints per minute with automatic high-speed machines.
Cylindrical, flat and even tapered sufaces can be conveniently
decorated. The process employs a flexible plastic or rubber
blade to force liquid gold with the consistency of a paste
through a fine stencil or screen onto the surface being
decorated. Screens are made of 200 to 400 mesh fabric, most
commonly of monofilament nylon or polyester. They are
prepared by stretching the fabric taut on a frame and
developing onto it the pattern or artwork, utilizing a
photographic process.
Screen printing is commonly employed for the application
of ceramic colours and electronic inks, for the decoration of
poster and sign parts or to mark metal and plastic containers
with appropriate paints.
Decorators have found spraying to be a convenient
technique for applying liquid golds where overall or
undefined areas are to be decorated. Preparations for this
purpose are formulated in a thin, water-like consistency
which must conform to tight specifications for levelling,
wetting and drying, to ensure successful use.
'Machine banding' golds form yet another family of
products that has been developed for a specific method of
application. Machine banding replaces costly hand
application of gold bands on mass-produced items. Many
machines have been developed by equipment manufacturers
and the larger glass and ceramic decorators, which
automatically, rapidly and efficiently apply these decors,
Innovative tooling and machine design are used to
accommodate the various shapes of decorated wares. The
patterns are usually limited to single or concentric bands, up
mm wide, which are applied on the edges and accessible
areas of the glass or ceramic item being decorated. Liquid
golds for machine banding are moderately viscous, tacky and
tend to be 'stringy'. They are slow-drying to maintain their
working properties during prolonged exposure on machine
parts. Banding golds can be applied more thinly than
formulations for other techniques and therefore require
higher gold contents to produce decors of acceptable quality.
It is common to use a preparation with a gold content of 16 to
18 per cent by weight to produce a result equivalent to that
achieved by a 10 per cent hand applied or screen-printed
liquid gold.
Machine banding is employed to economic advantage
mostly by fine china and ceramic tableware manufacturers.
GoldBull., 1982, 15, (3)
A more recently developed process is silicone pad printing.
Liquid golds have been successfully adapted to this method of
applying intricate patterns onto objects of complex shapes.
An automatic machine process, it consists of blading liquid
gold onto a steel plate on which a design has been etched,
scraping off the excess to leave liquid gold only in the etched
depression, pressing a flexible silicone pad onto the plate to
pick up the liquid gold and finally impressing the silicone
pad on the object being decorated.
Again, in the case of silicone pad printing the challenge to
the liquid gold maufacturer was the development of a
product useful for an increasingly popular method. A new
class of liquid golds having special physical properties had to
be developed. These had to accommodate the major
limitation of the process, namely that only a very thin film of
liquid gold can be printed. Compensation was made for this
by using products with higher gold content.
The methods of application of liquid golds are not
restricted to those reviewed above. Rubber stamping, roller
coating, water flotation, veiling, stippling, decal transferring,
dipping, spin coating and other techniques too are or have
been successfully employed. It is therefore not surprising to
find that the major manufacturers maintain files containing
specifications for literally hundreds of liquid gold
formulations to which they regularly add as new requirements
are presented to them.
Decorative Uses
It is essential here to discuss briefly the economics of liquid
Many consumers, and even some users, have
misconceptions concerning the nature of the film produced
from liquid golds. Since the result of firing is essentially a
deposit of approximately 22 carat gold, a frequent conclusion
is that the use of liquid golds is very expensive. Obviously, it
is more costly today than when gold was 35 U.S.$./oz., but
once it is realized that the matured film is only about 125 nm
thick, the true economic picture becomes more apparent.
Thus, 100 g of liquid gold, containing 10 g of gold, can coat
up to 5 m2 of surface. Using 500 U.S.$/oz. as the price of the
metal, the material tost for decorating a square centimetre of
area is much less than one cent, irrespective of the quality of
liquid gold used.
Contemporary uses of liquid golds are primarily for the
decoration of ceramic and glass. The major manufacturers of
these wares maintain large decorating departments or use
independent decorators engaged in the speciality business of
applying liquid golds.
The decors may range from simple bands on the edges of
ceramic tableware to lavish designs on glass tumblers.
Moreover, gold is commonly used in combination with
Fig. 5 Brushing liquid bright gold on to ceramic artwork
ceramic colours to produce multi-coloured effects. If it is
applied over a ceramic colour, a raised or relief effect is
achieved, while if it is applied over a dull or frosted finish, a
rich golden, satin effect is produced. As many as five or six
colours are often used in combination with liquid gold to
produce elaborately decorated items.
Glass and ceramic packaging makes effective use of liquid
golds. For many years, the cosmetic industry has recognized
the elegance and appeal of gold for the labels of its products.
The liquor industry too, has found the use of containers richly
decorated with gold to be an effective promotional tool in the
sale of special gift packages.
The flat glass decorating segment is stilt another area of the
industry in which liquid golds are successfully used on
panels, clock faces, furniture glass, novelty and giftware.
Specific examples are gold lettering, numerals and designs on
glass panels for appliances,
Further afield, genuine gold imparts elegance to
architectural design. Thus, liquid gold is employed to
produce distinctive effects on ceramic tiles and other building
materials, glazed brick, enamelled steel and structural glass.
Gold-decorated components can be utilized for building
facades, roofs and windows, and for store fronts, signs and
emblems. Interior components decorated with liquid gold
provide the architect with the means to design practically
and at a limited cost with a luxurious look. The noble
character of the gold finish affords long lasting beauty, for it
remains bright and spectacular for the life of a building. The
Richfield Building constructed in Los Angeles in 1929 with a
ceramic veneer finished with liquid gold stood unmarked for
over thirty years until it was demolished.
Fig. 6 Perfume bottles decorated with liquid
bright gold exeinplify the elegance and appeal of
gold in cosmetica container labelling
86GoldBul!., 1982, 15, (3)
Functional Uses

The applications of liquid golds are

Table 1
not limited to the decorative field. The
lnfrared Radiation Reflectance of Liquid Bright Gold Film
property of gold as an efficient reflector
Wavelength, pm
of infrared radiation is retained by the
thin films produced from liquid golds.
33 1 40 1 88 1 96 1 97 1 98 1 100 1 71 I 72
Their reststance to high temperatures ,'Relative to a polished aluminium standard. These data were obtained with a 100 to 125 nm
flexibility of application, COSt
thick film of Hanovia's Bri ght Gold 61-BB on soda-Isme window glass. A Perkin-Elmer
Ypp spectrophotometer was used.
effectiveness and mass advantage have Table II
led to many applications of liquid gold Emissivity of Varlous Gold-Coated Substrates
for temperature control.
Liquid golds have been successfully

applied for heat reflection onSubstrate

aluminium, magnesium, titanium, on

base metal alloys such as stainless steels,

Stainless steel
Silicone fibreglass
on enamelled steel, on asbestos board,

polyamide films and other materials

which can be fired to 230C or more
Emissivity* at temperature,
201 901 1701 2501 3201 4001 4701 470.540



d with a Northrop Model 205 recording diffuse reflectometer and a Model 13.4
without decomposition. Universal spectrophotometer.
Thin, and therefore lightweight,
liquid gold coatings are ideal to reduce
heat transmission on aircraft engine shrouds, drag parachute Measurements of the total emissivity at different
containers, tailcone assemblies, blast shields, ducts and temperatures of gold films obtained by the application of
tubing. Similarly, use is made of liquid golds to protect heat- liquid preparations on various substrates have shown this
sensitive parts in space vehicles from solar radiation. indeed to be the case (Table II).
The effectiveness of gold for temperature control sternsThe full benefit of this important property of gold is
from its high reflectivity of radiation in the wavelength range obtained by applying sufficient gold on the substrate to
of 0.2 to 15 pm (Table I), and its very low emissivity value of develop fired films of thickness 100 to 125 nm. This requires
0.05. Compared to a perfect black body having an emissivity approximately 20 g of liquid gold to cover 1 mz of area at a
value of 1,0, one can theoretically expect a gold film to material cost of about U.S.$40.
radiate only 5 per cent of the energy radiated by the former. One aircraft manufacturer reports having achieved, by the
^ 1^-^--git`_ i^,'^^ ^-
Fig. 7 Gold decorated glass and ceramic objects
stil provide an affordable means of demon-
strating affluence in today's society
Gold Bull., 1982, 15, (3)
use of a gold coating on the inner and outer surfaces of a
titanium tailcone fire-wall shroud, a reduction of about
165C in the maximum shroud temperature which was
thereby maintained at below 425C on the inboard side. This
reduction of temperature eliminated the need for costly
structural materials in the proximity of the tailcone,
The usefulness of liquid gold for protection from the
effects of solar radiation was visibly demonstrated to the
world during the United States Government's Apollo 14
spacc mission (8). Reflective gold-coated plastic film wrapped
around various parts of the lunar landing module and vehicle
protected sensitive parts from solar radiation, as clearly seen
by television viewers of the event.
Another useful property of gold, its electrical conductivity,
has led to a variety of functional uses within the dynamic and
high-technology area of electronics. The use of gold-rich
pastes is a well developed technology practised by hybrid
microelectronic component manufacturers. The present state
of the art requires heavier gold films than those produced
from liquid golds, unless metallic gold powders are
suspended in them. Nevertheless, they have found
applications in electronic and electrical devices. Liquid gold
coatings on the interior of ceramic cathode-ray tube bodies
function as an electrical shield (9). On discrete ceramic
resistor bodies they also provide electrical termination
contacts, while deposits of small amounts of liquid gold serve
as electrical conductors on thermal print-heads for high-speed
Other interesting applications of liquid golds in the
electronics industry include electrically conductive paths in
photocells that automatically control street lights, and films
on quartz pressure transducers. Liquid preparations of gold in
combination with other precious metals are used to coat
television tube components which have found applications as
arc suppressants, and also as thin film resistors in electronic
Future Prospects
Gold will continue to be an important commodity in the
foreseeable future. It is assumed that society will continue to
seek ways to demonstrate affluence, and gilded ceramic and
glass articles have always represented an affordable means of
doing so. Therefore, liquid gold should maintain its
privileged position among the range of products available to
The methods of application and the nature of substrates
are not expected to change dramatically in the near future. As
in the past, when more stringent demands are made by users
with specific needs, manufacturers will be called upon to
fulfil them. Improvements will be reflected through
increased durability of films, better application properties of
the preparations, especially those for use in automatic
decorating machines and, most importantly, lower cost
products. The latter requirement is affected by increases in
the price of gold, which could be critical to the viability of
liquid golds if they were to be excessive. As we have
mentioned above, greater gold costs have already contributed
to the more selective use of liquid golds in recent years.
The electronics industry offers the best potential for growth
in usage of liquid golds. Precious metal-oriented since its
inception, thick film technology utilizes gold in the form of
pastes comprising fine powder of less than 10 tem in a vehicle
suspension. Recently, however, interest has developed in
films made from solutions of organic metal compounds.
Studies show that thin precious metal films offer several
advantages over thick film technology. Being true solutions,
liquid golds and other organic metal preparations are
uniform in composition. Their use eliminates the ingredient
variations sometimes experienced with powder particles and
possible contamination during processing of the components
of thick film inks. Liquid golds are suited to a variety of
application techniques which are not possible with powder
suspensions and thick film inks, and they produce more
uniform surfaces.
A major constraint in the use of liquid golds is their lower
electrical conductivity and the sensitivity of that property to
substrata surface finish. This problem must be overcome if
the utilization of liquid golds for electronic applications is to
increase significantly in the future. However, prospects for a
solution are encouraging, based upon preliminary results
from research and development projects underway.
Not all the functional uses of liquid golds have been
reviewed here. Many other untapped markets exist for the
products of liquid gold manufacturers. Thus, increasing
exploitation of the unique properties of liquid golds in
industry, for heat reflection, in optical, electrical or electronic
devices, in architecrure and in other uses can be expected.
The basic technology is available, and the potential for wider
application exists. Recognition of these facts and a
commitment by industry to pursue new opportunities should
ensure the continued expansion of liquid gold usage.
A.A. Milgram,J. Electrochenz. Soc., 1971, 118, (2), 287-293
J.W.M. Biester os, Appl. Phys., 1974, 45, (1), 163
W.S. Rapson, Gold Bull,, 1979, 12, (3), 108-114
L.B. Hunt, GoldBull., 1979, 12, (3), 116-127
'Bright Gold Guide', Degussa, Frankfurt, 1979, p. 5
F. Chemnitius, J. Prakt. Chem 1927, 117, 245-261
K.H. Ballard (to E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.), U.S. Patent 2,490,399
H.M. Fitch (to Engelhard Industries), U.S. Patent 2,984,575 (1961)
R.C. Langley, Gold Bull., 1971, 4, (4), 62-66
B.O. Baker, Br. J. Appl Phys 1953, 4, 311-315
88 GoldBull., 1982, 15, (3)
Fig. 8 Liquid bright gold film acts as an electrical
shield on the interion of ceramic cathode ray
Fig. 9 Gold coated porcelain enamelled steel
reflectors are used in office copying machines
GoldBull., 1982, 15, (3) 89

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